Results » Road » 2007

Tokeneke Classic Road Race

East Hartland, CT

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Tokeneke Classic Road Race Presented by Tokeneke Road Club & Cafeteros Cycling Club East Hartland, CT Sunday, July 29, 2007

Results Courtesy of 

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Pro/1/2/3 Men       66 miles         35                   starters

KOM                 Matthew          Purdey               North Arlantic Velo                               Albany                 NY

Place     Time      First Name       Last Name            Team                                              City                   State
1         2:43:04   Eneas            Freyre               TARGETRAINING U-25/Elite Development Team         Greenwich              CT
2         0:00:00   Roger            Aspholm              Westwood Velo                                     Haworth                NJ
3         0:00:00   Justin           Lindine              TARGETRAINING U-25/Elite Development Team         Maplecrest             NY
4         0:01:23   Michael          Barton               Boston Scientific Elite Cycling Team              White River            VT
5         0:01:29   Todd             Rowell               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Arlington              MA
6         0:02:44   Amos             Brumble              CCB/Volkswagen                                    Westerly               RI
7         0:03:52   Alister          Ratcliff             TARGETRAINING U-25/Elite Development Team         Newtown                CT
8         0:05:40   Joao             Correia              Bicycling Magazine                                Brooklyn               NY
9         0:06:19   Adam             Sullivan             Boston Scientific Elite Cycling Team              East Greenwich         RI
10        0:06:19   Gilberth         Gomez Valverde       Westwood Velo/Trade Manage Capitol                Somerville             NJ
11        0:06:19   Matthew          Purdey               North Arlantic Velo                               Albany                 NY
12        0:06:33   Gregory          Swinand              irish road club                                   Wicklow                UNK
13        0:06:37   Matthew          Plumb                Revolution Cycles U23 Development                 Haverhill              MA
14        0:06:37   John             Funk                 FIORDIFRUTTA                                      South Kent             CT
15        0:06:37   Matt             Baldwin              TARGETRAINING U-25/Elite Development Team         Danbury                CT
16        0:06:45   Todd             Cassan               Westwood Velo                                     Nyc                    NY
17        0:06:47   Nikola           Smutney              Nerac pro cycling                                 W haven                CT
18        0:09:43   Hunter           Pronovost            Anthem-CCCC                                       Cheshire               CT
19        0:10:28   Eric             Brownell             Bicycling Magazine                                Stamford               CT
20        0:19:09   unknown          rider
21        0:20:37   Peter            Morgan               Anthem  -  CCCC                                   Middletown             CT
22        0:20:37   Ralf             Geiben               B2C                                               Newington              MA
23        0:21:42   Isaac            Howe                 Revolution Cycles U23 Development Cycling         Burlington             VT
24        0:33:02   Ciaran           Mangan               CCB/Volkswagen                                    Brighton               MA

Pro/1/2/3 Women     44 miles         25                   starters

KOM                 Anna             Mcloon               Harvard University Cycling Association            Cambridge              MA

Place     Time      First Name       Last Name            Team                                              City                   State
1         2:07:39   Debony           Diehl                Sunapee S&W                                       Jackson                NH
2         0:00:00   Anna             Mcloon               Harvard University Cycling Association            Cambridge              MA
3         0:00:30   Silke            Wunderwald           Anthem - CCCC                                     Stonington             CT
4         0:03:17   Susanna          Pratt                Noreast                                           Durham                 NH
5         0:05:46   Becky            Koh                  CRCA/Comedy Central-Sid's Bikes                   New York               NY
6         0:07:15   Elena            Leznik               CRCA/Radical Media                                Fort Lee               NJ
7         0:07:15   Cheryl           Wolf                 Bethel Cycle                                      Ridgefield             CT
8         0:07:15   Ashley           Prine                CRCA/Radical Media                                Brooklyn               NY
9         0:07:15   Mary             Fuchs                Eastern Bloc Cycling Team                         Hartford               CT
10        0:07:15   Julie            Lefebvre             INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE CENTERS                     Somerville             MA
11        0:09:40   Rebecca          Blatt                Anthem-cccc cycling team                          West Haven             CT
12        0:10:20   Yuri             Matsumoto            MIT cycling                                       Cambridge              MA
13        0:10:20   Edie             Perkins              Kissena Cycling Club                              Brooklyn               NY
14        0:10:56   Paula            Brunetto
15        0:12:31   Evelyn           Hale                 CCB/Volkswagen                                    Newburyport            MA
16        0:13:16   Zuzana           Trnovcova            MIT Cycling                                       Boston                 MA
17        0:13:16   Ashley           Krause               Northampton Cycling Club                          Florence               MA
18        0:13:16   Shannon          Madison              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Somerville             MA
19        0:16:55   Katherine        Papillon-rodrigue                                                      Avon                   CT
20        0:21:48   Kathryne         Carr                 CL Noonan/Coast to Coast/KAM                      Easthampton            MA
21        0:21:44   Avery            May                                                                    New Haven              CT
22        0:34:51   Kim              Bonham
23        0:41:18   Julie            Lockhart             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental / MCRA          Dunstable              MA

