Results » Road » 2010

Princeton / Stevens 2010 Jersey Devil

Princeton, NJ

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Princeton / Stevens 2010 Jersey Devil Presented by Princeton University Cycling/Stevens Cycling Princeton, NJ Saturday, March 27, 2010 to Sunday, March 28, 2010

Results Courtesy of 

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.


Place        School                                                   Total        M-ITT     W-ITT     M-RR      W-RR      M-Crit    W-Crit
1            Massachusetts Institute of Technology                    193          28        28        24        50        13        50
2            Pennsylvania State University                            185          24        50        18        32        24        37
3            Dartmouth College                                        182          37        43        7         43        9         43
4            University of Vermont                                    165          50        3         50        4         50        8
5            University of Pennsylvania                               148          43        18        37        6         37        7
6            Northeastern University                                  91           0         24        0         24        15        28
7            Yale University                                          87           9         37        9         15        4         13
8            University of Pittsburgh                                 84           32        6         43        0         0         3
9            Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway              82           0         8         0         13        43        18
10           Harvard University                                       82           0         21        0         37        0         24
11           University of New Hampshire                              74           15        4         21        0         28        6
12           Columbia University-NYC                                  73           1         32        0         28        1         11
13           Boston University                                        71           0         15        0         9         32        15
14           Villanova University                                     59           13        0         28        0         18        0
15           University of Connecticut                                59           18        9         15        8         6         3
16           Bucknell University                                      58           0         0         0         18        8         32
17           New York University                                      53           0         0         32        0         21        0
18           New England Conservatory                                 36           0         11        0         4         0         21
19           Boston College                                           35           0         5         0         21        0         9
20           Franklin and Marshall College                            33           7         0         13        2         11        0
21           Stevens Institute of Technology                          25           5         13        0         5         2         0
22           Cornell University                                       24           4         8         0         8         0         4
23           Princeton University                                     21           21        0         0         0         0         0
24           US Military Academy                                      16           0         0         8         0         7         1
25           Colby College                                            16           0         0         0         11        0         5
26           Middlebury College                                       12           11        0         1         0         0         0
27           Bloomsburg University-Pennsylvania                       11           0         0         11        0         0         0
28           University of Massachusetts-Amherst                      11           0         0         6         0         5         0
29           University of Delaware                                   11           6         0         5         0         0         0
30           Rochester Institute of Technology                        8            4         0         4         0         0         0
31           Temple University                                        8            8         0         0         0         0         0
32           Rhode Island School of Design                            5            2         0         0         0         3         0
33           Indiana University-PA                                    3            0         0         3         0         0         0
34           Millersville University-Pennsylvania                     2            0         0         2         0         0         0
35           DeSales University                                       2            0         2         0         0         0         0


Men A                                             36 starters                 4.2 miles

Place     Bib       Time          First           Last                        Team                                                Points
1         47        0:09:46.73    Max             Korus                       University of Pennsylvania                          80
2         28        0:10:01.47    Lee             Peters                      University of Vermont                               70
3         93        0:10:13.72    Trevor          Eide                        Dartmouth College                                   63
4         104       0:10:14.33    Tristan         Baldwin                     University of Vermont                               57
5         6         0:10:16.16    Andrew          Seitz                       University of Pittsburgh                            51
6         45        0:10:17.07    Sean            Whiteman                    University of Pennsylvania                          45
7         5         0:10:17.50    Robert          Stumpf                      University of Pittsburgh                            40
8         90        0:10:19.29    Nicholas        Reinert                     University of Pittsburgh                            35
9         48        0:10:24.99    Alex            Cox                         University of Vermont                               30
10        56        0:10:28.82    Jim             Komarmi                     University of Vermont                               26
11        26        0:10:30.75    Ryan            O'Hara                      University of Connecticut                           22
12        8         0:10:32.03    Christopher     Hamlin                      University of Vermont                               18
13        105       0:10:33.14    John            Rhoden                      Massachusetts Institute of Technology               15
14        115       0:10:35.34    Jacob           Bobrow                      University of Vermont                               12
15        27        0:10:36.79    Benjamin        Carbonetti                  University of Connecticut                           9
16        41        0:10:38.00    Jeremy          Shirock                     Pennsylvania State University                       7
17        38        0:10:39.04    Wyatt           Stoup                       Pennsylvania State University                       5
18        40        0:10:39.71    Ross            Marklein                    University of Pennsylvania                          3
19        52        0:10:40.40    Nathan          Kupperstock                 Boston University                                   2
20        54        0:10:42.93    Douglass        Endrizzi                    Yale University                                     1
21        101       0:10:43.10    Patrick         Barter                      Dartmouth College
22        18        0:10:43.37    Derek           Harnden                     University of Vermont
23        114       0:10:43.84    Tim             Humpton                     Massachusetts Institute of Technology
24        7         0:10:49.85    Robert          Burnett                     Franklin and Marshall College
25        103       0:10:49.87    Kyle            Gheres                      Pennsylvania State University
26        44        0:10:51.74    Matthew         Furlow                      University of Pennsylvania
27        55        0:10:55.14    Samson          McHugh                      University of Pittsburgh
28        12        0:10:55.20    Arthur          Moran                       Wentworth Institute of Technology
29        51        0:11:00.70    Matthew         Griswold                    Boston University
30        111       0:11:05.76    Roberto         Torres-Aquiar               Pennsylvania State University
31        50        0:11:08.75    Kyle            Bruley                      Boston University
32        10        0:11:11.82    Alex            Abarbanel-Grossman          Middlebury College
33        2         0:11:13.68    Stephen         Frattini                    Cornell University
34        110       0:11:13.74    Jacob           Bolewski                    Cornell University
35        9         0:11:22.62    Timothy         Manzella                    Drexel University
36        39        0:12:16.53    Martin          Kell                        Pennsylvania State University

Women A                                           18 starters                 4.2 miles

Place     Bib       Time          First           Last                        Team                                                Points
1         66        0:11:22.10    Elle            Anderson                    Dartmouth College                                   80
2         61        0:11:27.98    Martha          Buckley                     Massachusetts Institute of Technology               70
3         44        0:11:50.19    Daisy           Phillips                    Pennsylvania State University                       63
4         67        0:12:10.21    Claire          McKenna                     Dartmouth College                                   57
5         70        0:12:10.36    Jessica         Kutz                        Pennsylvania State University                       51
6         47        0:12:17.16    Anna            Eisenstein                  Boston University                                   45
7         69        0:12:33.27    Rebecca         Chan                        University of Pennsylvania                          40
8         36        0:12:37.05    Eun Young       Choi                        Harvard University                                  35
9         72        0:12:39.03    Jen             Vorse                       Harvard University                                  30
10        62        0:12:39.44    Stephanie       Stambaugh                   University of Pittsburgh                            26
11        38        0:12:44.87    Maggie          Sullivan                    Northeastern University                             22
12        74        0:12:46.55    Caroline        Savage                      Columbia University-NYC                             18
13        42        0:12:52.01    Lauren          Shirock                     Pennsylvania State University                       15
14        68        0:12:54.08    Morgan          Farnsworth                  Pennsylvania State University                       12
15        41        0:12:56.52    Christine       Levy                        Yale University                                     9
16        46        0:12:57.11    Rose            Long                        University of Vermont                               7
17        40        0:13:02.22    Yuri            Matsumoto                   Massachusetts Institute of Technology               5
18        65        0:13:09.19    Kelsey          Hassin                      US Military Academy                                 3

Women B                                           15 starters                 4.2 miles

Place     Bib       Time          First           Last                        Team                                                Points
1         123       0:11:36.01    Katy            Applin                      Northeastern University                             48
2         113       0:11:39.31    Sarah           Bowman                      Yale University                                     42
3         124       0:12:04.22    Alexandra       Berndt                      New England Conservatory                            36
4         120       0:12:08.22    Molly           Hurford                     Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway         32
5         107       0:12:16.78    Aimee           Layton                      Columbia University-NYC                             28
6         303       0:12:26.02    Anastasia       Patejdl                     Columbia University-NYC                             24
7         108       0:12:29.04    Jena            Greaser                     University of Connecticut                           21
8         127       0:12:32.35    Amy             Schwarzenberg               University of New Hampshire                         15
9         126       0:12:35.20    Elske           Straver                     University of Pennsylvania                          12
10        121       0:12:37.25    Rebecca         Wolski                      Boston College                                      9
11        45        0:12:41.35    Karla           Labbe                       Boston College                                      7
12        125       0:12:41.54    Nicole          Seekely                     Columbia University-NYC                             5
13        109       0:12:48.10    Shane           Ferro                       Columbia University-NYC                             3
14        105       0:13:02.34    Isabella        Oleksy                      University of New Hampshire                         2
15        106       0:13:13.11    Radka           Pickova                     Columbia University-NYC                             1

Men B                                             33 starters                 4.2 miles

Place     Bib       Time          First           Last                        Team                                                Points
1         230       0:10:05.38    Aaron           Horvath                     Princeton University                                48
2         330       0:10:34.48    Matthew         Nichols                     Dartmouth College                                   42
3         341       0:10:36.44    Arnaud          Borner                      Pennsylvania State University                       36
4         232       0:10:39.64    Benjamin        Grass                       Dartmouth College                                   32
5         311       0:10:39.81    Nicholas        Rogers                      Temple University                                   28
6         323       0:10:45.11    Jonathan        Dreher                      Massachusetts Institute of Technology               24
7         346       0:10:50.48    Steven          Derkits                     Pennsylvania State University                       21
8         338       0:10:50.90    Jacob           Sisson                      Cornell University                                  15
9         233       0:10:58.44    Robert          Abramo                      Villanova University                                12
10        303       0:11:01.44    Philip          Gasparovic                  University of Delaware                              9
11        314       0:11:02.74    James           Miceli                      Villanova University                                7
12        316       0:11:03.09    Garrett         Olsen                       Villanova University                                5
13        225       0:11:03.81    Francesco       Leordina                    Columbia University-NYC                             3
14        315       0:11:03.98    Joseph          Bylund                      Columbia University-NYC                             2
15        243       0:11:05.49    Brandon         Sullivan                    Cornell University                                  1
16        249       0:11:06.05    Charles         Salzer                      Franklin and Marshall College
17        304       0:11:07.27    William         Kistler                     University of Delaware
18        343       0:11:07.28    Drew            Tyger                       Pennsylvania State University
19        251       0:11:10.05    Stephen         Wright                      Hamilton College
20        250       0:11:12.77    Daniel          Rossi                       Franklin and Marshall College
21        247       0:11:12.84    Glenn           Ferreira                    Massachusetts Institute of Technology
22        223       0:11:13.60    Frank           Leach                       Hobart William Smith Colleges
23        248       0:11:15.63    Stephen         Thomasch                    Franklin and Marshall College
24        327       0:11:17.33    John            Herrick                     University of Vermont
25        301       0:11:18.88    Clint           Dager                       University of Delaware
26        348       0:11:19.39    Tim             Janson                      Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
27        224       0:11:21.13    Corey           Williams                    Columbia University-NYC
28        326       0:11:24.05    Matthew         Holub                       University of New Hampshire
29        312       0:11:28.66    Michael         Desmarais                   University of Vermont
30        252       0:11:50.78    Andrew          Mitstifer                   Franklin and Marshall College
31        244       0:11:54.21    David           Singerman                   Massachusetts Institute of Technology
32        344       0:11:54.95    Alexander       Chaleff                     New England Conservatory
33        553       0:12:01.24    Patrick         Dunn                        Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Men C1                                            26 starters                 4.2 miles

