Results » Road » 2007

BoB Rodale Fitness Park

Trexlertown, PA

Sunday, May 13, 2007

BoB Rodale Fitness Park Presented by Bike Line / LWA Racing Trexlertown, PA Sunday, May 13, 2007

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

weather:partly cloudy, 69�, winds 9 to 21 variable

Results powered by The Big Guy Group

CAT 3-4
PLACE        FIRST         LAST           TEAM
1            David         Bonser         Gotham Cyclists
2            Doug          Riegner        Trizilla
3            Brian         Smith          Monstr health cycling
4            Steve         Bedilion       Trizilla
5            Andrew        Harris         FCS Cycling Club
6            Matthew       Smith          Swashbuckler/Pa Renaissance Faire
7            Clay          Murfet         Team FUJI
8            Zach          Putt           World Cup Ski and Cycle
9            Richard       Foley          A.C.T.
10           Steve         Sambrano       Main Line Cycling Club - BiKyle
11           Andrew        Harris         Gotham
13           Donnell       Hudson         Breakaway Racing/Quaker City Wheelmen
14           Cameron       Reider         Gotham Cyclists presented by Hensley Racing
16           Carl          Maslag         Team Fitness Mission
17           Andrew        Kuklis         Gotham Cyclists
18           Richard       Steele         Chester County Velo - Iron Hill Brewery
19           Bryan         Dougherty      Kessena
20           Scott         Steele         Gotham Cyclists
21           Larry         Detris         Cycledrome
22           Scott         Semmel         Gotham
23           Rich          Mowry          Evolution Racing
24           Henrik        Weible         VCRC Factory Team
25           Andreas       Runggatscher   DKNY Signature Cycles
26           Dave          Krial          Bike Line / LWA
27           Kyle          Eckley         Dynaflow/Techno
28           Daniel        Greene         Trizilla
29           Brian         Ursu           Gotham Cyclists / Hensley Racing
30           Stephen       Baumbach       Cycledrome Bicycling Team
31           Jim           Williams       Team Breakaway
32           Lou           D'amico        Tri-State Velo
33           James         Best           Cycledrome Racing
34           Benjamin      Fetterman      CYCLEDROME BICYCLING TEAM
35           Mike          Sambrano       Main Line Cycling Club -BiKyle
36           William       Tate           Unattached
37           Eric          Fredericks     Main Line Cycling Club - BiKyle
38           Brian         Paugh          Watchung Wheelman
39           Jonathan      Chambers       Gotham Cyclists
40           George        Sherman        Gotham Cyclists
41           Benjamin      Smith          World Cup Ski and Cycle
42           Kyle          Foley          A.C.T.
43           Tyler         Malay          Young Med Cl.
44           Bryan         Barrett        Bike line / LWA
45           Mary          Costelloe      East Coast Velo
46           Henoch        Getz           NY Sketches
47           Richard       Orner          Independence
48           Tim           Manzella       Independence
49           Timothy       Hancock        On Track
50           Jesse         Gydosh         upstate velo/sicklers
51           Brian         Stoner         hunt valley bikes/hvb
52           Chip          Berezny        Bike line / LWA
53           Erik          Mitchell       Quaker City Wheelmen
54           James         Barrett        Kelly Benefit Strategies/LSV Amatuer Racing

