Results » Road » 2010

2010 Church Creek Time Trial - # 1

Cambridge, MD

Saturday, June 5, 2010

2010 Church Creek Time Trial - # 1 Presented by ABRT Cambridge, MD Saturday, June 05, 2010
results powered by The Big Guy Group
weather: 83 degrees sunny winds 5 to 10 variable

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Place   Bib  First Name    Last Name        Team                                              Finish Time
1       2    Kay           Tsui             Hpc/list                                          0:33:00
2       4    Malonnie      Kinnison         Sublime Athletics Velo                            0:34:09
3       1    Nancy         Avitabile                                                          0:34:28
4       5    Patricia      Caldeira                                                           0:34:41
5       7    Evelyn        Cook             Abrt                                              0:39:09
6       3    Carolyn       Wilson           Ncvc/unitedhealth Group                           0:39:36

Place   Bib  First Name    Last Name        Team                                              Finish Time
1       16   Richard       Shaffer          South Mountain Velo Club                          0:29:41
2       13   Merrick       Frampton         Cw/king Pawn                                      0:31:31
3       14   William       Vogler           First State Velo Sport/christiana Care Pt         0:34:04
4       12   Max           Prola            Squadra Coppi                                     0:34:04
5       11   Philip        Samawicz         Ncvc/unitedhealth Group                           0:35:29
6       10   Ben           Williams         Abrt                                              0:35:46
7       9    Giulio        Porta            King Pawn /joe's Bike Shop/cw                     0:40:34

Place   Bib  First Name    Last Name        Team                                              Finish Time
1       18   Robert        Kenner           Ncvc/unitedhealth Group                           0:33:09
2       19   Hank          Banta            Ncvc/inova Health System                          0:34:45
3       20   Philip        Hager            Ncvc/unitedhealth Group                           0:38:18
4       17   Donald        Riggs            Abrt                                              0:42:52

Place   Bib  First Name    Last Name        Team                                              Finish Time
1       21   Shane         Scoggin          Ncvc/united Health Systems                        0:29:21

Place   Bib  First Name    Last Name        Team                                              Finish Time
1       25   Andrew        Mount            Ncvc/unitedhealth Group                           0:29:01
2       23   Avery         Wilson           Ncvc/unitedhealth Group                           0:30:38
3       26   James         Lim              Ncvc/unitedhealth Group                           0:32:09
4       22   Aidan         Palmer           Abrt                                              0:32:38
5       24   Andrew        Schindler        Abrt                                              0:33:58
6       28   Nick          Caddenhead       Abrt                                              0:34:50
7       27   Dillon        Michael          Abrt                                              0:35:16
8       29   Kevin         Mott             Abrt                                              0:35:28

Place   Bib  First Name    Last Name        Team                                              Finish Time
1       56   Stuart        Ross             Clean Currents P/b Don Beyer Volvo                0:57:53
2       50   John          Spieker          Shore Velocity                                    0:59:52
3       58   Matty         Parker           Clean Currents P/b Don Beyer Volvo                1:00:04
4       49   Matthew       Olson            Ncvc/unitedhealth Group                           1:00:17
5       45   Steven        Abbott           Naults                                            1:00:20
6       42   Tony          Bilotta          Van Dessel Factory Team                           1:01:42
7       51   Howard        Van Houten       Unattached                                        1:02:39
8       35   Jim           Hartnett         South Mountain Velo Club                          1:03:01
9       33   John          Cox              Joe's Bike Shop / Chesapeake Whlm                 1:03:09
10      44   Michael       Hill             Chesapeake Wheelmen/king Pawn/joe's               1:03:22
11      32   Kerry         Scanlon          Clean Currents P/b Don Beyer Volvo                1:03:46
12      48   Murray        Davis            Kelly Benefit Strategies/lsv Cycling              1:03:50
13      43   Thomas F.     Tice             The Bike Lane                                     1:03:58
14      41   Richard       Paukstitus       Abrt                                              1:05:20
15      40   Myron         Lehtman          Ncvc/unitedhealth Group                           1:05:49
16      34   Bobby         Phillips         Abrt                                              1:08:00
17      54   Jerry         Yetter                                                             1:08:35
18      39   John          Wilson           Prince William Elite Racing (power)               1:09:03
19      36   Michael       Fitzsimmons      King Pawn/joe's Bikes/chesapeake Whlmn            1:09:31
20      55   Stephen       Szibler                                                            1:11:41
21      57   James         Carlson          Potomac Velo Club                                 1:13:00
22      53   Roger         Kilgore          Paxvelo                                           1:13:03
23      52   James         Degoey           Syn-fit Race Team                                 1:17:12

