Results » Road » 2008

2008 Tour of Washington County Maryland

Williamsport, MD

Sunday, June 22, 2008

2008 Tour of Washington County Maryland Presented by Antietam Velo Club - Team Hagerstown-Washington County Smithsburg - Boonsboro - Williamsport, MD Saturday, June 21, 2008 to Sunday, June 22, 2008

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Men Cat 1/2/3
GC Place   First Name     Last Name         BIB #  TEAM
1          Pete           Cannel            158    Mock Orange Bikes Racing
2          Todd           Hesel             127    Hunt Valley Bicycles/Marathon Roofing
3          Chris          Keane             131    Preferred Alliance/ Team Florida
4          Nathan         Coleman           113    IMMEDIATE MORTGAGE - ARTEMIS ELITE
5          David          Bozak             109    Clean Currents p/b Don Beyer Volvo
6          George         Ganoung           124    US Armed Forces
7          Nick           Bax               106    Hot Tubes Development Team
8          Chris          Schmidt           148    bike lane
9          Joseph         Baremore          104    Clean Currents p/b Don Beyer Volvo
10         Sean           Barrie            105    Battley Harley-Davidson/Capitol Hill Bikes
11         Chuck          Hutcheson         130    Battley Harley-Davidson/Capitol Hill Bikes
12         David          Osborne           144    IMMEDIATE MORTGAGE - ARTEMIS ELITE
13         Zack           Allison           102    NCVC/Inova Health System
14         Adam           Fung              122    Clean Currents p/b Don Beyer Volvo
15         Steven         Grant             125    NCVC/Inova Health System
16         George         Opria             143    Evolution Cycling
17         Andy           Shaw              149    NCVC/Inova Health System
18         Ryan           McKinney          136    Clean Currents p/b Don Beyer Volvo
19         Chip           Hoover            129    ABRT/Latitude
20         Jason          Meidhof           137    Clean Currents p/b Don Beyer Volvo
21         Ken            Young             157    Clean Currents p/b DB Volvo/US Armed Forces
22         Christopher    Berbert           108    NCVC/Inova Health System
23         Sean           Galegher          123    Hunt Valley Bicycles/Marathon Roofing
24         Paul           Lengermann        134    NCVC/Inova Health System
25         Jose           Escobar           117    Battley Harley-Davidson/Capitol Hill Bikes
26         Jeff           Dickey            116    NCVC/Inova Health System
27         Shannon        Morgan            139    Clean Currents p/b Don Beyer Volvo
28         Brian          Marchionini       135    Clean Currents p/b Don Beyer Volvo
29         Brian          Fouche            119    AVC/Team Hagerstown-Washington Co
30         Paul           Mica              138    NCVC/Inova Health System
31         Evan           Fader             118    Battley Harley-Davidson/Capitol Hill Bikes
32         Anthony        Van Lierop        155    Hunt Valley Bicycles-Marathon Roofing/HVB

Men Master 40+
GC Place   First Name     Last Name         BIB #  TEAM
1          Christopher    Clarke            205    NCVC/Inova Health System
2          Andreas        Gutzeit           212    ABRT - Latitude
3          Peter          Lindeman          217    NCVC/Inova Health System
4          John           Nusbaum           221    Warrenton Cycling Center
5          Kurt           Kroemer           216    Squadra Coppi/IM Saab
6          William        Stiles            228    Chesapeake Wheelmen/King Pawn
7          Victor         Siegfried         226    Evolution Cycling Club
8          William        Luecke            218    NCVC/Inova Health System
9          Michael        Buchness          201    PedalShop
10         Matthew        Albanese          200    ABRT/Latitude
11         Scott          Gordon            209    avc/team hagerstown-washington county
12         Shawn          Downing           206    Chesapeake Wheelmen/King Pawn
13         Brian          Farmer            208    NCVC/Inova Health System
14         Phil           Falconer          207    Evolution Cycling Club
15         Todd           Gue               210    dhbd /bicycle place velo
16         David          Rusnak            223    Corner Cycle
17         Ryan           Guttridge         211    ABRT/Latitude
18         Doug           Milliken          219    ABRT/Latitude
19         Michael        Zoeller           230    RacerHeads SLC
20         James          Saunders          225    Route 1 Velo/Capitol Hill Bikes
21         Shaun          Solhjou           227    Trail's End Cycling
22         Mike           Capasso           202    NCVC/Inova Health System
23         Marc           Klein             215    NCVC/Inova Health System
Romeo          Carelli           203    trail,s end cycling co.
Jeff           Chown             204    NCVC/Inova Health System
Tj             Hegerich          213    PPTC
Michael        Hutton            214    Trail's End Cycling
Don            Saroff            224    TEAM HALL NISSAN
Mark           Monnett           220
Giovanni       Reggioli          222    Artemis
Ken            Woodrow           229    Squadra Coppi/IM Saab
Carlos         Goncalves         234    ALL AMERICAN BICYCLE CLUB
Harry          Fang              243    Bike Place
Ron            Barry             241    AABC
Dan            Feinberg          240    avc/team hagerstown-washington county
Rick           Tucker            242    Lateral Stree
David          Long              235    AVC Team Hagerstown Washington County
Jeff           Anderson          231    HPC/List
Brian          Dietz             232
David          Wolfel            239    Squadra Coppi
Edward         Rackley           238    independent
Alex           Mata              236    Evolution Cycling
Bob            Gillespie         233    All American Bicycle Club
Paul           Morse             237    Clean Currents p/b Don Beyer Volvo
Jeff           Lange             299    WWVC/3D Fitness & Health
Christopher    Regan             298    TEAM HALL NISSAN

