Results » Road » 2003

North Stonington Road Race

North Stonington, CT

Sunday, May 18, 2003

North Stonington Road Race
North Stonington, CT
May 18, 2003

These results are provided for informational purposes only.� Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Category 3 Men

Place  First Name   Last Name          Team                                           City         State
1      Conor        Coffey             CCB/ Volkswagen                                Westerly     RI
2      Tobi         Schultze           Mass Bay                                       Foxboro      MA
3      John         Legere             Benidorm/ Createx                              Bloomfield   CT
4      Aidan        Charles            CVC                                            Middletown   CT
5      Michael      Cavros             AFD/OSVC                                       Newport      RI
6      Craig        Kennedy            Benidorm/ Createx                              E. Granby    CT
7      Matt         Moon                                                              Orono        ME
8      Ted          Dunofrio           Benidorm/ Createx                              Canton       CT
9      Bob          Bisson             Gearworks/ Spin Arts                           Fall River   MA
10     Gregory      Bartick            Tokeneke Road Club                             Trumbull     CT
11     Ed           Desimas            Benidorm/ Createx                              Canton       CT
Jeff         Buckles            NECSA                                          Glastonbury  CT
Joe          Ceppetelli         NCC /                              Somers       CT
Scott        Collins            squadra casterama                              Greene       RI
George       Fisk               capital bicycle racing club    ck cycles       Delmar       NY
Bradley      Moran              Arc en Ciel                                    Kingston     RI
Mike         Malony             AFD/OSVC                                       Chepachet    RI
David        Dallaire           Pro Peleton Velo                               Newton       CT

Category 5 Men

Place  First Name   Last Name          Team                                      City              State
1      Malcolm      Cooper             RISD cycling club (1)                     Providence        RI
2      Michael      Hagans             unattached                                Columbia          CT
3      Larry        Orlando                                                      Westerly          RI
4      Matthew      Jamieson                                                     Chester           CT
5      Hunter       Pronost            Grouppo Sportivo                          Cheshire          CT
6      Maarten      Broess             Squadra Casterama                         Lincoln           RI
7      Kurt         Nelson             Tokeneke Road Club                        Rowayton          CT
8      Jon          Raye                                                         Canton            CT
9      Mark         Jamieson                                                     Ivoryton          CT
10     Adlar        Su                 Boston University                         Brookline         MA
11     Joshua       Owen                                                         Waterbury         CT
12     Daniel       Eden                                                         Huntington Beach  CA
13     Joshua       Persky                                                       Manchester        CT
14     John         Genovese           Boston University Cycling                 Newton            MA
15     Chris        Kohnle             Capital Velo Club/Pig Iron Sports         Glastonbury       CT
16     Billy        O'brien                                                      Dorchester        MA
17     Eric         Ciofi              Mystic Velo                               Niantic           CT
Chuck        Berger                                                       Washington        CT
Jayson       Hurd               Arc-En-Ciel                               South Kingstown   RI
Tom          Kraak              Thread City Cyclers                       East Haven        CT
Alan         Lehrer             University of Rochester Cycling Club      Woodbridge        CT
Paul         Tagley                                                       Newton            MA
Scott        Post               Cox Communications Cycling Team           Groton            CT
Michael      Harney                                                       Stonington        CT

