Results » Road » 2008

Union Vale Road Race

Union Vale, NY

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Union Vale Road Race Presented by Pawling Cycle & Sport Union Vale, NY Sunday, June 29, 2008

Results Courtesy of 

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Men Pro/1/2/3     72 miles         30                     starters
Place   Time      First Name       Last Name              Team                                          City                   State
1       3:13:50   Roger            Aspholm                Westwood Velo                                 Haworth                NJ
2       0:01:07   Matthew          Purdy                  North Atlantic Velo/ClassBook.Com/Giant/Pedro Albany                 NY
3       0:01:14   Christopher      Hong                   Kelly Benefit Strategies/LSV Amateur Cycling  Lutherville            MD
4       0:01:46   Thomas           Bencivengo             Sommerville Sports World Team                 Brooklyn               NY
5       0:02:10   Kyle             Peppo                  CRCA/Jonathan Adler Racing                    New York               NY
6       st        William          Nowak                  TARGETRAINING                                 Guilford               CT
7       0:02:24   Justin           Lindine                TARGETRAINING                                 Maplecrest             NY
8       st        William          Fissel                 Eastern Mobile Cycling Team                   Newark                 DE
9       0:04:01   Yahor            Buben                  CCB/VW/Time                                   Hamden                 CT
10      0:04:32   Cristian         Velasquez              CAFETEROS cycling Club                        Stamford               CT
11      0:04:42   Joshua           Friedman               Breaking Away Bicycles                        New Haven              CT
12      0:04:51   Nathaniel        Ward                   TARGETRAINING                                 Albany                 NY
13      0:07:05   Erik             Markewich              Windham Mountain Outfitters                   Stephentown            NY
14      0:11:14   David            Hoyle                  TARGETRAINING                                 Willow Grove           PA
15      st        Jesse            Dekrey                 unattached                                    Rhinebeck              NY
16      0:20:06   Brett            Cleaver                Sommerville Sports                            Brooklyn               NY
17      0:36:22   Shawn            Forsythe               ccb/volkswagon                                Westerly               RI

Women Pro/1/2/3   58 miles         14                     starters
Place   Time      First Name       Last Name              Team                                          City                   State
1       3:01:22   Beth             Miller                 North Atlantic Velo/             Delmar                 NY
2       st        Kate             Veronneau              Kutztown Cutters                              Kutztown               PA
3       st        Elena            Leznik                 CRCA/Radical Media                            Fort Lee               NJ
4       st        Audrey           Friedrichsen Scott     Bikeway                                       Poughkeepsie           NY
5       0:08:47   Becky            Koh                    CRCA/Comedy Central-Sid's Bikes               New York               NY
6       0:15:19   Jenny            Ives                   CBRC                                          Gloversville           NY
7       0:15:46   Caryl            Gale                   CRCA-Comedy Central-Sids                      Hoboken                NJ
8       0:25:33   Midori           Nakamura                                                             Brooklyn               NY
9       0:27:30   Carol            Becht                                                                                       NJ

Juniors 17-18     44 miles         5                      starters
Place   Time      First Name       Last Name              Team                                          City                   State
1       2:09:18   Filip            Capala                 Capala Brothers/Polska                        Brooklyn               NY
2       0:00:25   Cooper           Ray                    GS - Gotham NYC                               New York               NY
3       1:12:25   Travis           Norman                 Hudson Valley Velo Club                       Hopewell Junction      NY

