Results » Road » 2008

Bicycling magazine and Allentown BrewWorks presents "2008 Tour De Brew"

Allentown, PA

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bicycling magazine and Allentown BrewWorks presents "2008 Tour De Brew" Presented by Bike Line / LWA Racing and Gotham Cyclists Allentown, PA Sunday, August 24, 2008
weather: 84, low humidity, mostly sunny, winds light

Results powered by The Big Guy Group

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

PLACE   BIB  First Name   Last Name     Team
1       17   Lanell       ROCKMORE      Gotham Cyclists
2       25   Epes         HARRIS        FCS Cycling Club
3       26   Andrew       KUKLIS        Gotham Cyclists
4       10   Kurt         BEGEMANN      Rite Aid
5       27   Kevin        SWANSON       Team KS2
6       13   Bradley      FORD          South Mountain Cycles

PLACE   BIB  First Name   LAST NAME     Team
1       612  Jason        MEIDHOF       DC Velo Limited
2       605  Rich         ULIANA        Gotham Cyclists
3       606  Keith        JOHNSON       Carolina Masters Cycling Club
4       615  Joe          HAMILTON      Chester County Velo
5       608  Anthony      TAYLOR        FASTAR
6       613  Ryan         POMAJEVICH    Gotham Cyclists
7       600  Saysana      INTHAVONGSA   Swashbuckler Brewing Company/
8       604  Richard      BALL          Watchung Wheelmen
9       610  Kevin        SWANSON       Team KS2
10      603  Cameron      REIDER        Gotham Cyclists
11      609  George       SHERMAN       Gotham Cyclists

PLACE   BIB  First Name   LAST NAME     Team
1       419  Robert       MOSKAL        Elite Bicycles
2       414  Keith        JOHNSON       Carolina Masters Cycling Club
3       411  David        BONSER        Gotham Cyclists
4       405  Tom          RATZELL       Bikeline / LWA
5       404  Steve        MAY           Swashbuckler Brewing/
6       418  Anthony      TAYLOR        FASTAR
7       416  Jeffrey      CRADDOCK      Fat Frogs Racing
8       403  Richard      LEIBFRIED     Elite Bicycles
9       406  Steve        SAMBRANO      Main Line Cycling - BiKyle
10      402  Michael      HOLUB         Dreamscapes cycling team
11      401  David        FLESHER       Dynaflo Racing/ Technocycle
12      400  Darin        BENSON        Spinners Cycling
13      407  Wayne        SANTOS        BOB Cycling
14      417  Timothy      HANCOCK       On Track Cyclists

PLACE   BIB  First Name   LAST NAME     Team
1       915  Paul         PEARSON       Bucks County Racing Club
2       916  Gilbert      HATTON        South Bay Wheelmen
3       922  Joseph       MANACCHIO     Main Line Cycling Club-Bikyle
4       913  Martin       LORENZ        Guys Racing
5       900  Bryan        BARRETT       BikeLine/LWA
6       912  Scott        BUTLER        Lehigh Wheelmen Assoc
7       919  Richard      STEELE        Chester County Velo
8       910  Robert       WELLMON       Quaker City Wheelmen/Breakaway Racing
9       920  Mark         KRAJCI        Gotham Cyclists
10      906  Kevin        SAINT CLAIR   Main Line Cycling - Bikyle
11      924  William      JONES         Bucks County Racing Club
12      905  Jerry        JACOBS        NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental
13      917  Ronald       LIVINGSTON    Main Line Cycling Club-Bikyle
14      911  Gregory      RUCH          Lehigh Wheelmen Assoc
15      903  John         HAMILTON      Main Line Cycling-BiKyle
16      904  George       HARRIOTT      LWA/Bikeline
17      902  Mark         CRONEBERGER   Dutch Wheelman/SBRT
18      907  Wayne        SANTOS        BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bike Shops
19      914  Royden       DETWEILER     Lehigh Wheelmen Assoc
20      909  Kevin        TUTTLE        Main Line/BiKyle
21      921  Michael      KARR          Unattached

PLACE   BIB  First Name   LAST NAME     Team
1       998  Steve        LEHMAN        tri-state velo
2       995  Philip       STANLEY       Morgan Stanley Cycling Team
3       999  John         AUER          Team Somerset

