Results » Road » 2007

The Blue Hills Classic

Milton, MA

Sunday, May 6, 2007

The Blue Hills Classic Presented by Blue Hills Cycling Club & Milton Rotary Club Milton, MA Sunday, May 06, 2007

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Photo Finish and results furnished by Speed Sport Timing

PLACE  LAST               FIRST         TEAM                                  Time
1      Peterson           John          N/A                                   55:21.8
2      Jensen             Eric          N/A                                   55:24.4
3      Backhouse          Kevin         Boston Road Club                      55:24.8
4      Ayotte             Randy         portland velo/cyclemania              55:30.8
5      Janicek            Milos         N/A                                   55:42.1
6      Morrison           James         River City Bicycles                   56:56.3
7      Shapiro            Peter         AFD/                       56:56.6
8      Dumont             Sebastin      N/A                                   56:57.9
9      Bailey             Christopher   Boston Road Club                      57:01.2
10     Soltysik           Sean          Team Bike Alley                       57:01.7
11     Johannessen        Cory          Harvard University Cycling            57:02.1
12     Durham             Andrew        CCB/Volkswagon                        57:02.2
13     Middleton          Thomas        MBRC/Bicycle Link                     57:02.4
14     Wilde              John          Harvard U Cycling                     57:03.1
15     Theodore           Matt          N/A                                   57:04.5
16     Zysk               Gregory       Essex County Velo                     57:05.1
17     D'hemecourt        Charles       Team International Bicycle Cent       57:05.4
18     Smallwood          David         N/A                                   57:05.8
19     Pitzer             Timothy       afd/                       57:06.1
20     Doonan             Bill          Minuteman Road Club                   57:06.5
21     Lane               Walter        Mystic Velo                           57:06.9
22     Anderson           Brian         NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dent       57:07.1
23     Wills              Zachary       velo europa- cyfac                    57:07.3
24     Bakken             Johan         N/A                                   57:07.4
25     Banwait            Ranjit        Harvard University Cycling Asso       57:07.6
26     Motta              Milton        N/A                                   57:07.9
27     X                  X                                                   57:07.9
28     Meikle             Bob           Mystic Velo Club                      57:08.0
29     Gulbinas           Jason         NEBC/CycleLoft                        57:08.5
30     X                  X                                                   57:08.5
31     Cummisford         Kevin         N/A                                   57:08.9
32     Norigian           Bobby         N/A                                   57:09.2
33     Heffron            Neal          Boston Road Club                      57:09.7
34     Martin             Geoff         NEBC/Cycle Loft                       57:10.0
35     Morrill            A.j.          Portland Velo Club/CycleMania         57:10.4
36     King               David         CCB/Volkswagen                        57:11.4
37     Simenez            Oscar         N/A                                   57:11.4
38     Buker              Shane         Harvard University Cycling            57:11.5
39     Dipersio           Paul          Bicycle link/MBRC                     57:11.7
40     Luzero             Anthony       N/A                                   57:13.0
41     Olbrys             Mike          Minuteman RC                          57:14.5
42     Young              Kevin         INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE CENTERS         57:14.5
43     Hernandez          Jorge         Minuteman Road Club                   57:16.1
44     Barroso            Joseph        Providence Velo/Refunds Now           57:17.3
45     Troisi             Mike          N/A                                   57:17.4
46     Halevi             Uri           INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE CENTERS         57:22.6
47     Bauer              Robert        Minuteman road Club                   57:38.7
48     Brown              Greg          N/A                                   1:00:25.2
49     Kemp               Martin        N/A                                   off
50     Labry              Zachary       MIT                                   off
51     Alterio            Richard       N/A                                   off
52     Curtis             Paul          MRC                                   off
53     Lombardo           C Todd        International Bicycle Centers         off
54     Hamel              Kenneth       AFD/BIKEMAN.COM                       off
55     Rioux              David         Boston Road Club                      off
56     Cho                Eric          BOSTON ROAD CLUB                      off
57     Symmes             David         NEBC/Cycle Loft                       off
58     Tham Ming Qiang    Nicholas      Harvard University                    off
59     Cunningham         Wayne         NEBC/Cycle Loft                       off
60     Trinque            Sean          Portland Vello                        off

1      Wright             Steven        Minutemen                             42:49.8
2      Muessig            Peter         HUCA                                  42:51.1
3      Hebert             Jeff          Boston Road Club                      42:51.3
4      Benoit             Ben           unattached                            42:51.4
5      Baker              Daniel        cape cod cyclist                      42:52.8
6      Fanaras            Nicholas      NorEast Cycling                       42:53.1
7      Aumiller           Matt          Organic Athlete                       42:54.8
8      GIBBONS            JOHN          unattached                            42:57.1
9      Davis              Kevin         QuadCycles                            43:01.8
10     Mitchell           Tim           unattached                            43:02.8
11     Bartlett           Nicholas      unattached                            43:05.2
12     Engler             Steven        unattached                            43:08.0
13     CROWLEY            PAUL ANDREW   MBRC                                  43:09.7
14     Tetrault           Joshua        NEBC/Cycle Loft                       43:23.0
15     Potter             Hollis        AFD/BIKEMAN.COM                       43:27.1
16     Mccoy              Ben           unattached                            43:30.2
17     Rock               Stephen       Boston Road Club                      43:38.3
18     Mezrahi            Nessim        unattached                            43:38.7
19     Wittig             Carl          Cape Cod Cyclist                      43:59.8
20     Clarke             Matt          Minuteman Road Club                   45:52.6
21     Young              Dave          unattached                            45:59.3
22     Do                 David         Anderson Bicycle                      off
23     Flagg              David         unattached                            off
24     Anders             Benjamin      Turin                                 off