Men Cat 3/4       58 miles         86                     starters
Place   Time      First Name       Last Name              Team                                          City                   State
1       2:39:14   Mitchell         Mulhern                Team Budget Forklifts                                                Australia
2       0:01:03   Thomas           Richards               Team Budget Forklifts                                                Australia
3       0:01:24   Brian            Gabele                 CRCA/                          New York               NY
4       0:01:38   Jordan           Sagalowsky                                    Brookline              MA
5       0:01:45   Adam             Zimmerman                                                            Westbury               NY
6       st        Russell          Brown                  NCVC                                          Gaithersburg           MD
7       st        Andrew           Bernstein              Brooklyn Velo Force/GQ Racing                 Saratoga Springs       NY
8       0:01:52   Patrick          Bonis                  Cycle Fitness                                 South Kent             CT
9       0:01:55   Christoffel      Prinsloo               CRCA/SouthAfrica.Net                          Fort Lee               NJ
10      st        Rob              Scott                  Bikeway                                       Poughkeepsie           NY
11      st        Juan             Carmona                Young Medalists Cycling Club/Team Dual Temp   Breinigsville          PA
12      st        Patrick          Campbell               Westwood Velo/Trade Manage Capital            Midland Park           NJ
13      0:02:06   Pascal           Sauvayre               CRCA/Merrill Lynch                            New York               NY
14      st        David            Costa                  Watchung Wheelmen                             Roselle Park           NJ
15      st        Evan             Cooper                 CRCA JrDev/Orbea                              Closter                NJ
16      st        Blair            Turner                 Bicycle Sport/Carolina Cyclone                Charlotte              NC
17      st        Peter            Hurst                  Connecticut Coast Cycling                     New Canaan             CT
18      st        Joseph           Azze                   Team Blue             Hawthorne              NJ
19      0:02:28   Eutimio          Quintero               CRCA/Sanchez-Metro                            Maspeth                NY
20      st        Louis            Donato                 GS Park Ridge/Cyclesport                      Airmont                NY
21      st        Jon              Orcutt                 CRCA/Merrill Lynch-Hincapie Sports            Brooklyn               NY
22      st        Matt             Cuttler                CRCA/Affinity Cycles                          Plainview              NY
23      st        Sam              Genge                  Team Budget Forklifts                                                Australia
24      st        Zach             Semian                 Young Medalists Cycling Club/Team Dual Temp   Mertztown              PA
25      st        Aaron            Wolfe                  CRCA/                          New York               NY
26      st        Zack             Noonan                 Young Medalists/Team Dual Temp                Kutztown               PA
27      0:02:41   Eric             Schepis                Syracuse Bicycle                              Jamesville             NY
28      st        James            Walker                 Team Placid Planet                            Elizabethtown          NY
29      0:03:14   Miguelangel      Blanco                                 Rego Park              NY
30      st        Andrew           Walsh                                                                Queens                 NY
31      st        Bill             McGreevy               Team Placid Planet                            Wilmington             NY
32      st        Carlos           Martinez                               Woodhaven              NY
33      0:03:44   Radames          Parissi                CAFETEROS CYCLING CLUB                        Clifton                NJ
34      0:03:51   Peter            Baiamonte              Brooklyn Velo Force / GQ Racing               Brooklyn               NY
35      0:04:14   Brian            Donato                 R3/Nalgene                                    Spencerport            NY
36      st        Phil             Penman                 CRCA/Sids - Cannondale                        New York               NY
37      0:06:12   Andreas          Runggatscher           Signature Cycles/DKNY                         Monroe                 NY
38      0:06:41   Keith            Snyder                 Kissena Cycling Club                          Brooklyn               NY
39      st        Joshua           Jamner                 Targetraining                                 Weston                 CT
40      0:07:24   Sean             Groenewald             CRCA/                          West New York          NJ
41      0:08:48   Sergey           Shteyn                 NYSketches/TVC                                Binghamton             NY
42      0:11:16   Anthony          O'Malley               CRCA/Diehard-Think Racing                     New York City          NY
43      0:11:46   Robert           Haber                  CRCA/NYVelocity                               New York               NY
44      st        David            Trumpf                 CRCA/NYvelocity                               New York               NY
45      0:12:56   Andy             Newsom                                                               Brooklyn               NY
46      0:14:55   Jeff             Johnson                Battenkill-United/            Bennington             VT
47      0:16:39   Sergio           Atocha                 gs gotham/toga                                East Elmhurst          NY
48      0:17:58   Anthony          Santomassimo           Stage 1/ fusionThink                          Poughquag              NY
49      0:18:16   David            Fierro                 Exodus Road Racing/Pools etc/Brumble Bikes    Uncasville             CT
50      0:19:09   Skender          Sakajani               Team Sotheby's / Strictly Bicycles            Roselle Park           NJ
51      0:19:45   Andrew           Nasca                  Bikeway                                       Stormville             NY
52      0:21:40   Andrew           Lytwynec               Full Moon Vista                               Rochester              NY
53      0:23:42   David            Carmona                Battenkill United/            Manchester Center      VT
54      0:24:25   Alexander        Graybeal               Team DC Racing (Danny's Cycles)               Scarsdale              NY
55      0:24:31   Peter            Ognibene               GS Park Ridge/Cyclesport                      Old Tappan             NJ
56      0:25:06   Jesse            Gutierrez              Colavita Racing Inc.                          Bronxville             NY
57      0:26:05   Kusmanto         Beham                                                                Hastings               NY
58      0:26:36   Adam             Ritter                                                               Poughkeepsie           NY
59      0:35:36   Charles          Spell                  CRCA/NYVelocity                               Jersey City            NJ
60      0:46:27   Matthew          Jackson                                                              Peekskill              NY
61      0:54:28   Alex             Boiko                  CRCA/NYVelocity                               New York               NY
62      st        Jon              Hicks                  CRCA/Sanchez Metro                            New York               NY
dsq     3.B.1     Ted              Neu                    CRCA/Sid's-Cannondale                         New York               NY

