Results » Road » 2007

Rutgers Classic Race Weekend

New Brunswick, NJ

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Rutgers Classic Race Weekend Presented by Rutgers University Cycling Team New Brunswick, NJ Saturday, March 03, 2007 to Sunday, March 04, 2007

Results Courtesy of 

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Stage 1, Individual Time Trial
Piscataway, NJ
March 3, 2007

Courtesy of Velocity Results

Men A                        54 Starters                              2.8MilesPts
1       5      Nick          Frey                Princeton            5:53.82 80
2       14     Josh          Lipka               UNH                  5:55.36 70
3       19     Graham        Garber              Brown                5:57.27 63
4       1      Nicholas      Bennette            Princeton            5:57.67 57
5       38     Craig         Luekens             Yale                 6:00.63 51
6       11     Michael       Chauner             Bucknell             6:02.33 45
7       9      Todd          Dowling             Bucknell             6:02.90 40
8       57     David         Wiswell             Columbia             6:03.82 35
9       32     Benjamin      Showman             USMA                 6:05.30 30
10      48     Eric          Schildge            Dartmouth            6:09.24 26
11      54     Noah          Harwood             Connecticut College  6:09.56 22
12      53     Matt          Spohn               Penn State           6:11.34 18
13      37     Matt          Brewster            U Mass               6:11.96 15
14      25     Will          Dugan               UVM                  6:12.13 12
15      28     Jonathan      Awerbuch            Dartmouth            6:12.94 9
16      39     Peter         Horn                Vasser               6:13.02 7
17      20     Andrew        Walters             Lehigh               6:13.69 5
18      8      Charles       Alexander           Bucknell             6:14.56 3
19      29     Stephen       Kriss               Yale                 6:14.89 2
20      50     Andrew        Inglis              Boston U             6:15.33 1
21      56     Gabriel       Lloyd               Columbia             6:17.63 0
22      44     Andy          Munas               Penn State           6:17.94 0
23      51     Toby          Marzot              Dartmouth            6:18.03 0
24      16     Ryan          Kelly               UNH                  6:18.71 0
25      33     Steve         Pingree             USMA                 6:19.41 0
26      10     Adam          Khaler              Bucknell             6:19.41 0
27      24     Isaac         Home                UVM                  6:19.76 0
28      41     Alexander     Breemer             Columbia             6:22.74 0
29      36     Ryan          O'Hara              Northeastern         6:22.81 0
30      40     Chris         Ruhl                Penn State           6:23.90 0
31      23     Colin         Jaskiewicz          UVM                  6:23.94 0
32      17     Thomas        Coupe               UNH                  6:25.01 0
33      27     Kevin         Wolfson             Dartmouth            6:25.53 0
34      26     Christopher   Worden              UVM                  6:25.93 0
35      15     Drew          Szeliga             UNH                  6:26.24 0
36      46     Evan          Daney               East Stroudsburg     6:27.12 0
37      49     Andrew        Pederson            U Penn               6:28.13 0
38      13     Tucker        Sawin               Williams             6:29.35 0
39      31     Derek         Merkler             USMA                 6:29.69 0
40      42     Brian         Hayes               U Conn               6:29.88 0
41      2      Vincent       Chavanon            Tufts                6:32.02 0
42      3      Colin         Murphy              Boston U             6:32.64 0
43      6      Will          Cukierski           Rutgers              6:33.45 0
44      47     Rodney        Santiago            Penn State           6:33.56 0
45      18     Ethan         Bernstein           Brown                6:34.49 0
46      45     Christian     Mambelli            Lees-McRae           6:34.94 0
47      35     Michael       Campbell            USMA                 6:36.13 0
48      21     Kyle          Wagner              Lehigh               6:36.92 0
49      12     Sam           Camens              Bucknell             6:37.35 0
50      55     Robert        Wing                Columbia             6:38.31 0
51      7      Stephen       Szewec              Bucknell             6:43.95 0
52      22     Huy           Tran                Lehigh               6:49.23 0
53      34     Alexander     Krienke             USMA                 6:50.42 0
54      30     Jonathan      Chodroff            Yale                 8:32.39 0

Women A                      21 Starters                              2.8 MilePts
1       1067   Kate          Scheider            Williams             6:47.65 80
2       1071   Andrea        Luebbe              Lehigh               6:54.56 70
3       1066   Susannah      Pratt               UNH                  6:56.32 63
4       1069   Teresa        Garcia              Brown                6:57.17 57
5       1085   Megan         Guarnier            Middlebury           7:00.37 51
6       1062   Eve           McNeill             Harvard              7:03.26 45
7       1084   Linsey        Norris              U Delaware           7:04.72 40
8       1075   Courtney      Reziwoldt           USMA                 7:05.17 35
9       1068   Caitlin       Bever               MIT                  7:09.89 30
10      1081   Catie         Richards            Columbia             7:12.50 26
11      1082   Jennifer      Strasser            U Conn               7:15.34 22
12      1074   Morgan        Robinson            Yale                 7:15.95 18
13      1064   Angela        Sherbondy           Bucknell             7:18.98 15
14      1063   Rachel        Clattenburg         Princeton            7:21.32 12
15      1070   Melissa       Wills               Penn State           7:22.38 9
16      1061   Caitlin       Thompson            Tufts                7:23.38 7
17      1083   Sara          Schewel             U Penn               7:23.55 5
18      1073   Ilana         Brito               MIT                  7:34.02 3
19      1065   Jessica       Kukla               UNH                  7:38.01 2
20      1072   Sonya         Cates               MIT                  7:43.26 1
21      1080   Emily         Smith               Temple               7:48.41 0

Men B                        61 Starters                              2.8 MilePts
1       219    Marshall      Ambros              UVM                  6:11.91 48
2       264    Eric          Edlund              MIT                  6:17.54 42
3       217    Scott         Dolmat-Connell      UVM                  6:18.13 36
4       241    Justin        Brown               Penn State           6:18.99 32
5       205    Jeff          Boehmer             Bucknell             6:19.47 28
6       207    Steve         Frederick           Hamilton             6:19.48 24
7       237    Christopher   Kessler             U Mass               6:24.59 21
8       209    Kerry         Need                Harvard              6:25.31 15
9       212    Jeffrey       Schutt              Penn State           6:26.74 12
10      227    Stefan        Grecu               Drexel               6:27.26 9
11      252    Luke          St. Clair           Penn State           6:28.81 7
12      239    Alex          Cox                 UVM                  6:31.01 5
13      223    Vincent       Scalia              UVM                  6:31.03 3
14      259    Kyle          Helder              Kutztown             6:31.37 2
15      232    Robert        Sprague             U Penn               6:32.98 1
16      228    Adam          Leman               Drexel               6:33.01 0
17      211    Evan          Perrone             Pitt                 6:33.81 0
18      230    Peter         Chiu                Yale                 6:34.30 0
19      210    Christopher   Hong                Harvard              6:36.12 0
20      244    Alex          Grause              UVM                  6:37.06 0
21      251    John          Hunter              Temple               6:37.08 0
22      263    Mike          Burrows             U Delaware           6:38.84 0
23      235    Mark          Theeman             Northeastern         6:38.92 0
24      216    Brandon       Dobnick             Wheaton              6:38.95 0
25      218    Katriel       Statman             Bard                 6:39.02 0
26      243    R. Andrew     Hill                MIT                  6:39.14 0
27      224    Cory          Johannessen         Harvard              6:39.29 0
28      214    Ryan          Smolko              Penn State           6:40.73 0
29      225    Alexander     Van Plantinga       Rutgers              6:41.00 0
30      202    Christopher   Hair                Boston U             6:41.81 0
31      261    Andrew        Bernstein           Skidmore             6:42.89 0
32      221    Christopher   Hamlin              UVM                  6:43.12 0
33      238    Alex          Duggan              U Mass               6:43.58 0
34      242    David         Kappa               Yale                 6:43.78 0
35      206    Ryan          Carney              UNH                  6:44.02 0
36      233    Andrew        Toplyn              Bates                6:45.28 0
37      229    Steven        Felix               Yale                 6:45.88 0
38      240    Alex          Wooten              U Penn               6:46.70 0
39      245    Benajmin      Garrett             Temple               6:46.92 0
40      267    Stephen       Frattini            Cornell              6:49.98 0
41      249    Russell       Erickson            Columbia             6:50.27 0
42      231    Andy          Mead                U Penn               6:50.77 0
43      266    William       Tate                Penn State           6:51.70 0
44      247    Charles       Krohn               Cornell              6:51.81 0
45      203    Kyle          Friis               Bucknell             6:52.41 0
46      250    Brendan       Rogers              U Conn               6:53.04 0
47      222    Weston        Wheeler             UVM                  6:54.13 0
48      208    Nathaniel     Brewster            Hamilton             6:55.46 0
49      254    Peter         Emerson             UVM                  6:56.02 0
50      234    Keith         Cardoza             Northeastern         6:57.28 0
51      246    Ivan          Temnykh             Cornell              6:58.93 0
52      257    William       Cicicci             Villanova            6:59.47 0
53      255    Brian         Firliet             U Conn               6:59.74 0
54      213    Michael       King                Lehigh               7:03.12 0
55      220    Jesse         Chebot              UVM                  7:04.33 0
56      204    Matt          Cocola              Bucknell             7:05.04 0
57      256    Justin        Bolowsky            Rutgers              7:06.10 0
58      215    Scott         Semmel              DeSales              7:23.66 0
59      248    Noah          Zitzer              Kutztown             7:23.95 0
60      262    Ricky         Silver              Skidmore             7:26.97 0
61      258    Steven        Toledo              Rutgers              7:27.67 0

