Results » Road » 2007

Housatonic Hills Road Race

Southbury, CT

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Housatonic Hills Road Race Presented by Zephyr Cycling Team Southbury, CT Sunday, June 17, 2007

Results Courtesy of 

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Pro/1/2 Men   81 miles   98          starters

Place  Time      First Name     Last Name         Team
1      3:29:42   Josh           Dillon            Fiordifrutta
2      st        Jamey          Driscoll          FiordiFrutta Elite Cycling Team
3      st        William        Dugan             CCB/Volkswagen
4      st        Toby           Marzot            Fiordifrutta
5      st        Dan            Vaillancourt      Colavita/Sutter Home Pro Cycling
6      st        Christopher    Jones             Nerac Pro Cycling
7      0:00:11   Alister        Ratcliff          TARGETRAINING U-25/Elite Development Team
8      st        Toby           Walch             Mechanical Services/Cycle Mania
9      0:00:22   Justin         Lindade           TARGETRAINING U-25/Elite Development Team
10     st        Jason          Baer              Kenda/Raleigh Racing
11     st        Eneas          Freyre            TARGETRAINING U-25/Elite Development Team
12     st        Hayden         Brooks            FiordiFrutta
13     st        Alec           Donahue           Nerac
14     st        Andy           Guptil            Colavita/Sutter Home Pro Cycling
15     st        Christopher    Peck              Fiordifrutta
16     st        Michael        Margarite         CRCA/EMPIRE CYCLING TEAM
17     0:00:31   Ray            Johnson           Boston Scientific Cycling
18     0:00:42   Will           Riffelmacher      Fiordifrutta
19     st        Graham         Garber            Legal Sea Foods - Metlife
20     st        Jake           Keough            CL Noonan/Coast to Coast/KAM
21     st        William        Letendre          Boston Scientific
22     st        Adam           Sullivan          Boston Scientific Elite Cycling Team
23     st        Chad           Butts             Unattached
24     st        Todd           Rowell            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental
25     st        Andrew         Boone             Kenda/Raleigh Racing
26     st        Thom           Coupe             Boston Scientific Cycling
27     0:01:06   Duncan         Mc Govern         Housatonic Wheel Club U23
28     0:01:09   Ryan           Fleming           Legal Sea Foods - Metlife -
29     0:01:12   Nathaniel      Ward              North Atlantic Velo/'s
30     st        Martin         Lechowicz         GS Mengoni
31     0:01:16   Kevin          Wolfson           CL Noonan/Coast to Coast/KAM
32     st        Jake           Hollenbach        CCB/Volkswagen
33     st        Charles        Mccarthy          Legal Sea Foods - Metlife -
34     st        J Gabriel      Lloyd             CRCA - REMAX
35     st        Mike           Mathis            Preferred Care/QCC
36     st        Edward         King              Priority Health p/b Bissell
37     st        Matthew        Purdy             North Atlantic Velo / ClassBook.Com / Giant / Pedro's
38     0:01:22   Matt           Kraus             North Atlantic Velo / ClassBook.Com / Giant / Pedro's
39     0:01:40   Robert         Giannini          CRCA/Sakonnet Technology U25
40     st        Ryan           Kelly             Housatonic Wheel Club U23
41     0:01:49   Yahor          Buben             CCB/VW/Time
42     st        Matt           Baldwin           TARGETRAINING U-25/Elite Development Team
43     st        Igor           Misicki           CRCA/Foundation
44     0:02:02   Aliaksandr     Bialiauski        CCB/VW/Time
45     0:02:08   Amos           Brumble           ccb/volkswagon
46     0:02:14   Jason          Beerman           Kenda/Raleigh Racing
47     0:02:19   Dylan          O'sullivan        Housatonic Wheel Club U23
48     0:02:28   Matt           Rossman           CL Noonan/Coast to Coast/KAM
49     0:03:01   Lee            Rosenthal         TARGETRAINING U-25/Elite Development Team
50     0:03:29   Peter          Bell              Legal Sea Foods - Metlife -
51     0:03:42   Joshua         Lipka             Fiordifrutta Elite Cycling Team
52     0:04:02   Todd           Nordblom          FiordiFrutta
53     0:07:32   Zoltan         Tisza             Sids/Cannondale
54     0:11:08   Cristian       Velasquez         TIGO - HONDURAS
55     0:14:57   Damien         Colfer            Mechanical Services/Cycle Mania
56     0:16:11   Adam           Carr              Van Dessel Factory Team
57     st        Brad           Sheehan           Legal Sea Foods - Metlife -
58     st        Tom            Officer           Cycle Fitness
59     0:18:19   Blake          Longarre          Champion System Racing
60     0:18:37   Sean           O'rourke          Kenda/Raleigh Racing
61     0:18:49   Chris          Hrenko            Kenda
62     0:20:10   Aidan          Charles           Nerac Pro Cycling
63     0:24:26   Colin H.       Murphy            Kenda/Raleigh Racing
64     0:25:10   Adam           St. Germain       TARGETRAINING U-25/Elite Development Team
65     0:27:08   Paul           Levis             Targetraining
66     0:27:26   Peter          Morgan            Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield - CCCC
67     0:29:10   Assaf          Yogev             TARGETRAINING U-25/Elite Development Team
68     0:32:53   Shawn          Forsythe          ccb/volkswagon
69     st        Kipp           Bradford          VeloEuropa Cycle Sport
70     0:38:19   Joshua         Bartlett          NorEast Cycling p/b Timberland Outdoor Performance
71     0:38:34   Chris          Coutu             Legal Sea Foods - Metlife -
72     0:47:35   J.p.           Partland          High Gear Cyclery/Watchung Wheelmen
73     0:55:01   John           Mcgill            None

