Results » Road » 2008

Cox Charities Cycling Classic

Providence, RI

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Cox Charities Cycling Classic Presented by Promoted by Pave' Productions, the Cox & NBX Cycling Teams Providence, RI Saturday, June 28, 2008

Results Courtesy of 

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Crash with just two laps to go!

Men Pro/1                                           109 Starters                                                                          48.5 Miles
1       Kyle                  Wamsley               Colavita Sutter Home p/b Cooking Light                 Topton                   PA    1:50:29
2       Garrett               Peltonen              Bissell Pro Cycling Team                               Boulder                  CO    st
3       Matthew               Johnson               CRCA/Empire Cycling Team                               New Haven                CT    st
4       Ward                  Solar                 Nerac Cycling                                          Vernon                   CT    at :24
5       Alejandro             Borrajo               Colavita Sutter Home p/b Cooking Light                 Linden                   NJ    st
6       Shawn                 Milne                 Team Type 1                                            Gloucester               MA    st
7       Clayton               Barrows               Rite Aid pb Shebell & Shebell                          Shiremanstown            PA    st
8       Kleber                Ramos                 garneau-crocs                                          St Augustin              PQ    st
9       Richard               Geng                  Rite Aid pb Shebell & Shebell                          Sandy Hook               VA    st
10      Gerardo               Castro                Richmond Pro Cycling                                   Richmond                 VT    st
11      Jonathan              Page                  Battley HARLEY-DAVIDSON/Sonoma Grill                   Northfield               NH    st
12      Richard               England               Bissell                                                Australia                0     st
13      Lisban                Quintero              CRCA/FOUNDATION                                        Maspeth                  NY    st
14      Patrique              Azevedo               garneau-crocs                                          St Augustin              PQ    st
15      Eneas                 Freyre                TARGETRAINING                                          Greenwich                CT    st
16      Scott                 Zwizanski             Bissell                                                Sausalito                CA    st
17      Jeremy                Powers                Jelly Belly                                            Hadley                   MA    st
18      Tyler                 Wren                  Colavita Sutter Home p/b Cooking Light                 Linden                   NJ    st
19      Jake                  Hollenbach            CCB/Volkswagen                                         Shelburne                VT    st
20      Amos                  Brumble               CCB/Volkswagon                                         Westerly                 RI    st
21      Esteban               Jukich                Richmond Pro Cycling                                   Richmond                 VA    st
22      Stephan               Kincaid               Rite Aid pb Shebell & Shebell                          Pottstown                PA    st
23      Edward                King                  Bissell Pro Cycling Team                               Brentwood                NH    st
24      Todd                  Yezefski              Fitness Together/IF powered by Lionette's              Allentown                PA    st
25      Jesse                 Anthony               Team Type 1                                            Beverly                  MA    st
26      Robert                Giannini              Locos Cycling Team                                     Monroe                   CT    st
27      Tim                   Hucker                garneau-crocs                                          St Augustine             PQ    st
28      Scott                 Jackson               DLP Racing                                             Chatham                  NJ    st
29      Robbie                King                  Rite Aid pb Shebell & Shebell                          Brentwood                NH    st
30      Noah                  Singer                Kahala-LaGrange                                        Little Rock              AR    st
31      Matt                  Crane                 Health Net presented by Maxxis                         Athens                   GA    st
32      Colin                 Jaskiewicz            CCB/Volkswagen                                         Montclair                NJ    st
33      Adam                  Myerson               Time Pro Cycling                                       Boston                   MA    st
34      Michael               Norton                CALYON PRO CYCLING TEAM                                Goshen                   NJ    st
35      Josh                  Liberles              Colavita NM p/b JNF Enterprises                        Albuquerque              NM    st
36      Andrew                Guptill               Colavita Sutter Home p/b Cooking Light                 Linden                   NJ    st
37      Jermaine              Burrowes              WS UNITED                                              Brooklyn                 NY    st
38      Igor                  Misicki               CRCA/FOUNDATION                                        Locust Valley            NY    st
39      Craig                 Luekens               TARGETRAINING                                          New Haven                CT    st
40      William               Dugan                 CCB/Volkswagen                                         Burlington               VT    st
41      Sean                  O'Rourke              Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team                             Arlington                VA    st
42      Alec                  Donahue               Nerac                                                  Hadley                   MA    st