Women B                      29 Starters                              2.8 MilePts
1       151    Heidi         Goodson             Columbia             7:11.27 48
2       114    Anouk         Dey                 Williams             7:12.02 42
3       156    Roso          Long                Colby                7:21.59 36
4       132    Julie         Schoenfeld          Carnegie Mellon      7:25.12 32
5       146    Lauren        Peck                Penn State           7:29.27 28
6       102    Rebecca       Levin               Princeton            7:29.67 24
7       106    Elizabeth     Spragins            Williams             7:30.39 21
8       140    Dana          Cuomo               Penn State           7:36.74 15
9       138    Rachel        Sutton              Penn State           7:38.03 12
10      137    Kristen       Naegle              MIT                  7:39.14 9
11      150    Jessica       Benoit              UVM                  7:40.44 7
12      123    Priscilla     Mok                 Brown                7:40.90 5
13      198    Kelsey        Hassin              USMA                 7:41.39 3
14      145    Kasia         Beznoska            Northeastern         7:42.98 2
15      149    Casey         Williams            Cornell              7:45.71 1
16      101    Judith        Wexler              Tufts                7:46.55 0
17      104    Margaret      Hartman             Bucknell             7:53.72 0
18      141    Christina     Walsh               McGill               7:56.61 0
19      152    Jelena        Djordjevic          U Penn               7:56.68 0
20      154    Anna          Fox                 Drexel               7:58.47 0
21      107    Elizabeth     Liquori             UNH                  7:59.16 0
22      110    Anna          Edmonds             Williams             8:02.04 0
23      197    Jannelle      Allong              USMA                 8:02.41 0
24      121    Sophia        Minutolo            Cortland             8:06.08 0
25      147    Noemie        Biouin              McGill               8:14.71 0
26      134    Sarah         Smith               Dartmouth            8:14.71 0
27      127    Kristine      Jimenez             Penn State           8:16.84 0
28      108    Ashley        McFarland           UNH                  8:17.31 0
29      196    Michelle      Kimbrough           USMA                 9:16.16 0

Men C                        96 Starters                              2.8 MilePts
1       694    Charles       d'Hemecourt         Boston College       6:10.95 32
2       648    John          Reuter              Bates                6:24.56 24
3       409    Chris         Redmond             Rutgers              6:25.94 18
4       679    William       Hilsman             Colgate              6:26.32 15
5       690    Austin        Roach               Princeton            6:29.50 12
6       655    Nicholas      Shamrell            USMA                 6:33.42 9
7       411    Bryan         Limmer              Harvard              6:33.94 7
8       685    Aaron         Cravez              Bucknell             6:35.37 5
9       682    Eric          Battaglioli         Colgate              6:35.43 4
10      652    Joseph        Perez               USMA                 6:36.18 3
11      654    Erik          Wilburn             USMA                 6:36.57 2
12      650    Andre         Perreault           Boston College       6:36.59 1
13      634    Karl          Scherrer            Yale                 6:37.49 0
14      443    William       Pluta               Rutgers              6:38.56 0
15      696    Jeremy        Jo                  Tufts                6:38.73 0
16      639    Travis        Roe-Raymond         Skidmore             6:38.78 0
17      446    Aaron         Cruikshank          Penn State           6:39.35 0
18      673    Peter         Mayer               MIT                  6:39.45 0
19      420    Lee           Peters              UVM                  6:39.77 0
20      697    Glenn         Ferreira            Tufts                6:40.80 0
21      674    Stephen       Sloan               Cortland             6:41.46 0
22      695    Thomas        Laning              Boston College       6:41.70 0
23      662    Peter         Thornhill           McGill               6:42.05 0
24      684    Benjamin      Grass               Williams             6:42.16 0
25      633    Seth          Behrends            MIT                  6:42.38 0
26      658    Ansgar        Mohnkern            Yale                 6:43.13 0
27      419    Ross          Saxton              UVM                  6:43.56 0
28      438    Benajmin      Cheetham            Cornell              6:44.01 0
29      667    Michael       Cruz                Carnegie Mellon      6:44.61 0
30      421    Daniel        Bensen              UVM                  6:45.69 0
31      675    Nicolas       Fioretti            Cortland             6:46.05 0
32      698    Colin         Green               Tufts                6:46.85 0
33      402    Mike          Anthony             UNH                  6:46.85 0
34      669    Greg          Close               Lehigh               6:47.38 0
35      412    Florian       Zink                Pitt                 6:47.84 0
36      414    Zachary       Byers               Pitt                 6:47.85 0
37      661    Peter         Kuhn                Yale                 6:48.16 0
38      687    Aaron         Meyers              Bucknell             6:48.43 0
39      423    Greg          Whitney             Northeastern         6:49.31 0
40      643    Mark          Cote                MIT                  6:49.41 0
41      410    Jeremy        Warshauer           Harvard              6:49.43 0
42      417    Alex          Brough              Penn State           6:49.57 0
43      659    Anthony       Schrauth            MIT                  6:50.00 0
44      440    Drew          Procyk              U Conn               6:50.10 0
45      437    Benjamin      Kraft               Cornell              6:50.39 0
46      671    Casey         Marks               Brown                6:51.49 0
47      404    Colum         Lang                UNH                  6:51.91 0
48      681    Andrew        Krulewitz           Colgate              6:52.28 0
49      435    Robert        O'Brian             Columbia             6:52.53 0
50      656    Nicolas       Ammerlaan           McGill               6:52.66 0
51      644    Christian     Rose                Vasser               6:53.46 0
52      666    Trevor        Eide                Dartmouth            6:55.03 0
53      657    Daniel        Lortie              McGill               6:55.80 0
54      436    Dan           Stine               U Conn               6:56.11 0
55      434    James         Honda               U Conn               6:56.44 0
56      641    Daniel        Fuehrer             Kutztown             6:56.65 0
57      408    Mark          Vareschi            Rutgers              6:57.00 0
58      649    Vincent       Gonzales            Boston College       6:58.32 0
59      445    Robert        McCoy               U Delaware           7:00.53 0
60      406    Don           Yungher             Rutgers              7:00.81 0
61      640    Kyle          Ebeling             Kutztown             7:01.40 0
62      431    Isaac         Dinner              Columbia             7:01.47 0
63      683    Constantine   Mavroudis           Williams             7:01.96 0
64      676    Craig         Moyse               Cortland             7:02.80 0
65      677    Joseph        Boxley              Cortland             7:03.76 0
66      401    Nathan        Miller              UNH                  7:04.61 0
67      441    Paul          Bickford            U Conn               7:05.67 0
68      407    Colin         Connolly            Harvard              7:06.21 0
69      692    Inghaw        Cheng               Princeton            7:06.27 0
70      632    Joe           Standley            Lehigh               7:06.48 0
71      647    Jeffrey       Wong                Carnegie Mellon      7:06.52 0
72      425    William       Humber              Penn State           7:07.42 0
73      432    Michael       Wasserman           Columbia             7:08.84 0
74      670    Timothy       Craven              College of NJ        7:09.16 0
75      416    Noah          Schwartz            Rutgers              7:11.11 0
76      638    Craig         McCarrick           Connecticut College  7:11.86 0
77      422    Benjamin      Pinkus              Northeastern         7:12.02 0
78      678    Andrew        Drago               Cortland             7:13.62 0
79      688    Daniel        Wood                Bucknell             7:14.24 0
80      403    Jeff          Lukach              UNH                  7:14.39 0
81      668    Alexander     Fuchs               College of NJ        7:14.50 0
82      680    Jamie         Simchik             Colgate              7:14.58 0
83      426    Daniel        Jick                Boston U             7:14.82 0
84      636    Josh          Jamner              Colby                7:15.82 0
85      418    Kyle          Gheres              Penn State           7:17.24 0
86      663    Erik          Newman              Dartmouth            7:18.29 0
87      433    Steven        Marks               Columbia             7:19.41 0
88      442    David         Berger              U Penn               7:19.87 0
89      665    David         Corcoran            Lehigh               7:20.60 0
90      413    Daniel        Doan                Pitt                 7:22.29 0
91      439    Curtis        Frank               U Conn               7:23.89 0
92      428    Timothy       Darwick             Penn State           7:25.69 0
93      686    Dave          Reilly              Bucknell             7:32.97 0
94      699    Adam          Svaitzky            Tufts                7:37.12 0
95      664    Collin        Hair                Drexel               7:37.13 0
96      637    Bailey        Fidler              Connecticut College  7:44.07 0

Women Intro                  30 Starters                              2.8 MilePts
1       116    Ashley        Shuyler             Harvard              7:32.37 32
2       109    Miju          Han                 Williams             7:46.68 24
3       135    Kelly         Everhart            Dartmouth            7:50.23 18
4       136    Yuri          Matsumoto           MIT                  7:55.29 15
5       115    Brodi         Kemp                Harvard              7:57.29 12
6       119    Kathryn       Spiker              Pitt                 7:59.06 9
7       131    Dina          Uzri                Harvard              7:59.61 7
8       155    Jennifer      Post                Rutgers              8:00.33 5
9       122    Megan         Palmer              MIT                  8:02.29 4
10      130    Jenny         Lofaro              Lehigh               8:03.65 3
11      153    Rebecca       Batorsky            Tufts                8:05.47 2
12      148    Kerry         McDermott           Yale                 8:06.05 1
13      113    Hannah        Winer               Hamilton             8:10.30 0
14      128    Renee         Reilly              Penn State           8:10.34 0
15      143    Amanda        Feirstein           Boston College       8:12.96 0
16      105    Chisato       Fukuda              Bucknell             8:13.63 0
17      103    Janine        Hauber              Bucknell             8:15.60 0
18      142    Rebecca       Stievater           Cornell              8:18.16 0
19      124    Natalie       Hewitt              Brown                8:24.05 0
20      112    Adele         Paquin              Hamilton             8:26.62 0
21      111    Megan         Arrow               UNH                  8:27.16 0
22      129    Coralie       Lannelongue         Carnegie Mellon      8:31.33 0
23      126    Kristin       O'Hara Shipe        Brown                8:31.89 0
24      144    Rebecca       Wolski              Boston College       8:35.40 0
25      120    Grace         Miller              Pitt                 8:37.39 0
26      117    Erin          Mishley             Pitt                 8:38.57 0
27      125    Jessica       Wroten              Brown                8:42.58 0
28      118    Susan         Lofaro              Pitt                 8:46.71 0
29      139    Jennifer      Dick                Drexel               8:58.08 0
30      133    Elizabeth     Sederbaum           Bard                 11:53.040