Category 4 Men

Place  First Name      Last Name          Team                                                City             State
1      William         Raleigh            CBRC                                                Latham           NY
2      Anthony         Restuccia          Northeast Bicycles                                  Norwalk          CT
3      Mitchell        Medeiros           OSVC/AFD                                            Newbedford       MA
4      Jonathan        Ring               G.S. Velocite Bicycle Sport                         Seekonk          MA
5      Ryan            Amirault                                                               Plymouth         MA
6      Juan            Darias             Union Velo                                          Sudbury          MA
7      Kyle            Drennen            TCC                                                 Waterford        CT
8      Pete            Chudzik            NECSA                                               Manchester       CT
9      Roger           Goulart            Bike Works                                          New Bedford      MA
10     Alvin           Nordell            NCC /                                   Pittsfield       MA
11     John            Teall              Tokeneke Road Club                                  Riverside        CT
12     Samuel          Pickman            team castarama                                      North Kingstown  RI
13     Sean            Langford           CCB/Volkswagen                                      Middleton        MA
14     Matthew         Roy                Essex County Velo                                   Arlington        MA
15     Peter           Rumsey             arc-en-ciel                                         Exeter           RI
16     Chuck           Nguzn              Providence Velo                                     Providence       RI
17     Stephen         Marchioro          Arc-en-Ciel                                         Newport          RI
18     Gregory         Abbott             NCVC/ Edge Technologies                             Tolland          CT
19     James           Themig             Mystic Velo Club                                    Niantic          CT
20     Miguel          Pagan              fiordifruta-Jam Ridgefield Bank Cycling Team        Bridgeport       CT
21     Daniel          Vernon             Squadra Casterama                                   Warwick          RI
22     Mark            Dutka              Mystic Velo                                         Uncasville       CT
23     Jack            Mully              Tokeneke Road Club                                  Westport         CT
24     Gary            Stafford           Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team                             Warwick          RI
25     Mark            Adler              Tokeneke Road Club                                  Westport         CT
26     Andreas         Maier              Powder Ridge Cycling Team                           Burlington       CT
27     Kenneth         Hamel              AFD/OSVC                                            Warwick          RI
28     Timothy         Strickland                                                             Waterford        CT
29     Aron            Kansal             JWU Cycling Club                                    Providence       RI
30     Jeff            Schwab             Arc en Ciel                                         North Kingstown  RI
31     Alan            Antonelli          Team Casterama                                      Cranston         RI
32     Jason           Thomas             ATA/Boston Road Club                                Framingham       MA
33     Steven          Gniazdowski        CBRC                                                Troy             NY
34     Peter           Babins                                                                 East Haddam      CT
35     Mike            Provost            ARC-EN-CIEL                                         Cranston         RI
36     Mark            Fienso                                                                 Mistic           CT
37     Randal          Parradee                                                               Lexington        MA
38     Joel            Kehm                                                                   Middletown       RI
39     Matt            Bodziony           Team Casterama                                      Wakefield        RI
40     Jorge           Ramirez            Team Bicycle Alley                                  Worcester        MA
41     Jeff            Baugher            Eastern bloc cycling club                           Canton           CT
42     Jason           Arcelay            NEBC/Cycleloft/EMC                                  Arlington        MA
43     Michael         Passetto           BCA / TOSK                                          Lenox Dale       MA
44     Bill            Barton             Arc en Ciel                                         Harvard          MA
45     Kelly           Parsons            Mystic Velo Club                                    Lyme             CT
46     Andy            Thompson           Team Bicycle Alley                                  Worcester        MA
47     Daniel          Raymond            powder ridge cycling team                           East Granby      CT
48     Raymond         Dewitt             Powder Ridge Cycling Team                           New Britain      CT
49     Christopher     Rehm               Team Bicycle Alley                                  Northboro        MA
50     David           Pinkos             Team Bicycle Alley                                  Worcester        MA
Derek           Barnett            Team Casterama                                      East Greenwich   RI
Matt            Demeis                                                                 Pawtucket        RI
Alan            Lizarraga          Capital Velo Club                                   Glastonbury      CT
Robert          Menendez           Squadra Casterama                                   Exeter           RI
Rod             Mitchell           AFD-OSVC                                            Barrington       RI
Brendan O'neil  O'neil             AFD/OSVC                                            Fall River       MA
Thom            Reid               GS Fiorenzo Magni/Team Horst Sports                 West Hartford    CT
Gary            Rumsey             ARC-EN-CIEL Race Team                               Exeter           RI
Geoffrey        San Antonio        GS Velovite                                         Warwick          RI
Peter           Sargent            Team Snow Valley                                    Unionville       PA
Brendan         Shafer             Necsa/fraysee's sports resort                       Madison          CT
Daniel          Zalenski           Cycle Center Racing                                 Fairfield        CT
Jared           Dalton             Cox Communications Cycling Team                     Wakefield        RI
Thomas          Voyteh             Ponder Ridge                                        Middlefield      CT
Jim             Woulfe             AED/ OSVC                                           Bristol          RI

