Easthampton Cyclocross

Easthampton, MA

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Easthampton Cyclocross Race #2 of the new 2007 Competitive Edge Cyclocross Series Presented by Cyclonauts Racers and Competitive Edge Ski & Bike Easthampton, MA Saturday, December 01, 2007

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

PLACE  BIB  FIRST NAME      LAST NAME     TEAM                                         TIME
1      673  Mike            Bernard       Mid State Cycling Club
2      669  Tim             Groesbeck     CCB
3      672  Paul            Lynch         Mass Bay Road Club
4      677  Chris           Burke         Bikeworks
5      678  David           Becknap       Mass Bay Road Club
6      659  Geoffrey        House         Housatonic Wheel Club
7      657  Edward          Hamel         Joe's Garage
8      652  Bruce           Bell          GMBC/Catamount
9      676  James           McDonald
10     655  Bill            Doonan        Minuteman Road Club
11     656  David           Goodwin       NCC / BikeReg.com
12     675  Mike            Tucker        BCA
13     664  Michael         McCusker      NCC/bikereg.com
14     654  Peter           Crowley       NCC/Northampton Cycle Club
15     658  Kenneth         Hamel         AFD/BIKEMAN.COM
16     662  Joseph          Lellman       NCC / BikeReg.com
17     651  Dave            Beals         CBRC
18     670  Paul            Hayes
19     660  Joe             Jewett
20     653  Ken             Coleman       Housatonic Wheel Club

PLACE  BIB  FIRST NAME      LAST NAME     TEAM                                         TIME
1      628  Spencer         Kennedy                                                    37:10:00
2      622  Aaron           House         Housatonic Wheel Club                        39:08
3      624  Jimmy           Mucci         Berkshire Bike & Board                       39:35
4      623  Jack            Macclarence   Farm Team Cycling
4      629  Spencer         Pero
5      627  Joseph          Toth          Capital Bicycle Racing Club
6      625  Julia           Slyer         Farm Team
dns    621  Patrick         Douglass      Cyclonauts Racers, Inc.
dns    626  Caroline        Slyer         Farm Team

KIDS <12
PLACE  BIB  FIRST NAME      LAST NAME     TEAM                                         AGE
1      342  Cooper          Willsey       GMBC/Catamont                                10
2      339  Julia           Slyer         Farm Team                                    11
3      340  Caroline        Slyer         Farm Team                                    9
4      343  Ryder           Molongoski    Team Lego                                    8
5      341  Tom             Walsh                                                      9

PLACE  BIB  FIRST NAME      LAST NAME     TEAM                                         TIME
1      499  Kevin           Wolfson
2      493  Jonny           Bold          Corner Cycle                                 53:30
3      496  Hines           Kevin         MassBay Road Club
4      492  Nathaniel       Ward          Joe's Garage                                 54:32
5      486  Toby            Marzot        Fiordifrutta                                 54:50
6      498  Jonathan        Awerbuch
7      489  Hunter          Pronovost     Anthem-CCCC                                  55:51
8      484  Franklin        McConnell     Middlebury College                           56:14
9      483  Daniel          Coady         WeLoveBicycles.com                           56:36
10     480  Christopher     Bagg          BikeReg.com                                  56:50
11     485  Sean            Mannion       Verge Sport/Test Pilot                       57:59
12     447  James           Pair          Ind. Fab.                                    58:37
13     448  Amos            Brumble       CCB/VW
14     481  Joel            Biederman     Cyclonauts Racers
15     491  Brian           Rutter
16     494  Jeff            Leake         North Atlantic Velo

PLACE  BIB  FIRST NAME      LAST NAME     TEAM                                         TIME
1      941  Amy             Wallace       RGM WATCHES - RICHARD SACHS                  35:14
2      949  Pauline         Frascone      Ind. Fab.
3      945  Kathy           Sarvary       Gearworks Cyclery
4      933  Alie            Kenzer        RGM WATCHES - RICHARD SACHS
5      950  Megan           Bilodeau      HUP United                                   37:10
6      930  Erin            Duggan        Ridley Factory Team
7      939  Jennifer        Stebbins      Workers Comp Solutions/Everactive
8      931  Mary            Hamilton
9      944  Bryna           Nestor        Bear Named Cannondale
10     943  Mary Lynn       Wikar                                                      39:08
11     929  Brett           Dollar        GS Boulder
12     927  Brenda          Bahnson       Independent Fabrication
13     942  Rebecca         Zanconato     Hup United/Zanconato Custom Cycles
14     935  Sally           McInnis       JRA Cycles
15     946  Jennifer        Rhodes
16     928  Kerry           Combs         Hup United/Zanconato Bicycles

