Results » Road » 2007

Syracuse Race Weekend

Syracuse, NY

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Syracuse Race Weekend Presented by Onondaga Cycling Club, Inc. Syracuse, NY Saturday, May 26, 2007 to Sunday, May 27, 2007

Results Courtesy of Alan Atwood

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Stage 1 - Song Mountain Road Race - Song Mountain Ski Area - Tully, NY

Pro/1/2 Men            87 miles      16                starters

Place   Time           First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Points
1       3:40:00        Buck          Miller            Team                               Deux Rivires        ON     140
2       0:00:09        Sebastian     Porten            Aquila Racing / Racer Sportif               Brampton            ON     137
3       0:00:47        Mark          Batty             Team                               Brooklin            ON     134
4       0:02:27        Eric          Robertson         Team                               Deux Rivires        ON     131
5       0:02:27        Andrew        Huntinelli        Team                               Deux Rivieres       ON     128
6       0:02:39        Nathan        Chown             Cyclissic                                                              125
7       0:03:21        Matthias      Brendan           Mazurcoaching                               Newmarket           ON     122
8       0:03:35        Don           Sproull  Cycles/FLCC           Auburn              NY     120
9       0:09:42        Vince         De Jong  Velikonja                 Brantford           ON     118
10      0:10:04        Matthew       Dickinson / Syracuse Bicycle         Watertown           NY     116
11      0:10:45        Jason         Skelsk            Prefered Care                               East Aurora         NY     115
12      0:11:00        Adam          Thuss             Team                               Deux Rivieres       ON     114
13      0:11:00        Mark          Pozniak                                 Notl                ON     113
14      0:50:53        Marc          Bertucco          ABD Cycling Team                            New York            NY     112

Men 3                  60 miles      47                starters

Place   Time           First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Points
1       2:30:13        Cheyne        Hoag              JW Dundees-Home Performance                 Dansville           NY     140
2       0:00:32        Greg          Cavanagh          Cycledath Oakville                          Oakville            ON     137
3       0:00:36        Rufus         Pichler           Kissena Cycling Club                        Brooklyn            NY     134
4       0:00:40        Matthew       Plumb             Paceline Sports                             Haverhill           MA     131
5       0:00:40        Jeff          Zygo              Preferred Care                              Rochester           NY     128
6       0:00:40        Peter         Bradshaw          MIMA / Marathon Courier                     Arlington           MA     125
7       0:00:40        David         Gazsi             EMD Serono Cycle Logik                      Masham              PQ     122
8       0:00:40        Michael       Burrows           World Cup Ski & Cycle                       Newark              DE     120
9       0:00:40        Stephen       Koelbl            Haymarket Bicycles                          Fairfax Station     VA     118
10      0:00:40        Wayne         Bray     / Syracuse Bicycle         Clinton             NY     116
11      0:00:40        Jesse         Dekrey            Team Spin 12                                Rhinebeck           NY     115
12      0:00:40        Erik          Markewich         Windham Mountain Outfitters                 Stephentown         NY     114
13      0:00:40        Christopher   Chaput            CRCA/Affinity Cycles                        Brooklyn            NY     113
14      0:00:40        Scott         Dolmat-connell    CL Noonan/Coast to Coast/KAM                Princeton           MA     112
15      0:00:58        Corey         Masson            VeloEuropa-Cyfac                            Concord             NH     111
16      0:01:04        Justin        Koelbl            Haymarket Bicycles                          Fairfax Station     VA     110
17      0:03:11        Kurt          Schmid            SALEM CYCLE/FELT/RUDY PROJECT               Marblehead          MA     109
18      0:03:13        Aaron         Wolfe             CRCA/                        Beacon              NY     108
19      0:03:13        Brad          Crosby            VeloSportivo/Syracuse Bicycle               Syracuse            NY     107
20      0:03:19        Cary          Moretti           Project Freeride                            Thornhill           ON     106
21      0:03:29        Adam          Farabaugh         Ruud Racing Team                            Owego               NY     105
22      0:03:46        Samuel        Kirk              TechnoCycle BRC                             Paradise            PA     104
23      0:05:43        Andrew        Lees              EMD Serono Cyclelogik                       Ottawa              ON     103
24      0:05:57        Steve         Sloan                            Cortland            NY     102
25      0:06:00        Geoffrey      Bergmark / Syracuse Bicycle         Carthage            NY     101
26      0:06:05        Coldrey       Daniel            EMD Serono Cycle Logik Racing               Ottawa              ON     100
27      0:06:05        Mike          Femia             Paceline Sports                             Sherrill            NY     100
28      0:10:28        Andrew        Stewart           Project Freeride                            Toronto             ON     100
29      0:10:28        John-paul     Kaminski          Connecticut Coast Cycling                   New Rochelle        NY     100
30      0:11:02        Jon           Orcutt            CRCA/Merrill Lynch-Hincapie Sports          Brooklyn            NY     100
31      0:12:40        Jason         Clark             CBRC                                        Gansevoort          NY     100
32      0:12:52        Tori          Heilbronn         Midweek C.C.                                Toronto             ON     100
33      0:13:37        Max           Hoener            Spin 12                                     Durango             CO     100
34      0:13:37        Brian         Hahn     Bicycle           Manlius             NY     100
35      0:13:48        Paul          Dolan             Velo Europa Cycle Sport                     Boston              MA     100
36      0:13:59        Nicholas      Vienncer          TI cycle Racing                             Gunanugua           ON     100
37      0:18:02        Joseph        Regan             TARGETRAINING                               Putnam Valley       NY     100
38      0:18:13        Brendan       Gallivan          Gallivan Corporation/westwoodvelo trade manaTroy                NY     100
39      0:20:51        Badih         Schoueri                           Toronto             ON     100
40      rel            Jan           Zeh               Mazurcoaching                               Onelph              ON     100

Masters 35+            60 miles      31                starters

Place   Time           First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Points  Age
1       2:36:39        Jon           Gee               TI Cycle Racing                             Osgoode             ON     140     45
2       0:00:08        Erik          Grimm             Full Moon Vista                             Rochester           NY     137     41
3       0:00:14        Dan           Staffo            JW Dundee's/Home Performance                Amherst             NY     134     36
4       0:00:27        Joe           Straub            CRCA - DKNY/Signature Cycles                Chester             NY     131     43
5       0:01:29        Michael       Moore             Team                            Georgetown          ON     128     39
6       0:02:59        Andrew        Melnychenko                         Alpine              NY     125     45
7       0:03:04        Paul          McDonnell         CBRC                                        Selkirk             NY     122     43
8       0:03:04        Robert        Orr               TI Cycle Racing                             Gananoque           ON     120     37
9       0:03:04        Dan           Kane              Chenango Point Cycles/TVC                   Johnson City        NY     118     43
10      rel            Jesse         Gydosh            upstate velo/sicklers                       Forty Fort          PA     116     42
11      0:03:22        James         Layfield          Team R.A.C.E.                               Port Credit         ON     115     42
12      0:03:22        Steve         Burget            JW Dundee                                   Buffalo             NY     114     36
13      0:03:29        Titus         Leung             Deno's Wonder Wheel                         New York            NY     113     39
14      0:03:29        Douglas       Hallett           TI Cycle Racing                             Mallorytown         ON     112     41
15      0:03:47        Todd          Sherwood          Rund Racing                                 Chenango F          NY     111     36
16      0:04:14        Tony          Baldo             Upstsate Velo-Sicklers                      Laflin              PA     110     36
17      0:05:17        David         Faso              MaxPower                        Cazenovia           NY     109     42
18      0:05:22        Dan           Ellis             Sicklers                                    West Pittston       PA     108     35
19      0:05:22        Patrick       Kapinus           RUUD Racing Team / TVC                      Chenango Forks      NY     107     43
20      0:05:22        Andrew        Van Kuren         MLC Team BiKyle                             Endicott            NY     106     44
21      0:05:32        Stephen       Basiren           TI Cycle Racing                             Brockville          ON     105     42
22      0:05:32        Gregory       Drumm             Team SCARR - Ommegang                       Chittenango         NY     104     42
23      0:05:32        Harold        Peeling           Tioga Velo Club / RUUD Racing               Owego               NY     103     36
24      0:05:32        Bernard       Gee               University of Rochester                     Rochester           NY     102     37
25      0:05:32        Ed            Baumgartner       Team Natures Path                           New Hartfort        NY     101     43
26      0:05:59        Lorne         Anderson          La Bicicletta                               Toronto             ON     100     37
27      0:10:24        Stephen       Kocik             CBRC                                        Red Hook            NY     100     44
28      0:10:28        Phill         Vermette          Caboto Velo                                 Ottawa              ON     100     44
29      0:12:09        Michael       Tacci             Main Line Cycling - BiKyle                  Downingtown         PA     100     49
30      0:12:22        Terry         Griswold          Jubone Mawale Care                          Hamburg             NY     100     39
31      0:12:39        Michael       Forsdike          London Honda / Westhaven Homes              Aylmer              ON     100     36
32      0:24:23        Richard       Strong            King Street Cycles                          Waterloo            ON     100     38
33      0:24:26        Joe           Mcmaster          Independent                                 Gananoque           ON     100     39
34      0:28:43        David         Valvo             Full Moon Vista                             Rochester           NY     100     40

Masters 45+            60 miles      37                starters

Place   Time           First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Points  Age
1       2:34:42        Doug          O'neill           Deno's Wonder Wheel                         West New York       NJ     140     50
2       0:00:06        Charlie       Squires           London Honda Westhaven Homes                London              ON     137     55
3       0:00:15        Robert        Shultz            SBRT/Dutch Wheelman                         Geneva              NY     134     46
4       0:00:30        Ernie         Bayles            FLCC/Chris Cookies/Swan Cycles              Ithaca              NY     131     53
5       0:01:34        Wayne         Luther            Prefered Care                               Blastell            NY     128     50
6       0:03:01        Glenn         Swan              FLCC Chris's Cookies                        Freeville           NY     125     54
7       0:03:27        Tom           Swensen           finger lakes cycling club                   Ithaca              NY     122     46
8       0:03:45        Thomas        Luzio             Denos Wonder Wheel                          Mamaroneck          NY     120     46
9       0:04:34        Dale          Perzanowski       GMBC/Catamount                              Hartford            VT     118     49
10      0:04:51        Bob           Hachadoorian      Main Line Cycling                           Bryn Mawr           PA     116     50
11      0:05:13        Bryan         Barrett           BikeLine/LWA                                Easton              PA     115     49
12      0:05:29        James H.      Laird             TI Cycle Racing                             Kingston            ON     114     54
13      0:05:37        Doug          Chiasson          NCC /                           Athol               MA     113     52
14      0:05:37        Andrew        Ross                             Mexico              NY     112     49
15      0:05:37        Mike          Renneboog         Silver Spokes                               Brantford           ON     111     51
16      0:05:37        Dan           Mccarthy                                                      Fayetteville        NY     110     46
17      0:05:40        Kevin         Mahoney           JW Dundee's - Home Performance Cycling Team Amherst             NY     109     46
18      0:05:40        Richard       Karaz             CNYC                                        Cassville           NY     108     46
19      0:05:45        Bryan         Stahley           BikeLine/LWA                                Alburtis            PA     107     49
20      0:05:45        Dennis        Humphrey          CBRC                                        Delmar              NY     106     52
21      0:05:45        Stephen       Hudyncia          Mohawk Valley Bicycling Club                Fort Plain          NY     105     46
22      0:06:00        Kevin         Saint Clair       Main Line Cycling - Bikyle                  Philadelphia        PA     104     49
23      0:06:06        Scott         Klion             Northampton Cycle Club                      New York            NY     103     50
24      0:06:15        Casey         Carlstrom                                                     Ithaca              NY     102     48
25      0:06:20        Bruce         Bell              GMBC/Catamount                              Stowe               VT     101     51
26      0:06:20        Thomas        Coleman           Cafeteros                                   Greenwich           CT     100     52
27      0:12:29        Daniel        Mcneilly          DKNY/Signature Cycles                       Chester             NY     100     48
28      0:12:39        Roman         Paczka            Main Line Cycling Club                      Brooklyn            NY     100     52
29      0:14:10        Brian         Rafferty          Deno's Wonder Wheel                         Mamaroneck          NY     100     50
30      0:14:25        Stephen       Edgar             Finger Lakes Cycling Club                   Ithaca              NY     100     48
31      0:15:17        Gregory       Brett             NYS Printing Solutions                      Webster             NY     100     50
32      0:16:52        Bruce         Armentrout        NCC                                         Williamstown        MA     100     46
33      0:17:12        Michael       Tersegno          Owasco Velo Club                            Auburn              NY     100     52
34      0:17:44        Damian        Dicostanzo        Deno's Wonder Wheel                         Rye                 NY     100     51
35      0:19:19        Mark          Shenstone         chris cookies/swan cycles                   Trumansburg         NY     100     52
36      0:19:54        Mark G.       Mense             Clean Currents p/b Don Beyer Volvo          Manlius             NY     100     48
37      0:20:45        Chuck         Canfield          Bike Line/LWA                               Allentown           PA     100     51
38      0:21:01        Ron           Livingston        Main Line Cycling - BiKyle                  Paoli               PA     100     50
39      0:21:07        Glenn         Allen             Team Johnstown                              Gloversville        NY     100     46
40      0:35:22        Dwight        Roth              J W Dundees/Home Performance Cycling Team   Rochester           NY     100     46

