Results » Cyclocross » 2008


Windham, NY

Saturday, September 6, 2008

TOUR OF THE CATSKILLS Presented by The Catskill Mountain Foundation Hunter & Windham, NY Saturday, September 06, 2008 to Sunday, September 07, 2008

Results Courtesy of 

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

General Classification
September 6-7, 2008

Men Pro/1/2/3                                                                                 GC
1     6    Roger       Aspholm       Westwood Velo                      Haworth         NJ    7:25:03
2     1    Justin      Lindine       TARGETRAINING / U25 Elite          Maplecrest      NY    7:26:20
3     9    Dan         Cassidy       CCB/Volkswagon                     Burlington      VT    7:31:27
4     4    William     Nowak         TARGETRAINING / U25 Elite          Guilford        CT    7:41:03
5     8    Amos        Brumble       CCB/Volkswagon                     Westerly        RI    7:52:23
6     5    Adam        St. Germain   TARGETRAINING/FASTAR               Burlington      VT    8:11:14
7     7    Peter       Bradshaw      NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental  Boston          MA    8:12:30
8     24   Adam        Zimmerman     Max Power Cycling                  Westbury        NY    8:16:00
9     3    David       Hoyle         TARGETRAINING / U25 Elite          Willow Grove    PA    8:19:06
10    19   Kyle        Peppo         CRCA/Jonathan Adler Racing         New York        NY    8:20:54
11    2    J Gabriel   Lloyd         TARGETRAINING / U25 Elite          New York City   NY    8:25:43
12    21   Austin      Roach         Princeton University Cycling       Princeton       NJ    8:28:03

Women Open                                                                                    GC
1     133  Elena       Leznik        CRCA/Radical Media                 Fort Lee        NJ    5:22:49
2     137  Evelyn      Stevens       CRCA / Radical Media               New York        NY    5:22:49
3     138  Silke       Wunderwald    Independent Fabrication/Kempner    Stonington      CT    5:27:32
4     135  Cheryl      Rondeau       Independent                        Toronto         ON    5:37:45
5     134  Donna       McMahon       GBSC Babylon Bike                  West Islip      NY    5:45:07
6     129  Caryl       Gale          CRCA-Comedy Central-Sids           Hoboken         NJ    5:58:58
7     126  BrittLee    Bowman                                           New York        NY    6:05:08
8     132  Laura       Kozlowski     Velo Bella                         Ithaca          NY    6:05:26
9     128  Karen       Franzen       CVC/Subaru of New England          Wethersfield    CT    6:19:14
10    127  Stephanie   Busloff       CRCA/Avenue A/Razorfish Cycling    New York        NY    6:22:51
11    130  Felicia     Kearsley                                         Haines Falls    NY    6:45:58

Men 3                                                                                         GC
1     357  Nick        Pignatello    Exodus Road Racing                 Griswold        CT    4:45:48
2     374  Ernest      Tautkus       Exodus Road Racing                 Uncasville      CT    4:47:22
3     334  Peter       Hurst         Connecticut Coast Cycling          New Canaan      CT    4:47:32
4     355  Lee         Peters        UVM Cycling                        Ticonderoga     NY    4:47:42
5     379  Aaron       Wolfe         CRCA/               New York        NY    4:47:47
6     320  David       Fierro        Exodus Road Racing/Pools etc/BrumblUncasville      CT    4:47:47
7     380  Timothy     Oakes         Champion System Racing             New York        NY    4:47:47
8     309  Chris       Chapman       Westwood Velo                      Ridgewood       NJ    4:47:47
9     303  Andrew      Bernstein     Brooklyn Velo Force/GQ Racing      Saratoga SpringsNY    4:53:53
10    324  Sean        Groenewald    CRCA/               West New York   NJ    5:03:26
11    368  Steve       Sloan        NY    5:04:39
12    359  Christoffel Prinsloo      CRCA/SouthAfrica.Net               Fort Lee        NJ    5:06:55
13    325  Jesse       Gutierrez     DC Racing / Sebago Shoes / Mtn OutfBronxville      NY    5:07:06
14    347  Cody        Miller        Team Waste Management              Phoenix         AZ    5:14:02
15    318  Nat         Eng           CRCA / Avenue A | Razorfish CyclingForest Hills    NY    5:41:23

