Results » Road » 2008

The 14th Annual MRC Sterling Classic Road Race

Sterling, MA

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The 14th Annual MRC Sterling Classic Road Race Presented by The Minuteman Road Club Sterling, MA Saturday, May 10, 2008

Results Courtesy of 

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Pro/1/2           80 miles       57                   starters
Place   Time      First Name     Last Name            Team                                              City                State
1       3:04:52   Mark           McCormack            Team Fuji                                         Foxboro             MA
2       st        Alec           Donahue              Nerac Cycling                                     Hadley              MA
3       0:00:24   Dan            Cassidy              CCB/Volkswagon                                    Burlington          VT
4       0:02:28   Ryan           Fleming              MetLife p/b                             Portsmouth          NH
5       st        Brendan        Cornett              Mechanical Services/Cycle Mania                   Lewiston            ME
6       st        Luke           Keough               CLNoonan/KAM/Coast to Coast                       Sandwich            MA
7       st        Damien         Colfer               Mechanical Services/Cycle Mania                   Newmarket           NH
8       st        Toby           Walch                Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team                        Marlborough         MA
9       0:02:43   Peter          Bradshaw             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Arlington           MA
10      st        Justin         Spinelli             KBS/Medifast Pro Cycling Team                     Nashua              NH
11      st        Jonathan       Bruno                FT / IF powered by Lionette's                     Boston              MA
12      st        Josh           Austin               NorEast Cycling                                   Durham              NH
13      st        Todd           Rowell               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Arlington           MA
14      st        Chris          Hong                 Kelly Benefit Strategies                          Lutherville         MD
15      0:03:14   Amos           Brumble              CCB/Volkswagen                                    Westerly            RI
16      0:06:09   Matt           Brewster             Incline Training                                  Greenfield          MA
17      0:08:16   Sam            Silver               Fitness Together / IF pb Lionette's               Waban               MA
18      0:08:25   Brad           Sheehan              MetLife p/b                             Newton Center       MA
19      0:08:39   Mukunda        Feldman              Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team                        Great Barrington    MA
20      0:08:53   Charles        McCarthy             MetLife p/b                             Waitsfield          VT
21      st        Roy            Van Cleef            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Weston              MA
22      st        Benjamin       Coleman                                           Burlington          VT
23      st        Scott          Dolmat-Connell       MetLife p/b                             Princeton           MA
24      st        Luciano        Pavan                Optimum Performance/FCC                           Fitchburg           MA
25      st        Adam           Sullivan             Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team                        North Kingstown     RI
26      st        Colin H.       Murphy               Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team                        Boston              MA
27      st        Matt           Rossmani             NorEast Cycling                                   Mortsville          VT
28      st        Pete           Petrillo             CVS / Subaru of NE                                Hamden              CT
29      st        Will           Riffelmacher         Fiordifrutta                                      S. Royalton         VT
30      st        Christopher    Kohnle               CCNS/Pedal Power                                  Glastonbury         CT
31      st        Colman         O'Connor             MBRC
32      st        Ross           Krause                                            Easthampton         MA
33      st        Adam           Sternfield           Millwork One Racing/                   Brookline           MA
34      st        Jake           Hollenbach           CCB/Volkswagen                                    Shelburne           VT
35      st        Tom            Gosselin             Fitness Together/IF powered by Lionette's         Lewiston            ME
36      st        Kevin          Putman               CBRC                                              Gloversville        NY
37      st        Adam           Branfman             Fitness Together / IF pb Lionette's               Newton              MA
38      0:09:05   Thomas         Orsini               Optimum Performance/Fitchburg Cycling Club        Leominster          MA
39      st        Morgan         Macleod              Mechanical Services/Cycle Mania                   Orr'S Island        ME
40      0:10:10   Corey          Masson               MetLife p/b                             Concord             NH
41      1 lap     Thomas         Lebosquet            Fitness Together/Independant Fabrication p/b LioneGreenland           NH

Pro/1/2/3 Women   48 miles       21                   starters
Place   Time      First Name     Last Name            Team                                              City                State
1       2:15:25   Rebecca        Wellons              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Woburn              MA
2       st        Sara           Bresnick-Zocchi      Pedal Power Coaching                              Somerville          MA
3       st        Mary           Zider                NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Barre               VT
4       st        Karin          Holmes               CCB/Volkswagen                                    Beverly             MA
5       st        Debony         Diehl                SUNAPEE/S&W                                       Jackson             NH
6       0:04:24   Cathy          Rowell               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Bedford             MA
7       0:04:37   Kathryne       Carr                 Sunapee/ S&W                                      Easthampton         MA
8       st        Brooke         O'Connor             Hub Racing                                        Billerica           MA
9       st        Natalie        Dumont               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Fitchburg           MA
