Results » Road » 2007

Cyclonauts Road Race

Monson, MA

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Cyclonauts Road Race Presented by Mike Norton and Cyclonauts Racers Monson, MA Saturday, June 16, 2007

Results Courtesy of 

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Pro/1/2/3 Men          56 miles       52                   starters
Place        Time      First Name     Last Name            Team                                                            State
1            2:13:00   Toby           Marzot               Fiordifrutta                                                    NH
2            st        Guillaume      Nelessen             Van Dessel Factory Team                                         NJ
3            st        Mike           Barton               Boston Scientific Cycling                                       VT
4            st        Josh           Dillon               Fiordifrutta                                                    VT
5            st        Jahor          Buben                CCB - VW
6            st        Mark           McCormack            Team Clif Bar
7            st        Will           Riffelmacher         Fiordifrutta                                                    NJ
8            0:00:04   Nathaniel      Ward                 North Atlantic Velo/'s                 NY
9            st        Christopher    Peck                 Fiordifrutta Elite Cycling Team
10           st        Alec           Donahue              Nerac                                                           MA
11           st        Corey          Piscopo              NorEast Cycling                                                 NH
12           st        Dylan          O'sullivan           Housatonic Wheel Club U23                                       MA
13           st        Stephen        Weller               FAST/IF powered by Lionette's                                   MA
14           st        Andrew         Boone                Kenda/Raleigh Racing                                            MA
15           st        Todd           Rowell               NEBC
16           st        Joshua         Lipka                Fiordifrutta Elite Cycling Team                                 MA
17           st        Daniel         Estevez              HotTubes
18           0:00:07   Emerson        Oronte               Corner Cycle Cycling Club
19           st        Adam           Sullivan             Boston Scientific Elite Cycling Team                            RI
20           st        Matt           Plumb
21           st        Benjamin       Zawacki              Revolution
22           st        Jason          Beerman              Rider
23           0:00:22   Adam           Carr                 Van Dessel Factory Team                                         VT
24           0:00:30   james          Driscoll             Fiordifrutta Elite Cycling Team
25           st        Hayden         Brooks               FiordiFrutta                                                    UNK
26           st        Todd           Nordblom             FiordiFrutta                                                    NH
27           st        Matthew        Purdy                North Atlantic Velo / ClassBook.Com / Giant / Pedro's           NY
28           0:00:36   Thom           Coupe                Boston Scientific Elite Cycling Team
29           0:00:40   Eric           Lindberg             NorEast Cycling
30           0:00:45   Tom            Officer              Cycle Fitness                                                   CT
31           0:00:48   Alisaunder     Biliausk             CCB - VW
32           st        Ryan           Kelly                Housatonic Wheel Club U23                                       CT
33           st        Curt           Davis                Fiordifrutta Elite Cycling Team
34           0:00:55   Isaac          Howe                 Revolution
35           0:00:59   Kipp           Bradford             VeloEuropa Cycle Sport                                          RI
36           0:00:59   Damien         Colfer               Mechanical Services-CycleMania
37           0:01:07   Ben            Carbonetti           NorEast Cycling                                                 NH
38           st        Zebulon        Nelessen             VAN DESSEL FACTORY TEAM                                         NJ
39           0:01:25   Mukunda        Feldman              Kenda Raliegh                                                   MA
40           0:01:30   Joshua         bartlett             NorEast Cycling
41           st        Duncan         Mc Govern            Housatonic Wheel Club U23                                       NH
42           0:01:47   Frank          McCormack            HotTubes
43           0:10:35   Sam            Silver               NOW MS-Society                                                  MA
44           st        Jerome         Towsend              CL Noonan / Coat to Coast / KAM
45           0:10:43   Mike           Femia
46           st        Christopher    Kohnle               Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield-CCCC                            CT
47           st        Mark           Paggioli             Anthem - CCCC                                                   CT
48           0:13:50   Jonathan       Lowenstein           Arc En Ciel Racing Team                                         RI
49           0:15:02   Roger          Nichols              refunds now cycling team                                        MA

