Results » Road » 2008

Central NH Road Race/Bow

Bow, NH

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Central NH Road Race/Bow Presented by Northeast Bicycle Club and the Bow Rotary Club Bow, NH Sunday, August 03, 2008

Results Courtesy of 

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

NOTE:  Men Pro/1/2, Men 3, and Men Master 35+ shortened due to lightning storm.

Men Pro/1/2                                        39 Starters                                                              32 Miles
1      39     Will             Dugan               CCB/Volkswagen                                Burlington          VT     1:23:40
2      24     Dan              Vaillancourt        Toshiba/Santo Presented by Herbalife          Saco                ME     st
3      30     Toby             Marzot              Fiordifrutta                                  Falmouth            MA     st
4      38     Toby             Walch               Kenda Raleigh Cycling                         Marlborough         MA     st
5      7      Dan              Cassidy             CCB                                           Burlington          VT     at :04
6      5      Kirk             Carlsen             VMG/FELT                                      Sandown             NH     1:36
7      33     Matt             White               Fiordifrutta                                  Hadley              MA     st
8      36     Jake             Hollenbach          CCB/Volkswagen                                Shelburne           MA     1:56
9      12     Colin            Jaskiewicz          CCB/Volkswagen                                Montclair           NJ     st
10     6      Adam             Carr                Colavita Racing New England                   Colchester          VT     st
11     25     Roy              Van Cleef           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                                        st
12     16     Duncan           McGovern            NorEast Cycling                               Peterborough        NH     st
13     35     Amos             Brumble             CCB/Volkswagen                                Westerly            RI     st
14     23     Eric             Tremble             Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team                    Jericho             VT     st
15     41     Thom             Coupe               MetLife p/b                         Plymouth            NH     st
16     17     Emerson          Oronte              CLNoonan/KAM/Coast to Coast                   Cohasset            MA     st
17     27     Vincent          Scalia              Noreast                                       QBY                 NY     st
18     32     Ryan             MacDonald                                                         Lebanon             ME     st
19     19     Todd             Rowell              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                                        st
20     9      Shawn            Forsythe            ccb/volkswagon                                Westerly            RI     st
21     4      Hayden           Brooks              FiordiFrutta                                  Darling Heights     UNK    st
22     2      Jason            Baer                Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team                    Burlington          VT     st
23     26     Stephen          Weller              Fiordifrutta Elite Cycling Team               Montague            MA     st
24     34     Alec             Donahue             NERAC                                         Hadley              MA     st
25     3      Jason            Beerman             Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team                    Allston             MA     2:12
26     15     Charles          McCarthy            MetLife p/b                         Waitsfield          VT     st
27     22     Adam             Sullivan            Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team                    North Kingstown     RI     2:42
28     8      Eric             Edlund              MIT Cycling/FXDD                              Cambridge           MA     9:40
29     31     Damien           Colfer              Mechnical Services/Cycle Mania                Newmarket           NH     9:57
30     18     Matt             Rossman             NorEast                                       Morrisville         VT     st
31     20     Peter            Shapiro             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental             Cranston            RI     st
DNF    1      Jonathan         Awerbuch            NorEast                                       Hanover             NH
DNF    10     Patrick          Goguen              Cl Noonan/KAM/Coast to Coast                  Hopedale            MA
DNF    14     Corey            Masson              MetLife p/b                         Concord             NH
DNF    21     Brad             Sheehan             MetLife p/b                         Newton Center       MA
DNF    28     John             McGill              Onion River Sports                            Montpelier          NY
DNF    29     Ryan             Kelly               Noreast                                       Dover               NH
DNF    37     Scott            Dolmat-Connell      MetLife p/b                         Princeton           MA
DNF    40     Bryan            Borgia              CRCA/Proasshit                                Weston              CT

