These results are provided for informational purposes only. Please note that the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made to these results.

Cat 1/2/3

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Alec Donahue Joe's Garage
2 Eneas Freyre Target Training
3 Nathaniel Ward Joe's Garage
4 Dan Langolis Circle A \ The Hub
5 John Foley
6 Amos Brumble iv CCB\Volkswagon
7 Adam Sullivan NBX/Narragansett Beer
8 Joel Biederman Cyclonauts Racers
9 Hunter Pronovost Anthem \ CCCC
10 Ricky Visinski none
DNF Gary Douville Team Platinum
DNF Aiden Charles Nerac Pro Cycling

Cat 3/4

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Todd Burns
2 Talbott Ingram International Bike Centers
3 Jeff Ferraro Anthem \ CCCC
4 Joe Kubisek Cheshire Cycle\Epic Velo
5 Timothy Mather Team Pursuit Fitness
6 Alex Combes
7 Ethan Atkins CRCA/nyvelocity
8 Paul Dolan VeloEuropa-Cyfac
9 Mark Vivello Team Dayton
10 Robert Woelbker
11 Peter Miller
12 Jesse Gutierrez Team DC/Danny's Cycles
13 Ron Schildge
14 Mark Robson Nerac Cycling
15 Mark Sondeen Manchester Expo
16 Kevin Stawiasz Bethel Cycle

Cat 4

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Jacob Morrison T3 SouthCoast Cycling
2 Jeff Hatch Cycle-Smart
3 Jason Moriarty
4 Miles Ericson Eastern Bloc
5 Andy Weigel T3 SouthCoast Cycling
6 Gregg Ferraris Epic Velo\Cheshire Cycle
7 Keith Liggett Cyclonuats
8 Steven Robbins NCC Northampton
9 Eric Carlson Bikers Edge
10 Tom Gaglardi
11 Scott Frison
12 Anthony Maietta Maietta Handbuilt Cycles
13 Anthony Vecca CCNS\ Pedal Power
14 Joseph Tramontano CT Coast Cycling
15 Brad Paquin Stage 1 FusionTHINK
16 Peter Miller
17 Scott Glowa
18 Peter Seamen Laurel Bicycle Club
19 Scott Mcconnell Northhampton Bicycle
20 Frank Dally Bethel Cycles

Masters 35+

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Sean Groom Squadra Coppi
2 Brian Cantele EBCC/Benidorm Bikes
3 Tim Hairtz Vicious Cycles
4 Curt Davis An army of one
5 Matthew Domnarski Horst-Benidorm
6 Wade Summers Horst-Property Research
7 Michael Patrick Bikebarn
8 Bryan Atwood Zephyr
9 Stuart Jensen Benidorm/Eastern Bloc
10 Jd Biladeau
11 Doug Aspinwall Joe's Garage
12 Dominique Desmonts Tokeneke Road Club
13 Patrick Brandon CCNS\ Pedal Power
14 Steve Lombardo Cyclonuats
15 Anthony Littlet alessio Remax
16 Paul Novotasky jr. Pig Iron Sports
17 Gabe Jiran HEAT
18 Chris Crowell Stage 1 / fusionTHINK
19 Rick Comshaw CVC/Vernon Cycles
20 Scott Medeiros Cox Communications

Masters 45+

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Christopher Burke Bikeworks\Hallamore
2 Gerry Clapper Benidorm\Eastern Bloc
3 Bill Doonan Minuteman Road Club
4 William Thompson CCC\Keltic\Zanes Cycles
5 Gary Dalton Cox Communications
6 David Goodwin NCC\
7 Peter Crowley NCC\Northampton Cycle
8 William Hann
9 Robert Mccauley Cycle Fitness
10 William Keith Bethel Cycle Cannondale
11 Don Rice CCB/Volkswagen
12 Paul Hayes
13 David Powell Cyclonauts Racers
14 Ken Coleman Housatonic Wheel Club
15 Randy Taylor laurel
16 Al Curtis Cyclonuats
17 Daniel Marcy CMBC
18 Harold Kamins Targetraining
19 Mike Cyr
20 William Bonin Cyclonuats

Womens Cat 1-4

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Perri Mertens Cambridge Bicycle
2 Erin Duggan Ridley Factory Team
3 Hannah Kirshner Circle A Cycle
4 Rebecca Blatt Kenda Tire
5 Megan Bilodeau HUP United
6 Mary Lynn Wikar FTS/Michelin
7 Brenda Bahnson Independent Fabrication
8 Andrea Myers Team Kenda Tire
9 Laura Jensen Benidorm/Eastern Bloc
10 Dawn Roberts
11 Katherine Papillon-rodrigue Avon
12 Julie Lockhart NEBC/Cycle Loft/MCRA