Junior Women      30 miles         1                      starters
Place   Time      First Name       Last Name              Team                                          City                   State
1       1:38:01   Myfannwy         Galloway               Team Budget Forklifts                                                Australia

Women Cat 4       30 miles         13                     starters
Place   Time      First Name       Last Name              Team                                          City                   State
1       1:38:32   Evelyn           Stevens                Avenue A-Razorfish                            New York               NY
2       0:00:36   Edie             Perkins                Kissena Cycling Club                          Brooklyn               NY
3       0:00:48   Corinne          Karmiel                CRCA/ NY Velocity                             Brooklyn               NY
4       0:02:06   Maria            Murphy                 GS Retro velo                                 West  Nyack            NY
5       0:05:05   Maria            Vlasak                 Connecticut Coast Cycling                     Stamford               CT
6       0:06:32   Kathleen         Rucker                 Kissena                                       Brooklyn               NY
7       0:08:10   Christina        Baumel                 CRCA/NY Velocity                              Brooklyn               NY
8       0:10:00   Kristin          Lotito                 3rd Nature                                    West Hempstead         NY
9       0:15:41   Rebecca          Hussey                 Bethel Cycle Sport Club                       Bethel                 CT
10      0:22:31   Althea Grace     Pineda                 crca/nyvelocity                               New York               NY
11      0:31:34   Shana            Lydon                  Full Moon Vista                               Rochester              NY

Cat 45 u35        44 miles         26                     starters
Place   Time      First Name       Last Name              Team                                          City                   State
1       2:10:46   Ryan Short       Short                  TEAM PLACID PLANET                            Lake Placid            NY
2       0:02:57   Michael          Boardman                                                             New York               NY
3       0:03:18   Justin           Harris                 Bikeway                                       Wappingers Falls       NY
4       st        Manuel           Caliz                  Shirks Racing Presented by Trek               Ephrata                PA
5       st        Aaron            Hall                   Harvard                                       Somerville             MA
6       0:03:35   Evan             Thomas                 Pawling Cycle & Sport                         New Milford            CT
7       st        Victor Maunel    Lopez                  el  puente                                    New York               NY
8       0:04:27   Shane            Buker                  Harvard University Cycling Association        Jamaica Plain          MA
9       0:04:34   Will             Richter                Bicycle Sport/Carolina Cyclone                Rock Hill              SC
10      0:04:43   Aleksander       Betko                  CRCA/Blue             New York               NY
11      0:06:23   Tyler            Lonsdale               Bowdoin College                               Westport               CT
12      0:07:13   John             Cutler                 CRCA                                          Astoria                NY
13      0:12:08   Kyle             Reed                   University of Delaware                        Hamburg                PA
14      0:13:06   Jeremy           Drowne                 battenkill-united/anthem cycles               Saratoga Springs       NY
15      0:13:39   Anders           Scholl                 CRCA                                          New York               NY
16      0:15:44   Mike             Sibalski                                                             Wilmington             NY
17      st        Jason            O'Neill                                                              Staten Island          NY
18      0:18:23   Hunter           Stephenson             Bicycle Sport/Carolina Cyclone                Charlotrte             NC
19      st        Jon              Nash                                                                 Pawling                NY
20      0:37:48   Ned              Walsh                  Rochester Road Racing/Nalgene                 Pittsford              NY

