Results » Road » 2008

Keith Berger Memorial Criterium

East Hartford (Founders Plaza), CT

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Keith Berger Memorial Criterium Presented by Capital Velo Club / Vernon Cycle East Hartford (Founders Plaza), CT Sunday, June 29, 2008

Results Courtesy of Alan Atwood

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.
                                                                                                                                 # of category starters:
Pro, 1, 2, 3                           45 starters                                                                                     21     11
Place   Bib  Time        First Name     Last Name            Team                                           City                 State  Cat 2  Cat 3
1       43               Jeff           Buckles              Team Natures Path                              Richmond             VA
2       45               Esteban        Jukich               Richmond Pro Cycling/Nature's Path
3       41               Craig          Luekens              TARGETRAINING                                  New Haven            CT
4       15               Chris          Scott                Locos Grill & Pub                              Athens               GA     1
5       27               Aidan          Charles              Nerac Cycling                                  East Hartford        CT
6       33               Matthew        White                FIORDIFRUTTA                                   Hadley               MA
7       11               Michael        McGinley             Sommerville Sports World Team                  Plainville           CT
8       9                Christopher    Kohnle               CCNS/Pedal Power                               Glastonbury          CT     2
9       29               Matt           Rossman              NorEast Cycling                                Morrisville          VT     3
10      30               Sean           Condron              BCA/Tosk Chiropractic                          Canesboro            MA     4
11      39               Christopher    Jones                Team Type 1                                    New Haven            CT
12      28               Bob            German               CCNS/Pedal Power                               Higganum             CT     5
13      14               Peter          Petrillo             Capital Velo Club                              Hamden               CT     6
14      20               Tim            Malton               Capital Velo Club / Vernon Cycle               Old Saybrook         CT     7
15      1                Massimiliano   Accaputo             Capital Velo Club                              Glastonbury          CT     8
16      44               Stephen        De Lisle             Richmond Pro Cycling/Nature's Path             Gloucester           VA
17      3                Whit           Clifford             Locos Grill & Pub                              Athens               GA     9
18      26               Mark           Edwards              CCNS/Pedal Power                               Virginia Beach       VA            1
19      24               Ian            Marcuse              Richmond Ciclismo                              Richmond             VA            2
20      35               Ronald         LaRose               CCNS/Pedal Power                               Plainville           CT     10
21      16               Timothy        Unkert               Unattached                                     Tolland              CT
22      42               Hunter         Pronovost            CCNS/Pedal Power                               Cheshire             CT     11
23      46               Gerardo        Castro               Richmond Pro Cycling/Nature's Path
24      7                Matthew        Hansley              Locos Grill & Pub                              Athens               GA     12

Note:   Race shortened to 8 miles due to thunderstorm.
12 riders finished after #7 but could not be placed because of a TiVo failure due to the thunderstorm.
I apologize for any inconvience this has caused.

# of category starters:
Womens Open              20 miles       20 starters                                                                                     6      6      5
Place   Bib  Time        First Name     Last Name            Team                                           City                 State  Cat 2  Cat 3  Cat 4
1       112  0:46:07     Cheryl         Wolf                 Bethel Cycle Sport Club                        Ridgefield           CT            1
2       116  0:46:07     Carola         Berger               Webcor/Alto Velo                               Framingham           MA     1
3       114  0:46:42     Debony         Diehl                Sunapee/S & W Racing Team                      Jackson              NH
4       107  0:46:42     Nicole         Freedman             Nicole Freedman/Better Cycling                 Jamaica Plain        MA
5       121  0:47:17     Kathryne       Carr                 Sunapee/S & W Racing Team                      Easthampton          MA     2
6       109  0:47:17     Amy            McGuire              Team Kenda Tire                                Jamaica Plain        MA     3
7       110  0:47:17     Katherine      Papillon-Rodrigue    Capital Velo Club / Vernon Cycle               Avon                 CT                   1
8       123  0:47:17     Pauline        Frascone             IF Racing                                      Plainfield           CT
9       106  0:47:17     Kimberly       Edwards              Capital Velo Club / Vernon Cycle               Clinton              CT            2
10      115  0:47:17     Christy        McArdle              Capital Velo Club / Vernon Cycle               Rocky Hill           CT     4
11      118  0:47:17     Courtney       Rehwoldt             Unattached                                     West Point           NY            3
12      113  0:47:17     Rae            Miller               CA Pools                                       La Quinta            CA            4
13      117  0:47:17     Kathryn        Douglas              CCNS/Pedal Power                               New Haven            CT            5
14      108  0:47:17     Michelle       Hurley               Incline Training                               Northfield           MA     5
15      122  -1 lap      Amanda         Lawrence             North Atlantic Velo                            Mansfield Center     CT     6
16      101  -2 laps     Carmen         Carlton              Capital Velo Club / Vernon Cycle               Glastonbury          CT                   2
17      120  -2 laps     Jan            Weyant-Hamel         Cyclonauts Racers Inc.                         Coventry             RI                   3
18      103  -2 laps     Donna          Davis                Capital Velo Club / Vernon Cycle               Windsor              CT                   4

