5th Annual Corner Cycle Coonamessett Eco-Cross

East Falmouth, MA

Saturday, September 22, 2007

5th Annual Corner Cycle Coonamessett Eco-Cross Presented by Corner Cycle & Tradewind Sports East Falmouth, MA Saturday, September 22, 2007

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Beginner Men

Place Last             First                TEAM                                       Time
1     JAMNER           Joshua               HUP United/Colby College Cycling           27.35
2     WILLS            Zachary              velo europa- cyfac
3     SHAFFER          Matthew              PIRATE INTERNATIONAL
4     Langlois         Daniel
5     TRAMONTANO       Joseph               Connecticut Coast Cycling
6     Hiller           Morgan               South Coast Cycling
7     HATCH            Jeff                 Cycle-Smart
8     PARE             Chris
9     WILDE            John                 Harvard U Cycling
10    DAVID            Gary                 Minuteman Road Club
11    BARTLEY          Scott                South Shore Racing
12    CURTIS           Marc                 bikebarnracing.com
13    Smoller          Jacob
14    PLUMP            John                 Quad Cycles/Arlington Bike Club
15    HINES            Ron
16    Healy            Daniel
17    GALATRO          Vinnie               Keltic Construction
18    MILLER           Peter
19    ASTURIAS         Thomas
20    BRODSKY          David                Corner Cycle
21    KAPP             Josh
22    Alty             Tim                  Cape Cod Cycling
23    ROCHA            Ed                   Scottee's Westport bicycle
24    MCCUE            Patrick
25    MURPHY           David                Cycling Club of Martha's Vineyard
26    DESPARD          Edward
27    CRAIG            Barton               Refunds Now
28    DELUCIA          Alfredo              Bikeworks/hallamore
29    HANCOX           William              Independent Fabrication
30    Nixon            Paul                 MBRC
31    MULROONEY        Michael
31    Burns            Todd
32    DELGROSSO        Fred                 unattached

Beginner Women

Place Last             First                TEAM                                       Time
1     SAMARTANO        Lynn                 providence velo/refunds now                22.35
2     KATES            Jessica              Keltic Construction
3     MCLOON           Anna                 Harvard University Cycling Association
4     REX              Inette               Bikeworks/Hallamore
5     WHALEN           Kerry
6     SHELBURNE        Linda                Cape Cod Cyclist
7     HART             Sarah                Hup United
8     PAPPAS-BARNES    Leah                 Independent Fabrication

Cub Juniors

Place Last             First                TEAM                                       Time
1     GOGUEN           Tommy                Minuteman Road Club
2     GOGUEN           Peter                Minuteman Road Club
3     VINCENT          Austin               Unattached
4     MORSE            Nate                 CLNoonan/Coast to Coast KAM
5     VINCENT III      Richard              Unattached
6     VINCENT          Colin                Unattached
7     Keough           Ian                  Corner Cycle
8     GOGUEN           Christopher          Minuteman Road Club

Masters 35+

Place Last             First                TEAM                                       Time
1     McCormack        Mark                 Clif Bar Cyclocross                        43.45
2     HINES            Kevin                Bike Link MBRC
3     Boivin           Curtis               Refunds Now
4     DAVIS            Curt                 Fiordifrutta Elite Cycling Team
5     SHATTUCK         William              bikebarnracing.com
6     MORSE            Sam                  Bicycle Link/MBRC
7     BURKE            Christopher          Bikeworks/Hallamore
8     BELKNAP          David                Bicycle Link/MBRC
9     CAPIZZO          Sean                 NBX/Apex Tech Group
10    ROWELL           Mike                 NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental
11    FULLER           Bo                   NBX/Narragansett Beer
12    Richer           Aaron                Claremont Cycle Depot
13    LYNCH            Paul                 bicyclelink/mbrc
14    Keough           Mike                 Corner Cycle
15    GOULART          Roger                Scottee's Westport Bicycle
16    MADDEN           Jack                 the HUB
17    Mills            James                MBRC
18    HAMEL            Edward               Joe's Garage/Reynolds Composites
19    DOUBLEDAY        Barry                Mass Bay Road Club
20    Brown            Chris                Corner Cycle
21    JOHNSON          Jonathan             bike works /swansea velo
22    Naser            Robert
23    Hernandez        Jorge                MBRC
24    Desmaris         Rick                 Union Velo
25    KERNAN           Colin                Missing Link Bicycle Club
26    KAPP             Josh
27    JOAKIM           Daniel               Bicycle Link/MBRC
28    COUTU            Chris                Legal Sea Foods - Metlife - unlose.it
29    HURLEY           Thomas               T3 South Coast Cycling
DNF   FAGNANT          David                unattached