Place   Bib  First Name    Last Name        Team                                              Finish Time
1       69   Robert        Garwood          Final Kick Racing                                 0:52:17
2       79   Mike          Bradbury         Evolution Cycling Club P/b Long & Foster          0:55:53
3       72   Randy         Thrasher         Clean Currents P/b Don Beyer Volvo                0:56:41
4       59   Arthur        Brown            Battley Harley-davidson/sonoma Restaurant/teaism  0:56:42
5       77   Roger         Friend           Monticello Velo Club                              0:56:48
6       80   Ace           Mcdermott        Abrt                                              0:56:51
7       76   Ray           Plewacki         Evolution Cycling Club P/b Long & Foster          0:57:18
8       60   Christopher   Gould            Wwvc Racing                                       0:58:43
9       73   Alexander     Meller           Abrt                                              0:59:28
10      82   Harry         Fang             Ncvc/unitedhealth Group                           0:59:37
11      67   Gregory       Smith            Clean Currents P/b Don Beyer Volvo                0:59:47
12      81   Gary          Smith            Team Cannell Champion Training                    1:00:05
13      66   Victor        Siegfried        Evolution Cycling Club P/b Long & Foster          1:00:15
14      84   Frank         Dougherty        Lsv/kelly Benefit Strategies                      1:00:39
15      74   Bryan         Patton                                                             1:00:50
16      83   Ray           Manyoky          Clean Currents P/b Don Beyer Volvo                1:01:44
17      63   Jeff          Oxman            Clean Currents P/b Don Beyer Volvo                1:01:50
18      86   Karl          Kensinger        Ncvc/united Health Group                          1:03:07
19      62   Al            Navidi                                                             1:05:31
20      85   Mark          Solberg                                                            1:05:59
21      61   Mark          Hooker                                                             1:06:18
22      64   Martin        Green                                                              1:06:22
23      78   Scott         Frye                                                               1:06:33
24      68   Michael       Homick           Team 53x11 Coffee                                 1:08:01
25      70   Paul          Masucci                                                            1:09:04
26      87   Larry         Ruggiero         Squadra Coppi                                     1:09:17
27      71   Ted           Kuczarski        Bens Performance Bikes                            1:11:48
28      75   Mike          Copperthite                              1:12:21

Place   Bib  First Name    Last Name        Team                                              Finish Time
1       107  Stephen       Robinson         Squadra Coppi                                     0:53:39
2       105  Michael       Stearns          Cannell Champion Training                         0:55:31
3       91   Marc          Gwadz            Dcmtb                                             0:56:03
4       90   King          Mike             Saroff Racing Team                                0:56:28
5       95   Peter         Warner           Wwvc Racing                                       0:56:35
6       92   Mark          Sommers          Clean Currents P/b Don Beyer Volvo                0:56:47
7       108  Ted           Michaels         Evolution Cycling Club P/b Long & Foster          0:57:34
8       103  Marc          Klein            Ncvc/unitedhealth Group                           0:58:44
9       106  Peter         Lindeman         Ncvc/unitedhealth Group                           0:59:20
10      96   Garner        Woodall          Gs Silver/silver Cycles                           0:59:29
11      99   Steve         Owens            Abrt                                              1:00:29
12      100  David         Harrell          Wwvc Racing                                       1:01:47
13      97   George        Eastham          Clean Currents P/b Don Beyer Volvo                1:02:21
14      101  Chris         Macon                                                              1:03:53
16      104  Mark          Skubis           Squadra Coppi                                     1:06:48
17      94   Brian         Barnes           Clean Currents P/b Don Beyer Volvo                1:07:04