Cat 4/5 35+       44 miles         58                     starters
Place   Time      First Name       Last Name              Team                                          City                   State
1       2:14:24   Lawrence         Uhrlass                east end/Kreb cycle                           East Northport         NY
2       0:00:06   Jeremy           Dawkins                The Bicycle Depot, New Paltz                  Gardiner               NY
3       0:00:22   Rick             Magee                  Bethel Cycle                                  Bethel                 CT
4       st        Ivry             Semel                  CRCA/Sid's-Cannondale                         New York               NY
5       st        Todd             Brilliant              CRCA/Setanta                                  New York               NY
6       st        Andrew           Kalter                 Connecticut Coast Cycling                     South Fallsburg        NY
7       st        Justin           Tyberg                 Bethel Cycle                                  Mahopac                NY
8       st        Paul             Italiano               GS Retrovelo                                  Stony Point            NY
9       0:00:45   Timothy          Rogers                 CRCA/ NYVelocity                              Ny                     NY
10      0:00:51   Larry            Watson                                                               Claryville             NY
11      st        Carlos           Quintero               Cafeteros Cycling Club                        Wappingers Falls       NY
12      0:01:00   Craig            Goodstein              CRCA/Sanchez-Metro                            Merrick                NY
13      0:01:10   Ben              Hughes                 CRCA/Merrill Lynch-Hincapie Sports            New York               NY
14      0:01:30   Oguz             Orkan                                                                Englewood              NJ
15      st        Gui              Weinmann               Kissena Cycling Club                          New York               NY
16      0:01:40   Diego            Zuluaga                Cafeteros Cycling Club                        Peekskill              NY
17      0:01:47   Barry            Goldschmidt            Marty's Reliable                              Morristown             NJ
18      0:02:07   Chris            Mooney                 none                                          Livingston             NJ
19      0:02:51   Al               Blanchard              GS Park Ridge-Cyclesport                      New City               NY
20      0:03:01   Robert           Weiss                  TARGETRAINING/FASTAR                          Weston                 CT
21      0:03:07   Alfonso          Llanos                 the cafeteros                                 Stamford               CT
22      0:03:34   Tom              Laskey                 CRCA/Setanta                                  New York               NY
23      0:03:55   Alan             Blond                  Fitness Coach                                 East Greenbush         NY
24      0:07:14   Jonathan         Sebat                                                                Cold Spring Harbor     NY
25      0:09:01   Attila           Kogler                 CTS                                           Centereach             NY
26      0:09:36   William          Thompson                                                             Poughquag              NY
27      0:09:59   John             Romano                 Bethel Cycle                                  Bethel                 CT
28      0:11:14   Michael          Dawid, Jr.             Cycle Fitness                                 Bridgeport             CT
29      0:11:53   Michael          Lenihan                Battenkill-United/            Lake George            NY
30      0:12:02   Bill             Eagan                  Housatonic Wheel Club                         Pittsfield             MA
31      0:12:30   William          Vannieuwenhuyze        Zephyr Cycling Team                           North Haven            CT
32      0:12:44   Ian              Landau                 Kissena                                       Brooklyn               NY
33      0:12:54   Christopher      Clark                  CRCA/Sanchez-Metro                            New York               NY
34      0:13:25   Carlos           Fonseca                                                              Lagrangeville          NY
35      0:13:30   Gregory          McCoy                  yorktown cycle                                Cold Spring            NY
36      0:13:48   John             Mutterperl             Cafeteros Cylcing Club                        Old Greenwich          CT
37      0:14:00   Jerry            Jacobs                 NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental             Wayland                MA
38      0:14:57   William          Radley                                                               Averill Park           NY
39      0:15:04   Dan              Goldberg               Stage 1/Fusion Think                          Redding                CT
40      0:19:29   Matthew          Snow                   BREAKING AWAY BICYCLES                        Fairfield              CT
41      0:19:57   Jorg             Polster                Breaking Away Bicycles                        Norwalk                CT
42      st        Steven           Winfield               DKNY/Signature Cycles                         Suffern                NY
43      0:20:16   Tim              Fulco                  Housatonic Wheel CLub                         Sheffield              MA
44      0:20:54   Michael          Dimson                 Yorktown Cycles                               Bedford                NY
45      0:21:42   Christopher      Cosgrove               Bikeworks/Hallamore                           North Kingstown        RI
46      0:23:36   John             Ercolani               Cycle Fitness Cycling Club                    Shelton                CT
47      0:28:11   Juan             Nunez                  SignatureCycles/DKNY                          Washingtonville        NY
48      st        Christopher      Horton                                                               Fishkill               NY
49      0:29:11   Michael          Gerald                 GS Park Ridge / Cyclesport                    Mahwah                 NJ
50      0:35:48   Gary             Semeraro                                                             Northport              NY
51      0:37:25   James            Brosnan                                                              New York               NY
52      0:57:50   Dewey            Lee                                                                  Hopewell Junction      NY
dsq     1.K.1     John             Newman                 East End/Kreb Cycle                           Commack                NY

