Results » Road » 2010

Blount Fine Foods Fall River Criterium

fall river, MA

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Blount Fine Foods Fall River Criterium Presented by Lightolier/Hallamore/ Bikeworks fall river, MA Sunday, August 15, 2010

Results Courtesy of Speed Sport Timing 

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

MEN CAT 1/2/3
PLACE BIB LAST            FIRST          TEAM                       HOME               TIME
1   33  DONAHUE         Alec           WheelHouse / NCC                              0:57:35.04
2   12  KEOUGH          Nick           Kenda p/b Geargrinder      Sandwich MA-       0:57:55.16
3   37  WARREN          Brad           WheelHouse / NCC                              0:57:59.78
4   13  KEOUGH          Luke  / Cannondale   Sandwich MA-       0:58:07.68
5   35  GREENFIELD      Daniel         WheelHouse / NCC                              0:58:07.95
6   30  BELL            Peter          MetLife p/b groSolar                          0:58:08.55
7   18  SOLAR           Ward           WheelHouse / NCC           Belmont MA-        0:58:08.61
8    9  GOGUEN          Manny          TEAM CF                    Hopedale MA-       0:58:08.78
9   34  FOLEY           Skip           ATA Cycles                                    0:58:08.79
10   28  FERRY           J. Alain       Team RaceMenu/mix1/                0:58:09.53
11   21  THOMAS          Evan           Bethel Cycle Sport         New Milford CT-    0:58:09.95
12   20  THOMAS          Jim            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Sandwich MA-       0:58:10.46
13    5  BRAZEAL         Jeremy         CVC Subaru of New England  Manchester CT-     0:58:10.60
14   27  MANGAN          Cairan         CCB                                           0:58:10.69
15   38  PIERGENTILI     Fabio          WH Bagshaw Precision Parts                    0:58:11.07
16   24  RICHARD         Paul           CCB                                           0:58:12.43
17   36  TAUTKUS         Ernest         CCNS                                          0:58:13.86
18    6  COUTU           Chris          MetLife p/b groSolar       Upton MA-          0:58:15.29
19   32  FELDMAN         Mukunda        WheelHouse / NCC                              0:58:15.43
20   25  MCCORMACK       Mark           Team FUJI/Clif Bar                            0:58:16.37
21    3  ALTINBASAK      Murat          Team RaceMenu/mix1/WeeBIKE.East Greenwich RI- 0:58:17.93
22   29  HANSON          John           ORA plb IF                                    0:58:21.06
23    8  GAGNE           Chris          CA Pools/DeWalt            Ellington CT-      0:58:21.57
24   31  DURRIN          Jeremy         WheelHouse / NCC                              0:58:23.77
25   16  SCHULTZE        Tobi           Team FUJI/Clif Bar         Foxboro MA-        0:58:24.22
26    4  BALDWIN         Tristan        TEAM CF                    Amherst NH-        0:58:26.47
27   26  GUNSALUS        Mark           Team FUJI/Clif Bar                            0:58:30.20
28   19  SULLIVAN        Adam           Wheelhouse / NCC           North Kingstown RI-0:58:33.03
29   39  BRUNO           Jon            ORA plb IF                                    0:58:33.15
30   14  LOWENSTEIN      Jonathan       NBX/Narragansett Beer/Apex North Kingstown RI-0:58:46.96

