Results » Road » 2007

CycleSports of Doylestown Route 29 Time Trial

Frenchtown, NJ

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

CycleSports of Doylestown Route 29 Time Trial Presented by LWA Racing and CycleSports of Doylestown Frenchtown, NJ Wednesday, June 06, 2007

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

weather 71� dry 3 to 9 mph from the east

Results powered by The Big Guy Group

PL   BIB  FIRST NAME    LAST NAME                  ELAPSED
MEN 18-24                                          10        MPH
1    147  Michael       TALBOT                     0:28:21   21.2

MEN 25-34
1    143  William       O'DONNELL                  0:20:26   29.4
2    166  Christopher   GANTER                     0:22:29   26.7
3    160  Kirk          PALERMO                    0:23:06   26.0
4    140  Eric          FREDERICKS                 0:23:17   25.8
5    146  Stephen       WIMMER                     0:23:46   25.2
6    139  James         DOHERTY                    0:24:20   24.7
7    138  Myles         BARTOS                     0:24:24   24.6
8    142  Hugh          MANGUM                     0:24:51   24.1
9    153  Robert        BLAISDELL                  0:26:45   22.4
10   141  John          JUMAOAS                    0:27:24   21.9
11   145  William       UNDERWOOD                  0:28:34   21.0
12   144  Jason         SHANAMAN                   DNS

MEN 35-44
1    159  Jamie         TROY                       0:21:34   27.8
2    132  Toby          HANNA                      0:22:29   26.7
3    135  Frank         SCHLIPF III                0:22:44   26.4
4    154  Paul          AEMISEGIO                  0:22:54   26.2
5    137  Aleksey       URUSOV                     0:23:08   25.9
6    161  Matt          RUSSELL                    0:23:12   25.9
7    128  Rich          CAROLAN                    0:24:01   25.0
8    133  Edward        KRYNSKI                    0:24:07   24.9
9    127  Allen         BEDFORD                    0:24:15   24.7
10   129  Charles       CROCCO                     0:24:30   24.5
11   162  Scott         KATER                      0:25:53   23.2
12   130  Pieter        DYKSTRA                    0:26:46   22.4
131                FRITZ                      DNS
134                PICHLER                    DNS
136  Jeffrey       SCOTT                      DNS

MEN 45-54
1    155  Bob           HACHADOORIAM               0:21:04   28.5
2    124  Ed            SHUHART                    0:22:18   26.9
3    164  Anthony       TREZZA                     0:22:25   26.8
4    119  Roman         PACZKA                     0:22:49   26.3
5    150  Paul          MCDONALD                   0:23:08   25.9
6    118  Tom           O'NEILL                    0:23:13   25.8
7    116  Larry         KAUFMAN                    0:23:38   25.4
8    151  Mark          CRONEBERGER                0:23:51   25.2
9    165  Stephen       WATERS                     0:23:54   25.1
10   126  James         WRIGHT                     0:24:03   24.9
11   120  Brian         ROSENBLATT                 0:24:03   24.9
12   125  Mark          URBANOWICZ                 0:24:25   24.6
13   122  Robert        SANDS                      0:24:25   24.6
14   113  Louis         D'AMELIO                   0:24:31   24.5
15   123  Allen         SCHAEFFER                  0:24:45   24.2
16   121  Gustavo       SANCHEZ                    0:25:03   24.0
17   115  Richard       JAGER                      0:25:43   23.3
18   112  Bruce         BRODOWSKI                  0:25:58   23.1
19   111  Clark         BEAM                       0:26:27   22.7
20   114  David         GOODYEAR                   0:27:36   21.7
21   157  Chris         COSMAS                     0:28:36   21.0
117                MORRIS                     DNS

MEN 55-64
1    108  Rick          HOFMAN                     0:22:21   26.8
2    110  David         KJELLQUIST                 0:22:47   26.3
3    156  Kevin         TUTTLE                     0:23:18   25.8
4    107  Dennis        CRETER                     0:24:43   24.3
5    149  Mick          SMITH                      0:25:11   23.8
6    109  Ted           JOHNSON                    0:27:44   21.6

MEN 65+
1    106  Joe           SALING                     0:22:50   26.3
2    105  Len           DEPUE                      0:26:59   22.2

1    148  Chip/Bryan    BEREZNY/BARRETT            0:20:08   29.8
2    104  Phil/Tim      RUHL/WILSEY                0:23:51   25.2

WOMEN 18-24
1    103  Kathryn       ROSS                       0:26:11   22.9
2    158  Loren         O'NEILL                    0:28:44   20.9

WOMEN 25-34
1    102  Kristy        SWOPE                      0:26:32   22.6

WOMEN 35-44
1    163  Kathryn       WILDER                     0:24:11   24.8
2    101  Andrea        BRUNHOFET                  0:25:35   23.5

WOMEN 45-54
1    152  Patty         POWERS                     0:25:33   23.5