Men 4                                                                                         GC
1     339  Stefan      Kusurelis     Cadence Cycling                    New York        NY    4:46:41
2     370  James       Stevens       GS Gotham/Toga                     New York        NY    4:47:32
3     351  Jon         Nash                                             Pawling         NY    4:47:32
4     362  Ben         Reynolds      Bayside Velo / Bike Doctor         Severna Park    MD    4:47:42
5     302  Daniel      Barney        Mac 5 Bikes / GVCC                 Rochester       NY    4:47:47
6     323  Bill        Golembieski   ScottGrimshaw.Net/MaxPowerCycling.cBrewerton       NY    4:47:47
7     331  Joseph      Holler        Hollyloft / Kwik Fill              Buffalo         NY    4:47:47
8     356  Nathan      Piche         Farm Team Cycling                  Hoosick Falls   NY    4:47:47
9     327  Danny       Habig                                            Herricks        NY    4:48:06
10    348  Shane       Moran         Westwood Velo                      Piermont        NY    4:48:16
11    377  James       Walker        Team Placid Planet                 Elizabethtown   NY    4:53:04
12    313  Neil        Cooper        CRCA                               Brooklyn        NY    4:53:49
13    332  Jeff        Hoover        maxpowercycling                    Syracuse        NY    4:54:34
14    308  David       Carr          CRCA/Setanta                       New York        NY    4:57:20
15    328  Aaron       Hall          Harvard                            Somerville      MA    5:00:46
16    315  Jeremy      Dawkins       The Bicycle Depot, New Paltz       Gardiner        NY    5:03:05
17    329  Elliot      Hawkes                                           Cambridge       MA    5:03:14
18    366  Jason       Schmidt                                          New York        NY    5:05:46
19    317  Paul        Eisele        Max Power Cycling                  Cortland        NY    5:06:50
20    367  Gino        Scotto        CRCA/               Upper BrookvilleNY    5:06:52
21    376  Jay         Vincent       Cycle Center Racing                Bethel          CT    5:06:57
22    304  Ira         Blumberg      CRCA                               New York        NY    5:07:02
23    306  Todd        Brilliant     CRCA/Setanta                       New York        NY    5:07:05
24    301  Jimmy       Andrello      Century Road Club Association      New York        NY    5:12:53
25    333  Ben         Hughes        CRCA/Merrill Lynch-Hincapie Sports New York        NY    5:16:28
26    371  Joshua      Storck        Brooklyn Velo Force / GQ Racing    Brooklyn        NY    5:22:06
27    349  Bill        Moss          CRCA/               New York        NY    5:26:21
28    373  Etsu        Taniguchi     CRCA / Avenue A | Razorfish CyclingNew York        NY    5:33:14
29    335  Jordan      Jan           Brooklyn Velo Force / GQ Racing    Brooklyn        NY    5:35:55
30    341  Michael     Lenihan       Battenkill-United/ Lake George     NY    5:47:02
31    342  Jonathan    Leong         El Puente                          New York        NY    5:48:02
32    340  Tom         Laskey        CRCA/Setanta                       New York        NY    5:49:29
33    345  Anthony     Mazzella      Sanchez -Metro / CRCA              New York        NY    6:02:28
34    311  Sorin       Ciurea        New York Bicycle Racing AssociationNew York        NY    6:05:20
35    364  Adam        Rosenthal     CRCA/Oganic Athlete                New York        NY    6:06:42
36    361  Russell     Raymundo                                         Oakland Gardens NY    6:08:27
37    363  Neal        Reynolds      Bike Doctor/Bayside Velo           Severna Park    MD    6:18:12
38    354  Maurice     Osorio        kissena cycling club               Douglaston      NY    6:28:56

Men 5                                                                                         GC
1     161  Matthew     Doran         RETRO VELO                         Central Nyack   NY    5:04:04
2     160  Brian       Donohue       Battenkill-United                  Bolton Landing  NY    5:11:40
3     150  Larry       Altman        gmbc                               Burlington      VT    5:12:32
4     162  Jeremy      Drowne        Battenkill-United                  Saratoga SpringsNY    5:21:00
5     175  David       Tacheny                     New York        NY    5:23:40
6     165  Philip      Everett       CRCA/NYVelocity                    New York        NY    5:24:18
7     166  Pedro       Furtado       signature cycles\dkny              Tuxedo          NY    5:38:34
8     158  Terence     Cordner                                          Katonah         NY    5:38:34
9     167  Jeffrey     Jenkins                                          New York City   NY    5:49:34
10    156  Evan        Chalfin       CRCA/ NYVELOCITY                   New Rochelle    NY    5:53:24
11    168  Anthony     Larocca       Fitness Concepts                   Windham         NY    5:53:43
12    155  Chris       Carey         NAD Racing                         Hamden          NY    5:54:27
13    169  Peter       Manning                                          Bovina Center   NY    5:55:20
14    170  Joason      O'Neill       CATSKILL MULTI SPORT e=cm2         Staten Island   NY    6:00:56
15    153  Rich        Burnley       Battenkill United                  Gansevoort      NY    6:01:07
16    151  Charles     Braman        tioga velo                         Greene          NY    6:09:13
17    172  Peter       Rasmussen     Windham Mountain Outfitters        Windham         NY    6:09:22
18    176  Scott       Husta                                            Hurley          NY    6:34:14
19    152  James       Brosnan       CRCA/NYVelocity                    New York        NY    6:35:45
20    163  Robert      Dutcher       MORE                               Poolesville     MD    7:05:46
21    178  Kevin       Maldonado                                        Windham         NY    7:13:53
22    164  Steve       Dutcher                                          Walton          NY    7:26:28