Open Women
GC Place   First Name     Last Name         BIB #  TEAM
1          Sonja          Evers             653
2          Erin           Silliman          677    C3-Artemis
3          Diane          Grim              659
4          Leslie         Jennings          666    Team CycleLife
5          Elena          Leznik            671    CRCA/Radical Media
6          Lesley         Golenor           656    HPC powered by Altarum
7          Marjan         Huizing           665    Team Kenda Tire
8          Amanda         Watson            682    Artemis
9          Sara           Zeigler           684    Team CycleLife
10         Melanie        Swartz            678    Team CycleLife
11         Barbara        Grabowski         657    Elves & More of NE Ohio
12         Sara           Schewel           676    Human Zoom/Pabst Blue Ribbon
13         Janet          Olney             674
14         Bianca         Grecu             658    Human Zoom/Pabst Blue Ribbon
15         Christina      Briseno           651
16         Christine      Wehlburg          683    NCVC/Inova Health System
17         Janelle        Hubbard           664    Team Kenda Tire
18         Netana         Hotimsky          663    Human Zoom
19         Wendy          Ulmer             680    Team CycleLife
20         Lorraine       Lipfert           672
21         Marni          Harker            660    Team Kenda Tire
22         Robin          Zimmerly          685    Team CycleLife
23         Anna           Kelso             668    HPC powered by Altarum
24         Catherine      Large             669    Yellow Breeches Racing
25         Mimi           Newcastle         673    HPC powered by Altarum
26         Jennifer       Cheng             652    Artemis
27         Cheryl         Osborne           675    Artemis
28         Caitlin        Thompson          679    Human Zoom/Pabst Blue Ribbon
29         Laura          Gabanski          655    Route 1 Velo/Capitol Hill Bikes
Leeann         Beatty            650    Hershey Cancer Institute-GPOA-Cannondale
Beth           Leasure           670    AVC/Team Hagerstown-Washington County
Kate           Flore             654    HPC powered by Altarum
Elizabeth      Harlow            661
Michelle       Hart              662    Team CycleLife
Chris          Kelley            667    HPC powered by Altarum
Heidi          Von Teitenberg    681
Kristy         Swope             686    EPS/CSS/Riptide Cycling
Esther         Schaftel          687    Unattached
Arley          Kemmerer          688    Hub Racing
Dale           Tye               689    Hub Racing
Liz            Leyden            690    Hub Racing
Emma           Giddens           691    Hub Racing
Michele        Bote              692    HPC powered by Altarum
Amy            Westenfeld        695    NCVC/Inova Health System
Tania          Steinschneider    696    HPC/LIST
Catherine      Freck             697    HPC/List
Evelyn         Egizi             698    Artemis
Jean           Colsant           699    Squadra Coppi

