Results » Road » 2001

Saco Bay Criterium

Saco, ME

Saturday, August 25, 2001

Saco Bay Criterium
Saco , ME
August 25, 2001

Results Courtesy of PEP Results

Men Pro-1-2
1     Jonathan         Hamblen                 Wheelworks / Cannondale
2     Skip             Foley                   Trek/VW/Goodales
3     Jonathan         Page                    Wheelworks / Cannondale
4     Stephen          Stockwell               Sunapee / Banagans
5     Shawn            Milne                   Wheelworks / Cannondale
6     Sean             Nealy                   Kissena Cycling Team
7     Alec             Donahue                 NCC /
8     Kevin            Dutt          
9     Kyle             Gates                   Boston BC
10    Conor            Hurley                  Trek/VW/Goodales
11    Matthew          Svatek                  Wheelworks / Cannondale
12    Oliver           Stiler-Cote         ME  Saturn Development
13    corey            fisher                  Community Bicycle Supply
14    nathan           chown                   radical edge
15    Bret +           Williamson              Kissena
16    Thad             Lavallee            ME  CCB
17    Ben              Stafford                Kissena Cycling Team
18    Andrew           Mills                   Trek/VW/Goodales
19    Keith            Berger                  Capital Velo/PIG Iron
20    Scott            Plante                  Ciclismo Sportivo Ardagna
21    Trent            Sullivan                CVC/Pig Iron
22    Anton            Villatoro               Trek/VW/Goodales
23    randy            rusk                    arc-en-ciel
24    Ryan             Pinkham                 Wheelworks / Cannondale
25    John             Corriveau               BOB
26    Chris            Peck                    Wheelworks / Cannondale
27    Lincoln          Brown                   Excite-SmartFUEL
28    J.D.             Bilodeau                NCC /
29    Justin           Lillie              ME  Trek/VW/Goodales

Men 3
1     chris            karam               ME  Portland Velo Club/ Cyclemaina    40:20
2     Michael          Shireman            MA  CCB International
3     Michael          Norton              MA  les cyclists
4     David            Carlser                 BOB
5     Bill             Gros                CT  Heart of New England Cycling Club/Peerless
6     Breeze           Keller              ME
7     Christopher      Naimie              NH  Sunapee-Banagans Bike Club
8     Duane            Skofield            NH  BOB
9     Ben              Kubas               VT  killington Pico Cycling Club
10    John             Meerse              ME  Buffalo Bicycling Club
11    Eugene           Ruiter              NH  B.O.B.
12    John             Grenier             ME  Maine CC
13    Jeff             Fisher              ME  Maine CC
14    Robert           Kramer              MA  Mass Bay Road Club
15    Jeffrey          Gilman                  Mass Bay Road Club
16    Justin           Mederios                AFD
17    Leonard          deSousa             MA  Skofield Builders/BOB
18    Cameron          Ciccone                 NECSA
19    Edward C         Parsons Jr          CT  Laurel Bicycle Club
20    Peter            Stewart             VT  Peoplesoft/ UVM
21    Paul             Rhodes              NH  Ciclismo Sportivo Ardagna
22    Jeffrey          Karam               NH  Southern Maine Cycling Club
23    Scott            Maislin             MA  NEBC/ Cycle Loft
24    Cody             Powell                  NECSA
25    Craig            Schaepe                 NHCC
26    Kirt             Fitzpatrick             Heart of New England Cycling Club/Peerless
27    Richard          Kelley              CT  GMBC Excite/Smartfuel
28    Brian            Blondin                 BOB
29    Lawrence         Perera                  ECV
30    Mark             Donahue             ME  Southern Me. Cycling Club
31    Mukunda          Feldman             MA  NCC /
32    Michael          Bernard                 Arc en ciel
33    william          Casazza             NH  BOB
34    Byron            Holt                NH  BRC/Vintage/ATA
35    TYLER            MUNROE              MA  CCB
36    Richard          Battaglia           MA  Southern Maine CC
37    Carl             Hitchcock           ME  SMCC
38    Graydon          Stevens             ME  Portland Velo Club/ Cyclemaina
39    Peter            Rhodes              NH  C.S. Ardagna
40    Eric             Goodson             MA  Boston Road Club
41    John             Morrell             MA  Corner Cycle
42    Richard          Marchessault        ME  MCC  Maine Cycling Club
43    David            Uchenick                Arc en ciel
44    Mark             Arrington               BRC/Vintage/ATA
45    Jay              Clausen                 NEBC/ Cycle Loft
46    Eric             Marro               NH  B.O.B.
47    Keith            Ford                    Sunapee-Banagans Bike Club
48    Jeff             Leake               VT  NCC /