Men 35+           58 miles         36                     starters
Place   Time      First Name       Last Name              Team                                          City                   State
1       2:41:54   David            Taylor                 CRCA/Blue             New York               NY
2       st        Mark             Alden                  CRCA/Blue              Montvale               NJ
3       0:00:24   Troy             Kimball                Westwood Velo                                 Randolph               NJ
4       0:00:46   Edward           Angeli                 Horst - Benidorm - PRC                        Southington            CT
5       0:00:58   Dan              Staffo                 JW Dundee's/Home Performance                  Farmington             NY
6       st        Ryan             Haug                   CONNECTICUT COAST CYCLING                     Seymour                CT
7       0:01:39   Kurt             Gustafsson             CRCA / AXIS                                   Brooklyn               NY
8       0:02:44   Ralf             Warmuth                Westwood Velo                                 Highland Park          NJ
9       0:04:34   Sal              Abbruzzese             CRCA/Blue Ribbon -           Thornwood              NY
10      0:05:16   Mark             Sumner                 Battenkill-United/CBRC                        Clifton Park           NY
11      0:05:23   John             Spittal                Spinners Cycling                              Elizabethtown          PA
12      0:05:49   Chris            Chapman                Westwood Velo                                 Ridgewood              NJ
13      0:06:27   Will             Schneider              GS Gotham/Toga Bikes                          Nyc                    NY
14      0:06:56   Geoff            Bickford               CRCA/Axis                                     New York               NY
15      0:07:24   Joseph           Regan                  Bethel Cycle Sport                            Branford               CT
16      st        James            Conopask               Unattached                                    Southport              CT
17      0:07:53   Jesus E.         Espitia                CRCA/Blue Ribbon -           Ossining               NY
18      0:08:00   Ernest           Tautkus                Exodus Road Racing/Pools etc/Brumble Bikes    Uncasville             CT
19      0:08:05   Mike             Spangenberg            Battenkill United/Anthem cycles               Shaftsbury             VT
20      0:08:12   Michael          Whitaker               Spinners Cycling                              Lancaster              PA
21      0:08:46   Monte            Frank                  Cycle Fitness                                 Sandy Hook             CT
22      0:09:00   Oscar            Osorio                 cafeteros cycling club                        Norwalk                CT
23      0:09:13   Cliff            Summers                Battenkill-United /          Queensbury             NY
24      0:10:01   James            Best                   Cycledrome Racing                             Allentown              PA
25      0:10:51   Jan              Micko                  GBSC                                          Glen Cove              NY
26      0:11:15   David            Krial                  Cycledrome                                    Coopersburg            PA
27      0:11:52   Maximino         Veiga                  TARGETRAINING / FASTAR                        Danbury                CT
28      0:12:37   Mike             Andrews                Connecticut Coast Cycling                     Danbury                CT
29      0:15:21   Danny            Inoa                   Brooklyn Velo Force/GQ Racing                 Brooklyn               NY
30      0:16:59   Jason            Clark                  Battenkill-United/            Southbury              CT
31      0:40:00   Diego            Atehortua              cafeteros cycling club                        Norwalk                CT