PLACE        FIRST         LAST           TEAM
1            Warren        Holzman        Guys Racing Club
2            Lonnie        Metz           World Cup Ski & Cycle Cycling Team
3            Maxwell       Pless          Human Zoom/Pabts Blue Ribbon
4            Dereck        Holt           Red Rose Rockets
5            Albert        Anderson       Cycle Funatic
6            Robert        Grimwood       World Cup Cycling Team
7            Brooks        Kranich        Team Independence/Keswick Cycle
8            Noah          Mabry          Shirk's Racing Presented by Trek Bikes
9            Thomas        Dreyer         First Capital
10           Russell       Neugebauer     QuakerCityWheelmen/BreakawayRacing
11           Brian         Klotz
12           Andy          Kraynak        Unattached
13           Mark          Kline          WCCC IRON HILL
14           Jason         Gabriel        Tri-state Velo
15           John          Stover         Unattached
16           Alex          Moyer          Hunt Valley Bicycles
17           Murray        Resinski       Colavita Racing
18           Travis        Leaman         Shirk's Racing Presented by Trek Bikes
19           Anthony       Skorochod      Gotham Cyclists
20           Ryan          Moses          Guy's Racing
21           John          Snyder         World Cup Ski & Cycle Cycling Team
22           Paul          Swarm          Tri State Velo/ Amoroso
23           Dino          Montes         Cycle Funatic
24           Jon           Hallingstad    Tri-state Velo
25           Brian         Windle
26           David         Schiman        Guy's Racing
27           Jordan        Bush           Shirk's Racing Presented by Trek Bikes
28           Margaret      Hartman        Bucknell
29           Brian         Wiggins        Unattached
30           Syd           Lea            T.E.A.M. Fuji
31           Brad          Yeakel         Bike Line/LWA
32           Kevin         Hahn-keith     Quaker City Wheelmen
33           Lewis         Smith          Cadence
34           H Andrew      Rose           Human Zoom/Pabst Blue Ribbon
35           David         Baumgardner    Tri State Velo
36           Aaron         Trumbore       Bike Works

Women 30+
PLACE        FIRST         LAST           TEAM
1            Sally         Poliwoda       Sturdy Girl Cycling
2            Jaqueline     Paull          High Gear
3            Kristy        Swope          Saucon Valley Bikes
4            Doreen        Crowle         Sturdy Girl Cycling
5            Michelle      Young          Yellow Breeches
DNS          Madeleine     Cozine         Team Somerset

Women 45+
PLACE        FIRST         LAST           TEAM
1            Diane         Castor         Charm City
2            Cheryl        Wolf           Bethel Cycles
3            Michelle      Suplick        Tri-State Velo-Amoroso-Victory Brewing
4            Julie         Klinger        Tri-State Velo-Amoroso-Victory Brewing
5            Mary          Fetrow         Wold Cup Ski & Cycle
6            Patricia      Marzi          Team Fuji/Salamander
7            Jody          Twer           Sturdy Girl Cycling
8            Laurie        Ohleger        Unattached
9            Tracey        Lea            T.E.A.M. Fuji
10           Jenninfer     Sammons        Sturdy Girl Cycling
11           Marianna      Cutler         Sturdy Girl Cycling
12           Lorraine      Lipfert        East Coast Velo
13           Mary Ellen    Carr           Atlantic
15           Jo            Johnson        Team DRT/Deep Blue
DNF          Anne          Rock           Sturdy Girl Cycling

PLACE        FIRST         LAST           TEAM
1            Paul          Pearson        Tru Brew
2            Mark          Gorman         L'Equipe DeVille
3            Mark          Light          Liberty Cycle
4            Ted           Inoue          Liberty Cycle
5            Jesse         Gydosh         upstate velo/sicklers
6            Tom           Nagy           Elite Bicycles
7            Mike          Miller         Alliance
8            Greg          Cordasco       Liberty Cycle
9            Ryan          Mitchell       Elite Bicycles
10           John          Lenart         Human Zoom
11           Charles       Grose          Elite Bicycles
12           David         Bonser         Gotham Cyclists
13           Richard       Leibfried      Elite Bicycles
14           Nigel         Chinemilly     Evolution Racing
15           Joseph        Manacchio      Main Line Cycles
16           John          Lux            Hunt Valley Bicycles/Marathon Roofing
17           Dean          Smith          Morgan Stanley / 24 Hr Fitness / Specialized
18           Peter         Hardy          Somerset
19           Bryab         Barrett        Bike Line / LWA
20           Dave          Krial          Bike Line / LWA
21           William       McLaughlin     Somerset
22           Kevin         Schild         Liberty Cycle
23           Wayne         Santos         BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bike Shops
24           Keith         Wiley          Evolution Racing
25           James         Maino          Elite Bicycles
26           Tom           Kellogg        Tri-State Velo
27           Desmond       Slattery       QCW
28           Curt          Hurst          Liberty Cycle
29           Paul          Mcdonald       Cycle Sports/Zaveta Construction
30           Mark          Costa          3D Racing
31           Kirk          Catnott        Champion System
32           Rich          Mowry          Evolution Racing
33           Timothy       Hancock        On Track
34           Kip           Jansen         Bike Line / LWA
35           Robert        Kowal          Team Somerset
36           Brian         Stoner         Hunt Valley Bicycles/Marathon Roofing
37           Ed            Krynski        K-2 Shirks
38           Aubrey        Gordon         Liberty Cycle
39           Ian           Stanley        Unattached
40           Richard       Ball           Watchung Wheelman
41           Christopher   Kaiser
42           Andy          Buck           Bike Line / LWA
43           Chip          Berezny        Bike Line / LWA
44           Kevin         Kolodziejski   Tri-State Velo