Women 1/2/3                                        26 Starters                                                              44 Miles
1      119    Mary             Zider               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                                        2:08:53
2      118    Silke            Wunderwald          Independent Fabrication/Kempner               Stonington          CT     st
3      109    Audrey           Friedrichsen Scott  Bikeway                                       Poughkeepsie        NY     2:34
4      100    Sally            Annis               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                                        6:10
5      124    Rose             Long                Muscle Madness VT                             Sutton              VT     st
6      117    Rebecca          Wellons             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                                        st
7      101    Emma             Bast                                                              Hinesburg           VT     st
8      110    Karin            Holmes              CCB/Volkswagen                                Beverly             MA     st
9      102    Rae              Brownsberger        Stanford University Cycling                   Stanford            CA     st
10     111    Nicole           Kellogg             Boston Scientific                             Hanover             NH     st
11     113    Julie            Lefebvre            International Bicycle/Global                  Somerville          MA     st
12     123    Martha           Buckley             MIT Cycling                                   Cambridge           MA     st
13     122    Brenda           Bahnson             Independent Fabrication/Kempner               Great Barrington    MA     st
14     114    Yuri             Matsumoto           MIT cycling club                              Cambridge           MA     st
15     103    Tami             Buhr                NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                                        6:28
16     104    Kathryne         Carr                Sunapee/ S&W Racing Team                      Easthampton         MA     14:56
17     115    Amy              McGuire             Team Kenda Tire                               Jamaica Plain       MA     15:02
18     120    Cheryl           Wolf                Bethel Cycle                                  Ridgefield          CT     19:23
DNF    105    Susanne          Delaney             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental
DNF    106    Samantha         Dery                NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental
DNF    107    Natalie          Dumont              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental
DNF    108    Pauline          Frascone            Independent Fabrication/Kempner               Plainfield          CT
DNF    112    Hannah           Kirshner            Bikeworks/Hallamore                           Providence          RI
DNF    116    Zoe              Owers               Independent Fabrication/Kempner               Newton Center       MA
DNF    121    Carola           Berger              Webcor/Alto Velo                              Framingham          MA
DNF    125    Karen            Tripp               Noreast                                       Deerfield           NH

Men 3                                              54 Starters
1      345    Matt             Mainer              Bliss Racing                                  Hinesburg           VT
2      337    Owen             Pope                                                              Colchester          VT
3      322    Steve            Francisco           North Atlantic Velo/'Williston           VT
4      319    David            Fierro              Exodus Road Racing/Pools etc/Brumble Bikes    Uncasville          CT
5      324    Manny            Goguen              Minuteman Road Club                           Hopedale            MA
6      300    Randy            Ayotte              portland velo/cyclemania                      Gorham              ME
7      338    Michael          Rea                                                               Hanover             NH
8      301    Kevin            Backhouse           Boston Road Club                              Boston              MA
8      302    Damian           Bolduc              Flatbread-Otter Creek Cycling                 South Burlington    VT
8      303    Daniel           Boozan              North Atlantic Velo/ClassBook.Com/Giant/Pedro'Burlington          VT
8      304    Scott            Brooks              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental
8      305    John             Broussard           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental
8      306    Greg             Brown               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental
8      307    Brian            Campbell            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental             Waltham             MA
8      308    Ryan             Carney              NorEast Cycling                               Enfield             NH
8      309    David            Chiu                NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental
8      310    Peter            Chiu                NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental             Wayland             MA
8      311    James            Combs               Boston Road Club                              Cambridge           MA
8      312    Chris            Curven              North Atlantic Velo / ClassBook.Com / Giant / Walpole             NH
8      313    Mark             Dakoulas            North Atlantic Velo/Classbook/Giant/Pedros    Hartland            VT
8      315    Paul             Dolan                                                             New Milford         CT
8      317    John             Fennel              International Bicycle/Global                  Somerville          MA
8      318    Jeffrey          Ferraro             U.S. ARMY/Central Wheel-GHCC                  West Hartford       CT
8      321    Ben              Forbes              Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                       Portland            ME
8      323    Andrew           Gardner                               Ripton              VT
8      325    Justin           Howe                NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental
8      326    Ralph            Karam               Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                       Portland            ME
8      327    Miro             Koulnis                                      Worcester           MA
8      328    Chris            Laflamme            Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                       Westbrook           ME
8      329    Eric             Laflamme            Nor'east Cycling Club                         Allenstown          NH
8      330    Brian            Lavigne             Sunapee/S&W/Continental Paving                Bow                 NH
8      331    Casey            Marks               Refunds Now                                   Providence          RI
8      332    Brendan          Meryman             Team NH/NHCC                                  Holderness          NH
8      333    Jurgen           Nebelung            Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                       Portland            ME
8      334    Ryan             O'Hara              Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames          Somerville          MA
8      335    Dan              Ouellette           Gamache Cyclery                               Westminster         MA
8      336    Jack             Piller              Team Placid Planet                            Plattsburgh         NY
8      339    Joshua           Rosenberg           Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames          Watertown           MA
8      341    Kyle             Smith               Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames          South Boston        MA
8      342    Jordan           Strober             CRCA JrDev/ Orbea                             Yorktown Heights    NY
8      343    Mark             Theeman             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental             Boston              MA
8      344    Brian            Tompkins            CCNS/Pedal Power                              Newington           CT
8      346    Calvin           Smythe              XXX Racing/Athletico                          Swanzey             NH
8      347    Alex             Cox                 Freddie Fu Cycling                            Greensburg          PA
8      348    Jamie            Belchak             NAV - Classbook                               Killington          VT
8      349    Jeremy           Durrin              Gamache Cyclery                               Fitchburg           MA
8      350    Glenn            Ferreira            Quad Cycles                                   Somerville          MA
8      351    Seth             Behrends            MIT/FXDD                                      Cambridge           MA
8      352    Jim              Komarmi             Flatbread-Otter Creek Cycling                 Waitsfield          VT
8      353    Sven             Lohse               Cyfac                                         Sterling            MA
8      354    Matt             Spaits              Boston Road Club                              Somerville          MA
8      355    Ted              Hicks               Flatbread-Otter Creek Cycling                 Middlebury          VT
8      356    Harrison         Harb                Tooky Wheelworks                              Contoocock          NH
DQ     340    Jordan           Sagalowsky                                 Brookline           MA