Category 3 - 4 Women

Place  First Name   Last Name                  Team                              City         State
1      Leigh        Weiss                      NEBC/CycleLoft                    Boston       MA
2      Jane         Berger                     CRCA/Axis                         New York     NY
3      Jeaane       Curtis                     GMBC                              Gashen       CT
4      Theresa      Caricchio                  CBRC                              Schenectady  NY
5      Maryann      Martinez                   NEBC Cycleloft                    Concord      MA
6      Wendy        Cohen                      Kissena Cycling Club              NY           NY
7      Nancy        Shapiro                    Kissena Cycling Club              New York     NY
8      Lucretia     Cavan                      Team Fitness/EAS (CRCA)           New York     NY
9      Robin        Read                       CRCA/EAS                          NY           NY
10     Kristin      Williford                                                    Gansevoort   NY
11     Kathleen     Shaw                       Verizon Wireless / Cervelo        Canton       CT
12     Allie        Johnson                    NECSA                             Chester      CT
13     Allison      Donahue                    St. Michael's College             Cobalt       CT
Jane         Kenyon                     CRCA/Team EAS                     New York     NY
Becky        Koh                        CRCA/Radical Media                New York     NY
Randy        Sharp                      axis racing/century road club     Nyc          NY
Kimille      Taylor                     CRCA- radical media               New York     NY
Jaime        Epstein                    CRCA/ Radical Media               NYC          NY

Master Men 35+

Place  First Name   Last Name          Team                                      City                  State
1      Bill         Yabroudy           AFD / OSVC                                Coventry              RI
2      Randy        Rusk               Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team                   Exeter                RI
3      Michael      Sullivan           BOB/Skofield Builders                     Boston                MA
4      David        Kellogg            Arc En Ciel                               Providence            RI
5      Matthew      Domnarski          Cyclonauts Racers                         Ware                  MA
6      Todd         Buckley            Arc-en-Ciel Racing Team                   S. Kingstown          RI
7      Jeff         Palleiko           Eurotek cycling                           Rollinsford           NH
8      Alan         Potter             AFD/OSVC                                  Newton                MA
9      William      Thompson           Powder Ridge                              West Hartford         CT
10     Mark         Luzio              Arc en Ciel                               Brooklyn              CT
11     Peter        Sleight            eurotek cycling                           Framingham            MA
12     Keith        Guinta             Tokeneke Road Club                        Fairfield             CT
13     James        Walsh              Cox Communications Cycling Team           Wakefield             RI
14     Charles      Quackenbush        CBRC                                      Slingerlands          NY
15     William      Holmes             Boston Road Club                          Waltham               MA
16     William      Black              Arc En Ciel                               Cumberland Foreside   ME
17     Greg         Hall               laurel                                    Cheshire              CT
18     Brett        Rutledge           Arc-En-Ceil                               Westboro              MA
19     Paul         Anderson           Arc En Ciel                               Wyoming               RI
20     Bryant       McGuiness          Capital Velo Club                         Colchester            CT
21     John         Macleod            Arc en ciel Racing Team                   Cranston              RI
22     Terrence     Parker             EuroTek                                   South Berwick         ME
23     Lionel       Trahan             EuroTek                                   Gloucster             RI
24     Joel         Brown              Cox Communications Cycling Team           Wakefield             RI
25     Roger        Jutz               EUROTEK CYCLING                           Portsmouth            NH
Ken          Abrams             Arc-En-Ciel                               North Kingstown       RI
Euclides     Amado              Cox Communications                        Pawtucket             RI
Rex          Brewer             Arc en Ciel                               Wickford              RI
Jim          Buckley            Arc-en-Ciel                               Newport               RI
Paul         Dimartino          Arc-En-Ciel                               N. Kingstown          RI
Jorge        Hernandez          Minuteman Road Club                       West Newton           MA
Arnold T.    Kalmbach           Team - IBC                                Millis                MA
Scott        Klion              CRCA/Kaplan Inc.                          Gardiner              NY
Robert       Kramer             Mass Bay Road Club                        Boston                MA
Thomas       Luzio              Arc en Ciel                               Mamaroneck            NY
Tom          Mannion            CCB/Volkswagen                            Dedham                MA
Will         Mays               Arc-en-Ciel                               N Kingstown           RI
Ed           Norris             Northeast Bicycle Club/Cycle Loft         Stow                  MA
Mark         Paggioli           Capital Velo Club / Pig Iron Bicycle      Glastonbury           CT
Douglas      Shepard                                                      Mansfield             MA
Ivan         Solero             Mainline Cycling - BiKyle                 Philadelphia          PA
Morgan       Stebbins           Bethel Cycle Sport Club                   Spring Valley         NY
David        Uchenick           Arc en ciel                               Westford              MA
Donald       Vescio             Arc-en-Ciel                               Grafton               MA
Henry        Williams           Kissena                                   Freeport              NY
James        Considine          North Atlantic Velo                       Albany                NY
Jonathan     Durham             Capital Velo Club/Pig Iron                West Hartford         CT
Gary         Dalton             Cox Communications Cycling Team           Wakefield             RI
Matt         Brown              Cox Communications Cycling Team           Wakefield             RI
Jay          Clausen            NEBC / Cycle Loft                         Pepperell             MA
James        Haitz              Team Haitz / DuPont
Skip         Kuzel              Cox Communications Cycling Team           Lebanon               CT
Tom          Toal                                                         Norwalk               CT
Dave         Burnell            Cox Communications Cycling Team           Jamestown             RI
Jonathan     Babington          AFD/OSVC                                  Scituate              RI
Sean         Lebas              laurel                                    Ansonia               CT