43      Aidan                 Charles               Nerac                                                  Middletown               CT    st
44      Jonny                 Clarke                Toyota-United                                          Newport Beach            CA    st
45      William               Jacobus               US Armed Forces                                        Cedar Crest Nm           NM    st
46      Luis                  Amaran                Colavita Sutter Home p/b Cooking Light                 Linden                   NJ    st
47      Gustavo               Artacho               Colavita Sutter Home p/b Cooking Light                 Linden                   NJ    st
48      Tim                   Johnson               Health Net presented by Maxxis                         Middleton                MA    st
49      Thom                  Coupe                 MetLife p/b                                  Plymouth                 NH    st
50      Jason                 Snow                  metra/wendy's/victor homes                             Charlottesville          VA    st
51      Anthony               Colby                 Colavita Sutter Home p/b Cooking Light                 Durango                  CO    st
52      Guido                 Palma                 Rite Aid pb Shebell & Shebell                          Capital Federal          UNK   st
53      Matt                  Seagrave              Kahala-LaGrange                                        Santa Monica             CA    st
54      Yahor                 Buben                 CCB/VW/Time                                            Hamden                   CT    st
55      Horace                Burrowes              W.S UNITED                                             Brooklyn                 NY    st
56      Michael               Margarite             CRCA/Empire Cycling Team                               New York                 NY    st
57      Matt                  Baldwin               TARGETRAINING                                          Danbury                  CT    :41
58      Stanlin               Quiterio              mauricio baez                                          Fort Lee                 NJ    :44
59      Peter                 Ladd                  garneau-crocs                                          St Augustine             PQ    st
60      Christopher           Jones                 Team Type 1                                            New Haven                CT    :58
61      Salvatore             Scotto Divetta        Sommerville Sports                                     Brooklyn                 NY    1:10
62      Eric                  Brownell              CRCA/Empire Cycling Team                               Stamford                 CT    1:16
63      William               Elliston              Rite Aid pb Shebell & Shebell                          Easton                   PA    st
64      Ivan                  Stevic                Toyota-United                                          Newport Beach            CA    1:21
65      Matthew               Hansley               Locos Grill & Pub                                      Athens                   GA    2:08
66      Adam                  Sullivan              Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team                             North Kingstown          RI    2:10
67      Mark                  McCormack             Team FUJI Fueled by Clif Bar                           Foxboro                  MA    2:15
68      Nick                  Bax                   Hot Tubes Development Team                             Bethesda                 MD    2:17
69      Toby                  Walch                 Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team                             Marlborough              MA    st
70      Mukunda               Feldman               Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team                             Great Barrington         MA    2:23
71      Nick                  Bennette              MetLife p/b                                  Metuchen                 NJ    2:26
72      Markus                Weinberg              Kahala-LaGrange                                        Santa Monica             CA    2:32
73      Jonathan              Erdelyi               Rite Aid pb Shebell & Shebell                          Bradley Beach            NJ    2:41
DNF     Anthony               Aker                  Kahala-LaGrange                                        Agoura Hills             CA
DNF     Jason                 Baer                  Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team                             Burlington               VT
DNF     Jeff                  Buckles               Richmond Pro Cycling                                   Richmond                 VA
DNF     Paul                  Burrowes              WS UNITED
DNF     Whit                  Clifford              Locos Grill & Pub                                      Athens                   GA
DNF     Stephen               Delisle               Richmond Pro Cycling                                   Richmond                 VA
DNF     John                  Durso                 Liberty                                                Morris Plains            NJ
DNF     Shawn                 Forsythe              ccb/volkswagon                                         Westerly                 RI
DNF     Jared                 Gilyard               Colavita NM p/b JNF Enterprises                        Tucson                   AZ
DNF     Lucas Sebastian       Haedo                 Colavita Sutter Home p/b Cooking Light                 Linden                   NJ
DNF     Travis                Hagner                Locos Grill & Pub                                      Athens                   GA
DNF     Jonathan              Hamblen               Time Pro Cycling                                                                NC
DNF     Emiliano              Jordan                Colavita NM p/b JNF Enterprises                        Tucson                   AZ
DNF     Bobby                 Lea                   Rite Aid pb Shebell & Shebell                          Mertztown                PA
DNF     Martin                Lechowicz             CRCA/FOUNDATION                                        Locust Valley            NY
DNF     Mark                  Light                 Liberty Cycle                                          Hackettstown             NJ