Juniors                  15 miles       14 starters
Place   Bib  Time        First Name     Last Name            Team                                           City                 State
1       162  0:33:21     Mark           Edwards              CCNS/Pedal Power                               Virginia Beach       VA
2       161  0:35:34     Ian            Marcuse              Richmond Ciclismo                              Richmond             VA
3       160  0:35:34     Michael        Discenza             Greater Hartford Cycling Club                  Burlington           CT
4       152  0:35:34     Evan           Kirk                 Mystic Velo Club                               Old Lyme             CT
5       158  0:35:34     Paul           Lynch                CL Noonan/Coast to Coast/KAM                   Colchester           CT
6       157  0:35:34     Matt           Muney                Connecticut Coast Cycling                      Darien               CT
7       151  0:35:40     Nathan         Etchells             Mystic Velo Club                               Sterling             CT
8       164  -1 laps     Scott          LaPier               Capital Velo Club                              South Glastonbury    CT
9       165  -1 laps     William        Doemland             Unattached                                     Farmington           CT
10      153  -1 laps     Ian            McFarland            Mystic Velo Club                               Niantic              CT
11      154  -2 laps     Reed           McFarland            Rotella & Fabricant                            Niantic              CT

Masters 30+              25 miles       46 starters
Place   Bib  Time        First Name     Last Name            Team                                           City                 State
1       620  0:53:36     William        Yabroudy             Quadfire Racing                                Coventry             RI
2       641  0:53:36     Stephen        Badger               TARGETRAINING                                  Roxbury              CT
3       613  0:53:36     A  Zane        Wenzel               Horst-Benidorm-PRC Cycling Team                Middletown           CT
4       646  0:53:36     Bryan          Haas                 Zephyr Cycling Team Inc.                       Southbury            CT
5       624  0:54:19     Todd           Roberts              New England Bike                               Easthampton          MA
6       601  0:54:19     Murat          Altinbasak           Millwork One                                   W Warwick            RI
7       633  0:54:19     Patrick        Ruane                Sunapee/S & W Racing Team                      Webster              NH
8       610  0:54:53     William        Stevens              Gear Works Cyclery                             Lancaster            MA
9       644  0:54:53     Brent          Arthurs              Evolution Cycling Club                         Stamford             CT
10      632  0:54:53     Keith          Ford                 Sunapee/S & W Racing Team                      Enfield              NH
11      627  0:54:53     Jeffrey        Ferraro              Greater Hartford Cycling Club                  West Hartford        CT
12      635  0:54:53     Paul           Nyberg               Horst-Benidorm-PRC Cycling Team                Avon                 CT
13      636  0:54:53     Jonathan       Lowenstein           Quadfire Racing                                North Kingstown      RI
14      642  0:54:53     Trent          Sullivan             Stage 1 / fusionTHINK                          Glastonbury          CT
15      637  0:54:53     Bruce          Diehl                Sunapee/S & W Racing Team                      Jackson              NH
16      631  0:54:53     Silke          Wunderwald           Independent Fabrication                        Stonington           CT
17      612  0:54:53     Terry          Totemeier            Benidorm Bikes /Eastern Bloc C.C.              Simsbury             CT
18      640  0:55:04     Wade           Summers              Horst-Benidorm-PRC Cycling Team                Southington          CT
19      634  0:55:04     Christopher    Naimie               Sunapee/S & W Racing Team                      Sunapee              NH
20      614  0:55:04     Todd           Bowden               CVC/Subaru of New England                      Glastonbury          CT
21      604  0:55:04     Matthew        Domnarski            Horst-Benidorm-PRC Cycling Team                Ware                 MA
22      615  0:55:04     aron           buterbaugh           Linscott /Peak Racing                          South Portland       ME
23      628  0:55:04     Theodore       D'Onofrio            Horst-Benidorm-PRC Cycling Team                East Hartland        CT
24      625  0:55:04     Mike           Nadeau               New England Bike                               Montgomery           MA
25      643  0:55:04     Jose           Arguelles            Army
26      639  0:55:04     Robert         Carmen               Unattached                                     Weatogue             CT
27      602  0:55:04     Christoffel    Brits                Greater Hartford Cycling Club                  Bristol              CT
28      638  0:55:04     David          Hildebrand           Unattached                                     Ellington            CT
29      623  0:55:04     Jim            Peters               NBX/Narragansett Beer Cycling Team p/b A       North Kingstown      RI
30      618  0:55:04     Steven         Bonadio              Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team                        Arlington            MA
31      630  0:55:04     Dale           Perzanowski          Sunapee/S & W Racing Team                      Hartford             VT
32      603  0:55:04     Jeffrey        Dixon                Southern Maine Cycling Club                    Windham              ME
33      629  0:55:04     John           Interlandi           Stage 1 / fusionTHINK                          Newington            CT
34      617  0:55:04     Chris          Crowell              Stage 1 / fusionTHINK                          Prospect             CT
35      616  0:55:04     Ted            Shanstrom            Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team                        Wakefield            RI
36      611  0:55:04     Matthew        Stuart               Greater Hartford Cycling Club                  Unionville           CT
37      608  0:55:04     William        Mark                 NBX/Narragansett Beer Cycling Team p/b A       Providence           RI
38      645  0:55:04     David          Hartmann             Stage 1 Cycling                                Woodbury             CT
39      606  0:55:04     Ralph          Karam                Gorham Bike & Ski                              Portland             ME
40      605  pulled at 1 Todd           Hamel                Stage 1 / fusionTHINK                          Cheshire             CT
41      609  pulled at 1 Robert         Martin               Benidorm Bikes /Eastern Bloc C.C.              Torrington           CT