10      st        Pauline        Frascone             Independent Fabrication                           Plainfield          CT
11      st        Samantha       Dery                 NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Beverly             MA
12      st        Kathryn        Douglas              CCNS                                              New Haven           CT
13      st        Julie          Lefebvre             International Bicycle/Global                      Somerville          MA
14      st        Lydia          Mathger              Cape Cod Cyclist                                  East Falmouth       MA
15      0:05:35   Susanne        Delaney              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Portsmouth          NH
16      0:05:40   Amanda         Lawrence             North Atlantic Velo
17      0:12:29   Ivy            Luhrs                Velo Bella-Kona/MCC                               Minot               ME
18      0:12:41   Lizette        Bolans

Cat 3/4           56 miles       96                   starters
Place   Time      First Name     Last Name            Team                                              City                State
1       2:16:35   Ron            Larose 3             CCNS / Pedal Power                                Plainville          CT
2       st        Peter          Shapiro              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Cranston            RI
3       st        Stephen        Gray                 bethelcycle                                       Middletown          CT
4       st        Dylan          McNicholas           NorEast Cycling                                   Stratham            NH
5       st        Joseph         Regan                Bethel Cycle Sport                                Branford            CT
6       st        Peter          Hurst                Connecticut Coast Cycling                         New Canaan          CT
7       st        John           Broussard            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Wilmington          MA
8       st        Jordan         Sagalowsky                                      Brookline           MA
9       st        Mark           Theeman              NEBC/Cycleloft/Devonshire Dental                  Boston              MA
10      st        Jon            Bernhard             CCB/Volkswagen                                    Newburyport         MA
11      0:01:13   Christopher    Thornton             ACT                                               Surry               NH
12      0:01:24   Cort           Cramer               Minuteman Road Club                               Watertown           MA
13      st        Damien         Callahan             Team New England Bike                             Amherst             MA
14      st        Ryan           O'Hara               Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames              Somerville          MA
15      0:02:15   Bob            German               CCNS/pedal power cycling team                     Higganum            CT
16      st        James          Morrison             CCB/Volkswagen                                    Brighton            MA
17      st        Jonathan       Kranzley                                                               Wellesley           MA
18      st        Brendan        Gallivan             westwoodvelo trade manage racing                  Troy                NY
19      st        Jeffrey        Elie                 Incline Training                                  Dracut              MA
20      st        Torbjorn       Phillpotts           Quad Cycles                                       Medford             MA
21      st        Gary           Jasdzewski           Everactiveonline/Workerscompsolutions             Arlington           MA
22      st        Christopher    Kessler              University of Massachusetts Amherst               Wilmot              NH
23      st        Matt           Muney                Connecticut Coast Cycling                         Darien              CT
24      st        Keith          Button               noreast cycling                                   Nottingham          NH
25      st        John Michael   Hackett              North Atlantic Velo/'s   West Rutland        VT
26      st        Miro           Koulnis                                           Worcester           MA
27      st        Michael        Sabatini             Boston Road Club                                  Hingham             MA
28      st        Devon          Burgess              Rhino Bike Works                                  Eastham             MA
29      st        Cary           Fridrich             MOM p/b Spooky Frames                             Cambridge           MA
30      st        Jeremy         Dunn                 Cambridge Bicycle presented by Igleheart Frames   Cambridge           MA
31      st        Jeffrey        Ferraro              U.S. Army/Central Wheel-GHCC                      West Hartford       CT
32      st        Paul           Lynch                CLNoonan/Coast-to-Coast/KAM                       Colchester          CT
33      st        Christian      Rynkiewicz           team bicycle alley                                Worcester           MA
34      st        Jamie          Belchak              North Atlantic Velo/ Pedros/        Killington          VT
35      st        Mike           Nadeau               TEAM NEW ENGLAND BIKE                             Montgomery          MA
36      st        Brian          Tompkins             CCNS/Pedal Power                                  Newington           CT
37      st        Scott          Brooks               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Westford            MA
38      st        Benjamin       Liang                TARGETRAINING                                     Greenwich           CT
39      st        Jurgen         Nebelung             Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                           Portland            ME
40      st        Morgan         Hiller               CLNoonan/KAM/Coast to Coast                       Marion              MA
41      st        Tim            Humpton              MIT Cycling/Evolution Racing                      Jamison             PA
42      st        Christopher    Bailey               Boston Road Club                                  Norfolk             MA
43      st        Mike           Rowell               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Bedford             MA
44      st        Chris          Butler               Epic Velo \ Cheshire Cycle                        Meriden             CT
45      st        Michael        Good                 NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Wilmington          MA
46      st        Justin         Bourque                                    East Walpole        MA