DNF     Justin                Lindine               TARGETRAINING                                          Maplecrest               NY
DNF     John                  Loehner               CRCA/Empire Cycling Team                               Bronx                    NY
DNF     Roselvert             Marte                 mengoni                                                Fort Lee                 NJ
DNF     Jose                  Medina Andrades       MikeFraysseSports.Com                                  Glen Spey                NY
DNF     John                  Minutrn               CRCA/Empire Cycling Team                               Philadelphia             PA
DNF     Dominique             Rollin                Toyota-United                                          Newport Beach            CA
DNF     Chris                 Scott                 Locos Grill & Pub                                      Athens                   GA
DNF     Thomas                Soladay               TIME PRO CYCLING                                       Bethesda                 MD
DNF     Timothy               Unkert                Stolen Underground Anti Doping Cycling Team            Tolland                  CT
DNF     Henk                  Vogels                Toyota-United                                          Boulder                  CO
DNF     Stephen               Weller                Fiordifrutta Elite Cycling Team                        Hadley                   MA
DNF     David                 Wiswell               CRCA/Empire Cycling Team                               New York                 NY
DNF     Jesus                 Zapata                Colavita NM p/b JNF Enterprises Inc.                   El Paso                  TX
DNF     Ben                   Zawacki               TARGETRAINING                                          Weare                    NH
DNF     Luis                  Acquino               Champion Sistem                                        New York                 NY
DNF     Vladimir              Estevez               Champion Sistem                                        New York                 NY
DNF     Euris Rafael          Vidal                 CAICO                                                  Corona                   NY
DNF     Wendy Ramon           Cruz Martinez         CAICO                                                  Saratoga                 NY
DNF     Juan Carlos           Almonte               Dominican Republic                                     Corona                   NY
DNF     John                  Hanson                IF/FT p/b Lionette's                                   New Bedford              MA

Men 2/3                                             127 Starters                                                                          28 Miles
1       Isaac                 Howe                  NorEast Cycling                                        Winooski                 VT    1:05:06
2       Gavin                 Mannion               Hot Tubes Development Cycling Team                     Dedham                   MA    st
3       Brendan               Cornett               Mechanical Services/Cycle Mania                        Lewiston                 ME    st
4       Adam                  St. Germain           TARGETRAINING                                          Providence               RI    st
5       Kevin                 Wolfson               Fitness Together/IF p/b Lionette's                     Belmont                  MA    st
6       J Gabriel             Lloyd                 Team Alliance Environmental                            New York City            NY    st
7       Luke                  Keough                CLNoonan/KAM/Coast to Coast                            Sandwich                 MA    at :38
8       Alejandro             Guzman                CRCA/FOUNDATION                                        Sunnyside                NY    :40
9       Aaron                 Molloy                MetLife p/b                                 Concord                  NH    st
10      Eric                  Tremble               Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team                             Jericho                  VT    st
11      James                 Combs                 Boston Road Club                                       Cambridge                MA    st
12      Brad                  Sheehan               MetLife p/b                                  Newton Center            MA    st
13      Chris                 Keane                 Preferred Alliance/ Team Florida                       Southwest Ranches        FL    st
14      Mark                  Edwards               CCNS U-25 Development                                  Virginia Beach           VA    st
15      Chris                 Worden                CCB/Volkswagen                                         Chatham                  NJ    st
16      Adam                  Carr                  Colavita Racing New England                            Colchester               VT    st
17      Garrett               White                 Colavita NM p/b JNF Enterprises Inc.                   Orlando                  FL    st
18      Alder                 Martz                 Hot Tubes Development Cycling Team                     Charlotte                NC    st
19      William               Nowak                 TARGETRAINING                                          Guilford                 CT    st
20      Peter                 Chiu                  NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                      New York                 NY    st
21      Colin H.              Murphy                Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team                             Boston                   MA    st
22      David                 Hoyle                 TARGETRAINING                                          Willow Grove             PA    st
23      Jacob                 Mueller               Guys Racing                                            Skippack                 PA    st
24      Josh                  Austin                NorEast Cycling                                        Durham                   NH    st
25      John                  Broussard             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                      Wilmington               MA    st
26      Tom                   Gosselin              Fitness Together/IF powered by Lionette's              Lewiston                 ME    st