Pro/1/2/3 Women  54 miles   51          starters

Place  Time      First Name     Last Name         Team                                                            State
1      2:48:25   mandy          lozano            TARGETRAINING WOMEN'S TEAM
2      0:02:52   Kathleen       Billington        TARGETRAINING WOMEN'S TEAM                                      CT
3      0:03:05   Katherine      Lambden           Team TIBCO                                                      NJ
4      st        Paula          Mcnamara          unattached                                                      CT
5      st        Wunderwald     Silke             Anthem - CCC                                                    CT
6      st        Becky          Koh               CRCA/Comedy Central-Sid's Bikes                                 NY
7      st        Debony         Diehl             sunapee/s&w                                                     NH
8      st        Rebecca        Much              TARGETRAINING WOMEN'S TEAM                                      IL
9      st        Mary           Zider             INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE CENTERS                                   MA
10     0:03:21   Beth           Miller            North Atlantic Velo/                               NY
11     st        Susannah       Pratt             UNH                                                             NH
12     0:03:36   Karin          Holmes            INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE CENTERS                                   MA
13     0:04:01   Kerry          Litka             Terry Precision                                                 NH
14     st        Sara           Schewel           Human Zoom/ Pabst Blue Ribbon                                   PA
15     0:04:12   Maria          Quiroga           CRCA/ 3rd Nature                                                NY
16     st        Cecelia        Pleva             CRCA/Radical Media                                              NY
17     st        Rebecca        Blatt             Charlottesville Racing Club                                     VA
18     0:04:36   Zoe            Owers             Independent Fabrication/Kempner                                 MA
19     0:04:50   Heather        Peck              Independent Fabrication/Kempner                                 CT
20     0:07:57   Kelly          Chang             WACHOVIA/INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE CENTERS                          MA
21     0:09:09   Arielle        Filiberti                                                                         MA
22     0:11:29   Kathryne       Carr              CL Noonan/Coast to Coast/KAM                                    MA
23     0:14:41   Martha         Bush              CRCA/Sanchez-Metro                                              NY
24     0:15:42   Kendall        Dwyer             CRCA/Avenue A Razorfish                                         NY
25     st        Rebecca        Menke             INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE CENTERS                                   MA
26     0:17:19   Elena          Leznik            CRCA/Radical Media                                              NJ
27     0:17:33   Kristine       Church            Human Zoom/ Pabst Blue Ribbon                                   PA
28     0:18:31   Yarden         Golan             TARGETRAINING WOMEN'S TEAM                                      CT
29     0:18:57   Alane          Ballweg           Cycle Science                                                   FL
30     0:27:07   Jennifer       Stebbins          Boston Scientific Cycling                                       NH
31     0:28:36   Michele        Smith             Independent Fabrication/Kempner                                 MA
dsq    3.B.1     Amanda         Lawrence          North Atlantic Velo                                             OH
dsq    3.B.1     Shannon        Fitzgerald                                                                        NY

Junior Men 15-16 27 miles   15          starters
Place  Time      First Name     Last Name         Team
1      1:27:23   Matt           Muney             Connecticut Coast Cycling
2      0:00:32   Paul           Lynch             Mystic Velo Club
3      0:03:06   Tom            Burrow            Flye Cycles
4      0:06:33   Matthew        Spinks            Skylands Cycling
5      0:07:06   Doogie         Mead              CCB/Volkswagen
6      0:09:32   Leon           Lyakovetsky       Connecticut Coast Cycling
7      0:11:07   Jordan         Strober           Pawling Cycle and Sport
8      0:23:02   Matthew        Gilbert           Cox / Steadmans
dsq    1.J.6     Jim            Maddock           nhcc

Junior Men 17-18 27 miles   26          starters

Place  Time      First Name     Last Name         Team
1      1:18:49   Daniel         Estevez           Hot Tubes Development Cycling Team Inc.
2      0:01:36   Pascual        Caputi            CRCAJrDev/Orbea
3      0:01:38   Lewis          Almonte           CRCAJrDev/Orbea
4      0:04:46   Nicholas       Keough            CL Noonan/Coast to Coast/KAM
5      0:07:29   Christopher    Thornton          CUEVAS / ACT
6      st        Evan           Cooper            CRCAJrDev/Orbea
7      0:07:37   Graham         Lang              CRCAJrDev/Orbea
8      0:07:43   Filip          Capala            Capala Brothers/Polska
9      0:10:41   Sean           Kennedy           Flye Cycles
10     0:12:05   Elias          Bennett           BCA/VOmax
11     0:16:18   David          Devine            Watchung Wheelmen
dsq    1.J.6     Christopher    Zablocki

