Results » Road » 2004

Quakertown Criterium

Quakertown, PA

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Quakertown Criterium
Presented by
Evolution Racing & NBTCP
Quakertown, PA
Sunday, August 15, 2004

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

RACE: MEN'S CAT 5                       21 Starters
Place   FIRST NAME     LAST NAME        TEAM
1       Shaun          Beitler          Unattached
2       David          Lowe             Ardmore Bikeline
3       Robert         May              Tailwind
4       Austin         Frey             Unattached
5       Adam           Carpenter        Bike Line/LWA
6       James          Best             Unattached
7       Ryan           Smolko           Unattached
8       Jason          Myers            Bikeworks
9       Tim            Toms             Unattached
10      Ben            Bashore          Unattached
11      Brad           Quinnan          Unattached
12      Robert         Peiffer          Evolution Racing
13      Marcus         Handy            BiKyle Flyers / Mainline Cycling
14      Rob            Nestor           Nestors Sporting Goods
15      Rob            Hall             Unattached
16      David          Potena           PPT Racing/Squadra Avanti
17      Brad           Strauss          Unattached
18      Leonard        Murphy           BiKyle Flyers / Mainline Cycling

RACE: WOMEN'S CAT 4    6 Starters
Place   FIRST NAME     LAST NAME        TEAM
1       Pam            Gass             Susquehanna Velo
2       Diane          Clinton          GS Lancaster
3       Dee            Heefner          World Cup Ski & Cycle
4       Laura          Tyson            Cycle Funnatic
5       Pam            Wahl             Evolution Racing
6       Patricia       Marzi            Salamander Racing

RACE: MEN'S CAT 4      34 Starters
1       Colton         Valentine        Quaker City Wheelmen
2       Eric           Moyer            Unattached
3       Emils          Scanore          Unattached
4       Rich           Uliana           Gotham Cyclists
5       Jeremy         Hoadley          Cycle Funnatics
6       Chris          McCunney         FSVS
7       Steve          Stout            Gotham Cyclists
8       Ethan          Frost            FSVS
9       Craig          LeBair           Breakaway Endurance Sports
10      Bob            Piacine          Guy's Bicycles
11      Chad           Smeltzer         FSVS
12      Mike           Devuono          Breakaway Endurance Sports
13      Robert         Touchinsky       Unattached
14      John           Hamilton         Susquehanna Velo
15      Adam           Joelson          Unattached
16      George         Chatyrka         Breakaway Endurance Sports
17      Raymond        Brettle          Guy's Bicycles
18      Brian          Stoner           White Rose Racing
19      James          Devlin           Upenn
20      Chad           Totaro           Breakaway Endurance Sports
21      Stephan        Schayer          LWA/Bikeline
22      Rich           Ciurlino         Quaker City Wheelmen
23      Gerald         Hinnershitz      Dynaflo/Techncocle BRC
24      Mark           Valentine        Quaker City Wheelmen

RACE: MEN'S 40+/50+    51 Starters
PLACE   FIRST NAME     LAST NAME        TEAM                                 AGE
1       Ramon          Benitez          Artemis                              40
2       Dr. Neal       Stansbury        Tri-State Velo                       43
3       Gil            Hatton           Gotham Cyclists                      48
4       Aubrey         Gordon           Team Squiggle                        47
5       Dwayne         Clinton          GS Lancaster                         41
6       Tom            Ratzell          LWA/Bikeline                         40
7       Art            McHugh           Morgan Stanley                       52
8       Joseph         Canino           Liberty Cycle                        48
9       Brad           Ober             GS Lancaster                         41
10      Desmond        Slattery         Quaker City Wheelmen                 45
11      Robert         Brehn            Jet Fuel                             48
12      David          Buegler          Jersey Rock & Road                   45
13      Bruce          Donaghy          Morgan Stanley                       45
14      Spencer        Beckett          Team Snow Valley                     43
15      Kevin          Kolodzieski      Tri-State Velo                       43
16      Ram            Mudami           LWA/Bikeline                         50
17      Bob            Kehl             Guy's Racing                         50
18      Brian          Saylor           Tri-State Velo                       49
19      Dan            Mitchell         Skylands                             52
20      Keith          Cramer           Quaker City Wheelmen                 45
21      Kevin          St. Clair        Quaker City Wheelmen                 46
22      Peter          Sleeman          LWA/Bikeline                         51
23      Johanna        Buick            Hornby/Victory Brewing               27
24      William        Jones            TruBrew                              40
25      Neil           Gussman          BiKyle Flyers / Mainline Cycling     51
26      Joaquim        Cavalho          Quaker City Wheelmen                 51
27      Paul           Andrew           Hornby                               41
28      Unknown
29      John           Hamilton         Susquehanna Velo                     48
30      Billy          Thompson         Northeast Cycling                    54
31      Jerome         Weiner           Guy's Racing                         55
32      Mark           Hastings         Quaker City Wheelmen                 47
33      Jeff           Moore            Tri-State Velo                       41
34      Jim            Weidner          Tri-State Velo                       50
35      Michael        Shapanka         Liberty Cycle                        52
36      Brian          Smiga            3D Racing                            50
37      Andrew         Vankuren         Tioga                                41
38      Joseph         Zuppa            3D Racing                            48
39      Thomas         Licorish         Cadence Cycling                      52
40      Philip         Senechal         Guy's Racing                         58
41      David          Frankford        BiKyle Flyers / Mainline Cycling     50
42      John           Dever            Unattached                           48

