Bedford Springs Cyclo-cross Race presented by QuadCycles

Bedford, MA

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Bedford Springs Cyclo-cross Race presented by QuadCycles Presented by QuadCycles Racing Team Bedford, MA Sunday, September 23, 2007

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Beginner Men - 'cross Cat 4
1     John          BROUSSARD        NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                              0:28:49
2     Joshua        JAMNER           HUP United/Colby College Cycling                               0:28:59
3     Cory          JOHANNESSEN      ESSEX COUNTY VELO
4     Brian         CROTEAU          Noreast Cycling                                                0:29:24
5     Casey         BUCKLES          Harborside Cycle
6     Kevin         BUCKLEY          Essex County Velo                                              0:29:29
7     Thomas        NEEDHAM          HUP United                                                     0:29:38
8     Matthew       SHAFFER          PIRATE INTERNATIONAL                                           0:30:34
9     Nicholas      MASHBURN         Cambridge Bicycle/ Igleheart                                   0:30:41
10    Steven        ROBBINS          NCC- Northampton Cycling Club                                  0:30:45
11    Jason         RABIDOU                                                                         0:31:01
12    John          MCGRATH          NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                              0:31:13
13    David         PATNAUDE         Minuteman Road Club                                            0:31:20
14    David         GOLIGORSKY       QuadCycles                                                     0:31:24
15    Scott         BELL             Refunds Now                                                    0:31:28
16    John          FICE             Boston Road Club                                               0:31:32
17    Hans          FERNSEBNER       mtbmind
18    Bernard       TAN              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                              0:31:40
19    Jordan        WINKLER          Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames                           0:31:47
20    Alexander     PARACHINI        QuadCycles                                                     0:31:55
21    Brendan       DEE              RI NEMBA                                                       0:32:02
22    Mattison      CROWE            HUP United
23    Matt          AUMILLER         Organic Athlete                                                0:32:14
24    Paul          RICARD           INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE CENTERS                                  0:32:38
25    Ryan          ECKEL                                                                           0:32:43
26    John          ADAMIK           Essex County Velo
27    Darrin        OHANESIAN        Gearworks                                                      0:33:10
28    Vinnie        GALATRO          Keltic Construction                                            0:33:57
29    Jeff          LIPPINCOTT       Minuteman Road Club
30    Kurt          MAW              Comprehensive Racing / Salem Cycle                             0:34:26
31    Christopher   MCQUEEN          INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE CENTERS                                  0:34:39
32    Ron           MENNER           NEBC                                                           0:34:48
33    Jay           MONGILLO         CCC / Keltic Construction / Zanes Cycles                       0:34:58
34    Lester        BETHEL           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                              0:35:18
35    Thom          FLANAGAN         Quad Cycles                                                    0:38:40
36    Steven        BIRD             Team Bike Alley                                                -1
DNF   Chris         DEVER
DNF   Mark          NAMAROFF         Essex County Velo
DNS   Paul          DOLAN            VeloEuropa-Cyfac
DNS   Lawrence      FELTON           Landry's Bicycles
DNS   Parrish       KELLEY           pro-fit f & i
DNS   Lee           LEVITT           Boston Road Club
DNS   Anthony       MAIETTA          Maietta Handbuilt Bicycles
DNS   Bruce         MCCLINTOCK       NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental
DNS   Michael       MCKITTRICK       Cambridge Bicycle/Igleheart Frames

Beginner Women - 'cross Cat 3/4
1     Elizabeth     WHITE            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                              0:34:03
2     Susanne       DELANEY          NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                              0:34:09
3     Tracy         ELMES            union velo                                                     0:34:31
4     Sherri        CURCURU          Essex County Velo                                              0:34:45
5     Michele       HARRISON         Essex County Velo                                              0:34:58
6     Carrie        LEMIEUX          NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental
8     Janet         RAMOS            NEBC/Cycle Loft
9     Sarah         HART             Hup United
10    Rebecca       ZANCONATO        Hup United/Zanconato Custom Cycles
11    Sally         MCINNIS          JRA Cycles
12    Jessica       KATES            Keltic Construction
13    Courtney      WAAL
14    Marie         JETTE
15    Abble         Briscoe          Team Luna Chix
16    Julie         LOCKHART         NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental / MCRA
17    Karin         TURER            NEBC / Cycle Loft / Devonshire Dental                          -1

10-12 Boys
1     Luke          CALLAHAN         MBRC/Bicycle Link                                              0:19:35
2     Paul          KENDRA