Men Master 50+
GC Place   First Name     Last Name         BIB #  TEAM
1          Arthur         Brown             600    ABRT/Latitude
2          Bernie         Sanders           616    VanDessel Factory Team
3          Alexander      Meller            610    ABRT/Latitude
4          Lauriston      Marshall          609    Clean Currents p/b Don Beyer Volvo
5          Paul           Mittelstadt       611    Clean Currents p/b Don Beyer Volvo
6          Dennis         Crockett          604    AVC/Team Hagerstown-Washington Co
7          Mike           Spinnler          618    AVC/Team Hagerstown-Washington County Tourism
8          Stephen        Schultze          617    Clean Currents p/b Don Beyer Volvo
9          John           Olinski           612    AVC/Team Hagerstown Wasington Co.
10         Ramon          Colon             603    Prince William Elite Racing
Dave           Brown             601    Artemis
Tom            Grim              607    ERA Cycling
Tom            Lane              608    AVC-Hagestown/Washington co.
Max            Rogozinski        614    Prince William Elite Racing
Bob            Walters           619    ABRT/Latitude
Larry          Dell              605
Jack           Gardner           606    AVC/Team Hagerstown-Washington Co
Scott          Olson             613    C3/ADG/Joe's
Joe            Hager             621    AVC/Team Hagerstown-Washington Co
Craig          Clark             602    Evolution Cycling
Randall        Root              615    Evolution Cycling Club
Ted            Harris            620    ABRT/Latitude

Men Cat 3
GC Place   First Name     Last Name         BIB #  TEAM
1          Kevin          Young             344    Bicycle Place Velo Club
2          Mark           Edwards           311    CCNS U-25 Development
3          Alex           Cox               308    Freddie Fu Cycling
4          Bryan          Vaughan           337    IMMEDIATE MORTGAGE - ARTEMIS ELITE
5          Ben            King              322    Guy's Racing
6          Alex           Butterfield       305    Clean Currents p/b Don Beyer Volvo
7          Stephen        Robinson          332    Squadra Coppi/IM SAAB
8          Paul           Beyer             301    WWVC/3D Fitness and Health
9          Jonathan       Glick             316    Shirk's Racing presented by Trek Bikes
10         Steve          Schott            334    Trek of Pittsburgh
11         Bruno          Neto              329    KELLY BENEFIT STRATEGIES/LSV
12         Ian            Morrison          327    Bike Doctor/Bayside Velo
13         Ryan           Bracken           303    WWVC / 3D Fitness and Health Cycling Team
14         Steve          Fife              313    Bike Doctor
15         Josh           Kahney            319    Bike Doctor/Bayside Velo
16         Matthew        Neigh             328    AABC
17         Philippe       Hensel            318    NCVC/Inova Health System
18         Zachary        Rogers            333    GP Velotek
19         Russell        Brown             304    NCVC
20         Nathan         Wilson            343    NCVC/Inova Health System
21         Steven         Black             302    National Capital Velo Club/Inova Health
22         Constantinos   Tombras           336    Squadra Coppi/IM Saab
23         James          Stevenson         335    All American Bicycle Club
24         Rusty          Williford         342    WWVC / 3D Fitness and Health Cycling Team
25         David          Harrell           317    WWVC / 3D Fitness and Health
26         Clifton        Chamberlin        306    Bike Doctor/Bayside Velo
27         Judd           Walencikowski     339    Bike Doctor
Michael        Wagner            338    ABRT/Latitude
Brian          Geary             314    All American Bicycle Club
Richard        Distad            310    Bike Doctor/Bayside Velo
John           Larson            323    Squadra Coppi/IM Saab
Karl           Anderson          300    NCVC/Inova Health System
Judd           Milne             326    Squadra Coppi/IM Saab
Ray            Clark             307    AVC/TEAM HAGERSTOWN-WASHINGTON CO
Robert         Kelly             321    NCVC/Inova Health Systems
Mike           May               325    Artemis
Mark           Parrett           330    George Washington University
Jordan         Cross             309    Squadra Coppi/IM Saab
Evan           Ellicott          312    Bike Doctor / Bayside Velo
Yoav           Gery              315    Bike Doctor/Bayside Velo
John           Kamenick          320    Evolution Cycling Team
Carlos(1800)   Marino            324    Route 1 Velo/ Capitol Hill Bikes
Mike           Petrakis          331    NCVC/Inova Health System
Dale           Waters            340    Kelly Benefit Strategies/LSV Amateur Cycling
Christopher    Wiedmaier         341    Evolution Cycling
Carlos         Cespedes          345
Brett          Davis             346    Evolution Cycling
Tony           Goncalves         347    All American Bicycle Club
Brandon        Lumm              348    Route 1 Velo / Capitol Hill Bikes
Todd           Mann              349    Spokes-N-Skis / Altoona Bicycle Club