Place     Bib       Time          First           Last                        Team                                                Points
1         388       0:10:52.79    James           Bolognani                   University of New Hampshire                         32
2         363       0:10:57.85    Nathan          Davis                       University of Vermont                               24
3         414       0:11:01.03    Nick            Bessman                     University of Pennsylvania                          18
4         364       0:11:02.62    Daniel          Hale                        University of Vermont                               15
5         351       0:11:02.68    Arthur          Wicks                       University of Delaware                              12
6         392       0:11:04.90    Andrew          Goodale                     University of New Hampshire                         9
7         356       0:11:04.99    Garrick         Dixon                       Northeastern University                             7
8         361       0:11:18.14    Matthew         Lewis                       Columbia University-NYC                             5
9         389       0:11:20.28    Brian           Devaney                     University of Vermont                               4
10        376       0:11:21.86    Eric            Poeltl                      University of Pennsylvania                          3
11        391       0:11:23.30    Patrick         Galvin                      University of New Hampshire                         2
12        362       0:11:29.80    Patrick         Cafferky                    University of Vermont                               1
13        433       0:11:34.03    Michael         Farrar                      Northeastern University
14        378       0:11:37.98    Antonio         Petrov                      Harvard University
15        409       0:11:41.35    James           Stoeckle                    Columbia University-NYC
16        410       0:11:45.94    Sean            Berry                       University of New Hampshire
17        434       0:11:53.78    Dominic         Caiazzo                     Northeastern University
18        412       0:12:01.31    Mike            Longeri                     University of New Hampshire
19        394       0:12:04.32    Nathan          Oriol                       University of New Hampshire
20        415       0:12:04.61    Marc            MacLeod                     University of Massachusetts-Amherst
21        393       0:12:05.61    James           Rose                        University of New Hampshire
22        408       0:12:07.51    Chris           Rago                        University of Connecticut
23        359       0:12:10.97    Gregory         Smaldone                    Cornell University
24        396       0:12:13.42    Kevin           Emr                         Cornell University
25        432       0:12:22.88    Adam            Jakubowski                  University of Connecticut
DNF       372                     Ethan           Suttner                     Cornell University

Men C2                                            27 starters                 4.2 miles

Place     Bib       Time          First           Last                        Team                                                Points
1         589       0:10:55.22    Matthew         Johnson                     Middlebury College                                  32
2         537       0:11:06.76    Spencer         Schaber                     Massachusetts Institute of Technology               24
3         525       0:11:08.46    Nicholas        Walulik                     Stevens Institute of Technology                     18
4         593       0:11:09.14    Evan            Murphy                      Rhode Island School of Design                       15
5         591       0:11:15.71    Justin          Yeash                       Villanova University                                12
6         544       0:11:17.07    Thomas          Goetz                       Rochester Institute of Technology                   9
7         545       0:11:20.58    Christopher     Mondiek                     Rochester Institute of Technology                   7
8         516       0:11:21.71    James           Wolf                        Franklin and Marshall College                       5
9         592       0:11:23.56    Sam             Hickey                      Massachusetts Institute of Technology               4
10        559       0:11:23.77    Anthony         Cross                       Princeton University                                3
11        543       0:11:34.46    Jesse           Manuel                      York Technical Institute                            2
12        566       0:11:35.43    Paul            Trimby                      Worcester Polytechnic Institute                     1
13        514       0:11:45.74    Zachary         Browning                    Rochester Institute of Technology
14        527       0:11:49.29    Craig           Michaud                     Wentworth Institute of Technology
15        528       0:11:49.69    Dan             Ipp                         Rochester Institute of Technology
16        513       0:11:51.08    David           Levine                      Brown University
17        572       0:11:52.30    Eric            Moon                        Millersville University-Pennsylvania
18        539       0:11:52.39    David           Hocker                      Princeton University
19        512       0:11:54.23    Matthew         Nole                        Boston College
20        517       0:11:55.50    Jan             Wolfe                       Boston College
21        570       0:12:03.97    William         Blakeley                    Dartmouth College
22        596       0:12:07.49    Michael         Gaskin                      Middlebury College
23        552       0:12:17.59    Matthew         Warbrick                    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
24        518       0:12:24.72    YiPeng          Teoh                        Brown University
25        595       0:12:25.57    Charles         OBrien                      Boston College
26        573       0:12:31.69    Gregory         Wesolowich                  Millersville University-Pennsylvania
27        515       0:13:13.40    Bradford        Shelley                     Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Women C                                           22 starters                 4.2 miles

Place     Bib       Time          First           Last                        Team                                                Points
1         200       0:12:29.23    Cynthia         Nijenhuis                   Cornell University                                  32
2         310       0:12:29.88    Amanda          Nauman                      Stevens Institute of Technology                     24
3         253       0:12:36.43    Allison         Hugi                        Yale University                                     18
4         227       0:12:54.90    Caitlin         Masopust                    University of Connecticut                           15
5         300       0:12:59.93    Jennifer        Zeckendorf                  Yale University                                     12
6         203       0:13:09.54    Taylor          Rojek                       DeSales University                                  9
7         232       0:13:10.95    Kate            Callahan                    Syracuse University                                 7
8         274       0:13:11.74    Jaclyn          Dalessandro                 Northeastern University                             5
9         278       0:13:15.54    Rachel          Meyer                       University of Vermont                               4
10        309       0:13:23.64    Erica           Bloom                       Yale University                                     3
11        205       0:13:30.46    Courtney        Halista                     Boston College                                      2
12        202       0:13:31.11    Courtney        Gregor                      Franklin and Marshall College                       1
13        349       0:13:34.62    Stephanie       Reighart                    Dartmouth College
14        221       0:13:42.02    Cassandra       Mooshian                    University of New Hampshire
15        224       0:13:43.10    Robyn           Emerman                     Columbia University-NYC
16        314       0:13:50.21    Constance       Chang                       Yale University
17        223       0:13:50.30    Allison         Gehnrich                    University of New Hampshire
18        236       0:13:52.32    Ashley          Hurst                       Yale University
19        222       0:14:10.57    Tricia          Barstow                     University of New Hampshire
20        208       0:14:14.70    Jaime           Lawlor                      Boston College
21        312       0:14:15.47    Kaytlin         Senatore                    Bucknell University
22        311       0:15:02.25    Abbe            Hamilton                    Syracuse University

Men D1                                            30 starters                 4.2 miles

Place     Bib       Time          First           Last                        Team                                                Points
1         855       0:11:24.17    Cane            Napolitano                  Lafayette University                                20
2         730       0:11:27.37    Karl            Zahn                        University of Vermont                               16
3         723       0:11:33.23    Ernie           Lehman                      Pennsylvania State University                       12
4         669       0:11:44.82    Keith           Toombs                      University of Massachusetts-Amherst                 8
5         662       0:11:55.57    Robert          Winnett                     Boston University                                   5
6         605       0:11:57.44    Christian       Anderson                    New York University                                 4
7         637       0:11:57.80    Ben             Civiletti                   University of Vermont                               3
8         740       0:12:01.60    Taylor          Smith                       University of New Hampshire                         2
9         626       0:12:03.36    David           Garguilo                    Boston University                                   1
10        670       0:12:03.82    James           Fisk                        University of Massachusetts-Amherst
11        718       0:12:06.03    Lincoln         Muir                        University of Massachusetts-Amherst
12        735       0:12:21.21    Brian           Freilich                    University of Pennsylvania
13        681       0:12:27.01    Darren          Xu                          University of Pennsylvania
14        663       0:12:29.33    Logan           Cawley                      Pennsylvania State University
15        737       0:12:31.67    John            Oliver                      University of Vermont
16        633       0:12:38.91    Christopher     Gilbert                     Harvard University
17        739       0:12:42.47    Max             Dougherty                   University of Vermont
18        622       0:12:45.04    Nickolas        Kirkner                     Drexel University
19        603       0:12:51.29    Christian       Thompson                    New York University
20        615       0:12:55.69    Andrew          Walker                      University of Delaware
21        704       0:12:56.85    Byron           Hood                        Harvard University
22        738       0:13:00.60    Daniel          Boyle                       University of Vermont
23        616       0:13:06.03    Peter           Ott                         University of Delaware
24        729       0:13:09.29    Anthony         DiPasquale                  Northeastern University
25        668       0:13:09.52    Nicholas        Mueller                     Cornell University
26        641       0:13:11.38    Stephen         Poirier                     Syracuse University
27        627       0:13:27.33    Eric            Emery                       Cornell University
28        677       0:13:27.42    William         Lally                       Boston University
29        742       0:13:27.96    Vincent         Lee                         University of Pennsylvania
30        621       0:14:34.18    Chatura         Atapattu                    Drexel University

Men D2                                            30 starters                 4.2 miles

Place     Bib       Time          First           Last                        Team                                                Points
1         973       0:11:30.85    William         Alger                       Yale University                                     20
2         967       0:11:31.05    John            Romanishin                  Massachusetts Institute of Technology               16
3         859       0:11:31.11    Eliot           Scymanski                   Franklin and Marshall College                       12
4         909       0:11:41.47    Adam            Bry                         Massachusetts Institute of Technology               8
5         972       0:11:46.48    Eric            Fischer                     Yale University                                     5
6         905       0:11:58.79    Andrew          Haggerty                    Millersville University-Pennsylvania                4
7         867       0:11:59.71    Erik            Gonsiorowski                Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute                    3
8         885       0:12:06.55    Matthew         Mosca                       Franklin and Marshall College                       2
9         911       0:12:07.89    Matthew         Blackburn                   Massachusetts Institute of Technology               1
10        945       0:12:11.51    Douglas         Breault                     Tufts University
11        950       0:12:12.64    Ian             Burgess                     Stevens Institute of Technology
12        944       0:12:13.80    Alejandro       Hidalgo                     Tufts University
13        873       0:12:14.33    Joe             Pawelczyk                   Villanova University
14        992       0:12:15.38    Thomas          Borealo                     DeSales University
15        971       0:12:19.90    Nicholas        Friesner                    Yale University
16        959       0:12:21.97    Steven          Ji                          Massachusetts Institute of Technology
17        947       0:12:24.48    Isaac           Spingarn                    Stevens Institute of Technology
18        987       0:12:30.16    Nicholas        Ferra                       Franklin and Marshall College
19        958       0:12:38.92    Jonathan        Smith                       Yale University
20        989       0:12:40.13    Cornelius       VanGalen                    Franklin and Marshall College
21        858       0:12:40.42    Benjamin        Jones                       Dartmouth College
22        978       0:12:42.76    Edward          Rice                        Brown University
23        976       0:12:48.54    Chieh Chih      Chiang                      Brown University
24        951       0:12:54.28    Orlando         Martinez                    Stevens Institute of Technology
25        916       0:12:55.66    Jeffrey         Pribor                      Hobart William Smith Colleges
26        969       0:13:00.97    Donald          Napp                        Villanova University
27        880       0:13:03.02    John            Gleason                     Wentworth Institute of Technology
28        929       0:13:06.35    Joseph          Wilkos                      Worcester Polytechnic Institute
29        985       0:13:07.23    Adric           Quackenbush                 Franklin and Marshall College
30        857       0:13:17.53    Richard         Trierweiler                 Dartmouth College