47      st        Collin         Huston               CLNoonan/KAM/Coast to Coast                       Kennebunk           MA
48      st        Mark           Suprenant            Team Type 1                                       Milford             NH
49      st        Robert         Carman               New England Bicycle
50      st        Pierre         Vanden Borre         Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames              Boston              MA
51      st        Kurt           Schmid               SALEM CYCLE/FELT/RUDY PROJECT                     Marblehead          MA
52      st        Joshua         Rosenberg            Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames              Watertown           MA
53      st        Chris          LaFlamme             Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                           Westbrook           ME
54      st        John           Rhoden               MIT Cycling                                       Brighton            MA
55      st        Greg           Brown                NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Boston              MA
56      st        Glenn          Ferrira              Quad Cycles                                       Sommerville         MA
57      st        Christian      Eager                QuadCycles                                        Somerville          MA
58      st        P J            McQuade              Minuteman Road Club                               Millbury            MA
59      st        Lance          Coyle                INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE CENTERS                     Barre               VT
60      st        Brendan        Hanrahan             Millwork One Racing/                   Providence          RI
61      st        Manny          Goguen               Minuteman Road Club                               Hopedale            MA
62      st        Gustavo        Cinci                BRC                                               Watertown           MA
63      st        Ryan           Laroque              team bicycle alley
64      st        Peter          Rhodes               On & Off Rhodes Cycling                           Concord             NH
65      st        Mark           Dakoulas             North Atlantic Velo/Classbook/Giant/Pedros        Hartland            VT
66      st        Thomas         Griffin              Quaker City Wheelmen/Breakaway Racing             Philadelphia        PA
67      st        Dan            Ouellette            Gamache Cyclery                                   Westminster         MA
68      0:03:25   Kyle           Smith                Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames              South Boston        MA
69      0:04:57   Clark          Scheffy              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Cambridge           MA
70      0:05:40   Chris          Curven               North Atlantic Velo / ClassBook.Com / Giant / PedrWalpole             NH
71      0:10:10   John           Fennel               International Bicycle/Global                      Somerville          MA

4 Women           24 miles       24                   starters
Place   Time      First Name     Last Name            Team                                              City                State
1       1:14:41   Clara          Kelly                NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 North Andover       MA
2       st        Katherine      Papillon-Rodrigue    CVC/Subaru of New England                         Avon                CT
3       0:02:02   Amy            Kemper               Northampton Cycling Club                          Northampton         MA
4       0:02:13   Daria          VarderVeen           Capitol Velo Club                                                     CT
5       0:02:18   Ashley         Krause               Northampton Cycling Club                          Easthampton         MA
6       0:04:05   Katherine      Snell                NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Nashua              NH
7       st        Erica          Mains                NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental
8       0:04:13   Marie          Jennings             Onion River Sports                                Webster             VT
9       0:04:36   Christine      Fort                 Back Bay Cycling Club                             Somerville          MA
10      st        Cynthia        Tingle
11      st        Donna          Davis                CVC/Subaru of New England                         Windsor             CT
12      st        Kate           Leppanen             Quad Cycles                                       Arlington           MA
13      st        Mary Lynn      Wikar                CVC/Subrau of New England                         Vernon              CT
14      st        Leah           Pappas-Barnes        Independent Fabrication                           Arlington           MA
15      0:04:59   Dawn           Zencka               Boston Road CLub                                  Boston              MA
16      0:05:07   Lynn           Samartano            Millwork One Racing/                   Providence          RI
17      0:09:23   Loraine        Warner               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 North Andover       MA
18      st        Emily          Curry                Team Bicycle Alley                                Sturbridge          MA
19      st        Carmen         Carlton              CVC/Subaru of New England                         Glastonbury         CT
20      st        Andrea         Wasik                NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 W Newton            MA
21      0:11:46   Michele        Archambault          NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Watertown           MA
22      0:12:50   Caroline       Cardiasmenos         NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Boston              MA
23      st        Kathy          Martin               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Watertown           MA

4 Men             40 miles       76                   starters
Place   Time      First Name     Last Name            Team                                              City                State
1       1:46:39   Leo            Desforges            Team BreakAway Boston                             Allston             MA
2       st        Jason          Moriarty                                                               Stafford            CT
3       st        Jason          Clevenger            Boston Road Club                                  Newton Centre       MA
4       st        Brian          Campbell             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Waltham             MA
5       st        Ben            Regan                Travis Cycle                                      Brockton            MA