3 Men         54 miles   96          starters

Place  Time      First Name     Last Name         Team
1      2:28:51   Matthew        Plumb             Revolution Cycles U23 Development
2      st        Alexander      Timkovich         Anthem - CCCC
3      st        Gavin          Mannion           CCB/Volkswagen
4      st        Robert         Marcinko          Connecticut Coast Cycling
5      st        William        Nowak
6      st        Nikolai        Masluk            3d racing team/Tom's Atlantic Cyclery
7      st        Michael        Niemi
8      0:00:08   Ben            Showman           CRCA/ NY Sketches
9      0:00:14   Roy            Van Cleef         NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental
10     st        Chris          Shaw              CRCA / EMPIRE CYCLING TEAM
11     st        Aaron          Wolfe             CRCA/
12     st        Michael        Blanchard         Fitchburg Cycling Club
13     st        Pascal         Sauvayre          CRCA/Blue Ribbon -
14     st        Jesse          Dekrey            Team Spin 12
15     st        Jonathan       Peterson
16     st        David          Costa             Watchung Wheelmen
17     st        James          Combs             Boston Road Club
18     st        Christopher    Chaput            CRCA/Affinity Cycles
19     st        Corey          Masson            VeloEuropa-Cyfac
20     st        Brian          Keegan            Nor'East Cycling
21     st        Andrew         Grabarek          CCC- Keltic
22     st        David          Freifelder        Skylands Cycling
23     st        Jeff           Zygo              Preferred Care
24     st        Rufus          Pichler           Kissena Cycling Club
25     st        Douglas        Thompson          Anthem - CCCC
26     st        Austin         Roach             Princeton University Cycling
27     st        Robert         Larocco           Capital Velo Club / Vernon Cycle
28     st        Steve          Gatzos            Boston Road Club
29     st        Ernest         Tautkus           Exodus Road Racing/Pools etc/Brumble Bikes
30     st        Steven         Goldman           Westwood Velo - Trade Manage Racing
31     st        Gary           Jasdzewski        Boston Scientific Cycling
32     0:00:42   Ryan           Haug              CONNECTICUT COAST CYCLING
33     0:00:47   John-paul      Kaminski          Connecticut Coast Cycling
34     st        Jayson         Hurd              Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team
35     st        Robert         Wing              Sommerville sports
36     0:00:54   Christoffel    Prinsloo          CRCA/SouthAfrica.Net
37     st        Connor         Sallee            CRCA JrDev/Orbea
38     st        Benjamin       Coleman           University of Vermont
39     0:00:58   Christopher    Hamlin            Bliss Racing
40     st        Gregg          Cosgrove          Westwood Velo
41     st        William        Hilsman           Westwood Velo
42     0:01:15   Scott          Dolmat-connell    CL Noonan/Coast to Coast/KAM
43     0:01:20   Matthew        Brewster          Incline Training
44     st        John           Broussard         NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental
45     0:01:26   Joseph         Regan             TARGETRAINING
46     st        Jeremy         Burcham           Breaking Away Bicycles
47     0:02:16   Keith          Snyder            Kissena Cycling Club
48     0:03:18   Hunter         Pronovost         Anthem-CCCC
49     st        Matt           Pascale           DC Racing
50     st        Massimiliano   Accaputo          Capital Velo Club/Vernon Cycle
51     0:05:02   Gabrielle      Gentile           cafeteros cycling club
52     0:05:36   Peter          Chiu              Yale University Bulldog Cycling
53     st        Joshua         Friedman          Champion System Racing
54     0:06:13   Anders         Newbury           New Hampshire Cycling Club
55     0:06:17   Peter          Hines             CRCA/Jonathan Adler Racing
56     0:10:01   Tyler          Matta             DC Racing
57     st        Mike           Femia             Paceline Sports
58     0:10:56   Bob            German            CCNS/pedal power cycling team
59     0:11:47   Jason          Parkin            CRCA/Blue
60     0:13:03   Scott          Snyder            Champion System Racing
61     0:13:56   Anthony        Parent            Anthem - CCCC
62     0:14:52   Ron            Larose 3          Anthem-CCCC Cycling Team
63     st        Gabe           Chandler
64     0:15:50   Ryan           Carney            NorEast Cycling
65     0:19:18   Brandon        Lee               Kissena
66     st        Jordan         Moore             Onion River Sports
67     0:19:44   David          Rizzo             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental
68     0:20:49   Mike           Andrews           Connecticut Coast Cycling
69     0:23:44   Matthew        Feiner            T.E.A.M. FUJI / Devil's Gear Bike Shop
70     st        Paul           Dolan             VeloEuropa-Cyfac
71     st        Tim            Ratta             Cog Wild Bike Club
72     0:24:18   Alan           Tooraen           Breaking Away Bicycles
73     0:24:50   Greg           Martin            Independent Fabrication
dsq    3.B.1     Paul           Runyon            Tri State Velo
dsq    1.J.6     Ryan           Barlow            A.C.T.
dsq    3.B.1     Dan            Ciano             COLAVITA-RACING
dsq    3.B.1     Peter          Hurst             Skinny's Club Tread