Men D                        92 Starters                              2.8 MilePts
1       961    Patrick       Barter              NE Conservatory      6:41.06 20
2       740    David         Roche               Columbia             6:41.11 16
3       930    Shaun         Pothin              USMA                 6:48.07 12
4       751    Brian         Gabele              Columbia             6:48.59 8
5       714    Kyle          MacFarlane          Pitt                 6:49.23 5
6       947    Randall       Lewis               MIT                  6:49.39 4
7       718    Clayton       Chiles              Penn State           6:50.34 3
8       701    Brian         Roberts             Boston U             6:50.36 2
9       958    Brett         Kielick             Drexel               6:50.48 1
10      918    John          Beers               Temple               6:50.94 0
11      928    Connor        Lawrence            USMA                 6:52.01 0
12      941    Albert        Cheung              MIT                  6:52.60 0
13      943    Eli           Papa                MIT                  6:54.87 0
14      960    Eben          Clattenburg         Dartmouth            6:55.83 0
15      951    Dan           Lavelle             Drexel               6:56.83 0
16      727    Brendan       Barrett             Penn State           6:58.59 0
17      945    Guo Liang     Chew                MIT                  6:59.99 0
18      929    Timothy       Adams               USMA                 7:00.91 0
19      709    Paul          Scheuermann         Pitt                 7:01.03 0
20      969    Jared         Denstermacher       Bloomsburg           7:02.20 0
21      925    Andrew        Thompson            USMA                 7:06.91 0
22      972    Gary          Mikulski            Bloomsburg           7:06.95 0
23      742    Alexander     Graybeal            Columbia             7:07.72 0
24      705    Richard       Kassan              Rutgers              7:08.37 0
25      703    Michael       Dunstan             UNH                  7:08.88 0
26      923    Jason         Godsell             Bates                7:09.01 0
27      963    Michael       Sandford            Lehigh               7:09.31 0
28      738    Kyle          Reed                U Delaware           7:10.26 0
29      948    Christopher   Ritacco             Yale                 7:10.73 0
30      746    Anthony       Hall                Columbia             7:11.11 0
31      979    Matt          Jones               Wentworth            7:11.28 0
32      944    Nick          Loomis              MIT                  7:11.38 0
33      707    Nicholas      Qiang               Harvard              7:13.30 0
34      953    Blake         Rubin               Drexel               7:14.54 0
35      957    Joshua        Grossman            Carnegie Mellon      7:14.56 0
36      927    Patrick       Ryan                USMA                 7:14.76 0
37      955    Matthew       Schoman             Drexel               7:14.91 0
38      922    Sebastien     Labzecque-Sauve     McGill               7:14.93 0
39      987    Brendan       Fulmer              Williams             7:14.96 0
40      728    Chris         DeCarlo             Penn State           7:15.81 0
41      977    Arthur        Moran               Wentworth            7:16.37 0
42      988    Drew          Thayer              Williams             7:17.91 0
43      942    Jonathan      Wu                  Yale                 7:18.02 0
44      946    Francis       Woolfe              Yale                 7:18.27 0
45      717    Eric          Seemiller           Penn State           7:21.13 0
46      980    Paulo         Bernegger           Wentworth            7:21.68 0
47      719    Raymond       Dodd                Rutgers              7:21.75 0
48      978    Vahin         Mahdavy             Wentworth            7:22.06 0
49      952    Max           Knee                Temple               7:22.38 0
50      937    Taylor        James               Yale                 7:23.07 0
51      962    Leon          Mauren              Dartmouth            7:23.30 0
52      745    Adam          Stivaca             Boston U             7:23.42 0
53      936    Benjamin      Harris              Kutztown             7:23.79 0
54      986    Ben           Roshko              Colgate              7:24.06 0
55      934    Peter         Newhook             McGill               7:27.05 0
56      981    David         Moynihan            Wentworth            7:27.10 0
57      940    Michael       Palermo             Kutztown             7:27.90 0
58      920    Christopher   Cipriani            Villanova            7:28.10 0
59      744    Richard       Palmer              U Conn               7:30.08 0
60      954    Timothy       Mansella            Drexel               7:30.19 0
61      926    Jeremy        May                 USMA                 7:31.43 0
62      737    Daniel        Simola              U Penn               7:31.91 0
63      711    Matt          Appleton            Pitt                 7:32.95 0
64      950    Doug          Markgraf            Drexel               7:33.02 0
65      704    Alex          Buck                UNH                  7:33.16 0
66      994    Jeffrey       Campbell            Princeton            7:33.59 0
67      702    James         Rose                UNH                  7:34.59 0
68      964    Aaron         Hoy                 Carnegie Mellon      7:34.62 0
69      642    Chris         McCarty             Kutztown             7:35.18 0
70      959    Jacob         Schwarz             Colby                7:35.34 0
71      956    Steven        Bronstein           Drexel               7:36.15 0
72      919    Gregory       Wesolowich          Kutztown             7:36.37 0
73      993    Jeff          Hayes               Union College        7:37.81 0
74      985    Andrew        Baxter              Cortland             7:38.87 0
75      973    Christopher   Olsen               Bloomsburg           7:40.06 0
76      722    Neal          Martorelli          UVM                  7:45.00 0
77      970    Brooks        Ward                Bard                 7:46.66 0
78      924    Seth          McLloyd             Yale                 7:46.67 0
79      992    Steven        Hopengarten         Union College        7:51.10 0
80      729    Kyle          Carroll             Rutgers              7:53.56 0
81      720    Felix A.      Herrera             Penn State           7:54.19 0
82      916    Alex          McPherson           Colby                7:54.45 0
83      932    Matthew       Lai                 McGill               7:59.41 0
84      741    Devin         Hurson              Columbia             8:01.06 0
85      968    Peter         Nelson              Carnegie Mellon      8:03.26 0
86      933    Tom           Skinner             McGill               8:05.90 0
87      967    Daniel        Aduna               Carnegie Mellon      8:11.53 0
88      715    Noah          Gorelick            Pitt                 8:15.94 0
89      732    Tyler         Scanlon             Northeastern         8:17.77 0
90      990    Lee           Hanes               Bucknell             8:21.68 0
91      921    Jonathan      Villemaire-Krajden  McGill               8:31.62 0
92      989    Richard       Brain               Bucknell             9:20.02 0

Men Intro                    35 Starters                              2.8 MilePts
1       734    Jonah         Zimmerman           Boston U             6:50.57 12
2       735    Nathan        Kupperstock         Boston U             7:00.45 7
3       739    Mark          Sausen              U Delaware           7:10.20 5
4       965    Michael       Chen                Carnegie Mellon      7:15.01 3
5       721    Shane         Buker               Harvard              7:19.15 1
6       710    Hung-Chan     Huang               Pitt                 7:19.97 0
7       917    Tom           Morris              Villanova            7:26.17 0
8       938    Chris         Schneider           Villanova            7:26.65 0
9       984    Graham        Anderson            Brown                7:27.06 0
10      995    Karl          Honerlaw            Boston College       7:28.56 0
11      725    David         Allova              Rutgers              7:30.82 0
12      723    David         Kim                 Rutgers              7:32.38 0
13      931    Christopher   Rakovic             Boston College       7:35.06 0
14      991    Alex          Perkins             Union College        7:36.24 0
15      736    Andrew        Carter              Boston U             7:36.32 0
16      982    Kenneth       Morales             Brown                7:36.46 0
17      726    Taylor        Doyle               Rutgers              7:39.31 0
18      731    Sean          Whitehur            Cornell              7:40.14 0
19      999    Justin        Birudavol           Tufts                7:44.21 0
20      724    Andy          Glaser              Rutgers              7:46.26 0
21      713    Mark          Ams                 Pitt                 7:48.05 0
22      939    Tucker        Jones               MIT                  7:48.08 0
23      708    Christopher   Yoder               Pitt                 7:51.80 0
24      997    Jason         Jong                Tufts                7:52.80 0
25      996    Arjun         Sudhir              Boston College       7:54.20 0
26      976    Jopeph        Newman              DeSales              7:59.02 0
27      998    Sam           Caven               Tufts                7:59.95 0
28      983    Alexander     Svoronos            Brown                8:06.55 0
29      975    Jonathan      Fura                DeSales              8:09.08 0
30      971    Malcolm       Norton              Bloomsburg           8:09.78 0
31      716    Kevin         Miller              Rutgers              8:19.77 0
32      966    Benjamin      Stephens            Carnegie Mellon      8:20.54 0
33      730    Joel          Norton              Northeastern         8:41.87 0
34      974    Zachary       Ellwood             DeSales              8:47.35 0
35      706    Gennard       Torre               Rutgers              8:56.05 0