3/4 Men                56 miles       90                   starters

Place        Time      First Name     Last Name            Team                                                            State
1            2:18:09   Thomas         Orsini               Fitchburg Cycling Club                                          MA
2            st        Luciano        Pavan                Fitchburg cycling club                                          MA
3            st        Michael        Blanchard            Fitchburg Cycling Club                                          MA
4            st        Jesse          Dekrey               Spin 12
5            st        Roy            Van Cleef            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                               MA
6            st        Pete           Smith                VeloEuropa-Cyfac                                                MA
7            st        Scott          Dolmat-Connell       CL Noonan / Coat to Coast / KAM
8            st        Brian          Lawney               Cornell Nordic                                                  NY
9            st        Paolo          Mion                 Targetraning/Fastar                                             MA
10           st        Damien         Callahan             Umass Amherst                                                   MA
11           st        Anthony        Santamaria           Cyclonauts
12           0:00:06   Tyson          Parody               Putney/West Hill                                                NH
13           st        Ben            Coleman              UVM
14           st        Christopher    Hamlin               Bliss racing
15           st        Steeve         Breton               Boston Scientific Cycling                                       MA
16           st        Casey          Marks                Velo Europa - Cyfac                                             RI
17           st        Scott          Brooks               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                               MA
18           st        Ron            Larose 3             Anthem-CCCC Cycling Team                                        CT
19           st        Brad           Ek                   NHCC/Team NH                                                    NH
20           st        Jason          Sears                Velo Europa - Cyfac
21           st        Drew           Cheida               Cyclonauts
22           st        John Michael   Hackett              North Atlantic Velo                                             VT
23           st        Christopher    Bagg                 Putney Bicycle Club                                             VT
24           st        Jeff           Hebert               Boston Road Club                                                MA
25           0:00:23   Josh           Austin               NorEast Cycling
26           st        Mike           Bennett              INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE CENTERS                                   MA
27           st        Mark           Dakoulas             North Atlantic Velo/Classbook/Giant/Pedros                      VT
28           st        Thomas         Middleton            MBRC/Bicycle Link                                               MA
29           st        Christopher    Bailey               Boston Road Club                                                MA
30           st        Sean           Condron              BCA - Vomax
31           st        Joshua         Jamner               Colby College Cycling                                           CT
32           0:00:43   Christopher    White                BOB/Shift-Stonyfield Farm-Ariza-Goodales                        NH
33           st        Matthew        Simpson              BOB Cycling/Stonyfield Farm/Goodales Bike Shop                  NH
34           st        Andrew         Kennedy              NHCC/Team NH                                                    NH
35           st        Dan            Ouellette            Gamache Cyclery                                                 MA
36           st        Keith          Gauvin               Cyclonauts
37           st        John           Starvish             Boston Road Club                                                MA
38           st        Joel           Biderman             Cyclonauts
39           st        Carl           Ring                 NHCC/Team NH                                                    NH
40           st        Matthew        Brewster             Incline Training                                                MA
41           st        Scott          Cole                 NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental
42           st        William        Hilsman              Westwood Velo                                                   NJ
43           st        unknown        rider
44           st        Radu           Jianu                Refunds Now                                                     RI
45           st        Corey          Masson               VeloEuropa-Cyfac                                                NH
46           st        Sean           Soltysik             Team Bike Alley                                                 MA
47           st        Brian          Tompkins             Central Wheel/CCNS                                              CT
48           st        Jeffrey        Ferraro              Anthem - CCCC                                                   CT
49           st        Andrew         Durham               CCB/Volkswagon                                                  MA
50           st        Jordan         Moore                Onion River Sports                                              MA
51           st        Geoff          Martin               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                               MA
52           st        Cory           Johannessen          ECV                                                             MA
53           st        Christian      Eager                QuadCycles                                                      MA
54           st        A.j.           Morrill              PVC/CycleMania/661                                              ME
55           st        Guenter        Hoefer
56           st        Greg           Ferraris             Epic Velo/ Cheshire Cycles
57           st        David          Rizzo                NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                               MA
58           st        Julian         Gent                 NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                               NH
59           st        Jonathan       Peterson                                                                             MA
60           st        Robert         Mazzl                BCA
61           st        Bobby          Norigian                                                                             RI
62           0:00:57   Philip         Porter               CCB/Volkswagen                                                  MA
63           st        Juan           DeJesus              Cyclonauts
64           st        Joseph         Driver               Cyclonauts
65           st        Jay            Francis              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                               NH
66           st        Torbjorn       Phillpotts                                                                           MA
67           st        Ryan           Carney               NorEast Cycling                                                 NH
68           0:01:20   Giovanni       Marzot               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                               MA
69           st        Christopher    Kessler              UMass                                                           NH
70           0:01:29   Andrew         Krulewitz            Cyclonauts                                                      MA
71           0:01:35   Ryan           O'hara               VeloEuropa-Cyfac                                                MA
72           st        Christopher    Curven               North Atlantic Velo/Classbook/Giant/Pedros
73           0:01:42   Tom            Arcari               Anthem - CCCC                                                   CT
74           0:02:01   Shane          Mulrooney            Velo Europa - Cyfac
75           0:02:32   Brian          Keegan               Nor'East Cycling                                                NH
76           0:03:10   Jesse          Chebot               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental
77           st        John           Broussard            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                               MA
78           0:10:24   Michael        Moran                Boston Triathlon Team                                           MA
79           0:10:37   Joseph         Jussaume             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                               NH
80           0:10:59   Joshua         Bardige              VeloEuropa-Cyfac                                                MA
81           0:15:45   Sebastian      Dunn                 CCNS / Pedal Power                                              CT
82           0:23:28   Jon            Durham               Cyclonauts