6       st        Bryon          Lewis
7       st        Evan           Huff                 Unattached                                        Russell             MA
8       st        Darrel         Seppala                                                                New Ipswich         NH
9       st        David          Smallwood            Boston Road Club                                  Brighton            MA
10      st        Casey          Marks                Refunds Now                                       Providence          RI
11      st        Jordan         Winkler              Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames              Cambridge           MA
12      st        Brad           Warren               Gamache Cyclery                                   Fitchburg           MA
13      st        John           Gibbons              NEBC / Cycle Loft / Devonshire Dental             Boston              MA
14      st        Eric           Wemhoff              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Lexington           MA
15      st        Sean           Soltysik             Team Bike Alley                                   Boylston            MA
16      st        Colby          Ricker               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Somerville          MA
17      st        Michael        Lorion               Team BreakAway Boston                             Millbury            MA
18      st        Nessim         Mezrahi              QuadCycles                                        Cambridge           MA
19      st        Matthew        Spaits               Boston Road Club!                                 Somerville          MA
20      st        Matthew        Buckley              Onion River Sports                                East Hardwick       VT
21      st        Gary           Sacon                Cyclonauts Racers                                 Northbridge         MA
22      st        Joshua         Tetrault             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Jamaica Plain       MA
23      st        Oscar          Jimenez              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Lowell              MA
24      st        Nicholas       Fanaras              NorEast Cycling                                   Amesbury            MA
25      st        Ian            Sutton               QuadCycles                                        Allston             MA
26      st        Neal           Heffron              Boston Road Club                                  Brookline           MA
27      st        Kevin          Hays                 Portland Velo Club                                Brookline           MA
28      st        Mark           Durso                Zephyr Cycle                                      Middlebury          CT
29      st        Chuck          Litty                Bethel Cycle Sport Club                           Southbury           CT
30      st        Andrew         Salmon               Cyclonauts/Blackstone Valley Human Performance    Millbury            MA
31      st        Dave           Mazur                CCB/Volkswagen                                    N. Andover          MA
32      st        Roland         Merk                 Zephyr Cycling Team                               Roxbury             CT
33      0:00:23   Geoff          Martin               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Watertown           MA
34      st        David          Dubos                CCNS/Pedal Power                                  Middletown          CT
35      st        Steven         Senne                Boston Road Club                                  East Walpole        MA
36      st        John           Fice                 Boston Road Club                                  Norfolk             MA
37      st        Bernard        Tan                  NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Medford             MA
38      st        Rick           Magee                Bethel Cycle                                      Bethel              CT
39      st        Yonder         Gillihan             Team Bicycle Alley                                Worcester           MA
40      st        John           Wilde                Team International Bicycle Centers                Boston              MA
41      st        John           Buchheit             QuadCycles                                        Somerville          MA
42      st        Eric           Martin               QuadCycles                                        Jamaica Plain       MA
43      st        Zachary        Wills                IBC racing                                        Cambridge           MA
44      st        Nathan         Turillo              Refunds Now
45      st        Peter          Fernzilli            n/a                                               Cheshire            CT
46      0:01:10   Peter          Muessing
47      st        J Craig        Roth                 Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames              Somerville          MA
48      st        Nicholas       Mashburn             Cambridge Bicycle/Igleheart Frames                Cambridge           MA
49      st        John           Naegle               QuadCycles                                        Somerville          MA
50      st        Michael        McKittrick           Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames              Brighton            MA
51      st        Wayne          Cunningham           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Wayland             MA
52      st        Peter          Miller                                                                 New London          CT
53      st        Joseph         Jussaume             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Nashua              NH
54      0:02:37   Chris          Petrillo             CVC/Subaru of New England                         Tariffville         CT
55      0:04:05   Jeff           Huckleberry                                                            Jamaica Plain       MA
56      0:04:30   Michael        Brier                Refunds Now                                       Providence          RI
57      0:04:58   Stefan         Wawersik             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Westborough         MA
58      0:12:04   Eric           Bascombe                                          Cumberland          RI
59      0:12:28   Jonathan       Delcolle             Bikeworks/Hallamore/SVC                           Somerset            MA
60      st        Andrew         Aavatsmark           Louis Garneau Masters Team                        West Hartford       CT
61      st        John           Bonadies             CCNS                                              Hamden              CT