Men Intro                                         15 starters                 4.2 miles

Place     Bib       Time          First           Last                        Team                                                Points
1         652       0:12:25.91    Jonathan        Fishpaw                     University of Connecticut                           12
2         655       0:12:27.56    Adam            Scianna                     University of Connecticut                           7
3         862       0:12:32.92    Kevork          Chertavian                  Franklin and Marshall College                       5
4         954       0:12:42.17    David           DeWitt                      Yale University                                     3
5         715       0:12:51.69    Andrew          Pezzimenti                  University of Connecticut                           1
6         702       0:13:28.02    Sean            Barry                       Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway
7         935       0:13:31.68    Ryan            Sullivan                    University of Massachusetts-Amherst
8         719       0:13:50.43    Anthony         Altimore                    University of Pennsylvania
9         860       0:14:02.75    Jonathan        Fura                        DeSales University
10        736       0:14:08.79    Stephen         Zapisek                     Drexel University
11        856       0:14:20.35    James           Scouras                     Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
12        878       0:14:31.82    Christopher     Trudel                      Wentworth Institute of Technology
13        871       0:14:36.42    Will            Kavanagh                    Villanova University
14        741       0:14:50.33    Sean            Walsh                       Boston University
15        861       0:14:56.61    Brian           Tang                        Yale University

Women Intro                                       4 starters                  4.2 miles

Place     Bib       Time          First           Last                        Team                                                Points
1         286       0:14:31.86    Rachel          Marcuson                    Stevens Institute of Technology                     12
2         277       0:14:45.98    Kimbra          Buerschaper                 Boston College                                      7
3         234       0:15:18.42    Laura           Sneider                     Stevens Institute of Technology                     5
4         276       0:15:30.89    Tiahna          Harris                      University of Massachusetts-Amherst                 3


Men A                                  52 starters                50 minutes

Place      Bib        First            Last                       Team                                              Points
1          91         Pavel            Gonda                      New York University                               70
2          88         Patrick          Bradley                    Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway       64
3          18         Derek            Harnden                    University of Vermont                             58
4          52         Nathan           Kupperstock                Boston University                                 52
5          3          Gregory          Battista                   Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway       46
6          11         Gregg            Izzo                       Northeastern University                           41
7          40         Ross             Marklein                   University of Pennsylvania                        36
8          50         Kyle             Bruley                     Boston University                                 31
9          47         Max              Korus                      University of Pennsylvania                        27
10         93         Trevor           Eide                       Dartmouth College                                 23
11         111        Roberto          Torres-Aquiar              Pennsylvania State University                     19
12         27         Benjamin         Carbonetti                 University of Connecticut                         15
13         10         Alex             Abarbanel-Grossman         Middlebury College                                12
14         103        Kyle             Gheres                     Pennsylvania State University                     9
15         54         Douglass         Endrizzi                   Yale University                                   7
16         41         Jeremy           Shirock                    Pennsylvania State University                     5
17         30         Kyle             Wagner                     Lehigh University                                 4
18         6          Andrew           Seitz                      University of Pittsburgh                          3
19         28         Lee              Peters                     University of Vermont                             2
20         32         Charles          Thompson                   Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway       1
21         116        Sydney           Charles                    Fairleigh Dickenson University
22         98         Jonathan         Marshall                   Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
23         51         Matthew          Griswold                   Boston University
24         105        John             Rhoden                     Massachusetts Institute of Technology
25         31         Michael          Maret                      Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
26         1019       Zack             Moyntire                   US Naval Academy
27         38         Wyatt            Stoup                      Pennsylvania State University
28         56         Jim              Komarmi                    University of Vermont
29         26         Ryan             O'Hara                     University of Connecticut
30         115        Jacob            Bobrow                     University of Vermont
31         8          Christopher      Hamlin                     University of Vermont
32         101        Patrick          Barter                     Dartmouth College
33         44         Matthew          Furlow                     University of Pennsylvania
34         48         Alex             Cox                        University of Vermont
35         90         Nicholas         Reinert                    University of Pittsburgh
36         49         Chris            Rodgers                    Pennsylvania State University
37         110        Jacob            Bolewski                   Cornell University
38         104        Tristan          Baldwin                    University of Vermont
39         12         Arthur           Moran                      Wentworth Institute of Technology
40         2          Stephen          Frattini                   Cornell University
41         46         Joe              Pigga                      Lehigh University
42         39         Martin           Kell                       Pennsylvania State University
43         1127       Jacob            Roche                      US Naval Academy
44         114        Tim              Humpton                    Massachusetts Institute of Technology
45         45         Sean             Whiteman                   University of Pennsylvania
DNF        5          Robert           Stumpf                     University of Pittsburgh
DNF        7          Robert           Burnett                    Franklin and Marshall College
DNF        9          Timothy          Manzella                   Drexel University
DNF        19         Aaron            Cravez                     Bucknell University
DNF        33         Matthew          Bathe                      Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway
DNF        43         William          Cukierski                  Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway

Women A                                19 starters                40 minutes

Place      Bib        First            Last                       Team                                              Points
1          70         Jessica          Kutz                       Pennsylvania State University                     70
2          66         Elle             Anderson                   Dartmouth College                                 64
3          61         Martha           Buckley                    Massachusetts Institute of Technology             58
4          1201       Peggy            Legrand                    US Naval Academy                                  52
5          36         Eun Young        Choi                       Harvard University                                46
6          67         Claire           McKenna                    Dartmouth College                                 41
7          47         Anna             Eisenstein                 Boston University                                 36
8          40         Yuri             Matsumoto                  Massachusetts Institute of Technology             31
9          42         Lauren           Shirock                    Pennsylvania State University                     27
10         69         Rebecca          Chan                       University of Pennsylvania                        23
11         46         Rose             Long                       University of Vermont                             19
12         41         Christine        Levy                       Yale University                                   15
13         65         Kelsey           Hassin                     US Military Academy                               12
14         62         Stephanie        Stambaugh                  University of Pittsburgh                          9
15         38         Maggie           Sullivan                   Northeastern University                           7
16         44         Daisy            Phillips                   Pennsylvania State University                     5
17         68         Morgan           Farnsworth                 Pennsylvania State University                     4
DNF        72         Jen              Vorse                      Harvard University
DNF        74         Caroline         Savage                     Columbia University-NYC

Women B                                21 starters                40 minutes

Place      Bib        First            Last                       Team                                              Points
1          123        Katy             Applin                     Northeastern University                           41
2          1251       Corinne          Landis                     US Naval Academy                                  35
3          124        Alexandra        Berndt                     New England Conservatory                          31
4          120        Molly            Hurford                    Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway       27
5          107        Aimee            Layton                     Columbia University-NYC                           23
6          122        Sinead           ODwyer                     Bucknell University                               18
7          127        Amy              Schwarzenberg              University of New Hampshire                       15
8          114        Emily            Daniels                    Bucknell University                               13
9          108        Jena             Greaser                    University of Connecticut                         11
10         105        Isabella         Oleksy                     University of New Hampshire                       9
11         106        Radka            Pickova                    Columbia University-NYC                           7
12         113        Sarah            Bowman                     Yale University                                   5
13         126        Elske            Straver                    University of Pennsylvania                        3
14         129        Karla            Labbe                      Boston College                                    2
15         112        Rebekah          Morris                     Bucknell University                               1
16         109        Shane            Ferro                      Columbia University-NYC
17         1259       Kat              Dransfield                 US Naval Academy
18         121        Rebecca          Wolski                     Boston College
19         128        Anastasia        Patejdl                    Columbia University-NYC
20         125        Nicole           Seekely                    Columbia University-NYC
21         119        Elizabeth        Marcello                   Columbia University-NYC

Women A/B Combined

Place      Bib        First            Last                       Team                                              Cat
1          70         Jessica          Kutz                       Pennsylvania State University                     A
2          66         Elle             Anderson                   Dartmouth College                                 A
3          61         Martha           Buckley                    Massachusetts Institute of Technology             A
4          1201       Peggy            Legrand                    US Naval Academy                                  A
5          123        Katy             Applin                     Northeastern University                           B
6          36         Eun Young        Choi                       Harvard University                                A
7          67         Claire           McKenna                    Dartmouth College                                 A
8          1251       Corinne          Landis                     US Naval Academy                                  B
9          47         Anna             Eisenstein                 Boston University                                 A
10         40         Yuri             Matsumoto                  Massachusetts Institute of Technology             A
11         42         Lauren           Shirock                    Pennsylvania State University                     A
12         124        Alexandra        Berndt                     New England Conservatory                          B
13         120        Molly            Hurford                    Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway       B
14         69         Rebecca          Chan                       University of Pennsylvania                        A
15         107        Aimee            Layton                     Columbia University-NYC                           B
16         46         Rose             Long                       University of Vermont                             A
17         41         Christine        Levy                       Yale University                                   A
18         122        Sinead           ODwyer                     Bucknell University                               B
19         127        Amy              Schwarzenberg              University of New Hampshire                       B
20         65         Kelsey           Hassin                     US Military Academy                               A
21         114        Emily            Daniels                    Bucknell University                               B
22         62         Stephanie        Stambaugh                  University of Pittsburgh                          A
23         108        Jena             Greaser                    University of Connecticut                         B
24         105        Isabella         Oleksy                     University of New Hampshire                       B
25         38         Maggie           Sullivan                   Northeastern University                           A
26         106        Radka            Pickova                    Columbia University-NYC                           B
27         113        Sarah            Bowman                     Yale University                                   B
28         126        Elske            Straver                    University of Pennsylvania                        B
29         129        Karla            Labbe                      Boston College                                    B
30         112        Rebekah          Morris                     Bucknell University                               B
31         44         Daisy            Phillips                   Pennsylvania State University                     A
32         68         Morgan           Farnsworth                 Pennsylvania State University                     A
33         109        Shane            Ferro                      Columbia University-NYC                           B
34         1259       Kat              Dransfield                 US Naval Academy                                  B
35         121        Rebecca          Wolski                     Boston College                                    B
36         128        Anastasia        Patejdl                    Columbia University-NYC                           B
37         125        Nicole           Seekely                    Columbia University-NYC                           B
38         119        Elizabeth        Marcello                   Columbia University-NYC                           B
DNF        72         Jen              Vorse                      Harvard University                                A
DNF        74         Caroline         Savage                     Columbia University-NYC                           A