Stage 2, Criterium
Piscataway, NJ
March 3, 2007

Courtesy of Velocity Results

Men A                      61 Starters                             Pts    P1     P2     P3     P4     P5     P6     P      Total
1      11     Michael      Chauner             Bucknell            70                                               0      70
2      5      Nick         Frey                Princeton           64     3      1      3             2      1      10     74
3      57     David        Wiswell             Columbia            58                          2      1             3      61
4      29     Stephen      Kriss               Yale                52                                               0      52
5      3      Colin        Murphy              Boston U            46                                               0      46
6      27     Kevin        Wolfson             Dartmouth           41                                               0      41
7      14     Josh         Lipka               UNH                 36                                               0      36
8      56     Gabriel      Lloyd               Columbia            31            2                                  2      33
9      53     Matt         Spohn               Penn State          27                                               0      27
10     48     Eric         Schildge            Dartmouth           23                   1      3                    4      27
11     25     Will         Dugan               UVM                 19                                               0      19
12     63     Chris        Pickett             Georgetown          15     2                    1                    3      18
13     62     Brian        Vaughan             Johnson State       12                                               0      15
14     19     Graham       Garber              Brown               9             5                    3             8      20
15     46     Evan         Daney               East Stroudsburg    7                                          3      3      12
16     8      Charles      Alexander           Bucknell            5                                                0      7
17     42     Brian        Hayes               U Conn              4                                                0      5
18     43     Lou          Devlin              East Stroudsburg    3                                                0      4
19     38     Craig        Luekens             Yale                2                                                0      3
20     20     Andrew       Walters             Lehigh              1                    2                           2      4
21     32     Benjamin     Showman             USMA                0      1                                         1      2
22     16     Ryan         Kelly               UNH                 0                                                0
23     26     Christopher  Worden              UVM                 0                                                0
24     31     Derek        Merkler             USMA                0                                                0
25     41     Alexander    Breemer             Columbia            0                                                0
26     36     Ryan         O'Hara              Northeastern        0                                                0
27     30     Jonathan     Chodroff            Yale                0                                                0
28     39     Peter        Horn                Vasser              0                                         2      2      2
29     28     Jonathan     Awerbuch            Dartmouth           0                                                0
30     6      Will         Cukierski           Rutgers             0                                                0
31     54     Noah         Harwood             Connecticut College 0                                                0
32     44     Andy         Munas               Penn State          0                                                0
33     40     Chris        Ruhl                Penn State          0                                                0
34     65     Jason        Urbanczyk           Georgetown          0                                                0
35     49     Andrew       Pederson            U Penn              0                                                0
36     37     Matt         Brewster            U Mass              0                                                0
37     17     Thomas       Coupe               UNH                 0                                                0
38     35     Michael      Campbell            USMA                0                                                0
39     24     Isaac        Home                UVM                 0                           5                    5      5
40     33     Steve        Pingree             USMA                0                                                0
41     50     Andrew       Inglis              Boston U            0                                                0
42     1      Nicholas     Bennette            Princeton           0      5      3      5             5      5      23     23
43     51     Toby         Marzot              Dartmouth           0                                                0
44     7      Stephen      Szewec              Bucknell            0                                                0
45     59     Yuri         Whitehead           RIT                 0                                                0
46     2      Vincent      Chavanon            Tufts               0                                                0
47     67     Alex         Siegel              Georgetown          0                                                0
48     22     Huy          Tran                Lehigh              0                                                0
49     9      Todd         Dowling             Bucknell            0                                                0
50     15     Drew         Szeliga             UNH                 0                                                0
51     13     Tucker       Sawin               Williams            0                                                0
52     61     Adam         Carr                Johnson State       0                                                0

Women A                    21 Starters                             Pts    P1     P2     P3     P4     P5     P6     P      Total
1      1062   Eve          McNeill             Harvard             70     2      1      2                           5      75
2      1066   Susannah     Pratt               UNH                 64     5             5             2      3      15     79
3      1085   Megan        Guarnier            Middlebury          58                                               0      58
4      1067   Kate         Scheider            Williams            52                                        2      2      54
5      1075   Courtney     Reziwoldt           USMA                46            3             5                    8      54
6      1083   Sara         Schewel             U Penn              41                          2                    2      43
7      1074   Morgan       Robinson            Yale                36     1                                  1      2      38
8      1070   Melissa      Wills               Penn State          31                                               0      31
9      1071   Andrea       Luebbe              Lehigh              27     3      2      3      1      1      5      15     42
10     1063   Rachel       Clattenburg         Princeton           23                          3                    3      26
11     1084   Linsey       Norris              U Delaware          19                   1                           1      20
12     1082   Jennifer     Strasser            U Conn              15                                               0      15
13     1068   Caitlin      Bever               MIT                 12                                               0      12
14     1069   Teresa       Garcia              Brown               9             5                    5             10     19
15     1072   Sonya        Cates               MIT                 7                                                0      7
16     1064   Angela       Sherbondy           Bucknell            5                                  3             3      8
17     1081   Catie        Richards            Columbia            4                                                0      4
18     1061   Caitlin      Thompson            Tufts               3                                                0      3
19     1065   Jessica      Kukla               UNH                 2                                                0      2
20     1080   Emily        Smith               Temple              1                                                0      1
21     1086   Julia        Liang               Georgetown          0                                                0

Men B                      65 Starters                             Pts    P1     P2     P3     P4     P5     P6     P      Total
1      205    Jeff         Boehmer             Bucknell            41     3      5      2      5                    15     56
2      219    Marshall     Ambros              UVM                 35     1      2      5      3                    11     46
3      217    Scott        Dolmat-Connell      UVM                 31                                               0      31
4      212    Jeffrey      Schutt              Penn State          27                                               0      27
5      264    Eric         Edlund              MIT                 23                   1                           1      24
6      201    Gregory      Herrle              Boston College      18                          2                    2      20
7      231    Andy         Mead                U Penn              15                                               0      15
8      233    Andrew       Toplyn              Bates               13                                               0      13
9      214    Ryan         Smolko              Penn State          11                                               0      11
10     246    Ivan         Temnykh             Cornell             9                                                0      9
11     241    Justin       Brown               Penn State          7                                                0      7
12     209    Kerry        Need                Harvard             5                                                0      5
13     249    Russell      Erickson            Columbia            3                                                0      3
14     253    Andrew       Schmidt             Bloomsburg          2                                                0      2
15     206    Ryan         Carney              UNH                 1                                                0      1
16     257    William      Cicicci             Villanova           0                                                0
17     259    Kyle         Helder              Kutztown            0                                                0
18     255    Brian        Firliet             U Conn              0                                                0
19     211    Evan         Perrone             Pitt                0                                                0
20     210    Christopher  Hong                Harvard             0      2      3                                  5      5
21     229    Steven       Felix               Yale                0                                                0
22     251    John         Hunter              Temple              0                                                0
23     225    Alexander    Van Plantinga       Rutgers             0                                                0
24     243    R. Andrew    Hill                MIT                 0                                                0
25     240    Alex         Wooten              U Penn              0                                                0
26     252    Luke         St. Clair           Penn State          0                                                0
27     269    Chris        Wynnyk              RPI                 0                                                0
28     254    Peter        Emerson             UVM                 0                                                0
29     244    Alex         Grause              UVM                 0                                                0
30     245    Benajmin     Garrett             Temple              0                                                0
31     261    Andrew       Bernstein           Skidmore            0                                                0
32     268    Joe          Kopena              Drexel              0                                                0
33     221    Christopher  Hamlin              UVM                 0                                                0
34     227    Stefan       Grecu               Drexel              0                                                0
35     228    Adam         Leman               Drexel              0                                                0
36     232    Robert       Sprague             U Penn              0                                                0
37     242    David        Kappa               Yale                0                                                0
38     218    Katriel      Statman             Bard                0                                                0
39     247    Charles      Krohn               Cornell             0                                                0
40     267    Stephen      Frattini            Cornell             0                                                0
41     223    Vincent      Scalia              UVM                 0                                                0
42     234    Keith        Cardoza             Northeastern        0                                                0
43     258    Steven       Toledo              Rutgers             0                                                0
44     235    Mark         Theeman             Northeastern        0                                                0
45     250    Brendan      Rogers              U Conn              0                                                0
DNF    237    Christopher  Kessler             U Mass              0      5      1      3                           9      9
DNF    224    Cory         Johannessen         Harvard             0                           1                    1      1

Women B                    26 Starters                             Pts    P1     P2     P3     P4     P5     P6     P      Total
1      151    Heidi        Goodson             Columbia            41     1      5                                  6      47
2      156    Roso         Long                Colby               35     3             5      5                    13     48
3      102    Rebecca      Levin               Princeton           31                   2      1                    3      34
4      101    Judith       Wexler              Tufts               27     5      1                                  6      33
5      140    Dana         Cuomo               Penn State          23                                               0      23
6      138    Rachel       Sutton              Penn State          18            3      3      2                    8      26
7      114    Anouk        Dey                 Williams            15     2      2      1      3                    8      23
8      123    Priscilla    Mok                 Brown               13                                               0      13
9      137    Kristen      Naegle              MIT                 11                                               0      11
10     106    Elizabeth    Spragins            Williams            9                                                0      9
11     152    Jelena       Djordjevic          U Penn              7                                                0      7
12     146    Lauren       Peck                Penn State          5                                                0      5
13     132    Julie        Schoenfeld          Carnegie Mellon     3                                                0      3
14     107    Elizabeth    Liquori             UNH                 2                                                0      2
15     150    Jessica      Benoit              UVM                 1                                                0      1
16     154    Anna         Fox                 Drexel              0                                                0
17     104    Margaret     Hartman             Bucknell            0                                                0
18     149    Casey        Williams            Cornell             0                                                0
19     134    Sarah        Smith               Dartmouth           0                                                0
20     110    Anna         Edmonds             Williams            0                                                0
21     145    Kasia        Beznoska            Northeastern        0                                                0
22     198    Kelsey       Hassin              USMA                0                                                0
23     127    Kristine     Jimenez             Penn State          0                                                0
24     197    Jannelle     Allong              USMA                0                                                0
25     196    Michelle     Kimbrough           USMA                0                                                0