Men 4                  60 miles      50                starters

Place   Time           First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Points
1       2:38:59        Brian         Lawney            Cornell Nordic                              Ithaca              NY     140
2       0:00:00        James         Morrison          River City Bicycles                         Schuylerville       NY     137
3       0:00:00        Justin        Jones             Shickluna                                   East Aurora         NY     134
4       0:00:29        Jonathon      Warchol           Connecticut Coast Cycling                   Bronx               NY     131
5       0:00:39        Jake          Castor            Towners (ROG)                               Dansville           NY     128
6       0:00:39        Jeremy        Gardner           VeloSportivo / Syracuse Bicycle             Brooktondale        NY     125
7       0:00:47        Jack          Piller            Team Placid Planet                          Plattsburgh         NY     122
8       0:00:55        Sergey        Shteyn            Ruud Racing Team                            Binghamton          NY     120
9       0:01:02        William       Fissel            University of Delaware Cycling              Newark              DE     118
10      0:01:08        John          Compton           VeloSportivo/Syracuse Bicycle               Burdett             NY     116
11      0:01:16        Reed          Albergotti        CRCA/Setanta                                New York            NY     115
12      0:02:09        Phil          Penman            CRCA / Sids - Cannondale                    New York            NY     114
13      0:03:02        Jason         Haight            Velosportivo/Syracuse Bicycle               Syracuse            NY     113
14      0:03:02        Kevin         Maclachlan        SCARR-Ommegang                              Fayetteville        NY     112
15      0:03:02        Gregory       Gray              GVCC                                        Rochester           NY     111
16      0:03:02        Keith         Wong              Cornell Cycling                             Vancouver           WA     110
17      0:03:02        Bill          Mcgreevy          Team Placid Planet                          Wilmington          NY     109
18      0:03:17        Mackenzie     Wilsey            CBRC                                        Schoharie           NY     108
19      0:03:25        Glenn         Babikian          DKNY/ signature cycle                       Sugar Loaf          NY     107
20      0:03:30        Rick          Hall              CRCA/Avenue A Razorfish Cycling Team        Ny                  NY     106
21      0:03:40        Dan           Oates             CRCA/Setanta                                Port Washington     NY     105
22      0:03:54        Jason         Dellilo           MAX POWER CYCLING.COM                       Baldwinsville       NY     104
23      0:06:59        Aaron         Dinoto            ROG Presented by Towners                    Rochester           NY     103
24      0:07:08        Steven        Smith             Paceline Sports                             Cooperstown         NY     102
25      0:07:13        Colin         Taylor            Kovarus/Squadra Ovest                       San Franciso        CA     101
26      0:07:13        Mike          Burri             JW Cundees-Home Performanc                  Ontario             NY     100
27      0:07:18        Ben           Hughes            CRCA/Merrill Lynch-Hincapie Sports          New York            NY     100
28      0:07:24        Nathan        Sentz             Paceline Sports                             Cooperstown         NY     100
29      0:07:35        Michael       Savona            MIMA/Marathon                               Somerville          MA     100
30      0:11:49        Randy         Langworthy        Hollyloft Kwikfill                          Russell             PA     100
31      0:12:02        Robert        Swizdor           Onondaga Cycling Club                       Jamesville          NY     100
32      0:12:59        James         Randall           team Scarr-ommegang                         Chittenango         NY     100
33      0:13:40        Thomas        Evers             NEBC/Cycle LoftNEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire DeMelrose             MA     100
34      0:13:52        John          Ormsby            Dick Sonne's Racing                         Vernon              NY     100
35      0:13:59        Matt          Delisa            Swan Cycles,Chris Cookies                   Ithaca              NY     100
36      0:14:18        Chris         Tweed             Boston Road Club                            Waltham             MA     100
37      0:15:30        James         Dutko             CBRC (Capital Bicycle Racing Club)          Albany              NY     100
38      0:15:35        Barry         Koblenz           CBRC - Capital Bicycle Racing Club          Albany              NY     100
39      0:15:44        Steven        Gates             Paceline Sports                             West Winfield       NY     100
40      0:15:53        Steven        Hanes             CBRC                                        Albany              NY     100
41      0:16:40        Robert        Dadekian          CBRC                                        Niskayuna           NY     100
42      0:17:11        James         Leone             CBRC                                        Albany              NY     100
43      0:19:38        Philip        Burnett           CBRC Capital Bicycle Racing Club            Niskayuna           NY     100
44      0:20:22        Steven        Whitehead         odwalla                                     San Antonio         TX     100
45      0:21:32        William       Stiteler          Onondaga Cycling Club                       Munnsville          NY     100
46      0:30:02        Edward        Klock-mccook      Human Zoom/Pabst Blue Ribbon                King Of Prussia     PA     100

Men 5                  33 miles      49                starters

Place   Time           First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Points
1       1:28:51        Jacob         Bolewski / Syracuse Bicycle         Skaneateles         NY     140
2       0:00:05        Tom           Forte             VeloSportivo/Syracuse Bicycle               Marietta            NY     137
3       0:00:05        Joseph        Holler            Hollyloft / Kwik Fill                       Jamestown           NY     134
4       0:00:20        John          Onderdonk         CBRC                                        Saratoga Springs    NY     131
5       0:00:28        Matt          Migonis                                                       Cazenovia           NY     128
6       0:00:41        Larry         Watson                                                        Claryville          NY     125
7       0:01:23        Eric          Krivitzky                                                     Brownsville         VT     122
8       0:01:27        Jeffrey       Ingraham                                                      Brooklyn            NY     120
9       0:01:38        Ron           Herreid           GVCC                                        Rochester           NY     118
10      0:01:45        Jeff          Hoover                           Syracuse            NY     116
11      0:02:17        Jonathan      Muhlbaier         UNATTACHED                                  Redwood             NY     115
12      0:02:22        Danny         Goodwin           CBRC (Capital Bicycle Racing Club)          Delmar              NY     114
13      0:02:22        Paul          Heffler           independent                                 Ottawa              ON     113
14      0:02:22        Bruce         Beauharnois       Team ROAR                                   Plattsburgh         NY     112
15      0:02:22        Eric          Gregoire          Independant                                 Phoenix             NY     111
16      0:02:28        Michael       Bohn                                                          Rochester           NY     110
17      0:02:44        Jeff          Frutchey          Big Horn Velo                               Waverly             NY     109
18      0:03:46        Tim           Howland           Fleet Feet/GVCC                             Rochester           NY     108
19      0:03:50        Eric          Jarvi             NEBC/Cycle Loft                             Littleton           MA     107
20      0:03:50        Matthew       Panzarella                         Syracuse            NY     106
21      0:03:55        David         Burns             unattached                                  Watertown           NY     105
22      0:03:55        Doake         Brown             unattached                                  Cortland            NY     104
23      0:04:01        Aaron         Johnson                                                       Oswego              NY     103
24      0:04:01        Phillip       Mccarthy          SCARR/Ommegang                              Mnlius              NY     102
25      0:04:01        Rich          Jarvi             Onondaga Cycling Club                       Manlius             NY     101
26      0:04:12        Keisuke       Inoue                                                         Liverpool           NY     100
27      0:04:19        Scott         Ouderkirk         Amish Pursuit Team                          Addison             NY     100
28      0:05:22        Craig         Polston           The Bike Shop (East Aurora)                 Orchard Park        NY     100
29      0:05:29        Michael       Grygus            YVC                                         Endwell             NY     100
30      0:05:36        David         Hoag              GVCC                                        Dansville           NY     100
31      0:05:36        Sam           Sampere                          Cicero              NY     100
32      0:05:50        Etienne       Shanon            CRCA                                        New York            NY     100
33      0:05:56        Matthew       Balch             N/A                                         Rochester           NY     100
34      0:06:09        Steven        Zotter            ROG presented by Towners                    Mendon              NY     100
35      0:08:39        David         Prugh             Big Horn Velo                               Sayre               PA     100
36      0:08:39        Marty         Maynard                                                       Rochester           NY     100
37      0:09:14        Bill          Goffe             Onondaga Cycling Club                       Baldwinsville       NY     100
38      0:10:12        Bryan         Blake                            Fulton              NY     100
39      0:10:22        Mark          Renzi             NYPS/Lightspec                              Pittsford           NY     100
40      0:10:45        Rich          Burnley           So Adirondack Spokes                        Gansevoort          NY     100
41      0:10:56        Jerome        Westfried         Boston Road Club                            Belmont             MA     100
42      0:11:54        Charles       Gardiner          Human Zoom/Pabst Blue Ribbon                Devon               PA     100
43      0:13:59        Clifford      Six                                                           Syracuse            NY     100
44      0:13:59        George        Elmy              RUUD/TVC                                    Endicott            NY     100
45      0:13:59        David         Martin                                                        Oswego              NY     100
46      0:18:12        Todd          Heath                                                         Buffalo             NY     100
47      0:19:16        Mike          Guenther          RUUD RACING/TVC                             Binghamton          NY     100
48      0:20:52        Joseph        Rauscher                                                      Liverpool           NY     100
49      0:38:33        Charles       Braman            tioga velo                                  Greene              NY     100

Pro/1/2/3 Women        60 miles      19                starters

Place   Time           First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Points
1       2:48:10        Jocelyn       Loane             Australian National Team                    Ashgrove Qld        UNK    140
2       0:00:11        Candice       Sullivan          CATS                                        Mermaid Waters      UNK    137
3       0:07:50        Yvette        Labombard         JW DUNDEE'S - HOME PERFORMANCE CYCLING TEAM Rochester           NY     134
4       0:13:17        Shelley       Reynolds          Mission In Motion/TVC                       Endicott            NY     131
5       0:13:23        Julia         Bradley           Team R.A.C.E.                               Toronto             ON     128
6       0:13:23        Sarah         Krzysiak          Mission in Motion / TVC                     Utica               NY     125
7       0:13:23        Natalie       Stoll                                                         Rochester           NY     122
8       0:13:33        Diana         Joness            Team R.A.C.E.                               Pickering           ON     120
9       0:15:05        Caryl         Gale              CRCA-Comedy Central-Sids                    Hoboken             NJ     118
10      0:15:37        Mary          Dangelo           QCC/Handlebars                              Honeoye Falls       NY     116
11      0:15:48        Rebecca       Bader             Endeavour Cycling                           Madison             WI     115
12      0:16:41        Marsha        Kapinus           Mission in Motion Cycling / TVC             Chenango Forks      NY     114
13      0:22:04        Sue           Kuenstner         Cafeteros                                   Greenwich           CT     113
14      0:22:04        Margaret      Thompson          Mission in Motion/TVC                       Clinton             NY     112
15      0:22:24        Jenny         Simpson           EMD Serono Cycle Logik Racing               Ottawa              ON     111
16      0:23:19        Kate          Stewart           Velo Bella Kona/OCC                         Cazenovia           NY     110
17      0:47:43        Chelsea       Reynolds          Mission In Motion/TVC                       Endicott            NY     109

Juniors 15-18          33 miles      8                 starters

Place   Time           First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Points  Age
1       1:38:36        Benjamin      Salibra           Fuji Bikes/Dick Sonne's Racing              Faytteville         NY     140     15
2       0:03:55        Matthew       Laing             St. Catharines Cycling Club                 Jordan              ON     137     16
3       0:04:05        Ryan          Karr              onondaga cycling club                       North Syracuse      NY     134     16
4       0:04:49        Curtis        White             CBRC/Capital Bicycle Racing Club            Delanson            NY     131     12
5       0:09:05        Eli           Robinson          Finger Lakes                                Ithaca              NY     128     15
6       rel            Joe           Beyler                                                        Hamlin              NY     125     18
7       rel            Lukas         Curley                                                        Churchville         NY     122     17