Masters 30+                                                                                   GC
1     42   Christian   Favata        Alan North American Cycling Team   Kerhonkson      NY    5:25:45
2     44   Gregg       Galletta      CRCA - Merrill Lynch/Hincapie SportNew York        NY    5:25:45
3     45   Kurt        Gustafsson    CRCA / AXIS                        Brooklyn        NY    5:26:14
4     43   Fernando    Ferreira      bicycling magazine                 Poughkeepsie    NY    5:27:40
5     47   Peter       Ozolins                   Ithaca          NY    5:32:24
6     40   Humberto    Cavalheiro    dkny\signature cylces              Central Valley  NY    5:33:15
7     46   Mark        Miller        Table Rock (TRT)                   Hurley          NY    5:37:48
8     41   Peter       Dinolfo       North Atlantic Velo/ClassBook.Com/GTroy            NY    5:38:35
9     48   Jason       Schreer                                          Potsdam         NY    5:45:15
10    50   Kyle        Wolfe         TARGETRAINING                      Stamford        CT    6:32:28

Masters 40+                                                                                   GC
1     77   Troy        Kimball       Westwood Velo                      Randolph        NJ    5:25:21
2     72   Todd        Cassan        Westwood Velo                      New York        NY    5:25:38
3     82   Don         Sproull Cycles/FLCC  Auburn          NY    5:25:55
4     74   David       Faso                Cazenovia       NY    5:28:17
5     80   Albino      Moita         dyny\signature cycles              Central Valley  NY    5:34:03
6     73   Marc        Cesare        CRCA/DKNY-Signature Cycles         Brooklyn        NY    5:40:59
7     79   Andrew      Melnychenko   Maxpowercycling                    Alpine          NY    5:41:57
8     70   Bruce       Armentrout    Battenkill United/Unicorr          Williamstown    MA    5:52:54
9     81   J. Craig    Robertson                                        Williamstown    MA    5:58:09
10    84   Jackson     Wandres       Deno's Wonder Wheels               Brooklyn        NY    5:59:44
11    76   John        Halloran      CRCA                               New York        NY    6:35:21

Masters 50+                                                                                   GC
1     107  Doug        O'Neill       Deno's Wonder Wheel                West New York   NJ    5:27:29
2     104  Mark        Luzio         CYCLE FITNESS                      Brooklyn        CT    5:27:44
3     108  Tom         Officer       Cycle Fitness (last one boys!)     Litchfield      CT    5:32:00
4     111  Andrew      Ross                Mexico          NY    5:32:14
5     110  Bob         Roldan        everactiveonline/Workers Comp SolutSomerville      MA    5:41:43
6     106  Bob         Meikle        Mystic Velo Club                   Waterford       CT    5:49:09
7     105  James       Marshall      Competitive Edge Racing Team       Shaftsbury      VT    5:49:59
8     101  Ken         Grey                                             Saratoga SpringsNY    6:08:11
9     102  Phillip     Hershberger   CBRC                               Climax          NY    6:59:32

Stage 2, Catskill Epic
Windham, NY
September 7, 2008

Men Pro/1/2/3          14 Starters                                                     84 Miles  Bonus
1    1    Justin       Lindine      TARGETRAINING / U25 Elite          Maplecrest  NY  3:56:30   :15
2    9    Dan          Cassidy      CCB/Volkswagon                     Burlington  VT  3:56:37   :10
3    6    Roger        Aspholm      Westwood Velo                      Haworth     NJ  3:56:37   :05
4    4    William      Nowak        TARGETRAINING / U25 Elite          Guilford    CT  4:06:08
5    8    Amos         Brumble      CCB/Volkswagon                     Westerly    RI  4:07:20
6    5    Adam         St. Germain  TARGETRAINING/FASTAR               Burlington  VT  4:12:43
7    24   Adam         Zimmerman    Max Power Cycling                  Westbury    NY  4:16:00
8    19   Kyle         Peppo        CRCA/Jonathan Adler Racing         New York    NY  4:28:05
9    21   Austin       Roach        Princeton University Cycling       Princeton   NJ  4:34:03
10   2    J Gabriel    Lloyd        TARGETRAINING / U25 Elite          New York CitNY  4:34:03
11   7    Peter        Bradshaw     NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental  Boston      MA  4:34:03
12   3    David        Hoyle        TARGETRAINING / U25 Elite          Willow GrovePA  4:34:03
DQ   14   John         McGill       Onion River Sports                 Montpelier  VT

Women Open             11 Starters                                                     52 Miles  Bonus
1    133  Elena        Leznik       CRCA/Radical Media                 Fort Lee    NJ  2:43:22   :15
2    137  Evelyn       Stevens      CRCA / Radical Media               New York    NY  2:43:22   :10
3    138  Silke        Wunderwald   Independent Fabrication/Kempner    Stonington  CT  2:48:05   :05
4    135  Cheryl       Rondeau      Independent                        Toronto     ON  2:54:03
5    134  Donna        McMahon      GBSC Babylon Bike                  West Islip  NY  2:59:05
6    129  Caryl        Gale         CRCA-Comedy Central-Sids           Hoboken     NJ  3:06:44
7    126  BrittLee     Bowman                                          New York    NY  3:13:10
8    132  Laura        Kozlowski    Velo Bella                         Ithaca      NY  3:13:22
9    128  Karen        Franzen      CVC/Subaru of New England          WethersfieldCT  3:21:57
10   127  Stephanie    Busloff      CRCA/Avenue A/Razorfish Cycling    New York    NY  3:22:45
11   130  Felicia      Kearsley                                        Haines FallsNY  3:38:53