Men B                                  52 starters                40 minutes

Place      Bib        First            Last                       Team                                              Points
1          1117       Reiss            Kohl                       US Naval Academy                                  41
2          1166       Nick             Hutchinson                 US Naval Academy                                  35
3          249        Charles          Salzer                     Franklin and Marshall College                     31
4          326        Matthew          Holub                      University of New Hampshire                       27
5          316        Garrett          Olsen                      Villanova University                              23
6          341        Arnaud           Borner                     Pennsylvania State University                     18
7          303        Philip           Gasparovic                 University of Delaware                            15
8          224        Corey            Williams                   Columbia University-NYC                           13
9          346        Steven           Derkits                    Pennsylvania State University                     11
10         256        James            Heaney                     University of Pennsylvania                        9
11         253        James            Thornton                   US Military Academy                               7
12         344        Alexander        Chaleff                    New England Conservatory                          5
13         314        James            Miceli                     Villanova University                              3
14         325        Brenden          Siekman                    US Military Academy                               2
15         252        Andrew           Mitstifer                  Franklin and Marshall College                     1
16         1128       Andy             Mathis                     US Naval Academy
17         348        Tim              Janson                     Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
18         323        Jonathan         Dreher                     Massachusetts Institute of Technology
19         1118       Joey             Stahlin                    US Naval Academy
20         233        Robert           Abramo                     Villanova University
21         328        Raymond          Junkins                    Stevens Institute of Technology
22         330        Matthew          Nichols                    Dartmouth College
23         343        Drew             Tyger                      Pennsylvania State University
24         347        Radu             Jianu                      Brown University
25         306        Karl             Honerlaw                   Boston College
26         338        Jacob            Sisson                     Cornell University
27         245        Thomas           Stark                      Middlebury College
28         235        Collin           Buesser                    Northeastern University
29         304        William          Kistler                    University of Delaware
30         225        Francesco        Leordina                   Columbia University-NYC
31         322        Keith            Gregory                    US Military Academy
32         324        Nick             Garcia                     US Military Academy
33         230        Aaron            Horvath                    Princeton University
34         315        Joseph           Bylund                     Columbia University-NYC
35         301        Clint            Dager                      University of Delaware
36         308        Mark             Vareschi                   Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway
37         312        Michael          Desmarais                  University of Vermont
38         247        Glenn            Ferreira                   Massachusetts Institute of Technology
39         321        Joseph           Perez                      US Military Academy
40         255        Ian              Harris                     Brown University
41         319        Kevin            Curran                     Bucknell University
42         320        Jeremy           May                        US Military Academy
43         244        David            Singerman                  Massachusetts Institute of Technology
DNF        223        Frank            Leach                      Hobart William Smith Colleges
DNF        232        Benjamin         Grass                      Dartmouth College
DNF        243        Brandon          Sullivan                   Cornell University
DNF        248        Stephen          Thomasch                   Franklin and Marshall College
DNF        250        Daniel           Rossi                      Franklin and Marshall College
DNF        251        Stephen          Wright                     Hamilton College
DNF        254        Patrick          Dunn                       Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
DNF        311        Nicholas         Rogers                     Temple University
DNF        327        John             Herrick                    University of Vermont

Men C1                                 39 starters                30 minutes

Place      Bib        First            Last                       Team                                              Points
1          388        James            Bolognani                  University of New Hampshire                       22
2          378        Antonio          Petrov                     Harvard University                                16
3          376        Eric             Poeltl                     University of Pennsylvania                        13
4          394        Nathan           Oriol                      University of New Hampshire                       10
5          371        Alexander        Sverdlov                   University of Pennsylvania                        9
6          415        Marc             MacLeod                    University of Massachusetts-Amherst               8
7          363        Nathan           Davis                      University of Vermont                             6
8          406        Alan             Fody                       Drexel University                                 5
9          432        Adam             Jakubowski                 University of Connecticut                         4
10         412        Mike             Longeri                    University of New Hampshire                       3
11         364        Daniel           Hale                       University of Vermont                             2
12         1310       Dane             Boudreau                   US Naval Academy                                  1
13         393        James            Rose                       University of New Hampshire
14         410        Sean             Berry                      University of New Hampshire
15         435        David            Rowinski                   Cornell University
16         361        Matthew          Lewis                      Columbia University-NYC
17         356        Garrick          Dixon                      Northeastern University
18         409        James            Stoeckle                   Columbia University-NYC
19         392        Andrew           Goodale                    University of New Hampshire
20         1471       Andrew           Castro                     US Naval Academy
21         407        Eric             Panicucci                  Northeastern University
22         433        Michael          Farrar                     Northeastern University
23         424        Eric             Rothrock                   Pennsylvania State University
24         351        Arthur           Wicks                      University of Delaware
25         408        Chris            Rago                       University of Connecticut
26         359        Gregory          Smaldone                   Cornell University
27         362        Patrick          Cafferky                   University of Vermont
28         1396       Chris            Duffy                      US Naval Academy
29         414        Nick             Bessman                    University of Pennsylvania
30         396        Kevin            Emr                        Cornell University
31         372        Ethan            Suttner                    Cornell University
32         434        Dominic          Caiazzo                    Northeastern University
33         436        Andrew           Dilla                      University of Pittsburgh
34         357        Hughes           Burridge                   Northeastern University
DNF        360        Javier           Garcia                     Temple University
DNF        389        Brian            Devaney                    University of Vermont
DNF        391        Patrick          Galvin                     University of New Hampshire
DNF        405        Kyle             Carroll                    Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway
DNF        1307       Joel             Harding                    US Naval Academy

Men C2                                 39 starters                30 minutes

Place      Bib        First            Last                       Team                                              Points
1          587        Harry            Chen                       Bucknell University                               22
2          593        Evan             Murphy                     Rhode Island School of Design                     16
3          525        Nicholas         Walulik                    Stevens Institute of Technology                   13
4          537        Spencer          Schaber                    Massachusetts Institute of Technology             10
5          517        Jan              Wolfe                      Boston College                                    9
6          588        Brian            Tino                       Bucknell University                               8
7          591        Justin           Yeash                      Villanova University                              6
8          559        Anthony          Cross                      Princeton University                              5
9          548        Anthony          Gizzi                      Thomas Jefferson University                       4
10         592        Sam              Hickey                     Massachusetts Institute of Technology             3
11         573        Gregory          Wesolowich                 Millersville University-Pennsylvania              2
12         596        Michael          Gaskin                     Middlebury College                                1
13         528        Dan              Ipp                        Rochester Institute of Technology
14         563        Daniel           Homeier                    Colby College
15         589        Matthew          Johnson                    Middlebury College
16         570        William          Blakeley                   Dartmouth College
17         512        Matthew          Nole                       Boston College
18         509        Nathaniel        Schub                      Brown University
19         514        Zachary          Browning                   Rochester Institute of Technology
20         566        Paul             Trimby                     Worcester Polytechnic Institute
21         545        Christopher      Mondiek                    Rochester Institute of Technology
22         544        Thomas           Goetz                      Rochester Institute of Technology
23         516        James            Wolf                       Franklin and Marshall College
24         572        Eric             Moon                       Millersville University-Pennsylvania
25         555        Greg             Hahn                       Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
26         513        David            Levine                     Brown University
27         574        Jason            Herrling                   Rochester Institute of Technology
28         511        Anthony          Castiglia                  Rochester Institute of Technology
29         543        Jesse            Manuel                     York Technical Institute
30         539        David            Hocker                     Princeton University
31         510        Eric             Gauthier                   Princeton University
32         527        Craig            Michaud                    Wentworth Institute of Technology
33         595        Charles          OBrien                     Boston College
34         558        Cosme            Del Rosario-Bell           Colby College
35         585        Scott            Henry                      Bucknell University
36         518        YiPeng           Teoh                       Brown University
37         552        Matthew          Warbrick                   Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
38         540        Nicholas         Huang                      Princeton University
39         568        Matthew          Appleby                    Colby College

Women C                                33 starters                30 minutes

Place      Bib        First            Last                       Team                                              Points
1          231        Kelly            Desharnais                 Bucknell University                               22
2          249        Susannah         Hufstader                  Colby College                                     16
3          200        Cynthia          Nijenhuis                  Cornell University                                13
4          288        Ashley           Hopwood                    Northeastern University                           10
5          205        Courtney         Halista                    Boston College                                    9
6          308        Kaelin           Proud                      Temple University                                 8
7          271        Victoria         Hanks                      Drexel University                                 6
8          253        Allison          Hugi                       Yale University                                   5
9          310        Amanda           Nauman                     Stevens Institute of Technology                   4
10         278        Rachel           Meyer                      University of Vermont                             3
11         202        Courtney         Gregor                     Franklin and Marshall College                     2
12         300        Jennifer         Zeckendorf                 Yale University                                   1
13         208        Jaime            Lawlor                     Boston College
14         267        Carolyn          Carlstrom                  Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
15         232        Kate             Callahan                   Syracuse University
16         203        Taylor           Rojek                      DeSales University
17         224        Robyn            Emerman                    Columbia University-NYC
18         243        Sonja            Butler                     US Military Academy
19         274        Jaclyn           Dalessandro                Northeastern University
20         227        Caitlin          Masopust                   University of Connecticut
21         218        Amy              Dzura                      University of Pittsburgh
22         240        Jamie            Ervin                      US Military Academy
23         311        Abbe             Hamilton                   Syracuse University
24         236        Ashley           Hurst                      Yale University
25         312        Kaytlin          Senatore                   Bucknell University
26         307        Katherine        Ridge                      Temple University
27         221        Cassandra        Mooshian                   University of New Hampshire
28         309        Erica            Bloom                      Yale University
29         223        Allison          Gehnrich                   University of New Hampshire
30         314        Constance        Chang                      Yale University
DNF        222        Tricia           Barstow                    University of New Hampshire
DNF        250        Katherine        Ridge                      Temple University
DNF        303        Anastasia        Patejdl                    Columbia University-NYC

