Results » Road » 2007

New Britain Criterium

New Britain, CT

Sunday, July 8, 2007

New Britain Criterium Presented by Central CT Cycling Club/Anthem-CCCC Cycling Team/Farmington HS Cycling Walnut Hill Park - New Britain, CT Sunday, July 08, 2007

Results Courtesy of 

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Category:        Elite Men                   100                starters
Place       U23  Time      First Name        Last Name          Team                                          City                State  Age
1                1:26:48   Jermain           Burrows            We Stand United                               Brooklyn            NY     29
2                st        Chris             Hrenko             Kenda/Raleigh Racing                          Montpelier          VT     28
3                st        jared             Bunde              GS Mengoni                                    Brooklyn            NY     30
4                @ 0:25    Craig             Luekens            Anthem-CCCC                                   New Haven           CT     24
5                st        Shawn             Milne              Health Net                                    Glucester           MA     26
6                st        Roserbert         Marte Quezeda      GS Mengoni                                    fort lee            NJ     35
7                st        Adam              Myerson            Nerac Pro Cycling                             Dorchester          MA     35
8                st        Eneas             Freyre             Target Training                               Norwalk             CT     30
9           1    st        Luis              Perez Fernandez    Maurcio Baez                                  Jackson Heights     NY     22
10               st        Amos              Brumble            CCB - VW                                      Westerly            RI     34
11               st        jason             Sears              Essex County Velo                             Cambridge           MA     29
12               st        Jon               Bruno              FAST/IF powered by Lionette's                 Boston              MA     36
13               st        Horace            Burrows            We Stand United                               Brooklyn            NY     35
14               st        Daniel            Holt               Nerac Pro Cycling                             Bradenton           FL     25
15               st        Matthew           Baldwin            Target Training                               Danbury             CT     30
16               st        Gelnroy           Griffith           Team United                                   Brooklyn            NY     38
17               st        Akira             Wong               Organic Athlete                               San Francisco       CA     26
18               st        Benjamin          Lyon               Organic Athlete                               San Francisco       CA     28
19          2    st        William           Duggan             CCB - VW                                      Lenox               MA     20
20               st        Ghram             Garber                                                                                      25
21          3    st        Dana              Alia               Verge Sport / Test Pilot                      Catskill            NY     22
22               st        Keith             gauvin             CYCLONAUTS                                    Ellington           CT     59
23               st        Juan              Pimentel           crca/global locate                            Maywood             NJ     43
24               st        Adam              Pantastico         YSG Racing                                    Mountainside        NJ     32
25          4    st        Sam               Silver             Now MS Society                                Waban               MA     22
26               st        Matthew           Kraus              North Atlantic Velo / ClassBook.Com / Giant / Arlington           MA     35
27               st        Aidan             Charles            Nerac Pro Cycling                             Middletown          CT     24
28               st        Adam              Sullivan           Boston Scientific Elite Cycling Team          East Greenwich      RI     24
29          5    st        Chris             Laflamme           SMCC/Base36                                   Westbrook           ME     23
30          6    st        Harrison          Harb               CCNS Pedal Power                              Hopkinton           NH     18
31               st        Edward            Angelli            Horst Benidorm PRC Cycling Team               Southington         CT     40
32          7    st        John              Hanson             FAST/IF powered by Lionette's                 west hartford       CT     23
33          8    st        Ghram             Lang               CRCA                                          Sherman             CT     17
34               st        mark              Jameison           Exodus Road Racing                            Irvington           CT     36
35               st        Eric              Merrell            ccc/Keltic                                    New Haven           CT     32
36          9    st        Ryan              Storm              Target Training                               White Plains        NY     17
37               st        Mark              Czarnecki          Laurel Bicycle Club                           Guilford            CT     44
38               st        Ralph             Karam              Base36/SMCC                                   Portland            ME     38
39               st        Shannon           Munthall           Merideth Group                                Columbia            CT     35
40          10   st        Jerome            Townsend           CL Noonan/ Coast to Coast/ KAM                Princeton           MA     18
41          11   st        Matt              Rossman            CL Noonan/Coast to Coast/KAM                  Morrisville         VT     23
42               st        Stephen           Weller             FAST/IF powered by Lionette's                 Hadley              MA     24
43               st        Massimilano       Accuapto           CVC                                           Glastonbury         CT     37
44               st        Chris             Coutu              Legal Sea Foods - Metlife -         Upton               MA     36
45          12   st        Wentworth         Knipe              Housatonic Wheel Club U23                     Sheffield           MA     21
46          13   st        Tom               Gosselin           FAST/IF powered by Lionette's                 Lewiston            ME     21
47               st        John              Interlandi         Stage 1                                       Newington           CT     43
48          14   st        Noah              harwood            Legal Sea Foods - Metlife -         Bedford             MA     22
49               st        Timothy           Unkert             Stolen Underground                            Tolland             CT     30
50               st        David             Geick              Organic Athlete                               Tucson              AZ     25
51               st        Mukunda           Feldman            Kenda/Raleigh Racing                          Amherst             MA     28
52               st        David             Sommerville        Anthem - CCCC                                 Brooklyn            NY     38
53               st        Mark              Dutka              Mystic Velo                                   Uncasville          CT     49
54               st        Norman            Kuzel              Cox Communications Cycling Team               Lebanon             CT     48
55               st        ian               modestow           NCC/                               florence            MA     36
56               st        Matthew           Brewster           Incline Training                              Amherst             MA     24
57               st        Jake              Hollenbach         CCB - VW                                      Shelburne           VT     26
58               st        Dave              Uchenick           arc en ceil                                   Westford            MA     46
59               st        Jeffrey           Dixon              SMCC/Base36                                   Windham             ME     44
60               st        Jeremy            Burcham            Breaking Away Bicycles                        Fairfield           CT     31
61               st        Peter             Vollers            Boston Scientific Elite Cycling Team          Woodstock           VT     40
62               st        Paul              Ziminski           Metra - Wendys                                Piscataway          NJ     45
63               st        Jason             Bozman             Kenda/Raleigh Racing                          Alston              MA     28
64               st        Gregory           Abbott             NCVC Innova Health                            Washington          DC     25
65          15   st        Dylan             Osullivan          Housatonic Wheel Club U23                     Peterborough        NH     19
66               st        Mike              Myers              Team Bicyle Alley                             Worcester           MA     38
67               st        Adam              Sternfield         Boston Bicycle Club                           Brookline           MA     44
68               st        Shawn             Forsyth            CCB - VW                                      Westerly            RI     41
69               st        Austin            Roach              Princeton University Cycling                  Princeton           NJ     24
70               st        Edward            Kaftan             Cycle Sports/Zaveta Construction              Pennington          NJ     40
71          16   st        Bob               German             CCNS Pedal Power                              Hihhanum            CT     18
72               st        Bardley           Saul               Organic Athlete                               San Francisco       CA     29
73               st        Dan               Davenport          Exodus Road Racing                            guilford            CT     31
74               st        Matthew           Jameison           Exodus Road Racing                            Cheshire            CT     32
75               st        Thomas            Bencivengo         Anthem - CCCC                                 Brooklyn            NY     29
76               st        Kurt              Scheerer           Verge Sport Test Pilot                        Cornwall            NY     35
77               st        Sean              Mannion            Verge Sport/Test Pilot                        Carmel              NY     32
78               st        Tyler             Johnson                                                          Chester             CT     27
79          17   st        Adam              St Germain         Target Training                               Providence          RI     23
80          18   st        Chris             Kohnle             Anthem  -  CCCC                               Glastonbury         CT     21
81               st        stephen           gray               bethelcycle                                   middletown          CT     43
82               st        Ron               Fantano            Anthem - CCCC                                 West Haven          CT     39
83               st        Peter             Petrillo           Anthem - CCCC                                 Hamden              CT     25
84               st        Michael           McGinley           Anthem - CCCC                                 Berlin              CT     25
85          19   st        Josh              Lipka              Fiordifrutta Elite Cycling Team               Cheshire            CT     20