PLACE   BIB  First Name   LAST NAME     Team
1       517  AUSTIN       MATLEE        CYCLE FUNATIC
2       507  Michael      MELNICK       Beans Bikes
3       510  Keith        PLUNKETT      South mountain cycles
4       503  Tim          BLANGGER      Bike Line/LWA
5       519  STEVE        SANDACZ       MAIN LINE
6       516  DENNIS       OSSIANDER     UNATTACHED
7       508  Doug         MORRIS
8       505  Josh         COLLESTER     Central Bucks Velo
9       518  ROYCE        SCRIVANO      CENRRAL BUCKS VELO
10      501  Chad         CLAUSER
11      512  Anthony      ROGERS        Cyclesports / Zaveta
12      511  Gary         RIDDELL       lehigh wheelman
13      504  Fabian       BRUGGER
14      521  BRIAN        JETER         UNATTACHED
15      520  WILLIAM      BRAY          UNATTACHED
16      506  Adam         GANGEWERE     Cactus Blue
17      500  Jason        BENEDICK      none
18      514  Nate         WIENER        A-1 Restaurant Supply
19      513  Alison       SMYTHE
20      502  Robert       MORRIS
21      515  SCOTT        DANIELS       LWA/Bikeline

JR 10-12 BOYS
PLACE   BIB  First Name   LAST NAME     Team
1       800  Austin       BRIGHT        Vortex Cycling Club
2       802  Wyatt        SAINT CLAIR   Main Line Cycling - BiKyle
3       801  Zach         COLLESTER     Central Bucks Velo

JR 13-14 BOYS
PLACE   BIB  First Name   LAST NAME     Team
1       854  Anthony      SKOROCHOD     Gotham Cyclists
2       852  Greg         RATZELL       Bikeline / LWA
3       850  Jonathan     BRIGHT        Vortex Cycling Club
4       851  Jacob        HOOVER        Bikeline/LWA
5       853  Andrew       SHRAWDER      Team Vortex

JR 13-14 GIRLS
PLACE   BIB  First Name   LAST NAME     Team
1       898  Kaitlyn      LAWRENCE      VORTEX
2       899  Nadia        LATZGO        Bikeline/LWA
3       897  Taylor       FARNSWORTH    JVR Sports

JR 15-16 MEN
PLACE   BIB  First Name   LAST NAME     Team
1       555  Nick         ROEDER        JVR Sports
2       552  Robin        CARPENTER     Main Line Cycling Club/ Bikyle
3       553  Booey        HOTTENSTEIN   Upstate Velo/Sicklers
4       550  Jeff         ALPERT        Young Medalists/Team Dual Temp
5       551  John         BREW
6       554  George       IKE           BikeLine/LWA

JR 17-18 MEN
PLACE   BIB  First Name   LAST NAME     Team
1       598  Tyler        KARNES        Greenville Spinners Bicycle Club
2       597  Elliott      CRADDOCK      CVCC(Central Virginia Cycling Club)

PLACE   BIB  First Name   LAST NAME     Team
1       222  ERIN         SYNYDER
2       204  Mike         CUSHIONBURY   Bicycling magazine/SMC
3       719  MATT         MILLER        GOTHAM CYCLISTS
4       202  Mark         BOWMAN        South Mountain Cycles
5       211  Cameron      REIDER        Gotham Cyclists
6       221  UNKNOWN
7       218  UNKNOWN
8       208  Michael      MELNICK       Beans Bikes
9       207  Rich         KARASIEWICZ   Bike Line
10      217  UNKNOWN
11      205  Chris        DOOCEY        Bike Line

PLACE   BIB  First Name   LAST NAME     Team
1       700  Travis       BERGHOLD
2       214  Kevin        LANDIS
3       709  Timothy      RIZZON
4       711  Robert       TAKACS        Fitness Central Bike Shop
5       714  Kaitlyn      LAWRENCE      Vortex Cycling Club
6       854  Anthony      SKOROCHOD     Gotham Cyclists
7       702  Mark         CARROZZA      Fitness Central Bike Shop
8       701  Adam         BURKE
9       716  JASON        FANELLI       UNATTACHED
10      718  JIM          SAAKE
11      713  MICHAEL      MATHISZ       UNATTACHED
12      712  DANNY        DANIELS       UNATTACHED
13      707  Michael      MILKOVITZ     AFD
14      708  Kate         POTYLYCKI     JVR Sports
15      717  UNKNOWN
16      715  DAVID        CAMPAIN       UNATTACHED
17      705  Byron        CULBERTSON
18      720  JUSTIN       INMAN         UNATTACHED