Masters 40+              20 miles       60 starters
Place   Bib  Time        First Name     Last Name            Team                                           City                 State
1       739  0:41:13     William        Yabroudy             Quadfire Racing                                Coventry             RI
2       752  0:41:13     Patrick        Ruane                Sunapee/S & W Racing Team                      Webster              NH
3       758  0:41:13     Sean           Groom                Squadra Coppi/IM SAAB                          Bloomfield           CT
4       751  0:42:21     Keith          Ford                 Sunapee/S & W Racing Team                      Enfield              NH
5       754  0:42:21     Christopher    Naimie               Sunapee/S & W Racing Team                      Sunapee              NH
6       724  0:42:21     Michael        Norton               Cyclonauts Racers Inc.                         Monson               MA
7       719  0:42:21     William        Mark                 NBX/Narragansett Beer Cycling Team p/b A       Providence           RI
8       722  0:42:21     Douglas        McKeon               Cyclonauts Racers Inc.                         East Longmeadow      MA
9       753  0:42:21     John           Morales              Cafeteros Cycling Club                         Norwalk              CT
10      736  0:42:21     Ted            Shanstrom            Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team                        Wakefield            RI
11      707  0:42:21     Christopher    DiMattio             Bethel Cycle Sport Club                        Wilton               CT
12      740  0:42:21     Christopher    Dale                 NBX/Narragansett Beer Cycling Team p/b A       N Kingstown          RI
13      704  0:42:21     Don            Catlin               Team Mossman  Tokeneke Racing                  Fairfield            CT
14      716  0:42:21     Charles        Litty                Bethel Cycle Sport Club                        Southbury            CT
15      735  0:42:21     Edward         Deming               Rotella & Fabricant                            Mystic               CT
16      730  0:42:21     William        Stevens              Gear Works Cyclery                             Lancaster            MA
17      701  0:42:21     Turgut         Balikci              Cranford Bike Team/CTS                         Greenwich            CT
18      721  0:42:21     David          Mazur                CCB/Volkswagen                                 North Andover        MA
19      733  0:42:21     Brian          Wolf                 Bethel Cycle Sport Club                        Ridgefield           CT
20      745  0:42:21     Theodore       D'Onofrio            Horst-Benidorm-PRC Cycling Team                East Hartland        CT
21      703  0:42:21     Richard        Carlton              Capital Velo Club / Vernon Cycle               Glastonbury          CT
22      710  0:42:21     Todd           Hamel                Stage 1 / fusionTHINK                          Cheshire             CT
23      746  0:42:21     James          Brannigan            Bethel Cycle Sport Club                        New Milford          CT
24      743  0:42:21     Jim            Peters               NBX/Narragansett Beer Cycling Team p/b A       North Kingstown      RI
25      756  0:42:21     Ronald         Fantano              Sommerville Sports World Team                  West Haven           CT
26      747  0:42:21     John           Morgan               Clinton Cycling Club                           Madison              CT
27      709  0:42:21     Gabriel        Dunn                 Bethel Cycle Sport Club                        Newtown              CT
28      738  0:42:21     Steven         Bonadio              Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team                        Arlington            MA
29      726  0:42:21     John           Roche                B.O.B. Cycling                                 Wilton               NH
30      711  0:42:21     Jeffrey        Hansen               Clinton Cycling Club                           West Haven           CT
31      702  0:42:21     John           Buchheit             QuadCycles                                     Somerville           MA
32      755  0:42:21     Ricardo        Hernandez            Cafeteros Cycling Club                         Bridgeport           CT
33      741  0:42:21     Thomas         Toal                 TARGETRAINING                                  Norwalk              CT
34      717  0:42:21     Scott          Loring               Unattached                                     New London           CT
35      757  0:42:21     Edward         Hicks                Flatbread-Ottercreek Cycling                   Middlebury           VT
36      750  0:42:21     Steven         Suto                 Bethel Cycle Sport Club                        Oxford               CT
37      732  0:42:21     Christopher    Vossler              Greater Hartford Cycling Club                  W Hartford           CT
38      749  0:42:21     Dale           Perzanowski          Sunapee/S & W Racing Team                      Hartford             VT
39      714  0:42:21     Martin         Lasak                Unattached                                     Cobalt               CT
40      760  0:42:21     Bruce          Diehl                Sunapee/S & W Racing Team                      Jackson              NH
41      718  0:42:21     Michael        Maloney              Cyclonauts Racers Inc.                         Chepachet            RI
42      728  0:42:21     Duane          Skofield             B.O.B. Cycling                                 Plaistow             NH
43      725  0:42:21     Jeff           Papineau             Cyclonauts Racers Inc.                         Westfield            MA
44      705  0:42:40     Michael        Cavros               Cyclonauts Racers Inc.                         N Scituate           RI
45      720  0:42:44     Eric           Marro                B.O.B. Cycling                                 Nashua               NH
46      715  0:42:44     Brian          Linscott             Linscott /Peak Racing                          S Portland           ME
47      712  0:42:49     David          Holmander            Team NH                                        Epsom                NH
48      727  0:42:53     Jeff           Seger                Southern Maine Cycling Club                    Cape Elizabeth       ME
49      734  0:43:01     Richard        Comshaw              Connecticut Bicycle Racing Association         Middletown           CT
50      759  0:43:08     Paul           Nyberg               Horst-Benidorm-PRC Cycling Team                Avon                 CT
51      737  0:43:13     David          Johnson              Mystic Velo Club                               Mystic               CT
52      742  0:43:18     James          Hoard                NBX/Narragansett Beer Cycling Team p/b A       Saunderstown         RI
53      713  0:43:35     Wayne          Kirk                 Rotella & Fabricant                            Old Lyme             CT