4 Men         54 miles   130         starters

Place  Time      First Name     Last Name         Team
1      2:34:31   Nicholas       Bruno             westwood cycle
2      0:00:07   Brain          Lawney
3      st        David          Fierro            Mystic Velo Club
4      0:00:14   Kim            Riseth            CRCA / Jonathan Adler Racing
5      st        Nathaniel      Herz              Portland Velo
6      st        Matt           Nuffort           Exodus Road Racing
7      st        Steven         Bruen, Jr.        Pawling Cycle and Sport
8      st        Paul           Walsh             SKYLANDS CYCLING
9      st        Nick           Pignatello        Mystic Velo Club
10     st        Tron           Witt              CRCA/Jonatan Adler Racing
11     st        Robert         Kelley
12     0:00:30   Jon            Bernhard          CCB/Volkswagon
13     st        Karl           Roesler           TeamDCRacing
14     st        Josh           Wilcox            503 Cycleworx/LHCC
15     st        Joe            Kubisek           Epic Velo/Cheshire Cycle
16     st        Cary           Fridrich          AMGEN/Landry's-Boston
17     0:00:33   Matt           Serra             CRCA/
18     st        Charles        Berckmann         Merrill Lynch
19     st        Casey          Marks             Velo Europa - Cyfac
20     0:00:42   John           Hirsch
21     st        Damian         Bolduc            GMBC/CATAMOUNT
22     st        Gregoire       Faber             CRCA/Setanta
23     0:01:10   Kurt           Hoffmann          CRCA/Sanchez-Metro
24     0:02:10   Anthony        Santomassimo      Stage 1 Cycling
25     st        Ben            Hughes            CRCA/Merrill Lynch-Hincapie Sports
26     st        Michael        Wasserman         Merrill Lynch/Hincapie Sportswear
27     st        Shane          Moran             Westwood Velo
28     st        Todd           Nicotra           Connecticut Coast Cycling
29     0:02:17   Eric           Merrill           ccc/keltic const./zanes cycles
30     0:02:27   Bryan          Dougherty         Kissena
31     st        Timothy        Collins           CRCA/Jonathan Adler Racing
32     st        Sean           Groenewald        Westwood Velo
33     st        Eric           Silva             QuadCycles
34     st        Gary           Bell              Kissena
35     st        George         Mastrogiannis     CRCA/Sanchez-Metro
36     st        Carlos         Quintero          Cafeteros
37     st        Rick           Hall              CRCA/Avenue A Razorfish Cycling Team
38     st        Todd           Mickel            Connecticut Coast Cycling
39     st        Chris          Butler            Epic Velo \ Cheshire Cycle
40     st        Daniel         Oates             CRCA/Setanta
41     0:02:32   David          Carr              CRCA/Organic Athlete
42     st        Christian      Forsyth           CRCA/Setanta
43     0:03:02   Phil           Penman            CRCA / Sids - Cannondale
44     0:03:09   Eloy           Anzola            Kissena Cycling Club
45     0:06:33   Kimani         Nielsen           CRCA/
46     0:06:51   Mike           Anthony           NorEast Cycling/UNH
47     0:07:24   Brian          Kelley            Pawling Cycle and Sport
48     st        David          Chomowicz         CRCA/Sid's-Cannondale
49     st        Niko           Triantafillou     CRCA/Avenue A Razorfish Cycling
50     0:07:39   Thom           Parsons           International Bicycle Centers
51     0:08:04   Aleksander     Betko             CRCA/Blue
52     0:08:26   Ramon          Agudelo           Cafeteros Cycling Club
53     st        Sean           Langford          CCB/Volkswagen/Time
54     0:08:46   Rick           Magee             Bethel Cycle
55     0:09:01   Todd           Brilliant         CRCA/Setanta
56     0:09:19   Chuck          Litty             Bethel Cycle Sport Club
57     0:10:27   Gregg          Ferraris          Epic Velo / Cheshire Cycle
58     st        Owen           Oconnor           East End/Kreb Cycle
59     0:10:32   Michael        Innusa            east end/kreb cycling
60     0:11:45   Craig          Goodstein         SANCHEZ/METRO-CRCA
61     0:11:59   Erik           Baker             CRCA/Sanchez Metro
62     0:13:50   Geoff          Martin            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental
63     0:14:26   Kuria          Njenga            Westwood Velo
64     0:14:31   Stephen        Lindholm          CRCA/Sanchez-Metro
65     0:14:33   Todd           Gay               Bethel Cycle club
66     0:14:52   Michael        Stimson           Benidorm Eastern Bloc
67     0:15:20   Gabriel        Dunn
68     0:15:44   Bruce          Schwartz
69     0:15:55   David          Regen             CRCA/Organic Athlete
70     st        Mark           Mahoney           Bethel Cycle Sport Club
71     0:16:14   Douglas        Von Bushberger    CRCA/OrganicAthlete
72     0:16:25   Peter          Ognibene          GS Park Ridge
73     0:16:42   Brain          Gatens            CRCA/Organic Athlete
74     st        Myles          Fennell           3D Racing Team/Tom's Atlantic Cyclery
75     0:16:55   Benjamin       Tyszka            CRCA/
76     st        Victor         Chan
77     0:19:06   Peter          Miller
78     0:20:10   Tom            Laskey            CRCA/Setanta
79     0:20:19   Esteban        Rodriguez         CRCA/Sid's-Cannondale  Sid's Bike's NYC
80     0:22:05   Bob            Guatelli          CRCA/Sanchez-Metro
81     0:32:40   Jon            Hicks             CRCA/Sanchez Metro
82     0:51:22   Jack           Baranski          CRCA/OrganicAthlete