PLACE BIB LAST            FIRST          TEAM                       HOME               TIME
1   325 ROSENHOLTZ      Sam            Green Line Velo            Brookline MA-      0:44:06.89
2   314 HUSTON          Collin         CLNoonan/BayHillCapital p/bKennebunk ME-      0:44:08.33
3   300 ADAMS           Chris          EXPO/Superior Energy       Old Saybrook CT-   0:44:08.34
4   349 MAYNARD         David          Colovita Racing                               0:44:08.54
5   319 MORSE           Nate           CLNoonan/BayHillCapitalp/bCCohasset MA-       0:44:08.57
6   347 GILBERT         Matt           NBX/Narragansett Beer                         0:44:08.66
7   343 KELLEY          Ausustus       Velocite Team USA                             0:44:08.68
8   350 CURLEY          Paul           Gearworks                                     0:44:08.76
9   328 VIGNEAUX        Gregory        Spin Arts/Gearworks CycleryBolton MA-         0:44:08.81
10   341 YABROUDY        Bill                                                         0:44:08.89
11   307 CASSERLY        Matthew        Back Bay Cycling Club      Holliston MA-      0:44:08.91
12   345 KRULEWITZ       Andrew                                                       0:44:08.92
13   318 MORAN           Arthur         Green Line Velo            Boston MA-         0:44:09.10
14   324 ROBBINS         Jay            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Lexington MA-      0:44:09.35
15   326 ROSS            Aaron          Team MMRW/Landry's bicyclesNorwood MA-        0:58:15.43
16   321 PIERCE          Stephen        Cambridge Bicycle / IgleheaSomerville MA-     0:44:09.70
17   309 CLEVENGER       Jason          545 Velo                   Newton Centre MA-  0:44:10.09
18   335 COSGROVE        C.J.           Gam Jams                                      0:44:10.35
19   344 RYNKIENWICZ     Krystian       Target Training                               0:44:11.72
20   340 LORION          Michael        545 Velo                                      0:44:13.37
21   338 ASPNES          Gary           Horst/Benidorm/PRC                            0:44:13.49
22   315 LOHSE           Sven           Wheelworks Racing          Gardner MA-        0:44:15.56
23   327 ROSS            Melissa        Team Kenda Tire            Norwood MA-        0:44:15.81
24   323 ROBBINS         Steven         Joe's Garage               Belchertown MA-    0:44:15.95
25   342 MALONEY         Jonathan       Vive/B2C2                                     0:44:17.83
26   351 IZZO            Gregg          Green Line Velo                               0:44:17.95
27   339 ROSS            Anson          Greater Hartford Cycling                      0:44:19.16
28   303 BRASSELL        Eric           545 Velo                   Arlington MA-      0:44:19.73
29   337 PETERS          Jim            NBX/Narragansett Beer                         0:44:20.04
30   348 HILLER          Oliver         C.L. Noonan                                   0:44:20.34
31   333 JOHNSON         John           Bikeworks / Hallemore                         0:44:20.75
32   312 GEISSERT        Dave           Tolland Bike / NERAC Earth Columbia CT-       0:44:21.14
33   306 CARRINGTON      James          Michael and the Cyclonauts Haverhill MA-      0:44:22.52
34   332 BISSON          Bob            Gearworks                                     0:44:22.72
35   308 CAVROS          Michael        Cyclonauts Racers          N. Scituate RI-    0:44:22.78
36   313 GLOWA           Scott          Svelte Cycles              Providence RI-     0:44:23.84
37   302 BERCHEM         Otto           Gaul!                      Milford CT-        0:44:47.00
38   329 WHEATLEY        Matthew        Cambridge Bicycle/IgleheartAmherst NH-        0:44:47.19
39   317 MCKITTRICK      R. Michael     Cambridge Bicycle / IgleheaCambridge, Ma MA-  0:44:51.11
40   334 STEVENS         Tom            Gearworks                                     0:45:10.95
41   346 SATO            Akira          Exopsition Wheelmen                           0:45:14.23
42   320 NORTON          Michael        Cyclonauts Racers          Monson MA-         0:45:18.47
43   316 MALONEY         Mike           Cyclonauts Racers          Chepachet RI-      0:45:18.62
44   311 FREDERICK       Jon            Team RaceMenu/mix1         Medford MA-        0:45:31.09