62      0:17:26   Julian         Eliz Iii             Team BreakAway Boston                             Brighton            MA

4/5 Men           24 miles       59                   starters
Place   Time      First Name     Last Name            Team                                              City
1       1:03:28   Joshua         Krook                                                                  New Ipswich
2       st        Benjamin       Wolfe                Mystic Velo Juniors? Connaughty Chiropratic       Niantic
3       st        Kevin          Lambertson           Southern Maine Cycling Club                       Waterboro
4       st        Jeremy         Durrin               Gamache Cyclery                                   Fitchburg
5       st        Matt           Goedeke              C B R C                                           Albany
6       st        Michael        Baker                cape cod cyclist                                  Hyannis
7       st        Brian          Wilichowski
8       st        Callum         Ingram                                                                 Putney
9       st        Marc           Gagliano             Connecticut Coast Cycling                         Wilton
10      st        Seth           Haskell              BBCRT                                             Northport
11      st        Evan           Kirk                 Mystic Velo Juniors/ Connaughty Chiropratic       Old Lyme
12      st        Robert         Dibattista                                                             Framingham
13      st        Matt           D'Alessio            Team BreakAway Boston                             Boston
14      st        Austin         Gregory              Colavita
15      st        Jason          Goldschmidt          Team BreakAway Boston                             Brookline
16      st        Kevin          Malloy               CCNS/Pedal Power                                  Cromwell
17      st        Juan           Munster              100% PURE FOOD NUTRIENTS                          Norwalk
18      st        Andrew         Grant                Minuteman Road Club                               Raynham
19      0:00:27   Chaney         Becker                                                                 Westport
20      st        Ernie          Lozeau                                                                 Blackstone
21      st        Marcus         Jang                 Refunds Now                                       Providence
22      st        Nathan         Larkin               NCC /                                 Florence
23      st        Ian            Whittle              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Jamacia Plain
24      0:00:35   Jake           Berry                Blesso Consulting                                 Franklin
25      st        Ben            McCoy                                                                  Somerville
26      st        Peter          Mayer                                                                  Medford
27      0:02:25   Eric           Wilhelm              Team Bicycle Alley                                Southbridge
28      0:02:35   Greg           Brown                BBCRT - Belfast Racing Team                       Monroe
29      0:03:05   Daniel         Douglass                                                               Somerville
30      0:03:25   Scott          Glowa                Unattached                                        Providence
31      0:03:58   Matthew        Gilbert              NBX                                               Wakefield
32      0:04:05   Matt           Lease                Providence Velo Club / RefundsNow                 Providence
33      0:06:22   Jeffrey        Bramhall             HUP United                                        Allston
34      0:06:55   Callom         Gow                  BBHS
35      st        Jozef          Gallot                                                                 Alexandria
36      0:08:08   Jay            Robbins              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Lexington
37      0:09:50   Jeff           Hershberger          Brunswick Bike Club                               Greenwood
38      0:11:33   Stephen        Owens                Northeastern University Cycling                   Niskayuna
39      0:13:10   Conor          Walsh                                                                  Carlisle
40      st        Tommy          Goguen               Minuteman Road Club                               Hopedale
41      0:13:32   Jerome         Westfried            Boston Road Club                                  Burlington
42      0:15:30   David          Almeida              Northeastern University                           Ludlow
43      0:15:38   Josh           Payson               Belfast Bicycle Club                              Belmont
44      0:16:51   Andrew         Sarsfield                                                              North Andover
45      0:18:16   Patrick        Kelly                                                                  North Andover
46      0:19:09   Elias          Bennett              BCA/Tosk Chiropractic                             New Lebanon
47      0:19:32   Peter          Goguen               Minuteman Road Club                               Hopedale
48      0:39:29   Josef          Balles                                                                 Carlisle

Cat 4/5 35+       24 miles       71                   starters
Place   Time      First Name     Last Name            Team                                              City                State
1       1:05:23   Alfred         Bissell              Essex County Velo                                 Boxford             MA
2       st        Eric           Derivera             Hot Tubes                                         West Boylston       MA
3       st        Robert         Looney               Boston Road Club                                  West Newton         MA
4       st        David          Hildebrand           NERAC                                             Ellington           CT
5       st        Marko          Zatylny                                                                Westwood            MA
6       st        Brian          Quigley                                                                Arlington           MA
7       st        James          Johnson              Portland Velo Club                                Hallowell           ME
8       st        Josue          Keely                                                                  Whiting             VT
9       st        Randall        Levere               CCB/Volkswagen                                    Boston              MA
10      st        Daniel         Donovan                                                                Ipswich             MA
