Wooden Wheels at Granouge

Wilmington, DE

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Wooden Wheels at Granouge
2004 Verge Mid-Atlantic Cylcocross Series Race #3
October 23, 2004 Wilmington, DE

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

281 starters

49 starters

Pos        Firstname       Name          Time
1          Barry           WICKS         0:58:37
2          Mark            MCCORMACK     0:00:10
3          Ben             JACQUES-MAYNES0:00:13
4          Ryan            TREBON        0:00:19
5          Jesse           ANTHONY       0:01:16
6          TYLER           JOHNSON       0:01:20
7          Jackson         STEWART       0:01:51
8          Matt            WHITE         0:02:44
9          Jed             SCHNEIDER     0:02:53
10         Jonathan        BAKER         0:03:08
11         Ben             TURNER        0:03:30
12         Johannes        HUSEBY        0:03:49
13         Joshua          SNEAD         0:03:49
14         Ryan            LEECH         0:03:49
15         Jon             HAMBLEN       0:04:12
16         Jeff            WEINERT       0:04:22
17         Greg            MARINI        0:04:31
18         Jonathan        BRUNO         0:04:38
19         gunnar          SHOGREN       0:05:26
20         Joseph          REYNOLDS      0:05:34
21         Jamey           DRISCOLL      0:05:46
22         John            HANSON        0:05:52
23         Matt            KRAUS         0:05:54
24         Joey            THOMPSON      0:06:07
25         Kristopher      AUER          0:06:09
26         Greg            WITTWER       0:06:25
27         Leslie          LEECH         0:06:32
28         Jacob           STECHMANN     0:06:34
29         Greg            FERGUSON      0:06:57
30         Adam Hodges     MYERSON       0:07:12
31         nathan          CHOWN         0:07:12
32         Chris           SAMUEL        0:08:23
33         Kyle            WAMSLEY       -1
34         John            DEGELE        -1
35         Mike            YOZELL        -1
36         Nathan          DEIBERT       -1
37         Curt            DAVIS         -1
38         Jeff            HERRING       -1
39         Myron           BAKER         -1
40         Zak             GRABOWSKI     -1
41         Joseph          PICCILLO      -1
42         Ryan            DEWALD        -1
43         Jon             HANSEN        -1
44         Jeremy          WALKER        -1
dnf        Bobby           LEA
dnf        Konrad          LEBAS
dnf        Ben             HARPER
dnf        Andrew          WULFKUHLE
dnf        Nicholas        SHAFFER

Fines:  #32 and #44 are fined 50 SFr for violation of rule 12.4.1

31 starters

Pos        Firstname       Name          Time
1          Barbara         HOWE          46:02
2          Chrisstine      VARDAROS      0:10
3          Anna            MILKOWSKI     0:14
4          Sinead          FITZGIBBON    1:57
5          Sarah           UHL           2:45
6          Katrina         DAVIS         2:46
7          Mackenzie       DICKEY        2:51
8          Marianne        STOVER        3:04
9          Betsy           SCHAUER       3:22
10         Amber           ITLE          3:33
11         Dorothy         WONG          3:43
12         Caroline        HACKER        3:59
13         Melanie         SWARTZ        4:05
14         Celeste         DRUMM         4:21
15         Sami            FOURNIER      4:46
16         Pauline         FRASCONE      4:53
17         Jennifer        MAXWELL       5:28
18         Lisa            MOST          5:47
19         Kami            TREMBLAY      6:11
20         Susan           MACLEAN       6:22
21         Megan           CLARK         6:36
22         Alicia          GENEST        7:10
23         Lisa            VIBLE         9:20
24         Michelle        SUPLAND       9:52
25         Katherine       FARGO         10:20
26         Lesley          HONSBERGER    -1
27         Tammy           EBERSOLE      -1
28         Tina            KUNSTBECK     -1
29         Catherine       POWERS        -1
30         Jill            NEUMANN       -1
dnf        Maryan          MARTINEZ