Men 3                  16 Starters                                                     52 Miles  Bonus
1    357  Nick         Pignatello   Exodus Road Racing                 Griswold    CT  2:28:56   :15
2    374  Ernest       Tautkus      Exodus Road Racing                 Uncasville  CT  2:30:40   :10
3    334  Peter        Hurst        Connecticut Coast Cycling          New Canaan  CT  2:30:40   :05
4    379  Aaron        Wolfe        CRCA/               New York    NY  2:30:40
5    380  Timothy      Oakes        Champion System Racing             New York    NY  2:30:40
6    355  Lee          Peters       UVM Cycling                        Ticonderoga NY  2:30:40
7    320  David        Fierro       Exodus Road Racing/Pools etc/BrumblUncasville  CT  2:30:40
8    309  Chris        Chapman      Westwood Velo                      Ridgewood   NJ  2:30:40
9    324  Sean         Groenewald   CRCA/               West New YorNJ  2:36:46
10   303  Andrew       Bernstein    Brooklyn Velo Force/GQ Racing      Saratoga SprNY  2:36:46
11   368  Steve        Sloan    NY  2:37:55
12   325  Jesse        Gutierrez    DC Racing / Sebago Shoes / Mtn OutfBronxville  NY  2:40:22
13   359  Christoffel  Prinsloo     CRCA/SouthAfrica.Net               Fort Lee    NJ  2:42:16
14   347  Cody         Miller       Team Waste Management              Phoenix     AZ  2:56:26
15   318  Nat          Eng          CRCA / Avenue A | Razorfish CyclingForest HillsNY  3:03:25

Men 4                  40 Starters                                                     52 Miles  Bonus
1    339  Stefan       Kusurelis    Cadence Cycling                    New York    NY  2:29:20   :15
2    327  Danny        Habig                                           Herricks    NY  2:30:40   :10
3    370  James        Stevens      GS Gotham/Toga                     New York    NY  2:30:40   :05
4    302  Daniel       Barney       Mac 5 Bikes / GVCC                 Rochester   NY  2:30:40
5    348  Shane        Moran        Westwood Velo                      Piermont    NY  2:30:40
6    323  Bill         Golembieski  ScottGrimshaw.Net/MaxPowerCycling.cBrewerton   NY  2:30:40
7    308  David        Carr         CRCA/Setanta                       New York    NY  2:30:40
8    331  Joseph       Holler       Hollyloft / Kwik Fill              Buffalo     NY  2:30:40
9    356  Nathan       Piche        Farm Team Cycling                  Hoosick FallNY  2:30:40
10   362  Ben          Reynolds     Bayside Velo / Bike Doctor         Severna ParkMD  2:30:40
11   351  Jon          Nash                                            Pawling     NY  2:30:40
12   377  James        Walker       Team Placid Planet                 ElizabethtowNY  2:35:57
13   328  Aaron        Hall         Harvard                            Somerville  MA  2:36:07
14   313  Neil         Cooper       CRCA                               Brooklyn    NY  2:36:13
15   317  Paul         Eisele       Max Power Cycling                  Cortland    NY  2:36:46
16   332  Jeff         Hoover       maxpowercycling                    Syracuse    NY  2:36:58
17   315  Jeremy       Dawkins      The Bicycle Depot, New Paltz       Gardiner    NY  2:37:04
18   366  Jason        Schmidt                                         New York    NY  2:40:12
19   367  Gino         Scotto       CRCA/               Upper BrookvNY  2:40:12
20   376  Jay          Vincent      Cycle Center Racing                Bethel      CT  2:40:17
21   304  Ira          Blumberg     CRCA                               New York    NY  2:40:22
22   306  Todd         Brilliant    CRCA/Setanta                       New York    NY  2:40:25
23   364  Adam         Rosenthal    CRCA/Oganic Athlete                New York    NY  2:44:00
24   329  Elliot       Hawkes                                          Cambridge   MA  2:46:07
25   301  Jimmy        Andrello     Century Road Club Association      New York    NY  2:46:13
26   333  Ben          Hughes       CRCA/Merrill Lynch-Hincapie Sports New York    NY  2:46:24
27   371  Joshua       Storck       Brooklyn Velo Force / GQ Racing    Brooklyn    NY  2:49:00
28   335  Jordan       Jan          Brooklyn Velo Force / GQ Racing    Brooklyn    NY  2:52:31
29   349  Bill         Moss         CRCA/               New York    NY  2:55:03
30   373  Etsu         Taniguchi    CRCA / Avenue A | Razorfish CyclingNew York    NY  2:55:16
31   340  Tom          Laskey       CRCA/Setanta                       New York    NY  3:06:05
32   342  Jonathan     Leong        El Puente                          New York    NY  3:06:27
33   341  Michael      Lenihan      Battenkill-United/ Lake George NY  3:07:37
34   311  Sorin        Ciurea       New York Bicycle Racing AssociationNew York    NY  3:10:32
35   345  Anthony      Mazzella     Sanchez -Metro / CRCA              New York    NY  3:16:58
36   361  Russell      Raymundo                                        Oakland GardNY  3:20:24
37   363  Neal         Reynolds     Bike Doctor/Bayside Velo           Severna ParkMD  3:25:57
38   354  Maurice      Osorio       kissena cycling club               Douglaston  NY  3:29:14

