These results are provided for informational purposes only. Please note that the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made to these results.

CAT 5 * 21.

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Jeremy Durrin Gamache Cyclery 0:58:11.0
2 Daniel Donovan unattached st
3 Callum Ingram unattached st
4 Jason Goldschmidt Team BreakAway Boston st
5 Matt Dalessio BreakAway Boston st
6 Andy Willett Blue Hills Cycling Club st
7 William Campbell unattached st
8 Robert Dibattista unattached st
9 Andrew Schmitt NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental st
10 Benjamin Anders Boston Road Club fin
11 Tad Baum NEBC fin
12 Brett Bersson unattached fin
13 Michael Bissanti Boston Road Club fin
14 Roger Cadman unattached fin
15 Joseph Cruz jr Quad Cycles & NIBRCC fin
16 Mark Mctinnery fin
17 Synjin Marroco BHCC fin
18 Dave Waterman BHCC fin
19 Michael Foley Team Bicycle Alley fin
20 Aaron Hall Harvard fin
21 William Kimeria QuadCycles fin
22 Cal Lankton unattached fin
23 Dan Larson Team Rockland Cycle fin
24 Randall Levere CCB/Volkswagon fin
25 Tom Flanagan fin
26 Christopher Merrill unattached fin
27 Jerry Moffett unattached fin
28 Matthew Nelson Mass Bay Road Club fin
29 Enrico Nuttoli iv unattached fin
30 Gerry O' connell Union Velo fin
31 Erik Peterson Cambridge/Igleheart fin
32 Justin Ringling unattached fin
33 John Slonimsky Quad Cycles & NIBRCC fin
34 Philip Sutherland Boston Road Club fin
35 Eric Thorbahn Blue Hills Cycling Club fin
36 Andrew Tucker NEBC fin
37 Gregory Wright Corner Cycle Cape Cod fin

MASTER 35+ * 28.

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Mark Mccormack Team FUJI fueled by Clif Bar 1:05:48.6
2 Thomas Francis 1:05:50.2
3 Bill Shattuck 1:07:22.0
4 Matthew Kressy Millwork One Racing/ 1:08:43.0
5 Greg Werner 1:08:46.8
6 Matthew Theodore 1:08:47.4
7 Aaron Manger 1:08:48.5
8 Ron Jacobs Corner Cycle 1:08:49.4
9 Coleman O'connor 1:08:50.3
10 Marvin Wang International Bicycle/Global 1:08:54.5
11 Harry Stover 1:10:06.5
12 Kurt Schmid SALEM CYCLE/FELT/RUDY PROJECT 1:10:06.9
13 Gregory Zysk Boston Road Club 1:10:07.4
14 John Peterson Blue Hills Cycling Club 1:10:07.6
15 Bridge Hunter Boston Road Club 1:10:10.7
16 John Stonebarger MBRC/Bicycle Link 1:10:11.2
17 Bruce Pierce 1:12:36.5
18 Murat Altinbasak 1:12:39.5
19 Steven Bonadio Arc-en-ciel Racing 1:12:45.1
20 Ralf geiben Lynn Millwork One Racing/ 1:12:45.3
21 Eric Jensen 1:13:39.5
22 Kyle Gates Millwork One Racing/ 1:14:50.7
23 Austus Kelley 1:14:51.0
24 Dale Stephanos Team Fuji fueled by Clif Bar 1:16:43.9

MASTER 45 + * 28.