4 Women       27 miles   45          starters
Place  Time      First Name     Last Name         Team
1      1:31:16   Valerie        Hopkins           Connecticut Coast Cycling
2      st        Ashley         Prine             CRCA/Radical Media
3      0:09:50   Allie          Silverman         centerbridge
4      st        Joanne         Romeyn            Team Methane
5      0:10:46   Kimberly       Edwards           CogWild
6      st        Bonnie         Fletcher          CRCA/NYVELOCITY
7      st        Maria          Vlasak            Connecticut Coast Cycling
8      0:10:51   Anne           Racioppi          CSE/CSS/Riptide Cycling
9      0:12:15   Lisa           Force             CRCA/NYVELOCITY
10     st        Kristina       Suddard
11     0:12:29   Jenna          Maddock           nhcc
12     0:12:32   Maria          Oliveria          GS Retro velo
13     0:12:39   Kathleen       Rucker
14     st        Giulia         Righi             INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE CENTERS
15     st        Heidi          Reijm             CRCA/NYVeloCity
16     st        Cristi         Rau-lagos         Kissena
17     st        Barb           Heyl              Team Methane
18     st        Elizabeth      Mcalpin           CRCA/Metro Sanchez
19     0:13:15   Ammie          Moralez           Wooly Mammoth Veganism
20     st        Tracy          Wargo             CRCA/Sanchez Metro
21     0:14:16   Frances        Morrison          Fitchburg Cycling Club
22     0:17:23   Lesli          Stevens           Anthem - CCCC
23     0:17:52   Caroline       Savage
24     0:19:09   Rebecca        Hussey            Bethel Cycle Sport Club
25     0:20:53   Jennifer       Curtis            CRCA/ Avenue A I Razorfish Cycling
26     0:21:40   Colleen        Conway            CRCA/OrganicAthlete