Men C1                     47 Starters                             Pts    P1     P2     P3     P4     P5     P6     P      Total
1      411    Bryan        Limmer              Harvard             22     5             5                           10     32
2      408    Mark         Vareschi            Rutgers             16                                               0      16
3      440    Drew         Procyk              U Conn              13     3                                         3      16
4      656    Nicolas      Ammerlaan           McGill              10            5                                  5      15
5      435    Robert       O'Brian             Columbia            9                                               0      10
6      416    Noah         Schwartz            Rutgers             8                                                0      9
7      662    Peter        Thornhill           McGill              6                                                0      8
8      424    Jonathan     Nable               U Mass              5                                                0      8
9      404    Colum        Lang                UNH                 4             3                                  3      9
10     407    Colin        Connolly            Harvard             3                                                0      5
11     417    Alex         Brough              Penn State          2                                                0      4
12     651    Vincent      Lavallee            McGill              1                                                0      3
13     409    Chris        Redmond             Rutgers             0                                                0      3
14     420    Lee          Peters              UVM                 0                                                0      2
15     432    Michael      Wasserman           Columbia            0             2      3                           5      6
16     444    William      Fisser              U Delaware          0                                                0
17     418    Kyle         Gheres              Penn State          0                                                0
18     437    Benjamin     Kraft               Cornell             0                    1                           1      1
19     423    Greg         Whitney             Northeastern        0                                                0
20     426    Daniel       Jick                Boston U            0                                                0
21     403    Jeff         Lukach              UNH                 0                                                0
22     446    Aaron        Cruikshank          Penn State          0                                                0
23     434    James        Honda               U Conn              0                                                0
24     419    Ross         Saxton              UVM                 0                                                0
25     414    Zachary      Byers               Pitt                0                                                0
26     657    Daniel       Lortie              McGill              0                    2                           2      2
27     443    William      Pluta               Rutgers             0                                                0
28     402    Mike         Anthony             UNH                 0      2                                         2      2
29     445    Robert       McCoy               U Delaware          0                                                0
30     406    Don          Yungher             Rutgers             0                                                0
31     412    Florian      Zink                Pitt                0                                                0
32     436    Dan          Stine               U Conn              0                                                0
33     421    Daniel       Bensen              UVM                 0                                                0
34     429    Alexander    Pratt               Penn State          0                                                0
35     410    Jeremy       Warshauer           Harvard             0             1                                  1      1
36     405    Jay          Nossen              Rutgers             0                                                0
37     442    David        Berger              U Penn              0                                                0
38     431    Isaac        Dinner              Columbia            0                                                0
39     422    Benjamin     Pinkus              Northeastern        0                                                0
40     433    Steven       Marks               Columbia            0                                                0
41     428    Timothy      Darwick             Penn State          0                                                0
42     441    Paul         Bickford            U Conn              0                                                0
43     401    Nathan       Miller              UNH                 0                                                0
DNF    430    James        Patterson           UVM                 0      1                                         1      1

Men C2                     55 Starters                                                                              0
1      696    Jeremy       Jo                  Tufts               22     1      5                                  6      28
2      648    John         Reuter              Bates               16                                               0      16
3      633    Seth         Behrends            MIT                 13     3      3                                  6      19
4      646    Brodie       O'Brien             Bates               10                                               0      10
5      694    Charles      d'Hemecourt         Boston College      9             1                                  1      10
6      659    Anthony      Schrauth            MIT                 8                                                0      8
7      654    Erik         Wilburn             USMA                6                    5                           5      11
8      671    Casey        Marks               Brown               5                                                0      5
9      690    Austin       Roach               Princeton           4                                                0      4
10     679    William      Hilsman             Colgate             3                                                0      3
11     673    Peter        Mayer               MIT                 2      5             3                           8      10
12     650    Andre        Perreault           Boston College      1                                                0      1
13     675    Nicolas      Fioretti            Cortland            0                    1                           1      1
14     655    Nicholas     Shamrell            USMA                0             2      2                           4      4
15     661    Peter        Kuhn                Yale                0                                                0
16     643    Mark         Cote                MIT                 0      2                                         2      2
17     669    Greg         Close               Lehigh              0                                                0
18     641    Daniel       Fuehrer             Kutztown            0                                                0
19     697    Glenn        Ferreira            Tufts               0                                                0
20     684    Benjamin     Grass               Williams            0                                                0
21     652    Joseph       Perez               USMA                0                                                0
22     685    Aaron        Cravez              Bucknell            0                                                0
23     658    Ansgar       Mohnkern            Yale                0                                                0
24     660    0            0                   Dartmouth           0                                                0
25     644    Christian    Rose                Vasser              0                                                0
26     639    Travis       Roe-Raymond         Skidmore            0                                                0
27     674    Stephen      Sloan               Cortland            0                                                0
28     649    Vincent      Gonzales            Boston College      0                                                0
29     698    Colin        Green               Tufts               0                                                0
30     682    Eric         Battaglioli         Colgate             0                                                0
31     672    Radu         Jianu               Brown               0                                                0
32     667    Michael      Cruz                Carnegie Mellon     0                                                0
33     683    Constantine  Mavroudis           Williams            0                                                0
34     688    Daniel       Wood                Bucknell            0                                                0
35     687    Aaron        Meyers              Bucknell            0                                                0
36     942    Jonathan     Wu                  Yale                0                                                0
37     676    Craig        Moyse               Cortland            0                                                0
38     695    Thomas       Laning              Boston College      0                                                0
39     636    Josh         Jamner              Colby               0                                                0
40     665    David        Corcoran            Lehigh              0                                                0
41     656    Nicolas      Ammerlaan           McGill              0                                                0
42     699    Adam         Svaitzky            Tufts               0                                                0
43     663    Erik         Newman              Dartmouth           0                                                0
44     640    Kyle         Ebeling             Kutztown            0                                                0
45     680    Jamie        Simchik             Colgate             0                                                0
46     677    Joseph       Boxley              Cortland            0                                                0
47     632    Joe          Standley            Lehigh              0                                                0
48     647    Jeffrey      Wong                Carnegie Mellon     0                                                0
49     681    Andrew       Krulewitz           Colgate             0                                                0

Women Intro                30 Starters                             Pts    P1     P2     P3     P4     P5     P6     P      Total
1      116    Ashley       Shuyler             Harvard             22                                               0      22
2      157    Amy          Ehrlich             Rutgers             16                                               0      16
3      109    Miju         Han                 Williams            13                                               0      13
4      136    Yuri         Matsumoto           MIT                 10                                               0      10
5      115    Brodi        Kemp                Harvard             9                                                0      9
6      155    Jennifer     Post                Rutgers             8                                                0      8
7      113    Hannah       Winer               Hamilton            6                                                0      6
8      119    Kathryn      Spiker              Pitt                5                                                0      5
9      112    Adele        Paquin              Hamilton            4                                                0      4
10     130    Jenny        Lofaro              Lehigh              3                                                0      3
11     135    Kelly        Everhart            Dartmouth           2                                                0      2
12     105    Chisato      Fukuda              Bucknell            1                                                0      1
13     103    Janine       Hauber              Bucknell            0                                                0
14     195    Mary         Reeves              Georgetown          0                                                0
15     131    Dina         Uzri                Harvard             0                                                0
16     148    Kerry        McDermott           Yale                0                                                0
17     143    Amanda       Feirstein           Boston College      0                                                0
18     142    Rebecca      Stievater           Cornell             0                                                0
19     125    Jessica      Wroten              Brown               0                                                0
20     117    Erin         Mishley             Pitt                0                                                0
21     128    Renee        Reilly              Penn State          0                                                0
22     153    Rebecca      Batorsky            Tufts               0                                                0
23     129    Coralie      Lannelongue         Carnegie Mellon     0                                                0
24     122    Megan        Palmer              MIT                 0                                                0
25     111    Megan        Arrow               UNH                 0                                                0
26     144    Rebecca      Wolski              Boston College      0                                                0
27     120    Grace        Miller              Pitt                0                                                0
28     124    Natalie      Hewitt              Brown               0                                                0
29     139    Jennifer     Dick                Drexel              0                                                0
30     118    Susan        Lofaro              Pitt                0                                                0

Men D1                     26 Starters                             Pts    P1     P2     P3     P4     P5     P6     P      Total
1      701    Brian        Roberts             Boston U            12                                               0      12
2      751    Brian        Gabele              Columbia            9      1      5                                  6      15
3      746    Anthony      Hall                Columbia            7             3                                  3      10
4      718    Clayton      Chiles              Penn State          6      2                                         2      8
5      742    Alexander    Graybeal            Columbia            5             2                                  2      7
6      738    Kyle         Reed                U Delaware          4             1                                  1      5
7      709    Paul         Scheuermann         Pitt                3                                                0      3
8      727    Brendan      Barrett             Penn State          2                                                0      2
9      749    Kyle         Bruffy              Delaware            1                                                0      1
10     733    Mark         Slater              U Mass              0                                                0
11     704    Alex         Buck                UNH                 0                                                0
12     741    Devin        Hurson              Columbia            0                                                0
13     703    Michael      Dunstan             UNH                 0                                                0
14     728    Chris        DeCarlo             Penn State          0                                                0
15     705    Richard      Kassan              Rutgers             0                                                0
16     702    James        Rose                UNH                 0                                                0
17     719    Raymond      Dodd                Rutgers             0                                                0
18     722    Neal         Martorelli          UVM                 0                                                0
19     732    Tyler        Scanlon             Northeastern        0                                                0
20     720    Felix A.     Herrera             Penn State          0                                                0
DNF    707    Nicholas     Qiang               Harvard             0      5                                         5      5
DNF    740    David        Roche               Columbia            0      3                                         3      3