Men D1                                 39 starters                25 minutes

Place      Bib        First            Last                       Team                                              Points
1          740        Taylor           Smith                      University of New Hampshire                       12
2          730        Karl             Zahn                       University of Vermont                             9
3          855        Cane             Napolitano                 Lafayette University                              7
4          670        James            Fisk                       University of Massachusetts-Amherst               6
5          637        Ben              Civiletti                  University of Vermont                             5
6          681        Darren           Xu                         University of Pennsylvania                        4
7          669        Keith            Toombs                     University of Massachusetts-Amherst               3
8          626        David            Garguilo                   Boston University                                 2
9          605        Christian        Anderson                   New York University                               1
10         723        Ernie            Lehman                     Pennsylvania State University
11         737        John             Oliver                     University of Vermont
12         729        Anthony          DiPasquale                 Northeastern University
13         668        Nicholas         Mueller                    Cornell University
14         694        Burton           Levine                     Pennsylvania State University
15         707        Joel             Norton                     Northeastern University
16         734        Brett            Houser                     Drexel University
17         619        Andrew           Vogeler                    University of Pittsburgh
18         622        Nickolas         Kirkner                    Drexel University
19         735        Brian            Freilich                   University of Pennsylvania
20         663        Logan            Cawley                     Pennsylvania State University
21         616        Peter            Ott                        University of Delaware
22         608        Marcos           Picchio                    Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway
23         677        William          Lally                      Boston University
24         627        Eric             Emery                      Cornell University
25         633        Christopher      Gilbert                    Harvard University
26         662        Robert           Winnett                    Boston University
27         739        Max              Dougherty                  University of Vermont
28         614        Jacob            Rubin                      University of Delaware
29         742        Vincent          Lee                        University of Pennsylvania
30         743        Christian        Thompson                   New York University
31         641        Stephen          Poirier                    Syracuse University
32         674        Joe              Weiss                      University of Massachusetts-Amherst
33         615        Andrew           Walker                     University of Delaware
34         724        Michael          Villanueva                 University of Pennsylvania
DNF        607        David            Wilson                     Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway
DNF        621        Chatura          Atapattu                   Drexel University
DNF        704        Byron            Hood                       Harvard University
DNF        718        Lincoln          Muir                       University of Massachusetts-Amherst
DNF        738        Daniel           Boyle                      University of Vermont

Men D2                                 41 starters                25 minutes

Place      Bib        First            Last                       Team                                              Points
1          966        Kevin            Rutherford                 US Military Academy                               12
2          909        Adam             Bry                        Massachusetts Institute of Technology             9
3          959        Steven           Ji                         Massachusetts Institute of Technology             7
4          973        William          Alger                      Yale University                                   6
5          905        Andrew           Haggerty                   Millersville University-Pennsylvania              5
6          967        John             Romanishin                 Massachusetts Institute of Technology             4
7          963        Stephen          Rogacki                    US Military Academy                               3
8          866        Matthew          Conroy                     Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania           2
9          987        Nicholas         Ferra                      Franklin and Marshall College                     1
10         992        Thomas           Borealo                    DeSales University
11         859        Eliot            Scymanski                  Franklin and Marshall College
12         945        Douglas          Breault                    Tufts University
13         969        Donald           Napp                       Villanova University
14         972        Eric             Fischer                    Yale University
15         864        Bradley          Quinnan                    Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
16         873        Joe              Pawelczyk                  Villanova University
17         951        Orlando          Martinez                   Stevens Institute of Technology
18         952        Pete             LoBianco                   Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
19         885        Matthew          Mosca                      Franklin and Marshall College
20         971        Nicholas         Friesner                   Yale University
21         962        Kevan            ORear                      US Military Academy
22         944        Alejandro        Hidalgo                    Tufts University
23         964        Max              Smith                      US Military Academy
24         960        Thomas           Devane                     US Military Academy
25         950        Ian              Burgess                    Stevens Institute of Technology
26         947        Isaac            Spingarn                   Stevens Institute of Technology
27         911        Matthew          Blackburn                  Massachusetts Institute of Technology
28         880        John             Gleason                    Wentworth Institute of Technology
29         857        Richard          Trierweiler                Dartmouth College
30         929        Joseph           Wilkos                     Worcester Polytechnic Institute
31         989        Cornelius        VanGalen                   Franklin and Marshall College
32         976        Chieh Chih       Chiang                     Brown University
33         868        Devin            Wagner                     Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
34         985        Adric            Quackenbush                Franklin and Marshall College
35         858        Benjamin         Jones                      Dartmouth College
36         978        Edward           Rice                       Brown University
37         853        Jonathan         Yunas                      Indiana University-PA
38         916        Jeffrey          Pribor                     Hobart William Smith Colleges
39         965        Zachary          Robinson                   US Military Academy
DNF        867        Erik             Gonsiorowski               Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
DNF        958        Jonathan         Smith                      Yale University

Men Intro                              19 starters                20 minutes

Place      Bib        First            Last                       Team                                              Points
1          954        David            DeWitt                     Yale University                                   7
2          652        Jonathan         Fishpaw                    University of Connecticut                         5
3          715        Andrew           Pezzimenti                 University of Connecticut                         3
4          935        Ryan             Sullivan                   University of Massachusetts-Amherst               2
5          655        Adam             Scianna                    University of Connecticut                         1
6          862        Kevork           Chertavian                 Franklin and Marshall College
7          606        Kevin            Rundstrom                  Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway
8          860        Jonathan         Fura                       DeSales University
9          719        Anthony          Altimore                   University of Pennsylvania
10         861        Brian            Tang                       Yale University
11         736        Stephen          Zapisek                    Drexel University
12         744        Nicholas         Wesolowich                 Penn State University - Abington
13         702        Sean             Barry                      Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway
14         624        George           Ghanim                     Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway
15         878        Christopher      Trudel                     Wentworth Institute of Technology
16         937        John             Powell                     Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
17         741        Sean             Walsh                      Boston University
18         856        James            Scouras                    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
19         871        Will             Kavanagh                   Villanova University

Women Intro                            13 starters                20 minutes

Place      Bib        First            Last                       Team                                              Points
1          277        Kimbra           Buerschaper                Boston College                                    7
2          315        Shannon          Casey                      University of Pittsburgh                          5
3          204        Maureen          Regan                      Boston College                                    3
4          286        Rachel           Marcuson                   Stevens Institute of Technology                   2
5          349        Stephanie        Reighart                   Dartmouth College                                 1
6          295        Christina        Chnaider                   Boston University
7          234        Laura            Sneider                    Stevens Institute of Technology
8          316        Kathryn          Schuck                     Lehigh University
9          269        Lisa             Thompson                   Northeastern University
10         313        Rebekah          Hupp                       Bucknell University
11         301        Natalie          Becerra                    Cornell University
DNF        255        Allison          Blacker                    University of Massachusetts-Amherst
DNF        276        Tiahna           Harris                     University of Massachusetts-Amherst


Men A

Sprint #1
Place      Bib        First           Last               Team                                                  Points
1          48         Alex            Cox                University of Vermont                                 5
2          93         Trevor          Eide               Dartmouth College                                     3
3          52         Nathan          Kupperstock        Boston University                                     2
4          27         Benjamin        Carbonetti         University of Connecticut                             1

Sprint #2
Place      Bib        First           Last               Team                                                  Points
1          48         Alex            Cox                University of Vermont                                 5
2          32         Charles         Thompson           Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway           3
3          104        Tristan         Baldwin            University of Vermont                                 2
4          93         Trevor          Eide               Dartmouth College                                     1

Sprint #3
Place      Bib        First           Last               Team                                                  Points
1          8          Christopher     Hamlin             University of Vermont                                 5
2          48         Alex            Cox                University of Vermont                                 3
3          93         Trevor          Eide               Dartmouth College                                     2
4          110        Jacob           Bolewski           Cornell University                                    1

Sprint #4
Place      Bib        First           Last               Team                                                  Points
1          48         Alex            Cox                University of Vermont                                 5
2          18         Derek           Harnden            University of Vermont                                 3
3          28         Lee             Peters             University of Vermont                                 2
4          52         Nathan          Kupperstock        Boston University                                     1

Sprint #5
Place      Bib        First           Last               Team                                                  Points
1          32         Charles         Thompson           Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway           5
2          48         Alex            Cox                University of Vermont                                 3
3          104        Tristan         Baldwin            University of Vermont                                 2
4          47         Max             Korus              University of Pennsylvania                            1

Sprint #6
Place      Bib        First           Last               Team                                                  Points
1          90         Nicholas        Reinert            University of Pittsburgh                              5
2          91         Pavel           Gonda              New York University                                   3
3          93         Trevor          Eide               Dartmouth College                                     2
4          52         Nathan          Kupperstock        Boston University                                     1

Women A

Sprint #1
Place      Bib        First           Last               Team                                                  Points
1          1201       Peggy           Legrand            US Naval Academy                                      10
2          61         Martha          Buckley            Massachusetts Institute of Technology                 6
3          36         Eun Young       Choi               Harvard University                                    4
4          66         Elle            Anderson           Dartmouth College                                     2

Sprint #2
Place      Bib        First           Last               Team                                                  Points
1          70         Jessica         Kutz               Pennsylvania State University                         5
2          61         Martha          Buckley            Massachusetts Institute of Technology                 3
3          1201       Peggy           Legrand            US Naval Academy                                      2
4          66         Elle            Anderson           Dartmouth College                                     1

Sprint #3
Place      Bib        First           Last               Team                                                  Points
1          61         Martha          Buckley            Massachusetts Institute of Technology                 5
2          1201       Peggy           Legrand            US Naval Academy                                      3
3          66         Elle            Anderson           Dartmouth College                                     2
4          42         Lauren          Shirock            Pennsylvania State University                         1

Sprint #4
Place      Bib        First           Last               Team                                                  Points
1          61         Martha          Buckley            Massachusetts Institute of Technology                 10
2          40         Yuri            Matsumoto          Massachusetts Institute of Technology                 6
3          66         Elle            Anderson           Dartmouth College                                     4
4          1201       Peggy           Legrand            US Naval Academy                                      2

Men B

Sprint #1
Place      Bib        First           Last               Team                                                  Points
1          1117       Reiss           Kohl               US Naval Academy                                      5
2          326        Matthew         Holub              University of New Hampshire                           3
3          346        Steven          Derkits            Pennsylvania State University                         2
4          1118       Joey            Stahlin            US Naval Academy                                      1

Sprint #2
Place      Bib        First           Last               Team                                                  Points
1          341        Arnaud          Borner             Pennsylvania State University                         5
2          1166       Nick            Hutchinson         US Naval Academy                                      3
3          346        Steven          Derkits            Pennsylvania State University                         2
4          247        Glenn           Ferreira           Massachusetts Institute of Technology                 1

Sprint #3
Place      Bib        First           Last               Team                                                  Points
1          225        Francesco       Leordina           Columbia University-NYC                               5
2          311        Nicholas        Rogers             Temple University                                     3
3          249        Charles         Salzer             Franklin and Marshall College                         2
4          346        Steven          Derkits            Pennsylvania State University                         1

Sprint #4
Place      Bib        First           Last               Team                                                  Points
1          316        Garrett         Olsen              Villanova University                                  5
2          314        James           Miceli             Villanova University                                  3
3          348        Tim             Janson             Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute                      2
4          346        Steven          Derkits            Pennsylvania State University                         1

Women B

Sprint #1
Place      Bib        First           Last               Team                                                  Points
1          129        Karla           Labbe              Boston College                                        5
2          108        Jena            Greaser            University of Connecticut                             3
3          1251       Corinne         Landis             US Naval Academy                                      2
4          105        Isabella        Oleksy             University of New Hampshire                           1