3 Men               66 miles         54                   starters

KOM                 Brett            Cleaver              CRCA / NYSketches                                 Brooklyn               NY

Place     Time      First Name       Last Name            Team                                              City                   State
1         2:55:46   Gary             Jasdzewski           Boston Scientific Cycling                         Arlington              MA
2         0:00:10   Paul             Runyon               Tri State Velo                                    Philadelphia           PA
3         0:00:10   William          Nowak                                                                  Guilford               CT
4         0:00:20   Nicholas         Bruno                Westwood Velo                                     Oakland                NJ
5         0:00:20   Dan              Hoffman              Westwood Velo                                     Harrison               NJ
6         0:00:27   Vinnie           Scalia               Quad Cycles                                       Oby                    NY
7         0:00:27   Miro             Koulnis                                           Worcester              MA
8         0:00:27   Alexander        Timkovich            Anthem - CCCC                                     Berlin                 CT
9         0:00:27   Tyson            Parody               Putney/West Hill                                  Keene                  NH
10        0:00:27   Stephen          Gray                 Bethel Cycle                                      Middletown             CT
11        0:00:27   Robert           Larocco              Capital Velo Club / Vernon Cycle                  Manchester             CT
12        0:00:27   William          Fissel               University of Delaware Cycling                    Newark                 DE
13        0:00:27   Gary             Douville             NEBC/Cycle Loft                                   Boston                 MA
14        0:00:27   Pascal           Sauvayre             CRCA/Blue Ribbon -               New York               NY
15        0:00:27   Peter            Shapiro              AFD/                                   Cranston               RI
16        0:00:27   Scott            Dolmat-connell       CL Noonan/Coast to Coast/KAM                      Princeton              MA
17        0:00:27   Peter            Hurst                Skinny's Club Tread                               Stamford               CT
18        0:00:27   Aaron            Wolfe                CRCA/                              Beacon                 NY
19        0:00:27   Ted              Neu                  CRCA                                              NY                     NY
20        0:00:27   Jordan           Moore                Onion River                                       Medford                MA
21        0:00:27   Andrew           Grabarek             ccc/keltic const./zanes cycles                    Clinton                CT
22        0:00:27   Brett            Cleaver              CRCA / NYSketches                                 Brooklyn               NY
23        0:01:55   Joshua           Friedman             Champion System Racing                            New Haven              CT
24        0:01:55   Christopher      Chaput               CRCA/Affinity Cycles                              Brooklyn               NY
25        0:01:55   Scott Patrick    Sullivan             NBX/Majik Coffee/Apex Technology                  Providence             RI
26        0:01:55   Christoffel      Prinsloo             CRCA/SouthAfrica.Net                              Fort Lee               NJ
27        0:01:55   Vladimir         Borovkov             somerset wheelmen                                 South River            NJ
28        0:01:55   Tyler            Matta                DC Racing                                         Brooklyn               NY
29        0:02:35   Bob              German               CCNS                                              Higganum               CT
30        0:03:00   David            Freifelder           Skylands Cycling                                  Glenwood               NJ
31        0:14:20   Joel             Biederman            Cyclonauts Racers                                 Suffield               CT
32        0:15:47   Cosmo            Catalano             INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE CENTERS                     Medford                MA
33        0:16:19   Anthony          Parent               Anthem - CCCC                                     Wallingford            CT
34        0:01:17   Eric             Edlund               MIT Cycling/ Presented by FXDD                    Somerville             MA
35        0:23:14   Giovanni         Marzot               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Concord                MA
36        0:26:34   Carl             Maslag               Team Fitness Mission/Allwood Bicycles             North Arlington        NJ
37        0:31:13   Brendan          Hanrahan             Refunds Now                                       Providence             RI

4 Men               44 miles         84                   starters

KOM                 Austin           Moran                Consolidated Fabrications                         Cos Cob                CT