27      Morgan                Macleod               Mechanical Services/Cycle Mania                        Orr'S Island             ME    st
28      Ryan                  Kelly                 NorEast Cycling                                        Dover                    NH    st
29      Ron                   Larose 3              CCNS / Pedal Power                                     Plainville               CT    st
30      Michael               Wilcox                Portland Velo Club/Cyclemania                          Yarmouth                 ME    st
31      Benjamin              Coleman      Cycling                                    Burlington               VT    st
32      Scott                 Dolmat-Connell        MetLife p/b                                  Princeton                MA    st
33      Chris                 Coutu                 MetLife p/b                                  Upton                    MA    st
34      Hunter                Pronovost             CCNS/Pedal Power                                       Cheshire                 CT    st
35      Christopher           Kohnle                CCNS/Pedal Power                                       Glastonbury              CT    st
36      Christian             Eager                 QuadCycles                                             Somerville               MA    st
37      Leo                   Desforges             Team BreakAway Boston                                  Allston                  MA    st
38      Ciaran                Mangan                CCB/Volkswagen                                         Brighton                 MA    st
39      Miro                  Koulnis                                                 Worcester                MA    st
40      Erik                  Paddleford            Colavita/Sutter Home New England                       Concord                  NH    st
41      Damien                Colfer                Mechanical Services/Cycle Mania                        Newmarket                NH    st
42      Ian                   Burnett                                                                      Durango                  CO    st
43      Jonathan              Awerbach              Noreast                                                Norwich                  CT    st
44      Duncan                McGovern              NorEast Cycling                                        Peterborough             NH    st
45      Stan                  Jurga                 Fitness Together/IF powered by Lionette's              Cambridge                MA    st
46      Bradford              Kilcline              ByrneInvent                                            Kirkland                 WA    1:09
47      Corey                 Masson                MetLife p/b                                  Concord                  NH    1:11
48      David                 Rendon                Colavita NM p/b JNF Enterprises                        Lubbock                  TX    1:15
49      Vincent               Scalia                NOREAST                                                Queensbury               NY    1:19
50      Andrew                Mills                 New England Masters Elite                              Sturbridge               MA    1:29
51      Luke                  Fortini               corner cycle bike club                                 Kingston                 MA    1:33
52      Peter                 Bell                  MetLife p/b                                  Greenfield               MA    1:37
53      Charles               McCarthy              MetLife p/b                                  Waitsfield               VT    1:43
54      Glenn                 Ferreira              Quadcycles                                             Somerville               MA    pulled & placed
55      Cary                  Fridrich              Cambridge Bicycle/Igleheart Frames                     Cambridge                MA    st
56      Christopher           Pagoda                Philadelphia Ciclismo                                  Conshohocken             PA    st
57      Christopher           Raymond               Team Bike Alley                                        Jamaica Plain            MA    st
58      Eric                  Silva                 QuadCycles                                             Somerville               MA    st
59      Nathaniel             Herz                  Portland Velo Club/MSC-DT                              Brunswick                ME    st
60      Casey                 Marks                 Refunds Now                                            Providence               RI    st
61      Jesse                 Keough                CLNoonan/KAM/Coast to Coast                            Sandwich                 MA    st
62      Tom                   Prugar                NorEast Cycling                                        York                     ME    st
63      Joshua                Rosenberg             Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames                   Watertown                MA    st
64      Eric                  Merrill               ccc/keltic const./zanes cycles                         New Haven                CT    st
65      John                  Menard                Arizona State University                               Whitinsville             MA    st
66      Jesse                 Chebot                Team International Bicycle Center                      Newton                   MA    st
67      David                 Tremblay              Boston Road Club                                       Needham                  MA    st
68      Todd                  Paoletti              CCB/Volkswagon                                         Winchester               MA    st
69      Drew                  Szeliga               Noreast Cycling                                        Newmarket                NH    st
70      Rich                  Protasiewicz          Colavita NM p/b JNF Enterprises Inc.                   Wauwatosa                WI    st
71      Jason                 Sears                 NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                      Cambridge                MA    st
72      Peter                 Miller                                                                       New London               CT    st
