Results » Road » 2008

Mengoni Grand Prix

Central Park, NY

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Mengoni Grand Prix Presented by Century Road Club Association Central Park, NY Saturday, August 23, 2008

Results Courtesy of 

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Men Pro/1/2                               79 Starters                                                 48 Miles
1    65   Adam          Myerson           Time Pro Cycling                     Boston           MA    1:32:10
2    70   Lisban        Quintero          CRCA/FOUNDATION                      Maspeth          NY    st
3    2    Adam          Alexander         CRCA/Sakonnet Technology U25         New York         NY    st
4    31   Gerardo       Fernandez         GS Mengoni                           Glen Spey        NY    st
5    15   Horace        Burrowes          WS UNITED                            Brooklyn         NY    st
6    17   Jermaine      Burrowes          WS UNITED/SHEEPSHEAD CYCLE           Brooklyn         NY    st
7    81   Wilson        Vasquez           GS Mengoni                           Fort Lee         NJ    st
8    86   Rodney        Santiago          Colavita Sutter Home                 Allentown        PA    st
9    59   Roselvert     Marte Quezada     GS Mengoni                           Fort Lee         NJ    st
10   41   Alejandro     Guzman            CRCA/FOUNDATION                      Sunnyside        NY    st
11   9    Nick          Bennette          MetLife p/b                Metuchen         NJ    st
12   50   Martin        Lechowicz         CRCA/FOUNDATION                      Locust Valley    NY    st
13   3    Joshua        Alexander         Foundation/Century Road Club and AssoNew York         NY    st
14   16   Paul          Burrowes          Union                                Brooklyn         NY    st
15   21   Paul          Chooweenem                                             Ozone Park       NY    st
16   38   Glenroy       Griffith          CRCA FOUNDATION                      Brooklyn         NY    st
17   6    Stephan       Badger            Targetraining                        Roxbury          CT    st
18   32   Monte         Frank             Cycle Fitness                        Sandy Hook       CT    st
19   39   Rashad        Guerra            Kissena Cycling Club                 Brooklyn         NY    st
20   33   Eneas         Freyre            TARGETRAINING                        Greenwich        CT    st
21   18   Chad          Butts             Champion System                      Danbury          CT    st
22   75   Raj           Seepersaud        Champion System/Kraft Genie Cycling  New York         NY    st
23   29   Gavriel       Epstein           CRCA/Sakonnet Technology U25         New York         NY    st
24   36   Graham        Garber            MetLife p/b                West Hartford    CT    st
25   45   Matt          Inconiglios       Stage 1 / fusionTHINK                Stamford         CT    st
26   46   Abdul         Kabia             TargeTraining/Fastar                 Hartsdale        NY    st
27   34   Nick          Friesen           GS Mengoni                           New York         NY    st
28   74   Salvatore     Scotto Divetta    Sommerville Sports                   Brooklyn         NY    st
29   40   Andrew        Guptill           Colavita/Sutter Home Pro Cycling TeamHannacroix       NY    st
30   14   Franklin      Burgos            Champion System                      New York         NY    st
31   28   John          Durso             Liberty                              Morris Plains    NJ    st
32   24   Chris         Coutu             MetLife p/b                Upton            MA    st
33   85   Thom          Coupe             Metlife                              Plymouth         NH    st
34   84   Eli           Richbourg         Team Helen's                         Los Angenles     CA    st
35   73   Will          Schneider         GS Gotham/Toga Bikes                 New York         NY    st
36   72   Phil          Riggio            CRCA/ Jonathan Adler Racing          Darien           CT    st
37   4    Juan          Almonte           GS Mengoni                           Jamaica          NY    st