Men D2                     59 Starters                                                                              0
1      941    Albert       Cheung              MIT                 12     3                                         3      15
2      958    Brett        Kielick             Drexel              9                                                0      9
3      945    Guo Liang    Chew                MIT                 7                                                0      7
4      961    Patrick      Barter              NE Conservatory     6             5                                  5      11
5      969    Jared        Denstermacher       Bloomsburg          5      1                                         1      6
6      928    Connor       Lawrence            USMA                4                                                0      4
7      951    Dan          Lavelle             Drexel              3      5      1                                  6      9
8      947    Randall      Lewis               MIT                 2             3                                  3      5
9      929    Timothy      Adams               USMA                1                                                0      1
10     930    Shaun        Pothin              USMA                0             2                                  2      2
11     988    Drew         Thayer              Williams            0                                                0
12     944    Nick         Loomis              MIT                 0      2                                         2      2
13     934    Peter        Newhook             McGill              0                                                0
14     969    Jared        Denstermacher       Bloomsburg          0                                                0
15     925    Andrew       Thompson            USMA                0                                                0
16     972    Gary         Mikulski            Bloomsburg          0                                                0
17     979    Matt         Jones               Wentworth           0                                                0
18     963    Michael      Sandford            Lehigh              0                                                0
19     923    Jason        Godsell             Bates               0                                                0
20     960    Eben         Clattenburg         Dartmouth           0                                                0
21     950    Doug         Markgraf            Drexel              0                                                0
22     918    John         Beers               Temple              0                                                0
23     978    Vahin        Mahdavy             Wentworth           0                                                0
24     957    Joshua       Grossman            Carnegie Mellon     0                                                0
25     922    Sebastien    Labzecque-Sauve     McGill              0                                                0
26     980    Paulo        Bernegger           Wentworth           0                                                0
27     962    Leon         Mauren              Dartmouth           0                                                0
28     964    Aaron        Hoy                 Carnegie Mellon     0                                                0
29     955    Matthew      Schoman             Drexel              0                                                0
30     987    Brendan      Fulmer              Williams            0                                                0
31     920    Christopher  Cipriani            Villanova           0                                                0
32     642    Chris        McCarty             Kutztown            0                                                0
33     977    Arthur       Moran               Wentworth           0                                                0
34     933    Tom          Skinner             McGill              0                                                0
35     994    Jeffrey      Campbell            Princeton           0                                                0
36     926    Jeremy       May                 USMA                0                                                0
37     948    Christopher  Ritacco             Yale                0                                                0
38     992    Steven       Hopengarten         Union College       0                                                0
39     952    Max          Knee                Temple              0                                                0
40     954    Timothy      Mansella            Drexel              0                                                0
41     959    Jacob        Schwarz             Colby               0                                                0
42     956    Steven       Bronstein           Drexel              0                                                0
43     919    Gregory      Wesolowich          Kutztown            0                                                0
44     940    Michael      Palermo             Kutztown            0                                                0
45     981    David        Moynihan            Wentworth           0                                                0
46     916    Alex         McPherson           Colby               0                                                0
47     993    Jeff         Hayes               Union College       0                                                0
48     932    Matthew      Lai                 McGill              0                                                0
49     967    Daniel       Aduna               Carnegie Mellon     0                                                0
50     968    Peter        Nelson              Carnegie Mellon     0                                                0
51     937    Taylor       James               Yale                0                                                0
52     942    Jonathan     Wu                  Yale                0                                                0
53     970    Brooks       Ward                Bard                0                                                0
54     921    Jonathan     Villemaire-Krajden  McGill              0                                                0
55     990    Lee          Hanes               Bucknell            0                                                0
56     989    Richard      Brain               Bucknell            0                                                0

Men Intro                  37 Starters                             Pts    P1     P2     P3     P4     P5     P6     P      Total
1      734    Jonah        Zimmerman           Boston U            7                                                0      7
2      739    Mark         Sausen              U Delaware          5                                                0      5
3      735    Nathan       Kupperstock         Boston U            3                                                0      3
4      915    Jared        Brooks              Millersville        2                                                0      2
5      737    Daniel       Simola              U Penn              1                                                0      1
6      965    Michael      Chen                Carnegie Mellon     0                                                0
7      724    Andy         Glaser              Rutgers             0                                                0
8      938    Chris        Schneider           Villanova           0                                                0
9      997    Jason        Jong                Tufts               0                                                0
10     721    Shane        Buker               Harvard             0                                                0
11     981    David        Moynihan            Wentworth           0                                                0
12     986    Ben          Roshko              Colgate             0                                                0
13     736    Andrew       Carter              Boston U            0                                                0
14     999    Justin       Birudavol           Tufts               0                                                0
15     998    Sam          Caven               Tufts               0                                                0
16     917    Tom          Morris              Villanova           0                                                0
17     723    David        Kim                 Rutgers             0                                                0
18     939    Tucker       Jones               MIT                 0                                                0
19     976    Jopeph       Newman              DeSales             0                                                0
20     726    Taylor       Doyle               Rutgers             0                                                0
21     725    David        Allova              Rutgers             0                                                0
22     995    Karl         Honerlaw            Boston College      0                                                0
23     982    Kenneth      Morales             Brown               0                                                0
24     996    Arjun        Sudhir              Boston College      0                                                0
25     931    Christopher  Rakovic             Boston College      0                                                0
26     991    Alex         Perkins             Union College       0                                                0
27     731    Sean         Whitehur            Cornell             0                                                0
28     975    Jonathan     Fura                DeSales             0                                                0
29     932    Matthew      Lai                 McGill              0                                                0
30     949    Andrew       Evensen             Drexel              0                                                0
31     744    Richard      Palmer              U Conn              0                                                0
32     716    Kevin        Miller              Rutgers             0                                                0
33     914    Michael      Coulson             Millersville        0                                                0
34     971    Malcolm      Norton              Bloomsburg          0                                                0
35     983    Alexander    Svoronos            Brown               0                                                0
36     706    Gennard      Torre               Rutgers             0                                                0
37     974    Zachary      Ellwood             DeSales             0

Stage 3, Road Race
Piscataway, NJ
March 4, 2007

Courtesy of Velocity Results

ECCC Team Points (all categories combined)
Team Pts Earned       Old System Equivalent
Div 1      Div 2      Div 1      Div 2
Penn State        87                    120
Princeton                    70                    120
UNH               70                    96
Harvard           74                    78
Bucknell                     56                    96
Columbia          64                    60
UVM               58                    42
Williams                     60                    78
MIT                          51.5                  60
Brown                        34.5                  42
USMA                         43                    30
Dartmouth                    31                    18
Lehigh                       35                    12
Yale                         16                    6
Boston U          23                    30
Tufts                        13
Rutgers           18                    18
Colby                        11
U Delaware        21                    12
U Penn            17                    6
Middlebury                   20
Boston C                     7
Bates                        5
U Conn            8
McGill            8
U Mass            7
Hamilton                     1
Carnegie Mellon              1
Temple                       7
NE Conservatory
Pitt              5
Connecticut C
Johnson State
Northeastern      2
East Stroudsburg

Total Race Pts   M TT D1 D2         W TT D1 D2         M CT D1 D2         W CT D1 D2         M RR D1 D2         W RR D1 D2
Penn State           518              72   16            64   10            84   13            85   16            106  16            107  16
Princeton            469              149     20         36      2          101     16         60      16         76      13         47      3
UNH                  437              70   13            65   13            46   5             83   13            91   13            82   13
Harvard              428              23   5             96   20            52   7             106  20            25   2             126  20
Bucknell             414              121     16         15                 131     20         9                  124     20         14
Columbia             387              59   10            74   16            146  20            51   10            50   5             7    3
UVM                  362              104  20            7    2             102  16            1                  148  20
Williams             359                                 167     20                            99      20                            93      20
MIT                  354              46      5          62      11.5       92      13         40      3          36      3          78      16
Brown                282              63      13         62      11.5       22                 32                 40      5          63      5
USMA                 279              56      10         38      5          23      1          54      10         45      10         63      7
Dartmouth            255              35      3          18                 68      10         2                  100     16         32      2
Lehigh               230              5                  73      16         3                  45      5          35      1          69      13
Yale                 196              53      7          19                 54      7          38      2          2                  30
Boston U             153              22   3                                68   10                               63   10
Tufts                140                                 9                  28      2          36      1                             67      10
Rutgers              132              18   2             5    1             24   3             24   5             58   7             3
Colby                116                                 36      3                             48      7                             32      1
U Delaware           116              5    1             40   7             11                 20   3             18                 22   10
U Penn               116              1                  5                  16                 50   7             28   3             16   7
Middlebury           109                                 51      7                             58      13
Boston C             99               33      2                             31      3                             35      2
Bates                83               24                                    39      5                             20
Drexel               68               10                                    18                                    25                 15
U Conn               65                                  22   5             20   1             15   2             8
McGill               59                                                     24   2                                20   1             15   5
Colgate              54               19                                    3                                     32
U Mass               50               36   7                                14
Hamilton             48               24      1                                                10                                    14
Carnegie Mellon      45               3                  32      1                             3                  7
Georgetown           43                                                     18                                    22                 3
Temple               43                                                                        1                  42      7
NE Conservatory      35               20                                    11                                    4
Cortland             26                                                     1                                     25
Pitt                 26               5                  9    3             3                  5    1                                4    1
Connecticut C        22               22
Bloomsburg           20                                                     8                                     12
Cornell              15                                  1                  10                                    4
Johnson State        12                                                     12
Skidmore             9                                                                                            9
Vasser               9                7                                     2
Northeastern         7                                   2                                                                           5    2
East Stroudsburg     3                                                      3
Kutztown             2                2
Millersville         2                                                      2

Nationals Points (A category only)
Team Pts Earned       Old System Equivalent
Div 1      Div 2      Div 1      Div 2
UNH               105                   120
Princeton                    66                    120
Bucknell                     52                    96
Brown                        48                    78
USMA                         52                    60
Lehigh                       49                    42
Dartmouth                    40                    30
Harvard           52                    96
Yale                         33                    18
Williams                     49                    12
Columbia          54                    78
Penn State        64                    60
UVM               34                    42
Middlebury                   30                    6
MIT                          18
U Delaware        30                    30
Boston U          31                    18
U Penn            23                    12
U Conn            24                    6
Georgetown                   10
Tufts                        2
Connecticut C                3
U Mass            10
Johnson State                3
Vasser                       2
East Stroudsburg             2
Temple            2

Race Pts         M TT D1 D2         W TT D1 D2         M CT D1 D2         W CT D1 D2         M RR D1 D2         W RR D1 D2
UNH                  390              70   20            65   20            36   13            81   20            63   16            75   16
Princeton            371              137     20         12      1          97      20         26      5          54      13         45      7
Bucknell             290              88      16         15      2          75      16         8       1          92      16         12      1
Brown                231              63      13         57      13         17      5          19      2          40      10         35      5
USMA                 221              30      5          35      7          1                  54      13         38      7          63      20
Lehigh               212              5       1          70      16         3       1          42      10         35      5          57      16
Dartmouth            203              35      7                             68      13                            100     20
Harvard              200                                 45   16                               75   16                               80   20
Yale                 193              53      10         18      3          54      10         38      7                             30      3
Williams             185                                 80      20                            54      16                            51      13
Columbia             166              35   16            26   10            94   20            4    3                                7    5
Penn State           162              18   13            9    5             27   10            31   10            51   13            26   13
UVM                  111              12   7                                24   7                                75   20
Middlebury           109                                 51      10                            58      20
MIT                  104                                 34      5                             19      3                             51      10
U Delaware           82                                  40   13                               20   7                                22   10
Boston U             65               1    5                                46   16                               18   10
U Penn               63                                  5    3                                43   13                               15   7
U Conn               44                                  22   7             4    5             15   5             3    7
Georgetown           43                                                     18      7                             22      3          3
Tufts                28                                  7                                     3                                     18      2
Connecticut C        22               22      3
U Mass               15               15   10
Johnson State        12                                                     12      3
Vasser               9                7       2                             2
East Stroudsburg     3                                                      3       2
Temple               1                                                                         1    2