Category:        Elite Women                 32                 starters
U23  Time      First Name        Last Name          Team                                          City                State  Age
1                48:07     camie             kornely            CRCA/Comedy Central                           fort lee            NJ     33
2                st        Laura             Summers            Horst Benidorm PRC Cycling Team               Southington         CT     34
3           1    st        Susannah          Pratt              No Mtn Leauge                                 Durham              NH     22
4           2    st        Kathryne          Carr               CL Noonan/Coast to Coast/KAM                  Easthampton         MA     23
5           3    st        Arielle           Filiberti          Targettraining                                Worcester           MA     19
6                st        Silke             Wunderwald         Anthem - CCCC                                 Stonington          CT     36
7           4    st        Yarder            Golan              Targettraining                                Israel                     21
8                st        Rebecca           Blatt              Charlottesville                               W Hartford          CT     27
9                st        Amanda            Lawrence           North Atlantic Velo / ClassBook.Com / Giant / machester center    CT     31
10               st        Erin              Duggan             Anthem - CCCC                                 Avon                CT
11               st        Kathrine          Lambden            Tibco                                         fort lee            NJ     28
12               st        Inette            Rex                Bikeworks hallamore                           Swansea             MA     39
13               st        Katie             Douglas            Anthem - CCCC
14               st        Andrea            Myers              Targettraining                                Westport            CT     24
15               st        Pauline           Frascone           Independent Fabrication/Kempner               Plainfield          Ct     37
16               st        Ellen             Moses              Comedy Central                                NY                  NY     46
17          5    st        Teresa            Garcia                                                           Providence          RI     23
18               st        Elizabeth         renaud             CRCA/Comedy Central                           Ny                  Ny     41
19               st        Jen               Rhodes             IBC                                           Brookline           MA     35
20               st        Hiroko            Shimada            Targettraining                                Hamden              CT     36
21               st        Susan             Maclean            Gearworks Spinarts                            Plaistow            NH     49
22               st        Ann Marie         Miller             CRCA                                          NY                  NY     52
23               st        Penny             Buchar             Hudson Valley Velo Club                       Hopewell Jct        NY     43
24               st        Shannon           Fitzgerald                                                       Hurley              NY     29
25               st        Caitlin           McVaresi           Ct Coast Cycling                              Stanford            CT     46
26          6    st        Kate              Scheider           North Atlantic Velo / ClassBook.Com / Giant / Boston              MA     22
27               st        Eve               McNeil                                                           Waltham             MA     24
28               st        Michele           Smith              Independent Fabrication/Kempner               Burlington          MA     30
29               st        Heather           Peck               Independent Fabrication/Kempner               Newtown             CT     36
30               st        Megan             Bilodeau           Hup United                                    Easthampton         MA     38
31               st        Katrina           Davis              Richard Sachs                                 sandy Hook          Ct     36