1      Miller             Paul          NETT                                  41:32.5
2      De Zutter          Jerry         New England Track and Trail (NE       42:30.2
3      Collins            Lewis         N/A                                   42:47.9
4      Moore              John          Blue Hills Cycling Club               42:48.4
5      Hunter             Bridge        Boston Road Club                      42:50.9
6      Demarest           Chad          Corner Cycle                          42:52.1
7      Mozek              Jay           Blue Hills Cycling Club               42:52.8
8      Hardin             Joseph        N/A                                   42:54.5
9      Follansbee         Robert        N/A                                   42:55.2
10     Harris             Mike          NEBC/Cycle Loft                       42:56.3
11     FARR               CHRIS         N/A                                   42:56.8
12     Watts              Nolan         Boston Road Club                      42:59.2
13     Looney             Robert        N/A                                   43:01.0
14     Newman             Dan           N/A                                   43:01.0
15     Fice               John          N/A                                   43:03.3
16     Bersson            Brett         N/A                                   43:40.6
17     Thomas             Scott         NEBC/Cycle Loft                       43:54.1
18     Gomez              James         N/A                                   45:25.8
19     Vazquez            Jesus         MBRC/Bicycle link                     45:56.8
20     McFadd             Douglas       N/A                                   45:57.3
21     Mclaughlin         Michael       Swamp Yankee Road Club/Cox Comm       46:06.3
22     Dopfel             Charles       NEBC                                  46:10.4
23     Bell               Scott         Refunds Now                           46:38.5
24     Dillon             Robert        mad river riders                      off
25     Mead               Michael       Cape Cod Cyclist                      off
26     Gray               Larry         Cape Cod Cyclist                      off
27     Wright             Gregory       Corner Cycle Cape Cod                 off
28     Babala             Raniel        NHCC                                  off
29     Stachowiak         Larry         CCB/Volkswagen                        off

1      McCormick          Mark          Clif Bar                              53:48.4
2      Foley              Skip          N/A                                   54:02.9
3      Bold               Jonny         Corner Cycle                          54:09.0
4      Francis            Thomas        Boston Road Club                      54:17.1
5      O'connor           Colman        Bicycle Link/MBRC                     54:50.7
6      Yabroudy           Bill          Caster's/Majik coffee/Apex Tech       54:53.3
7      Kressy             Matthew       360 Racing/Landry's                   55:35.3
8      Mills              Don           N/A                                   55:36.5
9      Babington          Jon           N/A                                   55:38.8
10     Hines              Kevin         Bike Link MBRC                        55:40.2
11     Morse              Sam           MBRC                                  55:44.0
12     Sternfield         Adam          N/A                                   55:46.2
13     Doherty            Mark          Sunapee/S&W Racing Team               55:48.4
14     Diehl              Bruce         Sunapee S&W Racing                    55:49.1
15     Belknap            Dave          MBRC                                  55:50.0
16     Mangan             Cidron        N/A                                   55:50.4
17     Devellian          Leo           CCB/Volkswagen                        55:51.2
18     Petrella           Gene          CCB/Volkswagon                        55:52.2
19     Jacobs             Ron           Bicycle Link/MBRC                     55:52.5
20     Ford               Keith         Sunapee/S&W Racing Team               55:52.9
21     Bardige            Joshua        Velo Europa-Cyfac                     55:53.0
22     Donahue            Bob           Gearworks/Spinarts                    55:53.1
23     Laupheimer         John          NEBC/Cycle Loft                       55:53.4
24     Faigel             Neil          CCB/Volkswagen                        55:53.5
25     Orsini             Tom           N/A                                   55:53.7
26     Wang               Marvin                 55:54.2
27     Maloney            Mike          N/A                                   55:54.3
28     Thurston           Robin         N/A                                   55:54.6
29     Fleming            Lee           Boston Road Club                      55:54.8
30     Harrigan           Neil                                                55:55.0
31     Taylor             David         Union Velo Club                       55:55.1
32     Stephanos          Dale          Bicycle Link/MBRC                     55:55.6
33     Petro              Alec          N/A                                   55:56.6
34     Goldberg           Heidi         N/A                                   55:57.1
35     Liston             John          N/A                                   55:58.9
36     Mannion            Tom           N/A                                   55:59.1
37     Thompson           Mark          Sunapee/S&W                           56:00.2
38     X                  X             N/A                                   56:00.9
39     Luster             Thomas        MBRC/Bicycle Link                     56:01.1
40     Durham             Andrew        CCB/Volkswagon                        56:03.0
41     Peters             Jim           N/A                                   56:03.4
42     Mark               William       N/A                                   56:03.5
43     Holmes             Bill          N/A                                   56:03.9
44     Troisi             Mike          INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE CENTERS         56:05.0
45     Stonebarger        John          MBRC/Bicycle Link                     56:05.0
46     Cavros             Mike          N/A                                   56:21.4
47     Hiller             Andrew        Corner Cycle                          56:37.7
48     Cowman             Terry         Essex County Velo - MCRA              57:57.3
49     x                  x                                                   57:57.3
50     Kalmbach           Arnold T.     Bicycle Link /Mass Bay Road Clu       off
51     Clausen            Jay           Sunapee/S&W Racing Team               off
52     Lynch              Paul          bicyclelink/mbrc                      off
53     Tatar              Marc          N/A                                   off
54     Richard            Edward        Boston Road Club                      off
55     Crowley            Paul          MBRCBicyclelink                       off
56     Chiapella          Chris         NEBC                                  off
57     Boyce              Barry         CCB                                   off
58     Tremblay           David         Boston Road Club                      off
59     Joye               William       Boston Road Club                      off