11      st        Kevin          Chichlowski                                Whitman             MA
12      st        Steven         Youmatz              CCNS/Pedal Power                                  Middletown          CT
13      st        Thomas         Shoemaker            NHCC                                              Dunbarton           NH
14      st        Keith          Loiselle             NHCC                                              Pembroke            NH
15      st        James          Popovitch            Unattached                                        Montpelier          VT
16      st        Bill           Chiarchiaro          Fitchburg Cycling Club                            Stow                MA
17      st        Jorge          Ramirez              Cyclonauts  Racers                                Worcester           MA
18      st        Justin         Tyberg               Bethel Cycle                                      Mahopac             NY
19      st        Geoffrey       House                Housatonic Wheel Club                             Great Barrington    MA
20      st        Jason          Cicero               CCNS/Pedal Power                                  Meriden             CT
21      st        Gary           David                Minuteman Road Club                               Stow                MA
22      st        Paul           Debitetto            Minuteman Road Club                               Stow                MA
23      st        Bob            Bortree                                                                Morrisville         VT
24      st        Jack           Dolmat-Connell       NEBC/CycleLoft                                    Princeton           MA
25      st        Jay            Trojan               Century Drywall Inc.                              Lincoln             RI
26      st        Jeff           Lippincott           MRC                                               Wayland             MA
27      st        Michael        Lenihan              Battenkill-United/                Lake George         NY
28      st        Kurt           Reiner               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Cambridge           MA
29      st        Kevin          Pickett                                    East Bridgewater    MA
30      st        Thomas         Connor               Optimum Performance/FCC                           Leominster          MA
31      st        Kenneth        Hamel                cyclonauts racers                                 Coventry            RI
32      st        Gregory        Wright               Corner Cycle Cape Cod                             Brewster            MA
33      st        Gregory        Wasik                NEBC/Cycleloft/Devonshire Dental                  West Newton         MA
34      st        Ken            Carpenter                                                              Jamaica Plain       MA
35      st        Stephen        Olenchock            Team-International Bicycle/Global                 Natick              MA
36      st        Juan           Puerto               Optimum Performance                               Boxborough          MA
37      st        Mark           Schleinitz                                                             Uxbridge            MA
38      st        John           Vedoe                                                                  Westminster         MA
39      st        Jody           Adamonis             NEBC                                              Nashua              NH
40      0:01:32   Wayne          Barlow               NH Cycling Club                                   Lyme                NH
41      st        Mark           Girardin                                                               Concord             NH
42      st        Mark           Augeri                                                                 Maynard             MA
43      0:04:15   Michael        Brown                                                                  Acton               MA
44      0:04:57   John           Barry                                                                  Fitchburg           MA
45      0:05:11   Mike           Golay                Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                           Westbrook           ME
46      0:05:28   Bob            Ludecke              laurel bike club                                  Milldale            CT
47      0:06:15   Thomas         Boudreau                                                               Leominster          MA
48      st        James          Kangas                                                                 Pepperell           MA
49      0:06:37   James          Sullivan             Mystic Velo/MCRA                                  Stonington          CT
50      st        Robert         Vaughan              Start House Ski/Bike,Woodstock Vermont            Sharon              VT
51      st        Lester         Bethel               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Acton               MA
52      0:06:58   Michael        Foley                Team Bicycle Alley                                Paxton              MA
53      0:07:11   Benjamin       Kjoller              cape cod cyclist                                  Osterville          MA
54      0:07:21   Tad            Baum                 Fitchburg Cycling Club                            Acton               MA
55      st        Jeremy         Coleman              West Hill                                         Brattleboro         VT
56      0:07:46   Tom            Robert               Team Bike Alley                                   Charlton            MA
57      0:09:56   Tim            Curley               Back Bay Cycling Club                             Everett             MA
58      0:10:33   Scott          Kirschner            Blesso Consulting                                 Roslindale          MA
59      0:12:37   Enrico         Nuttoli  Iv                                                            Dracut              MA
60      st        Kurt           Maw                  Comprehensive Racing / Salem Cycle                Salem               MA
61      0:15:57   Antonio        Silva                Refunds  Now                                      Providence          RI
62      0:18:23   Dan            Griffin                                                                Madison             CT
63      0:21:07   James          Matyszyk             Benidorm/Eastern Bloc Cycling Club                Bristol             CT

Masters 35+       48 miles       52                   starters
Place   Time      First Name     Last Name            Team                                              City                State
1       2:00:59   Michael        Barton               Boston Scientific                                 White River Jct     VT
