These results are provided for informational purposes only. Please note that the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made to these results.


Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Oliver Walls Velocity
2 Stefan Ritter Juventus
3 Adam Armstrong Redbike
4 Marcus Henry Synergy Racing
5 Jason Redfern Pedalhead Racing Club
6 Chris Coleman Pedalhead Racing Club
7 Jesse james Collins Synergy Racing
8 Bradley Danielson Fiera Race Team
9 J-m Tetrault Rocky Mountain Bike n Board
10 Reid Hosford Rundle Mountain Cycling Club
11 Mike Macklem Lamprey Systems
12 Stephen Nold TCR Sport Lab
13 Tracy Shearer Juventus
14 Ryan Kohlenberg Juventus
15 Chris Check Pedalhead Racing Club
16 Scott Klarenbach Edmonton Road & Track Club
17 Brad Dixon Rundle Mountain Cycling Club
18 Jason Reid Natural High Cycling
19 Brent Topilko bicisport
20 Brent Arnholtz TCR Sport Lab
21 Roger Clemens Redbike
22 Lance Adamson Juventus
23 Brendan Romano Mud Sweat and Gears
DNF Aaron Falkenberg Edmonton Road & Track Club
DNF Bob Werner Hardcore Cycling Club
DNF Ken Germaine Juventus


Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Logan Isaak Juventus
2 Owen Lepps Edmonton Masters Cycling Club
3 Gary Piller United Cycle
4 Shaughn Butts Velocity
5 Geoffrey Mcgill Juventus
6 Wil Pollard Rundle Mountain Cycling Club
7 Stewart Hutchings United Cycle
DNF Michael Mckinney Rocky Mountain Bike n Board
DNF Darrell Penner Devon Bicycle Association

Open Men

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Aaron Schooler Team H&R Block
2 Dustin Andrews Trek Red Truck p/b Mosaic Homes
3 Mark Mcconnell Synergy Racing
4 Andre Sutton Hardcore Cycling Club
5 Ian Auld Soul Sportif
6 Peter Lawrence Soul Sportif
7 Derek Chipping Redbike
8 Sean Germaine Juventus
9 Evan Wishloff Pedalhead Racing Club
10 Jeff Neilson Terrascape Racing
11 Paul Ignatiuk Hardcore Cycling Club
12 Mark Rumsey Hardcore Cycling Club
13 Ryan Young Terrascape Racing
14 Steve Martins Hardcore Bikes
15 Mason Burtnik Juventus
16 Sean Barr Pedalhead Road Works
17 Connor Wilson Juventus
DNF Ryan Hopping Redbike
DNF Matt Clark Pedalhead Racing Club
DNF Mike Sarnecki Kokanee redbike
DNF Andrew Mcrae Terrascape Racing
DNF Paul Martin Cyclemeisters/Bow Cycle

Open Women

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Andrea Bunnin Deadgoat Racing
2 Chantell Widney Redalhead Roadworks
3 Sidney Mcgill Juventus
4 Alana Heise Terrascape Racing
5 Shantel Koenig Kokanee redbike
6 Shawna Donaldson Synergy Racing
7 Lesley Baldwin Fiera Race Team
8 Karen Martins Hardcore Cycling Club
9 Anna Felton Deadgoat Racing
10 Kristin Walters Crave Racing
11 Jill Mcdermid Pedalhead Racing Club
12 Abbey Mcgill Juventus
DNF Michelle Jackman Terracscape Racing


Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Adam Hooson Central Alberta Bicycle Club
2 Cory Boddy Fiera Race Team
3 Cornelius Kluge Cycledelia
4 Jason English TCR Sport Lab
5 Simon Hirota bicisport
6 Greg Sowak Juventus
7 Michael Verveda Juventus
8 Colin Bastarache United Cycle
9 Donald Gross Pedalhead Racing Club
10 Sheldon Smart Kokanee redbike
11 Michael Kohlenberg United Cycle
12 Murray Buchanan Edmonton Road & Track Club
13 Sam Poon Juventus
14 Brian Forrest United Cycle
15 Stephen Bourdeau United Cycle
16 Joshua Kupsch Nuovo Nord
DNF Todd Markowsky Juventus
DNF Michael Meeres Central Alberta Bicycle Club
DNF Ian Parker Cyclemeisters/Bow Cycle
DNF Adam Germaine Juventus


Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Caitlin Callaghan DirtGirls Racing
2 Tyla Cooper DirtGirls Racing
3 Janet Liu DeJong Design p/b ROAD
DNF Leanne Erickson United Cycle Racing