Masters 55+            60 miles      24                starters

Place   Time           First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Points  Age
1       2:42:41        Andrew        Buck              Bike Line / LWA                             Dresher             PA     140     57
2       0:00:00        Chip          Berezny           Bike Line / LWA                             Easton              PA     137     56
3       0:01:18        William       Care              ERA Cycling                                 Mount Gretna        PA     134     58
4       0:02:45        Tim           Leonard           Schuss/MVBC                                 New Hartford        NY     131     55
5       0:02:50        Peter         Ziolo             Job One Enterprise/Managed Care Network/BBC Buffalo             NY     128     55
6       0:02:56        James         Andrews           Mohawk Valley Bicycling Club                Hamilton            NY     125     60
7       0:03:01        Tom           Grim              ERA Cycling                                 Boyertown           PA     122     56
8       0:03:05        Mark          MCCarty           GUCC                                        Pittsborn           ON     120     58
9       0:05:24        Daniel        Sullivan          DKNY Signature Cycles                       Florida             NY     118     55
10      0:06:35        Stephen       Forrestel         Job One/BBC                                 Corfu               NY     116     58
11      0:06:47        Dan           Waingarter        WYPS                                        Webster             NY     115     59
12      0:06:58        Ken           Goebel            Mystic Velo Club                            Tolland             CT     114     56
13      0:13:47        Ed            Burns             tioga velo                                  Vestal              NY     113     64
14      0:19:44        Paul          Swinburne         Onondaga Cycling Club                       Oswego              NY     112     57
15      0:21:05        Philip        Thompson          Sonne's/MVBC                                Clinton             NY     111     63
16      0:21:51        Phillip       Hershberger       CBRC                                        Climax              NY     110     57
17      0:48:13        David         Thomashow         Team Placid Planet                          Saranac Lake        NY     109     62

Women 4                33 miles      23                starters

Place   Time           First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Points
1       1:42:41        Martha        Bush              CRCA/Sanchez-Metro                          Brooklyn            NY     140
2       0:00:00        Amy           Kneale   Bicycles          Dewitt              NY     137
3       0:00:00        Debrah        Mattemand         Jobone BBX                                  Amtterst            NY     134
4       0:00:00        Shelley       Isaacs            job one enterprise managed care network/bbc Buffalo             NY     131
5       0:01:51        Leah          Valvo             Full Moon Vista                             Pittsford           NY     128
6       0:01:51        Marianne      Fleckenstein      Mac5Bike/GVCC                               Rochester           NY     125
7       0:01:51        Lucinda       Coriswold         Ibone Enterprize                            Hamburg             NY     122
8       0:03:09        Heather       Mclendon          GVCC                                        Rochester           NY     120
9       0:03:09        Tamara        Lewis             Mission in Motion/ TVC                      Oxford              NY     118
10      0:03:09        Abigail       Newell            Terry Precision                             Cortland            NY     116
11      0:02:31        Jenny         Ives              CBRC                                        Gloversville        NY     115
12      0:02:55        Shana         Lydon             Full Moon Vista                             Rochester           NY     114
13      0:05:00        Nancy         Heller            tri state velo                              Phila               PA     113
14      0:05:00        Lilynn        Graves            Velo Bella-Kona                             Ithaca              NY     112
15      0:05:07        Celeste       Merey             Team R.A.C.E.                               Toronto             ON     111
16      0:05:07        Susan         Atwood            Velo Bella-Kona                             Cazenovia           NY     110
17      0:06:23        Carol         Peeling           Mission In Motion Cycling Team/Tioga Velo ClOwego               NY     109
18      0:06:23        Janie         Cregan                                                        Erdicott            NY     108
19      0:07:02        Barbara       Kuczala           Mohawk Valley Bike Club                     Clinton             NY     107
20      0:07:14        Karla         Eisch             Tioga Velo Club                             Vestal              NY     106
21      0:11:03        Elizabeth     Schultz                                                       Watertown           NY     105
22      0:13:10        Jennifer      Barber            Velo Bella                                  Munnsville          NY     104
23      0:24:02        Phoebe        Reynolds                                                      Rochester           NY     103

Stage 2 - One Mile Time Trial - Inner Harbor, Syracuse, NY

Pro/1/2 Men                          13                starters

Place   Time           First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Points
1       2:06.24        Buck          Miller            Team                               Deux Rivires        ON     140
2       2:09.66        Mark          Pozniak                                 Notl                ON     137
3       2:09.79        Mark          Batty             Team                               Brooklin            ON     134
4       2:11.03        Jonathan      Prosser           Aquila Racing                               Hamilton            ON     131
5       2:11.10        Adam          Thuss             Team                               Deux Rivieres       ON     128
6       2:11.85        Sebastian     Porten            Aquila Racing / Racer Sportif               Brampton            ON     125
7       2:12.06        Don           Sproull  Cycles/FLCC           Auburn              NY     122
8       2:12.25        Andrew        Huntinelli        Team                               Deux Rivieres       ON     120
9       2:12.92        Vince         De Jong  Velikonja                 Brantford           ON     118
10      2:14.38        Matthias      Brendan           Mazurcoaching                               Newmarket           ON     116
11      2:14.60        Thomas        Foster            Racer-Sportif                               Baden               UNK    115
12      2:16.34        Eric          Robertson         Team                               Deux Rivires        ON     114
13      2:20.92        Marc          Bertucco          ABD Cycling Team                            New York            NY     113

Men 3                                39                starters

Place   Time           First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Points
1       2:08.13        Greg          Cavanagh          Cycledath Oakville                          Oakville            ON     140
2       2:09.06        Peter         Bradshaw          MIMA / Marathon Courier                     Arlington           MA     137
3       2:09.67        Brad          Crosby            VeloSportivo/Syracuse Bicycle               Syracuse            NY     134
4       2:09.82        John-paul     Kaminski          Connecticut Coast Cycling                   New Rochelle        NY     131
5       2:10.70        Rufus         Pichler           Kissena Cycling Club                        Brooklyn            NY     128
6       2:11.14        Erik          Markewich         Windham Mountain Outfitters                 Stephentown         NY     125
7       2:11.79        Corey         Masson            VeloEuropa-Cyfac                            Concord             NH     122
8       2:11.87        Adam          Farabaugh         Ruud Racing Team                            Owego               NY     120
9       2:12.34        Cheyne        Hoag              JW Dundees-Home Performance                 Dansville           NY     118
10      2:12.38        Brian         Hahn     Bicycle           Manlius             NY     116
11      2:12.38        Christopher   Chaput            CRCA/Affinity Cycles                        Brooklyn            NY     115
12      2:12.81        David         Gazsi             EMD Serono Cycle Logik                      Masham              PQ     114
13      2:13.53        Matt          Howey             Velosportivo/Syracuse Bicycle               Camillus            NY     113
14      2:14.12        Stephen       Koelbl            Haymarket Bicycles                          Fairfax Station     VA     112
15      2:14.25        Matthew       Plumb             Paceline Sports                             Haverhill           MA     111
16      2:14.97        Jon           Orcutt            CRCA/Merrill Lynch-Hincapie Sports          Brooklyn            NY     110
17      2:15.13        Justin        Koelbl            Haymarket Bicycles                          Fairfax Station     VA     109
18      2:15.28        Brendan       Gallivan          Gallivan Corporation/westwoodvelo trade manaTroy                NY     108
19      2:15.50        Michael       Burrows           World Cup Ski & Cycle                       Newark              DE     107
20      2:16.71        Geoffrey      Bergmark / Syracuse Bicycle         Carthage            NY     106
21      2:17.00        Samuel        Kirk              TechnoCycle BRC                             Paradise            PA     105
22      2:17.13        Aaron         Wolfe             CRCA/                        Beacon              NY     104
23      2:17.18        Jesse         Dekrey            Team Spin 12                                Rhinebeck           NY     103
24      2:17.28        Wayne         Bray     / Syracuse Bicycle         Clinton             NY     102
25      2:17.94        Coldrey       Daniel            EMD Serono Cycle Logik Racing               Ottawa              ON     101
26      2:18.04        Andrew        Lees              EMD Serono Cyclelogik                       Ottawa              ON     100
27      2:19.59        Jeff          Zygo              Preferred Care                              Rochester           NY     100
28      2:20.35        Jan           Zeh               Mazurcoaching                               Onelph              ON     100
29      2:20.48        Will          Cromwell          Team Spin 12                                S.Ezrement          MA     100
30      2:20.93        Seth          Torrice                                                       Oswego              NY     100
31      2:20.94        Joseph        Regan             TARGETRAINING                               Putnam Valley       NY     100
32      2:21.60        Steve         Sloan                            Cortland            NY     100
33      2:22.40        William       Nicholson         Velo-Sportiva/Spokepost                     Fayetteville        NY     100
34      2:22.86        Badih         Schoueri                           Toronto             ON     100
35      2:23.02        Jason         Clark             CBRC                                        Gansevoort          NY     100
36      2:25.28        Max           Hoener            Spin 12                                     Durango             CO     100
37      2:27.33        Mike          Femia             Paceline Sports                             Sherrill            NY     100
38      2:34.03        Jeff          Grover            Max Power                                   E.Syracuse          NY     100
39      2:48.90        Scott         Dolmat-connell    CL Noonan/Coast to Coast/KAM                Princeton           MA     100

Masters 35+                          21                starters

Place   Time           First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Points  Age
1       2:12.54        Andrew        Melnychenko                         Alpine              NY     140     45
2       2:14.31        Dan           Staffo            JW Dundee's/Home Performance                Amherst             NY     137     36
3       2:14.63        Jesse         Gydosh            upstate velo/sicklers                       Forty Fort          PA     134     42
4       2:16.22        Bernard       Gee               University of Rochester                     Rochester           NY     131     37
5       2:16.45        Michael       Moore             Team                            Georgetown          ON     128     39
6       2:16.55        Dan           Kane              Chenango Point Cycles/TVC                   Johnson City        NY     125     43
7       2:17.35        Harold        Peeling           Tioga Velo Club / RUUD Racing               Owego               NY     122     36
8       2:18.86        Joe           Straub            CRCA - DKNY/Signature Cycles                Chester             NY     120     43
9       2:19.07        Michael       Forsdike          London Honda / Westhaven Homes              Aylmer              ON     118     36
10      2:20.02        James         Layfield          Team R.A.C.E.                               Port Credit         ON     116     42
11      2:20.63        Andrew        Van Kuren         MLC Team BiKyle                             Endicott            NY     115     44
12      2:20.89        Titus         Leung             Deno's Wonder Wheel                         New York            NY     114     39
13      2:21.20        Jon           Gee               TI Cycle Racing                             Osgoode             ON     113     45
14      2:23.00        Michael       Tacci             Main Line Cycling - BiKyle                  Downingtown         PA     112     49
15      2:23.30        Ed            Baumgartner       Team Natures Path                           New Hartfort        NY     111     43
16      2:23.73        Robert        Orr               TI Cycle Racing                             Gananoque           ON     110     37
17      2:23.88        David         Faso              MaxPower                        Cazenovia           NY     109     42
18      2:26.99        Gregory       Drumm             Team SCARR - Ommegang                       Chittenango         NY     108     42
19      2:30.73        Stephen       Kocik             CBRC                                        Red Hook            NY     107     44
20      2:31.53        Erik          Wennberg          Onondaga Cycling Club                       Liverpool           NY     106     39
21      2:40.16        Phill         Vermette          Caboto Velo                                 Ottawa              ON     105     44