Men 4-5
1     Dan              Butler              MA  Minuteman Road Club               30:40
2     Robert           King                ME  Colorado College
3     Josh             Willaims            ME  SMCC
4     Oscar            Purwin              NH  NHCC/ S&W Sports
5     David            Lyman               MA  Team IBC
6     Khari            Gates               MA  Boston Bicycle Club/Community
7     Jamie            Wright              ME  SMCC
8     Joshua F.        Dillon              VT
9     Dean             Miller              ME  Team Liquid Motion
10    John             Rice                ME  unattached
11    Edward           Dishong
13    Kirk             Carlsen                 BOB
14    John             Mosher              MA  NEBC/Cycleloft
15    TYLER            MUNROE  JR          MA  CCB
16    John             Stein               MA  Providence Velo
17    John             Stonebarger         MA  unattached
18    Brandon          Smithwood           MA  Northeast Bicycle Club
19    Christopher      Owen                MA  NCC /
20    Brian            Eckenroth           ME  Team Liquid Motion
21    Robert           LaRocco             CT  Capital Velo Club
22    John W           Roche IV            NH  Net1Plus/DataPro Racing Fitchburg Cycling Club
23    Jay              Busse               RI  International Bicycle Centers
24    scott            fleckenstein        MA  team celebrity
25    Ray              Marchessault        ME  Rainbow Bikes
26    Joseph           Tindal              CT  Capital Velo Club
27    Brett            Durham              MA  Dream Bikes
28    Orion            Berryman            NH  Peerless/HNECC
29    Art              Trapotsis           MA  NEBC/Cycleloft
30    Randy            Ayotte              ME
31    Mark             Dakoulas            VT  Killington/Pico
32    Dan              Lambertson          ME  SMCC
33    jason            eley                VT  uvm
34    Paul             Niehoff             ME  SMCC
35    Walker           League-Pike         ME

Men 5
1     Kirk             Fongemie                NEBC                              28:42
2     Zachary          Jones               ME                                    at :08
3     Edward           Dishong                 NHCC
4     David            Vieglais
5     Kurt             Schmid
6     S. Tyler         Durham                  DreamBikes
7     Robert           Frechette           ME
8     Jon              Gillespie           ME  Southern Maine Cycling Club
9     James            Thomas                  Boston Road Club
10    Tom              Gosselin            ME
11    Richard          Shell
12    Karl             Hebert              ME  Southern Maine Cycling Club
13    Todd             Savage
14    Brian            Schwarzentruber         Boston Bicycle Club
15    Shon             Gibb                ME
16    Alex             Ferrero                 NH Junior Cycling Academy
17    Steven           Mercer              ME  unattached
18    Michael          Passetto                BCA/TOSK
19    Edward           Ferrero                 NH Junior Cycling Academy
20    Charles          Goldman             ME  Portland Velo
21    Joe              Moreshoud           ME
22    Christopher      Ray                 ME

Women 1-2-3
1     Catherine        Bearce                  CCB                               32:22
2     bonnie           bourque                 cycleloft/nebc
3     Sara             Cushman                 Gearworks/SRP
4     Michele          Smith                   Wheelworks/IF
5     Lisa             Maxwell             ME  Team Liquid Motion
6     Julie            Kelly                   GMBC Excite/Smartfuel
7     Anna             Milkowski               Gearworks/SRP
8     Louise           Barriss                 CCB
9     Susan            Fredrickson             B.O.B
10    Shauna           Gillies-Smith           Gearworks/SRP
11    Lenore           Imhof                   Cranford Bike Team
12    Kathryn          Sherwin                 CTS Velocity
13    Amanda           See                     Verizon
14    Heather          Peck                    Independent Fabrications
15    Elizabeth        Lefavour                Independent Fabrications
16    Kathy            Sarvary                 Gearworks/SRP
17    Anna             Butler                  Verizon
18    Erin             Farnsworth              Umass
19    Mary             Georgetti               NEBC/cycleloft