RACE: MEN'S CAT 3      37 Starters
1       Colton         Valentine        Quaker City Wheelmen
2       Alvaro         Arnal            Ardmore Cycling
3       Rich           Straub           Guys Racing
4       Daniel         Fry              Lancaster Brewing
5       Daniel         Bonora           World Cup Ski & Cycle
6       Lou            Devlin           Dynaflo/Techncocle BRC
7       Tom            Ratzell          LWA/Bikeline
8       Elliot         McAllister       Ardmore Cycling
9       Rob            Frechette        BiKyle Flyers / Mainline Cycling
10      Nick           Cossa            Evolution
11      Matt           Swiatek          CycleFunatic
12      Brian          Donato           Green Mt./Aquafina
13      Andrew         Vankueen         BiKyle Flyers / Mainline Cycling
14      Patrick        Kelly            Guys Racing
15      Charmian       Breon            Colavita-Bolla
16      Jordyn         Drayton          Penn State Cycling
17      Jim            Elsner  Cycling
18      Gonzalo        Escobar          Carminia
19      Evan           Fader            Unattached
20      Kurt           Dodds            Wissahickon
21      Cassandra      Ramirez          Tri State Velo
22      Franz          Martin           BiKyle Flyers / Mainline Cycling

RACE: WOMEN OPEN       22 Starters
1       Allie          Warfel           Integrity Racing
2       Sarah          Uhl              Quark
3       Veronica       Martinez         Coach Argentina
4       Sarah          Caravella        Cadence Cycling
5       Erica          Allar            T.E.A.M. Fuji
6       Graciella      Martinez         Coach Argentina
7       Michelle       Suplick          Wisahickon
8       Allison        Fischer          East Coast Velo
9       Nicloe         Baspon           East Coast Velo
10      Jacqueline     Paull            Team Land Rover
11      Nonnie         Howard           Evolution Racing
12      Julie          Klinger          Tri State Velo
13      Pam            Gass             Susquehanna Velo
14      Chrissy        Saracini         Verducci Racing
15      Kristin        Robbins          Victory Brewing
16      Johanna        Buck             Victory Brewing
17      Sue            Kefer            Evolution Racing
18      Mary           Costelloe        East Coast Velo
19      Kathryn        Grauert          Tri State Velo

RACE: MEN PRO, 1-3     52 Starters
1       Joe            Papp             ACT-UPMC
2       Kyle           Wamsley          Team Fuji
3       Scott          Zwizanski        Ofoto
4       Dean           Rittenhouse      Team Land Rover
5       Juan           Haedo            Colavita-Bolla
6       Gui            Nellessen        Unattached
7       Buck           Miller           Jet Fuel Coffee
8       Trey           Reinhart         Team Land Rover
9       Ramon          Benitez          Artemis
10      Karl           Woitos           Team Land Rover
11      Dwayne         Clinton          GS Lancaster
12      Robert         Hacker           Team Land Rover
13      Ed             Krasnai          Bike Doctor
14      Mike           Hebe             K2/Atlantic Racing
15      Bill           Short            Team Land Rover
16      John           DeLong           Team Land Rover
17      Steve          Speaks           Team Land Rover
18      Tim            Yost             Unattached
19      Dr. Neal       Stansbury        Tri State Velo
20      Michael        Miller           K2/Atlantic Racing