Men 4                                              69 Starters                                                              42 Miles
1      466    Eric             Weinrich            Portland Velo/ Cyclemania                     Yarmouth            ME     1:59:41
2      445    Andrew           Nasca               Bikeway                                       Stormville          NY     at 1:59
3      475    Evan             Huff                New England Bike                              Russell             MA     st
4      449    Jesse            Perreault           Comprehensive Racing/Salem Cycles             Cambridge           MA     st
5      412    Nicholas         Fanaras             NorEast Cycling                               Amesbury            MA     st
6      472    Timothy          Young               NorEast Cycling                               Hillsborough        NH     st
7      404    Sean             Kennedy             Incline Training                              S Deerfield         MA     st
8      470    Jordan           Winkler             Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames          Cambridge           MA     st
9      402    Michael          Boardman                                                          New York            NY     st
10     406    Aron             Buterbaugh          Linscott/Peak Performance                     South Portland      ME     st
11     425    Alexander        Indeck              NorEast Cycling/MC Cycle                      Gilford             NH     st
12     422    Kevin            Hays                Portland Velo Club                            Brookline           MA     st
13     461    Ed               Ting                NEBC/Cycle Loft                               Amherst             NH     st
14     450    Torbjorn         Phillpotts          Quad Cycles                                   Medford             MA     st
15     424    David            Hildebrand          CVC/Subaru of New England                     Ellington           CT     st
16     448    David            Penney              Unattached                                    Lyndeborough        NH     st
17     452    Mark             Rancourt            noreast cycling                               Belmont             NH     st
18     476    Synjen           Marrocco            Blue Hills Cycling                            Hanson              MA     st
19     432    Chad             Jolin               Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                       Old Orchard Beach   ME     st
20     453    Colby            Ricker              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental             Somerville          MA     st
21     436    Ryan             Littlefield         Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                       Portland            ME     st
22     444    Matthew          Miller              OrganicAthlete                                Roslindale          MA     st
23     407    Matt             D'Alessio           Team BreakAway Boston                         Boston              MA     st
24     435    Eric             Krivitzky           Penguin Racing                                Brownsville         VT     st
25     430    Cory             Johannessen         Harvard University Cycling                    Roslindale          MA     st
26     460    John             Starvish            Boston Road Club                              Boston              MA     st
27     420    Aaron            Hall                Harvard                                       Somerville          MA     st
28     469    Ian              Whittle             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental             Jamacia Plain       MA     st
29     463    Andrew           Tucker              NEBC                                          Newton              MA     st
30     403    Steeve           Breton              Everactive-Workers CompSolutions              Natick              MA     at 2:15
31     405    Matthew          Buckley             Onion River Sports                            East Hardwick       VT     st
32     415    Matt             Fowler              Workers CompSolutions/Everactive              Northwood           NH     10:46
33     459    David            Smallwood           Boston Road Club                              Brighton            MA     10:52
34     431    James            Johnson             Portland Velo Club                            Hallowell           ME     st
35     477    John             Peterson            Blue Hills Cycling                            Milton              MA     st
36     418    Andy             Gould                                                             Manchester          NH     10:57
37     409    David            Dubos               CCNS/Pedal Power                              East Hampton        CT     st
38     439    Geoff            Martin              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental             Watertown           MA     13:24
39     411    Nathan           Etchells            Mystic Velo-Connaughty Chiropractic           Sterling            CT     14:03
40     473    John             Schwarz                                                           Cambridge           VT     15:02
41     447    Anthony          Oliva               Everactive-Workers CompSol                    Dover               MA     st
42     429    Paul             Jobin               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental             Merrimack           NH     st
43     437    Keith            Loiselle            NHCC                                          Pembroke            NH     15:04
44     474    John             Abrahamson          Clarem                                        Brownsville         VT     15:08
45     443    Michael          McKittrick          Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames          Cambridge, Ma       MA     16:23
46     440    Nicholas         Mashburn            Cambridge Bicycle/Igleheart Frames            Cambridge           MA     17:40
47     434    David            Kahn                Yale                                          New Haven           CT     17:44
48     428    Oscar            Jimenez             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental             Lowell              MA     17:47
49     464    Robert           Tyszko              Team NHCC/New Hampshire Cycling Club          Milford             NH     20:10
50     410    Julian           Eliz Iii            Team BreakAway Boston                         Brighton            MA     23:08
51     458    Ron              Slaga Jr.           BOB/SHIFT-STONYFIELD FARMS-ARIZA-GOODALES     Haverhill           MA     25:40
52     480    David            Simon               Duvine Adventures                             Somerville          MA     31:10
DNF    408    Seth             Davis               Cambridge Bicycle/ Igleheart Frames           Cambridge           MA
DNF    416    Tommy            Goguen              Minuteman Road Club                           Hopedale            MA
DNF    417    Michael K        Golay               Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                       Westbrook           ME
DNF    419    Leo              Grepin              Boston Road Club                              Newton              MA
DNF    423    Jeff             Hebert              Boston Road Club                              Boston              MA
DNF    427    Radu             Jianu               Refunds Now                                   Medford             MA
DNF    433    James            Jones               Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                       Scarborough         ME
DNF    438    Shane            Macdowell           University of New Hampshire                   Lee                 NH
DNF    441    Ian              McFarland           Mystic Velo Club/Connaughty Chiropractic      Niantic             CT
DNF    454    Jay              Robbins             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental             Lexington           MA
DNF    455    James            Rosberg             Roaring Mouse Cycles                          San Francisco       CA
DNF    457    David            Shedd               Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                       Portland            ME
DNF    465    Stefan           Wawersik            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental             Westborough         MA
DNF    467    Eric             Wemhoff             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental             Lexington           MA
DNF    468    Jerome           Westfried           Boston Road Club                              Burlington          MA
DNF    478    Nate             Morse               CL Noonan                                     Cohasset            MA
DNF    479    Owen             Laurian             University of Rochester                       Alton               NH

