Results » Road » 2008

PA State Elite TT Championship 40 and 20 KM @ Clarks Valley

Harrisburg, PA

Sunday, August 31, 2008

PA State Elite TT Championship 40 and 20 KM @ Clarks Valley Presented by PA Bike Racing Harrisburg, PA Sunday, August 31, 2008

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

PL BIB FIRST       LAST NAME        TEAM                                  ELAPSED
TIME       MPH
Tandem 40K
1  736 Baird Webel & Laura Johnson  GS Silver/Silver Cycles               1:00:42    23.72

Open 20 Km
1  737 Mark        Norris           Spectrum Recycling                    0:30:39    23.49
2  966 David       Kozma                                                  0:34:08    21.09

Mas 60+
1  964 Cleve       Corner           Morgan Stanley/Market Edge            1:01:57    23.25
2  965 Merrick     Frampton         CW/KIng Pawn                          1:05:30    21.98
3  958 George      Stauffer         Susquehanna Velley Velo Club          1:16:34    18.81

Mas 50+
1  946 Bryan       Barrett          BikeLine/LWA                          0:57:58    24.84
2  765 Joseph      Manacchio                                              0:57:58    24.84
3  957 Mike        Spinnler         AVC/Team Hagerstown-Washington County 0:59:11    24.33
4  955 Kevin       Saint Clair      Main Line Cycling - Bikyle            1:00:10    23.94
5  956 Gregory     Smith            Clean Currents p/b Don Beyer Volvo    1:00:31    23.80
6  947 Jeff        Buck             Team Rose City                        1:00:48    23.68
7  952 John        Epting           Clean Currents p/b Don Beyer Volvo    1:01:39    23.36
8  954 David       Rattigan                                               1:01:43    23.33
9  953 Jim         Hartnett         South Mountain Velo Club              1:02:14    23.14
10 951 James       Diffendall       Spinners Cycling                      1:03:17    22.75
11 945 Steven      Abbott           cyclonauts                            1:04:37    22.29
12 950 Murray      Davis            Kelly Benefit Strategies/LSV Amateur R1:06:32    21.64
13 961 Tim         Toms                                                   1:07:01    21.49
14 949 Mark        Croneberger      Dutch Wheelman/SBRT                   1:07:01    21.49
15 962 Vince       Curts                                                  1:08:46    20.94
16 948 Patrick     Cabrey           TriState Velo                         1:19:21    18.15

Mas 40+
1  941 Steve       May              Swashbuckler Brewing/   0:57:10    25.19
2  940 David       Hilton           Philadelphia Ciclismo                 1:02:09    23.17
3  942 Paul        Polensky         Yellow Breeches Racing                1:02:45    22.95
4  939 Daniel      Frank            Guys Racing                           1:03:18    22.75

Mas 30+
1  935 Louis       Secreto          HZ-Pabst Blue Ribbon                  0:59:09    24.35

Women Cat 4
1  932 Kara        Shiffer-Tustin   YBR                                   1:02:44    22.95
2  928 Nancy       Heller           tri state velo                        1:10:21    20.47
3  927 Lisa        Gonzalez         Spinners                              1:10:49    20.33
4  931 Karen       Polensky         Yellow Breeches Racing                1:12:01    20.00
5  929 Sarah       Lanphier         Elizabethtown College                 1:16:14    18.89

Women 1-2-3
1  924 Kate        Veronneau        Kutztown Cutters                      1:02:22    23.09
2  922 Lorraine    Lipfert                         1:04:16    22.40
3  923 Patricia    Marzi            Salamander                            1:09:42    20.66
4  921 Elspeth     Huyett           Young Medalists/Team Dual Temp        1:11:18    20.19
5  920 Colleen     Gulick           Colavita Racing                       1:12:26    19.88

Cat 1/2
1  787 Kenneth     Johnson          Battley Harley-Davidson/Sonoma        0:52:46    27.29
2  785 Jim         Camut            JBCA / Cycling Center                 0:54:52    26.24
3  784 Adam        Anderson         WVU Healthcare                        0:55:46    25.82
4  798 Jeffrey     Miller           Central Penn Racing / The Bicycle Shop0:55:57    25.73
5  792 Glenn       Snyder           UPMC Cycling Performance              0:56:47    25.36
6  794 Brian       Trdina           Swashbuckler Brewing/   0:56:48    25.36
7  789 Chris       Kuhl             Hershey Cancer Institute-GPOA p/b Tran0:58:01    24.82
8  793 Rich        Straub           HUMAN ZOOM - PABST BLUE RIBBON        0:58:24    24.65
9  786 Mike        Carney           Faulkner Honda/Lost Boys Racing Inc.  1:00:36    23.76
10 788 George      Kotokis          guys racing                           1:00:58    23.62
11 791 Ryan        Mitchell         Elite Bicycles                        1:18:24    18.37

Cat 3
1  779 Michael     Whitaker         Spinners Cycling                      0:56:37    25.44
2  773 Brian       Hopkins          Ag3r/               0:57:06    25.22
3  771 Patrick     Hankins          South Mountain Velo                   0:57:59    24.83
4  770 Bob         Grimwood         Eastern Mobile Cycling Team           0:58:31    24.61
5  774 Joe         Lanza            Guys Racing Club                      1:01:34    23.39
6  769 Kevin       Farmer           Spinners Cycling                      1:01:47    23.31
DQ 778 James       Walls            Chester County Velo- Iron Hill        0:57:08    25.21
DQ 777 Martin      Mrugal           Chester County Velo - Iron Hill Brewer0:58:05    24.79

Cat 4
1  761 Sean        McLaughlin       Human Zoom/Pabst Blue Ribbon          0:56:41    25.40
2  755 Rick        Fesler           Elite Bikes                           0:56:59    25.27
3  765 Joseph      Manacchio                                              0:57:58    24.84
4  752 Karl        Connolly         Kelly Benefit Strategies/LSV          0:58:32    24.60
5  763 Ben         Reynolds         Bayside Velo / Bike Doctor            0:58:53    24.45
6  764 C. Barbaro  Wareikis         Guys Racing                           0:59:03    24.38
7  749 Tyler       Bauer            QCW/                0:59:18    24.28
8  750 Rob         Brothers         Quaker City Wheelmen/Breakaway Racing 0:59:30    24.20
9  762 Steve       Owens            Latitude/ABRT                         0:59:48    24.08
10 754 Thomas      Dreyer           Eastern Mobile Cycling Team           1:01:13    23.53
11 753 Frank       Dougherty        LSV/Kelly Benefit Strategies          1:01:57    23.24
12 758 Edward      Klock-Mccook     Human Zoom/Pabst Blue Ribbon          1:01:59    23.23
13 759 Karl        Krause           Christiana Care / FSVS                1:02:46    22.94
14 760 Rick        Maynard          West Chester Cycling Club             1:03:35    22.65
15 756 John        Furia            Bucknell Cycling Club                 1:07:44    21.26
16 751 Sean        Cabrey           Tri State Velo                        1:20:05    17.98

Cat 5
1  739 William     Apollo           Yellow Breeches Racing                1:01:26    23.44
2  743 Steve       Sandacz          Main Line Cycling - Bikyle            1:04:18    22.40
3  741 Howard      Iseri                                                  1:05:54    21.85
4  780 Hans        Schenk                                                 1:06:19    21.71
5  740 Michael     Gonzalez                                               1:06:37    21.61
6  738 Joel        Ankeny           Thome Insurance                       1:07:36    21.30
7  742 Chris       Romano                                                 1:13:07    19.70