Category:                                    9                  starters
Place            Time      First Name        Last Name          Team                                          City                State  Age
1                23:52     Filip             Capala             Capala Brothers/Polska                        Brooklyn            NY     17
2                st        Harrison          Harb               CCNS                                          Hopkinton           NH     15
3                st        Ryan              Storm              Target Training                               White Plains        NY     17
4                @ 0:38    Jordan            Strober            Pawling Cycle and Sport                       Yorktown Heights    NY     15
5                st        Sean              Kennedy            Flye Cycles                                   S Deerfield         MA     17
6                st        Reed              McFarland          Mystic Velo Club                              Niantic             CT     16
7                lapped    Matt              Muney              Connecticut Coast Cycling                     Darien              CT     14
8                lapped    Peter             Vollers            Boston Scientific                             Woodstock           VT     10

Category:        Cat 3                       71                 starters
Place            Time      First Name        Last Name          Team                                          City                State  Age
1                44:30     Mike              Norton             CYCLONAUTS                                    munson              ma     43
2                st        Juan              Pimentel           crca/global locate                            Maywood             NJ     43
3                st        james             josephs            Team United                                                              50
4                st        luciano           pavan              Fitchburg Cycling Club                                                   25
5                st        Griffith          Glenroy                                                                                     38
6                st        vincent           citron             targettraining                                                           36
7                st        Gonzales          richard            Global Locate                                                            43
8                st        Thomas            Orsini             Fitchburg Cycling Club                        Leominster          MA     38
9                st        Wentworth         Knipe              Housatonic Wheel Club U23                     Sheffield           MA     21
10               st        rashad            gurera             Afinnity                                                                 29
11               st        Kevin             Yarde              CYCLONAUTS                                    Springfield         MA     32
12               st        scott                                Casterama                                                                50
13               st        Miro              Koulnis                                     Worcester           MA     25
14               st        John              Morales            Cafeteros Cycling Club                        Norwalk             CT     40
15               st        Bob               German             CCNS/Pedal Power                              Haddam              CT     18
16               st        Benjamin          Coleman            University of Vermont                         Burlington          VT     23
17               st        James             Thomas             Breaking Away Bicycles                        Fairfield           CT     31
18               st        Michael           propeck            CRCA                                                                     32
19               st        Darius            Filipak            CYCLONAUTS                                    Springfield         MA     33
20               st        Hunter            Provonost          Anthem - CCCC                                 Cheshire            CT
21               st        william           nowak                                                            Guilford            CT     19
22               st        Chris             laflamme           SMCC/Base36                                   westbrook           ma     23
23               st        Alex              Timkovich          Anthem - CCCC                                 Berlin              CT
24               st        Justin            Dozier             Hilton Head Velo                              Savannah            GA     19
25               st        Matthew           Domnarski          Horst-Benidorm-Property Research Corp.        Ware                MA     41
26               st        Ryan              Carney             NorEast Cycling                               Enfield             NH     21
27               st        #N/A              #N/A               #N/A                                          #N/A                #N/A   #N/A
28               st        Ralph             Karam              Base36/SMCC                                   Portland            ME     38
29               st        Joshua            Bardige            VeloEuropa-Cyfac                              Brookline           MA     35
30               st        lee               palmateer          cbrc                                                                     45
31               st        Joshua            Friedman           Champion System Racing                        New Haven           CT     27
32               st        Peter             Chiu               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental             New Haven           CT     21
33               st        Ted               Hopkins            Cycles veloce                                 Middlesex           NC     42
34               st        Erik              Markewich          Windham Mountain Outfitters                   Stephentown         NY     21
35               st        Cole              scott              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                                        20
36               st        ryan              omara              VeloEuropa-Cyfac                                                         22
37               st        Gary              Aspnes             Horst-Benidorm-Property Research Corp.        Rockville           RI     38
38               st        Jeffrey           Dixon              SMCC/Base36                                   Windham             ME     44
39               st        Jeff              Ferraro            Anthem - CCCC                                 West Hartford       CT
40               st        Tom               Arcari             Anthem - CCCC                                 Durham              CT
41               st        Michael           Blanchard          Fitchburg Cycling Club                        Lunenburg           MA     24
42               st        tim               ratta              Cog Wild                                                                 31
43               st        Jason             Pearlman           Hudson Valley Velo Club                       Hamden              CT     31
44               st        Mike              Andrews            Ct Coast Cycling                              Danbury             CT     39
45               st        Doug              Thompson           Anthem - CCCC                                 Gales Ferry         CT
46               st        Patrick           gellineau          team squiggle                                 brooklyn            ny     56
47               st        Jeremy            Burcham            Breaking Away Bicycles                        Fairfield           CT     31
48               st        Edward            Kaftan             Cycle Sports/Zaveta Construction              Pennington          NJ     40
49               st        Mopre             jordan             onion river sports                                                       27
50               st        Ruben Dario       Hurtado            Cafeteros Cycling Club                        Ridgefield Park     NJ     41
51               st        sean              condron            Carpe Diem Racing                                                        32
52               st        Anthony           Parent             Anthem - CCCC                                 Wallingford         CT
53               st        David             Baxter             NBX/Majik Coffee p/b Apex Technology          Cranston            RI     36
54               st        Austin            Roach              Princeton University Cycling                  Princeton           NJ     24
55               st        tyler             matta              DC racing                                                                24
56               st        brian             cohen              Greater hartford CC                                                      40
57               st        Brett             Cleavor            CRCA                                          brooklyn            NY     30
58               st        David             Chiu               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental             Arlington           MA     25
59               st        deverell          smith              CRCA South Africa                                                        29
60               st        Jeff              Murray             Anthem - CCCC                                 Rocky Hill          CT
61               st        cecil             bernard                                                          thiells             NY     47
62               st        jeff              papineau           CYCLONAUTS
63               st        Michael           Shireman           Union Bike Velo                               N. Attleboro        MA     40
64               st        Rob               Schmidt            CCNS/Pedal Power                              Athens              NY     18