Women 4 & Women Master                             20 Starters                                                              32 Miles
1      699    Elle             Anderson            Onion River Sports                            Stowe               VT     1:42:00
2      680    Meredith         Ehn                 NAV                                           Albany              NY     st
3      692    Susanna          Piller              team placid planet                            Plattsburgh         NY     5:45
4      690    Sheila           Vibert              none                                          Mont Vernon         NH     st
5      694    Justine          Levasseur           Dynamiks de Contrecoeur                       Contrecoeur         PQ     6:45
6      678    Catherine        Bearce              CCB/Volkswagen                                Chelmsford          MA     st
7      685    Helen            Mau                 MBRC                                          Quincy              MA     9:17
8      695    Edith            Levasseur           Dynamiks de Contrecoeur                       Contrecoeur         PQ     10:23
9      681    Natalia          Gardiol             MIT                                           Cambridge           MA     st
10     688    Ivy              Luhrs               Velo Bella-Kona/MCC                           Minot               ME     10:29
11     686    Michele          Harrison            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental             Beverly             MA     10:52
12     691    Katherine        Snell               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental             Nashua              NH     11:16
13     679    Laury            Saligman            ORN                                           Montpelier          VT     17:37
14     697    Kathleen         Gagnon                                                            Manchester          NH     st
15     682    Lisa             Ludwig              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental             Northboro           MA     24:07
16     683    Michelle         Archambault         NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental             Arlington           MA     30:04
17     698    Carrie           Fraga               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental             Waltham             MA     at one lap
DNF    684    Dawn             Zenck               Boston Road Club                              Boston              MA
DNF    693    Leah             Pappas-Barnes       Independent Fabrication                       Arlington           MA
DNF    696    Nancy            Labbe-Giguere       Quad Cycles                                   Arlington           MA