55 starters

Place      45+             Time          Rider                                                                Team
1                          36:41         Ransom            Weaver                                             Guys Bicycles
2                          36:42         Eric              Schlauch                                           Somerset Wheelmen
3                                        John              Verheul                                            Ideal Tile/Brielle Cyclery
4                          37:37         Blaiir            Saunders                                           First State Velo Sport
5          1                             Randall           Root                                               Team Snow Valley
6                          37:46         Richard           Mihills                                            FSVS
7                          37:54         Bradley           Patches
8          2               38:03         Christopher       Long                                               Independent Fabrication/Gotham
9                          38:10         Martin            Jones                                              Somerset Wheelmen
10                         38:38         Kirk              Reisinger                                          Club Wissahickon
11                         38:55         john              lux                                                First Capital velo
12                         39:00         Robert            Campos                                             HVC/Jessies
13                         39:09         Paul              Nyberg                                             Benidorm/Createx Colors
14                         39:18         Mark              Gunsalus                                           Bike Barn Racing
15         3               39:25         Fred              Wittwer                                            Charlottesville racing club
16         4               39:46         Douglass          Gray                                               First State Velo Sport
17                                       Bob               Reuther
18         5               40:13         Tom               MacNiven                                           Hampton Velo
19         6               40:20         rob               frederick                                          Evolution Racing
20                         40:25         Stephen           Caffrey                                            First State Velo Sport
21                         40:30         Mark              Laser                                              Yellow Breeches Racing
22         7                             Kevin             Breckenmaker                                       Team Harrisburg
23         8                             Kevin             Saint Clair
24                                       N. Johan          Anestad                                            Evolution Racing
25                         40:55         Fred              Handel                                             Nittany Velo
26                         41:54         James             Perren
27                         41:57         Kelly             Cline                                              Wissahickon
28                                       Paul              Incognito                                          First State Velo Sport
29                         42:17         brian             poochigian                                         City-Bikes
30                         42:26         Albert            Greene                                             Yellow Breeches Racing
31                         42:42         David             Jablonski                                          Husker Road Club
32                         42:47         Chip              Sovek                                              Potomac Velo Club
33         9               42:51         David             Genest                                             Richard Sachs
34                         43:02         David             Paul                                               Artemis
35         10              43:19         Mike              Czupryna                                           First State Velo Sport
36                         43:39         Jeffrey           Appeltans                                          TimeCycle
37         11                            Karl              Kensinger                                          ALAN Mid-Atlantic
38         12              43:51         leo               pizzini                                            1st State Velosport
39                         44:22         Pete              Smith
40                         -1            Jay               Downs                                              Fort-Gpoa
41                         -1            Jim               Arnold
42         13              -1            Don               Morrison                                           Wissahickon
43                         -1            Kevin             Kuzas                                              Squadra Coppi
44         14              -1            Gary              Dugovich                                           Snitgers/ACA
45         15              -1            Joseph            Kenas                                              Guy's Racing
46                         -1            Mark              Zach
47         16              -1            Nunzio            DiBiasi                                            Team Harrisburg
48                         -1            Chuck             Wahl                                               Evolution Racing
49         17              -1            Richard           Sachs                                              CYBC-Richard Sachs
50         18              -1            Tom               Ekberg                                             Liberty Cycle
51                         -1            Gustavo           Sanchez                                            Evolution Racing
52         19              -1            Christopher       Houston                                            Yellow Breeches Racing
53                         -1            Rob               Spillmann
54         20              -1            Richard           Bauch                                              Colavita-Bolla Racing
55                         -1            patrick           leonard                                            evolution racing
DNS                                      Carey             Steelman                                           Lateral Stress Velo/Kelly
DNS                                      Ben               Williams                                           A1Cycling/Potomac Velo Club
DNS                                      Tim               Haitz                                              Team Dupont/Ritchey


6 starters

Place      Time            Rider                           Team
1          55:19           John          Hansen
2          56:29           Marc          Vettori           Spot Brand Whore
3          1:00:47         Matt          Thompson
4          1:01:08         Albert        Green             Also in 35+ race
5          -1              Eric          Lowenstein        Highland Park Hermes
6          -1              Butch         Ramsey            team bigTIME
7          -1              James         Ambagis           Wooden Wheels Racing

5 starters

Pos        Firstname       Name          Time
1          Charles         MARZOT        35:06
2          Morgan          MACLEOD       0:57
3          Noah            HARWOOD       1:23
4          Colt            MCELWAINE     3:16
5          Patrick         RYLAND        3:19

Juniors 10-16
4 starters

Place      Time            Rider                           Team
1          38:31           Michael       Garretson         Yellow Breeches Racing
2          39:43           Zac           Felpel            redrose
3          40:29           Zach          Adams             Yellow Breeches Racing
4          40:41           Morgan        Gerlak            LSV/Kelly