Category:        cat 4                       74                 starters
Place            Time      First Name        Last Name          Team                                          City                State  Age
1                43:36     David             Pouncy                                                           San Francisco       CA     31
2                st        David             Fierro             Exodus Road Racing/Pools etc/Brumble Bikes    uncasville          CT     27
3                st        Joe               Kubisek            Epic Velo/Cheshire Cycle                      Southington         CT     34
4                st        Brendan           Meryman            NHCC                                          Holderness          NH     17
5                st        Mike              Anthony            NorEast Cycling
6                st        Geoff             Calkins            Yale Cycling                                  New Haven           CT     20
7                st        Erik              Thatcher           Team New Hampshire/ NHCC                      Plymouth            NH     17
8                st        Brian             Tompkins           Capital Velo Club                             Newington           CT     24
9                st        Chuck             Leach                                                            Lee                 MA     37
10               st        Mark              Vareschi           Highland Park Hermes                          Highland Park       NJ     26
11               st        Barry             Koblenz            CBRC - Capital Bicycle Racing Club            Albany              NY     43
12               st        Samuel            Martionez          gbsc                                          Brooklyn            NY     40
13               st        Jack              Hayden             Essex County Velo                             Hampstead           NH     40
14               st        Mike              Wiles              ACT                                           new haven           CT     20
15               st        Tom               Luther             NorEast Cycling                               Durham              NH     45
16               st        Matthew           Spaits             Boston Road Club                              Somerville          MA     26
17               st        Bill              Doonan             Minuteman Road Club                           Blackstone          MA     44
18               st        Richard           Magee              Bethel Cycle Sport Club
19               st        Joe               Phenix             Bikeworks/Hallamore
20               st        GRAHAM            Lonetto            GMBC/CATAMOUNT                                stowe               VT     34
21               st        paul              Lynch              van dessel
22               st        Patrick           Cunningham         Eastern Bloc Cycling Club                     New Hartford        CT     42
23               st        W Mark            Graber             North Atlantic Velo/Classbook                 Saratoga Springs    NY     48
24               st        Nick              Pianatello         Mystic Velo
25               st        Andrew            Hudon              Team International Bicycles                   New Haven           CT     28
26               st        Jim               Komarmini          GMBC/CATAMOUNT
27               st        Chris             Petrillo           Eastern Bloc Cycling Club
28               st        Eric              Schillinger        CBRC                                          Albany              NY     26
29               st        John              Buchheit           QuadCycles                                    Somerville          MA     41
30               st        Steve             Miura              HVCC                                                                     51
31               st        Dillon            Provonost          Epic Velo/Cheshire Cycle
32               st        James             Leone              CBRC                                          Albany              NY     23
33               st        michael           Berk               Team DC racing                                Brooklyn            NY     39
34               st        Chris             Butler             Epic Velo \ Cheshire Cycle                    Meriden             CT     35
35               st        michael           Mckittrich
36               st        Calvin            Smythe             CCNS/Pedal Power                              Middletown          CT     21
37               st        Kevin             Davis              QuadCycles                                    Arlington           MA     32
38               st        Christopher       Ritacco            Yale Bulldog Cycling                          East Brookfield     MA     25
39               st        Christophe        Britts                                                           Bristol             CT     33
40               st        Morgan            hiller             Corner Cycles

Category:        cat 4 women                 20                 starters
Place            Time      First Name        Last Name          Team                                          City                State  Age
1                37:39     Elizabeth         Daro-Kaftan        Team Somerset                                 Pennington          NJ     41
2                st        Lauren            Tracy              Team Vortex                                   Schnecksville       PA     18
3                st        Lauren            Tieser             Winning Wheels                                Worcester           VT     19
4                st        Melody            Chase              NHCC                                          Plymouth            NH     30
5                st        Kimberly          Edwards            CogWild                                       Clinton             CT     36
6                st        Carol             DeCourcey          Boston Scientific Cycling Club                Maynard             MA     43
7                st        Helen             Pearce             Boston Scientific Cycling Club                Lancaster           MA     45
8                st        Lynn              Samartano          Providendence                                 Providence          RI     39
9                st        Yuri              Matsumoto          MIT cycling                                   Cambridge           MA     23
10               st        Jenny             Ives               CBRC                                          Gloversville        NY     22
11               st        Julie             Carson                                                           Philadelphia        PA     35
12               st        Abagail           Anthony            Bikeworks/Hallmore                            Jamestown           RI     26
13               st        Lesli             Stevens            Anthem - CCCC                                 Middletown          CT     36
14               st        Cassie            Hayes              NYVelocity/CRCA                               New York            NY     31
15               st        Meg               Cortright          CRCA / Avenue A|Razorfish                     Brooklyn            NY     39
16               st        Josina            Demers             Newington Bike                                Wethersfield        CT     42
17               st        kate              Leppinen           Arlington Bike Club                           Arlington           MA     29
18               st        Julie             Kenney             Bikeworks/Hallmore                            North Providence    RI     35
19               st        Leah              Oppenheimer        Colavita                                      Newfoundland        NJ     17
20               st        Mary-Lynne        Williams           CRCA / Avenue A | Razorfish Cycling           Brooklyn            NY     35