Masters 45+                          28                starters

Place   Time           First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Points  Age
1       2:15.05        Ernie         Bayles            FLCC/Chris Cookies/Swan Cycles              Ithaca              NY     140     53
2       2:15.07        Charlie       Squires           London Honda Westhaven Homes                London              ON     137     55
3       2:15.54        Glenn         Swan              FLCC Chris's Cookies                        Freeville           NY     134     54
4       2:16.69        Bryan         Barrett           BikeLine/LWA                                Easton              PA     131     49
5       2:17.35        Dale          Perzanowski       GMBC/Catamount                              Hartford            VT     128     49
6       2:17.72        Doug          O'neill           Deno's Wonder Wheel                         West New York       NJ     125     50
7       2:17.88        Kevin         Mahoney           JW Dundee's - Home Performance Cycling Team Amherst             NY     122     46
8       2:19.71        Robert        Shultz            SBRT/Dutch Wheelman                         Geneva              NY     120     46
9       2:20.30        Thomas        Luzio             Denos Wonder Wheel                          Mamaroneck          NY     118     46
10      2:20.46        Brian         Rafferty          Deno's Wonder Wheel                         Mamaroneck          NY     116     50
11      2:21.23        Richard       Karaz             CNYC                                        Cassville           NY     115     46
12      2:21.48        Tom           Swensen           finger lakes cycling club                   Ithaca              NY     114     46
13      2:21.95        Bruce         Bell              GMBC/Catamount                              Stowe               VT     113     51
14      2:22.00        Kevin         Saint Clair       Main Line Cycling - Bikyle                  Philadelphia        PA     112     49
15      2:22.06        Doug          Chiasson          NCC /                           Athol               MA     111     52
16      2:23.36        Stephen       Hudyncia          Mohawk Valley Bicycling Club                Fort Plain          NY     110     46
17      2:24.03        Mike          Renneboog         Silver Spokes                               Brantford           ON     109     51
18      2:24.69        Scott         Klion             Northampton Cycle Club                      New York            NY     108     50
19      2:24.77        Andrew        Ross                             Mexico              NY     107     49
20      2:24.97        Roman         Paczka            Main Line Cycling Club                      Brooklyn            NY     106     52
21      2:25.32        James H.      Laird             TI Cycle Racing                             Kingston            ON     105     54
22      2:25.48        Bob           Hachadoorian      Main Line Cycling                           Bryn Mawr           PA     104     50
23      2:29.98        Dan           Mccarthy                                                      Fayetteville        NY     103     46
24      2:31.82        Bruce         Armentrout        NCC                                         Williamstown        MA     102     46
25      2:31.86        Ron           Livingston        Main Line Cycling - BiKyle                  Paoli               PA     101     50
26      2:39.99        Thomas        Coleman           Cafeteros                                   Greenwich           CT     100     52
27      2:42.70        Michael       Geraghty          independent                                 Hamilton            ON     100     52
28      2:48.50        Chuck         Canfield          Bike Line/LWA                               Allentown           PA     100     51

Men 4                                41                starters

Place   Time           First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Points
1       2:13.03        Michael       Savona            MIMA/Marathon                               Somerville          MA     140
2       2:14.13        Jonathon      Warchol           Connecticut Coast Cycling                   Bronx               NY     137
3       2:15.85        Robert        Dadekian          CBRC                                        Niskayuna           NY     134
4       2:16.48        Eric          Schillinger       CBRC/Federal Stafford Loans                 Albany              NY     131
5       2:16.85        Brian         Lawney            Cornell Nordic                              Ithaca              NY     128
6       2:17.33        Justin        Jones             Shickluna                                   East Aurora         NY     125
7       2:17.47        James         Morrison          River City Bicycles                         Schuylerville       NY     122
8       2:18.66        James         Dutko             CBRC (Capital Bicycle Racing Club)          Albany              NY     120
9       2:18.78        Jake          Castor            Towners (ROG)                               Dansville           NY     118
10      2:19.05        Edward        Klock-mccook      Human Zoom/Pabst Blue Ribbon                King Of Prussia     PA     116
11      2:19.09        Keith         Wong              Cornell Cycling                             Vancouver           WA     115
12      2:19.37        Jason         Dellilo           MAX POWER CYCLING.COM                       Baldwinsville       NY     114
13      2:20.47        Steven        Smith             Paceline Sports                             Cooperstown         NY     113
14      2:21.28        James         Randall           team Scarr-ommegang                         Chittenango         NY     112
15      2:21.44        Jeremy        Gardner           VeloSportivo / Syracuse Bicycle             Brooktondale        NY     111
16      2:21.79        Nathan        Sentz             Paceline Sports                             Cooperstown         NY     110
17      2:21.82        Barry         Koblenz           CBRC - Capital Bicycle Racing Club          Albany              NY     109
18      2:22.27        Reed          Albergotti        CRCA/Setanta                                New York            NY     108
19      2:22.74        William       Fissel            University of Delaware Cycling              Newark              DE     107
20      2:22.92        Aaron         Dinoto            ROG Presented by Towners                    Rochester           NY     106
21      2:23.00        Ben           Hughes            CRCA/Merrill Lynch-Hincapie Sports          New York            NY     105
22      2:23.28        David         Lee                                                           Gastonia            NC     104
23      2:23.50        Gregory       Gray              GVCC                                        Rochester           NY     103
24      2:24.00        Danny         Zotter            ROG presented by Towners                    Mendon              NY     102
25      2:24.08        Phil          Penman            CRCA / Sids - Cannondale                    New York            NY     101
26      2:24.75        Mackenzie     Wilsey            CBRC                                        Schoharie           NY     100
27      2:25.57        Dan           Oates             CRCA/Setanta                                Port Washington     NY     100
28      2:26.01        James         Leone             CBRC                                        Albany              NY     100
29      2:26.33        Steven        Gates             Paceline Sports                             West Winfield       NY     100
30      2:26.92        Rick          Hall              CRCA/Avenue A Razorfish Cycling Team        Ny                  NY     100
31      2:27.47        Randy         Langworthy        Hollyloft Kwikfill                          Russell             PA     100
32      2:28.50        Steven        Whitehead         odwalla                                     San Antonio         TX     100
33      2:28.64        Steven        Hanes             CBRC                                        Albany              NY     100
34      2:29.44        Jason         Haight            Velosportivo/Syracuse Bicycle               Syracuse            NY     100
35      2:30.14        Wayne         Miner                            Syracuse            NY     100
36      2:30.80        Thomas        Evers             NEBC/Cycle LoftNEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire DeMelrose             MA     100
37      2:31.70        Bill          Mcgreevy          Team Placid Planet                          Wilmington          NY     100
38      2:32.35        William       Stiteler          Onondaga Cycling Club                       Munnsville          NY     100
39      2:32.68        Robert        Swizdor           Onondaga Cycling Club                       Jamesville          NY     100
40      2:35.72        Kevin         Maclachlan        SCARR-Ommegang                              Fayetteville        NY     100
41      3:09.52        John          Compton           VeloSportivo/Syracuse Bicycle               Burdett             NY     100

Men 5                                36                starters

Place   Time           First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Points
1       2:18.50        Matthew       Balch             N/A                                         Rochester           NY     140
2       2:19.04        Jacob         Bolewski / Syracuse Bicycle         Skaneateles         NY     137
3       2:19.12        Matthew       Panzarella                         Syracuse            NY     134
4       2:20.30        Eric          Krivitzky                                                     Brownsville         VT     131
5       2:20.83        Jonathan      Muhlbaier         UNATTACHED                                  Redwood             NY     128
6       2:21.32        Sam           Sampere                          Cicero              NY     125
7       2:22.12        Jeff          Hoover                           Syracuse            NY     122
8       2:22.58        Joseph        Holler            Hollyloft / Kwik Fill                       Jamestown           NY     120
9       2:23.82        David         Burns             unattached                                  Watertown           NY     118
10      2:24.13        Craig         Polston           The Bike Shop (East Aurora)                 Orchard Park        NY     116
11      2:24.69        Tim           Howland           Fleet Feet/GVCC                             Rochester           NY     115
12      2:24.91        David         Prugh             Big Horn Velo                               Sayre               PA     114
13      2:24.97        Michael       Grygus            YVC                                         Endwell             NY     113
14      2:26.37        Paul          Heffler           independent                                 Ottawa              ON     112
15      2:26.89        Jeff          Frutchey          Big Horn Velo                               Waverly             NY     111
16      2:27.36        John          Onderdonk         CBRC                                        Saratoga Springs    NY     110
17      2:27.38        Eric          Jarvi             NEBC/Cycle Loft                             Littleton           MA     109
18      2:27.44        Rich          Jarvi             Onondaga Cycling Club                       Manlius             NY     108
19      2:28.49        Danny         Goodwin           CBRC (Capital Bicycle Racing Club)          Delmar              NY     107
20      2:28.52        Phillip       Mccarthy          SCARR/Ommegang                              Mnlius              NY     106
21      2:29.25        Bryan         Blake                            Fulton              NY     105
22      2:30.45        Steven        Zotter            ROG presented by Towners                    Mendon              NY     104
23      2:30.53        George        Elmy              RUUD/TVC                                    Endicott            NY     103
24      2:31.22        Charles       Braman            tioga velo                                  Greene              NY     102
25      2:31.30        Aaron         Johnson                                                       Oswego              NY     101
26      2:31.60        Scott         Ouderkirk         Amish Pursuit Team                          Addison             NY     100
27      2:32.42        Doake         Brown             unattached                                  Cortland            NY     100
28      2:32.57        Jerome        Westfried         Boston Road Club                            Belmont             MA     100
29      2:32.58        David         Martin                                                        Oswego              NY     100
30      2:35.16        David         Hoag              GVCC                                        Dansville           NY     100
31      2:37.26        Charles       Gardiner          Human Zoom/Pabst Blue Ribbon                Devon               PA     100
32      2:38.89        Clifford      Six                                                           Syracuse            NY     100
33      2:39.00        Mark          Renzi             NYPS/Lightspec                              Pittsford           NY     100
34      2:51.26        Rich          Burnley           So Adirondack Spokes                        Gansevoort          NY     100
35      3:33.01        Bruce         Beauharnois       Team ROAR                                   Plattsburgh         NY     100
36      rel            Tom           Forte             VeloSportivo/Syracuse Bicycle               Marietta            NY     100

Pro/1/2/3 Women                      16                starters

Place   Time           First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Points
1       2:23.19        Candice       Sullivan          CATS                                        Mermaid Waters      UNK    140
2       2:24.47        Julia         Bradley           Team R.A.C.E.                               Toronto             ON     137
3       2:26.16        Jocelyn       Loane             Australian National Team                    Ashgrove Qld        UNK    134
4       2:27.89        Caryl         Gale              CRCA-Comedy Central-Sids                    Hoboken             NJ     131
5       2:33.22        Diana         Joness            Team R.A.C.E.                               Pickering           ON     128
6       2:34.03        Sarah         Krzysiak          Mission in Motion / TVC                     Utica               NY     125
7       2:34.81        Yvette        Labombard         JW DUNDEE'S - HOME PERFORMANCE CYCLING TEAM Rochester           NY     122
8       2:36.03        Shelley       Reynolds          Mission In Motion/TVC                       Endicott            NY     120
9       2:40.12        Sue           Kuenstner         Cafeteros                                   Greenwich           CT     118
10      2:40.65        Margaret      Thompson          Mission in Motion/TVC                       Clinton             NY     116
11      2:42.38        Kate          Stewart           Velo Bella Kona/OCC                         Cazenovia           NY     115
12      2:44.46        Marsha        Kapinus           Mission in Motion Cycling / TVC             Chenango Forks      NY     114
13      2:44.80        Mary          Dangelo           QCC/Handlebars                              Honeoye Falls       NY     113
14      2:47.21        Jenny         Simpson           EMD Serono Cycle Logik Racing               Ottawa              ON     112
15      2:50.76        Chelsea       Reynolds          Mission In Motion/TVC                       Endicott            NY     111
16      2:51.69        Rebecca       Bader             Endeavour Cycling                           Madison             WI     110

Juniors 15-18                        6                 starters

Place   Time           First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Points  Age
1       2:22.19        Benjamin      Salibra           Fuji Bikes/Dick Sonne's Racing              Faytteville         NY     140     15
2       2:26.53        Curtis        White             CBRC/Capital Bicycle Racing Club            Delanson            NY     137     12
3       2:50.58        Eli           Robinson          Finger Lakes                                Ithaca              NY     134     15
4       rel            Lukas         Curley                                                        Churchville         NY     125     17
5       rel            Joe           Beyler                                                        Hamlin              NY     125     18
6       rel            Ryan          Karr              onondaga cycling club                       North Syracuse      NY     125     16