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Patrick Mcnamara Fiordifrutta 1:06:39.8
2 James Nash CCB Volkswagen 1:06:40.1
3 Chris Borrello Gear Works/Spin Arts 1:06:48.9
4 Alan Hamilton Minuteman Road Club 1:06:57.6
5 Christopher Burke Bikeworks/Hallamore 1:07:18.6
6 Rich Korn CCB/Volkswagen 1:07:18.9
7 David Taylor Union Velo Club 1:07:18.9
8 Kevin Hines Corner Cycle 1:07:19.1
9 Paula Mcnamara unattached 1:07:19.4
10 Mark Thompson Sunapee/S&W/Continental Paving 1:07:19.5
11 David Beenap 1:07:19.6
12 Paul Lynch bicyclelink/mbrc 1:07:21.6
13 Brian Anderson International Bicycle/Global 1:07:23.1
14 Tom Dickinson 1:07:25.5
15 Paul Curley Gearworks/Spinarts 1:07:30.5
16 Jeffrey Proctor 1:07:44.8
17 Bob Bisson Gear Works/Spin Arts 1:07:53.2
18 Frank Jennings 1:08:26.1
19 Doug Shepard 1:09:20.3
20 Mark Lescoult 1:09:47.8
21 William Sawyer Gear Works/Spin Arts 1:09:47.8
22 Jesus Vazquez MBRC/Bycicle Link 1:09:48.5
23 Brian Stone Hallamore/Bikeworks 1:09:48.7
24 Tom Stevens Gear Works/Spin Arts 1:09:49.0
25 Jody Dean Team International Bicycle Cent 1:09:49.6
26 Art Baril Minuteman Road Club 1:09:50.0
27 Michael Di rado mbrc/bicycle link 1:09:50.2
28 Skip Foley 1:09:50.5
29 David Tremblay Boston Road Club 1:09:51.1
30 Bill Doonan Minuteman Road Club 1:09:51.9
31 Steven Ivester 1:10:18.4
32 Colin Kernan Missing Link Bicycle Club 1:15:55.6

MEN CAT 4 * 28.

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Ben Regan Travis Cycle 1:21:49.0
2 John Wilde International Bicycle Centers st
3 Leo Desforges Team BreakAway Boston st
4 Thomas Middleton MBRC/Bicycle Link st
5 Stephen Wright Minuteman Road Club st
6 Steeve Breton Everactive-Workers CompSolutions st
7 Brian Campbell NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental st
8 Jason Clevenger Boston Road Club st
9 Graham Anderson Refunds Now st
10 Joshua Tetrault NEBC/Cycle Loft st
11 Casey Marks Refunds Now st
DNF Joseph Barroso Millwork One Racing/ fin
DNF Lester Bethel NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental fin
DNF Mark Breve fin
DNF Michael Brier Refunds Now fin
DNF Matthew Buckley Onion River Sports fin
DNF Shane Buker Harvard University Cycling Asso fin
DNF Sheldon Charles Millwork One Racing/ fin
DNF Michael Cook Minuteman Road Club fin
DNF Seth Davis Cambridge Bicycle/ Igleheart Fr fin
DNF David Dornaus Blue Hills Cycling Club fin
DNF Julian Eliz iii Team BreakAway Boston fin
DNF Nicholas Fanaras NorEast Cycling fin
DNF James Hall NEBC/Cycle Loft fin
DNF Kenneth Han QuadCycles fin
DNF Jeff Hebert Boston Road Club fin
DNF Neal Heffron Boston Road Club fin
DNF Nestly Hyppolite TRAVIS ROAD CLUB fin
DNF Jerry Jacobs NEBC fin
DNF Radu Jianu Refunds Now fin
DNF Paul Jobin NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dent fin
DNF Charles b. Labbe BikeWorks/Hallamore fin
DNF David Maccutcheon MBRC / Bicycle Link fin
DNF Eric Martin QuadCycles fin
DNF Nicholas Mashburn Cambridge Bicycle/Igleheart Fra fin
DNF R. michael Mckittrick Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart F fin
DNF Doogie Mead CCB/Volkswagen fin
DNF Jim Midurandno MBRC fin
DNF John Naegle QuadCycles fin
DNF Justin Norman BikeWorks/Hallamore fin
DNF Michael Olbrys Minuteman Road Club fin
DNF Anthony Oliva Everactive Workers Comp fin
DNF Gabriel Polonsky Boston road club fin
DNF Gary Sacon Cyclonauts Racers fin
DNF Antonio Silva Refunds Now fin
DNF David Smallwood Boston Road Club fin
DNF Ian Sutton QuadCycles fin
DNF Marc Tatar Bikeworks/Halamore fin
DNF Tim Walsh QuadCycles fin
DNF Stefan Wawersik NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dent fin
DNF Brent Wetters Refunds Now fin
DNF Ian Whittle NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental fin
DNF Zachary Wills IBC racing fin
DNF Jordan Winkler Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart F fin
DNF Jamie Wong Harvard University fin
DNF Stephen Wright Minuteman Road Club fin