Men A                         59 Starters                             Pts
1       11      Michael       Chauner             Bucknell            80
2       51      Toby          Marzot              Dartmouth           70
3       14      Josh          Lipka               UNH                 63
4       25      Will          Dugan               UVM                 57
5       53      Matt          Spohn               Penn State          51
6       5       Nick          Frey                Princeton           45
7       19      Graham        Garber              Brown               40
8       20      Andrew        Walters             Lehigh              35
9       48      Eric          Schildge            Dartmouth           30
10      32      Benjamin      Showman             USMA                26
11      58      Michael       Githens             Georgetown          22
12      50      Andrew        Inglis              Boston U            18
13      23      Colin         Jaskiewicz          UVM                 15
14      8       Charles       Alexander           Bucknell            12
15      1       Nicholas      Bennette            Princeton           9
16      34      Alexander     Krienke             USMA                7
17      31      Derek         Merkler             USMA                5
18      42      Brian         Hayes               U Conn              3
19      24      Isaac         Home                UVM                 2
20      26      Christopher   Worden              UVM                 1
21      38      Craig         Luekens             Yale                0
22      35      Michael       Campbell            USMA                0
23      43      Lou           Devlin              East Stroudsburg    0
24      29      Stephen       Kriss               Yale                0
25      44      Andy          Munas               Penn State          0
26      17      Thomas        Coupe               UNH                 0
27      41      Alexander     Breemer             Columbia            0
28      6       Will          Cukierski           Rutgers             0
29      27      Kevin         Wolfson             Dartmouth           0
30      9       Todd          Dowling             Bucknell            0
31      16      Ryan          Kelly               UNH                 0
32      46      Evan          Daney               East Stroudsburg    0
33      62      Brian         Vaughan             Johnson State       0
34      66      AJ            Sikes               Georgetown          0
35      2       Vincent       Chavanon            Tufts               0
36      37      Matt          Brewster            U Mass              0
37      12      Sam           Camens              Bucknell            0
38      28      Jonathan      Awerbuch            Dartmouth           0
39      36      Ryan          O'Hara              Northeastern        0
40      49      Andrew        Pederson            U Penn              0
41      54      Noah          Harwood             Connecticut College 0
42      47      Rodney        Santiago            Penn State          0
43      3       Colin         Murphy              Boston U            0
44      22      Huy           Tran                Lehigh              0
45      40      Chris         Ruhl                Penn State          0
46      33      Steve         Pingree             USMA                0
47      30      Jonathan      Chodroff            Yale                0
48      13      Tucker        Sawin               Williams            0
49      18      Ethan         Bernstein           Brown               0

Women A                       20 Starters                             Pts
1       1062    Eve           McNeill             Harvard             80
2       1066    Susannah      Pratt               UNH                 70
3       1075    Courtney      Reziwoldt           USMA                63
4       1071    Andrea        Luebbe              Lehigh              57
5       1067    Kate          Scheider            Williams            51
6       1063    Rachel        Clattenburg         Princeton           45
7       1068    Caitlin       Bever               MIT                 40
8       1069    Teresa        Garcia              Brown               35
9       1074    Morgan        Robinson            Yale                30
10      1070    Melissa       Wills               Penn State          26
11      1084    Linsey        Norris              U Delaware          22
12      1061    Caitlin       Thompson            Tufts               18
13      1083    Sara          Schewel             U Penn              15
14      1064    Angela        Sherbondy           Bucknell            12
15      1073    Ilana         Brito               MIT                 9
16      1081    Catie         Richards            Columbia            7
17      1065    Jessica       Kukla               UNH                 5
18      1086    Julia         Liang               Georgetown          3
19      1072    Sonya         Cates               MIT                 2

Men B                         57 Starters                             Pts
1       219     Marshall      Ambros              UVM                 48
2       251     John          Hunter              Temple              42
3       212     Jeffrey       Schutt              Penn State          36
4       205     Jeff          Boehmer             Bucknell            32
5       231     Andy          Mead                U Penn              28
6       217     Scott         Dolmat-Connell      UVM                 24
7       202     Christopher   Hair                Boston U            21
8       201     Gregory       Herrle              Boston College      15
9       209     Kerry         Need                Harvard             12
10      253     Andrew        Schmidt             Bloomsburg          9
11      252     Luke          St. Clair           Penn State          7
12      210     Christopher   Hong                Harvard             5
13      206     Ryan          Carney              UNH                 3
14      230     Peter         Chiu                Yale                2
15      239     Alex          Cox                 UVM                 1
16      224     Cory          Johannessen         Harvard             0
17      216     Brandon       Dobnick             Wheaton             0
18      207     Steve         Frederick           Hamilton            0
19      204     Matt          Cocola              Bucknell            0
20      269     Chris         Wynnyk              RPI                 0
21      228     Adam          Leman               Drexel              0
22      247     Charles       Krohn               Cornell             0
23      214     Ryan          Smolko              Penn State          0
24      233     Andrew        Toplyn              Bates               0
25      211     Evan          Perrone             Pitt                0
26      255     Brian         Firliet             U Conn              0
27      222     Weston        Wheeler             UVM                 0
28      221     Christopher   Hamlin              UVM                 0
29      234     Keith         Cardoza             Northeastern        0
30      249     Russell       Erickson            Columbia            0
31      237     Christopher   Kessler             U Mass              0
32      246     Ivan          Temnykh             Cornell             0
33      264     Eric          Edlund              MIT                 0
34      223     Vincent       Scalia              UVM                 0
35      232     Robert        Sprague             U Penn              0
36      227     Stefan        Grecu               Drexel              0
37      244     Alex          Grause              UVM                 0
38      240     Alex          Wooten              U Penn              0
39      268     Joe           Kopena              Drexel              0
40      263     Mike          Burrows             U Delaware          0
41      220     Jesse         Chebot              UVM                 0
42      242     David         Kappa               Yale                0
43      241     Justin        Brown               Penn State          0
44      261     Andrew        Bernstein           Skidmore            0
45      235     Mark          Theeman             Northeastern        0
46      257     William       Cicicci             Villanova           0
47      267     Stephen       Frattini            Cornell             0
48      225     Alexander     Van Plantinga       Rutgers             0
49      238     Alex          Duggan              U Mass              0
50      266     William       Tate                Penn State          0
51      203     Kyle          Friis               Bucknell            0
52      250     Brendan       Rogers              U Conn              0
53      229     Steven        Felix               Yale                0
54      236     Jeffrey       Elie                U Mass              0
55      256     Justin        Bolowsky            Rutgers             0

Women B                       27 Starters                             Pts
1       101     Judith        Wexler              Tufts               48
2       114     Anouk         Dey                 Williams            42
3       138     Rachel        Sutton              Penn State          36
4       156     Roso          Long                Colby               32
5       123     Priscilla     Mok                 Brown               28
6       140     Dana          Cuomo               Penn State          24
7       146     Lauren        Peck                Penn State          21
8       154     Anna          Fox                 Drexel              15
9       141     Christina     Walsh               McGill              12
10      137     Kristen       Naegle              MIT                 9
11      107     Elizabeth     Liquori             UNH                 7
12      145     Kasia         Beznoska            Northeastern        5
13      147     Noemie        Biouin              McGill              3
14      102     Rebecca       Levin               Princeton           2
15      152     Jelena        Djordjevic          U Penn              1
16      104     Margaret      Hartman             Bucknell            0
17      150     Jessica       Benoit              UVM                 0
18      127     Kristine      Jimenez             Penn State          0
19      134     Sarah         Smith               Dartmouth           0
20      197     Jannelle      Allong              USMA                0
21      158     Emily         Shin                Columbia            0
22      196     Michelle      Kimbrough           USMA                0
23      149     Casey         Williams            Cornell             0
24      198     Kelsey        Hassin              USMA                0

Men C1                        40 Starters                             Pts
1       409     Chris         Redmond             Rutgers             32
2       402     Mike          Anthony             UNH                 24
3       656     Nicolas       Ammerlaan           McGill              18
4       432     Michael       Wasserman           Columbia            15
5       443     William       Pluta               Rutgers             12
6       408     Mark          Vareschi            Rutgers             9
7       411     Bryan         Limmer              Harvard             7
8       440     Drew          Procyk              U Conn              5
9       438     Benajmin      Cheetham            Cornell             4
10      435     Robert        O'Brian             Columbia            3
11      747     Charles       Florek              Rutgers             2
12      445     Robert        McCoy               U Delaware          1
13      437     Benjamin      Kraft               Cornell             0
14      429     Alexander     Pratt               Penn State          0
15      420     Lee           Peters              UVM                 0
16      419     Ross          Saxton              UVM                 0
17      418     Kyle          Gheres              Penn State          0
18      657     Daniel        Lortie              McGill              0
19      436     Dan           Stine               U Conn              0
20      404     Colum         Lang                UNH                 0
21      446     Aaron         Cruikshank          Penn State          0
22      406     Don           Yungher             Rutgers             0
23      434     James         Honda               U Conn              0
24      410     Jeremy        Warshauer           Harvard             0
25      423     Greg          Whitney             Northeastern        0
26      424     Jonathan      Nable               U Mass              0
27      407     Colin         Connolly            Harvard             0
28      444     William       Fisser              U Delaware          0
29      430     James         Patterson           UVM                 0
30      662     Peter         Thornhill           McGill              0
31      414     Zachary       Byers               Pitt                0
32      441     Paul          Bickford            U Conn              0
33      421     Daniel        Bensen              UVM                 0
34      403     Jeff          Lukach              UNH                 0
35      422     Benjamin      Pinkus              Northeastern        0
36      412     Florian       Zink                Pitt                0
37      425     William       Humber              Penn State          0
38      401     Nathan        Miller              UNH                 0
39      405     Jay           Nossen              Rutgers             0
40      428     Timothy       Darwick             Penn State          0