13-14 Boys
1     Aaron         House                                                                           0:12:40
2     Nathaniel     Morse                                                                           0:13:53
3     Sean          SUPRENANT        CCB/Volkswagen                                                 0:14:56

13-14 Girls
1     Elizabeth     WHITE            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                              0:14:05
2     Emily         SENNING          Essex County Velo                                              0:15:43
3     Emily         Curley
4     Abigail       CALLAHAN         BicycleLink/MBRC

15-18 Juniors
1     Ryan          PACKARD          QuadCycles                                                     0:48:48
2     Opie          Chris            QuadCycles
3     Connor        Adamik

35+ 'cross Cat 3/4
1     Mark          SUPRENANT        CCB/Volkswagen                                                 0:44:50
2     Gary          Jasdzewski       Boston Scientific                                              0:45:10
3     Eric          MARRO            BOB/Shift-Stonyfield Farm-Ariza-Goodales                       0:45:28
4     C Todd        LOMBARDO         INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE CENTERS                                  0:45:44
5     Gary          DAVID            Minuteman Road Club                                            0:45:52
6     Eric          WEMHOFF          NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                              0:46:15
7     Kevin         KERWOOD          Joe's Garage                                                   0:46:27
8     Michael       GOOD             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                              0:46:35
9     Kevin         BUCKLEY          Essex County Velo                                              0:46:42
10    Chris         BUTLER           Butler Furniture                                               0:47:09
11    David         KING             CCB/Volkswagen                                                 0:47:17
12    Scott         ROY              Bicycle Link MBRC                                              0:47:35
13    Rowee         Thompsom                                                                        0:47:41
14    Augustus      Kelley                                                                          0:47:49
15    Geoffrey      House                                                                           0:48:19
16    Bill          Whitcher                                                                        0:48:28
17    Anthony       Laskaris                                                                        0:48:31
18    Greg          Zysk             ECV
19    Michael       COOK             Minuteman Road Club                                            0:48:50
20    Brian         MCINNIS          JRA Cycles                                                     0:49:34
21    Todd          SAVAGE           Minuteman Road Club                                            0:49:40
22    John          FENNEL           INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE CENTERS                                  0:49:48
23    Michael       OLBRYS           Minuteman Road Club                                            0:49:56
24    Paul          DEBITETTO        Minuteman Road Club                                            0:50:08
25    Marten        BYL                                                                             0:50:16
26    Robert        TYSZKO           Team NHCC/New Hampshire Cycling Club                           0:50:31
27    John          WITMER           GMBC/Catamount                                                 0:50:40
28    Gary          LAVIGNE          Kennebec Bike & Ski                                            0:51:00
29    Robert        VAUGHAN          Start House Ski/Bike,Woodstock Vermont                         0:51:12
30    Richard       WOLFE                                                                           0:51:28
31    Ron           HINES                                                                           -1
32    Stephen       CRUICKSHANK      Boston Road Club
33    Hans          VON DER LUFT     MBRC/Bicycle Link
34    Robert        BAUER            Minuteman road Club
35    James         Scott
36    Francis       Beaulieu
DNF   Jay           MONGILLO         CCC / Keltic Construction / Zanes Cycles
DNF   Tim           SAVAGE           Minuteman Road Club
DNS   Arnold T.     KALMBACH         Bicycle Link /Mass Bay Road Club
DNS   Arthur        Bavil

Masters 35+
1     Pascal        BUSSI�RES        Louis Garneau Custom Team                                      0:41:05
2     Kurt          PERHAM           Cycle-Smart/Boulder Cycle Sport                                0:42:40
3     Brant         HORNBERGER                                                    0:42:47
4     Samuel        Morse            Bike Link / MBRC
5     Paul          Curley
6     Andrew        DURHAM           CCB/Time                                                       0:43:24
7     Mike          ROWELL           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                              0:43:32
8     Brian         PIERCE                                                     0:43:59
9     Doug          ASPINWALL        Joe's Garage                                                   0:44:09
10    Wayne         CUNNINGHAM       NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental
11    Ian           MODESTOW         Joe's Garage                                                   0:45:08
12    Dave          Barr                                                                            0:45:24
13    Nolan         WATTS            Boston Road Club                                               0:45:44
14    Matt          HERSEY                                                     0:45:50
15    Christopher   SMITH
16    Tom           Stevens          GearWorks / Spin Arts
17    Paul          NOVOTASKY JR.    Pig Iron Sports
18    Jim           BURKE            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental
DNF   J.d.          BILODEAU
DNF   Bill          MAIDMENT
DNF   Chris         MCKERNAN         essex county velo
DNF   James         Scott
DNF   Mike          Salvatore
DNF   Shaun         Landon
DNF   Tyler         Munroe