4/5 Men                56 miles       76                   starters
Place        Time      First Name     Last Name            Team                                                            State
1            2:28:45   Austin         Moran                Consolidated Fabrications                                       CT
2            0:03:45   Nathaniel      Herz                 Portland Velo                                                   ME
3            st        Greg           Herrman              BCA/VOmax                                                       MA
4            st        Keith          Wong                 Cornell Cycling                                                 WA
5            0:03:52   Eric           Wilhelm              Team Bicycle Alley                                              MA
6            st        Glenn          Ferreira             QuadCycles                                                      MA
7            st        Todd           Brown                Mystic Velo                                                     CT
8            st        Samuel         Wilcox               Seven Cycles                                                    CT
9            0:03:57   Bridge         Hunter               Boston Road Club                                                MA
10           st        Harold         Kamins               Targetraining                                                   CT
11           0:04:00   Eric           Silva                QuadCycles                                                      MA
12           0:04:02   John           Smathers                                                                             MA
13           0:04:04   Richard        Barnwell             Minuteman Road Club                                             MA
14           st        Nicholas       Normandin            Fitchburg Cycling Club                                          MA
15           st        Colby          Ricker               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                               MA
16           st        Michael        Hempstead            Northampton Cycling Club                                        MA
17           st        Alvin          Morson                                                                               CT
18           st        Nessim         Mezrahi                                                                              MA
19           st        Bryon          Lewis                                                                                MA
20           0:04:20   Chip           O'lari               Mystic Velo                                                     CT
21           st        Steven         Robbins              NCC- Northampton Cycling Club                                   MA
22           0:04:26                  Blonhowski           Cyclonauts
23           st        Tim            Ahern                                                                                CT
24           0:04:26   Ian            Sutton               QuadCycles                                                      MA
25           st        Ryan           Mcqueen              Connecticut Coast Cycling                                       CT
26           st        Mike           Nadeau               INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE CENTERS                                   MA
27           st        Mike           Harris               NEBC/Cycle Loft                                                 MA
28           0:04:38   Timothy        Pitzer               AFD/BIKEMAN.COM                                                 RI
29           0:04:43   William        Fowler                                                                               NH
30           0:04:46   Chip           Herzog               Boston Scientific Cycling                                       MA
31           st        Steven         Senne                Union Velo                                                      MA
32           0:05:07   Gary           David                Minuteman Road Club                                             MA
33           0:05:10   Andrew         Regan                Minuteman Road Club                                             MA
34           0:05:25   Kevin          Davis                QuadCycles                                                      MA
35           st        John           Naegle               QuadCycles                                                      MA
36           0:06:03   David          Lindholm                                                                             VT
37           0:06:17   Chris          Schickler            Cyclonauts Racer                                                CT
38           0:06:26   William        Vannieuwenhuyze      Uattached                                                       CT
39           0:06:29   Eric           Martin               QuadCycles                                                      MA
40           0:06:30   Chris          Kielb                NCC /                                               MA
41           0:06:37   unknown        rider
42           0:06:43   Chris          Petrillo             Benidorm/Eastern Bloc                                           CT
43           0:06:45   Evan           Huff                                                                                 MA
44           0:06:49   Adam           Jones                                                                                MA
45           0:06:54   Robert         Wilson               NCC - Northampton Cycling Club                                  MA
46           0:06:59   Paul           Jobin                NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                               NH
47           0:07:01   Brian          Rutter               Laughing Dog Cyclery                                            MA
48           0:07:06   Kenneth        Hamel                AFD/BIKEMAN.COM                                                 RI
49           0:07:07   Scott          Bourgault                                                                            CT
50           0:07:38   Larry          Neumann              Boston Scientific Cycling                                       MA
51           0:07:52   Steve          Connor               Downeast Bike Club                                              ME
52           st        Thomas         Hoogendyk            NCC - Northampton Cycling Club                                  MA
53           st        Vincent        Duarte                                                                               MA
54           st        James          Marshall             BCA/VOmax; Masters Cycle Racing Association                     VT
55           st        Lester         Bethel               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                               MA
56           st        Robert         Vaughan              Start House Ski/Bike,Woodstock Vermont                          VT
57           st        David          Tupponce             UFO                                                             MA
58           st        Sean           Bennett                                                                              MA
59           0:11:45   Julian         Hjortshoj            NEBC/Cycle Loft                                                 MA
60           0:13:47   James          Gomez                QuadCycles                                                      MA
61           0:16:15   Tom            Robert               Team Bike Alley                                                 MA
62           st        Pat            Bachant              NCC/                                                 MA
63           0:18:33   Christopher    Titus                                                                                MA
64           0:19:11   Kenneth        Han                  QuadCycles                                                      MA
65           0:21:01   Jose           Monterroso           UNION VELO CLUB                                                 MA
66           0:21:54   Greg           Rossolimo                                                                            CT
67           0:23:21   Jeffrey        Carney               NHCC/Team NH MCRA                                               NH
68           0:29:09   Michael        Foley                Team Bicycle Alley                                              MA
69           0:29:26   Gregory        Wright               Corner Cycle Cape Cod                                           MA
70           0:30:41   Stephen        Bugbee               BCA/VOMAX                                                       MA
71           0:38:31   Randall        Welner               UFO                                                             MA
72           0:38:55   David          Chioffi                                                                              VT
73           0:56:09   James          Lunig                                                                                RI