Sprint #2
Place      Bib        First           Last               Team                                                  Points
1          120        Molly           Hurford            Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway           5
2          129        Karla           Labbe              Boston College                                        3
3          251        Allison         Grover             McGill University                                     2
4          124        Alexandra       Berndt             New England Conservatory                              1

Sprint #3
Place      Bib        First           Last               Team                                                  Points
1          122        Sinead          ODwyer             Bucknell University                                   5
2          120        Molly           Hurford            Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway           3
3          113        Sarah           Bowman             Yale University                                       2
4          107        Aimee           Layton             Columbia University-NYC                               1

Sprint #4
Place      Bib        First           Last               Team                                                  Points
1          124        Alexandra       Berndt             New England Conservatory                              5
2          123        Katy            Applin             Northeastern University                               3
3          120        Molly           Hurford            Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway           2
4          1251       Corinne         Landis             US Naval Academy                                      1

Men C1

Sprint #1
Place      Bib        First           Last               Team                                                  Points
1          363        Nathan          Davis              University of Vermont                                 5
2          394        Nathan          Oriol              University of New Hampshire                           3
3          396        Kevin           Emr                Cornell University                                    2
4          364        Daniel          Hale               University of Vermont                                 1

Sprint #2
Place      Bib        First           Last               Team                                                  Points
1          406        Alan            Fody               Drexel University                                     5
2          376        Eric            Poeltl             University of Pennsylvania                            3
3          364        Daniel          Hale               University of Vermont                                 2
4          410        Sean            Berry              University of New Hampshire                           1

Sprint #3
Place      Bib        First           Last               Team                                                  Points
1          363        Nathan          Davis              University of Vermont                                 5
2          393        James           Rose               University of New Hampshire                           3
3          410        Sean            Berry              University of New Hampshire                           2
4          435        David           Rowinski           Cornell University                                    1

Men C2

Sprint #1
Place      Bib        First           Last               Team                                                  Points
1          593        Evan            Murphy             Rhode Island School of Design                         5
2          591        Justin          Yeash              Villanova University                                  3
3          559        Anthony         Cross              Princeton University                                  2
4          543        Jesse           Manuel             York Technical Institute                              1

Sprint #2
Place      Bib        First           Last               Team                                                  Points
1          566        Paul            Trimby             Worcester Polytechnic Institute                       5
2          525        Nicholas        Walulik            Stevens Institute of Technology                       3
3          570        William         Blakeley           Dartmouth College                                     2
4          543        Jesse           Manuel             York Technical Institute                              1

Sprint #3
Place      Bib        First           Last               Team                                                  Points
1          566        Paul            Trimby             Worcester Polytechnic Institute                       5
2          537        Spencer         Schaber            Massachusetts Institute of Technology                 3
3          525        Nicholas        Walulik            Stevens Institute of Technology                       2
4          528        Dan             Ipp                Rochester Institute of Technology                     1

Women C

Sprint #1
Place      Bib        First           Last               Team                                                  Points
1          203        Taylor          Rojek              DeSales University                                    5
2          300        Jennifer        Zeckendorf         Yale University                                       3
3          253        Allison         Hugi               Yale University                                       2
4          308        Kaelin          Proud              Temple University                                     1

Sprint #2
Place      Bib        First           Last               Team                                                  Points
1          231        Kelly           Desharnais         Bucknell University                                   5
2          278        Rachel          Meyer              University of Vermont                                 3
3          310        Amanda          Nauman             Stevens Institute of Technology                       2
4          202        Courtney        Gregor             Franklin and Marshall College                         1

Sprint #3
Place      Bib        First           Last               Team                                                  Points
1          231        Kelly           Desharnais         Bucknell University                                   5
2          278        Rachel          Meyer              University of Vermont                                 3
3          200        Cynthia         Nijenhuis          Cornell University                                    2
4          202        Courtney        Gregor             Franklin and Marshall College                         1

Men D1

Sprint #1
Place      Bib        First           Last               Team                                                  Points
1          718        Lincoln         Muir               University of Massachusetts-Amherst                   5
2          723        Ernie           Lehman             Pennsylvania State University                         3
3          855        Cane            Napolitano         Lafayette University                                  2
4          730        Karl            Zahn               University of Vermont                                 1

Sprint #2
Place      Bib        First           Last               Team                                                  Points
1          730        Karl            Zahn               University of Vermont                                 5
2          669        Keith           Toombs             University of Massachusetts-Amherst                   3
3          740        Taylor          Smith              University of New Hampshire                           2
4          855        Cane            Napolitano         Lafayette University                                  1

Men D2

Sprint #1
Place      Bib        First           Last               Team                                                  Points
1          966        Kevin           Rutherford         US Military Academy                                   5
2          952        Pete            LoBianco           Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania               3
3          967        John            Romanishin         Massachusetts Institute of Technology                 2
4          963        Stephen         Rogacki            US Military Academy                                   1

Sprint #2
Place      Bib        First           Last               Team                                                  Points
1          969        Donald          Napp               Villanova University                                  5
2          859        Eliot           Scymanski          Franklin and Marshall College                         3
3          973        William         Alger              Yale University                                       2
4          967        John            Romanishin         Massachusetts Institute of Technology                 1


Men A                                    47 starters                 35 miles

Place       Bib         First            Last                        Team                                                Points
1           91          Pavel            Gonda                       New York University                                 80
2           104         Tristan          Baldwin                     University of Vermont                               70
3           1019        Zack             Moyntire                    US Naval Academy                                    63
4           90          Nicholas         Reinert                     University of Pittsburgh                            57
5           5           Robert           Stumpf                      University of Pittsburgh                            51
6           28          Lee              Peters                      University of Vermont                               45
7           47          Max              Korus                       University of Pennsylvania                          40
8           8           Christopher      Hamlin                      University of Vermont                               35
9           26          Ryan             O'Hara                      University of Connecticut                           30
10          40          Ross             Marklein                    University of Pennsylvania                          26
11          115         Jacob            Bobrow                      University of Vermont                               22
12          54          Douglass         Endrizzi                    Yale University                                     18
13          10          Alex             Abarbanel-Grossman          Middlebury College                                  15
14          103         Kyle             Gheres                      Pennsylvania State University                       12
15          93          Trevor           Eide                        Dartmouth College                                   9
16          18          Derek            Harnden                     University of Vermont                               7
17          30          Kyle             Wagner                      Lehigh University                                   5
18          16          Tyler            Bauer                       Temple University                                   3
19          105         John             Rhoden                      Massachusetts Institute of Technology               2
20          11          Gregg            Izzo                        Northeastern University                             1
21          46          Joe              Pigga                       Lehigh University
22          50          Kyle             Bruley                      Boston University
23          1127        Jacob            Roche                       US Naval Academy
24          37          Evan             Cooper                      Tufts University
25          56          Jim              Komarmi                     University of Vermont
26          7           Robert           Burnett                     Franklin and Marshall College
27          55          Samson           McHugh                      University of Pittsburgh
28          117         Nick             Bax                         Princeton University
29          41          Jeremy           Shirock                     Pennsylvania State University
30          31          Michael          Maret                       Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
31          6           Andrew           Seitz                       University of Pittsburgh
32          52          Nathan           Kupperstock                 Boston University
33          27          Benjamin         Carbonetti                  University of Connecticut
34          44          Matthew          Furlow                      University of Pennsylvania
35          114         Tim              Humpton                     Massachusetts Institute of Technology
36          51          Matthew          Griswold                    Boston University
DNF         9           Timothy          Manzella                    Drexel University
38          19          Aaron            Cravez                      Bucknell University
39          32          Charles          Thompson                    Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway
40          38          Wyatt            Stoup                       Pennsylvania State University
41          39          Martin           Kell                        Pennsylvania State University
42          49          Chris            Rodgers                     Pennsylvania State University
43          89          Jonathan         Akers                       Lehigh University
44          98          Jonathan         Marshall                    Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
45          101         Patrick          Barter                      Dartmouth College
46          110         Jacob            Bolewski                    Cornell University
47          111         Roberto          Torres-Aquiar               Pennsylvania State University

Women A                                  20 starters                 26 miles

Place       Bib         First            Last                        Team                                                Points
1           39          Laura            Ralston                     Massachusetts Institute of Technology               80
2           61          Martha           Buckley                     Massachusetts Institute of Technology               70
3           1201        Peggy            Legrand                     US Naval Academy                                    63
4           66          Elle             Anderson                    Dartmouth College                                   57
5           67          Claire           McKenna                     Dartmouth College                                   51
6           40          Yuri             Matsumoto                   Massachusetts Institute of Technology               45
7           36          Eun Young        Choi                        Harvard University                                  40
8           44          Daisy            Phillips                    Pennsylvania State University                       35
9           47          Anna             Eisenstein                  Boston University                                   30
10          72          Jen              Vorse                       Harvard University                                  26
11          69          Rebecca          Chan                        University of Pennsylvania                          22
12          70          Jessica          Kutz                        Pennsylvania State University                       18
13          46          Rose             Long                        University of Vermont                               15
14          74          Caroline         Savage                      Columbia University-NYC                             12
15          68          Morgan           Farnsworth                  Pennsylvania State University                       9
16          38          Maggie           Sullivan                    Northeastern University                             7
17          1267                                                     US Naval Academy                                    5
18          62          Stephanie        Stambaugh                   University of Pittsburgh                            3
19          65          Kelsey           Hassin                      US Military Academy                                 2
DNF         42          Lauren           Shirock                     Pennsylvania State University

Women B                                  21 starters                 26 miles

Place       Bib         First            Last                        Team                                                Points
1           107         Aimee            Layton                      Columbia University-NYC                             48
2           123         Katy             Applin                      Northeastern University                             42
3           117         Stefanie         Sydlik                      Massachusetts Institute of Technology               36
4           113         Sarah            Bowman                      Yale University                                     32
5           129         Karla            Labbe                       Boston College                                      28
6           122         Sinead           ODwyer                      Bucknell University                                 24
7           120         Molly            Hurford                     Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway         21
8           124         Alexandra        Berndt                      New England Conservatory                            15
9           101         Karina           DeMair                      Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway         12
10          108         Jena             Greaser                     University of Connecticut                           9
11          121         Rebecca          Wolski                      Boston College                                      7
12          1251        Corinne          Landis                      US Naval Academy                                    5
13          105         Isabella         Oleksy                      University of New Hampshire                         3
14          114         Emily            Daniels                     Bucknell University                                 2
15          112         Rebekah          Morris                      Bucknell University                                 1
16          109         Shane            Ferro                       Columbia University-NYC
17          1259        Kat              Dransfield                  US Naval Academy
18          128         Anastasia        Patejdl                     Columbia University-NYC
DNF         119         Elizabeth        Marcello                    Columbia University-NYC
DNF         125         Nicole           Seekely                     Columbia University-NYC
DNF         127         Amy              Schwarzenberg               University of New Hampshire