Masters 55+                          11                starters

Place   Time           First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Points  Age
1       2:12.78        Andrew        Buck              Bike Line / LWA                             Dresher             PA     140     57
2       2:17.33        Chip          Berezny           Bike Line / LWA                             Easton              PA     137     56
3       2:29.33        Phillip       Hershberger       CBRC                                        Climax              NY     134     57
4       2:30.53        Tim           Leonard           Schuss/MVBC                                 New Hartford        NY     131     55
5       2:30.91        Chuck         Dominick          OCC                                         Syracuse            NY     128     63
6       2:31.18        Guy           Damiano           Mohawk Valley Bicycling Club/Schuss Cycling New Hartford        NY     125     55
7       2:31.39        James         Andrews           Mohawk Valley Bicycling Club                Hamilton            NY     122     60
8       2:32.93        Ken           Goebel            Mystic Velo Club                            Tolland             CT     120     56
9       2:39.94        Ed            Burns             tioga velo                                  Vestal              NY     118     64
10      2:40.10        Paul          Swinburne         Onondaga Cycling Club                       Oswego              NY     116     57
11      2:58.80        Philip        Thompson          Sonne's/MVBC                                Clinton             NY     115     63

Women 4                              16                starters

Place   Time           First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Points
1       2:32.28        Jenny         Ives              CBRC                                        Gloversville        NY     140
2       2:33.31        Martha        Bush              CRCA/Sanchez-Metro                          Brooklyn            NY     137
3       2:36.95        Heather       Mclendon          GVCC                                        Rochester           NY     134
4       2:38.38        Abigail       Newell            Terry Precision                             Cortland            NY     131
5       2:40.08        Jennifer      Barber            Velo Bella                                  Munnsville          NY     128
6       2:40.18        Tamara        Lewis             Mission in Motion/ TVC                      Oxford              NY     125
7       2:40.96        Lilynn        Graves            Velo Bella-Kona                             Ithaca              NY     122
8       2:41.65        Susan         Atwood            Velo Bella-Kona                             Cazenovia           NY     120
9       2:42.87        Carol         Peeling           Mission In Motion Cycling Team/Tioga Velo ClOwego               NY     118
10      2:44.33        Janie         Cregan                                                        Erdicott            NY     116
11      2:46.37        Amy           Kneale   Bicycles          Dewitt              NY     115
12      2:47.00        Shana         Lydon             Full Moon Vista                             Rochester           NY     114
13      2:47.47        Marianne      Fleckenstein      Mac5Bike/GVCC                               Rochester           NY     113
14      2:48.44        Celeste       Merey             Team R.A.C.E.                               Toronto             ON     112
15      2:50.08        Nancy         Heller            tri state velo                              Phila               PA     111
16      2:59.01        Phoebe        Reynolds                                                      Rochester           NY     110

Stage 3 - Syracuse Criterium - Upper Onondaga Park, Syracuse, NY

Pro/1/2 Men            24 miles      11                starters

Place   Time           First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Points
1       1:02:09        Adam          Thuss             Team                               Deux Rivieres       ON     140
2       0:00:00        Thomas        Foster            Racer-Sportif                               Baden               UNK    137
3       0:01:35        Mark          Pozniak                                 Notl                ON     134
4       0:01:35        Mark          Batty             Team                               Brooklin            ON     131
5       0:01:35        Buck          Miller            Team                               Deux Rivires        ON     128
6       0:01:35        Vince         De Jong  Velikonja                 Brantford           ON     125
7       0:01:35        Sebastian     Porten            Aquila Racing / Racer Sportif               Brampton            ON     122
8       0:01:35        Andrew        Huntinelli        Team                               Deux Rivieres       ON     120
9       0:01:35        Eric          Robertson         Team                               Deux Rivires        ON     118
10      0:01:35        Marc          Bertucco          ABD Cycling Team                            New York            NY     116
11      0:01:44        Jonathan      Prosser           Aquila Racing                               Hamilton            ON     115

Men 3                  21 miles      42                starters

Place   Time           First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Points
1       0:49:10        John-paul     Kaminski          Connecticut Coast Cycling                   New Rochelle        NY     140
2       0:00:00        Greg          Cavanagh          Cycledath Oakville                          Oakville            ON     137
3       0:00:00        Justin        Koelbl            Haymarket Bicycles                          Fairfax Station     VA     134
4       0:00:00        Rufus         Pichler           Kissena Cycling Club                        Brooklyn            NY     131
5       0:00:00        Adam          Farabaugh         Ruud Racing Team                            Owego               NY     128
6       0:00:00        Michael       Burrows           World Cup Ski & Cycle                       Newark              DE     125
7       0:00:00        Brad          Crosby            VeloSportivo/Syracuse Bicycle               Syracuse            NY     122
8       0:00:00        Jesse         Dekrey            Team Spin 12                                Rhinebeck           NY     120
9       0:00:00        Matthew       Plumb             Paceline Sports                             Haverhill           MA     118
10      0:00:00        Peter         Bradshaw          MIMA / Marathon Courier                     Arlington           MA     116
11      0:00:00        Cheyne        Hoag              JW Dundees-Home Performance                 Dansville           NY     115
12      0:00:00        Coldrey       Daniel            EMD Serono Cycle Logik Racing               Ottawa              ON     114
13      0:00:00        Corey         Masson            VeloEuropa-Cyfac                            Concord             NH     113
14      0:00:00        Christopher   Chaput            CRCA/Affinity Cycles                        Brooklyn            NY     112
15      0:00:00        Erik          Markewich         Windham Mountain Outfitters                 Stephentown         NY     111
16      0:00:07        Samuel        Kirk              TechnoCycle BRC                             Paradise            PA     110
17      0:00:07        Paul          Dolan             Velo Europa Cycle Sport                     Boston              MA     109
18      0:00:07        Matt          Howey             Velosportivo/Syracuse Bicycle               Camillus            NY     108
19      0:00:07        Badih         Schoueri                           Toronto             ON     107
20      0:00:15        Andrew        Stewart           Project Freeride                            Toronto             ON     106
21      0:00:19        Scott         Dolmat-connell    CL Noonan/Coast to Coast/KAM                Princeton           MA     105
22      0:00:19        David         Gazsi             EMD Serono Cycle Logik                      Masham              PQ     104
23      0:00:19        Stephen       Koelbl            Haymarket Bicycles                          Fairfax Station     VA     103
24      0:00:19        Wayne         Bray     / Syracuse Bicycle         Clinton             NY     102
25      0:00:19        Jon           Orcutt            CRCA/Merrill Lynch-Hincapie Sports          Brooklyn            NY     101
26      0:00:19        Will          Cromwell          Team Spin 12                                S.Ezrement          MA     100
27      0:00:19        Andrew        Lees              EMD Serono Cyclelogik                       Ottawa              ON     100
28      0:00:19        Brian         Hahn     Bicycle           Manlius             NY     100
29      0:00:29        William       Nicholson         Velo-Sportiva/Spokepost                     Fayetteville        NY     100
30      0:00:40        Aaron         Wolfe             CRCA/                        Beacon              NY     100
31      0:00:40        Mike          Femia             Paceline Sports                             Sherrill            NY     100
32      0:00:57        Jeff          Zygo              Preferred Care                              Rochester           NY     100
33      0:00:57        Eric          Larsson           GVCC                                        Rochester           NY     100
34      0:01:12        Geoffrey      Bergmark / Syracuse Bicycle         Carthage            NY     100
35      0:01:21        Max           Hoener            Spin 12                                     Durango             CO     100
36      0:01:54        Seth          Torrice                                                       Oswego              NY     100
37      0:02:04        Jeff          Grover            Max Power                                   E.Syracuse          NY     100
38      0:02:07        Joseph        Regan             TARGETRAINING                               Putnam Valley       NY     100
39      0:02:43        Brendan       Gallivan          Gallivan Corporation/westwoodvelo trade manaTroy                NY     100
40      0:02:43        Steve         Sloan                            Cortland            NY     100
41      rel            Jan           Zeh               Mazurcoaching                               Onelph              ON     100

Masters 35+            21 miles      18                starters

Place   Time           First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Points  Age
1       0:50:33        Jesse         Gydosh            upstate velo/sicklers                       Forty Fort          PA     140     42
2       0:01:00        Andrew        Van Kuren         MLC Team BiKyle                             Endicott            NY     137     44
3       0:01:00        Steve         Krisko            TVC                                         Binghamton          NY     134     41
4       0:01:00        Dan           Kane              Chenango Point Cycles/TVC                   Johnson City        NY     131     43
5       0:01:00        Michael       Forsdike          London Honda / Westhaven Homes              Aylmer              ON     128     36
6       0:01:00        Dan           Staffo            JW Dundee's/Home Performance                Amherst             NY     125     36
7       0:01:00        Andrew        Melnychenko                         Alpine              NY     122     45
8       0:01:00        Michael       Moore             Team                            Georgetown          ON     120     39
9       0:01:00        Bernard       Gee               University of Rochester                     Rochester           NY     118     37
10      0:01:00        James         Layfield          Team R.A.C.E.                               Port Credit         ON     116     42
11      0:01:00        Phill         Vermette          Caboto Velo                                 Ottawa              ON     115     44
12      0:01:00        Michael       Tacci             Main Line Cycling - BiKyle                  Downingtown         PA     114     49
13      0:01:00        Harold        Peeling           Tioga Velo Club / RUUD Racing               Owego               NY     113     36
14      0:01:00        Gregory       Drumm             Team SCARR - Ommegang                       Chittenango         NY     112     42
15      0:01:00        David         Faso              MaxPower                        Cazenovia           NY     111     42
16      0:01:08        Titus         Leung             Deno's Wonder Wheel                         New York            NY     110     39
17      0:01:36        Stephen       Basiren           TI Cycle Racing                             Brockville          ON     109     42
18      0:01:40        Erik          Wennberg          Onondaga Cycling Club                       Liverpool           NY     108     39

Masters 45+            18 miles      30                starters

Place   Time           First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Points  Age
1       0:44:14        Charlie       Squires           London Honda Westhaven Homes                London              ON     140     55
2       0:00:00        Ernie         Bayles            FLCC/Chris Cookies/Swan Cycles              Ithaca              NY     137     53
3       0:00:00        Glenn         Swan              FLCC Chris's Cookies                        Freeville           NY     134     54
4       0:00:00        Doug          O'neill           Deno's Wonder Wheel                         West New York       NJ     131     50
5       0:00:00        Tom           Swensen           finger lakes cycling club                   Ithaca              NY     128     46
6       0:00:00        Bryan         Barrett           BikeLine/LWA                                Easton              PA     125     49
7       0:00:00        Robert        Shultz            SBRT/Dutch Wheelman                         Geneva              NY     122     46
8       0:00:00        Thomas        Luzio             Denos Wonder Wheel                          Mamaroneck          NY     120     46
9       0:00:32        Brian         Rafferty          Deno's Wonder Wheel                         Mamaroneck          NY     118     50
10      0:00:46        Roman         Paczka            Main Line Cycling Club                      Brooklyn            NY     116     52
11      0:00:46        Dale          Perzanowski       GMBC/Catamount                              Hartford            VT     115     49
12      0:00:46        Richard       Karaz             CNYC                                        Cassville           NY     114     46
13      0:00:46        Stephen       Hudyncia          Mohawk Valley Bicycling Club                Fort Plain          NY     113     46
14      0:00:46        Mike          Renneboog         Silver Spokes                               Brantford           ON     112     51
15      0:00:46        Stephen       Edgar             Finger Lakes Cycling Club                   Ithaca              NY     111     48
16      0:00:46        Kevin         Saint Clair       Main Line Cycling - Bikyle                  Philadelphia        PA     110     49
17      0:00:46        Kevin         Mahoney           JW Dundee's - Home Performance Cycling Team Amherst             NY     109     46
18      0:00:46        Doug          Chiasson          NCC /                           Athol               MA     108     52
19      0:00:46        Bruce         Armentrout        NCC                                         Williamstown        MA     107     46
20      0:00:46        Thomas        Coleman           Cafeteros                                   Greenwich           CT     106     52
21      0:00:46        Bruce         Bell              GMBC/Catamount                              Stowe               VT     105     51
22      0:00:46        Bob           Hachadoorian      Main Line Cycling                           Bryn Mawr           PA     104     50
23      0:00:46        Scott         Klion             Northampton Cycle Club                      New York            NY     103     50
24      0:00:46        James H.      Laird             TI Cycle Racing                             Kingston            ON     102     54
25      0:00:46        Dan           Mccarthy                                                      Fayetteville        NY     101     46
26      0:00:56        Ron           Livingston        Main Line Cycling - BiKyle                  Paoli               PA     100     50