Category:        master 30+                  56                 starters
Place            Time      First Name        Last Name          Team                                          City                State  Age
1                44:20     Eneas             Freyre             TARGETRAINING / FASTAR                        norwalk             ct     30
2                st        Nathaniel         Ward               North Atlantic Velo/'Albany              NY     29
3                @ 0:51    Peter             Vollers            Boston Scientific                             woodstock           vt     40
4                st        Ciaran            Mangan             CCB                                           natick              ma     35
5                st        Julio Augustin    Lujambio                                                         wallingford         ct     37
6                st        Alain             Ferry              legal seafoods                                boston              ma     36
7                st        Thomas            Cromie             Sleepy Hollow                                 Mount Kisco         NY     40
8                st        Stephan           Badger             CRCA/Sakonnet Technology                      Woodbury            CT     37
9                st        Michael           Gtotz                                                                                       44
10               st        Ian               Farrar             Central                                       ossining            ny     39
11               st        William           Mark               Independent fabrication                       providence          ri     42
12               st        Gary              Aspnes             Horst-Benidorm-Property Research Corp.        Rockville           RI     38
13               st        Monte             Frank              Zephyr                                        sandy hook          ny     38
14               st        Murat             Alinbasak          Union Velo                                    w warwick           ri     36
15               st        Rick              Kotch              Union Velo                                    Rehobeth            MA     38
16               st        Jim               Peters             NBX/Apex Tech                                 North Kingstown     RI     39
17               st        Matthew           Domnarski          Horst-Benidorm-Property Research Corp.        Ware                MA     41
18               st        Stan              Lezon              cvc Vernon Cycle                              hebron              ct     31
19               st        Mike              Andrews            ct coast cycle                                danbury             ct     39
20               st        Christopher       Dale               NBX/Apex Tech                                 n kingston          ri     32
21               st        Richard           Carlton            Capital Velo Club/Vernon Cycle                Glastonbury         CT     42
22               st        David             Potter             Atlantic Shores Velo                          Ocala               FL     41
23               st        Ian               Sinclair           TARGETRAINING / FASTAR                        avon                ct     40
24               st        Anthony           Parent             Anthem  -  CCCC                               wallingford         CT     35
25               st        Matt              Kraus              NAV                                           arlington           ma     35
26               st        Mark              Doherty            sunapee s&w                                   westford            ma     43
27               st        Massimiliano      Accuapto           CVC                                           Glastonbury         CT     37
28               st        Armand            Pantalone          BOB/Shift-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's           Haverhill           MA     42
29               st        A. Zane           Wenzel             Horst - Benidorm - Property Research Corp     Middletown          CT     37
30               st        Paul              Lynch              Van Dessel                                    somerville          ma     36
31               st        Paul              Nyberg             Horst - Benidorm - Property Research Corp     avon                ct     46
32               st        Maximino          Veiga              TARGETRAINING / FASTAR                        Danbury             CT     40
33               st        Brian             Wirtz              Horst-Benidorm-PRC/TWZ Masters Cycling Team   Cheshire            CT     41
34               st        Mark              Thompson           sunapee s&w                                   nashua              nh     48
35               st        Jay               Kulpinski          bca vomax                                     pittsfield          ma     43
36               st        Kevin             Davis              QuadCycles                                    Arlington           MA     32
37               st        Mark              Durso              Bethel Cycle                                  Middlebury          CT     49
38               st        John              Kolios             cvc Vernon Cycle                              enfield             ct     50
39               st        Ted               Shanstrom          Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team                       Wakefield           RI     45
40               st        John              Dieli              BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farms-Goodale's Bike ShNewton              NH     37
41               st        ian               modestow           NCC/                               florence            MA     36
42               st        Peter             Morgan             Anthem  -  CCCC                               Middletown          CT     36
43               st        Harry             Stover             Endure XC                                                                38
44               st        Michael           Shireman           Union Bike Velo                               N. Attleboro        MA     40
45               st        David             Hartman            Stage 1                                       woodbury            ct     30
46               st        Adam              Sternfeild         BBC                                           brookline           ma     44
47               st        Rick              Spear              TARGETRAINING / FASTAR                        westport            ct     45
48               st        Wade              Summers            Horst-Benidorm-Property Research Corp         Southington         CT     38