Place     Time      First Name       Last Name            Team                                              City                   State
1         2:02:41   Bill             Blank                Watchung Wheelmen/High Gear                       Denville               NJ
2         st        Brian            Gabele               Columbia University                               New York               NY
3         st        Steven           Bruen, Jr.           Pawling Cycle and Sport                           Sherman                CT
4         st        David            Fierro               Exodus Road Racing/Pools etc/Brumble Bikes        Uncasville             CT
5         st        Casey            Marks                Velo Europa - Cyfac                               Providence             RI
6         st        Ian              Harris               CRCA JrDev/Orbea                                  New York               NY
7         st        Radames          Parissi              TEAM FITNESS MISSION/ALLWOOD BICYCLES             Clifton                NJ
8         st        Nick             Pignatello           Mystic Velo Club                                  Griswold               CT
9         st        Austin           Moran                Consolidated Fabrications                         Cos Cob                CT
10        st        Brendan          Meryman              Team NH/NHCC                                      Holderness             NH
11        st        Rob              Mchardy                                                                West Hartford          CT
12        st        Chuck            Leach                                                                  Lee                    MA
13        st        Andy             Newsom               Sids/Cannondale                                   New York               NY
14        st        Jack             Piller               Team Placid Planet                                Plattsburgh            NY
15        st        Joshua           Wilcox               503 Cycleworx/LHCC                                Gaylordsville          CT
16        0:00:13   Patrick          Campbell             Unattached                                        Hawthorne              NJ
17        0:00:16   Brian            Tompkins             Capital Velo Club                                 Newington              CT
18        st        Jonathan         Wheeler              Wooly Mamoth                                      Austin                 TX
19        st        Brian            Cantele              EBCC/Benidorm Bikes                               Litchfield             CT
20        0:00:30   Darrell          Hoy                  Dartmouth College                                 Hanover                NH
21        st        David            Trumpf               nyvelocity/CRCA                                   New York               NY
22        st        Joseph           Azze                 Blue                      Hawthorne              NJ
23        0:00:40   Bryon            Lewis                                                                  Monson                 MA
24        st        Michael          Previs                                                                 Fairfax                VT
25        st        Robert           Haber                CRCA/NYVelocity                                   New York               NY
26        st        Bill             Mcgreevy             Team Placid Planet                                Wilmington             NY
27        st        Alex             Dossin               NEBC/Cycle Loft                                   Chelmsford             MA
28        st        Daniel           Boozan               Alto Velo                                         Jeffersonville         VT
29        st        unknown          rider
30        0:00:53   Tom              Buttner              Verge Sport/Test Pilot                            Cornwall On Hudson     NY
31        st        Ramon            Agudelo              Cafeteros Cycling Club                            White Plains           NY
32        0:01:04   Mackenzie        Knowles-coursin      Dartmouth Cycling                                 Hanover                NH
33        0:01:17   Erik             Baker                CRCA/Sanchez Metro                                New York               NY
34        st        Geoff            Martin               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Watertown              MA
35        st        John             Gibbons              South Shore Racing                                Boston                 MA
36        st        Gregg            Ferraris             Epic Velo / Cheshire Cycle                        Meriden                CT
37        st        Jay              Vincent              Cycle Center Racing                               Bethel                 CT
38        st        Shane            Moran                Westwood Velo                                     Piermont               NY
39        0:03:04   Chris            Curven               North Atlantic Velo / ClassBook.Com / Giant / PedrWalpole                NH
40        0:05:46   Thomas           Hoogendyk            NCC - Northampton Cycling Club                    Holyoke                MA