Men 4                  18 miles      42                starters

Place   Time           First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Points
1       0:44:36        Damien        Callahan          U Mass Amhurst                              Amhurst             MA     140
2       0:00:03        Justin        Jones             Shickluna                                   East Aurora         NY     137
3       0:00:03        Reed          Albergotti        CRCA/Setanta                                New York            NY     134
4       0:00:03        Jonathon      Warchol           Connecticut Coast Cycling                   Bronx               NY     131
5       0:00:03        James         Morrison          River City Bicycles                         Schuylerville       NY     128
6       0:00:03        John          Compton           VeloSportivo/Syracuse Bicycle               Burdett             NY     125
7       0:00:03        William       Fissel            University of Delaware Cycling              Newark              DE     122
8       0:00:03        Edward        Klock-mccook      Human Zoom/Pabst Blue Ribbon                King Of Prussia     PA     120
9       0:00:03        Michael       Savona            MIMA/Marathon                               Somerville          MA     118
10      0:00:03        Nathan        Sentz             Paceline Sports                             Cooperstown         NY     116
11      0:00:03        Steven        Smith             Paceline Sports                             Cooperstown         NY     115
12      0:00:03        Aaron         Dinoto            ROG Presented by Towners                    Rochester           NY     114
13      0:00:03        Robert        Dadekian          CBRC                                        Niskayuna           NY     113
14      0:00:03        James         Leone             CBRC                                        Albany              NY     112
15      0:00:11        Bill          Mcgreevy          Team Placid Planet                          Wilmington          NY     111
16      0:00:11        Ben           Hughes            CRCA/Merrill Lynch-Hincapie Sports          New York            NY     110
17      0:00:11        Jason         Haight            Velosportivo/Syracuse Bicycle               Syracuse            NY     109
18      0:00:11        James         Dutko             CBRC (Capital Bicycle Racing Club)          Albany              NY     108
19      0:00:11        James         Randall           team Scarr-ommegang                         Chittenango         NY     107
20      0:00:22        Jason         Dellilo           MAX POWER CYCLING.COM                       Baldwinsville       NY     106
21      0:00:22        Barry         Koblenz           CBRC - Capital Bicycle Racing Club          Albany              NY     105
22      0:00:22        Mackenzie     Wilsey            CBRC                                        Schoharie           NY     104
23      0:00:22        Steven        Gates             Paceline Sports                             West Winfield       NY     103
24      0:00:28        David         Lee                                                           Gastonia            NC     102
25      0:00:28        Rick          Hall              CRCA/Avenue A Razorfish Cycling Team        Ny                  NY     101
26      0:00:28        Jake          Castor            Towners (ROG)                               Dansville           NY     100
27      0:00:39        Jeremy        Gardner           VeloSportivo / Syracuse Bicycle             Brooktondale        NY     100
28      0:00:50        Kevin         Maclachlan        SCARR-Ommegang                              Fayetteville        NY     100
29      0:01:31        Eric          Schillinger       CBRC/Federal Stafford Loans                 Albany              NY     100
30      0:01:53        Gregory       Gray              GVCC                                        Rochester           NY     100
31      0:02:06        Phil          Penman            CRCA / Sids - Cannondale                    New York            NY     100
32      0:02:06        Dan           Oates             CRCA/Setanta                                Port Washington     NY     100
33      0:02:06        Eric          Truelson          CCY Racing/Park Ave Bike/GVCC               Rochester           NY     100
34      0:02:06        Danny         Zotter            ROG presented by Towners                    Mendon              NY     100
35      0:05:34        Keith         Wong              Cornell Cycling                             Vancouver           WA     100
36      0:05:34        Brian         Lawney            Cornell Nordic                              Ithaca              NY     100
37      pulled at 6    Randy         Langworthy        Hollyloft Kwikfill                          Russell             PA     100
38      pulled at 12   Thomas        Evers             NEBC/Cycle LoftNEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire DeMelrose             MA     100

Men 5                  14 miles      37                starters

Place   Time           First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Points
1       0:34:51        Bruce         Beauharnois       Team ROAR                                   Plattsburgh         NY     140
2       0:00:02        Eric          Krivitzky                                                     Brownsville         VT     137
3       0:00:02        Paul          Heffler           independent                                 Ottawa              ON     134
4       0:00:02        David         Hoag              GVCC                                        Dansville           NY     131
5       0:00:02        Eric          Jarvi             NEBC/Cycle Loft                             Littleton           MA     128
6       0:00:02        Tom           Forte             VeloSportivo/Syracuse Bicycle               Marietta            NY     125
7       0:00:02        Rich          Jarvi             Onondaga Cycling Club                       Manlius             NY     122
8       0:00:02        Jonathan      Muhlbaier         UNATTACHED                                  Redwood             NY     120
9       0:00:02        Jeff          Hoover                           Syracuse            NY     118
10      0:00:02        Ron           Herreid           GVCC                                        Rochester           NY     116
11      0:00:02        Sam           Sampere                          Cicero              NY     115
12      0:00:02        Danny         Goodwin           CBRC (Capital Bicycle Racing Club)          Delmar              NY     114
13      0:00:10        David         Burns             unattached                                  Watertown           NY     113
14      0:00:29        Phillip       Mccarthy          SCARR/Ommegang                              Mnlius              NY     112
15      0:00:29        Todd          Heath                                                         Buffalo             NY     111
16      0:00:29        Jeff          Frutchey          Big Horn Velo                               Waverly             NY     110
17      0:00:29        Scott         Ouderkirk         Amish Pursuit Team                          Addison             NY     109
18      0:01:47        Charles       Gardiner          Human Zoom/Pabst Blue Ribbon                Devon               PA     108
19      0:02:12        Michael       Grygus            YVC                                         Endwell             NY     107
20      0:02:24        Steven        Zotter            ROG presented by Towners                    Mendon              NY     106
21      0:02:36        John          Onderdonk         CBRC                                        Saratoga Springs    NY     105
22      0:03:03        Matthew       Balch             N/A                                         Rochester           NY     104
23      0:03:22        David         Prugh             Big Horn Velo                               Sayre               PA     103
24      0:04:52        Joseph        Holler            Hollyloft / Kwik Fill                       Jamestown           NY     102
25      pulled at 2    Tim           Howland           Fleet Feet/GVCC                             Rochester           NY     101
26      pulled at 6    Bryan         Blake                            Fulton              NY     100
27      pulled at 7    Charles       Braman            tioga velo                                  Greene              NY     100
28      pulled at 7    Mark          Renzi             NYPS/Lightspec                              Pittsford           NY     100
29      pulled at 7    Aaron         Johnson                                                       Oswego              NY     100
30      pulled at 7    George        Elmy              RUUD/TVC                                    Endicott            NY     100
31      pulled at 7    David         Martin                                                        Oswego              NY     100
32      pulled at 10   Glenn         Thomas            GMANFITNESS                                 Washington          DC     100
33      pulled at 10   Rich          Burnley           So Adirondack Spokes                        Gansevoort          NY     100

Pro/1/2/3 Women        18 miles      15                starters

Place   Time           First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Points
1       0:52:46        Caryl         Gale              CRCA-Comedy Central-Sids                    Hoboken             NJ     140
2       0:00:00        Julia         Bradley           Team R.A.C.E.                               Toronto             ON     137
3       0:00:00        Gaetane       Perreaut          Velo Bella                                  Baldwinville        NY     134
4       0:00:00        Yvette        Labombard         JW DUNDEE'S - HOME PERFORMANCE CYCLING TEAM Rochester           NY     131
5       0:00:00        Mary          Dangelo           QCC/Handlebars                              Honeoye Falls       NY     128
6       0:00:00        Diana         Joness            Team R.A.C.E.                               Pickering           ON     125
7       0:00:00        Sarah         Krzysiak          Mission in Motion / TVC                     Utica               NY     122
8       0:00:00        Kate          Stewart           Velo Bella Kona/OCC                         Cazenovia           NY     120
9       0:00:00        Marsha        Kapinus           Mission in Motion Cycling / TVC             Chenango Forks      NY     118
10      0:00:00        Rebecca       Bader             Endeavour Cycling                           Madison             WI     116
11      0:00:00        Margaret      Thompson          Mission in Motion/TVC                       Clinton             NY     115
12      0:00:00        Sue           Kuenstner         Cafeteros                                   Greenwich           CT     114
13      0:00:00        Shelley       Reynolds          Mission In Motion/TVC                       Endicott            NY     113
14      0:00:09        Chelsea       Reynolds          Mission In Motion/TVC                       Endicott            NY     112
15      -2 laps        Jenny         Simpson           EMD Serono Cycle Logik Racing               Ottawa              ON     111

Juniors 15-18          14 miles      5                 starters

Place   Time           First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Points  Age
1       0:39:36        Ned           Walsh             Nalgene R3                                  Pittsford           NY     140     18
2       0:01:51        Benjamin      Salibra           Fuji Bikes/Dick Sonne's Racing              Faytteville         NY     137     15
3       0:01:51        Curtis        White             CBRC/Capital Bicycle Racing Club            Delanson            NY     134     12
4       0:01:51        Lukas         Curley                                                        Churchville         NY     131     17

Masters 55+            15 miles      10                starters

Place   Time           First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Points  Age
1       0:39:59        Chip          Berezny           Bike Line / LWA                             Easton              PA     140     56
2       0:00:00        Andrew        Buck              Bike Line / LWA                             Dresher             PA     137     57
3       0:02:08        Phillip       Hershberger       CBRC                                        Climax              NY     134     57
4       0:02:08        Ken           Goebel            Mystic Velo Club                            Tolland             CT     131     56
5       0:02:08        Ed            Burns             tioga velo                                  Vestal              NY     128     64
6       0:02:08        Eddie         Luban             Occ                                         Syracuse            NY     125     55
7       0:02:08        James         Andrews           Mohawk Valley Bicycling Club                Hamilton            NY     122     60
8       0:02:08        Tim           Leonard           Schuss/MVBC                                 New Hartford        NY     120     55
9       -2 laps        Paul          Swinburne         Onondaga Cycling Club                       Oswego              NY     118     57
10      -2 laps        Philip        Thompson          Sonne's/MVBC                                Clinton             NY     116     63

Women 4                14 miles      16                starters

Place   Time           First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Points
1       0:40:07        Martha        Bush              CRCA/Sanchez-Metro                          Brooklyn            NY     140
2       0:00:00        Jenny         Ives              CBRC                                        Gloversville        NY     137
3       0:00:00        Nancy         Heller            tri state velo                              Phila               PA     134
4       0:00:00        Heather       Mclendon          GVCC                                        Rochester           NY     131
5       0:00:00        Lilynn        Graves            Velo Bella-Kona                             Ithaca              NY     128
6       0:00:00        Abigail       Newell            Terry Precision                             Cortland            NY     125
7       0:00:00        Amy           Kneale   Bicycles          Dewitt              NY     122
8       0:00:00        Janie         Cregan                                                        Erdicott            NY     120
9       0:00:00        Celeste       Merey             Team R.A.C.E.                               Toronto             ON     118
10      0:00:00        Marianne      Fleckenstein      Mac5Bike/GVCC                               Rochester           NY     116
11      0:00:00        Shana         Lydon             Full Moon Vista                             Rochester           NY     115
12      0:00:00        Tamara        Lewis             Mission in Motion/ TVC                      Oxford              NY     114
13      0:00:35        Carol         Peeling           Mission In Motion Cycling Team/Tioga Velo ClOwego               NY     113
14      0:01:10        Susan         Atwood            Velo Bella-Kona                             Cazenovia           NY     112
15      -1 lap         Jennifer      Barber            Velo Bella                                  Munnsville          NY     111

Final Omnium Classification

Pro/1/2 Men

Place   Points         First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State
1       408            Buck          Miller            Team                               Deux Rivires        ON
2       399            Mark          Batty             Team                               Brooklin            ON
3       384            Mark          Pozniak                                 Notl                ON
4       384            Sebastian     Porten            Aquila Racing / Racer Sportif               Brampton            ON
5       382            Adam          Thuss             Team                               Deux Rivieres       ON
6       368            Andrew        Huntinelli        Team                               Deux Rivieres       ON
7       363            Eric          Robertson         Team                               Deux Rivires        ON
8       361            Vince         De Jong  Velikonja                 Brantford           ON
9       341            Marc          Bertucco          ABD Cycling Team                            New York            NY
10      252            Thomas        Foster            Racer-Sportif                               Baden               UNK
11      246            Jonathan      Prosser           Aquila Racing                               Hamilton            ON
12      242            Don           Sproull  Cycles/FLCC           Auburn              NY
13      238            Matthias      Brendan           Mazurcoaching                               Newmarket           ON
14      125            Nathan        Chown             Cyclissic
15      116            Matthew       Dickinson / Syracuse Bicycle         Watertown           NY
16      115            Jason         Skelsk            Prefered Care                               East Aurora         NY