Masters 30+            56 miles       26                   starters

Place        Time      First Name     Last Name            Team                                                            State  Age
1            2:15:44   Fabio          Piergentili          Galaxy Sports Marketing
2            st        Matthew        Kressey              360 racing / Landrys
3            st        Greg           Werner                                                   MA     35
4            st        Brian          Girard               Stage 1/fusionTHINK                                             CT     33
5            st        Eric           jensen               Cape Cod Cyclist/E-caps
6            st        Timothy        Unkert               Stolen Underground                                              CT     31
7            st        A. Zane        Wenzel               Horst - Benidorm - Property Research Corp                       CT     38
8            st        Chris          Crowell              Stage 1 / fusionTHINK                                           CT     37
9            st        Matthew        Theodore             Cape Cod Cyclist/E-caps                                         MA     37
10           st        Joel           Danke                Giant Squid All-Stars                                           NY     37
11           st        Micael         carvos               AFD/BIKEMAN.COM
12           st        William        Shattuck                                                 MA     38
13           st        John           Foley      
14           st        J Alain        Ferry                LegalSeafoods
15           st        Marvin         Wang                 INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE CENTERS                                   MA     39
16           0:01:09   Mike           Maloney              AFD/BIKEMAN.COM                                                 RI     44
17           0:03:46   Wade           Summers              Horst-Benidorm-Property Research Corp                           CT     38
18           0:24:13   Gary           Aspnes               Horst-Benidorm-Property Research Corp.                          RI     39
19           0:24:15   Bruce          Pierce                                                   MA     34
20           st        Chris          Chapleau             Stage 1 / fusionTHINK                                           CT     40
21           0:04:26   Justin         Bourque                                                  MA     32
22           0:15:10   Jay            Busse                Union Velo                                                      RI     39
dsq          3.B.1     Ralf           Geiben               Boston Bicycle Club