Place   Bib  First Name    Last Name        Team                                              Finish Time
1       123  Kyle          Pitman           Abrt                                              0:56:29
2       144  Jeremy        Edwards          Evolution Cycling Club P/b Long & Foster          0:56:31
3       119  Dean          Jagusch                                                            0:57:43
4       134  Chris         Gonce            Kelly Benefit Strategies/lsv                      0:58:03
5       131  Jonathan      Holl             Clean Currents P/b Don Beyer Volvo                0:58:22
6       139  Stewart       Waring           Abrt                                              0:58:28
7       140  Luis          San Sebastian    Clean Currents P/b Don Beyer Volvo                0:58:37
8       115  Denzil        Hathway          Abrt                                              0:59:03
9       151  Chris         Adair            Abrt                                              0:59:09
10      127  Eric          Bae              Kelly Benefit Strategies/lsv                      0:59:30
11      150  Pete          Storm            Monterey Bay Racing Team                          0:59:51
12      152  Tim           Best                                                               1:00:08
13      112  Matt          Davis            Ncvc/unitedhealth Group                           1:00:09
14      137  Phil          Steinschneider   Evolution Cycling Club P/b Long & Foster          1:00:43
15      135  John          Myrick           Ncvc/unitedhealth Group                           1:00:50
16      136  Sonny         Smith            Ocean Velo/bikesport                              1:01:00
17      149  Kenneth       Woodrow          Squadra Coppi                                     1:01:10
18      129  Dean          Wagner           Colavita Racing Inc. S/e                          1:01:10
19      142  Christopher   Marrow           Squadra Coppi                                     1:01:40
20      147  Michael       Kirk             The Secret Henry's Team                           1:01:42
21      125  James         Swarts           Evolution Cycling Club P/b Long & Foster          1:01:54
22      120  Patrick       Hogan            Abrt                                              1:02:20
23      126  Todd          Gobeille         Ncvc/unitedhealth Group                           1:02:28
24      143  Tim           Baldwin          All American Bicycle Club                         1:02:34
25      124  Jason         Luttrell         Ncvc/unitedhealth Group                           1:03:04
26      132  Michael       Ahlers           Wwvc Racing                                       1:03:04
27      114  Chris         Stone            Freshbikes P/b Skanska                            1:03:10
28      141  Jason         Kamps            Woof Cycling                                      1:03:27
29      133  Lukasz        Majewski         Evolution Cycling Club P/b Long & Foster          1:03:55
30      116  Evan          Thayer           Freshbikes P/b Skanska                            1:04:02
31      146  Rob           Campbell         Ncvc/unitedhealth Group                           1:04:29
32      122  Tom           Simchak          District Velocity Racing P/b The Bike Rack        1:05:33
33      113  Kristopher    Larsen           Syn-fit Race Team                                 1:05:56
34      148  Mark          Lahuec           Abrt                                              1:06:55
35      138  Brad          Pudner                                                             1:04:50
36      128  Louis         Helms            Abrt                                              1:09:07

Place   Bib  First Name    Last Name        Team                                              Finish Time
1       156  Katrina       Dowidchuk        Deep Blue                                         1:02:37
2       157  Janet         Olney            Abrt                                              1:04:03

Place   Bib  First Name    Last Name        Team                                              Finish Time
1       166  Amanda        Wu               Abrt                                              1:01:21
2       159  Laurel        Larsen           Syn-fit Race Team                                 1:01:56
3       164  Amy           Westenfeld       Abrt                                              1:02:21
4       162  Sara          Clafferty        Abrt                                              1:03:16
5       161  Emma          Swatman          Synfit Racing                                     1:04:52
6       160  Sue           Mcquiston        Abrt                                              1:05:59
7       165  Bonnie        Fletcher         Artemis                                           1:06:21
8       163  Tania         Steinschneider   Hpc/list                                          1:06:22