PLACE        FIRST         LAST           TEAM
1            Charles       Grose          Elite
2            Aubrey        Gordon         Liberty
3            Brian         Wolf           Bethel Cycles
4            Paul          Pearson        Tru Brew
5            Tom           Kellogg        Tri-State Velo
6            Joseph        Manacchio      Main Line Cycling - BiKyle
7            Christopher   DiMattio       Bethel Cycles
8            Richard       Foley          CCC
9            Curt          Hurst          Liberty
10           Bryan         Barrett        BikeLine/LWA
11           Kevin         Kolodziejski   Tri-State Velo
12           Ronnie        Irvine         Sports team
13           Mark          Hastings       Quaker City
14           Stephen       Dahlem         Guys
15           Robert        Kowal          Team Somerset
16           Kevin         Schild         Liberty
17           Greg          Cordasco       Liberty
18           Jim           Payne          Bikeline/LWA
19           Tim           Toms
20           Tom           Wallace        BikeLine/LWA
21           Wayne         Santos         BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bike Shops
22           Desmond       Slattery       Quaker City
23           Ed            Morris         L'Equipe DeVille
24           James         Prestia        Tri-State Velo
26           Michael       Shapanka       Watchung
27           Kevin         Breckenmaker   Yellow Breeches Racing
28           Tim           Spillane       Tri-State Velo
29           Todd          Noonan         Bike Line / LWA
30           Alison        Fischer        Human Zoom
31           Mark          Feher          Upstate Velo
32           Richard       Bauch          Colavita
33           Paul          Mcdonald       Cycle Sports/Zaveta Construction
34           John E.       Barrett        Team Somerset
35           John          Weller         BikeLine/LWA
36           Michael       Budjnoski      Morgan Stanely
37           Andy          Buck           BikeLine/LWA
38           Chip          Berezny        Bike Line / LWA

PLACE        FIRST         LAST           TEAM
1            Chip          Berezny        Bike Line / LWA
2            Andy          Buck           Bike Line / LWA
3            Steven        Lehman         Tri-State Velo
4            Horacio       Ahumada        CAFETEROS CYCLING CLUB
5            Kevin         Tuttle         Main Line/BiKyle
6            Clive         Woakes         Competitive Edge/ARC
7            Michael       Shapanka       Watchung
10           Philip R      Stanley        morgan stanley market edge cycling team
11           Jon           Farbman        3D Racing Team
12           John E.       Barrett        Team Somerset
13           Barry         Nazariam       Bikery Bike
14           Michael       Budjnoski      morgan stanley market edge cycling team
15           David         Kjellquist     Main Line Cycling
16           David         Holmander      NHCC/Team NH/MCRA
DNS          Eddie         Mack           Atlantic Bicycle club
DNS          Bill          Kalman         Bike Line / LWA
DNF          Philip        Senechal       Guys

PLACE        FIRST         LAST           TEAM
1            John          Auer           Team Somerset
2            Rob           Lea            T.E.A.M. Fuji
3            Robert        Carlin         Atlantic Bicycle Club
4            Ron           Herr           Christiana cycling
5            Ray           Sweet - Mcra   Laurel Bike Club - MCRA