Masters 40+            56 miles       79                   starters

Place        Time      First Name     Last Name            Team                                                            State  Age
1            2:15:41   Mark           Stotz                Corner Cycle                                                    MA     40
2            0:00:02   Bill           Yabroudy             NBX/Majik coffee/Apex Technology                                RI     40
3            0:00:03   Skip           Foley                360 Racing / Landry's Bike                                      MA     45
4            st        Leo            Devellian            CCB/Volkswagen                                                  MA     43
5            st        Art            Podgorski            Cyclonauts Racers                                               MA
6            st        Ron            Jacobs               Bicycle Link/MBRC                                               MA     41
7            st        Jay            Carrington                                                                           MA
8            st        Michael        Spangenberg          Cyclonauts Racers                                               VT
9            st        Rick           Sorenson             Casper Wheelmen                                                 VT     52
10           st        David          Kellogg              Arc En Ciel                                                     RI     48
11           st        Paul           McDonald             Capital Velo Club- Vernon Cycle
12           st        Dzmitry        Buben                CCB/Volkswagen
13           st        Colman         Oconner              Mass Bay Road Club
14           st        Matthew        Domnarski            Horst-Benidorm-Property Research Corp.                          MA     41
15           st        Mark           Doherty              Sunapee/S&W Racing Team                                         MA     43
16           st        John           Mosher               Bicycle Link/MBRC                                               MA     46
17           st        Randy          Kirk                 eastenbloc cycling club
18           st        Randy          Rusk                 Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team                                         RI     47
19           st        Dale           Perzanowski          GMBC/Catamount                                                  VT     49
20           st        Bob            Bisson               Gear Works/Spin Arts                                            MA     48
21           st        Terry          Blanchet             North Atlantic Velo                                             NY     44
22           st        Sam            Morse                Bicycle Link/MBRC                                               MA     44
23           st        Todd           Buckley              Arc-en-Ciel Racing Team                                         RI     49
24           st        Hunter         Ziesing              Zeta M
25           st        William        Casazza              BOB/Shift-Stonyfield Farms-Ariza-Goodales                       NH     43
26           st        Kit            Flagg                competetive edge                                                MA     47
27           st        Mark           Suprenant            CCB/Volkswagen                                                  NH     43
28           st        Richard        Brown                NorEast Cycling                                                 NH     42
29           0:00:44   Jonathan       Eichman              QuadCycles                                                      MA     49
30           st        Gene           Petrella             CCB/Volkswagon                                                  MA     49
31           0:00:49   Neil           Faigel               CCB/Volkswagen                                                  MA     47
32           0:00:47   Glenn          Giglio               Capital Velo Club- Vernon Cycle                                 CT     45
33           0:00:50   William        Turner               Minuteman Road Club
34           st        David          Rusnak               Corner Cycle                                                    NH     42
35           st        Paul           Richard              CCB/Volkswagen                                                  MA     41
36           0:01:12   Mark           Thompson             Sunapee/S&W                                                     NH     46
37           st        Tyler          Munroe               CCB/Volkswagen                                                  MA     47
38           0:01:36   Charlie        Bedard               Sunapee/S&W Racing Team                                         NH     43
39           0:02:18   Adam           Sternfield           Boston Bike Club
40           0:03:58   Stephen        Gray                 bethelcycle                                                     CT     44
41           0:04:03   Christophe     Wilkes               CRCA/Blue                               NY     46
42           0:04:08   John           Grenier              BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farms-Goodale's Bike Shops               ME     48
43           0:04:14   Kevin          Young                INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE CENTERS                                   MA     47
44           st        David          Taylor               Union Velo Club                                                 MA     48
45           st        Tom            Mannion              CCB/Volkswagen                                                  MA     49
46           st        Jody           Dean                 Mass Bay Road Club                                              MA     49
47           st        Gregor         Bernard              Stoneyfield Yogurt / B.O.B.                                     NH     47
48           st        Timothy        Shea                 BOB/Shift-Stonyfield Farm-Ariza-Goodales                        NH     48
49           st        Jeffrey        Fisher               Maine Cycling Club                                              ME     45
50           st        Mike           Troisi               INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE CENTERS                                   MA     44
51           st        Andrew         Hackel               Zephyr Cycling Team                                             CT     40
52           st        Jim            Peters               Majik Coffee/Apex Tech                                          RI     40
53           st        Normand        Collard              NEBC/CycleLoft                                                  MA     49
54           st        Kurt           Schnabel             BikeWorks/Hallamore/SVC                                         RI     45
55           st        Casey          Lindstrom            Essex County Velo                                               MA     49
56           0:04:32   Eric           Marro                BOB/Shift-Stonyfield Farms-Ariza-Goodales                       NH
57           st        Wayne          Cunningham           NEBC/Cycle Loft                                                 MA     43
58           st        Jim            Breen                BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bike Shops                MA     43
59           0:04:57   Thomas         Luster               MBRC/Bicycle Link                                               MA     45
60           st        Doug           Aspinwall            NCC/                                                 MA     41
61           st        Robert         Degrace                                                                              MA     47
62           0:04:59   Scott          Fuller               BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bike Shops                MA     41
63           0:05:55   Daune          Skofield             BOB                                                             NH
64           0:05:58   Richard        Carlton              Capital Velo Club/Vernon Cycle                                  CT     43
65           0:09:29   Bill           Doonan               Minuteman Road Club                                             MA     44
66           0:10:00   Vladimir       Scerbin              Team International Bicycle Centers                              MA     49
67           st        Dan            Stasz                NCC Bike Reg                                                    MA     44
68           0:18:29   Art            Baril                Minuteman Road Club                                             MA     45
69           0:23:04   John           Roche                BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bike Shops                NH     49
70           0:24:25   Jorge          Hernandez            Minuteman Road Club                                             MA     44
71           0:37:26   Bob            Hatfield             Bob Cycling-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bike Shops                NH     46