Place   Bib  First Name    Last Name        Team                                              Finish Time
1       178  Ryan          Simpson          Haymarket / Homevist                              0:53:02
2       180  Simon         Walker           Suburban Health Sports/saroff Racing Team         0:53:16
3       173  Paul          Lengermann       Ncvc/unitedhealth Group                           0:53:28
4       179  Charles       Hutcheson        Battley Harley-davidson/sonoma Restaurant/teaism  0:53:43
5       172  Russell       Brown            Kelly Benefit Strategies/lsv                      0:54:22
6       176  Evan          Fader            Kelly Benefit Strategies / Lsv Cycling            0:55:05
7       174  Nathan        Wilson           Kelly Benefit Strategies / Lsv Cycling            0:55:31
8       170  Stephen       Wahl             Abrt                                              0:56:14
9       175  Greg          Abbott           Ncvc/unitedhealth Group                           0:56:21
10      171  Michael       Flanagan         Battley Harley-davidson/sonoma Restaurant/teaism  0:59:08
11      177  Paul          Mica             Ncvc/unitedhealth Group                           1:02:01

Place   Bib  First Name    Last Name        Team                                              Finish Time
1       196  John          Cutler           Cyclelife/raw Talent Ranch Racing                 0:56:16
2       187  Joaquin       Salas Orono      Squadra Coppi                                     0:56:48
3       194  Mitch         Ferro            Evolution Cycling Club P/b Long & Foster          0:56:56
4       195  Michael       Wagner           Abrt                                              0:57:15
5       191  Clifton       Chamberlin       Bike Doctor/bayside Velo                          0:58:07
6       186  Ranjodh       Gill             Bike Doctor / Bayside Velo                        0:59:36
7       188  Christopher   Price            C3-athletes Serving Athletes                      1:00:19
8       184  Kevin         Cross            District Velocity Racing P/b The Bike Rack        1:01:02
9       192  Phil          Falconer         Evolution Cycling Club P/b Long & Foster          1:03:01
10      193  Robb          Hampton          Bike Doctor/bayside Velo                          1:16:26

Place   Bib  First Name    Last Name        Team                                              Finish Time
1       203  Emily         Armstrong                                                          1:07:01
2       204  Janelle       Hubbard          Team Kenda                                        1:10:39
3       201  Madeline      West             Adventures For The Cure                           1:11:58
4       200  Erika         Griffith         Chesapeake Wheelmen                               1:14:31
5       202  Christine     Waring           Abrt                                              1:33:21

Place   Bib  First Name    Last Name        Team                                              Finish Time
1       211  Mary          Dougherty        Lsv/kelly                                         1:03:54
2       212  Chris         Kelley           Team Kenda                                        1:04:59
3       206  Michelle      Faurot           Abrt                                              1:05:17
4       208  Kristin       Marinelli        Team Drt                                          1:09:09
5       205  Julia         Casals           Evolution Cycling P/b Long&foster                 1:10:34
6       207  Laura         Gabanski         Route 1 Velo/arrow Bicycle                        1:12:47

Place   Bib  First Name    Last Name        Team                                              Finish Time
1       225  Adele         Fenwick          Freshbikes P/b Skanska                            1:04:43
2       219  Courtney      Chipouras        Team Tbb/deep Blue                                1:05:35
3       214  Cynthia       Johnson          Artemis                                           1:06:12
4       226  Jean          Woodrow          Squadra Coppi                                     1:06:45
5       222  Lindsay       Ward             Abrt                                              1:07:06
6       220  Kathy         Albright         Evolution Cycling                                 1:07:10
7       228  Kristin       Seibert          Abrt                                              1:07:20
8       218  Renee         Hilmi            Evolution Cycling                                 1:07:41
9       224  Maria         Wilson           Tri Performance Racing                            1:08:11
10      227  Renee         Roth             Artemis                                           1:09:43
11      223  Pamela        Webb             Rostello Prsented By Fioricci/cycor               1:13:50
12      221  Michele       Potter           All American Bicycle Club                         1:16:16
13      217  Beth          Skubis                                                             1:16:52
14      215  Jourdan       Ladley                                                             1:26:18

