Results » Road » 2007

Lehigh Valley Winery Criterium

Breinegsville, PA

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Lehigh Valley Winery Criterium Presented by Vortex Cycling Breinegsville, PA Sunday, August 19, 2007

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Place       First Name    Last Name     Team Name
Cat 5
1           Darrell       Engel         unattached
2           Aleksey       Urusov        Propeller Racing
3           Jason         Cole          Team Build
4           Kurt          Swanson       Propeller Racing
5           Alan          Giadosh       Weaver's Bike Shop
6           David         Dawson        Human Zoom/Pabst Blue Ribbon
7           Craig         Alabovitz     unattached
8           Nick          DeAngelis     Chester County Velo - Iron Hill Brewery
9           Albert        Anderson      unattached
10          Christine     Goodhart      unattached
11          Mathew        Hoppel        Lehigh Wheelmen
12          Richard       Semian        Young Medalists
13          Jamie         Harris        Team Spinteck
14          Billy         Stanton       unattached
15          Scott         Feather       Vortex
16          Bruce         Brodowski     Cycle Sports/Zaveta Const.
17          Jeff          Lamb          Liberty Cycle
18          Paul          Acomb         Liberty Cycle
19          Michael       Simmons       West Chester Cycling Club
20          Brian         Wiggins       Bikeline/LWA
21          Zachary       Ellwood       unattached
22          Carlos        Orrleman      unattached
23          Michael       Ruth          unattached
DNF         Mark          Kline         Chester County Velo-Iron Hill
DNF         Gilles        Marzi         Salamander Racing
DNF         Aaron         Trumbore      Bike Works
DNF         Milton        Smith         Lehigh Wheelmen
DNF         Bill          Brunner       unattached

1           Richard       Schenck       Salamander Racing/Team Fuji
2           Nicholas      Bruno         Westwood Velo
3           Tim           Karabin       Chester County
4           Tom           Ratzell       Lehigh Wheelmen
5           Jason         Schiltz       Chester County Velo - Iron Hill
6           Christopher   Morabito      Cycledrome Bicycling Team
7           Seth          Zaleski       unattached
8           Nick          Price         Dynaflo Racing/Technocycle BRC
9           James         Best          Cycledrome Racing
10          Ryan          Pomajevich    Gotham Cyclists
11          Martin        Mrugal        Chester County Velo/Iron Hill
12          Matther       Perry         Chester County
13          George        Bicking       Team Velocity
14          Bryan         Dougherty     Kissena
15          Richard       MacLaughlin   Chester County Velo - Iron Hill
16          Matthew       Swiatek       Dynaflo Racing/Technocycle BRC
16          Dan           Lavelle       Drexel
17          Didier        Blanc         Van Dessel Factory
18          Scott         Steele        Gotham Cyclists
19          Michael       Holub         Dreamscapes cycling team
20          Greg          Dattner       unattached
21          Richard       Mowry         Evolution
22          Matthew       Harrington    Bikyle
23          Stephane      Slotten       Liberty cycle
24          Thomas        Treptow       Team somerset
25          Paul          McDonald      Cycle Sports/Zaveta Construction
27          Taylor        Cohen         Tri State Velo
28          Steve         Sillett       Cycle Fanatic
29          Andy          Kraynak       Lehigh Wheelmen
30          Christopher   Shaw          CRCA
DNF         Eric          Salzer        Chester County Velo - Iron Hill Brewery
DNF         Ed            Peterson      Pro Pedals Team Express
DNF         Steve         Sambrano      Main Line Cycling - BiKyle
DNF         Michael       Karr          unattached
DNF         Joe           Murphy        bikeline/lwa
DNF         Patrick       Cabrey        Tri-State Velo
DNF         Sean          Cabrey        Tri-State Velo
DNF         Matthew       Holub         Gotham cyclists
DNF         Dave          Baumgardner   Tri-State Velo
DNF         John          Auer          Somersett
DNF         Mark          Cowin         Pro Pedals Team Express
DNF         Tom           Griffin       unattached
DNF         Erik          Mitchell      QCW
DNF         Mark          Mcdonnell     unattached