Women A/B Combined

Place       Bib         First            Last                        Team                                                Cat
1           39          Laura            Ralston                     Massachusetts Institute of Technology               A
2           61          Martha           Buckley                     Massachusetts Institute of Technology               A
3           1201        Peggy            Legrand                     US Naval Academy                                    A
4           66          Elle             Anderson                    Dartmouth College                                   A
5           67          Claire           McKenna                     Dartmouth College                                   A
6           107         Aimee            Layton                      Columbia University-NYC                             B
7           123         Katy             Applin                      Northeastern University                             B
8           117         Stefanie         Sydlik                      Massachusetts Institute of Technology               B
9           113         Sarah            Bowman                      Yale University                                     B
10          40          Yuri             Matsumoto                   Massachusetts Institute of Technology               A
11          129         Karla            Labbe                       Boston College                                      B
12          36          Eun Young        Choi                        Harvard University                                  A
13          44          Daisy            Phillips                    Pennsylvania State University                       A
14          122         Sinead           ODwyer                      Bucknell University                                 B
15          47          Anna             Eisenstein                  Boston University                                   A
16          120         Molly            Hurford                     Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway         B
17          72          Jen              Vorse                       Harvard University                                  A
18          124         Alexandra        Berndt                      New England Conservatory                            B
19          69          Rebecca          Chan                        University of Pennsylvania                          A
20          101         Karina           DeMair                      Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway         B
21          70          Jessica          Kutz                        Pennsylvania State University                       A
22          108         Jena             Greaser                     University of Connecticut                           B
23          121         Rebecca          Wolski                      Boston College                                      B
24          46          Rose             Long                        University of Vermont                               A
25          74          Caroline         Savage                      Columbia University-NYC                             A
26          1251        Corinne          Landis                      US Naval Academy                                    B
27          105         Isabella         Oleksy                      University of New Hampshire                         B
28          114         Emily            Daniels                     Bucknell University                                 B
29          68          Morgan           Farnsworth                  Pennsylvania State University                       A
30          38          Maggie           Sullivan                    Northeastern University                             A
31          1267                                                     US Naval Academy                                    A
32          112         Rebekah          Morris                      Bucknell University                                 B
33          62          Stephanie        Stambaugh                   University of Pittsburgh                            A
34          65          Kelsey           Hassin                      US Military Academy                                 A
35          109         Shane            Ferro                       Columbia University-NYC                             B
36          1259        Kat              Dransfield                  US Naval Academy                                    B
37          128         Anastasia        Patejdl                     Columbia University-NYC                             B
DNF         42          Lauren           Shirock                     Pennsylvania State University                       A
DNF         119         Elizabeth        Marcello                    Columbia University-NYC                             B
DNF         125         Nicole           Seekely                     Columbia University-NYC                             B
DNF         127         Amy              Schwarzenberg               University of New Hampshire                         B

Men B                                    46 starters                 26 miles

Place       Bib         First            Last                        Team                                                Points
1           316         Garrett          Olsen                       Villanova University                                48
2           1117        Reiss            Kohl                        US Naval Academy                                    42
3           305         Zachary          LaBry                       Massachusetts Institute of Technology               36
4           312         Michael          Desmarais                   University of Vermont                               32
5           314         James            Miceli                      Villanova University                                28
6           1166        Nick             Hutchinson                  US Naval Academy                                    24
7           303         Philip           Gasparovic                  University of Delaware                              21
8           341         Arnaud           Borner                      Pennsylvania State University                       15
9           253         James            Thornton                    US Military Academy                                 12
10          343         Drew             Tyger                       Pennsylvania State University                       9
11          322         Keith            Gregory                     US Military Academy                                 7
12          230         Aaron            Horvath                     Princeton University                                5
13          233         Robert           Abramo                      Villanova University                                3
14          225         Francesco        Leordina                    Columbia University-NYC                             2
15          301         Clint            Dager                       University of Delaware                              1
16          235         Collin           Buesser                     Northeastern University
17          256         James            Heaney                      University of Pennsylvania
18          319         Kevin            Curran                      Bucknell University
19          327         John             Herrick                     University of Vermont
20          1118        Joey             Stahlin                     US Naval Academy
21          300         Joshua           Parker                      Brown University
22          250         Daniel           Rossi                       Franklin and Marshall College
23          1128        Andy             Mathis                      US Naval Academy
24          323         Jonathan         Dreher                      Massachusetts Institute of Technology
25          245         Thomas           Stark                       Middlebury College
26          330         Matthew          Nichols                     Dartmouth College
27          229         Max              Grant                       Princeton University
28          348         Tim              Janson                      Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
29          315         Joseph           Bylund                      Columbia University-NYC
30          347         Radu             Jianu                       Brown University
31          247         Glenn            Ferreira                    Massachusetts Institute of Technology
32          224         Corey            Williams                    Columbia University-NYC
33          249         Charles          Salzer                      Franklin and Marshall College
34          248         Stephen          Thomasch                    Franklin and Marshall College
35          306         Karl             Honerlaw                    Boston College
36          325         Brenden          Siekman                     US Military Academy
37          304         William          Kistler                     University of Delaware
38          320         Jeremy           May                         US Military Academy
39          344         Alexander        Chaleff                     New England Conservatory
40          244         David            Singerman                   Massachusetts Institute of Technology
41          252         Andrew           Mitstifer                   Franklin and Marshall College
42          321         Joseph           Perez                       US Military Academy
DNF         326         Matthew          Holub                       University of New Hampshire
DNF         333         Ian              Rousseau                    Massachusetts Institute of Technology
DNF         338         Jacob            Sisson                      Cornell University
DNF         346         Steven           Derkits                     Pennsylvania State University

Men C1                                   41 starters                 22 miles

Place       Bib         First            Last                        Team                                                Points
1           389         Brian            Devaney                     University of Vermont                               32
2           391         Patrick          Galvin                      University of New Hampshire                         24
3           1310        Dane             Boudreau                    US Naval Academy                                    18
4           436         Andrew           Dilla                       University of Pittsburgh                            15
5           394         Nathan           Oriol                       University of New Hampshire                         12
6           376         Eric             Poeltl                      University of Pennsylvania                          9
7           371         Alexander        Sverdlov                    University of Pennsylvania                          7
8           393         James            Rose                        University of New Hampshire                         5
9           410         Sean             Berry                       University of New Hampshire                         4
10          364         Daniel           Hale                        University of Vermont                               3
11          363         Nathan           Davis                       University of Vermont                               2
12          388         James            Bolognani                   University of New Hampshire                         1
13          415         Marc             MacLeod                     University of Massachusetts-Amherst
14          375         Goran            Lynch                       University of Pennsylvania
15          392         Andrew           Goodale                     University of New Hampshire
16          378         Antonio          Petrov                      Harvard University
17          1307        Joel             Harding                     US Naval Academy
18          409         James            Stoeckle                    Columbia University-NYC
19          427         Adam             Fredo                       Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway
20          357         Hughes           Burridge                    Northeastern University
21          412         Mike             Longeri                     University of New Hampshire
22          396         Kevin            Emr                         Cornell University
23          432         Adam             Jakubowski                  University of Connecticut
24          434         Dominic          Caiazzo                     Northeastern University
25          361         Matthew          Lewis                       Columbia University-NYC
26          359         Gregory          Smaldone                    Cornell University
27          414         Nick             Bessman                     University of Pennsylvania
28          424         Eric             Rothrock                    Pennsylvania State University
29          372         Ethan            Suttner                     Cornell University
30          1471        Andrew           Castro                      US Naval Academy
31          435         David            Rowinski                    Cornell University
32          433         Michael          Farrar                      Northeastern University
33          407         Eric             Panicucci                   Northeastern University
34          351         Arthur           Wicks                       University of Delaware
35          360         Javier           Garcia                      Temple University
36          356         Garrick          Dixon                       Northeastern University
37          408         Chris            Rago                        University of Connecticut
38          365         Tim              Heitz                       Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway
39          1396        Chris            Duffy                       US Naval Academy
DNF         405         Kyle             Carroll                     Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway
DNF         362         Patrick          Cafferky                    University of Vermont

Men C2                                   37 starters                 22 miles

Place       Bib         First            Last                        Team                                                Points
1           507         Jared            Fenstermacher               Bloomsburg University-Pennsylvania                  32
2           592         Sam              Hickey                      Massachusetts Institute of Technology               24
3           537         Spencer          Schaber                     Massachusetts Institute of Technology               18
4           545         Christopher      Mondiek                     Rochester Institute of Technology                   15
5           570         William          Blakeley                    Dartmouth College                                   12
6           593         Evan             Murphy                      Rhode Island School of Design                       9
7           525         Nicholas         Walulik                     Stevens Institute of Technology                     7
8           544         Thomas           Goetz                       Rochester Institute of Technology                   -5
9           543         Jesse            Manuel                      York Technical Institute                            4
10          572         Eric             Moon                        Millersville University-Pennsylvania                3
11          563         Daniel           Homeier                     Colby College                                       2
12          591         Justin           Yeash                       Villanova University                                1
13          516         James            Wolf                        Franklin and Marshall College
14          517         Jan              Wolfe                       Boston College
15          559         Anthony          Cross                       Princeton University
16          539         David            Hocker                      Princeton University
17          509         Nathaniel        Schub                       Brown University
18          566         Paul             Trimby                      Worcester Polytechnic Institute
19          527         Craig            Michaud                     Wentworth Institute of Technology
20          596         Michael          Gaskin                      Middlebury College
21          514         Zachary          Browning                    Rochester Institute of Technology
22          528         Dan              Ipp                         Rochester Institute of Technology
23          587         Harry            Chen                        Bucknell University
24          588         Brian            Tino                        Bucknell University
25          513         David            Levine                      Brown University
26          512         Matthew          Nole                        Boston College
27          574         Jason            Herrling                    Rochester Institute of Technology
28          510         Eric             Gauthier                    Princeton University
29          585         Scott            Henry                       Bucknell University
30          508         Phil             Daniels                     Bloomsburg University-Pennsylvania
31          573         Gregory          Wesolowich                  Millersville University-Pennsylvania
32          518         YiPeng           Teoh                        Brown University
33          511         Anthony          Castiglia                   Rochester Institute of Technology
34          568         Matthew          Appleby                     Colby College
DNF         540         Nicholas         Huang                       Princeton University
DNF         579         Peter            Bridi                       Lehigh University
DNF         595         Charles          OBrien                      Boston College

544 - 10 point penalty for inappropriate language.