73      Mike                  Myers                 Hot Tubes Development Cycling Team                     Worcester                MA    st
74      Kathryne              Carr                  Sunapee/ S&W Racing Team                               Easthampton              MA    st
DNF     Murat                 Altinbasak            Millwork One Racing/                        W Warwick                RI
DNF     Christopher           Bailey                Boston Road Club                                       Norfolk                  MA
DNF     Steve                 Ballinger             Colavita NM p/b JNF Enterprises                        Santa Fe                 NM
DNF     Kipp                  Bradford              VeloEuropa Cycle Sport                                 Pawtucket                RI
DNF     Peter                 Bradshaw              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                      Boston                   MA
DNF     Alex                  Bremer                CRCA/Empire Cycling Team                               New York                 NY
DNF     Johann                Burrowes              WS UNITED/SHEEPSHEAD CYCLE                             Brooklyn                 NY
DNF     Donald                Catlin                Team Mossman/ Tokeneke Racing                          Fairfield                CT
DNF     Leo                   Devellian             CCB/Volkswagen                                         Topsfield                MA
DNF     Eric                  Edlund                MIT Cycling/FXDD                                       Cambridge                MA
DNF     John                  Freisen               Colavita NM p/b JNF Enterprises                        El Paso                  TX
DNF     John                  Freisen               Colavita NM p/b JNF Enterprises                        El Paso                  TX
DNF     Ralf                  Geiben Lynn           Millwork One Racing/                        Newton Center            MA
DNF     Bob                   German                CCNS/pedal power cycling team                          Higganum                 CT
DNF     Manny                 Goguen                Minuteman Road Club                                    Hopedale                 MA
DNF     Patrick               Goguen                cl noonan/coast to coast/kam                           Hopedale                 MA
DNF     Glenroy               Griffith              CRCA/FOUNDATION                                        Brooklyn                 NY
DNF     Glenroy               Griffith              CRCA/FOUNDATION                                        Brooklyn                 NY
DNF     Mark                  Gunsalus              Team FUJI fueled by Clif Bar                           Dudley                   MA
DNF     Brendan               Hanrahan              Millwork One Racing/                        Providence               RI
DNF     Craig                 Harrison              Sunapee/S&W/Continental Paving Racing Team             Bartlett                 NH
DNF     Morgan                Hiller                CLNoonan/Coast to Coast/KAM                            Marion                   MA
DNF     Joshua                Jamner                Targetraining                                          Weston                   CT
DNF     Jeremy                Jo                    QuadCycles                                             Somerville               MA
DNF     Matthew               Kressy                Millwork One Racing/                        Wellesley                MA
DNF     Sean                  Langford              CCB/Volkswagen                                         Middleton                MA
DNF     Joshua                Lehmann               NorEast Cycling                                        Weare                    NH
DNF     Paul                  Lynch                 bicyclelink/mbrc                                       Marshfield               MA
DNF     Bob                   Makofsky              CRCA/Foundation                                        New York                 NY
DNF     Ian                   Marcuse               CCNS Pedal Power U23                                   Richmond                 VA
DNF     David                 Miller                Millwork One Racing/                        West Greenwich           RI
DNF     Erik                  Mitchell              Human Zoom/Pabst Blue Ribbon                           Phoenixville             PA
DNF     Steven                Morse                 BIKEMAN.COM                                            Pawtucket                RI
DNF     Roger                 Nichols               minuteman road club                                    Sudbury                  MA
DNF     Dylan                 O'Sullivan            CRCA/Sakonnet Technology U25                           Worcester                MA
DNF     Timothy               Olivo                 0                                                      Pawtucket                RI
DNF     Anthony               Parent                CCNS --- Pedal Power                                   Wallingford              CT
DNF     Gavin                 Robertson             CRCA/FOUNDATION                                        Brooklyn                 NY
DNF     Joe                   Rodrigues             Cyclonauts                                             Longmeadow               MA
DNF     Matt                  Rossman               NorEast                                                Morrisville              VT
DNF     Steve                 Roszko                                                  Northampton              MA
DNF     Richard               Sachs                 RGM WATCHES - RICHARD SACHS                            Chester                  CT
DNF     Tobi                  Schultze              Team FUJI fueled by Clif Bar                           Foxboro                  MA
DNF     Peter                 Shapiro               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                      Cranston                 RI
DNF     Kyle                  Smith                 Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames                   South Boston             MA
DNF     Adam                  Sternfield            Millwork One Racing/                        Brookline                MA
DNF     Scott Patrick         Sullivan              Millwork One Racing/                        Providence               RI