Cat 3                    25 miles       40 starters
Place   Bib  Time        First Name     Last Name            Team                                           City                 State
1       316  0:51:41     Michael        Norton               Cyclonauts Racers Inc.                         Monson               MA
2       338  0:51:41     Bryan          Haas                 Zephyr Cycling Team Inc.                       Southbury            CT
3       339  0:51:41     Jeffrey        Ferraro              Greater Hartford Cycling Club                  West Hartford        CT
4       313  0:51:41     Derek          Merkler              Unattached                                     West Point           NY
5       341  0:51:41     Brian          Cohen                Greater Hartford Cycling Club                  W Hartford           CT
6       340  0:51:41     Mike           Wiles                Unattached                                     New Haven            CT
7       306  0:51:41     Jeffrey        Dixon                Southern Maine Cycling Club                    Windham              ME
8       325  0:51:41     Christopher    Laflamme             Southern Maine Cycling Club                    Westbrook            ME
9       302  0:51:41     Damien         Callahan             New England Bike                               Amherst              MA
10      333  0:51:41     Chris          Crowell              Stage 1 / fusionTHINK                          Prospect             CT
11      305  0:51:41     Peter          Chiu                 NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental              New York             NY
12      328  0:51:41     Matt           Muney                Connecticut Coast Cycling                      Darien               CT
13      335  0:51:41     Christopher    Chapleau             Stage 1 / fusionTHINK                          Stratford            CT
14      303  0:51:41     Don            Catlin               Team Mossman  Tokeneke Racing                  Fairfield            CT
15      309  0:51:41     Ralph          Karam                Gorham Bike & Ski                              Portland             ME
16      336  0:51:41     Mike           Nadeau               New England Bike                               Montgomery           MA
17      323  0:51:41     Terry          Totemeier            Benidorm Bikes /Eastern Bloc C.C.              Simsbury             CT
18      327  0:51:41     Chad           Empey                IE Bikes, Inc
19      307  0:51:41     William        Doonan               Minuteman Road Club                            Blackstone           MA
20      322  0:51:41     Jeff           Murray               Capital Velo Club / Vernon Cycle               Rocky Hill           CT
21      331  0:51:41     Paul           Lynch                CL Noonan/Coast to Coast/KAM                   Colchester           CT
22      337  0:51:41     Todd           Roberts              New England Bike                               Easthampton          MA
23      330  0:51:41     Peter          Miller               Unattached                                     New London           CT
24      301  0:51:41     David          Baxter               Unattached                                     Cranston             RI
25      334  0:51:41     Joseph         Barroso              Millwork One                                   Barrington           RI
26      326  0:51:55     Brian          Linscott             Linscott /Peak Racing                          S Portland           ME
27      311  0:51:55     Eric           Marro                B.O.B. Cycling                                 Nashua               NH
28      315  0:52:04     Jurgen         Nebelung             Southern Maine Cycling Club                    Portland             ME
29      304  0:52:04     Michael        Cavros               Cyclonauts Racers Inc.                         N Scituate           RI
30      314  0:52:16     Jay            Mongillo             Clinton Cycling Club                           Clinton              CT
31      319  0:52:16     Calvin         Smythe               xXx Racing/AthletiCo                           Chicago              IL
32      321  0:52:47     Juan           DeJesus              Unattached                                     N Windham            CT
33      310  -1 lap      Michael        Maloney              Cyclonauts Racers Inc.                         Chepachet            RI
34      317  -1 lap      Jeff           Papineau             Cyclonauts Racers Inc.                         Westfield            MA
DQ      312  1O6         Douglas        McKeon               Cyclonauts Racers Inc.                         East Longmeadow      MA

