Results » Road » 2008

The Arkema Phoenixville Fury and Philly Phlyer USCF Team Time Trial and Circuit Race

Drexel, UP

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Arkema Phoenixville Fury and Philly Phlyer USCF Team Time Trial and Circuit Race Presented by Drexel, UPenn, Temple, Villanova, and Johns Hopkins Cycling Philadelphia, PA Sunday, March 09, 2008

Results Courtesy of 

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

USCF 3/4 Circuit Race Results

1       Justin        Woulfe           Tri State Velo
2       Adam          Driscoll         Team Type 1
3       Andrew        McKeegan         KBS
4       Jason         Schiltz          Chester County Velo/Iron Hill
5       Jamil         Kayin            Team Independence
6       Jason         Hall             Squadra Coppi
7       Joshua        Bardige          VeloEuropa-Cyfac
8       Donnell       Hudson           QCW/Breakaway
9       Sean          McLaughlin       Human Zoom/Pabst Blue Ribbon
10      Dan           Plumwright       NCVC
11      Todd          Schwartz
12      Richard       MacLaughlin      Chester County Velo/Iron Hill
13      William       Wisse            Team Norwood Agency/Peddler
14      Jacob         Rubin            Merrill Lynch Cycling Team
17      Adam          Shoke
18      Stephen       Szwec            Bucknell U
19      Andrew        Adams            Team Independence p/b Keswick
20      Mark          Klien
21      Marc          Wolman           QCW
22      Bob           Jaggard          Pro Pedals
23      Rob           Sprague          Team Type 1
24      David         Lowe             Human Zoom/Pabst Blue Ribbon
25      Jose          Soltren
26      Andy          Mead             Team Type 1
27      Peter         Muessig          HUCA
28      Brad          Ferguson
29      Taylor        Cohen            Tri State Velo
30      John          Linvill          Guy's Racing Club
31      Michael       Speranza         QCW/Breakaway
32      John          Wilson
33      Maxwell       Pless            Human Zoom/Pabst Blue Ribbon
34      Dave          Baumgardner      Tri-State Velo
35      Rob           Brothers         QCW/Breakaway
36      Thomas        Griffin
Anthony       Schrauth         MIT Cycling/FXDD
George        Milinkovic
Jennifer      Rhodes
Ed            Zalinski
Erik          Mitchell         Human Zoom Cycling
Mark          Valentine        QCW/Breakaway
Colton        Valentine        QCW/Breakaway
Eric          Salzer           Chester County Velo/Iron Hill
Charles       Gardiner         Human Zoom/Pabst Blue Ribbon
Jonathan      Ruiz             Guy's Racing Club
Anthony       Bauza            Human Zoom Cycling
Mike          Coyle            QCW/Breakaway
Wark          Fontanilla       Liberty Cycle
Seth          Behrends         MIT Cycling/FXDD

USCF Open/Alumni TTT Results

1       20:38.1       Team Type 1
Rob Sprague, Andy Mead, Adam Driscoll

2       21:50.7       Guy's Racing
Jacob Mueller, Ed Hein,
Charles Futcher, Rolf W

3       22:05.1       Quaker City Wheelmen/Breakaway Racing
Mark Gallagher, Craig,
Robert Carlsen, Mark Hastings

4       23:11.3       ProPedals Team Express
Christopher, Fritz, Stephen Smith,
Otto Sanchez, [Ryan Hemenway]

5       23:17.5       Guy's Racing
Cliff Smoot, David Schimm,
Jonathan Ruiz, John Linvill

6       23:38.1       Quaker City Wheelmen/Breakaway Racing
Darren Linkin, John, Kevin Hahn-Keth

7       24:05.7       Tri-State Velo
Justin Woulfe, Taylor, Allen Bedford

8       24:34.1       ProPedals Team Express
Daniel Hauber, John Lemhardt,
Joe Schiavo, Al Figer

9       24:44.0       Quaker City Wheelmen/Breakaway Racing
Rick Miller, Michael McLaughlin,
Tom Griffin, Mark Pfeiffer

10      25:05.1       American U Alumni
Preston Winter, Chris Decker,
Jonathan Craig, Greg Abbott

11      25:38.1       Human Zoom
Kristin Gavin, Speedy Caitlin Thompson

12      25:46.8       Human Zoom/Pabst Blue Ribbon
Fancy Bianca Grecu, Kristine Church,
Arley Kemmerer, Sara Schewel

13      26:04.1       Kutztown Alumni
Michael Palermo, John Lavelle,
Jim Innes, Chris McCarty

14      26:35.9       T3
Rich G, Jeff Smith, Jay, Riccardo Vifina