41        0:05:55   Seth             Behrends             MIT                                               Cambridge              MA
42        0:06:18   Michael          Stimson              Benidorm Eastern Bloc                             West Hartford          CT
43        0:07:49   Michael          Sabatini             Boston Road Club                                  Boston                 MA
44        st        Sean             Kennedy              Flye Cycles                                       South Deerfield        MA
45        0:08:20   Kevin            Cummisford           Boston Road Club                                  Boston                 MA
46        0:08:28   Michael          Tonkinson            Essex County Velo                                 Brooklyn               NY
47        0:08:43   Jorg             Polster              Breaking Away Bicycles                            Norwalk                CT
48        st        David            Smallwood            Boston Road Club                                  West Roxbury           MA
49        0:08:43   Jesse            Gutierrez            DC Racing Team                                    Bronxville             NY
50        st        Chris            Butler               Epic Velo \ Cheshire Cycle                        Meriden                CT
51        0:09:01   Alexander        Graybeal             Team DC Racing (Danny's Cycles)                   Scarsdale              NY
52        0:09:18   Oscar            Jimenez              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Lowell                 MA
53        st        John             Landino              Westwood Velo-Trade Manage Racing                 Westwood               NJ
54        0:10:18   Ben              Hughes               CRCA/Merrill Lynch-Hincapie Sports                New York               NY
55        st        Brian            Stone                Hallamore/Bikeworks                               Barrington             RI
56        0:10:20   Mark             Durso                Bethel Cycle                                      Middlebury             CT
57        0:11:00   Ivry             Semel                CRCA/Sid's-Cannondale                             New York               NY
58        0:11:45   Anthony          Inzero               Mystic Velo Club Presented By    Westerly               RI
59        st        Sergio           Atocha               gs gotham/toga                                    East Elmhurst          NY
60        st        Roark            Maynard                                                                Pawcatuck              CT
61        0:12:15   Matthew          Spaits               Boston Road Club                                  Somerville             MA
62        0:12:44   Alvin            Morson                                                                 Newington              CT
63        st        Nelson           Cardenas             stryctly bicycles                                 Union City             NJ
64        0:12:54   Bruce            Schwartz             USI                                               Armonk                 NY
65        0:13:35   Scott            Bourgault                                                              East Granby            CT
66        0:13:56   Patrick          Newell               Team Wooly Mammoth                                Austin                 TX
67        0:14:38   Thomas           Schirmer             Nerac Earth                                       Willington             CT
68        0:15:29   James            Ruotolo              team norwood/the peddler                          Tinton Falls           NJ
69        0:17:06   Neal             Heffron              Boston Road Club                                  Brookline              MA
70        0:17:06   Anthony          Schrauth             MIT Cycling/FXDD                                  Cambridge              MA
71        0:18:22   Scott            Healer               Eastern Bloc Cycling Club                         West Hartford          CT
72        0:18:34   Joseph           Barroso              Providence Velo/Refunds Now                       Barrington             RI
73        0:18:34   Kenneth          Hamel                AFD/BIKEMAN.COM                                   Coventry               RI
74        0:18:09   Chris            Tweed                Boston Road Club                                  Waltham                MA
75        0:18:22   Steven           Senne                Union Velo                                        East Walpole           MA
76        0:19:21   Chris            Petrillo             Benidorm/Eastern Bloc                             Tariffville            CT
77        0:22:24   William          Yellig               laurel bicycle club                               Hamden                 CT
78        0:27:31   David            Loszewski            BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bike Shops  Derry                  NH
79        0:28:55   Julian           Hjortshoj            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Boston                 MA
80        0:31:08   Ricardo          Hernandez            cafeteros cycling club                            Bridgeport             CT