Cat 4                    20 miles       35 starters
Place   Bib  Time        First Name     Last Name            Team                                           City                 State
1       437  0:43:19     Leon           Lyakovetsky          Connecticut Coast Cycling                      Norwalk              CT
2       406  0:43:19     Gabriel        Dunn                 Bethel Cycle Sport Club                        Newtown              CT
3       422  0:43:19     Jeffrey        Rubacha              Capital Velo Club / Vernon Cycle               Vernon               CT
4       438  0:43:19     Joe            Policarpio           Unattached                                     Bristol              CT
5       402  0:43:19     Eric           Battaglioli                     Ballston Lake        NY
6       408  0:43:19     Richard        Grant                Benidorm Bikes /Eastern Bloc C.C.              Harwinton            CT
7       415  0:43:19     Charles        Litty                Bethel Cycle Sport Club                        Southbury            CT
8       417  0:43:19     David          Mazur                CCB/Volkswagen                                 North Andover        MA
9       405  0:43:19     John           Buchheit             QuadCycles                                     Somerville           MA
10      404  0:43:19     Christoffel    Brits                Greater Hartford Cycling Club                  Bristol              CT
11      426  0:43:19     Robert         Magadini             Housatonic Wheel Club                          Great Barrington     MA
12      430  0:43:19     Michael        Lorion               Minuteman Road Club                            Millbury             MA
13      411  0:43:19     David          Kahn                 Yale University                                New Haven            CT
14      4?   0:43:19     unknown        rider
15      439  0:43:19     Roark          Maynard              Unattached                                     Pawcatuck            CT
16      425  0:43:19     Steven         Youmatz              CCNS/Pedal Power                               Middletown           CT
17      403  0:43:19     Matthew        Bergenholtz          Unattached                                     Canton               MA
18      412  0:43:19     Sean           Kennedy              Incline Training                               South Deerfield      MA
19      421  0:43:19     Chris          Petrillo             Capital Velo Club / Vernon Cycle               Tariffville          CT
20      436  0:43:19     esteban        sequera              Unattached                                     Milford              CT
21      431  0:43:19     Joel           Rathbun              CRCA/Avenue A | Razorfish Cycling              New York             NY
22      429  0:43:19     Eric           Krivitzky            Penguin Racing                                 Brownsville          VT
23      401  0:43:19     Nicholas       Bartow               Unattached                                     Ashley Falls         MA
24      435  0:43:19     aron           buterbaugh           Linscott /Peak Racing                          South Portland       ME
25      414  0:43:19     Zachary        Kyler                Tri Power                                      Virginia Beach       VA
26      424  0:43:19     Robert         Vaughan              Unattached                                     Sharon               VT
27      432  0:43:19     Evan           Huff                 Unattached                                     Russell              MA
28      434  0:43:19     Anthony        Inzero
29      407  0:43:19     Nathan         Etchells             Mystic Velo Club                               Sterling             CT
30      428  0:43:19     John           Abrahamsen           Claremont Cycle Depot Bike Club                W. Windsor           VT
31      418  0:43:30     Andrew         Parsons              Boston Road Club Inc.                          Brighton             MA
32      410  0:43:33     Jeff           Huckleberry          Unattached                                     Jamaica Plain        MA
33      409  0:43:58     Scott          Healer               Benidorm Bikes /Eastern Bloc C.C.              West Hartford        CT