4/5 Men       54 miles   75          starters
Place  Time      First Name     Last Name         Team
1      1:20:23   James          Morrison          River City Bicycles
2      st        Patrick        Clifford          county kerry
3      st        Michael        Boardman          CRCA-Centerbridge
4      0:00:25   Jeff           Daigle            Housatonic Wheel Club
5      st        Patrick        Bonis             Zephyr Cycling Team
6      st        Robert         Haber             CRCA/NYVelocity
7      0:00:43   Steve          Jurczak
8      st        Jeffrey        Ingraham
9      0:00:59   Joseph         Azze              Blue
10     0:01:28   Jay            Vincent           Cycle Center Racing
11     0:04:37   David          Lindholm
12     0:04:46   Bryon          Lewis
13     0:05:24   Robert         Holton            NYVELOCITY CRCA
14     0:06:13   Andrew         Lawrence          NYVelocity/CRCA
15     0:06:27   Dwayne         Melton
16     0:06:32   Cristiano      Gloria            Cycle Center
17     st        Michael        Schmidt
18     st        Calvin         Smythe            CCNS/Pedal Power
19     0:06:51   David          Trumpf            nyvelocity/CRCA
20     st        Stephen        Nishimura         Dolce Vita Cycling
21     st        Russell        Wiseman
22     st        Timothy        Diemoz
23     st        Evan           Huff
24     0:07:06   Brendan        Mansfield
25     0:07:12   Curtis         Cess              Pawling Cycle & Sport
26     0:07:23   Gary           Bolduc
27     st        Mike           Reilly
28     st        Mark           Gillies           Target Training
29     st        Joe            Parker            Bethel Cycle Sport Club
30     st        Peter          Romeyn            Team Methane
31     st        Mehmet         Yuce
32     0:08:26   Steve          De Jesus          CRCA/Organic Athlete
33     st        Etienne        Shanon            CRCA
34     st        Sung           Pak               USI
35     st        Mark           Andrejczyk
36     0:09:33   Robert         Walker            Bethel Cycle Sport Club
37     0:09:42   Kurt           Weber             Bethel Cycle Sport Club
38     0:10:37   Joe            Policarpio        Maxxis
39     0:10:43   Peter          Fernzilli         n/a
40     0:10:49   John           Johnson           Connecticut Coast Cycling
41     st        John           Romano            Bethel Cycle Sport Club
42     st        Kurt           Anderson          Tokeneke Road Club
43     0:11:19   Mario          Smith
44     0:11:29   John           Weaver            Mystic Velo
45     0:11:41   Martin         Loeffler
46     0:12:03   Carlos         Fonseca
47     0:12:12   David          Loszewski         BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bike Shops
48     st        John           Bonadies
49     0:15:09   Jim            Reid              Bethel Cycle
50     0:15:31   Raniel         Babala            NHCC
51     st        David          Lang              Pawling Cycle & Sport
52     st        Dave           Hoechster         Gotham/Toga Bikes
53     0:15:48   Steven         Levine            pawling cycle and sport
54     0:16:09   Per            Rosenkvist        CRCA -NYvelocity
55     st        Dana           Rouleau
56     st        Michael        Vagnone           cycle fitness
57     0:16:23   Christopher    Morrissey
58     0:17:39   Chris          Lemay             Boston Road Club
59     0:17:41   Andrew         Lawson            Laurel Bicycle Club
60     0:19:17   John           Ercolani          Cycle Fitness Cycling Club
61     0:19:52   Brian          Griffin           Pawling Cycle & Sport
62     0:21:11   Andreas        Bernhard          Break Away Cycling
63     0:22:36   Alfonso        Llanos            The cafeteros cycling club
64     0:23:08   Eric           Goldstein         Gotham/Toga
65     0:23:48   Michael        Whitfield         Team NH / NHCC
66     0:37:43   Larry          Stachowiak        CCB/Volkswagen
67     0:41:02   William        Schmidt

Master Women 35 54 miles   24          starters

Place  Time      First Name     Last Name         Team
1      2:51:46   Ann Marie      Miller            CRCA Sanchez-Metro
2      0:00:25   Sarah          Chubb Sauvayre    CRCA/Comedy Central-Sid's Bikes
3      0:01:25   Diane          Castor            C3/ADG/Joe's Bike Shop
4      0:04:58   Dale           Malkames          USI
5      0:05:24   Brenda         Bahnson           Independent Fabrication/Kempner
6      0:07:06   Cheryl         Wolf              Bethel Cycle
7      0:10:54   Suzanne        Tempsick          CRCA/DKNY-Signature Cycles
8      0:11:20   Nancy          Ford              Spin Ho's
9      0:13:58   Michelle       Hurley            INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE CENTERS
10     0:23:44   Erin           Duggan            Anthem - CCCC (road)/Velo Bella-Kona (mtb)       Master Women 35+,10
11     0:26:24   Jennifer       Rhodes            INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE CENTERS
12     0:35:32   Karen          Franzen           MCRA