Men 5                  23 Starters                                                     52 Miles  Bonus
1    150  Larry        Altman       gmbc                               Burlington  VT  2:39:44   :15
2    161  Matthew      Doran        RETRO VELO                         Central NyacNY  2:39:44   :10
3    160  Brian        Donohue      Battenkill-United                  Bolton LandiNY  2:43:31   :05
4    175  David        Tacheny                     New York    NY  2:48:15
5    165  Philip       Everett      CRCA/NYVelocity                    New York    NY  2:48:53
6    162  Jeremy       Drowne       Battenkill-United                  Saratoga SprNY  2:52:31
7    166  Pedro        Furtado      signature cycles\dkny              Tuxedo      NY  2:59:15
8    158  Terence      Cordner                                         Katonah     NY  2:59:15
9    153  Rich         Burnley      Battenkill United                  Gansevoort  NY  3:21:42
10   167  Jeffrey      Jenkins                                         New York CitNY  3:04:10
11   169  Peter        Manning                                         Bovina CenteNY  3:04:18
12   156  Evan         Chalfin      CRCA/ NYVELOCITY                   New RochelleNY  3:06:39
13   170  Joason       O'Neill      CATSKILL MULTI SPORT e=cm2         Staten IslanNY  3:07:18
14   155  Chris        Carey        NAD Racing                         Hamden      NY  3:09:25
15   168  Anthony      Larocca      Fitness Concepts                   Windham     NY  3:09:53
16   151  Charles      Braman       tioga velo                         Greene      NY  3:14:01
17   172  Peter        Rasmussen    Windham Mountain Outfitters        Windham     NY  3:14:10
18   176  Scott        Husta                                           Hurley      NY  3:30:47
19   152  James        Brosnan      CRCA/NYVelocity                    New York    NY  3:33:05
20   163  Robert       Dutcher      MORE                               Poolesville MD  3:43:16
21   178  Kevin        Maldonado                                       Windham     NY  3:52:23
22   164  Steve        Dutcher                                         Walton      NY  3:54:18

Masters 30+            11 Starters                                                     52 Miles  Bonus
1    43   Fernando     Ferreira     bicycling magazine                 PoughkeepsieNY  2:34:26   :15
2    42   Christian    Favata       Alan North American Cycling Team   Kerhonkson  NY  2:34:30   :10
3    44   Gregg        Galletta     CRCA - Merrill Lynch/Hincapie SportNew York    NY  2:34:30   :05
4    45   Kurt         Gustafsson   CRCA / AXIS                        Brooklyn    NY  2:34:44
5    47   Peter        Ozolins                   Ithaca      NY  2:38:55
6    40   Humberto     Cavalheiro   dkny\signature cylces              Central VallNY  2:39:46
7    41   Peter        Dinolfo      North Atlantic Velo/ClassBook.Com/GTroy        NY  2:41:11
8    46   Mark         Miller       Table Rock (TRT)                   Hurley      NY  2:44:19
9    48   Jason        Schreer                                         Potsdam     NY  2:47:52
10   50   Kyle         Wolfe        TARGETRAINING                      Stamford    CT  3:04:30

Masters 40+            11 Starters                                                     52 Miles  Bonus
1    72   Todd         Cassan       Westwood Velo                      New York    NY  2:34:23   :15
2    82   Don          Sproull Cycles/FLCC  Auburn      NY  2:34:30   :10
3    77   Troy         Kimball      Westwood Velo                      Randolph    NJ  2:34:30   :05
4    74   David        Faso                Cazenovia   NY  2:34:48
5    80   Albino       Moita        dyny\signature cycles              Central VallNY  2:40:34
6    73   Marc         Cesare       CRCA/DKNY-Signature Cycles         Brooklyn    NY  2:40:55
7    79   Andrew       Melnychenko  Maxpowercycling                    Alpine      NY  2:47:00
8    70   Bruce        Armentrout   Battenkill United/Unicorr          WilliamstownMA  2:52:50
9    81   J. Craig     Robertson                                       WilliamstownMA  2:54:00
10   84   Jackson      Wandres      Deno's Wonder Wheels               Brooklyn    NY  3:02:20
11   76   John         Halloran     CRCA                               New York    NY  3:11:21

Masters 50+            9 Starters                                                      52 Miles  Bonus
1    107  Doug         O'Neill      Deno's Wonder Wheel                West New YorNJ  2:34:30   :15
2    104  Mark         Luzio        CYCLE FITNESS                      Brooklyn    CT  2:34:30   :10
3    108  Tom          Officer      Cycle Fitness (last one boys!)     Litchfield  CT  2:34:40   :05
4    111  Andrew       Ross                Mexico      NY  2:38:55
5    110  Bob          Roldan       everactiveonline/Workers Comp SolutSomerville  MA  2:44:19
6    105  James        Marshall     Competitive Edge Racing Team       Shaftsbury  VT  2:49:51
7    101  Ken          Grey                                            Saratoga SprNY  2:54:00
8    106  Bob          Meikle       Mystic Velo Club                   Waterford   CT  2:55:40
9    102  Phillip      Hershberger  CBRC                               Climax      NY  3:13:27