38   58   Chad          Marion            Bolt Brothers                        New York         NY    st
39   27   Rafael        Diaz-Granados_    TARGETTRAINING                       Leonia           NJ    st
40   37   Conrad        Gomez             Strictly Bicycles Cycling/sothebys inMiami Beach      FL    st
41   10   Scott         Bodin             Targetraining                        Nanuet           NY    st
42   20   Peter         Chiu              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental    Wayland          MA    st
43   76   Peter         Shapiro           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental    Cranston         RI    st
44   22   Jon           Clifton Moore     Rush920                              Philadelphia     PA    st
45   51   J Gabriel     Lloyd             TARGETRAINING U-25                   New York City    NY    st
46   44   Cheyne        Hoag              CRCA/Sakonnet Technology             Dansville        NY    st
47   49   Robert        Lattanzi          CRCA/Sid's-Cannondale                New York         NY    st
48   66   Michael       Norton            Calyon Pro Cycling Team              Goshen           NY    st
49   57   Mike          Margarite         CRCA/Empire Cycling Team             New York         NY    st
50   25   Sheldon       Deeny             CRCA/Empire Cycling Team             Fort Collins     CO    st
51   55   Robert        Lyons             GS Gotham/Toga Bikes                 Larchmont        NY    st
52   67   Tom           Officer           Les Amis de Blaireau                 Litchfield       CT    st
53   5    Jose Medina   Andrades          GS Mengoni                           Glen Spey        NY    st
54   77   Brad          Sheehan           MetLife p/b                Newton Center    MA    st
55   23   Joao          Correia           Bissell Pro Cycling Team             Brooklyn         NY    st
56   54   Jonathan      Lowenstein        NBX/Narragansett Beer/Apex Tech.     North Kingstown  RI    st
57   60   Michael       Mathis            CRCA/Empire Cycling Team             Rochester        NY    st
58   56   Euri          Madera            GS Mengoni                           New York         NY    st
59   8    Peter         Bell              MetLife p/b                Middlebury       VT    st
60   42   Melito        Heredia           innovation bike                      Fort Lee         NJ    st
61   11   Eugene        Boronow           GS Mengoni                           Jamaica          NY    st
62   47   Troy          Kimball           Westwood Velo                        Randolph         NJ    st
63   43   Thomas        Hinnershitz       CRCA / Jonathan Adler Racing         Stamford         CT    st
64   78   David         Taylor            CRCA/Blue    New York         NY    st
65   82   David         Wiswell           CRCA/Empire Cycling Team             New York         NY    st
66   71   Kevin         Molloy                                                 New York         NY    st
67   68   J.p.          Partland          Kissena Cycling Club                 New York         NY    st
68   35   John          Funk              Cycle Fitness                        South Kent       CT    st
69   52   Christopher   Long              G.S. Gotham/Toga                     Woodside         NY    st
DQ   53   Anthony       Lowe              WS United/Sheepshead Cycles          Brooklyn         NY    Rule 3b1
DNF  12   Alex          Bremer            CRCA/Empire Cycling Team             New York         NY
DNF  13   Eric          Brownell          CRCA/Empire Cycling Team             Stamford         CT
DNF  26   Chandler      Delinks                                                Ipswich          MA
DNF  48   Valery        Kobzarenko        Team Type 1
DNF  61   Michael       McGinley          Sommerville Sports World Team        Plainville       CT
DNF  63   John          Minutrn           CRCA/Empire Cycling Team             Philadelphia     PA
DNF  64   Igor          Misicki           CRCA/FOUNDATION                      Locust Valley    NY
DNF  79   Ryan          Tie               CRCA Bandit Racing                   New York         NY
DNF  83   Inson         Wood              FOUNDATION/CRCA                      New York         NY