Masters 45+
1     Michael       Bernard                                                                         0:43:28
2     Bill          DOONAN           Minuteman Road Club                                            0:46:21
3     Kevin         CALLAHAN         Bicycle Link/MBRC                                              0:46:27
4     Peter         Crowley                                                                         0:47:22
5     Dan           STASZ            Joe's Garage
6     Theo          KINDERMANS
7     David         LEEDBERG         GearWorks / Spin Arts
8     Stuart        Boyd
9     Rowe          Thompson
10    William       JOYE             Boston Road Club
11    Fred          DELGROSSO        unattached
12    Rick          HARDY            Boston Road Club
13    Kevin         FOGARTY          NEBC/Cycle Loft
DNF   Adam          BRODSKY          MBRC/ Bicycle Link
DNF   Colin         KERNAN           Missing Link Bicycle Club
DNF   Eric          MARRO            BOB/Shift-Stonyfield Farm-Ariza-Goodales
DNF   Barry         Dapleday

Masters 55+
1     Dusty         ADAMS                                                 0:43:00
2     Richard       COSTA            Cyclonauts Racers Inc.                                         0:44:36
3     Jim           QUINN            The Bicycle Link/MBRC                                          0:44:51
4     Richard       SACHS            RGM WATCHES - RICHARD SACHS                                    0:45:11
5     Joe           HEPP             Southern Maine Cycling Club                                    0:45:32
6     Jerry         WHITE            ECV                                                            0:46:21
7     Dan           TIEGER           Essex County Velo                                              -1
8     Russell       BROOKS           nAULTS CYCLERY NAULTS.COM                                      -2

cross Cat 3/4 - Men
1     Peter         Bradshaw                                                                        0:42:32
2     Scott         ROSENTHAL        Hup United/Zanconato Custom Cycles                             0:43:00
Lyne          Bessette                                                                        0:43:11
3     Ronnie        STEERS           Gamache Cyclery                                                0:43:17
4     Jesse         PERREAULT        Comprehensive Racing/Salem Cycles                              0:43:27
5     Colin         REUTER                                                                          0:43:38
6     Mike          ZANCONATO        Hup United/Zanconato Custom Cycles                             0:43:49
7     James         Newton                                                                          0:43:59
8     Kevin         Cummisford                                                                      0:44:19
9     Brian         BUETTNER         Putney West Hill                                               0:44:43
10    William       PALM             Cox Communications Cycling Team
11    Scott         BROOKS           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                              0:45:03
12    Eric          SILVA            QuadCycles                                                     0:45:14
13    Christian     EAGER            QuadCycles
14    John          Broussard                                                                       0:45:21
15    Michael       MEUSE            team harborside cycle                                          0:45:31
16    Mark          SUPRENANT        CCB/Volkswagen                                                 0:45:46
17    John          GIBBONS          NEBC / Cycle Loft / Devonshire Dental                          0:45:54
18    Art           TRAPOTSIS        Boston Road Club                                               0:45:57
19    Yasushi       KATSUMI          HupUnited East                                                 0:46:06
20    Anthony       Parent                                                                          0:46:34
21    Brad          JURGA            Minuteman Road Club                                            0:46:47
22    Nicholas      MASHBURN         Cambridge Bicycle/ Igleheart                                   0:46:52
23    Oscar         JIMENEZ          NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                              0:47:16
24    Jonah         Adley                                                                           0:47:23
25    Cary          FRIDRICH         Cambridge Bicycle/ Igleheart Frames/ MOM                       0:47:23
26    Ted           YOBACCIO                                                                        0:47:41
27    Joshua        JAMNER           HUP United/Colby College Cycling                               0:47:55
28    Eric          MARTIN           QuadCycles                                                     0:48:14
29    David         LAFFERTY         MIT Cycling / FXDD                                             0:48:38
30    Jacob         Smoller                                                                         -1
31    Jonathan      Wheeler
32    Paul          Ricard
33    Richard       PERSON           Minuteman Road Club
34    Ian           SUTTON           QuadCycles
35    Matt          MEUSE            Team Harborside Cycle
DNF   Marten        BYL
DNF   David         CHIU             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental
DNF   Brian         CROTEAU          Noreast Cycling
DNF   Darius        GREENBACHER      Joe's Garage Racing Team
DNF   Matt          Nyette
DNF   Corey         MASSON           VeloEuropa-Cyfac
DNF   Robert        McKittrick
DNF   Keith         REYNOLDS         NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental
DNF   Steven        ROBBINS          NCC- Northampton Cycling Club
DNF   Eric          WEMHOFF          NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental
DNF   Edward        Dishong
DNF   David         Drumm
DNF   Andrew        Kendra