Men 45+           44 miles         40                     starters
Place   Time      First Name       Last Name              Team                                          City                   State
1       2:05:53   Randy            Kirk                   Cycle Fitness                                 Avon                   CT
2       0:01:09   William          Thompson               CCC/Keltic Const/Zanes Cycles                 West Hartford          CT
3       0:01:35   Thomas           Luzio                  Denos Wonder Wheel                            Mamaroneck             NY
4       0:01:59   Doug             O'Neill                Deno's Wonder Wheel                           West New York          NJ
5       0:02:42   Todd             Noonan                 Kutztown Cutters                              Kutztown               PA
6       0:02:56   John             Funk                   Cycle Fitness                                 South Kent             CT
7       st        Haluk            Sarci                  Strictly Bicycle                              Cresskill              NJ
8       st        Dzmitry          Buben                  CCB/Volkswagen                                Hamden                 CT
9       0:03:43   Kevin            Fitzmaurice            Zephyr Cycling Team                           Middlebury             CT
10      st        Mark             Luzio                  CYCLE FITNESS                                 Brooklyn               CT
11      0:03:58   Bob              Meikle                 Mystic Velo Club                              Waterford              CT
12      0:04:04   Roger            Friedman               CRCA/DIE HARD-ThinkRacing                     Brooklyn               NY
13      st        George           Suter                  CRCA / Die Hard-Think Racing                  New York               NY
14      st        Damian           Dicostanzo             Deno's Wonder Wheel                           Rye                    NY
15      0:04:11   Alvaro           Betancur               Cafeteros Cycling Club                        New Rochelle           NY
16      st        Douglas          Crane                  Cafeteros                                     Norwalk                CT
17      0:05:01   Thomas           Coleman                Cafeteros                                     Greenwich              CT
18      0:05:07   David            Birrell                NCC-BikeReg                                   Cummington             MA
19      0:05:13   Edward           Smith                  Team Placid Planet                            Plattsburgh            NY
20      st        Paul             Hayes                                                                Guilford               CT
21      st        William          Cantler                Deno's Wonder Wheel                           Brooklyn               NY
22      0:05:33   Carl             Reglar                                                               Mount Vernon           NY
23      0:05:58   Greg             Campi                  3D Racing Team/Tom's Atlantic Cyclery         Shrewsbury             NJ
24      0:06:08   Roman            Paczka                 Main Line Cycling - Bikyle                    Brooklyn               NY
25      0:11:44   Brian            Rafferty               Deno's Wonder Wheel                           Mamaroneck             NY
26      0:14:41   Mark             Gillies                FASTAR/TARGETRAINING                          Rye                    NH
27      0:15:10   David            Stokes                 Kissena                                       New York               NY
28      0:15:29   Jud              Speer                  Schoharie Valley Cycling Club                 Cobleskill             NY
29      0:17:02   Jose             Hernandez              Colavita Racing                               Linden                 NJ
30      st        Joseph           Wiener                 Kissena Cycling Club                          Brooklyn               NY
31      0:19:14   Don              Rice                   Battenkill-United/CCB                         Rensselaer             NY
32      0:21:24   Robert           Stern                  Western Union/ CRCA                           New York               NY
33      0:23:26   David            Stauffer               Targetraining/FASTAR                          Darien                 CT
34      0:27:24   Roger            Billharz               Hudson Valley Velo \ Dutchess        Sleepy Hollow          NY
35      0:29:35   Russ             Green                  3D Racing Team/Tom's Atlantic Cyclery         Fair Haven             NJ
36      0:37:37   Ed               Komar                  Hudson Valley Velo Club                       Hyde Park              NY

Men 55+           44 miles         16                     starters
Place   Time      First Name       Last Name              Team                                          City                   State
1       2:08:35   Tom              Officer                Cycle Fitness                                 Litchfield             CT
2       0:06:09   Paul             Siebert                Competitive Edge Racing Team                  Bennington             VT
3       0:11:38   Bruce            Townend                Competitive Edge Racing Team                  Windsor                MA
4       0:11:59   Stephen          Geist                  Kissena                                       Woodside               NY
5       0:13:03   Donald           Labonte                MainLine Cycling                              Lincolndale            NY
6       0:13:23   Ken              Johnsson               Pawling Cycle & Sport                         Brewster               NY
7       0:20:44   Gary             Vienneau               TI Cycle                                      Gananoque              ON
8       0:25:03   John             Lord                   Denos Wonder Wheels                           Brewster               NY
9       0:32:08   Bill             Anderson                                                             New York               NY
10      0:32:18   Tom              Bridges                TRT bicycles                                  High Falls             NY
11      0:42:16   Howard           Darmstadter            Connecticut Coast Cycling                     Stamford               CT
12      st        William          Yellig                 laurel bicycle club                           Hamden                 CT
13      1:04:16   Fred             Gilbert                                                              Spring Valley          NY