Masters 50+            56 miles       56                   starters
Place        Time      First Name     Last Name            Team                                                            State
1            2:29:48   William        Sawyer               Gearworks - Spinarts                                            MA
2            st        Brad           Tanner               Sunapee/S&W Racing Team                                         NH
3            st        Scott          Klion                Cranford Bike Shop/CTS                                          NY
4            0:01:49   Ken            Abrams               Arc-En-Ciel                                                     RI
5            st        Frank          jennings             Gearworks - Spinarts
6            st        Paul           Curley               TEAM Gearworks/Spinarts                                         MA
7            st        Chip           Berezny              Bike Line / LWA                                                 PA
8            st        Brian          Wolf                 Bethel Cycle                                                    CT
9            st        Mark           Luzio                bikebarnracing                                                  CT
10           st        Douglas        Crane                FASTER/TARGETRAINING MCRA                                       CT
11           st        Joe            Horan                MinutemanRoadClub                                               MA
12           st        Karl           Hambrecht            CCB/Volkswagon
13           st        Doug           Dale                 Century Road Club
14           st        Robert         Johnson              Cyclonauts Racers                                               MA
15           st        Wayne          Santos               BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bike Shops                MA
16           st        Terry          White
17           st        George         Pawle                cyclonuats racers
18           st        John           Morgan               CCC / Keltic Construction / Zanes                               CT
19           st        Bruce          Bell                 GMBC/Catamount                                                  VT
20           st        unknown        rider
21           st        Jffrey         Hansen               ccc/keltic const./zanes cycles                                  CT
22           st        Alan           Hamilton             Minuteman Road Club                                             MA
23           st        Dennis         Humphrey             CBRC                                                            NY
24           st        John           Kolios               CVC Vernon Cycle                                                CT
25           st        Mark           Hagen                CCB/Volkswagen                                                  MA
26           st        Andy           Buck                 Club: Bike Line / LWA                                           PA
27           st        Bruce          Townend              BCA/VOmax                                                       MA
28           st        David          King                 CCB/Volkswagen                                                  MA
29           st        Bill           Connolly             MBRC/Bicycle Link                                               MA
30           st        David          Goodwin              NCC /                                               MA
31           st        Mike           Pavlov               NEBC/Cycle Loft                                                 MA
32           st        Ken            Goebel               Mystic Velo Club                                                CT
33           st        Michael        Mccusker             NCC/                                                 MA
34           st        Doug           Chiasson             NCC /                                               MA
35           st        David          Lucey                NCC /                                               MA
36           st        Brian          Mcguiness            Capital Velo Club                                               CT
37           st        Jorge          Ramirez              TEAM BICYCLE ALLEY                                              MA
38           st        Paul           Dimartino            Arc-En-Ciel                                                     RI
39           st        Paul           Ayers                Arc En Ciel/MCRA                                                RI
40           0:06:51   Peter          Greer                housatonic wheel club                                           MA
41           0:07:51   Mieczyslaus    Burzynski            BOB Stonyfield Farm Goodale's Bike                              MA
42           st        Juan           Garbalosa            Zephyr Cycling Club                                             CT
43           st        Colin          Kernan               Missing Link Bicycle Club                                       MA
44           0:08:19   Thomas         Cormier              Stonyfield Farms/BOBCYCLING/Goodales                            NH
45           0:11:55   Steven         Heath                Masters Velo Club                                               RI
46           st        James          Boudreau             MASTERS VELO CLUB/MCRA                                          MA
47           0:12:44   Ken            Coleman              Housatonic Wheel Club                                           NY
48           0:18:02   Frank          Holt                 NHCC/Team NH                                                    NH
49           0:21:49   Victor         Cillis               Cape Cod Cyclists                                               MA
50           0:22:48   Stephen        Ivester
51           0:28:10   Craig          Holbrook             crum cycles                                                     ME
52           0:28:31   Ken            Swankie              Laurel Bicycle Club-mcra                                        CT
53           0:35:05   Garabed        Minasian             BOB cycling/stoneyfield                                         NH