PLACE BIB LAST            FIRST          TEAM                       HOME               TIME
1   413 CIFUENTES-LORENZAlejandro      CLR Racing                 Stonington CT-     0:42:07.19
2   418 BROWN           Gregory        DRUMMOND CUSTOM CYCLES     Grantham NH-       0:42:07.95
3   411 ROMAN           Mark           Blue Hills                 Norwell MA-        0:42:07.97
4   401 BOWRING         Peter                                     Brighton MA-       0:42:08.09
5   403 GRADY           Christopher    Arc En Ciel Racing Team    Douglas MA-        0:42:08.10
6   406 BRIGHTMAN       Edward         bikeworks/hallamore        East Taunton MA-   0:42:08.23
7   425 SAUCIER         Paul           None                       Providence RI-     0:42:08.49
8   424 WHITTLE         Ian            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Jamacia Plain MA-  0:42:08.56
9   408 PHENIX          Joe            Bikeworks/hallamore        Taunton MA-        0:42:08.65
10   429 BRIER           Michael        Refunds Now                Providence RI-     0:42:08.73
11   446 GROSENBAUGH     Andrew         CL Noonan                                     0:42:08.75
12   414 DEMAREST        Chad           Corner Cycle               Sagamore Beach MA- 0:42:08.92
13   444 MCCORMACK       Brendan        Hot Tubes                                     0:42:09.00
14   420 OLIVIER         Rich           Fitchburg Cycling Club/GrasLeominster MA-     0:42:09.10
15   426 FARRAR          Mike           Northeastern University    Boston MA-         0:42:09.35
16   402 ALFORD          Larry          545 Velo                   Newton MA-         0:42:09.45
17   442 MARCEAU         J.Biere        545 Velo                                      0:42:10.06
18   432 TURILLO         Nathan         Refunds Now                Providence RI-     0:42:10.49
19   415 CONNELLY        Ned            Cox Communications Cycling Wakefield RI-      0:42:10.56
20   449 DEANE           Wes            Cox Communications Cycling Team               0:42:11.22
21   412 MCCOY           Ben            Boston Road Club           Somerville MA-     0:42:11.63
22   434 GOGUEN          Peter          TEAM CF                    Hopedale MA-       0:42:11.96
23   448 SMATHERS        John           545 Velo                                      0:42:12.08
24   433 LOVELL          Michael        sunapee/revolution cycles/cCroydon NH-        0:42:19.33
25   407 SALIT           Rich           Bikeworks/Hallamore        Barrington RI-     0:42:19.40
26   405 WHITELEY        Matthew        Bikeworks/Hallamore        Pawtucket RI-      0:42:20.08
27   440 KELLEY          Bradford                                                     0:42:20.28
28   443 MCCORMACK       Comeron        Hot Tubes                                     0:42:20.55
29   437 PETTY           Frank          Union Velo                 Newport RI-        0:42:20.62
30   431 SINGMASTER      Curtis-Not-SkinRefunds Now                Providence RI-     0:42:23.35
31   447 HOENICK         Robert         Bikeworks/Hallamore                           0:42:23.54
32   416 REMILLARD       Gabriel        CVC-Subaru New England     Vassalboro ME-     0:42:23.68
33   428 CORBALIS        Ben            Raleigh All Stars          Attleboro MA-      0:42:24.89
34   421 SHERMAN         Scott          Grace Bicycles Velo Club   Franklin MA-       0:42:27.81
35   409 DELCOLLE        Jonathan       Bikeworks/Hallamore/SVC    Somerset MA-       0:42:30.36
36   441 PHENIX          Chris          Bikeworks/Hallamore                           0:42:31.37
37   430 WILLIAMS        Geoff          Refunds Now                Riverside RI-      0:42:31.52
38   410 LABBE           Charles        Bikeworks/Hallamore/SVC    Fall River MA-     same time
39   400 RINGLING        Justin                                    Westerly RI-       same time
40   445 TINDAL          Joseph         EXPO/Superior Energy                          same time
41   439 CURRAN          Steven         MBRC / Bicycle Link                           same time
42   423 CONVERY         Pat            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Shrewsbury MA-     same time
DNF  435 GOGUEN          Tommy          TEAM CF                    Hopedale MA-

PLACE BIB LAST            FIRST          TEAM                       HOME               TIME
1   510 COSTA           Brad           Velos cyclery                                 0:24:37.63
2   555 SACCOCCIO       Danny          Sensata Technologies       North Attleboro MA-0:24:38.10
3   567 BOUCHARD        Geoffrey       NBX Bikes                                     0:24:38.28
4   562 CROWLEY         Conor          Team Bicycle Alley         Worcester MA-      0:24:38.38
5   559 KOPFER          Torrance       Landry's Bicycles          Braintree MA-      0:24:38.58
6   568 FOURNIER        Daneil                                                       0:24:38.94
7   566 LOUVO           Greg           Bikeworks                                     0:24:39.14
8   554 LITTLEFIELD     Lance          unattached                 Newport RI-        0:24:41.05
9   553 GAINER JR.      Ronald         Independent Fabrication FacSomerville MA-     0:24:42.19
10   563 O'CONNOR        Michael                                   Reading MA-        0:24:42.39
11   551 DWYER           Brian                                     Dedham MA-         0:24:44.09
12   558 GIGUERE         Steve          NorEast Cycling            Dover NH-          0:24:46.46
13   557 FERRIRA JR      Thomas                                    Barrington RI-     0:24:58.30
14   550 WHITTERS        Ryan                                      Rehoboth MA-       0:26:01.67
15   561 STEINHOUSE      Andrew         545 Velo                   Brookline MA-      0:26:02.45
16   552 GALLEGO         Javier         Independent                Pawtucket RI-      same time
17   565 PEN             Vannak                                    Fall River MA-     same time