Women 4
1     Paula            Bedard                  NEBC/Cycleloft                    24:28
2     Miriam           Kornitzer
3     Jessica          Truslow                 Northeast Bicycle Club  NEBC/Cycloat :04
4     Marianne         Stover              ME  Portland Velo                     at :08
5     Hannah           Sarnow
6t    Karena           Paukulis                NEBC/Cycle Loft
6t    Amy              Tchao               ME  Southern Maine Cycling Club
8     Nicole           Schneider               Northeast Bike Club (NEBC)
9     Rebecca          Wellons                 NEBC
10    Jen              Cunningham Butler       NEBC/Cycle Loft
11    Lori             Whynot                  Northeast Bicycle Club
12    Carrie           Frost                   CICLISMMO SPORTIVO ARDAGNA
13    Rhonda           Morin               ME  Portland Velo
14    Carol            Dunn                    Excite SmartFuel
15    Kathleen         Shaw                    Verizon Wireless
16    Laurie           Krzywda             ME  unattached
17    Amanda           Lynch               ME
18    Lutz             Shelley                 Excite SmartFuel

Men Junior 10-14
1     Kirk             Carlsen                 BOB                               21:49
2     Shanta           Keller              ME
3     Geoff            Curfman                 NEBC/CycleLoft
4     Morgan           MacLeod             ME  Portland Velo Club
5     Ben              Zawacki                 NH Junior Cycling Academy         at 1:01
6     Douglas          Olander                 NH Junior Cycling Academy
7     Alessio          Bares                   NEBC/CycleLoft                    at one lap
8     Charley          Stetson             ME
9     Jake             Munroe
11    Kevin            Lambertson          ME
12    Garvin           Mannion                 CCB
12    Ben              LaRiviere           ME
14    Kyle             Foley                   Laurel
15    Chris            Talbot              ME
RO    Davin            Currie              ME
RO    Chris            Suthard             ME

Men Junior 15-18
1     Oliver           Stiler-Cote         ME  Saturn Development                25:51
2     Tom              Coupe
3     Art              Rand                    CCB International                 at :18
4     Cody             Powell                  NECSA
5     Breeze           Keller              ME
6     Scott            Maislin                 NEBC/ Cycle Loft
7     TYLER            MUNROE  JR              CCB
8     Sam              Silver                  CCB International
9     Brandon          Smithwood               Northeast Bicycle Club
10    Justin           Pedrazzi                North East Bike Club
11    Kevin            Wolfson                 NEBC / CycleLoft
12    Myles            Chase                   NH Junior Cycling Academy         at :49
13    Andrew           Levick
14    Alex             Ferrero                 NH Junior Cycling Academy
15    Cameron          Ciccone                 NECSA                             at 1:17
16    Geoffrey         Johnson             ME  Portland Velo                     at one lap
17    Peter            Stetson             ME  unattached                        at two laps
RO    Jonathan         Foster              ME  SMCC
RO    Jason            Cattermole              VC DeLandres