Men Cat 4
GC Place   First Name     Last Name         BIB #  TEAM
1          Brigham        Lumm              441    Route 1 Velo / Capitol Hill Bikes
2          Stephen        Wahl              469    AVC/ Team Hagerstown-Washington Co
3          Lance          Lacy              440    ABRT/Latitude
4          George         Milinkovic        450    Squadra Coppi/IM Saab
5          Robert         Sheffield         463
6          Steven         Kendall           436    NCVC/Inova Health System
7          James          Drane             421    Artemis
8          Greg           Strimbu           467    Squadra Coppi
9          Jorge          Marccenaro        445    Artemis
10         Cameron        Patch             456    NCVC/Inova Health System
11         Daryl          Grissom           427    WWVC / 3D Fitness and Health Cycling Team
12         Jose           Nunez             453    Route 1 Velo/Capitol Hill Bikes
13         Chris          Gurr              428    AMVC
14         Gregoire       Faber             423    NCVC/Inova Health System
15         James          Johnson           433    Battlefield Velo
16         Sam            McCadney          447    The Bike Rack of Washington DC
17         Kyle           Murphy            452    The Bike Lane
18         Todd           Bickling          411    Bike Doctor/Bayside Velo
19         Kyle           Jones             434    Evolution Cycling Club
20         Ryan           Bannon            407    The Bike Lane
21         Trevor         Shattuck          461    Hunt Valley Bicycles/Marathon Roofing
22         Bruce          Buckley           413    THE Bike Lane
23         Ken            Woodrow           473    Squadra Coppi/IM Saab
24         Shawn          Curtis            418    AVC/Hagerstown-Washington County Maryland
25         John           Mullineaux        451    Bike Doctor/Bayside Velo
26         Jeffrey        Sanders           459    Squadra Coppi/IM Saab
27         Corey          Kropp             439    University of Delaware
28         Brian          Flynn             425    team bbc
29         Jonathan       Freeman           426    Artemis
30         David          Magnussen         442
31         David          Whiting           471    Artemis
Eduardo        Aguayo            401    Route 1 Velo/Capitol Hill Bikes
Lance          Anderson          403    The Bike Rack Of Washington, DC
Jason          Anthony           404    Route 1 Velo/Capitol Hill Bikes
Drew           Armstrong         405    NCVC/Inova Health System
Martin         Austermuhle       406    The Bike Rack Of Washington, DC
David          Crouse            417    The Bike Lane
Tony           Dimeglio          419    The Bike Rack Of Washington, DC
Corey          Dipietro          420    The Bike Rack of Washington DC
Shaw           Fici              424    Clean Currents p/b Don Beyer Volvo
Ray            Manyoky           444    Bicycle Place Velo Club
Joe            Mazza             446    WWVC / 3D Fitness and Health Cycling Team
Douglas        Owens             454    NCVC/Inova Health System
Corey          Rabideau          457    National Capital Velo Club/Inova Health System
Fabrizio       Roman             458    ABRT/Latitude
Josh           Sharpe            460    WWVC / 3D Fitness and Health Cycling Team
Dennis         Short             464    Prince William Elite (PoWER)
Gerardo        Sore              465    Battlefield Velo
Raymond        Trentini          468    NCVC/Inova Health System
Richard        Wertheim          470
Drew           Wisniewski        472    NCVC/Inova Health System
Tony           Abate             400    The Bike Rack Of Washington, DC
Mark           Spottiswood       402
Scott          Barstow           408    Route 1 Velo/Capitol Hill Bikes
Roger          Batchelor Jr      409    WWVC / 3D Fitness and Health Cycling Team
Geoff          Beaty             410    WWVC / 3D Fitness and Health Cycling Team
David          Blodgett          412    All American Bicycle Club
Christopher    Chapel            414    NCVC/Inova Health System
Joseph         Coats             415    Squadra Coppi/IM Saab
Kevin          Cross             416    The Bike Rack of Washington, DC
Daniel         Drumwright        422    SQUADRA DE COPPI
Chris          Hall              429    WWVC / 3D Fitness and Health Cycling Team
Michael        Hardin            430    Kelly Benefit Strategies/LSV Amateur Cycling
Chuck          Harney            431    The Bike Rack Of Washington, DC
Carlos         Goncalves         432
Bradley        Kendall           435    NCVC/Inova Health System
Christopher    King              437    Route 1 Velo / Capitol Hill Bikes
David          Kirkpatrick       438    NCVC/Inova Health System
Lukasz         Majewski          443    Evolution Cycling
Kenneth        McDowell          448    ABRT/Latitude
John           Meadows           449    NCVC/Inova Health System
Rowel (rob)    Palisoc           455    NCVC/Inova Health System
John           Shea              462    Artemis
Ben            Storozum          466    navy cycling