Masters 35+         44 miles         55                   starters
KOM                 Max              Lippolis             TARGETRAINING / Fastar                            Pound Ridge            NY     39

Place     Time      First Name       Last Name            Team                                              City                   State  Age
1         1:56:49   Sean             Groom                Squadra Coppi/IM Saab                             Bloomfield             CT     39
2         0:00:27   David            Taylor               CRCA/Blue                 New York               NY     42
3         0:00:28   Brian            Wirtz                Horst - Benidorm - Property Research Corp                                       41
4         st        Joseph           reagan               Bethel                                                                          43
5         st        Ray              Johnson              Boston Scientific Cycling                         Woburn                 MA     43
6         st        Scott            Bodin                TARGETRAINING / Fastar                            Nanuet                 NY     45
7         st        Edward           Angeli               Horst-Benidorm-Property Research Corp.            Southington            CT     40
8         st        Kevin            Power                Van Dessel Factory Team                           Ewing                  NJ     44
9         st        Jayson           Hurd                 Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team                           South Kingstown        RI     35
10        st        Mark             Gunsalus                                   Dudley                 MA     44
11        st        David            Potter               Atlantic Shore Velo                                                             41
12        0:01:03   Bruce            Diehl                Sunapee S&W Racing                                Jackson                NH     42
13        0:01:11   Jonny            Bold                 Corner Cycle                                      Marstons Mills         MA     42
14        st        Mark             Stotz                Corner Cycle                                      Easthampton            MA     40
15        st        Massimiliano     Accaputo             Capital Velo Club/Vernon Cycle                    Glastonbury            CT     37
16        st        Max              Lippolis             TARGETRAINING / Fastar                            Pound Ridge            NY     39
17        st        Stephan          Badger               CRCA/Sakonnet Technology                          Woodbury               CT     37
18        st        Adam             Sternfeld            Boston bicycle Club                                                             44
19        st        Douglas          Shepard              Boston Scientific Cycling/Everactive Online       Mansfield              MA     50
20        0:01:33   David            Goldstein            Team Bikery/Bike Montclair                        Bloomfield             NJ     38
21        0:01:44   Harry            Stover                                     Brooklyn               CT     38
22        0:01:56   Colman           Oconner              MBRC                                                                            45
23        0:02:12   A. Zane          Wenzel               Horst - Benidorm - Property Research Corp         Middletown             CT     38
24        st        Alan             Toonan               Breaking Away Bicycles                                                          38
25        st        Paul             Nyberg               Horst-Benidorm-Property Research Corp.            Avon                   CT     46
26        0:02:34   Sam              Morse                Bicycle Link/MBRC                                 Cohasset               MA     44
27        0:06:54   John             Nobile                                                                 Fairfield              CT     44
28        0:06:01   Tom              Mcmenamin            Team Somerset                                     Titusville             NJ     44
29        0:06:04   Tim              Burton               CVC/Capital Velo Club/Vernon Cycles               Madison                CT     36
30        0:06:32   Johan            Koserius                                                               Sandy Hook             CT     40
31        0:07:10   Greald           Oshea                Clinton Cycling                                                                 43
32        st        Tobi             Schultze             Bicycle Link / MBRC                               Foxboro                MA     42
33        0:07:17   Torbjorn         Phillpotts           Quad Cycles                                       Medford                MA     38
34        0:07:25   Keith            Gauvin               cyclonaut racers                                  Ellington              CT     38
35        0:08:39   Dave             Thompson             Anthem CCCC                                                                     40
36        0:10:05   Mike             Maloney              AFD/BIKEMAN.COM                                   Chepachet              RI     44
37        st        Michael          Cavros                                                                                               39
38        0:10:14   Matthew          Domnarski            Horst-Benidorm-Property Research Corp.            Ware                   MA     41
39        0:10:25   Wayne            Prescott             Horst-Benidorm-Property Research Corp.            Burlington             CT     44
40        st        Mike             Allaire              TARGETRAINING/FASTAR                              North Salem            NY     48
41        0:14:22   Kyle             Wolfe                TARGETRAINING / Fastar                            Stamford               CT     36
42        st        Ian              Sinclair             TARGETRAINING/FASTAR                              Avon                   CT     40
43        0:14:32   Paul             LaPierre             Capitol Velo                                      Glastonbury            CT     43
44        0:15:09   Maximino         Veiga                TARGETRAINING / FASTAR                            Danbury                CT     41
45        st        Gary             Aspris               Horst - Benidorm - Property Research Corp                                       39
46        0:16:44   James            Tordella             Bicycle Link/MBRC                                 Hopkinton              MA     42
47        0:16:56   Dale             Stephanos            Bicycle Link/MBRC                                 Foxboro                MA     43
48        st        Oscar            Osorio               Cafeteros Cycling Club                                                          43
49        0:23:41   Ted              Esselton                                                                                             43
50        0:35:05   Wade             Summers              Horst - Benidorm - Property Research Corp                                       38

Masters 45+         44 miles         64                   starters

KOM                 Dzmitry          Buben                CCB/Volkswagen                                    Hamden                 CT     48