Men Master 35+
1     Skip             Foley                   Trek/VW/Goodales                  38:20
2     James            Veliskakis              CCB/Volkswagen
3     Michael          Norton                  les cyclists
4     Brian            Wolf                    Le Chateau Restaurant/Les Cyclistes
5     John             Grenier             ME  Rainbow Bike/Maine Cycling Club
6     sam              morse                   Mass Bay Road Club
7     Paul             Carlson                 BOB
8     Christopher      Naimie                  Sunapee-Banagans Bike Club
9     Leonard          deSousa                 Skofield Builders/BOB
10    Bill             Gros                    Heart of New England Cycling Club/Peerless
11    Craig            Schaepe                 NHCC
12    Rich             Foley                   Laurel
13    John             Corriveau               BOB
14    Timothy          Corcoran            ME  Portland Velo
15    Jeffrey          Fisher              ME  Rainbow Bikes / MCC
16    Christopher      Brown               ME  LL Bean
17    GREG             MELONE              ME  GEAR WORKS/SRP
18    Charlie          Bedard                  Cycle Loft/NEBC
19    Ron              Dunn                ME  MCC  Maine Cycling Club
20    randy            rusk                    arc-en-ciel
21    James            Brannigan               Essex County Velo
22    Walter           Zawicki                 BOB
23    John             Weller                  Bike Line/LWA
24    Tom              Stevens             ME  Gear Works/SRP/Spin Art
25    Tom              Mannion                 CCB
26    TYLER            MUNROE                  CCB
27    Robert           Bisson                  Gearworks
28    John             Mosher                  NEBC/Cycleloft
29    John             Interlandi              Gruppo Sportivo
30    Robert           Baiguy              ME  PVC
31    Allan            Gauthier                ECV
32    James            Black                   ECV
33    Gregor           Bernard                 B.O.B.
34    Duane            Skofield                BOB
35    David            Rusnak                  Peerless/HNECC
36    Dana             Castro                  Zephyr Cyliing Team
37    Paul             Weiss               ME  Portland Velo Club
38    Jamie            Wright              ME  SMCC
39    Richard          Marchessault        ME  MCC  Maine Cycling Club
40    John             Stonebarger             unattached
41    Carl             Hitchcock           ME  Southern Maine Cycling
42    Neil             Fitch               ME  Portland Velo Club/Cyclemania
43    Mark             Suprenant               ccb volkswagen
44    Eric             Marro                   B.O.B.
45    Graydon          Stevens             ME  Portland Velo Club/ Cyclemaina
46    James            Boudreau                `Masters Velo/ Dakini
47    Gary             Givans                  HNECC
48    Gene             Landry              ME  Portland Velo
49    Steven           Heath                   Masters Velo Club
50    Keith            Ford                    Sunapee-Banagans Bike Club
51    Edward           Richard                 Bicycle link

Men Master 45+
1     Mark             Hagen                   CCB                               34:45
2     Graydon          Stevens             ME  Portland Velo Club/ Cyclemaina
3     James            Boudreau                Masters Velo/ Dakini
4     Michael          Theroux
5     Dana             Castro                  Zephyr Cyliing Team               at :19
6     William          Sawyer                  NEBC
7     Rich             Deandra                 Jaeger Wheelman
8     thomas           cormier                 BOB
9     John             Corriveau               BOB
10    Fran             Castano                 Dreambikes
11    Paul             Hoisington              Sunapee Banagans
12    Timothy          Deacon                  Bicycle Link
13    Ray              Marchessault        ME  Maine Cycling Club ( MCC)
14    Gary             Evans                   Heart of New England Cycling Club
15    Gary             Gurney                  CBRC
16    ERNEST           LANDRY                  UNATACHED
17    Richard          Martin                  Masters Velo Club
18    Bill             Holden              ME  Cyclemania
19    Mieczyslaus      Burzynski               B.O.B
20    Rick             Joyner                  BOB
21    Steven           Heath                   Masters Velo Club
22    Peter            Wilson                  Cyclonauts Racer
23    Jack             Kane                    MVC-DAKINI / Masters Velo Club    at 1:17
24    Joseph           Hepp                ME  Southern Maine CC                 at one lap

Men Master 55 & 65
1     John             Auer                PA  Somerset Wheelmen                 31:30
2     Martin           Richard             MA  Masters Velo
3     Jon              Farbman             NJ  3-D Racing
4     Green            John                MA  CCB
5     Robert           Carlin              NJ  Atlantic Bicycle Club
6     Peter            Murphy              CT  Capital Velo Club
7     Bradley          Hosmer              NH  NHCC
8     jim              shafer              ME  Portland Velo
9     Lutz             Shelley             VT  Excite SmartFuel
10    Robert           Wilson              MA  NEBC/Cycle Loft
11    Piirand          Kaarel              NH  NHCC
12    Nelson           Aldrich             NH  Sunapee/Banagan's
13    Cheryl           Smith               CT  Les Cyclistes
14    Ray              Sweet               CT  Laurel Bike Club
15    Fioravante       Bares               MA  NEBC/Cycle Loft/EMC