2       0:00:10   Thomas         Francis                                    Needham             MA
3       st        M. Andrew      Ruiz                 CCC Keltic Const/Zanes Cycles                     Delmar              NY
4       st        Paul           Richard              CCB/Volkswagen                                    Amesbury            MA
5       st        Ray            Johnson              Everactive - Workers Comp Solutions               Woburn              MA
6       st        Douglas        Thompson             CCC/Keltic Const/Zanes Cycles                     Gales Ferry         CT
7       st        Fabio          Piergentili          New England Masters Elite                         Andover             MA
8       st        Mark           Stotz                Corner Cycle                                      Easthampton         MA
9       st        Joel           Biederman            Cyclonauts Racers                                 Suffield            CT
10      st        Bill           Yabroudy             NBX/Apex Technology                               Coventry            RI
11      st        Jayson         Hurd                 Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team                           South Kingstown     RI
12      st        Ron            Fantano              Sommerville Sports                                West Haven          CT
13      st        Harry          Stover                                     Brooklyn            CT
14      st        A. Zane        Wenzel               Horst - Benidorm - Property Research Corp         Middletown          CT
15      st        David          Potter               Corner Cycle                                      Marston Mills       MA
16      st        Leo            Devellian            CCB/Volkswagen                                    Topsfield           MA
17      st        Matt           Theodore                                   Mashpee             MA
18      st        Robert         Larocco              CVC/Subaru of New England                         Manchester          CT
19      st        James          Conopask             Tokeneke Road Club                                Southport           CT
20      st        Ian            Modestow                                          Florence            MA
21      st        Kevin          Hines                Corner Cycle                                      E Wereham           MA
22      st        William        Casazza              BOB/Shift-Stonyfield Farms-Ariza-Goodales         Salem               NH
23      st        Mark           Doherty              Sunapee/S&W Racing Team                           Westford            MA
24      st        Raymond        Botello                                                                Sandwich            MA
25      st        Fred           Thomas               Portland Velo Club                                Cape Elizabeth      ME
26      st        Patrick        Brandon              CCNS/Pedal Power                                  Killingwoth         CT
27      st        Joe            Rodrigues            Cyclonauts                                        Longmeadow          MA
28      st        Joe            Salem                Fiordifrutta                                      Danbury             CT
29      st        Curtis         Boivin               Refunds Now                                       Providence          RI
30      st        Marvin         Wang                 International Bicycle/Global                      Jamaica Plain       MA
31      st        Gene           Petrella             360 Racing landrys                                N Andover           MA
32      st        Eric           Jensen                                     Falmouth            MA
33      st        Bill           Turner               Minuteman Road Club                               Northboro           MA
34      st        Brant          Hornberger                                        Leominster          MA
35      0:01:19   Peter          Brennan              New England Masters Elite                         Hudson              MA
36      st        Ron            Bourgoin             Portland Velo Club                                Windham             ME
37      0:01:30   John           Mosher               Corner Cycle                                      Boxboro             MA
38      st        Steven         Bonadio              Arc-en-Ciel Racing Team                           Arlington           MA
39      0:01:39   Jonny          Bold                 Corner Cycle                                      Marston Mills       MA
40      0:01:49   Bill           Shattuck                                   Bridgewater         MA
41      st        Paul           Nyberg               Horst - Benidorm - Property Research Corp         Avon                CT
42      0:02:14   Mark           Paggioli             CVC Subaru of New England                         Glastonbury         CT
43      0:02:30   Wade           Summers
44      0:04:05   Sven           Lohse                Everactiveonline/Workerscompsolutions             Sterling            MA
45      0:04:15   Wayne          Prescott             Horst-Benidorm-Property Research Corp.            Canton              CT
46      0:12:50   John           Smathers             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Cambridge           MA
47      0:17:57   Eric           Brassell                                                               Stowe               VT

Masters 45+       48 miles       75                   starters
Place   Time      First Name     Last Name            Team                                              City                State
1       2:03:04   Eric           Pearce               Bethel Cycle                                      Chelmsford          MA
2       st        David          Kellogg              Arc En Ciel                                       Providence          RI
3       0:01:05   Wayne          Kirk                 Mystic Velo                                       Old Lyme            CT
4       st        Paul           Wonsavage            Onion River Sports                                Hanover             NH
5       st        Paul           Curley               Gearworks/Spinarts                                Taunton             MA
6       st        Thomas         Butler               CCC/Keltic Const/Zanes Cycles                     Delmar              NY
7       st        Joseph         Rano                 Bike Alley                                        Oxford              MA
8       st        John           Grenier              BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farms-Goodale's Bike Shops Lewiston            ME
9       st        Dave           Foley                BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bike Shops  N Easton            MA