B Men
77 starters

Place      Time            Rider                           Team
1                          Weston        Schempf           FORT-GPOA
2                          dan           wilson            First State Velo Sports/Cycleops
3                          Patrick       Cusack            Rockville Harley-Davidson/Bicycle Pro Shop
4                          Joseph        Ruggery
5                          Logan         Hodson            Alan Factory Team
6                          Eric          Ragot             Kissena Cycling Club
7                          Michael       Magur             VergeSport.com / Test Pilot
8                          chris         mayhew            FORT/GPOA
9                          Elliot        McAllister        Ardmore Cycling
10                         Tom           Mains             Velocity Sports/CCE
11                         Colin         Sandberg          FORT/GPOA!
12                         Evan          Ellicott
13                         Brett         Biddle
14                         Trevor        Williams          Guy's Bicycle Racing
15                         Mark          Wilson
16                         Jason         Babcock           Yellow Breeches Racing
17                         Christopher   Johnson           Nittany Velo Club
18                         Andres        Wright
19                         Bruce         Freehoff          Beacon
20                         Wayne         Scott             First State Velo Sport
21                         Luke          Sauder            First Capital Velo
22                         Ray           Ignosh            Gotham Cyclists
23                         FJ            Hughes
24                         James         Revere            Team Cobblestone
25                         Alec          Riendeau          Highland Park Hermes
26                         Wade          Hess              Team Beacon
27                         matt          bergerson
28                         David         Lowe              Ardmore Bikeline
29                         David         Stauffer          Cycleworks
30                         phillip       hines             Team Zephyr/Dogtown Bicycles
31                         John          Bernardi          Action Wheels
32                         Michael       Kirk
33                         Kevin         Zutell            Green Mountain/Aquafina
34                         Montana       Norvell
35                         Jonathan      Kahler            Team Ardmore Bike Line
36                         Christopher   Consarto
37                         Eric          Morgan
38                         Chris         Nystrom           LSV/Kelly
39                         Chip          Hoover
40                         Craig         Callan            Highland Park Hermes
41                         Eben          Weiss             GS Gotham
42                         John          Hostetter III     ALAN Mid-Atlantic
43                         Chris         Evans             Wissahickon
44                         Daniel        Brill             Team Beacon
45                         David         Flickinger        Ashby Street Racing
46                         Greg          Black             VergeSport.com / Test Pilot
47                         John          Linvill           Bikyle
48                         Chad          Totaro            Breakaway Endurance Sports Club
49                         Adam          Szczepanski       Yellow Breeches Racing
50                         Michael       Doolan
51                         Buddy         Briggs            Wooden Wheels Racing
52                         Robert        Campbell          NCVC/Edge Technologies
53                         Larry         Von Moss
54                         Joe           Mulligan          Peninsula Velo / Kondra
55                         Brad          Lang              Team Cobblestone
56                         John          Cleary            Wooden Wheels Racing
DNF                        Alvaro        Arnal             Ardmore Cycling
DNF                        Charles       La Punzina        Kissena Cycling Club
DNF                        Jonathan      Gibbs
David         Fahnestock        LSV/Kelly
Kenneth       Gilliland         Liberty Cycle
Jeffrey R.    Guy               FORT-GPOA!
Chris         Harshman          LSV/Kelley
Ron           Hermann           Lateral Stress Velo
Kenny         King              Team Bicycle Therapy
Michael       Kirk              Wooden Wheels Racing
james         mc cain
Sean          Pfaff             LSV/Kelly
Michael       Rea
Brian         Steele            NCVC/Edge Technologies
Zombor        Zoltani           Alan Midatlantic
Shaun         Johnson
Joseph        Dickerson
Matthew       Yoder
DQ                         Joel          Nace              First Capital Velo

Men C
42 starters

Place      Time            Rider                           Team
1          35:14           Robert        May               Tailwind
2          35:18           Chip          Hoover
3                          Dennis        Smith
4          35:56           Robert        Campbell          NCVC/Edge Technologies
5          36:00           T.G.          Taylor
6          36:03           Turner        Johnson
7          36:29           Henry         Tremper
8          37:20           Rob           Collins
9          37:38           Bernard       McDonald          LSV/Kelly
10         38:02           Christopher   Salice            Team BBC
11         38:05           John          Williams
12                         Kevin         Dillard
13         38:20           john          kamenick
14         38:32           Bill          Bradley
15         39:09           Rob           Lea               TEAM FUJI
16                         Chris         Thaler            Tri-Sate Velo
17         39:22           Kevin         Deemer
18                         Jamie         Debuque           Evolution Racing
19         39:39           Mark          Drajem
20         39:45           Nicholas      Nudy
21         39:50           roland        peterson
22                         Craig         Shaffer
23         40:29           Syd           Lea               TEAM FUJI
24         40:32           Sean          Croce             Action Wheels
25         40:40           bob           perna             beans bikes
26         40:41           Brent         Lehen
27         40:45           Robert        Sands             Evolution Racing
28         40:54           Rolf          Windh             Guy's Racing
29         41:37           Mark          Vareschi          Rutgers University
30         41:49           Rob           Spillman
31         41:54           Jason         Yeager
32         42:09           matt          peterson          HP Hermes
33         42:48           Richard       Bilson
34                         Gary          Kelly
35         43:00           Joseph        Manning
36         43:41           Glenn         Silvasy
37         43:55           Michael       Williams
38         45:56           Ed            Morgan
39         46:03           Esteban       Velasquez
40         -1              Cesar         Picco
DNF                        Len           Depue
DNF                        Jeff          Dubeck

B Women
12 starters

Place      Jr.             Time          Rider                                                                Team
1                          41:14         Lynda             Maldonado                                          Amoroso's/Victory Brewing/Tri State Velo
2                          43:01         Lana              Courtney                                           Dansko/Wheelworks
3                          43:12         Janet             Olney                                              Alan Mid-Atlantic
4                          43:23         Karen             Tourian                                            Club Wissahickon
5                          43:43         Pamela            Wahl                                               Evolution
6                          46:07         Tracy             Lea                                                Team FUJI
7          1               -1            Nina              Santiago                                           Liberty Cycle
8                          -1            Christina         Lindsey                                            Yellow Breeches Racing
9                          -1            Lauri             Jenkins                                            FSVS
10                         -1            Misty             Carew