Men C2                        47 Starters
1       679     William       Hilsman             Colgate             32
2       674     Stephen       Sloan               Cortland            24
3       694     Charles       d'Hemecourt         Boston College      18
4       693     Brian         Holmes              Princeton           15
5       659     Anthony       Schrauth            MIT                 12
6       639     Travis        Roe-Raymond         Skidmore            9
7       690     Austin        Roach               Princeton           7
8       648     John          Reuter              Bates               5
9       652     Joseph        Perez               USMA                4
10      646     Brodie        O'Brien             Bates               3
11      650     Andre         Perreault           Boston College      2
12      675     Nicolas       Fioretti            Cortland            1
13      655     Nicholas      Shamrell            USMA                0
14      644     Christian     Rose                Vasser              0
15      654     Erik          Wilburn             USMA                0
16      685     Aaron         Cravez              Bucknell            0
17      660     0             0                   Dartmouth           0
18      697     Glenn         Ferreira            Tufts               0
19      672     Radu          Jianu               Brown               0
20      661     Peter         Kuhn                Yale                0
21      658     Ansgar        Mohnkern            Yale                0
22      695     Thomas        Laning              Boston College      0
23      667     Michael       Cruz                Carnegie Mellon     0
24      673     Peter         Mayer               MIT                 0
25      681     Andrew        Krulewitz           Colgate             0
26      671     Casey         Marks               Brown               0
27      698     Colin         Green               Tufts               0
28      687     Aaron         Meyers              Bucknell            0
29      699     Adam          Svaitzky            Tufts               0
30      696     Jeremy        Jo                  Tufts               0
31      632     Joe           Standley            Lehigh              0
32      682     Eric          Battaglioli         Colgate             0
33      636     Josh          Jamner              Colby               0
34      649     Vincent       Gonzales            Boston College      0
35      676     Craig         Moyse               Cortland            0
36      663     Erik          Newman              Dartmouth           0
37      677     Joseph        Boxley              Cortland            0
38      691     Eric          Chi                 Princeton           0
39      647     Jeffrey       Wong                Carnegie Mellon     0
40      688     Daniel        Wood                Bucknell            0
41      666     Trevor        Eide                Dartmouth           0
42      638     Craig         McCarrick           Connecticut College 0
43      658     Ansgar        Mohnkern            Yale                0
44      664     Collin        Hair                Drexel              0
45      686     Dave          Reilly              Bucknell            0
46      657     Daniel        Lortie              McGill              0

Women Intro                   29 Starters                             Pts
1       135     Kelly         Everhart            Dartmouth           32
2       115     Brodi         Kemp                Harvard             24
3       136     Yuri          Matsumoto           MIT                 18
4       131     Dina          Uzri                Harvard             15
5       130     Jenny         Lofaro              Lehigh              12
6       113     Hannah        Winer               Hamilton            9
7       116     Ashley        Shuyler             Harvard             7
8       112     Adele         Paquin              Hamilton            5
9       119     Kathryn       Spiker              Pitt                4
10      155     Jennifer      Post                Rutgers             3
11      105     Chisato       Fukuda              Bucknell            2
12      153     Rebecca       Batorsky            Tufts               1
13      122     Megan         Palmer              MIT                 0
14      121     Sophia        Minutolo            Cortland            0
15      128     Renee         Reilly              Penn State          0
16      143     Amanda        Feirstein           Boston College      0
17      142     Rebecca       Stievater           Cornell             0
18      111     Megan         Arrow               UNH                 0
19      117     Erin          Mishley             Pitt                0
20      148     Kerry         McDermott           Yale                0
21      159     Allison       Blansfield          U Delaware          0
22      144     Rebecca       Wolski              Boston College      0
23      129     Coralie       Lannelongue         Carnegie Mellon     0
24      126     Kristin       O'Hara Shipe        Brown               0
25      118     Susan         Lofaro              Pitt                0
26      124     Natalie       Hewitt              Brown               0
27      120     Grace         Miller              Pitt                0
28      133     Elizabeth     Sederbaum           Bard                0

Men D1                        24 Starters                             Pts
1       751     Brian         Gabele              Columbia            20
2       701     Brian         Roberts             Boston U            16
3       742     Alexander     Graybeal            Columbia            12
4       718     Clayton       Chiles              Penn State          8
5       738     Kyle          Reed                U Delaware          5
6       728     Chris         DeCarlo             Penn State          4
7       705     Richard       Kassan              Rutgers             3
8       933     Tom           Skinner             McGill              2
9       703     Michael       Dunstan             UNH                 2
10      934     Peter         Newhook             McGill              1
11      704     Alex          Buck                UNH                 1
12      935     Mike          Acton               McGill              0
13      922     Sebastien     Labzecque-Sauve     McGill              0
14      714     Kyle          MacFarlane          Pitt                0
15      717     Eric          Seemiller           Penn State          0
16      711     Matt          Appleton            Pitt                0
17      741     Devin         Hurson              Columbia            0
18      719     Raymond       Dodd                Rutgers             0
19      702     James         Rose                UNH                 0
20      733     Mark          Slater              U Mass              0
21      720     Felix A.      Herrera             Penn State          0
22      932     Matthew       Lai                 McGill              0
23      921     Jonathan      Villemaire-Krajden  McGill              0
24      732     Tyler         Scanlon             Northeastern        0

Men D2                        50 Starters
1       951     Dan           Lavelle             Drexel              20
2       945     Guo Liang     Chew                MIT                 16
3       923     Jason         Godsell             Bates               12
4       941     Albert        Cheung              MIT                 8
5       958     Brett         Kielick             Drexel              5
6       961     Patrick       Barter              NE Conservatory     4
7       969     Jared         Denstermacher       Bloomsburg          3
8       930     Shaun         Pothin              USMA                2
9       928     Connor        Lawrence            USMA                1
10      947     Randall       Lewis               MIT                 0
11      927     Patrick       Ryan                USMA                0
12      964     Aaron         Hoy                 Carnegie Mellon     0
13      955     Matthew       Schoman             Drexel              0
14      946     Francis       Woolfe              Yale                0
15      953     Blake         Rubin               Drexel              0
16      925     Andrew        Thompson            USMA                0
17      988     Drew          Thayer              Williams            0
18      943     Eli           Papa                MIT                 0
19      960     Eben          Clattenburg         Dartmouth           0
20      918     John          Beers               Temple              0
21      962     Leon          Mauren              Dartmouth           0
22      942     Jonathan      Wu                  Yale                0
23      944     Nick          Loomis              MIT                 0
24      972     Gary          Mikulski            Bloomsburg          0
25      913     Jacob         Stamey              Bloomsburg          0
26      980     Paulo         Bernegger           Wentworth           0
27      911     Alex          Ruda                Princeton           0
28      992     Steven        Hopengarten         Union College       0
29      994     Jeffrey       Campbell            Princeton           0
30      977     Arthur        Moran               Wentworth           0
31      986     Ben           Roshko              Colgate             0
32      981     David         Moynihan            Wentworth           0
33      929     Timothy       Adams               USMA                0
34      954     Timothy       Mansella            Drexel              0
35      957     Joshua        Grossman            Carnegie Mellon     0
36      993     Jeff          Hayes               Union College       0
37      978     Vahin         Mahdavy             Wentworth           0
38      916     Alex          McPherson           Colby               0
39      926     Jeremy        May                 USMA                0
40      956     Steven        Bronstein           Drexel              0
41      970     Brooks        Ward                Bard                0
42      967     Daniel        Aduna               Carnegie Mellon     0
43      973     Christopher   Olsen               Bloomsburg          0
44      937     Taylor        James               Yale                0
45      985     Andrew        Baxter              Cortland            0
46      968     Peter         Nelson              Carnegie Mellon     0
47      750     Jay           Kamin               Temple              0

Men Intro                     36 Starters                             Pts
1       739     Mark          Sausen              U Delaware          12
2       965     Michael       Chen                Carnegie Mellon     7
3       735     Nathan        Kupperstock         Boston U            5
4       734     Jonah         Zimmerman           Boston U            3
5       721     Shane         Buker               Harvard             1
6       710     Hung-Chan     Huang               Pitt                0
7       920     Christopher   Cipriani            Villanova           0
8       938     Chris         Schneider           Villanova           0
9       931     Christopher   Rakovic             Boston College      0
10      995     Karl          Honerlaw            Boston College      0
11      999     Justin        Birudavol           Tufts               0
12      724     Andy          Glaser              Rutgers             0
13      713     Mark          Ams                 Pitt                0
14      725     David         Allova              Rutgers             0
15      917     Tom           Morris              Villanova           0
16      731     Sean          Whitehur            Cornell             0
17      723     David         Kim                 Rutgers             0
18      984     Graham        Anderson            Brown               0
19      748     Michael       McGee               U Delaware          0
20      939     Tucker        Jones               MIT                 0
21      998     Sam           Caven               Tufts               0
22      975     Jonathan      Fura                DeSales             0
23      997     Jason         Jong                Tufts               0
24      708     Christopher   Yoder               Pitt                0
25      996     Arjun         Sudhir              Boston College      0
26      949     Andrew        Evensen             Drexel              0
27      982     Kenneth       Morales             Brown               0
28      976     Jopeph        Newman              DeSales             0
29      730     Joel          Norton              Northeastern        0
30      716     Kevin         Miller              Rutgers             0
31      983     Alexander     Svoronos            Brown               0
32      966     Benjamin      Stephens            Carnegie Mellon     0
33      971     Malcolm       Norton              Bloomsburg          0
34      991     Alex          Perkins             Union College       0
35      706     Gennard       Torre               Rutgers             0