Cat 4
PLACE  BIB  FIRST NAME      LAST NAME     TEAM                                         TIME
1      602  Sam             Dodge         Stage 1                                      34:36
2      621  Joey            Solomon       Stage 1
3      616  Jason           Moriarty                                                   34:41
4      608  Bryon           Lewis                                                      35:43
5      606  Kevin           Kerwood       Joe's Garage                                 36:18
6      622  Joe             Tramontano    Connecticut Coast Cycling                    36:30
7      603  Erik            Eagleman      Stage 1
8      630  Jiran           Gabe                                                       36:49
9      605  Sean            Kennedy       Incline Training
10     614  Peter           Miller
11     620  Steven          Robbins       NCC- Northampton Cycling Club
12     629  Scott           Struve        Stage 1
13     612  Scott           McConnell     NCC                                          37:39
14     632  Al              Curtis                                                     38:56
15     627  Scott           Frison                                                     39:07
16     628  Theo            Niedziela
17     626  David           Generuli      Zephyr Cycling
18     615  Jay             Mongillo      Keltic Construction / Zanes Cycles
19     609  Daniel          Marcy         GMBC/Catamount
20     623  Taylor          Valentine                                                  39:49
21     625  John            Witmer        GMBC/Catamount
22     607  Christopher     Kielb         NCC / BikeReg.com                            40:45

Cat 3/4
PLACE  BIB  FIRST NAME      LAST NAME     TEAM                                         TIME
1      979  Jacob           Morrison      T3 Southcoast Cycle                          41:28
2      984  Joshua          Wilcox        503 Cyclework/CHCC
3      985  Edward          Meyer
4      983  Thierry         Blanchet      North Atlantic Velo                          42:29
5      987  Jeffrey         Leake         NCC/Northampton Cycling Club                 42:47
6      961  Mike            Bennett       INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE CENTERS
7      963  Alex            Combes        503 Cycleworx/LHCC
8      966  Jeffrey         Ferraro       Anthem-CCCC
9      976  Nathan          Lusignan
10     970  Nate            Simms         NAV/Classbook.com
11     988  Ethan           Parsons       NCC/Northampton Cycling Club                 43:57
12     982  Danny           Goodwin       Capital Bicycle                              44:19
13     981  James           Dutko         Capital Bicycle
14     972  Katriel         Statman       Overlook Mountain Bikes
15     964  Drew            Davis         QuadCycles
16     980  Todd            Crisafuilli   North Atlantic Velo                          45:50
17     967  Darius          Greenbacher   Joe's Garage Racing Team
18     968  Peter           Miller
19     974  Robert          Wuebker
20     975  Keith "The angry Irishman"  Liggett
21     965  Miles           Ericson       Eastern Bloc
22     971  John            Slyer

PLACE  BIB  FIRST NAME      LAST NAME     TEAM                                         TIME
1      516  Mike            Gunsaws       Bikebarn                                     39:18
2      522  Curtis          Boivin        Providence Velo
3      518  John            Foley         MTBMind
4      519  Brian           Cantele       Benidorm Bike
5      515  John            Mositer       Corner Cycle
6      521  Jeff            Molongowski   Joe's Garage
7      509  Brad            Patches
8      513  Wade            Summers       Horst-Benidorm-Property Research Corp
9      512  Brian           Rutter
10     501  Bryan           Atwood        zephyr
11     500  Doug            Aspinwall     Joe's Garage
12     510  Chuck           Quackenbush   CBRC
13     503  Wayne           Cunningham    NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental
14     504  Dominique       Desmonts      Tokeneke Road Club
15     523  Steve           Lombardo      Cyclonauts Racers, Inc.
16     517  Mark            Gunsaws       Bikebarn
17     524  Ian             Modeston      Joe's Garage
18     525  Tim             Payne
19     514  James           Willsey       GMBC/Catamount
20     506  Alan            Douglass      Cyclonauts Racers, Inc.