Men 5 u35                                          28 Starters                                                              32 Miles
1      529    Will             Boylston            Dartmouth                                     Hanover             NH     1:31:50
2      521    Anson            Ross                quinebaug valley velo                         Plainfield          CT     at :15
3      502    Peter            Cahalane                                                          North Andover       MA     1:06
4      516    Andrew           Murphy              Back Bay Bicycles                             Cambridge           MA     1:14
5      505    Francis J        Cuddy Iii           Team PowerBar                                 Amherst             NH     st
6      515    Ryan             Lyesiuk                                                           Gardner             MA     1:51
7      506    Jonathan         Dreher                                                            Cambridge           MA     st
8      527    Matt             Wheatley                                                          Amherst             NH     5:30
9      528    Satoshi          Sekine              Back Bay Bicycles                             Dorchester          MA     5:35
10     501    Tom              Burrow              Flye Cycles                                   Amherst             MA     6:32
11     509    Justin           Henderson           White Mountain Velo                           Whitefield          NH     st
12     526    Matthew          Vogel                                                             Southborough        MA     7:50
13     525    Gregory          Vigneaux            Gearworks Cyclery                             Leominster          MA     8:10
14     523    Curtis           Singmaster          Boston Road Club                              Arlington           MA     10:35
15     508    Ben              Hemani                                                            Ipswich             MA     11:10
16     507    Brad             Hagedorn                                                          Hanover             NH     11:25
17     517    Benjamin         Pagano                                                            Nashua              NH     st
18     500    Paul             Anderson            Vermont Sports                                Norwich             VT     11:32
19     513    Steve            Lachance            Back Bay Bicycles                             Boston              MA     11:49
20     510    Lucas            Hubbard                                                           Wolfeboro Falls     NH     15:00
21     520    Rich             Rogers                                                            Epping              NH     17:02
22     514    Curtis Lavoie    Lavoie                                                            Milford             NH     18:06
23     512    Jeremy           Katz                Quad Cycles                                   Arlington           MA     18:56
24     524    Matthew          Stein               Quad Cycles                                   Somerville          MA     23:10
25     519    Christopher      Plummer                                                           Manchester          NH     24:08
26     503    Chase            Carpenter                                                         Lebanon             NH     28:33
DNF    504    Mark             Champagne           Gamache Cyclery                               Lunenburg           MA
DNF    522    Carter           Simpson                                                           Great Falls         VA