DNF     Brian                 Tompkins              CCNS/Pedal Power                                       Newington                CT
DNF     James                 Tosca                 Corner Cycle                                           Sandwich                 MA
DNF     Jerome                Townsend              Fitness Together / IF pb Lionette's                    Princeton                MA
DNF     Christopher           Tracy                 Sugar Cycles                                           Houston                  TX
DNF     Roy                   Van Cleef             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                      Weston                   MA
DNF     Mike                  Wiles                 Target Training                                        New Haven                CT

Men Master 35+/45+                                  80 Starters                                                                           23 Miles
1       Patrick               Ruane                 Sunapee/S&W/Continental Paving                         Webster                  NH    53:29
2       Matthew               Kressy                Millwork One Racing/                        Wellesley                MA    st
3       Tobi                  Schultze              Team FUJI fueled by Clif Bar                           Foxboro                  MA    st
4       Paul                  Curley                Gear Works                                             Taunton                  MA    st                    45+
5       Paul                  Richard               CCB/Volkswagen                                         Amesbury                 MA    st
6       Stephen               Gray                  Bethel Cycle                                           Middletown               CT    st                    45+
7       Tyler                 Munroe                CCB/Volkswagen                                         No. Andover              MA    st                    45+
8       John                  Funk                  Cycle Fitness                                          South Kent               CT    st                    45+
9       Bill                  Yabroudy              NBX/Narragansett Beer p/b APEX Technologies            Coventry                 RI    st
10      Gary                  Jasdzewski            Everactive                                             Arlington                MA    st
11      Ciaran                Mangan                CCB/Volkswagen                                         Brighton                 MA    st
12      Gerard                O'Shea                CCC/Keltic Const/Zanes Cycles                          Clinton                  CT    st
13      Mark                  Gunsalus              Team FUJI fueled by Clif Bar                           Dudley                   MA    at :14                45+
14      Leo                   Devellian             CCB/Volkswagen                                         Topsfield                MA    st
15      Dzmitry               Buben                 CCB/Volkswagen                                         Hamden                   CT    st                    45+
16      David                 Kellogg               Arc En Ciel                                            Providence               RI    st                    45+
17      Kevin                 Hines                 Corner Cycle                                           E. Wareham               MA    st                    45+
18      Patrick               Brandon               CCNS/Pedal Power                                       Killingwoth              CT    st
19      Mark                  Luzio                 CYCLE FITNESS                                          Brooklyn                 CT    st                    45+
20      Peter                 Petrillo              CVC/Subaru of New England                              Hamden                   CT    st
21      Adam                  Sternfield            Millwork One                                           Brookline                MA    :19                   45+
22      Eben                  Kellogg               Everactive Workers Comp Solutions                      Littleton                NH    :21
23      Jonny                 Bold                  Corner Cycle                                           Marstons Mills           MA    :23
24      Steve                 Roszko                                                  Northampton              MA    :47
25      Rick                  Kotch                 Union Velo Club                                        Rehoboth                 MA    st
26      Colman                O'Connor              MBRC/Bicycle Link                                      Roslindale               MA    st                    45+
27      Kim                   Riseta                Jonathon Alder Racing                                  New York                 NY    st
28      Sean                  Langford              CCB/Volkswagen                                         Middleton                MA    st
29      Rob                   O'Malley              Sunapee S&W Racing team                                Minneola                 FL    st
30      Kelly                 Parsons               Mystic Velo Club                                       Lyme                     CT    st                    45+
31      Thom                  Norton                Corner Cycle                                           Concord                  MA    st
32      David                 Potter                bikeworks/hallamore                                    Tiverton                 RI    st
33      Donald                Catlin                Team Mossman/ Tokeneke Racing                          Fairfield                CT    st                    45+
34      Frank                 Jennings                                                                     Edgartown                MA    st                    45+
35      Bob                   Bisson                Gear Works/Spin Arts                                   Fall River               MA    st                    45+
36      Bruce                 Diehl                 Sunapee S&W Racing                                     Jackson                  NH    st
37      Tim                   Dodd                  NEBC                                                   Westford                 MA    1:21                  45+