Category 5 Men 30+

Place  First Name   Last Name               Team                                City                 State
1      David        Kimelberg                                                   Boston               MA
2      Lawrence     Felton                  Boston Road Club/ATA Bike           Hopkinton            MA
3      Clayton      Dennis                  Cox Communications Cycling Team     Westport             MA
4      Tj           Winalski                Unattached                          N. Oxford            MA
5      Steven       Horsefield              Unattached                          Upton                MA
6      Bob          Meikle                                                      Waterford            CT
7      Bob          Posey                   Housatonic Wheel Club               Southfield           MA
8      Andy         Novotny                 Benidorm/EBCC                       Pleasant Valley      CT
9      Ernest       Muzzatti                Nautilus Velo Club                  Madison              CT
10     John         Hankins                 Thread City Cyclers                 Mansfield Ctr.       CT
11     Geoff        Martin                  NEBC/Cycle Loft                     Watertown            MA
12     Ralph        Pulver                  Eastern Bloc Cycling Club           Farmington           CT
13     John         Mccarthy                                                    Branford             CT
14     Brian        Clancy                  Eastern Bloc Cycling Club           Simsbury             CT
15     Michael      Burris                                                      Beverly              MA
16     Peter        Nehring                                                     Berlin               CT
17     Christopher  Parent                  NCC /                   West Springfield     MA
18     Michael      Arciero                 Cox Communications Cycling Team     Cornwall On Hudson   NY
19     Walter       Lane                    Cox Communications Cycling Team     Westerly             RI
20     Steven       Levine                                                      Yorktown             NY
21     David        Parrillo                                                    North Kingstown      RI
22     David        Baxter                  Providence Velo Club                Cranston             RI
23     Robert       Smythe                                                      Middletown           CT
24     Joe          Sconzo                  Cycle Fitness Cycling Club          Trumbull             CT
25     Kevin        Atkinson                                                    Agawam               MA
26     Brian        Stone                   Team Bike Works                     Barrington           RI
27     Bemjamin     Wisniewski                                                  Oakdale              CT
28     Rob          Magadini                Housatonic Wheel Club               Southfield           MA
29     Lee          Parkins                                                     North Kingstown      RI
30     Robert       Stern                                                       Milford              CT
Jeff         Bousfield               Thread City Cyclers                 Manchester           CT
Ron          Deangelis               Cox/Stedmans                        Wakefield            RI
Peter        Drucker                 Housatonic Wheel Works              Gtbarrington         MA
Bill         Fasula                                                      Hamden               CT
Alan         Hamilton                Minuteman Road Club                 Sudbury              MA
Christian    Michaelson                                                  Seymour              CT
Kurt         Nelson                  Tokeneke Road Club                  Rowayton             CT
Robert       Oakes                   NEBC/Cycleloft                      Franklin             MA
Christopher  Page                    Thread City Cyclers                 Oakdale              CT
Louie        Petrucci                Bethel Cycle Sport Club             Meriden              CT
Randall      Semagin                 Thread City Cyclers                 Mansfield Center     CT
Steve        Spencer                                                     West Hartford        CT
Douglas      Thompson                                                    Gales Ferry          CT