Men 3

Place   Points         First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State
1       414            Greg          Cavanagh          Cycledath Oakville                          Oakville            ON
2       393            Rufus         Pichler           Kissena Cycling Club                        Brooklyn            NY
3       378            Peter         Bradshaw          MIMA / Marathon Courier                     Arlington           MA
4       373            Cheyne        Hoag              JW Dundees-Home Performance                 Dansville           NY
5       371            John-paul     Kaminski          Connecticut Coast Cycling                   New Rochelle        NY
6       363            Brad          Crosby            VeloSportivo/Syracuse Bicycle               Syracuse            NY
7       360            Matthew       Plumb             Paceline Sports                             Haverhill           MA
8       353            Justin        Koelbl            Haymarket Bicycles                          Fairfax Station     VA
9       353            Adam          Farabaugh         Ruud Racing Team                            Owego               NY
10      352            Michael       Burrows           World Cup Ski & Cycle                       Newark              DE
11      350            Erik          Markewich         Windham Mountain Outfitters                 Stephentown         NY
12      346            Corey         Masson            VeloEuropa-Cyfac                            Concord             NH
13      340            Christopher   Chaput            CRCA/Affinity Cycles                        Brooklyn            NY
14      340            David         Gazsi             EMD Serono Cycle Logik                      Masham              PQ
15      338            Jesse         Dekrey            Team Spin 12                                Rhinebeck           NY
16      333            Stephen       Koelbl            Haymarket Bicycles                          Fairfax Station     VA
17      328            Jeff          Zygo              Preferred Care                              Rochester           NY
18      320            Wayne         Bray     / Syracuse Bicycle         Clinton             NY
19      319            Samuel        Kirk              TechnoCycle BRC                             Paradise            PA
20      317            Scott         Dolmat-connell    CL Noonan/Coast to Coast/KAM                Princeton           MA
21      316            Brian         Hahn     Bicycle           Manlius             NY
22      315            Coldrey       Daniel            EMD Serono Cycle Logik Racing               Ottawa              ON
23      312            Aaron         Wolfe             CRCA/                        Beacon              NY
24      311            Jon           Orcutt            CRCA/Merrill Lynch-Hincapie Sports          Brooklyn            NY
25      308            Brendan       Gallivan          Gallivan Corporation/westwoodvelo trade manaTroy                NY
26      307            Badih         Schoueri                           Toronto             ON
27      307            Geoffrey      Bergmark / Syracuse Bicycle         Carthage            NY
28      303            Andrew        Lees              EMD Serono Cyclelogik                       Ottawa              ON
29      302            Steve         Sloan                            Cortland            NY
30      300            Mike          Femia             Paceline Sports                             Sherrill            NY
31      300            Max           Hoener            Spin 12                                     Durango             CO
32      300            Joseph        Regan             TARGETRAINING                               Putnam Valley       NY
33      300            Jan           Zeh               Mazurcoaching                               Onelph              ON
34      221            Matt          Howey             Velosportivo/Syracuse Bicycle               Camillus            NY
35      209            Paul          Dolan             Velo Europa Cycle Sport                     Boston              MA
36      206            Andrew        Stewart           Project Freeride                            Toronto             ON
37      200            Jason         Clark             CBRC                                        Gansevoort          NY
38      200            Will          Cromwell          Team Spin 12                                S.Ezrement          MA
39      200            William       Nicholson         Velo-Sportiva/Spokepost                     Fayetteville        NY
40      200            Seth          Torrice                                                       Oswego              NY
41      200            Jeff          Grover            Max Power                                   E.Syracuse          NY
42      109            Kurt          Schmid            SALEM CYCLE/FELT/RUDY PROJECT               Marblehead          MA
43      106            Cary          Moretti           Project Freeride                            Thornhill           ON
44      100            Tori          Heilbronn         Midweek C.C.                                Toronto             ON
45      100            Nicholas      Vienncer          TI cycle Racing                             Gunanugua           ON
46      100            Eric          Larsson           GVCC                                        Rochester           NY

Masters 35+

Place   Points         First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Age
1       396            Dan           Staffo            JW Dundee's/Home Performance                Amherst             NY     36
2       390            Jesse         Gydosh            upstate velo/sicklers                       Forty Fort          PA     42
3       387            Andrew        Melnychenko                         Alpine              NY     45
4       376            Michael       Moore             Team                            Georgetown          ON     39
5       374            Dan           Kane              Chenango Point Cycles/TVC                   Johnson City        NY     43
6       358            Andrew        Van Kuren         MLC Team BiKyle                             Endicott            NY     44
7       351            Bernard       Gee               University of Rochester                     Rochester           NY     37
8       347            James         Layfield          Team R.A.C.E.                               Port Credit         ON     42
9       346            Michael       Forsdike          London Honda / Westhaven Homes              Aylmer              ON     36
10      338            Harold        Peeling           Tioga Velo Club / RUUD Racing               Owego               NY     36
11      337            Titus         Leung             Deno's Wonder Wheel                         New York            NY     39
12      329            David         Faso              MaxPower                        Cazenovia           NY     42
13      326            Michael       Tacci             Main Line Cycling - BiKyle                  Downingtown         PA     49
14      324            Gregory       Drumm             Team SCARR - Ommegang                       Chittenango         NY     42
15      320            Phill         Vermette          Caboto Velo                                 Ottawa              ON     44
16      253            Jon           Gee               TI Cycle Racing                             Osgoode             ON     45
17      251            Joe           Straub            CRCA - DKNY/Signature Cycles                Chester             NY     43
18      230            Robert        Orr               TI Cycle Racing                             Gananoque           ON     37
19      214            Stephen       Basiren           TI Cycle Racing                             Brockville          ON     42
20      214            Erik          Wennberg          Onondaga Cycling Club                       Liverpool           NY     39
21      212            Ed            Baumgartner       Team Natures Path                           New Hartfort        NY     43
22      207            Stephen       Kocik             CBRC                                        Red Hook            NY     44
23      137            Erik          Grimm             Full Moon Vista                             Rochester           NY     41
24      134            Steve         Krisko            TVC                                         Binghamton          NY     41
25      122            Paul          McDonnell         CBRC                                        Selkirk             NY     43
26      114            Steve         Burget            JW Dundee                                   Buffalo             NY     36
27      112            Douglas       Hallett           TI Cycle Racing                             Mallorytown         ON     41
28      111            Todd          Sherwood          Rund Racing                                 Chenango F          NY     36
29      110            Tony          Baldo             Upstsate Velo-Sicklers                      Laflin              PA     36
30      108            Dan           Ellis             Sicklers                                    West Pittston       PA     35
31      107            Patrick       Kapinus           RUUD Racing Team / TVC                      Chenango Forks      NY     43
32      100            Lorne         Anderson          La Bicicletta                               Toronto             ON     37
33      100            Terry         Griswold          Jubone Mawale Care                          Hamburg             NY     39
34      100            Richard       Strong            King Street Cycles                          Waterloo            ON     38
35      100            Joe           Mcmaster          Independent                                 Gananoque           ON     39
36      100            David         Valvo             Full Moon Vista                             Rochester           NY     40

Masters 45+

Place   Points         First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Age
1       414            Charlie       Squires           London Honda Westhaven Homes                London              ON     55
2       408            Ernie         Bayles            FLCC/Chris Cookies/Swan Cycles              Ithaca              NY     53
3       396            Doug          O'neill           Deno's Wonder Wheel                         West New York       NJ     50
4       393            Glenn         Swan              FLCC Chris's Cookies                        Freeville           NY     54
5       376            Robert        Shultz            SBRT/Dutch Wheelman                         Geneva              NY     46
6       371            Bryan         Barrett           BikeLine/LWA                                Easton              PA     49
7       364            Tom           Swensen           finger lakes cycling club                   Ithaca              NY     46
8       361            Dale          Perzanowski       GMBC/Catamount                              Hartford            VT     49
9       358            Thomas        Luzio             Denos Wonder Wheel                          Mamaroneck          NY     46
10      340            Kevin         Mahoney           JW Dundee's - Home Performance Cycling Team Amherst             NY     46
11      337            Richard       Karaz             CNYC                                        Cassville           NY     46
12      334            Brian         Rafferty          Deno's Wonder Wheel                         Mamaroneck          NY     50
13      332            Mike          Renneboog         Silver Spokes                               Brantford           ON     51
14      332            Doug          Chiasson          NCC /                           Athol               MA     52
15      328            Stephen       Hudyncia          Mohawk Valley Bicycling Club                Fort Plain          NY     46
16      326            Kevin         Saint Clair       Main Line Cycling - Bikyle                  Philadelphia        PA     49
17      324            Bob           Hachadoorian      Main Line Cycling                           Bryn Mawr           PA     50
18      322            Roman         Paczka            Main Line Cycling Club                      Brooklyn            NY     52
19      321            James H.      Laird             TI Cycle Racing                             Kingston            ON     54
20      319            Bruce         Bell              GMBC/Catamount                              Stowe               VT     51
21      314            Scott         Klion             Northampton Cycle Club                      New York            NY     50
22      314            Dan           Mccarthy                                                      Fayetteville        NY     46
23      309            Bruce         Armentrout        NCC                                         Williamstown        MA     46
24      306            Thomas        Coleman           Cafeteros                                   Greenwich           CT     52
25      301            Ron           Livingston        Main Line Cycling - BiKyle                  Paoli               PA     50
26      219            Andrew        Ross                             Mexico              NY     49
27      211            Stephen       Edgar             Finger Lakes Cycling Club                   Ithaca              NY     48
28      200            Chuck         Canfield          Bike Line/LWA                               Allentown           PA     51
29      128            Wayne         Luther            Prefered Care                               Blastell            NY     50
30      107            Bryan         Stahley           BikeLine/LWA                                Alburtis            PA     49
31      106            Dennis        Humphrey          CBRC                                        Delmar              NY     52
32      102            Casey         Carlstrom                                                     Ithaca              NY     48
33      100            Daniel        Mcneilly          DKNY/Signature Cycles                       Chester             NY     48
34      100            Gregory       Brett             NYS Printing Solutions                      Webster             NY     50
35      100            Michael       Tersegno          Owasco Velo Club                            Auburn              NY     52
36      100            Damian        Dicostanzo        Deno's Wonder Wheel                         Rye                 NY     51
37      100            Mark          Shenstone         chris cookies/swan cycles                   Trumansburg         NY     52
38      100            Mark G.       Mense             Clean Currents p/b Don Beyer Volvo          Manlius             NY     48
39      100            Glenn         Allen             Team Johnstown                              Gloversville        NY     46
40      100            Dwight        Roth              J W Dundees/Home Performance Cycling Team   Rochester           NY     46
41      100            Michael       Geraghty          independent                                 Hamilton            ON     52