10      st        Mark           Sumner               Battenkill-United/                Clifton Park        NY
11      st        David          Belknap              Bicycle Link/MBRC                                 Dedham              MA
12      st        Randy          Rusk                 Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team                           Exeter              RI
13      st        Phillip        Belliveau            GMBC                                              St George           VT
14      st        Christopher    Burke                Bikeworks/Hallamore                               Pawtucket           RI
15      st        Tyler          Munroe               CCB/Volkswagen                                    No. Andover         MA
16      st        Mark           Dutka                Mystic Velo                                       Uncasville          CT
17      st        Bob            Roldan               everactiveonline/Workers Comp Solutions           Somerville          MA
18      st        Douglas        Jansen               International Bicycle/Global                      Pelham              NH
19      st        William        Sawyer               Gearworks - Spinarts                              Arlington           MA
20      st        Paul           Anderson             Arc En Ciel                                       Wyoming             RI
21      st        John           Laupheimer           International Bicycle/Global                      Weston              MA
22      st        Doug           Chiasson             Competitive Edge racing team                      Athol               MA
23      st        Randy          Kirk                 Cycle Fitness                                     Avon                CT
24      st        Kelly          Parsons              Mystic Velo Club                                  Lyme                CT
25      st        Keith          Ratcliff             Cycle Fitness                                     New Preston         CT
26      st        Mark           Thompson             Sunapee/S&W/Continental Paving                    Nashua              NH
27      st        Frank          Jennings             Gear Works/Spin Arts                              Edgartown           MA
28      st        Vassos         Kyprianou            Bethel Cycle Sport Club                           Sandy Hook          CT
29      st        Paul           Lynch                bicyclelink/mbrc                                  Marshfield          MA
30      st        Brett          Rutledge             International Bicycle Center                      Westboro            MA
31      st        Michael        Provost              Quinebaug Valley Velo                             Putnam              CT
32      st        Ken            McCallon             CCB/Volkswagen                                    Haverhill           MA
33      st        Chris          Borrello             Gear Works/Spin Arts                              North Dighton       MA
34      st        Todd           Buckley              arc-en-ciel                                       South Kingstown     RI
35      st        David          Taylor               Union Velo Club                                   West Roxbury        MA
36      st        Mark           Luzio                CYCLE FITNESS                                     Brooklyn            CT
37      st        Paul           Dimartino            Arc-En-Ciel                                       N. Kingstown        RI
38      st        Dale           Perzanowski          Sunapee/S&W Sports Racing Team                    Hartford            VT
39      st        Kevin          Young                International Bicycle/Global                      Northbridge         MA
40      st        Tim            Dodd                 NEBC                                              Westford            MA
41      st        David          King                 CCB/Volkswagen                                    Boxford             MA
42      st        Peter          Saloom               Competitive Edge Racing Team                      Gardner             MA
43      st        Tim            Coleman              Incline Training                                  Shelburne           MA
44      0:01:55   Jody           Dean                 Team International Bicycle Center                 Hudson              MA
45      st        Alan           Hamilton             Minuteman Road Club                               Sudbury             MA
46      0:02:09   Timothy        Shea                 BOB/Shift-Stonyfield Farm-Ariza-Goodales          Amherst             NH
47      0:04:11   Mark           Gillies              FASTAR/TARGETRAINING                              Rye                 NH
48      st        Ken            Abrams               Arc-En-Ciel                                       North Kingstown     RI
49      0:04:56   Peter          Crowley              NCC/Northampton Cycle Club                        Pelham              MA
50      st        David          Uchenick             Arc en ciel                                       Westford            MA
51      st        Robert         Degrace                                                                Lunenburg           MA
52      st        Ted            Shanstrom            Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team                           Wakefield           RI
53      st        Bob            Hatfield             Bob Cycling-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bike Shops  Plaistow            NH
54      st        David          Holmander            NHCC/Team NH/MCRA                                 Epsom               NH
55      0:12:07   Thomas         Luster               MBRC/Bicycle Link                                 Brookline           MA
56      0:13:25   James          Marshall             Competitive Edge Racing Team                      Shaftsbury          VT
57      0:18:35   Paul           Siebert              Competitive Edge Racing Team                      Bennington          VT
58      st        Bruce          Townend              Competitive Edge Racing Team                      Windsor             MA
59      st        Jeffrey        Proctor                                      Litchfield          NH
60      st        Scott          Loring               unattached                                        New London          CT
61      st        Freddy         Cicerchia            ECV                                               Manchester          MA
62      st        Mark           Januskiewicz         Sunapee/S&W Racing Team                           Concord             NH
63      st        Kurt           Svetaka              Essex County Velo                                 Manchester          MA
64      1 lap     John           Roche                BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bike Shops  Wilton              NH