PLACE BIB LAST            FIRST          TEAM                       HOME               TIME
1   130 SCHULTZE        Tobi           Team FUJI/Clif Bar         Foxboro MA-        0:42:55.87
2   104 FRANK           Monte          Cycle Fitness              Sandy Hook CT-     0:42:56.02
3   148 MANGAN          Ciaran         CCB                                           0:42:56.10
4   147 MCCORMACK       Frank          Team Fuji                                     0:42:56.40
5   145 MCCORMACK       Mark           Team Fuji                                     0:42:56.59
6   117 YABROUDY        Bill           NBX/Narragansett Beer      Coventry RI-       0:42:56.75
7   152 ARDE            kevin          IRS Medic/Berlin Bike                         0:42:57.53
8   142 RICHARD         Paul           CCB                                           0:42:57.59
9   153 FERRY           J.Alain        Race Menu / Mix                               0:42:57.68
10   127 SHOCKET         Ari            Blue Hills Cycling Club    Walpole MA-        0:42:58.62
11   110 CLEVENGER       Jason          545 Velo                   Newton Centre MA-  0:42:58.97
12   138 MORSE           Sam            Corner Cycle                                  0:42:59.42
13   111 BRASSELL        Eric           545 Velo                   Arlington MA-      0:42:59.45
14   108 JASDZEWSKI      Gary           Wheelworks Racing          Arlington MA-      0:42:59.68
15   124 BROOKS          Scott          NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Westford MA-       0:42:59.83
16   102 GIBBONS         John           NEBC / Cycle Loft / DevonshNorwell MA-        0:42:59.91
17   132 ALTINBASAK      Murat          Team RaceMenu/mix1/WeeBIKE.East Greenwich RI- 0:43:01.04
18   143 LORION          Michael        545 Velo                                      0:43:02.81
19   100 RUSK            Randy          Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team    Exeter RI-         0:43:03.17
20   131 PETERS          Jim            NBX/Narragansett Beer/Apex North Kingstown RI-0:43:03.30
21   105 SMITH           Kyle           Embrocation Cycling JournalBoston MA-         0:43:04.52
22   101 SMATHERS        John           545 Velo                   Cambridge MA-      0:43:04.60
23   126 ALFORD          Larry          545 Velo                   Newton MA-         0:43:05.08
24   134 LEHMAN          Steven         Sunapee                                       0:43:05.31
25   103 KELLOGG         David          Arc En Ciel                Providence RI-     0:43:07.24
26   129 LOWENSTEIN      Jonathan       NBX/Narragansett Beer/Apex North Kingstown RI-0:43:10.11
27   123 STERNFIELD      Adam           Team RaceMenu/mix1         Brookline MA-      0:43:12.00
28   128 ASPNES          Gary           Horst-Benidorm-Property ResRockville RI-      0:43:12.75
29   107 LOHSE           Sven           Wheelworks Racing          Gardner MA-        0:43:13.49
30   141 WUNDERWALD      Silke          Team Kenda Tire                               0:43:14.38
31   146 GUNSALUS        Mark           Team Fuji                                     0:43:14.60
32   149 STOVER          Harry          BikeBarn Racing                               0:43:15.91
33   120 BEDARD          Charlie        Sunapee/Continental Paving/Goffstown NH-      0:43:21.78
34   106 GRADY           Christopher    Arc En Ciel Racing Team    Douglas MA-        0:43:22.62
35   115 DEVELLIAN       Leo            CCB Wheelworks             Topsfield MA-      0:43:26.35
36   137 CORISH          Jeff           CCB                                           0:43:26.38
37   125 THOMPSON        Mark           Sunapee/Continental Paving/Nashua NH-         0:43:30.42
38   150 MCKITTRICK      Michael        Cambridge Bicycle                             0:43:32.98
39   112 MOSHER          John           Wheelworks Racing          Boxboro MA-        0:43:36.02
40   140 LAVALLEE        Thad           Velocite                                      0:43:38.48
41   144 CUNNINGHAM      Wayne          Wheelworks Racing                             0:43:38.69
42   116 DELCOLLE        Jonathan       Bikeworks/Hallamore/SVC    Somerset MA-       same  time
43   122 WASHBURN        Scott          Cycle Lodge                Marshfield MA-     same  time
44   136 MARCEAU         J. Biere       545 Velo                                      same  time
DNF  135 KELLEY          Bradford
DNF  119 CLAUSEN         Jay            Sunapee/Continental Paving/New London NH-
DNF  151 MALONEY         johathan       Vive/B2C2