Category:        master 35+                  66                 starters
Place       45+  Time      First Name        Last Name          Team                                          City                State  Age
1           1    33:01     aubrey            gordon             liberty cycle                                 reading             PA     49
2                st        David             Potter             Atlantic Shores Velo                          Ocala               FL     41
3                st        Alain             Ferry              Legal Seafood Unloseit                        Boston              MA     36
4           2    st        Michael           Norton             Cyclonauts Racers                             Monson              CT
5                st        Monte             Frank              Zephyr                                        Sandy Hook          CT     39
6                st        Mark              Doherty            Sunapee s&w                                   Westford            MA     43
7                st        William           Mark               Judge fab                                     Providence          RI     42
8           3    st        Stephan           Badger             CRCA/Sakonnet Technology                      Woodbury            CT
9                st        Michael           Grotz                                                                                       44
10          4    st        Tom               Stevens            Gear Works/Spin Arts                          Higganum            CT     48
11               st        Jeff              Ferraro            Anthem - CCCC                                 W hartford          CT     36
12               st        Murat             Altinbasak         Union Velo                                    W Warwick           RI     36
13               st        Gary              Aspnes             Horst-Benidorm-Property Research Corp.        Rockville           RI     38
14               st        Rick              Kotch              Union Velo                                    Rehobeth            MA     38
15               st        Edward            Angelli            Horst-Benidorm-Property Research Corp         Southington         CT     40
16          5    st        Neil              Hall               Union Velo                                    Lakeville           MA     45
17               st        John              Morales            cafeteros cycling club                        norwalk             ct     40
18               st        Kyle              Wolfe              TARGETRAINING / FASTAR                        Stanford            CT     36
19               st        Ciaran            mangan             CCB - VW                                      natick              MA     35
20               st        Douglas           Thompson           Anthem - CCCC                                 Gales Ferry         CT     39
21               st        Jim               Brannigan          Bethel Cycle                                  New Milford         CT     44
22               st        Ian               Farrar             Vibrant Health                                Ossining            NY     39
23               st        Jim               Peters             NBX/Apex Tech                                 North Kingstown     RI     39
24               st        Christopher       Dale               NBX/Apex Tech                                 N Kingston          Ri     43
25          6    st        John              Morgan             CCC / Keltic Construction / Zanes             Madison             CT     50
26               st        Amand             Pantalone          BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farms-Goodale's Bike Shhaverhill           MA     42
27               st        Kurt              Scheerer           Verge Sport Test Pilot                        Cornwall            NY     35
28          7    st        Mark              Thompson           Sunapee s&w                                                       NH     46
29               st        John              Dieli              BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farms-Goodale's Bike ShNewton              NH     37
30               st        Ian               Sinclair           TARGETRAINING / FASTAR                        Avon                Ct     40
31               st        jorg              polster            Breaking Away Bicycles                        norwalk             CT     35
32               st        Maximino          Veiga              TARGETRAINING / FASTAR                        Danbury             CT     40
33               st        jeff              Murray             Anthem - CCCC                                 Rocky Hill          CT     38
34          8    st        Thomas            Cormier            Stonyfield Farms/BOBCYCLING/Goodales          Derry               NH     53
35          9    st        Ted               Shanstrom          Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team                       Wakefield           RI     45
36               st        mike              spangenberg        CYCLONAUTS                                    Shaftsbury          VT     39
37               st        Brian             Wirtz              Horst-Benidorm-PRC/TWZ Masters Cycling Team   Cheshire            CT     41
38               st        William           Doonan             Minuteman Road Club                           Blacstone           MA     44
39          10   st        John              Roche              BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farms-Goodale's Bike ShWilton              NH     49
40          11   st        MATTHEW           STUART             GREATER HARTFORD CYCLING CLUB                 UNIONVILLE          CT     46
41               st        Ricardo           Hernandez          cafeteros cycling club                        Bridgeport          CT     40
42               st        Alan              Tooraen            Breaking Away Bicycles                        Westport            CT     38
43          12   st        Michael           Lovell             Sunapee s&w                                   Croyden             NH     46
44               st        Harry             Stover                               Brookfield          CT     38
45               st        Martin            Lasak                                                            Corbet              CT     41
46               st        David             Hartman            Stage One - FusionTHINK                       Woodbury            CT     37
47               st        Jon               Durham             Cyclonauts Racers                             West Hartford       CT     38
48               st        ian               modestow           NCC/                               florence            MA     36
49          13   st        Gabriel           Dunn               Privateer                                     Newtown             CT     45
50               st        Christopher       Barba              CCB - VW                                      w granby            CT     42
51               st        Thomas            Cromie             Sleepy Hollow                                 Mount Kisco         NY     40
52               st        Matthew           Domnarski          Horst-Benidorm-Property Research Corp.        Ware                MA     41
53          14   st        Mark              McMaster           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental             Concord             MA     45
54          15   st        Paul              Nyberg             TWZ                                           Avon                CT     46
55               st        Thom              Reid               Horst-Benidorm-Property Research Corp         West Hartford       CT     39
56               st        Wade              Summers            Horst-Benidorm-Property Research Corp         Southington         CT     38
57               st        Jeff              Papineau           Cyclonauts Racers                             Westfield           MA     38
58               st        A. Zane           Wenzel             Horst - Benidorm - Property Research Corp     Middletown          CT     37