Men 5 35+                                          36 Starters                                                              32 Miles
1      551    Alfred           Bissell             Essex County Velo                             Boxford             MA     1:35:27
2      569    Robert           Looney              Boston Road Club                              West Newton         MA     st
3      552    Lars             Blackmore           Drummond Custom Cycles/Upper Valley Velo      Norwich             VT     at :02
4      563    Daniel           Haedrich            Drummond Custom Cycles/Upper Valley Velo      Norwich             VT     st
5      574    Phil             Oviatt                                                            Concord             NH     st
6      553    Seth             Brooker             Belfast Racing Club                           Hampden             ME     3:20
7      556    Bill             Chiarchiaro         NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental             Stow                MA     st
8      571    Jonathan         Nichols                                                           Cornish Flat        NH     st
9      585    Geoff            McIntosh            NHCC                                          Bow                 NH     4:51
10     582    Keith            Omberg              NE Cycling                                    Exeter              NH     st
11     567    Doug             Katz                Noreast Cycling Club                          Bow                 NH     4:56
12     560    Tom              Fritschka                                                         Gilmanton           NH     5:20
13     584    Douglas          Browne                                                            Groton              MA     7:04
14     576    Paul             Ripka               Granite State Wheelmen                        Merrimack           NH     7:30
15     566    Todd             Jarry               Upper Valley Velo/Drummond custom cycles      Norwich             VT     8:03
16     581    John             Wilson                                                            Amherst             NH     8:27
17     562    Tyler            Gannon              Quad Cycles/Arlington Bicycle Club            Lexington           MA     st
18     586    Peter            DeBausk                                                           Hopkinton           NH     st
19     561    Steve            Gallier             Noreast Cycling club                          Bow                 NH     st
20     577    David            Salanitro                                                         Gilford             NH     st
21     564    Eric             Hansmeier           Monadnock Cycling Club                        Keene               NH     9:42
22     554    Randy            Bruneau             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental             Bradford            MA     10:22
23     583    John             Kefeyan             Impact                                        Belmont             MA     11:40
24     565    Tim              Hulse               Stowe Bike Club                               Stowe               VT     st
25     580    Charles          Wescott             Quad Cycles                                   Belmont             MA     11:44
26     578    Sam              Strober             Pawling cycle and sport                       Yorktown Heights    NY     13:49
27     558    Ray              Debruin                                                           Merrimack           NH     16:40
28     570    Timothy          Metzger             NorEast Cycling                               Hampton             NH     16:48
29     557    Douglas          Clarke              Team Squeeks                                  Raymond             NH     18:35
30     587    Brett            Forlano                                                           Manchester          NH     20:41
31     573    Enrico           Nuttoli  Iv                                                       Dracut              MA     28:26
32     555    Harding          Bush                                                              Auburn              ME     29:29
33     588    Suraffec         Assefa              Quad Cycles                                   Arlington           MA     34:34
DNF    550    Steve            Bauermeister        NorEast Cycling                               South Berwick       ME
DNF    568    Randall          Levere              Wheelworks Multisport                         Boston              MA
DNF    589    Christopher      Tan                                                               Burlington          VT