Stage 1, Mountain Top Classic
Hunter, NY
September 6, 2008

Men Pro/1/2/3                               20 Starters                                            84 Miles  Bonus
1      6      Roger         Aspholm         Westwood Velo                       Haworth        NJ  3:28:46   :15
2      1      Justin        Lindine         TARGETRAINING / U25 Elite           Maplecrest     NY  3:30:15   :10
3      4      William       Nowak           TARGETRAINING / U25 Elite           Guilford       CT  3:35:00   :05
4      9      Dan           Cassidy         CCB/Volkswagon                      Burlington     VT  3:35:00
5      7      Peter         Bradshaw        NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental   Boston         MA  3:38:27
6      3      David         Hoyle           TARGETRAINING / U25 Elite           Willow Grove   PA  3:45:03
7      8      Amos          Brumble         CCB/Volkswagon                      Westerly       RI  3:45:03
8      2      J Gabriel     Lloyd           TARGETRAINING / U25 Elite           New York City  NY  3:51:40
9      14     John          McGill          Onion River Sports                  Montpelier     VT  3:51:40
10     19     Kyle          Peppo           CRCA/Jonathan Adler Racing          New York       NY  3:52:49
11     21     Austin        Roach           Princeton University Cycling        Princeton      NJ  3:54:00
12     23     Pascal        Sauvayre        CRCA/Merrill Lynch                  New York       NY  3:55:35
13     5      Adam          St. Germain     TARGETRAINING/FASTAR                Burlington     VT  3:58:31
14     11     David         Costa           Watchung Wheelmen                   Roselle Park   NJ  4:00:00
15     24     Adam          Zimmerman       Max Power Cycling                   Westbury       NY  4:00:00
DNF    10     Cameron       Cogburn         Chris Cookies / Swan Cycles         Ithaca         NY
DNF    12     Matt          Cuttler         CRCA/Affinity Cycles                Brooklyn       NY
DNF    15     Austin        McLenithan      Farm Team Cycling                   Cambridge      NY
DNF    20     Kim           Riseth          CRCA / Jonathan Adler Racing        New York       NY
DNF    22     Andreas       Runggatscher    Signature Cycles/DKNY               Monroe         NY

Women Open                                  13 Starters                                            52 Miles  Bonus
1      138    Silke         Wunderwald      Independent Fabrication/Kempner     Stonington     CT  2:39:47   :15
2      137    Evelyn        Stevens         CRCA / Radical Media                New York       NY  2:39:47   :10
3      133    Elena         Leznik          CRCA/Radical Media                  Fort Lee       NJ  2:39:47   :05
4      135    Cheryl        Rondeau         Independent                         Toronto        ON  2:43:42
5      134    Donna         McMahon         GBSC Babylon Bike                   West Islip     NY  2:46:02
6      126    BrittLee      Bowman                                              New York       NY  2:51:58
7      132    Laura         Kozlowski       Velo Bella                          Ithaca         NY  2:52:04
8      129    Caryl         Gale            CRCA-Comedy Central-Sids            Hoboken        NJ  2:52:14
9      131    Jennifer      Kendrick                                            Cohoes         NY  2:54:52
10     136    Laury         Saligman        Onion River Sports                  Montpelier     VT  2:57:17
11     128    Karen         Franzen         CVC/Subaru of New England           Wethersfield   CT  2:57:17
12     127    Stephanie     Busloff         CRCA/Avenue A/Razorfish Cycling     New York       NY  3:00:06
13     130    Felicia       Kearsley                                            Haines Falls   NY  3:07:05