38      Tim                   Buckley               Sunapee / S&W                                          Henniker                 NH    st                    45+
39      Gary                  Aspnes                Horst-Benidorm-Property Research Corp.                 Rockville                RI    st
40      Mark                  Dutka                 Mystic Velo                                            Uncasville               CT    st                    45+
41      Jim                   Peters                NBX/Narragansett Beer p/b APEX Technologies                                     RI    st
42      Alan                  Antonelli             Bikeworks/ Hallamore                                   Cranston                 RI    st
43      Frank                 McCormack             Team FUJI Fueled by Clif Bar                           Leicester                MA    1:33
44      John                  Grenier               BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farms-Goodale's Bike Shops      Lewiston                 ME    2:10                  45+
45      Richard               Sachs                 RGM WATCHES - RICHARD SACHS                            Chester                  CT    3:02                  45+
46      Paul                  Lynch                 bicyclelink/mbrc                                       Marshfield               MA    at one lap            45+
47      Timothy               Shea                  BOB/Shift-Stonyfield Farm-Ariza-Goodales               Amherst                  NH    st                    45+
48      Michael               Weeks                 Arc en Ceil                                            Orleans                  MA    st                    45+
49      Michael               Shireman              Cyclonauts Racers                                      Attleboro                MA    st
50      Chad                  Empey                 I.E. Bikes                                             La Quinta                CA    st
DNF     Murat                 Altinbasak            Millwork One Racing/                        W Warwick                RI
DNF     Steven                Bonadio               Arc-en-Ciel Racing Team                                Arlington                MA
DNF     Christopher           Burke                 Bikeworks/Hallamore                                    Pawtucket                RI                          45+
DNF     Christopher           Dale                  NBX/Narragansett Beer p/b APEX Technologies                                     RI
DNF     Jody                  Dean                  Team International Bicycle Center                      Hudson                   MA                          45+
DNF     Bo                    Fuller                NBX/Narragansett Beer p/b APEX TEchnologies                                     RI
DNF     Kyle                  Gates                 Millwork One/WeeBke                                    Dorchester               MA
DNF     Ralf                  Geiben Lynn           Millwork One Racing/                        Newton Center            MA
DNF     Neil                  Hall                  Union Velo/Max Progo                                   Lakeville                MA                          45+
DNF     Craig                 Harrison              Sunapee/S&W/Continental Paving Racing Team             Bartlett                 NH                          45+
DNF     Mark                  Januskiewicz          Sunapee /S&W Sports/Continental Paving                 Concord                  NH                          45+
DNF     Daniel                Joakim                Bicycle Link/MBRC                                      Centerville              MA                          45+
DNF     Jonathan              Johnson               BIKE WORKS /HALLAMORE                                  Attleboro                MA                          45+
DNF     Martin                Lasak                 Unattached                                             Cobalt                   CT
DNF     Bill                  Mark                  NBX/Narragansett Beer                                  Providence               RI
DNF     Spike                 McLaughlin            Horst - Benidorm - Property Research Corp.             West Greenwich           RI
DNF     Jay                   Mongillo              Keltic Construction / Zanes Cycles                     Clinton                  CT                          45+
DNF     James                 Nash                  CCB Volkswagen                                         North Hampton            NH                          45+
DNF     Gene                  Petrella              360 Racing/Landry's                                    North Andover            MA                          45+
DNF     John                  Stonebarger           MBRC/Bicycle Link                                      Plymouth                 MA
DNF     Mark                  Thompson              Sunapee/S&W/Continental Paving                         Nashua                   NH                          45+
DNF     David                 Tremblay              Boston Road Club                                       Needham                  MA                          45+
DNF     James                 Walsh                 Cox Communications                                     Wakefield                RI
DNF     Stephen               Ivester                                                                      New Bedford              MA                          45+
DNF     Gene                  Garneau               Bikeworks/Hallamore                                    Attleboro                MA                          45+
DNF     Thad                  LaVallee              Van Dessel Sports                                      Sharon                   MA
DNF     William               Holmes                Boston Road Club                                       Waltham                  MA                          45+
DNF     Wayne                 Kirk                  Mystic Vellow Club                                     Old Lyme                 CT                          45+
DNF     Antonio               Silva                 Refunds  Now                                           Providence               RI                          45+
DNF     Debony                Diehl                 Senapee/STW                                            Jackson                  NH