Category:        master 45+                  58                 starters
Place       55+  Time      First Name        Last Name          Team                                          City                State  Age
1                34:12     Aubrey            Gordon             Liberty Cycle                                 Reading             PA     50
2           1    st        patrick           Gellineau          Team Squiggle                                 Brooklyn            NY     56
3                st        Tom               Stevens            Gear Works/Spin Arts                          Higganum            CT     48
4                st        Brian             Wolf               Bethel Cycle                                  Ridgefield          CT     50
5                st        John              Morgan             CCC / Keltic Construction / Zanes             Madison             CT     50
6                st        David             Johnson            Mystic Velo Club                              Mystic              CT     48
7                st        Edward            Deming             Mystic Velo Club                              Mystic              CT     52
8                st        Turgut            Balicki            Cranfield CTS                                 Greenwich           CT     53
9                st        Christopher       Burke              Bikeworks hallimore                           Pawtucket           RI     47
10               st        Neil              Hall               Union Velo                                    Lakeville           MA     45
11               st        claude            raineault          gmbc/catamount                                underhill           VT     44
12               st        Kelly             Parsons            Mystic Velo Club                              Lyme                CT     50
13               st        Walter            Lane               Mystic Velo Club                              Old Mystic          CT     47
14               st        Mark              Januskiewicz       Sunapee/S&W Racing Team                       Concord             NH     45
15               st        Bruce             Townend            BCA/VOmax                                     Windsor             MA     53
16               st        jffrey            hansen             ccc/keltic const./zanes cycles                west haven          CT     50
17               st        W Mark            Graber             North Atlantic Velo/Classbook                 Saratoga Springs    NY     48
18               st        Ted               Shanstrom          Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team                       Wakefield           RI     45
19               st        Thomas            Cormier            Stonyfield Farms/BOBCYCLING/Goodales          Derry               NH     53
20               st        Johnny            Johnson            Bikeworks hallimore                           Uncasville          CT     48
21               st        Richard           Froh               Mystic Velo Club                              Mystic              CT     52
22               st        #N/A              #N/A               #N/A                                          #N/A                #N/A   #N/A
23          2    st        Phillip           Hershberger        CBRC                                          Climax              NY     57
24               st        Chris             Chiapella          NEBC                                          Westford            MA     47
25               st        Richard           Shear              Connecticut Coast Cycling-MCRA                Darien              CT     54
26               st        Mark              Durso              Bethel Cycle                                  Middlebury          CT     49
27               st        peter             greer              housatonic wheel club                         great barrington    MA     52
28               st        Steven            Hanes              CBRC (Capital Bicycle Racing Club)            Albany              NY     49
29               st        John              Roche              BOB Stoneyfield Farm/Goodale's Bike           Wilton              NH     49
30               st        John              Laupheimer         Team International Bicycle Center             Weston              MA     49
31               st        Thomas            Voytek             GREATER HARTFORD CYCLING CLUB                 Meriden             CT     45
32               st        Kurt              Schabel            Bikeworks hallimore                           Barrington          RI     45
33               st        Gabriel           Dunn               Privateer                                     Newtown             CT     45
34          3    st        Donald            Hard               Hudson Valley Velo Club                       Marlton             NJ     59
35          4    st        Mike              Taxter             Bethel Cycle Sport Club                       Ridgefield          CT     56
36               st        John              Holman             mainline cycling club                         Balamore            PA     51
37          5    st        Clarence          Ballard, Jr.       Somerset Wheelmen                             Mt. Vernon          NY     60
38          6    st        Mieczyslaus       Burzynski          BOB Stoneyfield Farm/Goodale's Bike           Newburyport         MA     56
39          7    st        Allan             Bates              BCA/Vomax                                     Pittsfield          MA     59
40               st        Ken               Coleman            Housatonic Wheel Club                         New York            NY     50
41               st        Stevo             Hilger             Mystic Velo Club                              Uncasville          CT     48
42          8    st        David             Alger              Mass Bay Road Club                            Norton              MA     55
43               st        scott             loring             mystic velo club                              new london          CT     49
44               st        Alfredo           DeLucia            Bikeworks hallimore                           providence          Ri     45
45               st        james             matyszyk           Benidorm/Eastern Bloc Cycling Club            bristol             CT     52
46               st        Steven            Suto               Cycle Fitness                                 Oxford              CT     48
47               st        Ivan              Solero             Main Line Cycling - BiKyle                    Wilmington          DE     49
48               st        Rick              Spear              Targettraining                                Westport            CT     45
49               st        Jay               Mongillo           CCC / Keltic Construction / Zanes Cycles      Clinton             CT     47
50          9    st        Jim               Dowling            Maine Cycling Club/Rainbow                    Buckfield           ME     56
51               st        Mark              McMaster           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental             Concord             MA     45
52               st        MATTHEW           STUART             GREATER HARTFORD CYCLING CLUB                 UNIONVILLE          CT     46
53               st        cecil             bernard                                                          thiells             NY     47
54               st        George            Dickerson          Stage One - FusionTHINK                       Wallingford         CT     48