Women C                                  27 starters                 18 miles

Place       Bib         First            Last                        Team                                                Points
1           249         Susannah         Hufstader                   Colby College                                       32
2           200         Cynthia          Nijenhuis                   Cornell University                                  24
3           231         Kelly            Desharnais                  Bucknell University                                 18
4           227         Caitlin          Masopust                    University of Connecticut                           15
5           310         Amanda           Nauman                      Stevens Institute of Technology                     12
6           202         Courtney         Gregor                      Franklin and Marshall College                       9
7           232         Kate             Callahan                    Syracuse University                                 7
8           288         Ashley           Hopwood                     Northeastern University                             5
9           309         Erica            Bloom                       Yale University                                     4
10          308         Kaelin           Proud                       Temple University                                   3
11          253         Allison          Hugi                        Yale University                                     2
12          205         Courtney         Halista                     Boston College                                      1
13          311         Abbe             Hamilton                    Syracuse University
14          274         Jaclyn           Dalessandro                 Northeastern University
15          216         Gina             DiNunzio                    Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway
16          240         Jamie            Ervin                       US Military Academy
17          222         Tricia           Barstow                     University of New Hampshire
18          236         Ashley           Hurst                       Yale University
19          223         Allison          Gehnrich                    University of New Hampshire
20          208         Jaime            Lawlor                      Boston College
21          221         Cassandra        Mooshian                    University of New Hampshire
22          203         Taylor           Rojek                       DeSales University
23          312         Kaytlin          Senatore                    Bucknell University
24          243         Sonja            Butler                      US Military Academy
25          314         Constance        Chang                       Yale University
26          218         Amy              Dzura                       University of Pittsburgh
DNF         278         Rachel           Meyer                       University of Vermont

Men D1                                   31 starters                 18 miles

Place       Bib         First            Last                        Team                                                Points
1           730         Karl             Zahn                        University of Vermont                               20
2           670         James            Fisk                        University of Massachusetts-Amherst                 16
3           855         Cane             Napolitano                  Lafayette University                                12
4           669         Keith            Toombs                      University of Massachusetts-Amherst                 8
5           723         Ernie            Lehman                      Pennsylvania State University                       5
6           668         Nicholas         Mueller                     Cornell University                                  4
7           740         Taylor           Smith                       University of New Hampshire                         3
8           738         Daniel           Boyle                       University of Vermont                               2
9           704         Byron            Hood                        Harvard University                                  1
10          677         William          Lally                       Boston University
11          614         Jacob            Rubin                       University of Delaware
12          633         Christopher      Gilbert                     Harvard University
13          637         Ben              Civiletti                   University of Vermont
14          663         Logan            Cawley                      Pennsylvania State University
15          694         Burton           Levine                      Pennsylvania State University
16          707         Joel             Norton                      Northeastern University
17          681         Darren           Xu                          University of Pennsylvania
18          616         Peter            Ott                         University of Delaware
19          615         Andrew           Walker                      University of Delaware
20          737         John             Oliver                      University of Vermont
21          627         Eric             Emery                       Cornell University
22          619         Andrew           Vogeler                     University of Pittsburgh
23          718         Lincoln          Muir                        University of Massachusetts-Amherst
24          626         David            Garguilo                    Boston University
25          739         Max              Dougherty                   University of Vermont
26          622         Nickolas         Kirkner                     Drexel University
27          662         Robert           Winnett                     Boston University
28          729         Anthony          DiPasquale                  Northeastern University
29          641         Stephen          Poirier                     Syracuse University
DNF         607         David            Wilson                      Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway
DNF         608         Marcos           Picchio                     Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway

Men D2                                   47 starters                 18 miles

Place       Bib         First            Last                        Team                                                Points
1           859         Eliot            Scymanski                   Franklin and Marshall College                       20
2           851         John             Churan                      Indiana University-PA                               16
3           905         Andrew           Haggerty                    Millersville University-Pennsylvania                12
4           966         Kevin            Rutherford                  US Military Academy                                 8
5           886         Ben              Hemani                      Dartmouth College                                   5
6           973         William          Alger                       Yale University                                     4
7           907         Alexander        Duncan                      US Naval Academy                                    3
8           972         Eric             Fischer                     Yale University                                     2
9           885         Matthew          Mosca                       Franklin and Marshall College                       1
10          873         Joe              Pawelczyk                   Villanova University
11          909         Adam             Bry                         Massachusetts Institute of Technology
12          864         Bradley          Quinnan                     Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
13          960         Thomas           Devane                      US Military Academy
14          952         Pete             LoBianco                    Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
15          893         Andrew           Owens                       Boston College
16          992         Thomas           Borealo                     DeSales University
17          945         Douglas          Breault                     Tufts University
18          947         Isaac            Spingarn                    Stevens Institute of Technology
19          963         Stephen          Rogacki                     US Military Academy
20          967         John             Romanishin                  Massachusetts Institute of Technology
21          962         Kevan            ORear                       US Military Academy
22          987         Nicholas         Ferra                       Franklin and Marshall College
23          866         Matthew          Conroy                      Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
24          964         Max              Smith                       US Military Academy
25          958         Jonathan         Smith                       Yale University
26          944         Alejandro        Hidalgo                     Tufts University
27          850         Duane            Corbett                     Indiana University-PA
28          882         Torey            Miller                      Rochester Institute of Technology
29          959         Steven           Ji                          Massachusetts Institute of Technology
30          852         John             Blank                       Indiana University-PA
31          911         Matthew          Blackburn                   Massachusetts Institute of Technology
32          951         Orlando          Martinez                    Stevens Institute of Technology
33          857         Richard          Trierweiler                 Dartmouth College
34          880         John             Gleason                     Wentworth Institute of Technology
35          868         Devin            Wagner                      Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
36          989         Cornelius        VanGalen                    Franklin and Marshall College
37          854         Joshua           Kurtz                       Bucknell University
38          976         Chieh Chih       Chiang                      Brown University
39          965         Zachary          Robinson                    US Military Academy
40          929         Joseph           Wilkos                      Worcester Polytechnic Institute
41          978         Edward           Rice                        Brown University
42          853         Jonathan         Yunas                       Indiana University-PA
43          970         Brad             Hagedorn                    Dartmouth College
44          858         Benjamin         Jones                       Dartmouth College
45          985         Adric            Quackenbush                 Franklin and Marshall College
DNF         969         Donald           Napp                        Villanova University
DNF         971         Nicholas         Friesner                    Yale University

Men Intro                                13 starters                 9 miles

Place       Bib         First            Last                        Team                                                Points
1           862         Kevork           Chertavian                  Franklin and Marshall College                       12
2           715         Andrew           Pezzimenti                  University of Connecticut                           7
3           954         David            DeWitt                      Yale University                                     5
4           652         Jonathan         Fishpaw                     University of Connecticut                           3
5           606         Kevin            Rundstrom                   Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway         1
6           935         Ryan             Sullivan                    University of Massachusetts-Amherst
7           655         Adam             Scianna                     University of Connecticut
8           861         Brian            Tang                        Yale University
9           878         Christopher      Trudel                      Wentworth Institute of Technology
10          719         Anthony          Altimore                    University of Pennsylvania
11          871         Will             Kavanagh                    Villanova University
12          624         George           Ghanim                      Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway
13          741         Sean             Walsh                       Boston University

Women Intro                              11 starters                 9 miles

Place       Bib         First            Last                        Team                                                Points
1           349         Stephanie        Reighart                    Dartmouth College                                   12
2           204         Maureen          Regan                       Boston College                                      7
3           286         Rachel           Marcuson                    Stevens Institute of Technology                     5
4           277         Kimbra           Buerschaper                 Boston College                                      3
5           315         Shannon          Casey                       University of Pittsburgh                            1
6           295         Christina        Chnaider                    Boston University
7           269         Lisa             Thompson                    Northeastern University
8           234         Laura            Sneider                     Stevens Institute of Technology
9           276         Tiahna           Harris                      University of Massachusetts-Amherst
10          285         Nicole           Ogrosso                     Stevens Institute of Technology
11          301         Natalie          Becerra                     Cornell University

USCF Men 3/4
1           125         Thomas         Schubert        Tri-State Velo/Amoroso's Racing Team
2           112         James          Meurig
3           123         Paul           Runyon          Tri-State Velo/Amoroso's Racing Team
4           122         Nick           Roeder          Tri-State Velo/Amoroso's Racing Team
5           106         Manuel         Caliz           Shirks Racing pb Trek Bikes
6           111         Booey          Hottenstein     Tri-State Velo/Amoroso's Racing Team
7           103         Caleb          Bonilla         Pro Pedals
8           118         Nick           Maimone         Tri-State Velo/Amoroso's Racing Team
9           134         Aquiar-Roberta Torres
10          113         Drew           Karlberg        Chester County Velo - Smedley/IronHill
11          109         Michael        Firth           Pro Pedals
12          131         Chris          Miller
13          102         Ross           Baldwin
14          114         Dan            Larino          CRCA/Petes Bike/Bridgewater Marble & Granite
15          138         Tony           Luden
16          121         Kyle           Reed            University of Delaware
17          127         Lee            Sobotkin        Tri-State Velo/Amoroso's Racing Team
18          132         Sean           Oreilly
19          108         Stuart         Dorman          Pure Energy Cycling / ProAirHFA Racing
20          110         Christopher    Shaw            FCX Racing
21          116         Andrea         Luebbe          Human Zoom/Pabst Blue Ribbon
22          105         Jason          Bruner          Pure Energy Cycling / ProAirHFA Racing
23          130         Justin         Kowalczyk       Pure Energy Cycling / ProAirHFA Racing
24          133         Joshua         Parker          Kissena
25          119         Jeff           Myers           Pure Energy Cycling / ProAirHFA Racing
26          126         Jason          Shuey           Pure Energy Cycling / ProAirHFA Racing
27          104         Jonathan       Bright          Team Vortex
28          137         Joseph         Carew           Pure Energy Cycling / ProAirHFA Racing
29          120         Joseph         Petrucci        Van Dessel Factory Team
30          101         Albert         Anderson        Pure Energy Cycling / ProAirHFA Racing
DNF         107         Alex           Chaleff         New England Conservatory
DNF         115         Kaitlyn        Lawrence        Team Vortex
DNF         117         Noah           Mabry           Shirks Racing pb Trek Bikes
DNF         124         Otto           Sanchez         Pro Pedals
DNF         128         David          Stires          CRCA
DNF         129         Noah           Zitzer          Chester County Velo - Smedley/IronHill
DNF         135         Robert         Biese           Vortex

Master Men 35/45
1           211         Brian          Girard          Stage One                                      36
2           201         Ad             Bax             Clean Currents pb Don Beyer Volvo              54
3           216         Vladimir       Borokov         RockStar                                       52
4           215         Rob            Ryan            Somerset
5           214         Kenneth        Drake           Somerset
6           213         Eric           Schlauch        Somerset
7           205         Robin          Kinney          Pure Energy Cycling / ProAirHFA Racing         54
8           217         Jim            Watkins         Somerset                                       48
9           212         David          Whitney                                                        45
10          219         Richard        Kazimir         CRCA/Petes Bike/Bridgewater Marble & Granite   53
11          210         Joseph         Zupp                                                           54
12          208         Thomas         Treptow         Pure Energy Cycling / ProAirHFA Racing         53
13          207         Jim            Ludovici        Pure Energy Cycling / ProAirHFA Racing         46
14          209         Chris          Ziem            Pro Pedals                                     51
15          202         Rich           Davis                                                          42
16          203         Michael        Grey                                                           40
DNF         204         Andrew         Huang           CRCA                                           55
DNF         206         Mark           Kline           Chester County Velo - Smedley/IronHill         41