Women Cat 4
GC Place   First Name     Last Name         BIB #  TEAM
1          Ainhoa         Perez-Diez        559    NVRC/Cardio Sports Lab
2          Amy            Westenfeld        567    NCVC/Inova Health System
3          Tania          Steinschneider    564    HPC/LIST
4          Dana           Stryk             565    Artemis
5          Mary           Alex              550    Artemis
6          Jean           Colsant           552    Squadra Coppi
7          Heather        Ross              568    The Bike Rack
8          Dori           Buckethal         551    Artemis
9          Catherine      Freck             554    HPC/List
10         Catherine      Miller            558    George Washington University
11         Linh           Tran              566    Artemis
12         Lindsey        Hillesheim        556    Squadra Coppi/IM Saab
13         Lauren         Peterson          561    NCVC/Inova Health System
14         Aldona         Glemza            555    HPC/List
15         Jaemie         Drake             553    The Bike Rack of Washington DC
16         Michelle       Johnson           557    The Bike Rack of Washington DC
Doron          Petersan          560    The Bike Rack
Amanda         Reed              562    Bike Doctor/Bayside Velo
G.             Shoemaker         563    Ascent Velo

Men Cat 5
GC Place   First Name     Last Name         BIB #  TEAM
1          Michael        Cohen             510
2          Douglas        Woods             538    All American Bike Club
3          Andrew         Chamberlin        509
4          Phil           Steinschneider    533    Evolution Cycling
5          Kenn           Angelly           501    All American Bicycle Club
6          Howard         Van Houten        536    Unattached
7          Jason          Trust             535    NCVC/Inova Health System
8          Scott          Lawler            523
9          Mark           Granger           517    Winchester Wheelmen Race Team
10         Timothy        Rugg              529
11         James          Carlisle          508    Battlefield Velo
12         Victor         Pradel            527
13         Chas           Offutt            525    The Bike Rack DC
14         Kevin          Webb              537    NCVC/INOVA Health System
15         Tom            Jawetz            534    The Bike Rack of Washington, DC
16         Brian          Blackford         504    Team BBC
17         James          Latoff            521    NCVC
18         Brian          Bailey            503    The Bike Rack of Washington, DC
19         Stephen        Hammond           518    NCVC/Inova Health System
20         Daniel         Cramer            511
21         Marcus         Floro             515
22         Matthew        Ringer            528
23         Nicholas       Allen             500    The Bike Rack of Washington, DC
Randy          Hooper            519    Prince Williams Elite
Brian          Laubscher         522    NCVC/Inova Health System
Michael        Flanagan          514    Unattached
Chris          Soda              532    Team Type One
Randall        Buxbaum           507    AVC / Team Hagerstown-Washington County
Eric           Bae               502    Kelly Benefit Strategies/LSV Amateur Cycling
John           Brookes           505    NCVC/Inova Health System
Jeff           Buchanan          506    Battlefield Velo
Daniel         Dinneen           512    wwvc
Skander        Dridi             513
Jeffrey        Gagliardo         516    All American Bike Club
Josh           Jones             520
Scott          Mabry             524    National Capital Velo Club / Inova Health System
Michael        Pecina            526
Logan          Sawyer            530    University of Virginia
Daniel         Shapiro           531    Artemis
Bill           Young             539    Artemis
Timothy        Brown             540
Jeremiah       Downie            541    Unattached
Drake          Jordan            542    Descartes Cycling
Geoffrey       Rezvani           543    NCVC/Inova Health System
Kent           Southern          544    NCVC
Carlos         Cespedes          545    Unattached
Erik           Beatley           546    Winchester Wheelmen Race Team
Robert         Lanzer Jr         547    Winchester Wheelmen Race Team