Place   Bib  First Name    Last Name        Team                                              Finish Time
1       231  Robert        Wade             Battley Harley-davidson/sonoma Restaurant/teaism  0:54:59
2       274  Craig         Lauinger         Ncvc/unitedhealth Group                           0:58:55
3       234  Brian         Goebel                                                             1:00:53
4       235  Kevin         Mcaleenan        Evolution Cycling Club P/b Long & Foster          1:01:46
5       269  Jordan        Vance            Dc Tri Club                                       1:01:58
6       277  Mike          Sims                                                               1:02:09
7       275  Jim           Crowley                                                            1:02:31
8       259  Charly        Hermanson        Kelly Benefit Strategies/lsv                      1:02:58
9       262  Brennan       Mcreynolds       Freshbikes / Skanska                              1:03:25
10      265  Chris         Carlson          Evolution Cycling Club P/b Long And Foster        1:03:30
11      278  Ahmed         Hefuna                                                             1:03:38
12      260  Damon         Steele                                                             1:03:44
13      276  Spencer       Seibert          Abrt                                              1:04:29
14      244  Jamie         Brady            Revolution Cycles                                 1:04:33
15      246  Scott         Cohen                                                              1:04:40
16      238  James         Thomas           Revolution Cycles                                 1:04:44
17      268  Jason         Gassert          Revolution Cycles                                 1:05:12
18      264  Andrew        Crabb                                                              1:05:35
19      229  Scott         Lawler                                                             1:05:42
20      248  Brad          Pumphrey         Abrt                                              1:06:08
21      271  Michael       Thaxton          Abrt                                              1:06:11
22      237  Francois      Bru              Wwvc Racing                                       1:06:39
23      263  Mike          Faber                                                              1:06:49
24      270  Dan           Schindler        Abrt                                              1:07:09
25      242  J. Eric       Collich          Revolution Cycles (rockville)                     1:07:14
26      251  Michael       Adashek                                                            1:08:20
27      239  Tim           Gooding                                                            1:09:20
28      245  Willson       York             Evolution Cycling Club P/b Long And Foster        1:09:29
29      230  Robert        Wiggans          Abrt                                              1:09:32
30      256  Stephen       Nightingale      Team Cannell Champion Training                    1:10:05
31      243  Dan           Bailey           Evolution Cycling Club P/b Long & Foster          1:10:36
32      233  Neill         Robson                                                             1:10:37
33      241  Daniel        Anderson                                                           1:12:35
34      249  Tad           Fabian           Bike Line Middletown                              1:13:33
35      255  Chuck         Potter           All American Bicycle Club                         1:14:02
36      258  Hong          Chen                                                               1:14:03
37      261  Alan          Drew             Northsails                                        1:14:34
38      267  Jerry         Pollatos         Evolution Cycling Club P/b Long & Foster          1:15:32
39      247  Bill          Carpenter                                                          1:18:32
40      250  Tim           Robertson        Middletown Bike Line                              1:21:12

Place   Bib  First Name    Last Name        Team                                              Finish Time
1       296  Jeffrey       Gelfand          Abrt                                              0:55:02
2       292  Steven        Chipouras        Middletown Bikeline                               1:03:32

Place   Bib  First Name    Last Name        Team                                              Finish Time
1       284  Drew          Armstrong        Ncvc/unitedhealth Group                           0:56:13
2       280  Marcus        Floro            District Velocity Racing P/b The Bike Rack        0:57:35
3       288  Lukasz        Majewski         Evolution Cycling Club P/b Long & Foster          0:58:07

Place   Bib  First Name    Last Name        Team                                              Finish Time
1       302  Blair         Berbert          Kelly Benefit Strategies/lsv Cycling              0:50:08
2       298  Arthur        Brown            Battley Harley-davidson/sonoma Restaurant/teaism  0:52:07
3       306  Paul          Lengermann       Ncvc/unitedhealth Group                           0:53:18
4       310  Stephen       Robinson         Squadra Coppi                                     0:56:21

Place   Bib  First Name    Last Name        Team                                              Finish Time
1       319  Carrie        Stokes           Gs Silver/silver Cycles                           0:59:39
2       318  Lacey         Steen            Route 1 Velo/arrow Bicycle                        1:07:19
3       320  Carole        Harris           Artemis                                           1:08:24

Place   Bib  First Name    Last Name        Team                                              Finish Time
1       325  Brennan       Mcreynolds       Freshbikes Racing                                 1:05:24
2       321  Kay           Tsui             Hpc/list                                          1:10:18