Category:        master 55+                  34                 starters
Place       65+  Time      First Name        Last Name          Team                                          City                State  Age
1                36:21     patrick           Gellinaeu          Team Squiggle                                 Brooklyn            NY     56
2                st        HORACIO           AHUMADA            CAFETEROS CYCLING CLUB                        WHITE PLAINS        NY     58
3                st        Clarence          Ballard, Jr.       Somerset Wheelmen                             Mt. Vernon          NY     60
4                st        Phillip           Hershberger        CBRC                                          Climax              NY     57
5                st        David             Burnett            Mystic Velo \ MCRA                            Norwich             CT     62
6                st        Clive             Woakes             Competitive Edge/ARC                          Belchertown         MA     59
7                st        James             Themig             Mystic Velo MCRA                              Niantic             CT     57
8                st        Steve             Toplitz            Competitive Edge/ARC                          leverett            MA     59
9                st        Richard           Shear              Conneticut Coast Cycling                      darien              ct     54
10               st        Larry             Barbaras           Boston Road Club                              Brookline           MA     56
11               st        Mieczyslaus       Burzynski          BOB Stoneyfield Farm/Goodale's Bike           Newburyport         MA     56
12               st        Barry             Boyce              CCB/Volkswagen                                Andover             MA     60
13               st        James             Riel               NEBC                                          Auburn              MA     55
14               st        edward            juskowiak          laurel bicycle club                           cheshire            CT     61
15               st        David             Alger              Mass Bay Road Club                            Norton              MA     55
16               st        Jeff              Morin              Mystic Velo Club-MCRA                         Waterford           CT     58
17               st        Ken               Swankie            Laurel Bicycle Club-mcra                      Guilford            CT     59
18               st        Peter             Johnson            Competitive Edge/ARC                          Prospect            CT     60
19               st        Tom               Wing               Benidorm/Eastern Bloc Cycling Club            Torrington          CT     56
20               st        Mike              Taxter             Bethel Cycle Sport Club                       Ridgefield          CT     56
21               st        Allan             Bates              BCA/VoMax                                     Pittsfield          MA     59
22               st        Donald            Hard               Hudson Valley Velo Club                       Marlton             NJ     59
23               st        bob               ludecke            laurel bike club                              milldale            CT     62
24               st        Cheryl            Wolf               Bethel Cycle                                  Ridgefield          CT     45
25               st        David             Holmander          NHCC/Team NH/MCRA                             Epsom               NH     59
26               st        Jeff              Fryer              Bethel Cycling Club                           Wolcott             CT     63
27               st        Robert            Smythe             CCNS/Pedal Power                              Middletown          CT     55
28               st        Jim               Dowling            Maine Cycling Club/Rainbow                    Buckfield           ME     56
29               st        Carlton           Lloyd              Tokeneke Road Club                            Stratford           CT     63
30               st        Ken               Goebel             Mystic Velo Club                              Tolland             CT     56
31               lapped    Albert            Hircz              GS Europeo                                    Milford             CT     60
32               lapped    vincent           donohue            worcester cycling club                        worcester           MA     61
33               lapped    Larry             Stachowiak         CCB/Volkswagen                                Lynn                MA     56

Category:        masters 65/70               10                 starters
Place       70+  Time      First Name        Last Name          Team                                          City                State  Age
1                27:18     John              Auer               Team Somerset                                 East Stroudsburg    PA     67
2                st        Jim               Case               MYSTIC   VELO    MCRA                         Groton              CT     64
3                st        Kaarel            Pirand             NHCC                                          manchester          NH     65
4           1    st        Robert            Carlin             Atlantic Bicycle Club                         Keyport             NJ     72
5           2    st        pete              murphy             MCRA                                          glastonbury         CT     72
6                st        John              Elengo             Gruppo Sportivo Europeo-MCRA                  Cheshire            CT     69
7                st        David             Reed               Mystic Velo Club -- MCRA                      Niantic             CT     67
8                st        June              Froh               Mystic Velo Club                              Mystic              CT     58
9           3    st        Van               Bares              NEBC - MCRA                                   Winchester          MA
10               st        Morris            Clark              GS Europeo                                    Roxbury             CT     67

Category:   cat 5                 31                 starters

Place       Time    First Name    Last Name          Team                                  City                State  Age
1           23:52   bryon         lewis                                                    monson              MA     39
2           @ 0:02  Joe           Policcarpice                                             Bristol             CT     36
3           st      Zachary       Staszak            Pawling Cycle and Sport               Brewster            ny     29
4           st      Evan          Huff                                                     Russel              MA     22
5           st      Jordan        Strober            Pawling Cycle and Sport               Yorktown Heights    NY     15
6           st      Doogie        Mead               CCB/Volkswagen                        West Newbury        MA     16
7           st      Jeffrey       Rubacha            Exposition Wheelmen                   Vernon              CT     35
8           st      chris         schickler          Cyclonauts Racers                     enfield             CT     26
9           st      Gary          Bolduc                                                   Farmington          CT     43
10          st      William       VanNieuwenhuyze    Uattached                             North Haven         CT     44
11          st      Leon          Lyakovetsky        Connecticut Coast Cycling             Norwalk             CT     14
12          st      Steven        Robbins            NCC- Northampton Cycling Club         Belchertown         MA     38
13          st      Steven        Youmatz                                                  Middletown          CT     45
14          st      Peter         Seaman             Laurel Bicycling Club                 Woodbridge          CT     33
15          st      Shane         MacDowell          BCA                                   Peru                MA     20
16          st      Tim           Grimes                                                   Middletown          RI     21
17          st      Tomas         levi                                                     Hartford            ct     21
18          st      Andrew        Lawson             Laurel Bicycle Club                   Woodbridge          CT     45
19          st      James         Tierney                                                  New Canaan          CT     41
20          st      ROBERT        HURD                                                     HIGGANUM            CT     46
21          st      Jim           Reid               Bethel Cycle                          Bethel              CT     54
22          st      Bill          Eagan              Housatonic Wheel Club                 Pittsfield          MA     52
23          st      Tim           Walsh              QuadCycles                            Dedham              MA     22
24          st      John          Weaver             Mystic Velo                           Groton              CT     45
25          st      Jerome        Sanders            Thread City Cyclers                   Storrs-Mansfield    CT     27
26          st      Evan          Sonderegger        Route 1 Velo/Capitol Hill Bikes       Arlington           VA     25
27          st      Shaun         Parkin                                                   Stamford            CT     31
28          st      jason         Lynes                                                    New Britain         ct     37
29          st      Harold        Baselice           Cadence Cycling Club                  King of Prussia     PA     60
30          lapped  Christopher   Cosgrove           Bikeworks/Hallamore                   North Kingstown     RI     37
31          lapped  Tomas         jair                                                     hartford            ct     24