The Seacoast Points Series included the following events:
� Exeter Criterium - June 27, 2006
� Mount Agamenticus Time Trial - August 13, 2006
� York Beach Criterium - September 15, 2006
� Portsmouth Criterium - September 17, 2006
Results Courtesy of
These results are provided for informational purposes only. Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.
Women Pro 1-4
Kerry Litka Terry Precision
Zoe Owers 1k2go/S&W Racing
Brooke O'Connor Hub Racing
Debony Diehl Sunapee/S&W
Leslie Ludtke 1k2go/S&W Racing
Mary Ann Stover
Deidre Vanderscaff Linscott Real Estate Racing
Grace Fleury Team Lipton
Karen Tripp Noreast Cycling
Susanne Delaney Noreast Cycling
Mackenzie Dickey Aaron's Cycling Team
Darcy McGuire Team International Bike/Nerac
Sally Annis NEBC Cycleloft
Mary Lou Lowrie Trimainiacs (Midcoast Multisports)
Amy Wallace Wheelworks
Beth Leasure Team Spirit
Rebecca Wellons Gearworks/Spin Arts Cycling
Leanne Schoenfeld
Terri Wentzel Linscott Real Estate Racing
Renee Eastman Vitamin Cottage
Men Pro 1-3
Ted King Priority Health
Michael Cody FiordiFrutta Cycling Team
Mike Barton Boston Scientific
Jake Keough CL Noonan/ Coast to Coast/ KAM
Patrick Walsh CCB/time
Robbie King Priority Health
Adam Myerson NERAC-Outdoor
Jon Hamblen NERAC-Outdoor
Ward Solar Natures Path presented by Fuji Pro/Am Cycling Team
Sean Finning South
Justin Lillie Boston Scientific
Ray Johnson Boston Scientific
Scott Zwizanski Kodak-Sierra
Will Letendre Boston Scientific Cycling Club
Morgan Macleod Mechanical Services/Cycle Mania
Peter Dawson South
Paul Wonsavage Onion River Sports
Graham Garber North Atlantic Velo
Jonny Bold CL Noonan/ Coast to Coast/ KAM
Jeff Palleiko Boston Scientific
Men Cat 4
Greg Hillson
Gary Jasdzewski Boston Scientific
Tom Luther Noreast Cycling
Rob O'Malley Sunapee/S&W Racing
Douglas Jansen Noreast Cycling
Paul Denis Mathieu's Cycle
Scott Marr Portland Velo Club
Steven Gauthier Noreast Cycling
Brian Lavigne Sunapee/S&W Racing
Aaron Phipps bikesenjava
Brent Mahan GMBC/Catamount
James Nash CCB/Volkswagen
Matthew Simpson B.O.B. Cycling
Andrew Durham CCB/Volkswagen
Scott Fuller B.O.B. Cycling
Douglas Campbell Cambride Valley Cycling
Fred Loucks Boston Scientific
Sven Lohse Essex County Velo
Brad Buckley Colavita Racing
David Penney Noreast Cycling