Cat 5                    15 miles       24 starters
Place   Bib  Time        First Name     Last Name            Team                                           City                 State
1       518  0:32:45     Jeffrey        Kozlowski            Pursuit Fitness                                East Lyme            CT
2       515  0:33:13     Jay            Trojan               Century Drywall Inc.                           Lincoln              RI
3       505  0:33:35     George         Galileos             International Bicycle/Global                   Needham              MA
4       510  0:33:35     Jason          Prusaczyk            Benidorm Bike / EBCC                           Farmington           CT
5       521  0:33:35     Kyle           Herlihy              Connecticut Coast Cycling
6       524  0:33:35     Curt           Comber               CCB/Volkswagen
7       511  0:33:35     Andrew         Raspallo             Refunds Now                                    Greenville           RI
8       519  0:33:35     Jeff           Campbell             Mystic Velo Club
9       507  0:33:35     Eric           Hansmeier            Monadnock Cycling Club                         Keene                NH
10      513  0:33:35     Jerome         Sanders              Thread City Cyclers                            Storrs-Mansfield     CT
11      506  0:33:35     Bob            Hannon               Mystic Velo Club                               Marlborough          CT
12      504  0:33:35     Dennis         Desmarais                                                           Glastonbury          CT
13      501  0:33:35     Vladimir       Auster               Benidorm Bikes /Eastern Bloc C.C.              Avon                 CT
14      522  0:33:35     Glenn          Vernes
15      503  0:33:35     Vinnie         Defrancesco          CVC/Subaru of New England                      Berlin               CT
16      509  0:33:35     Thomas         Potenza                                                             Cranston             RI
17      517  0:33:35     Timothy        Mather               Colavita CT
18      502  0:33:35     Tim            Curley               Back Bay Cycling Club                          Everett              MA
19      512  0:33:35     Rick           Ross. Jr                                                            Glastonbury          CT
20      514  -1 lap      Marty          Spallone                                                            Bolton               CT
21      520  -1 lap      Dean           Montgomery
22      516  -1 lap      Michael        Vagnone              cycle fitness                                  Trumbull             CT
23      508  -2 laps     Raymond        Klinger              Team Solo                                      West Hartford        CT
DQ      523  1J6         Max            Caspescha            TargetTraining