Masters 35+   54 miles   94          starters

Place  Time      First Name     Last Name         Team
1      2:28:14   Bill           Yabroudy          NBX/Majik coffee/Apex Technology
2      st        Troy           Kimball           Westwood Velo
3      st        David          Taylor            CRCA/Blue
4      st        Dan            Staffo            JW Dundee's/Home Performance
5      st        Kevin          Power             Van Dessel Factory Team
6      st        Chris          Fisher            Team Sarum
7      st        Max            Lippolis          TARGETRAINING/FASTAR
8      0:00:15   Mark           Alden             CRCA/Blue
9      0:00:19   Fernando       Ferreira          bicycling magazine
10     st        Kurt           Gustafsson        CRCA / AXIS
11     st        Ed             Ceccolini         Campmor/Schwalbe/American Classic/notubes
12     st        Scott          Bodin             TARGETRAINING/FASTAR
13     st        Michael        Patrick 
14     0:00:31   Stephen        Gray              bethelcycle
15     st        Joe            Straub            CRCA - DKNY/Signature Cycles
16     st        Robert         Lyons             GS Gotham/Toga Bikes
17     st        Sal            Abbruzzese        cafeteros
18     st        Chris          Chapman           Westwood Velo
19     st        Sean           Groom             Squadra Coppi/IM Saab
20     0:00:43   Brad           Ek                NHCC/Team NH
21     0:00:47   Robert         Lattanzi          CRCA/Sid's-Cannondale
22     st        Mike           Spangenberg       CYCLONAUTS
23     st        Tobi           Schultze          Bicycle Link / MBRC
24     st        Will           Schneider         GS Gotham/Toga Bikes
25     st        Joe            Salem             Fiordifrutta Masters
26     st        Kyle           Wolfe             TARGETRAINING/FASTAR
27     st        Patrick        Mcnamara          Fiordifrutta/masters
28     st        Mark           Paggioli          Anthem - CCCC
29     st        Harry          Stover  
30     st        Fred           Thomas            Portland Velo Club
31     st        Edward         Schaub            Benindorm Bikes/Eastern Bloc C.C.
32     st        Richard        Brown             NorEast Cycling
33     0:01:30   Matt           Murphy            Westwood velo
34     0:02:21   Wayne          Prescott          Horst-Benidorm-Property Research Corp.
35     0:02:31   Brian          Wirtz             Horst-Benidorm-PRC/TWZ Masters Cycling Team
36     st        Leigh          Sorrells          Fioradifrutta/Masters
37     0:03:11   Joseph         Regan             Bethel Cycle Sport
38     0:04:46   Andrew         Kennedy           NHCC/Team NH
39     0:05:18   Titus          Leung             Deno's Wonder Wheel
40     0:06:35   A. Zane        Wenzel            Horst - Benidorm - Property Research Corp
41     0:06:57   Ralf           Geiben Lynn       Boston Bicycle Club
42     0:07:03   Patrick        Cunningham        Eastern Bloc Cycling Club
43     st        Paul           Nyberg            Horst-Benidorm-Property Research Corp.
44     st        Kevin          Keane             Skylands Cycling
45     0:07:19   Ray            Diaz              TARGETRAINING/Fastar
46     0:07:53   Maximino       Veiga             TARGETRAINING / FASTAR
47     0:08:29   Stephan        Badger            CRCA/Sakonnet Technology
48     0:10:39   David          Penney            NorEast Cycling
49     0:11:27   William        Wisse             Team Norwood Agency - The Peddler
50     st        Matthew        Domnarski         Horst-Benidorm-Property Research Corp.
51     0:12:37   Brian          Cantele           EBCC/Benidorm Bikes
52     0:12:41   Curtis         Eastin            TARGETRAINING/FASTAR
53     0:13:07   Torbjorn       Phillpotts
54     st        Robert         Dietrick          JW Dundee's-Home Performance Cycling/GVCC
55     st        Kevin          Adamczyk
56     0:14:18   Ian            Sinclair          TARGETRAINING/FASTAR
57     0:18:21   Glenn          Giglio            Capital Velo Club- Vernon Cycle
58     0:19:54   Tim            Neil              Cycle Center Racing
59     0:20:02   James          Escobar           ECFA/Honywell
60     st        Matthew        Emeott            Bethel Cycle
61     0:20:24   Jorg           Polster           Breaking Away Bicycles
62     0:22:17   Gregg          Galletta          CRCA/Merrill Lynch-Hincapie Sports
63     0:23:44   Wayne          Cunningham        NEBC/Cycle Loft
64     0:25:57   Carl           Ring              NHCC/Team NH
65     0:28:41   John           Vitti             Cycle Center Racing
dsq    3.B.1     Mark           Foster            Cycle Center Racing Club