3/4 Women              32 miles       35                   starters
& 40+ Women

Place   40+  Time      First Name     Last Name            Team                                                            State
1       1    1:40:46   Melody         Chase                NHCC
2       2    st        Amy            Kemper               Northampton Cycling Club                                        MA
3       3    0:00:03   Cheryl         Wolf                 Bethel Cycle                                                    CT
4            st        Katherine      Papillon-rodrigue                                                                    CT
5       4    st        Erin           Duggan               Anthem - CCCC
6            0:00:15   Inette         Rex                  Bikeworks/Hallamore                                             MA
7       5    st        Abagail        Anthony              Bikeworks/Hallamore
8            st        Jennifer       Rhodes               INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE CENTERS                                   MA
9       6    st        Lydia          Barter               Team Bike Alley                                                 MA
10      7    st        Helen          Pearce               Boston Scientific Cycling Club
11           st        Erin           Guiney               Cape Cod Cyclist                                                MA
12           st        Jak            Kukla                NorEast                                                         NH
13           st        Julie          Kenney               Bikeworks/Hallmore                                              RI
14      8    st        Carol          Decourcey            Boston Scientific Cycling Club                                  MA
15      9    0:00:58   Susan          Maclean              Gear Works/Spin Arts Cycling Team                               NH
16      10   st        Laura          Hutchinson           Incline Training
17           0:01:56   Lesli          Stevens              Anthem - CCCC                                                   CT
18      11   0:10:33   Julie          Lockhart             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental / MCRA                        MA
19      12   0:11:39   Sara           Clark                Cyclonauts
20           0:12:00   Elizabeth      Pallotta                                                                             MA
21           0:19:59   Carrie         Lemieux              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                               MA
22      13   0:23:38   Michele        Harrison             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                               MA
23           0:24:24   Kristen        Gohr                 NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                               MA