Men 3/4                                     61 Starters                                            52 Miles  Bonus
1      374    Ernest        Tautkus         Exodus Road Racing                  Uncasville     CT  2:17:07   :15
2      334    Peter         Hurst           Connecticut Coast Cycling           New Canaan     CT  2:17:07   :10
3      355    Lee           Peters          UVM Cycling                         Ticonderoga    NY  2:17:07   :05
4      357    Nick          Pignatello      Exodus Road Racing                  Griswold       CT  2:17:07
5      351    Jon           Nash                                                Pawling        NY  2:17:07   :15
6      370    James         Stevens         GS Gotham/Toga                      New York       NY  2:17:07   :10
7      379    Aaron         Wolfe           CRCA/                New York       NY  2:17:07
8      303    Andrew        Bernstein       Brooklyn Velo Force/GQ Racing       Saratoga SpringNY  2:17:07
9      320    David         Fierro          Exodus Road Racing/Pools etc/BrumbleUncasville     CT  2:17:07
10     362    Ben           Reynolds        Bayside Velo / Bike Doctor          Severna Park   MD  2:17:07   :05
11     377    James         Walker          Team Placid Planet                  Elizabethtown  NY  2:17:07
12     312    Patrick       Clifford        BICYCLE DEPOT New Paltz  NY         New Paltz      NY  2:17:07
13     309    Chris         Chapman         Westwood Velo                       Ridgewood      NJ  2:17:07
14     323    Bill          Golembieski     ScottGrimshaw.Net/MaxPowerCycling.coBrewerton      NY  2:17:07
15     331    Joseph        Holler          Hollyloft / Kwik Fill               Buffalo        NY  2:17:07
16     302    Daniel        Barney          Mac 5 Bikes / GVCC                  Rochester      NY  2:17:07
17     356    Nathan        Piche           Farm Team Cycling                   Hoosick Falls  NY  2:17:07
18     329    Elliot        Hawkes                                              Cambridge      MA  2:17:07
19     380    Timothy       Oakes           Champion System Racing              New York       NY  2:17:07
20     348    Shane         Moran           Westwood Velo                       Piermont       NY  2:17:36
21     339    Stefan        Kusurelis       Cadence Cycling                     New York       NY  2:17:36
22     327    Danny         Habig                                               Herricks       NY  2:17:36
23     375    David         Trumpf          CRCA/NYvelocity                     New York       NY  2:17:36
24     313    Neil          Cooper          CRCA                                Brooklyn       NY  2:17:36
25     332    Jeff          Hoover          maxpowercycling                     Syracuse       NY  2:17:36
26     347    Cody          Miller          Team Waste Management               Phoenix        AZ  2:17:36
27     328    Aaron         Hall            Harvard                             Somerville     MA  2:24:39
28     359    Christoffel   Prinsloo        CRCA/SouthAfrica.Net                Fort Lee       NJ  2:24:39
29     366    Jason         Schmidt                                             New York       NY  2:25:34
30     315    Jeremy        Dawkins         The Bicycle Depot, New Paltz        Gardiner       NY  2:26:01
31     304    Ira           Blumberg        CRCA                                New York       NY  2:26:40
32     321    Matt          Goedeke         C B R C                             Delmar         NY  2:26:40
33     367    Gino          Scotto          CRCA/                Upper BrookvillNY  2:26:40
34     306    Todd          Brilliant       CRCA/Setanta                        New York       NY  2:26:40
35     308    David         Carr            CRCA/Setanta                        New York       NY  2:26:40
36     324    Sean          Groenewald      CRCA/                West New York  NJ  2:26:40
37     376    Jay           Vincent         Cycle Center Racing                 Bethel         CT  2:26:40
38     301    Jimmy         Andrello        Century Road Club Association       New York       NY  2:26:40
39     368    Steve         Sloan        NY  2:26:44
40     325    Jesse         Gutierrez       DC Racing / Sebago Shoes / Mtn OutfiBronxville     NY  2:26:44
41     333    Ben           Hughes          CRCA/Merrill Lynch-Hincapie Sports  New York       NY  2:30:04
42     317    Paul          Eisele          Max Power Cycling                   Cortland       NY  2:30:04
43     349    Bill          Moss            CRCA/                New York       NY  2:31:18
44     371    Joshua        Storck          Brooklyn Velo Force / GQ Racing     Brooklyn       NY  2:33:06
45     373    Etsu          Taniguchi       CRCA / Avenue A | Razorfish Cycling New York       NY  2:37:58
46     318    Nat           Eng             CRCA / Avenue A | Razorfish Cycling Forest Hills   NY  2:37:58
47     341    Michael       Lenihan         Battenkill-United/  Lake George    NY  2:39:25
48     336    Jack          Jefferies       Organic Athlete / crca              New York       NY  2:41:35
49     342    Jonathan      Leong           El Puente                           New York       NY  2:41:35
50     335    Jordan        Jan             Brooklyn Velo Force / GQ Racing     Brooklyn       NY  2:43:24
51     340    Tom           Laskey          CRCA/Setanta                        New York       NY  2:43:24
52     378    Barry         Weinstein       CRCA Jr. Development                New York       NY  2:45:27
53     345    Anthony       Mazzella        Sanchez -Metro / CRCA               New York       NY  2:45:30
54     361    Russell       Raymundo                                            Oakland GardensNY  2:48:03
55     363    Neal          Reynolds        Bike Doctor/Bayside Velo            Severna Park   MD  2:52:15
56     311    Sorin         Ciurea          New York Bicycle Racing Association New York       NY  2:54:48
57     354    Maurice       Osorio          kissena cycling club                Douglaston     NY  2:59:42
58     372    Jordan        Strober         CRCA JrDev/ Orbea                   Yorktown HeightNY  3:09:58
59     364    Adam          Rosenthal       CRCA/Oganic Athlete                 New York       NY  3:22:42
DNF    343    Carlos        Martinez                Woodhaven      NY
DNF    350    Matt          Muney           Connecticut Coast Cycling           Darien         CT