Masters 45+   54 miles   98          starters

Place  Time      First Name     Last Name         Team
1      2:29:35   John           Funk              FIORDIFRUTTA
2      st        Haluk          Sarci             Strictly Bicycle
3      st        Gerry          Clapper           Benidorm Bikes/ Eastern Bloc CC
4      0:00:03   Dzmitry        Buben             CCB/Volkswagen
5      st        David          Kellogg           Arc En Ciel
6      0:00:10   Douglas        Jansen            NorEast Cycling
7      0:00:26   Doug           O'neill           Deno's Wonder Wheel
8      st        Colman         O'connor          Bicycle Link/MBRC
9      0:01:06   Eric           Pearce            Bethel Cycle
10     0:02:11   Vladimir       Borovkov          somerset wheelmen
11     0:02:19   Randy          Kirk
12     0:02:23   Frank          Jennings          gearworks
13     st        Eutimio        Quintero          CRCA/Sanchez-Metro
14     st        Philip         Beliveau          GMBC/Catamount
15     st        Thomas         Luzio             Denos Wonder Wheel
16     st        Chris          Burke
17     st        Jon            Monson            FIORDIFRUTTA
18     st        Kenny          Shardlow
19     st        Kevin          Haley             Skylands Cycling
20     st        Bob            Hachadoorian      Main Line Cycling
21     st        Bryan          Barrett           BikeLine/LWA
22     st        Mike           Allaire           TARGETRAINING/FASTAR
23     st        Scott          Hodder            CRCA/DKNY-Signature Cycles
24     st        William        Thompson          CCC/Keltic Const/Zanes Cycles
25     st        Ted            Hicks             Squadra Coppi
26     st        John           Mosher            Bicycle Link/MBRC
27     0:02:28   Mark           Luzio             bikebarnracing
28     0:03:21   Randy          Rusk              Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team
29     0:05:47   Brian          Rafferty          Deno's Wonder Wheel
30     0:08:00   Mark           Czarnecki         Laurel Bicycle Club
31     0:10:20   Bob            Meikle            Mystic Velo Club
32     0:10:23   Carl           Franzetti         CRCA
33     st        Brad           Tanner            Sunapee/S&W Racing Team
34     st        Geoff          Bickford          CRCA/Axis
35     0:10:36   Bob            Donahue           Gearworks/Spinarts
36     st        Scot           Willingsham
37     0:10:47   Alvaro         Betancur          Cafeteros Cycling Club
38     st        Lawrence       Henderson         skylands cycling
39     st        Brett          Rutledge          Bicycle Link/ MBRC
40     0:11:06   Jonathan       Eichman           QuadCycles
41     st        Scott          Klion             Cranford Bike Shop/CTS
42     st        William        Segraves          Yale University Bulldog Cycling
43     0:11:41   Claudio        Mucci             Fiordifrutta
44     0:14:35   Paul           Curley            Gearworks/Spinarts
45     st        Mark           Dutka             Mystic Velo
46     0:14:48   Kelly          Parsons           Mystic Velo Club
47     st        Damian         Dicostanzo        Deno's Wonder Wheel
48     st        Thomas         Coleman           Cafeteros
49     0:14:55   Joseph         Colon             USI
50     st        Brian          Wolf              Bethel Cycle
51     st        Steve          Alger             Mystic Velo
52     st        Vinny          Vicari            sanchez metro
53     st        William        Holmes            Boston Road Club
54     0:15:04   Claude         Raineault         gmbc/catamount
55     0:15:21   Jody           Dean              Mass Bay Road Club
56     st        Kenneth        Hochman           Deno's Wonder Wheel Cycling
57     st        Joseph         Santilli          USI
58     st        David          Birrell           BCA/VOmax
59     0:15:31   Jeff           Knisely           CTS/CBT
60     st        Christophe     Wilkes            CRCA/Blue
61     st        Mark           Durso             Bethel Cycle
62     0:15:40   Greg           Campi             3D Racing Team/Tom's Atlantic Cyclery
63     0:15:46   Robert         Stern             CRCA/ WesternUnion
64     0:16:21   Ted            Shanstrom         Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team
65     0:19:02   Bob            Payson            GMBC/Catamount
66     0:21:09   Rick           Malkames          Unione Sportiva Italiana
67     0:21:38   Tony           Settel            Deno's Wonder Wheel
68     0:24:55   unknown        rider
69     0:28:50   Vassos         Kyprianou         Bethel Cycle Sport Club
70     0:29:30   Tom            Stevenson         Tokeneke Road Club
71     0:29:35   Gerald         Spignesi          Keltic/Zanes
72     0:33:04   Jorge          Ramirez           TEAM BICYCLE ALLEY
73     0:43:02   Joseph         Bitetto           carpediem
74     0:38:49   George         Gilliland         CRCA
75     0:40:19   John           Lord
76     1:06:00   Marc           Tata

Masters 55+   54 miles   41          starters

Place  Time      First Name     Last Name         Team
1      2:52:50   George         Pawle             Cyclonauts Racers
2      st        Reb            Cole              CTS/ cranford
3      st        Andrew         Buck              Bike Line / LWA
4      st        David          Kliger            Competitive Edge/Cafeteros
5      st        Bruce          Mccowan           Arc En Ciel Racing Team / MCRA
6      st        Michael        Mccusker          NCC/
7      st        Bob            Johnson           Cyclonauts Racers
8      st        David          Burnett           Mystic Velo \ MCRA
9      st        David          Burnell           cox communications cycling team
10     st        Tom            Grim              ERA Cycling
11     0:01:54   Alan           Bates             BCA/VoMax
12     0:02:20   Will           Kraham            Putney / West Hill
13     0:02:23   Cleofus        Price             gotham cyclists
14     0:07:52   Ken            Goebel            Mystic Velo Club
15     0:08:19   James          Themig            Mystic Velo MCRA
16     0:08:27   Hajo           Thiele            USI
17     0:08:56   Richard        Shear             Connecticut Coast Cycling-MCRA
18     0:16:54   Jeff           Morin             Mystic Velo Club-MCRA
19     0:24:58   Peter          Leblanc           NHCC/MCRA
dsq    3.B.1     Chip           Berezny           Club: Bike Line / LWA

Masters 65+   54 miles   13          starters

Place  Time      First Name     Last Name         Team
1      1:52:24   John           Auer              Team Somerset
2      st        Francois G.    Mertens           Zephyr
3      st        William        Yellig            laurel bicycle club
4      0:00:13   Tom            Bridges           Hudson Valley Velo Club
5      0:08:07   Richard        Martin            Masters Velo Club
6      0:10:22   Howard         Darmstadter       Connecticut Coast Cycling
7      0:10:22   David          Reed              Mystic Velo Club -- MCRA
8      0:13:10   Ray            Sweet             Laurel Bike Club - MCRA
9      0:18:21   John           Ludwig