Men 4

Place   Points         First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State
1       399            Jonathon      Warchol           Connecticut Coast Cycling                   Bronx               NY
2       396            Justin        Jones             Shickluna                                   East Aurora         NY
3       387            James         Morrison          River City Bicycles                         Schuylerville       NY
4       368            Brian         Lawney            Cornell Nordic                              Ithaca              NY
5       358            Michael       Savona            MIMA/Marathon                               Somerville          MA
6       357            Reed          Albergotti        CRCA/Setanta                                New York            NY
7       347            William       Fissel            University of Delaware Cycling              Newark              DE
8       347            Robert        Dadekian          CBRC                                        Niskayuna           NY
9       346            Jake          Castor            Towners (ROG)                               Dansville           NY
10      341            John          Compton           VeloSportivo/Syracuse Bicycle               Burdett             NY
11      336            Edward        Klock-mccook      Human Zoom/Pabst Blue Ribbon                King Of Prussia     PA
12      336            Jeremy        Gardner           VeloSportivo / Syracuse Bicycle             Brooktondale        NY
13      330            Steven        Smith             Paceline Sports                             Cooperstown         NY
14      328            James         Dutko             CBRC (Capital Bicycle Racing Club)          Albany              NY
15      326            Nathan        Sentz             Paceline Sports                             Cooperstown         NY
16      325            Keith         Wong              Cornell Cycling                             Vancouver           WA
17      324            Jason         Dellilo           MAX POWER CYCLING.COM                       Baldwinsville       NY
18      323            Aaron         Dinoto            ROG Presented by Towners                    Rochester           NY
19      322            Jason         Haight            Velosportivo/Syracuse Bicycle               Syracuse            NY
20      320            Bill          Mcgreevy          Team Placid Planet                          Wilmington          NY
21      319            James         Randall           team Scarr-ommegang                         Chittenango         NY
22      315            Ben           Hughes            CRCA/Merrill Lynch-Hincapie Sports          New York            NY
23      315            Phil          Penman            CRCA / Sids - Cannondale                    New York            NY
24      314            Barry         Koblenz           CBRC - Capital Bicycle Racing Club          Albany              NY
25      314            Gregory       Gray              GVCC                                        Rochester           NY
26      312            James         Leone             CBRC                                        Albany              NY
27      312            Mackenzie     Wilsey            CBRC                                        Schoharie           NY
28      312            Kevin         Maclachlan        SCARR-Ommegang                              Fayetteville        NY
29      307            Rick          Hall              CRCA/Avenue A Razorfish Cycling Team        Ny                  NY
30      305            Dan           Oates             CRCA/Setanta                                Port Washington     NY
31      303            Steven        Gates             Paceline Sports                             West Winfield       NY
32      300            Randy         Langworthy        Hollyloft Kwikfill                          Russell             PA
33      300            Thomas        Evers             NEBC/Cycle LoftNEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire DeMelrose             MA
34      231            Eric          Schillinger       CBRC/Federal Stafford Loans                 Albany              NY
35      206            David         Lee                                                           Gastonia            NC
36      202            Danny         Zotter            ROG presented by Towners                    Mendon              NY
37      200            Steven        Whitehead         odwalla                                     San Antonio         TX
38      200            Steven        Hanes             CBRC                                        Albany              NY
39      200            William       Stiteler          Onondaga Cycling Club                       Munnsville          NY
40      200            Robert        Swizdor           Onondaga Cycling Club                       Jamesville          NY
41      140            Damien        Callahan          U Mass Amhurst                              Amhurst             MA
42      122            Jack          Piller            Team Placid Planet                          Plattsburgh         NY
43      120            Sergey        Shteyn            Ruud Racing Team                            Binghamton          NY
44      107            Glenn         Babikian          DKNY/ signature cycle                       Sugar Loaf          NY
45      101            Colin         Taylor            Kovarus/Squadra Ovest                       San Franciso        CA
46      100            Mike          Burri             JW Cundees-Home Performanc                  Ontario             NY
47      100            John          Ormsby            Dick Sonne's Racing                         Vernon              NY
48      100            Matt          Delisa            Swan Cycles,Chris Cookies                   Ithaca              NY
49      100            Chris         Tweed             Boston Road Club                            Waltham             MA
50      100            Philip        Burnett           CBRC Capital Bicycle Racing Club            Niskayuna           NY
51      100            Wayne         Miner                            Syracuse            NY
52      100            Eric          Truelson          CCY Racing/Park Ave Bike/GVCC               Rochester           NY

Men 5

Place   Points         First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State
1       390            Eric          Krivitzky                                                     Brownsville         VT
2       363            Jonathan      Muhlbaier         UNATTACHED                                  Redwood             NY
3       362            Tom           Forte             VeloSportivo/Syracuse Bicycle               Marietta            NY
4       359            Paul          Heffler           independent                                 Ottawa              ON
5       356            Jeff          Hoover                           Syracuse            NY
6       356            Joseph        Holler            Hollyloft / Kwik Fill                       Jamestown           NY
7       352            Bruce         Beauharnois       Team ROAR                                   Plattsburgh         NY
8       346            John          Onderdonk         CBRC                                        Saratoga Springs    NY
9       344            Eric          Jarvi             NEBC/Cycle Loft                             Littleton           MA
10      344            Matthew       Balch             N/A                                         Rochester           NY
11      340            Sam           Sampere                          Cicero              NY
12      336            David         Burns             unattached                                  Watertown           NY
13      335            Danny         Goodwin           CBRC (Capital Bicycle Racing Club)          Delmar              NY
14      331            David         Hoag              GVCC                                        Dansville           NY
15      331            Rich          Jarvi             Onondaga Cycling Club                       Manlius             NY
16      330            Jeff          Frutchey          Big Horn Velo                               Waverly             NY
17      324            Tim           Howland           Fleet Feet/GVCC                             Rochester           NY
18      320            Phillip       Mccarthy          SCARR/Ommegang                              Mnlius              NY
19      320            Michael       Grygus            YVC                                         Endwell             NY
20      317            David         Prugh             Big Horn Velo                               Sayre               PA
21      310            Steven        Zotter            ROG presented by Towners                    Mendon              NY
22      309            Scott         Ouderkirk         Amish Pursuit Team                          Addison             NY
23      308            Charles       Gardiner          Human Zoom/Pabst Blue Ribbon                Devon               PA
24      305            Bryan         Blake                            Fulton              NY
25      304            Aaron         Johnson                                                       Oswego              NY
26      303            George        Elmy              RUUD/TVC                                    Endicott            NY
27      302            Charles       Braman            tioga velo                                  Greene              NY
28      300            Mark          Renzi             NYPS/Lightspec                              Pittsford           NY
29      300            David         Martin                                                        Oswego              NY
30      300            Rich          Burnley           So Adirondack Spokes                        Gansevoort          NY
31      277            Jacob         Bolewski / Syracuse Bicycle         Skaneateles         NY
32      240            Matthew       Panzarella                         Syracuse            NY
33      234            Ron           Herreid           GVCC                                        Rochester           NY
34      216            Craig         Polston           The Bike Shop (East Aurora)                 Orchard Park        NY
35      211            Todd          Heath                                                         Buffalo             NY
36      204            Doake         Brown             unattached                                  Cortland            NY
37      200            Jerome        Westfried         Boston Road Club                            Belmont             MA
38      200            Clifford      Six                                                           Syracuse            NY
39      128            Matt          Migonis                                                       Cazenovia           NY
40      125            Larry         Watson                                                        Claryville          NY
41      120            Jeffrey       Ingraham                                                      Brooklyn            NY
42      111            Eric          Gregoire          Independant                                 Phoenix             NY
43      110            Michael       Bohn                                                          Rochester           NY
44      100            Keisuke       Inoue                                                         Liverpool           NY
45      100            Marty         Maynard                                                       Rochester           NY
46      100            Bill          Goffe             Onondaga Cycling Club                       Baldwinsville       NY
47      100            Mike          Guenther          RUUD RACING/TVC                             Binghamton          NY
48      100            Joseph        Rauscher                                                      Liverpool           NY
49      100            Glenn         Thomas            GMANFITNESS                                 Washington          DC

Pro/1/2/3 Women

Place   Time           First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State
1       402            Julia         Bradley           Team R.A.C.E.                               Toronto             ON
2       389            Caryl         Gale              CRCA-Comedy Central-Sids                    Hoboken             NJ
3       387            Yvette        Labombard         JW DUNDEE'S - HOME PERFORMANCE CYCLING TEAM Rochester           NY
4       373            Diana         Joness            Team R.A.C.E.                               Pickering           ON
5       372            Sarah         Krzysiak          Mission in Motion / TVC                     Utica               NY
6       364            Shelley       Reynolds          Mission In Motion/TVC                       Endicott            NY
7       357            Mary          Dangelo           QCC/Handlebars                              Honeoye Falls       NY
8       346            Marsha        Kapinus           Mission in Motion Cycling / TVC             Chenango Forks      NY
9       345            Kate          Stewart           Velo Bella Kona/OCC                         Cazenovia           NY
10      345            Sue           Kuenstner         Cafeteros                                   Greenwich           CT
11      343            Margaret      Thompson          Mission in Motion/TVC                       Clinton             NY
12      341            Rebecca       Bader             Endeavour Cycling                           Madison             WI
13      334            Jenny         Simpson           EMD Serono Cycle Logik Racing               Ottawa              ON
14      332            Chelsea       Reynolds          Mission In Motion/TVC                       Endicott            NY
15      277            Candice       Sullivan          CATS                                        Mermaid Waters      UNK
16      274            Jocelyn       Loane             Australian National Team                    Ashgrove Qld        UNK
17      134            Gaetane       Perreaut          Velo Bella                                  Baldwinville        NY
18      122            Natalie       Stoll                                                         Rochester           NY

Juniors 15-18

Place   Points         First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Age
1       417            Benjamin      Salibra           Fuji Bikes/Dick Sonne's Racing              Faytteville         NY     15
2       402            Curtis        White             CBRC/Capital Bicycle Racing Club            Delanson            NY     12
3       378            Lukas         Curley                                                        Churchville         NY     17
4       262            Eli           Robinson          Finger Lakes                                Ithaca              NY     15
5       259            Ryan          Karr              onondaga cycling club                       North Syracuse      NY     16
6       250            Joe           Beyler                                                        Hamlin              NY     18
7       140            Ned           Walsh             Nalgene R3                                  Pittsford           NY     18
8       137            Matthew       Laing             St. Catharines Cycling Club                 Jordan              ON     16

Masters 55+

Place   Points         First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State  Age
1       417            Andrew        Buck              Bike Line / LWA                             Dresher             PA     57
2       414            Chip          Berezny           Bike Line / LWA                             Easton              PA     56
3       382            Tim           Leonard           Schuss/MVBC                                 New Hartford        NY     55
4       378            Phillip       Hershberger       CBRC                                        Climax              NY     57
5       369            James         Andrews           Mohawk Valley Bicycling Club                Hamilton            NY     60
6       365            Ken           Goebel            Mystic Velo Club                            Tolland             CT     56
7       359            Ed            Burns             tioga velo                                  Vestal              NY     64
8       346            Paul          Swinburne         Onondaga Cycling Club                       Oswego              NY     57
9       342            Philip        Thompson          Sonne's/MVBC                                Clinton             NY     63
10      134            William       Care              ERA Cycling                                 Mount Gretna        PA     58
11      128            Peter         Ziolo             Job One Enterprise/Managed Care Network/BBC Buffalo             NY     55
12      128            Chuck         Dominick          OCC                                         Syracuse            NY     63
13      125            Guy           Damiano           Mohawk Valley Bicycling Club/Schuss Cycling New Hartford        NY     55
14      125            Eddie         Luban             Occ                                         Syracuse            NY     55
15      122            Tom           Grim              ERA Cycling                                 Boyertown           PA     56
16      120            Mark          MCCarty           GUCC                                        Pittsborn           ON     58
17      118            Daniel        Sullivan          DKNY Signature Cycles                       Florida             NY     55
18      116            Stephen       Forrestel         Job One/BBC                                 Corfu               NY     58
19      115            Dan           Waingarter        WYPS                                        Webster             NY     59
20      109            David         Thomashow         Team Placid Planet                          Saranac Lake        NY     62

Women 4

Place   Points         First Name    Last Name         Team                                        City                State
1       417            Martha        Bush              CRCA/Sanchez-Metro                          Brooklyn            NY
2       392            Jenny         Ives              CBRC                                        Gloversville        NY
3       385            Heather       Mclendon          GVCC                                        Rochester           NY
4       374            Amy           Kneale   Bicycles          Dewitt              NY
5       372            Abigail       Newell            Terry Precision                             Cortland            NY
6       362            Lilynn        Graves            Velo Bella-Kona                             Ithaca              NY
7       358            Nancy         Heller            tri state velo                              Phila               PA
8       357            Tamara        Lewis             Mission in Motion/ TVC                      Oxford              NY
9       354            Marianne      Fleckenstein      Mac5Bike/GVCC                               Rochester           NY
10      344            Janie         Cregan                                                        Erdicott            NY
11      343            Shana         Lydon             Full Moon Vista                             Rochester           NY
12      343            Jennifer      Barber            Velo Bella                                  Munnsville          NY
13      342            Susan         Atwood            Velo Bella-Kona                             Cazenovia           NY
14      341            Celeste       Merey             Team R.A.C.E.                               Toronto             ON
15      340            Carol         Peeling           Mission In Motion Cycling Team/Tioga Velo ClOwego               NY
16      213            Phoebe        Reynolds                                                      Rochester           NY
17      134            Debrah        Mattemand         Jobone BBX                                  Amtterst            NY
18      131            Shelley       Isaacs            job one enterprise managed care network/bbc Buffalo             NY
19      128            Leah          Valvo             Full Moon Vista                             Pittsford           NY
20      122            Lucinda       Coriswold         Ibone Enterprize                            Hamburg             NY
21      107            Barbara       Kuczala           Mohawk Valley Bike Club                     Clinton             NY
22      106            Karla         Eisch             Tioga Velo Club                             Vestal              NY
23      105            Elizabeth     Schultz                                                       Watertown           NY