Junior Men (15-18)

Place Last             First                TEAM                                       Time
1     KEOUGH           Luke                 CLNoonan Coast to Coast KAM                47.33
2     KEOUGH           Jesse                CLNoonan Coast to Coast KAM
3     Archambeau       Brandon              Bike Zone

Kids Round-up (U 10)

Place Last             First                TEAM
1     GOGUEN           Kevin                Minuteman Road Club
2     Benjamin         Abraham
3     Johnson          Ryland
4     BURTON           Lauren 'fireball'    Burton's Automotive-Rock On Cycling!
5     Sykes            Molly                Corner Cycle
6     Brown            Deason               Corner Cycle

Open Women

Place Last             First                TEAM                                       Time
1     WELLONS          Rebecca              Ridley Factory Team                        50.30
2     MERTENS          Perri                Cambridge Bicycle/Igleheart Frames
3     WALLACE          Amy                  RGM WATCHES - RICHARD SACHS
4     HANSGATE         Ann                  Terry Precision Cycling
5     Owers            Zoe                  IF
6     INGRAM           Jessica              International Bike Centers
7     Frascone         Pauline              IF
8     JOSPE            Alexandra            INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE CENTERS
9     KENZER           Alie                 RGM WATCHES - RICHARD SACHS
10    DAVIS            Katrina              RGM Watches-RICHARDSACHS
11    McCloon          Anna                 Harvard Cycling Association
12    ROWELL           Cathy                NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental/MCRA
13    KATES            Jessica              Keltic Construction
14    HARRISON         Michele              Essex County Velo
15    MCINNIS          Sally                JRA Cycles
16    LOCKHART         Julie                NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental / MCRA
17    RAMOS            Janet                NEBC/Cycle Loft
18    Joyner           Cynthia              Corner Cycle

Open Men

Place Last             First                TEAM                                       Time
1     White            Matt                 Fiordifrutta                               59.44
2     McCormack        Mark                 Cliff Bar Cyclocross                       1:00:28
3     WOLFSON          Kevin                CL Noonan/Coast to Coast/KAM
4     KRAUS            Matt                 RGM WATCHES - RICHARD SACHS
5     MARZOT           Toby                 Fiordifrutta
6     STOTZ            Mark                 Corner Cycle
7     Solar            Ward                 Verge Sport
8     WHEELDEN         Todd                 Portland Velo Club/KONA
9     Langlois         Daniel               Circle A Cyclocross
10    TOSCA            James                Corner Cycle
11    COADY            Daniel               We Love Bicycles
12    Craddock         Jeff                 CCB
13    RUBIJONO         Peter                Cambridge bike/Igleheart Frames
14    HARNISH          Chris                Tradewind Sports-ESPAnswers.com
15    Sheehan          Brad                 Legal Seafood
16    CORBALIS         Ben                  Union Velo
17    VANDEN BORRE     Pierre               Hup United
18    O'ROURKE         Sean                 Kenda/Raleigh Racing
19    BRADSHAW         Peter                Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames
20    WHITMORE         Alex                 Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames
21    ROWAN            Colin                Corner Cycle
22    LOVEWELL         Mark
23    Jamner           Joshua               Hup United
24    GIBBONS          John                 NEBC / Cycle Loft / Devonshire Dental
25    MORSE            Steven               BIKEMAN.COM
26    BROOKS           Scott                NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental
27    NGUYEN           Chuck                Bikeman.com
28    BURTON           Jeremy               Burton's Automotive-Rock On Cycling!
29    REUTER           Colin
30    Dunn             Jeremy               Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames
DNF   Keough           Luke                 CL Noonan/Coast to Coast/KAM
DNF   Keough           Jesse                CL Noonan/Coast to Coast/KAM
DNF   WILLIAMS         Geoff                Refunds Now / Providence Velo Club
DNF   HANSON           John                 FAST/IF powered by Lionette's
DNF   GOGUEN           Patrick              cl noonan coast to coast kam