Place     Time      First Name       Last Name            Team                                              City                   State  Age
1         1:56:11   Dzmitry          Buben                CCB/Volkswagen                                    Hamden                 CT     48
2         0:00:35   Douglas          Jansen               NorEast Cycling                                   Pelham                 NH     45
3         st        Gerry            Clapper              Benidorm Bikes/ Eastern Bloc CC                   Avon                   CT     46
4         0:01:50   Mark             Luzio                bikebarnracing                                    Brooklyn               CT     52
5         st        Todd             Buckley              Arc-en-Ciel Racing Team                           S. Kingstown           RI     49
6         0:02:48   Tom              Officer              Cycle Fitness                                     Litchfield             CT     55
7         st        Kevin            Hines                Bike Link MBRC                                    E. Wareham             MA     47
8         st        David            Kellogg              Arc En Ciel                                       Providence             RI     48
9         st        Eric             Pearce               Bethel Cycle                                      Chelmsford             MA     46
10        st        Paul             Wonsavage            Onion River Sports                                Hanover                NH     47
11        0:03:31   Bill             Thompson             Keltic                                            W hartford             MA     49
12        st        Jonathan         Eichman              QuadCycles                                        Arlington              MA     49
13        0:04:11   Frank            Jennings             gearworks                                         Edgartown              MA     53
14        0:04:28   Mark             Czarnecki            Laurel Bicycle Club                               Guilford               CT     45
15        0:07:43   Douglas          Crane                FASTER/TARGETRAINING MCRA                         Norwalk                CT     50
16        0:08:45   Bob              Donahue              Gearworks/Spinarts                                Princeton              MA     49
17        0:10:05   John             Mosher               Bicycle Link/MBRC                                 Boxboro                MA     46
18        0:10:30   Christopher      Burke                Bikeworks/Hallamore                               Pawtucket              RI     47
19        st        John             Raheb                westwood velo                                     Nyack                  NY     45
20        0:10:30   Eugene           Petrella                                                               N Andover              MA
21        0:11:14   Scott            Klion                Cranford Bike Shop/CTS                            New York               NY     50
22        st        Paul             Curley               Gearworks/Spinarts                                Taunton                MA     52
23        st        John             Laupheimer           Team International Bicycle Center                 Weston                 MA     50
24        st        Brett            Rutledge             Bicycle Link/ MBRC                                Westboro               MA     45
25        st        Robert           Degrace                                                                Lunenburg              MA     47
26        st        Kelly            Parsons              Mystic Velo Club                                  Lyme                   CT     51
27        st        William          Holmes               Boston Road Club                                  Waltham                MA     45
28        st        Glenn            Giglio               CVC - Vernon cycle                                Machester              CT     45
29        st        George           Pawle                Cyclonauts Racers                                 Westfield              MA     56
30        st        Mark             Dutka                Mystic Velo Club                                  Uncasville             CT     49
31        st        unknown          rider
32        st        Carl             Franzetti            CRCA                                              New York               NY     47
33        st        Thomas           Coleman              Cafeteros                                         Greenwich              CT     52
34        st        Mark             Januskiewicz         Sunapee/S&W Racing Team                           Concord                NH     45
35        0:11:59   Alvaro           Betancur             Cafeteros                                         White Plains           NY     47
36        st        Kevin            Young                INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE CENTERS                     Northbridge            MA     47
37        0:12:17   Reb              Cole                 CTS/ cranford                                     Mohegan Lake,          NY     56
38        0:13:36   Christopher      Flagg                Competitive Edge                                  Westfield              MA     48
39        0:17:28   Brian            Wolf                 Bethel Cycle                                      Ridgefield             CT     50
40        0:17:58   Joseph           Bitetto              carpediem                                         Stamford               CT     48
41        0:19:14   Rick             Spear                TARGETRAINING                                     Westport               CT     45
42        0:19:37   Casey            Gawlak               Pawling Cycle & Sport                             New Milford            CT     50
43        st        Mark             Gillies              TARGETRAINING                                     Ridgefield             CT     51
44        19:58     Jorge            Ramirez              Team Bicycle Alley
45        0:20:47   Gabriel          Dunn                 Privateer                                         Newtown                CT     45
46        0:20:51   Bruce            Townend              BCA VoMax                                         Windsor                MA     54
47        st        Will             Kraham               Putney / West Hill                                Brattleboro            VT     56
48        0:21:36   David            Goodwin              NCC /                                 Amherst                MA     52
49        0:21:43   Michael          Di Rado              mbrc/bicycle link                                 Scituate               MA     49
50        st        Peter            Crowley              NCC/Northampton Cycle Club                        Pelham                 MA     51
51        0:21:58   Ken              Coleman              Housatonic Wheel Club                             New York               NY     51
52        0:22:06   Marc             Tatar                                                                  Providence             RI     49
53        0:24:01   Paul             Anderson             Arc En Ciel                                       Wyoming                RI     48
54        0:24:13   Adam             Brodsky              Missing Link/ MBRC                                Scituate               MA     46
55        0:25:25   John             Kolios               CVC - Vernon cycle                                East hartford          CT     50
56        0:26:11   Robert           Mccauley             Cycle Fitness                                     Monroe                 CT     45
57        st        Joe              Horan                Minuteman Road Club                               Ashland                MA     51
58        0:26:45   Kevin            Breton               CYCLONAUTS                                        Ashford                CT     49