Men 3                                     73 Starters                                                 36 Miles
1    207  Neil          Bezdek            We Stand United                      Brooklyn         NY    1:20:55
2    203  Frank         Arroyo            crca axix                            New York         NY    st
3    279  Scott         Wisenbaker        CRCA/Foundation                      New York         NY    st
4    276  Andrew        Walsh             CRCA/Foundation                      Queens           NY    st
5    208  Johaan        Burrowes          WS UNITED/SHEEPSHEAD CYCLE           Brooklyn         NY    st
6    202  Reed          Albergotti        CRCA/Jonathan Adler Racing           New York         NY    st
7    204  Sergio        Atocha            gs gotham/toga                       East Elmhurst    NY    st
8    205  Joseph        Azze              Team Blue    Hawthorne        NJ    st
9    235  Anthony       Maisto            Deno's Wonder Wheel                  Brooklyn         NY    st
10   255  Kim           Riseth            CRCA / Jonathan Adler Racing         New York         NY    st
11   231  John          Landino           Westwood Velo-Trade Manage Racing    Westwood         NJ    st
12   221  Marcos        Gratereaux        Miya Shoji                           Bogota           NJ    st
13   241  Mike          Monastero         CRCA Babylon Bike                    Sayville         NY    st
14   247  Greg          Olsen             Jonathan Adler                       New York         NY    st
15   222  David         Greenberg         CRCA/Deutsche Bank                   New York         NY    st
16   236  Bob           Makofsky          CRCA/Foundation                      New York         NY    st
17   261  Pascal        Sauvayre          CRCA/Merrill Lynch                   New York         NY    st
18   234  William       Lopez             Brooklyn Velo Force                  Brooklyn         NY    st
19   217  Adam          Duncan            CRCA/Avenue A|Razorfish              Westfield        NJ    st
20   249  Kyle          Peppo             CRCA/Jonathan Adler Racing           New York         NY    st
21   213  Matt          Cuttler           CRCA/Affinity Cycles                 Plainview        NY    st
22   219  Michael       Prokopec          Miya Shoji                           New York         NY    st
23   230  Lennard       Katz              Kissena Cycling Club                 East Hills       NY    st
24   244  Ted           Neu               CRCA/Sid's-Cannondale                New York         NY    st
25   270  George        Suter             CRCA / Die Hard-Think Racing         New York         NY    st
26   210  Thomas        Cipolla           Kreb/East End                        Locust Valley    NY    st
27   223  Sean          Groenewald        CRCA/                 West New York    NJ    st
28   226  Tim           Hardin            crca                                 New York         NY    st
29   259  Saul          Salazar           crca-nyskketches                     Jamaica          NY    st
30   250  Jonathan      Podwil            Brooklyn Velo Force/GQ racing        Brooklyn         NY    st
31   216  Tad           Marszalek                                              Sommerville      NJ    st
32   211  Timothy       Collins           CRCA/Jonathan Adler Racing           Brooklyn         NY    st
33   242  John          Morgan            Clinton Cycling Club / Keltic ConstruMadison          CT    st
34   239  Christopher   Mazzini-Chin      Brooklyn Velo Force/GQ Racing        Brooklyn         NY    st
35   228  Peter         Hines             CRCA / Jonathan Adler Racing         Brooklyn         NY    st
36   264  Brian         Sieger            GS Gotham/Toga                       New York         NY    st
37   232  Gregory       Lee               CRCA                                 Port Washington  NY    st
38   220  Brian         Gabele            CRCA/                 New York         NY    st
39   240  Robert        Mecea             Brooklyn Velo Force                  Brooklyn         NY    st
40   206  Andrew        Bernstein         Brooklyn Velo Force/GQ Racing        Saratoga Springs NY    st
41   257  Eric          Robertson         Kissena                              Brooklyn         NY    st
42   274  Jan-Willem    Van Klinken       CRCA/ Sid's Cannondale               Fort Lee         NJ    st
43   201  Craig         Abrams            CRCA / Bicycling Magazine            New York         NY    st
44   266  Antony        Slokar            CRCA/Jonathan Adler Racing           New York         NY    st
45   267  Deverell      Smith             CRCA/                 New York         NY    st
46   215  Scott         Demel             Brooklyn Velo Force / GQ Racing      Brooklyn         NY    st
47   271  Cliff         Szaphir           CRCA                                 New York         NY    st
48   251  Colin         Prensky           CRCA/Sanchez-Metro                   New York         NY    st
49   275  Vinny         Vicari            CRCA/sanchez metro                   Maspeth          NY    st
50   218  Ruben         Hurtedo           Cafeteros                            New York         NY    st
51   265  Ian           Sinclair          TARGETRAINING                        Avon             CT    st
52   253  Eric          Ragot             Kissena Cycling Club                 Brooklyn         NY    st
DQ   212  Evan          Cooper            CRCA/Jr Dev-Orbea                    Closter          NJ    Rule 1j6
DNF  209  Brian         Carolan           CRCA/Sanchez-Metro                   Park Ridge       NJ
DNF  214  Earl          Osborne                                                New York         NY
DNF  225  Jffrey        Hansen            ccc/keltic const./zanes cycles       West Haven       CT
DNF  227  Francisco     Liuzzi            CRCA / Jonathan Adler Racing         New York         NY
DNF  229  David         Jordan            CRCA - COACHING                      New York         NY
DNF  237  Peter         Martin            Central New York Cyclist             New Lisbon       NY
DNF  238  Jerry         Martinez          CRCA/GLOBAL                          Fort Lee         NJ
DNF  243  Leyton        Murray            Deno's Wonder Wheel                  Fanwood          NJ
DNF  248  Jason         Parkin            CRCA/Blue    New York         NY
DNF  254  John          Raheb             Westwood Velo                        Montvale         NJ
DNF  260  Marco         Sanchez           CRCA/Sanchez-Metro                   Forest Hills     NY
DNF  262  Adam          Schildge          Brooklyn Velo Force / GQ Racing      Brooklyn         NY
DNF  263  Chris         Shaw              CRCA / Avenue A | Razorfish Cycling  New York         NY
DNF  268  Tim           Spence            CRCA/Axis                            Brooklyn         NY
DNF  269  Rob           Spillman          Deno's Wonder Wheel                  Brooklyn         NY
DNF  272  Vinicius      Tavares           CRCA /Avenue A Razorfish Cycling     New York         NY
DNF  273  Dave          Trimble           Kissena                              New York         NY
DNF  278  Henry         Williams          Kissena Cycling Club                 Freeport         NY
DNF  280  Brian         Wolf              Bethel Cycle                         Ridgefield       CT
DNF  299  Barry         Weinstein         CRCA Jr. Development                 New York         NY