cross Cat 1/2/3 Women
1     Lyne          BESSETTE                                            0:43:36
2     Maureen       ROY                                                                             0:45:53
3     Amy           WALLACE          RGM WATCHES - RICHARD SACHS                                    0:46:41
4     Perri         MERTENS                                                                         0:47:23
5     Erin          DUGGAN                                                                          0:47:33
6     Jessica       INGRAM                                                                          0:48:05
7     Kathy         SARVARY                                                                         0:48:27
8     Susan         MACLEAN          Gear Works/Spin Arts Cycling Team                              0:49:07
9     Alie          KENZER           RGM WATCHES - RICHARD SACHS                                    0:49:44
10    Rebecca       WELLONS          Ridley Factory Team                                            -1
11    Michelle      KERSBERGEN       Joe's Garage
12    Samantha      Dery
13    Isabelle      RIEDL            Team Brunet
14    Kathryne      CARR             Joe's Garage
15    Rozanne       PULEO            Cambridge Bicycle/Igleheart Frames/LUNA
16    Kelly         CHANG
17    Cathy         ROWELL           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental/MCRA
18    Kerry         COMBS            Hup United/Zanconato Custom Cycles                             -2
19    Jan           RHODES
DNF   Megan         BILODEAU         Hup United
DNF   Sara          CUSHMAN          Gear Works/Spin Arts
DNF   Ann           HANSGATE         Terry Precision Cycling
DNF   Stacey        MOSELEY

cross Cat Pro/1/2/3 Men
1     Jeremy        Powers                                              0:56:38
2     Matt          White            FlordiFrutia                                                   0:58:35
3     Alec          Donahue          Joe's Garage                                                   0:59:21
4     Johannes      Huseby           FlordiFrutia                                                   0:59:36
5     Kevin         HINES            Bike Link MBRC
6     Edward        KING             Priority Health p/b Bissell                                    0:59:52
7     Toby          Marzot           FlordiFrutia
8     Daniel        COADY            We Love Bicycles                                               1:00:03
9     Matt          KRAUS            RGM WATCHES - RICHARD SACHS                                    1:01:04
10    Jerome        TOWNSEND         Ridley Factory Team                                            1:01:26
11    Marc-andr�    DAIGLE           Team Daigle Apogee                                             1:01:41
12    Ryan          FLEMING Comp Solutions/Legal Sea Foods          -1
13    Todd          Rowell           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental
14    Colman        Oconnor          MBRC / Bicycle Link
15    John          Mosher           MBRC / Bicycle Link
16    Peter         RUBIJONO         Cambridge bike/Igleheart Frames
17    Andrew        Gradarck         CCC-Keltic
18    Brad          Sheehan          Legal Sea Foods
19    Thom          Carr
20    Pete          SMITH            Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames
21    Sean          O'ROURKE         Kenda/Raleigh Racing
22    Pierre        Vanden Borre     Hup United
23    Stephen       WELLER           Cycle-Smart, Inc.
24    Guenter       Hofer
25    Brian         Keegan           Noreast/ LaFesta
26    Adam          SULLIVAN         NBX/Narragansett Beer Cyclocross
27    Jeremy        Dunn             Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames
28    Miro          Koulnis
29    Thomas        LeBosquet        Boston Scientific
30    Eric          Silva            QuadCyles
31    Mark          Robson           Nerac Cycling
DNF   C Todd        Lombardo         INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE CENTER
DNF   Corey         MASSON           VeloEuropa-Cyfac
DNF   Alex          WHITMORE         Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames
DNF   James         Morrison
DNF   Matt          Knight           NEBC
DNF   Brian         Hayes            RGM WATCHES - RICHARD SACHS
DNF   Gavin         Mannion          Hot Tubes
DNF   Greg          Montello         IF/Adidas
DNF   Justin        Spinelli         RGM WATCHES - RICHARD SACHS
DNS   Joel          BIEDERMAN        Cyclonauts Racers
DNS   Nathaniel     WARD             Joe's Garage