Men Master 35+                                     27 Starters                                                              32 Miles
1      625    Will             Letendre            Boston Scientific                             Etna                NH     1:28:24
2      624    Mike             Barton              Boston Scientific                             White River JunctionVT     st
3      630    Robert           LaRocco             CVC/Subaru of New England                     Manchester          CT     at 1:13
4      611    Ciaran           Mangan              CCB/Volkswagen                                Brighton            MA     st
5      626    Ray              Johnson             Everactive - Workers Comp Solutions           Woburn              MA     st
7      610    Gary             Jasdzewski          Everactive - Workers Comp Solutions           Arlington           MA     st
8      616    Mike             Spangenberg         Battenkill United/Anthem cycles               Shaftsbury          VT     st
9      618    Marvin           Wang                International Bicycle/Global                  Jamaica Plain       MA     st
10     613    Mark             Paggioli            CVC Subaru of New England                     Glastonbury         CT     st
11     600    Stuart           Abramson            Portland velo club                            Falmouth            ME     st
12     601    Massimiliano     Accaputo            CVC Subaru of New England                     Glastonbury         CT     st
14     623    Paul             Richaue             CCB/Volkswagen                                Amesbury            MA     1:48
16     615    Mike             Rowell              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental             Bedford             MA     2:42
17     606    Leo              Devellian           CCB/Volkswagen                                Topsfield           MA     st
18     605    Richard          Carlton             CVC/Subaru of New England                     Glastonbury         CT     5:26
19     614    Peter            Petrillo            CVC/Subaru of New England                     Hamden              CT     st
DNF    602    Gary             Aspnes              Horst-Benidorm-Property Research Corp.        Rockville           RI
DNF    604    Todd             Bowden              CVC - Subaru New England                      Glastonbury         CT
DNF    607    Brad             Ek                  NHCC/Team NH                                  Concord             NH
DNF    621    Carl             Ring                NHCC                                          Rumney              NH
DNF    622    Sean             Langford            CCB/Volkswagen                                Middleton           MA
DNF    628    Brett            Walker              Hammer/Fuji/                       Salisbury           NH
DNF    629    Brian            McGuiness           CVC/Subaru of New England                     Colchester          CT
DNF    631    Bill             Casazza             BOB                                           Salem               NH
DQ     603    Jonny            Bold                Corner Cycle                                  Marstons Mills      MA     2:20
DQ     619    Bill             Yabroudy            NBX/Narragansett Beer                         Coventry            RI     st
DQ     627    Kevin            Hines               Corner Cycle                                  Wareham             MA     st

Men Master 45+                                     48 Starters                                                              44 Miles
1      252    Alec             Petro               Team Psycho                                   Duxbury             MA     1:57:48
2      220    Douglas          Jansen              International Bicycle/Global                  Pelham              NH     st
3      226    Tom              Officer             Cycle Fitness                                 Litchfield          CT     at :16
4      240    Sam              Morse               Corner Cycle                                  Cohasset            MA     st
5      234    Rick             Sorenson            Battenkill-United                             Rutland             VT     st
6      241    David            Kellogg             Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team                       Providence          RI     st
7      221    Mark             Luzio               CYCLE FITNESS                                 Brooklyn            CT     st
8      216    David            Foley               BOB-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bike Shops      N. Easton           MA     st
9      243    David            Becknap             MBRC                                          Dedham              MA     st
10     218    Karl             Hambrecht           CCB/Volkswagen                                West Newbury        MA     st
11     246    Adam             Sternfield          Millwork One                                  Brookline           MA     st
12     244    Bill             Thompson            Keltic Construction                           W. Hartford         CT     st
13     211    Roger            Doucette            Pat's Bike Shop                               Bangor              ME     st
14     250    Tim              Buckley             Sunapee / S &W Racing Team /Continental PavingHenniker            NH     st
15     245    Philip           Beliveau            GMBC                                          St. George          VT     st
16     202    Keith            Button              noreast cycling                               Nottingham          NH     st
17     231    Bob              Roldan              everactiveonline/Workers Comp Solutions       Somerville          MA     st
18     224    Bob              Meikle              Mystic Velo Club                              Waterford           CT     st
19     213    Jonathan         Eichman             QuadCycles                                    Arlington           MA     st
20     229    Art              Podgorski Jr.       Cyclonauts Racers inc.                        Feeding Hills       MA     :22
21     239    Paul             Wonsavage           Onion River Sports                            Hanover             NH     :27
22     217    John             Funk                Cycle Fitness                                 South Kent          CT     :30
23     228    Bob              Payson              GMBC/Catamount                                So. Burlington      VT     :55
24     248    Frank            Jennings            Gearworks/Spinarts                            Edgartown           MA     3:52
25     200    Brian            Anderson            International Bicycle/Global                  Concord             MA     4:45
26     205    Mark             Czarnecki           Laurel BC/ ATTY Edeen/TnT Expense Mgmnt       Guilford            CT     5:21
27     227    Kelly            Parsons             Mystic Velo Club                              Lyme                CT     10:58
28     212    Mark             Dutka               Mystic Velo                                   Uncasville          CT     11:20
29     235    Michael          Stimson             CCC/Keltic Const/Zanes Cycles                 West Hartford       CT     st
30     225    James            Nash                CCB Volkswagen                                North Hampton       NH     11:34
31     206    Jody             Dean                Team International Bicycle Center             Hudson              MA     12:13
32     207    Robert           Degrace                                                           Lunenburg           MA     16:07
33     238    Brian            Wolf                                                                                         19:56
34     222    Eric             Marro               BOB/Shift-Stonyfield Farm-Ariza-Goodales      Nashua              NH     st
35     236    Brian            Stone               Hallamore/Bikeworks                           Barrington          RI     st
36     247    William          Holmes              Boston Road Club                              Waltham             MA     st
37     233    Thomas           Shoemaker           NHCC                                          Dunbarton           NH     20:00
38     215    Walter           Fischer             GMBC                                          Newbury             VT     20:51
39     214    Gary             Evans               Sunapee / S &W Racing Team /Continental PavingBoscawen            NH     st
40     232    Timothy          Shea                BOB/Shift-Stonyfield Farm-Ariza-Goodales      Amherst             NH     21:30
41     242    Jesus            Vazquez             MBRC                                          Holbrook            MA     27:09
42     208    Michael          Di Rado             mbrc/bicycle link                             Scituate            MA     st
DNF    201    Adam             Brodsky             MBRC/ Bicycle Link                            Scituate            MA
DNF    209    Tim              Dodd                NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental             Westford            MA
DNF    210    Bob              Donahue             Gearworks/Spinarts                            Princeton           MA
DNF    230    Rich             Roberts             CCB/Volkswagen                                Nashua              NH
DNF    249    Jeff             Tripp               Noreast                                       Deerfield           NH
DNF    251    Gene             Petrella            360 Racing                                    N. Andover          MA