Women Open                                26 Starters                                                 30 Miles
1    101  Sally         Annis             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental    Nashua           NH    1:21:25
2    106  Stacey        Jensen            Kissena                              Brooklyn         NY    st
3    104  Caryl         Gale              CRCA-Comedy Central-Sids             Hoboken          NJ    st
4    124  Silke         Wunderwald        Independent Fabrication/Kempner      Stonington       CT    st
5    109  Camie         Kornely           innovation bike                      Fort Lee         NJ    st
6    110  Elena         Leznik            CRCA/Radical Media                   Fort Lee         NJ    st
7    120  Evelyn        Stevens           CRCA / Radical Media                 New York         NY    st
8    113  Ann Marie     Miller            CRCA Sanchez-Metro                   New York         NY    st
9    103  Lisa          Force             CRCA/comedy central-sid's bikes      Jersey City      NJ    st
10   118  Maria         Quiroga           CRCA/Radical Media                   New York         NY    st
11   123  Cheryl        Wolf              Bethel Cycle                         Ridgefield       CT    st
12   115  Brooke        O'Connor          Hub Racing                           Billerica        MA    st
13   111  Cindy         Ma                CRCA/Sanchez Metro                   New York         NY    at :36
14   107  Reem          Jishi             Team Advil-ChapStick                 Madison          NJ    2:04
DQ   127  Juana         Fernandez         Dominican Republic                   New York         NY    Rule 3b1
DNF  102  Sarah         Chubb Sauvayre    CRCA/Comedy Central-Sid's Bikes      New York         NY
DNF  105  Melina        Healey                                                 New York         NY
DNF  108  Hannah        Kirshner          Bikeworks/Hallamore                  Providence       RI
DNF  112  Alejandra     Madrinan          CRCA/Major Taylor Iron Riders        New York         NY
DNF  114  Ellen         Moses             CRCA/Comedy Central-Sid's Bikes      New York         NY
DNF  116  Cecelia       Pleva             CRCA/Radical Media                   New York         NY
DNF  119  Margaret      Shirley           CRCA Radical Media                   New York         NY
DNF  121  Peta          Takai             CRCA / Avenue A | Razorfish Cycling  New York         NY
DNF  122  Cesarina      Vallenilla        Strictly Bicycles                    New York         NY
DNF  125  Tracy         Wargo             CRCA/Sanchez-Metro                   New York         NY
DNF  126  Kristi        Roberts           CRCA/Comedy Central-Sid's Bikes      New York         NY