Men 5                                       28 Starters                                            52 Miles  Bonus
1      161    Matthew       Doran           RETRO VELO                          Central Nyack  NY  2:24:45   :15
2      160    Brian         Donohue         Battenkill-United                   Bolton Landing NY  2:28:24   :10
3      162    Jeremy        Drowne          Battenkill-United                   Saratoga SpringNY  2:28:34   :05
4      150    Larry         Altman          gmbc                                Burlington     VT  2:33:03
5      175    David         Tacheny                      New York       NY  2:35:25
6      165    Philip        Everett         CRCA/NYVelocity                     New York       NY  2:35:25
7      158    Terence       Cordner                                             Katonah        NY  2:39:19
8      166    Pedro         Furtado         signature cycles\dkny               Tuxedo         NY  2:39:19
9      153    Rich          Burnley         Battenkill United                   Gansevoort     NY  2:39:25
10     168    Anthony       Larocca         Fitness Concepts                    Windham        NY  2:43:50
11     155    Chris         Carey           NAD Racing                          Hamden         NY  2:45:02
12     167    Jeffrey       Jenkins                                             New York City  NY  2:45:24
13     156    Evan          Chalfin         CRCA/ NYVELOCITY                    New Rochelle   NY  2:46:45
14     159    Michael       Dimson          Yorktown Cycles                     Bedford        NY  2:51:02
15     169    Peter         Manning                                             Bovina Center  NY  2:51:02
16     174    Sam           Strober         Yorktown Cycle                      Yorktown HeightNY  2:51:02
17     170    Joason        O'Neill         CATSKILL MULTI SPORT e=cm2          Staten Island  NY  2:53:38
18     172    Peter         Rasmussen       Windham Mountain Outfitters         Windham        NY  2:55:12
19     151    Charles       Braman          tioga velo                          Greene         NY  2:55:12
20     152    James         Brosnan         CRCA/NYVelocity                     New York       NY  3:02:40
21     176    Scott         Husta                                               Hurley         NY  3:03:27
22     173    Jose          Soriano                                             New York       NY  3:12:28
23     178    Kevin         Maldonado                                           Windham        NY  3:21:30
24     163    Robert        Dutcher         MORE                                Poolesville    MD  3:22:30
25     164    Steve         Dutcher                                             Walton         NY  3:32:10
26     171    Luis          Palacio                                             Baldwin        NY  3:35:07
27     157    Steve MarshallCohen           Elite                               Hunter         NY  3:43:34
DNF    177    Daniel        Provencher                                          Cairo          NY

Masters 30+, 40+, 50+                       35 Starters                                            52 Miles  Bonus
1      77     Troy          Kimball         Westwood Velo                       Randolph       NJ  2:51:11   :15
2      75     John          Funk            Cycle Fitness                       South Kent     CT  2:51:11   :10
3      44     Gregg         Galletta        CRCA - Merrill Lynch/Hincapie SportsNew York       NY  2:51:35   :15
4      42     Christian     Favata          Alan North American Cycling Team    Kerhonkson     NY  2:51:35   :10
5      72     Todd          Cassan          Westwood Velo                       New York       NY  2:51:35   :05
6      82     Don           Sproull Cycles/FLCC   Auburn         NY  2:51:35
7      45     Kurt          Gustafsson      CRCA / AXIS                         Brooklyn       NY  2:51:35   :05
8      46     Mark          Miller          Table Rock (TRT)                    Hurley         NY  2:53:29
9      80     Albino        Moita           dyny\signature cycles               Central Valley NY  2:53:29
10     43     Fernando      Ferreira        bicycling magazine                  Poughkeepsie   NY  2:53:29
11     107    Doug          O'Neill         Deno's Wonder Wheel                 West New York  NJ  2:53:29   :15
12     47     Peter         Ozolins                    Ithaca         NY  2:53:29
13     111    Andrew        Ross                   Mexico         NY  2:53:29   :10
14     104    Mark          Luzio           CYCLE FITNESS                       Brooklyn       CT  2:53:29   :05
15     74     David         Faso                   Cazenovia      NY  2:53:29
16     40     Humberto      Cavalheiro      dkny\signature cylces               Central Valley NY  2:53:29
17     106    Bob           Meikle          Mystic Velo Club                    Waterford      CT  2:53:29
18     83     Timothy       Voake           CRCA                                New York       NY  2:54:44
19     79     Andrew        Melnychenko     Maxpowercycling                     Alpine         NY  2:54:57
20     48     Jason         Schreer                                             Potsdam        NY  2:57:23
21     84     Jackson       Wandres         Deno's Wonder Wheels                Brooklyn       NY  2:57:24
22     110    Bob           Roldan          everactiveonline/Workers Comp SolutiSomerville     MA  2:57:24
23     41     Peter         Dinolfo         North Atlantic Velo/ClassBook.Com/GiTroy           NY  2:57:24
24     108    Tom           Officer         Cycle Fitness (last one boys!)      Litchfield     CT  2:57:25
25     70     Bruce         Armentrout      Battenkill United/Unicorr           Williamstown   MA  3:00:04
26     73     Marc          Cesare          CRCA/DKNY-Signature Cycles          Brooklyn       NY  3:00:04
27     105    James         Marshall        Competitive Edge Racing Team        Shaftsbury     VT  3:00:08
28     100    William       Cantler         Deno's Wonder Wheel                 Brooklyn       NY  3:00:13
29     81     J. Craig      Robertson                                           Williamstown   MA  3:04:09
30     71     Greg          Campi           3D Racing Team/Tom's Atlantic CyclerShrewsbury     NJ  3:09:32
31     101    Ken           Grey                                                Saratoga SpringNY  3:14:11
32     49     Tony          Settel          Deno's Wonder Wheel                 Brooklyn       NY  3:16:46
33     76     John          Halloran        CRCA                                New York       NY  3:24:00
34     50     Kyle          Wolfe           TARGETRAINING                       Stamford       CT  3:27:58
35     102    Phillip       Hershberger     CBRC                                Climax         NY  3:46:05