Cat 4
1           Sarah         Iepson        Sturdy Girl Cycling
2           Andrea        Walheim       Guys Racing
3           Mary          Fetrow        World Cup Ski
4           Michelle      Young         Yellow Breeches
5           Patricia      Marzi         Team Fuji/Salamander
6           Nancy         Heller        Tri-State Velo
7           Janel         Demeter       Guys Racing
8           Jody          Twer          Sturdy Girl Cycling
9           Karen         Tourian       Guy's Racing
10          Doreen        Crowle        Sturdy Girl Cycling
DNF         Leah          Oppenheimer   Colavita

1           Zach          Semian        Young Medalists Cycling Club
2           Kaitlyn       Lawrence      VORTEX
3           Chris         Dordal        Bikeline/ LWA
4           Teddy         Kozlowski     Colavita Racing
5           Andrew        Shrawder      Team Vortex
6           Zach          Bender        GS Park Ridge / Team Cyclesport
7           Jonathan      Bright        Vortex Cycling
8           Hannah        Hayduk        Fuji/Slamander
9           Jacob         Hoover        Bikeline/LWA
10          Jennifer      Brunner       unattached
11          Joshua        Kozlowski     Colavita Racing
12          Patrick       Marzi         Team Fuji/Salamander Racing

1           Joe           Hamilton      Chester County
2           Jaime         Troy          Liberty Cycle
3           John          Durso         Liberty
4           Zach          Blaser        Visit
5           Michael       Sambrano      Main Line Cycling Club
6           Ryan          Mitchell      Elite Bicycles
7           John          Howe          L'Equipe DeVille
8           Tom           Kellogg       Tri-State Velo
9           Curt          Hurst         Liberty Cycle
10          Dean          Smith         Morgan Stanley / 24 Hr Fitness / Specialized
11          Brian         Gristick      Skylands
12          Greg          Cordasco      liberty cycle
13          Megan         Esmonde       Orlando Road Club
DNF         Curtis        Lightburn     Liberty Cycle
DNF         Paul          McDonald      Cycle Sports/Zaveta Construction
DNF         Larry         Towner        Liberty Cycle
DNF         Tim           Hancock       On Track Cycling

1           Shane         Kline         Team Fuji / Salamander
2           Clay          Murfet        Team Fuji / Salamander
3           Ryan          Clune         Team Vortex/Vortex Cycling Club
4           Zack          Noonan        Young Medalists Cycling Club
5           Nick          Roeder        Bike Line/LWA
6           James         Alvord        Elite Perfromance
7           Zach          Semian        Young Medalists Cycling Club
8           Colleen       Gulick        Team Fuji / Salamander
9           Elspeth       Huyett        Young Medalists Cycling Club
10          Michael       Roach         Young Medalists Cycling Club
11          Kaitlyn       Lawrence      Vortex

Cat 1/2/3
1           Colleen       Hayduk        Team Fuji/Salamander
2           Jacqueline    Paull         Watchung Wheelmen/High Gear Cyclery
3           Arley         Kemmerer      Boston Scientific
4           Emily         MacKay        Meredith Group/GPOA/Cannondale
5           Barbara       Shweky        Team Somerset
6           Kristy        Swope         Saucon Valley Bikes
7           Sally         Poliwoda      Sturdy Girl Cycling
8           Lorraine      Lipfert       East Coast Velo
9           Elspeth       Huyett        Young Medalists
10          Lee-Ann       Beatty        Meredith Group/GPOA/Cannondale
11          Nina          Santiago      High Gear
1           John          Minturn       Meredith Group/GPOA/Cannondale
2           Mike          Stubna        Meredith Group/GPOA/Cannondale
3           Glenn         Murray        Lateral Stress Velo
4           Jared         Babik         Meredith Group/GPOA/Cannondale
5           Dan           Stewart       Northeastern Hardware
6           Brian         Girard        Stage 1 Cycling
7           Mike          Hebe          Meredith Group/GPOA/Cannondale
8           John          Lenart        Human Zoom/Pabst Blue Ribbon
9           Stephane      Slotten       Liberty Cycle
10          Dwayne        Clinton       GS Lancaster
11          Fred          Billet        Meredith Group/GPOA/Cannondale
12          Doug          Lapp          GS Lancaster