Men Master 55+                                     21 Starters                                                              32 Miles
1      162    George           Pawle               Cyclonauts Racers                             Westfield           MA     1:35:44
2      170    James            Marshall            Competitive Edge Racing Team                  Shaftsbury          VT     st
3      151    David            Burnell             cox communications cycling team               Jamestown           RI     at :03
4      152    David            Burnett             Mystic Velo \ MCRA                            Norwich             CT     2:55
5      150    Chip             Berezny             Bike Line / LWA                               Easton              PA     4:38
6      169    Bruce            Townend             Competitive Edge Racing Team                  Windsor             MA     st
7      163    Paul             Siebert             Competitive Edge Racing Team                  Bennington          VT     st
8      158    Arthur           Leblanc             Sunapee/S&W Racing Team                       Pembroke            NH     st
9      168    Dick             Samuels                                                           Concord             NH     st
10     161    Jeff             Morin               Mystic Velo                                   Waterford           CT     5:58
11     167    James            Themig              Mystic Velo MCRA                              Niantic             CT     st
12     171                     Knapp               GMBC                                          Shelburne           VT     st
13     159    David            Lucey               NCC /                             Florence            MA     st
14     155    Michael          Goodrich            unattached                                    Essex Jct.          VT     6:09
15     154    Bill             Connolly            MBRC/Bicycle Link                             Milton              MA     10:49
16     160    Bob              Ludecke             laurel bike club                              Milldale            CT     14:22
17     166    Al               Stewart             NHCC/TeamNH                                   Manchester          NH     16:45
18     164    Robert           Smythe              CCNS/Pedal Power                              Middletown          CT     17:31
19     157    David            Holmander           NHCC/Team NH/MCRA                             Epsom               NH     21:45
20     165    Larry            Stachowiak          CCB/Volkswagen                                Lynn                MA     39:22
DNF    153    Mieczyslaus      Burzynski           B.O.B.Stonyfield Farms Goodale's Bike         Newburyport         MA

Men Master 65+                                     3 Starters                                                               32 Miles
1      186    Richard          Martin              Masters Velo                                  Attleboro           MA     1:41:42
2      187    Michael          Patterson                                                         New York            NY     st
DNF    185    Fioravante       Bares               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental/MCRA        Winchester          MA