PLACE BIB LAST            FIRST          TEAM                       HOME               TIME
1   241 JASDZEWSKI      Gary           Wheelworks                                    0:43:55.57
2   217 DEVELLIAN       Leo            CCB Wheelworks             Topsfield MA-      0:44:23.02
3   227 THOMPSON        Mark           Sunapee/Continental Paving/Nashua NH-         0:44:23.14
4   201 BISSON          Bob            Gear Works/Spin Arts       Fall River MA-     0:44:23.84
5   206 KELLOGG         David          Arc En Ciel                Providence RI-     0:44:24.17
6   207 FOLEY           David          BOB-Goodale's Bike Shop/SpeN. Easton MA-      0:44:28.37
7   239 FORD            Keith          Sunapee                                       0:44:31.26
8   204 DIXON           Jeffrey        Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike    Windham ME-        0:44:31.39
9   214 GRENIER         John           Team Fuji fueled by Clif BaLewiston ME-       0:44:32.31
10   211 RANO            Joseph         Gear Works/Spin Arts       Oxford MA-         0:44:32.63
11   208 GEISSERT        Dave           Tolland Bike / NERAC Earth Columbia CT-       0:44:32.96
12   224 MARK            Bill           NBX/Narragansett Beer p/b AWakefield RI-      0:44:33.06
13   210 BREEN           Jim            BOB-Goodale's Bike Shop/SpeByfield MA-        0:44:33.12
14   203 RUSK            Randy          Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team    Exeter RI-         0:44:33.31
15   205 MURPHY          Brian          Blue Hills Cycling Club    Hingham MA-        0:44:33.33
16   218 LOVELL          Michael        sunapee/revolution cycles/cCroydon NH-        0:44:33.45
17   229 LYNCH           Paul           Cycle Lodge                Marshfield MA-     0:44:33.57
18   235 JENNINGS        Frank          Gearworks - Spinarts                          0:44:33.79
19   236 JOHNSON         John           Bikeworks                                     0:44:33.99
20   221 BEDARD          Charlie        Sunapee/Continental Paving/Goffstown NH-      0:44:34.00
21   230 DEAN            Jody           International Bicycle CenteHudson MA-         0:44:34.96
22   216 CARRINGTON      James          Michael and the Cyclonauts Haverhill MA-      0:44:35.45
23   240 HAMBRECHT       Karl           CCB Wheelworks                                0:44:35.99
24   220 CLAUSEN         Jay            Sunapee/Continental Paving/New London NH-     0:44:36.79
25   233 WITKUS          Steve                Northbridge MA-    0:44:38.40
26   237 CORISH          Jeffrey        CCB Wheelworks                                0:44:39.19
27   232 REAGAN          Joseph         NorEast Cycling            Hooksett NH-       0:44:39.43
28   209 SCHNABEL        Kurt           BikeWorks/Hallamore        Barrington RI-     0:44:39.79
29   212 SAWYER          William        Gearworks - Spinarts       Arlington MA-      0:44:44.88
30   234 HOLMES          William        Boston Road Club           Waltham MA-        0:44:45.45
31   238 MORSE           Sam            Corner Cycle                                  0:44:45.69
32   215 CURLEY          Paul           Gear Works/Spin Arts       Taunton MA-        0:44:45.76
33   226 STEVENS         Tom            Gear Works/Spin Arts       Bolton MA-         0:44:47.37
34   225 STERNFIELD      Adam           Team RaceMenu/mix1         Brookline MA-      0:44:49.91
DNF  242 DICKENSON       Tom

PLACE BIB LAST            FIRST          TEAM                       HOME               TIME
1   514 JENNINGS        Frank          Gearworks - Spinarts                          0:35:25.82
2   505 SAWYER          William        Gearworks - Spinarts       Arlington MA-      0:36:19.16
3   500 THEMIG          James          Mystic Velo Club           Niantic CT-        0:36:19.97
4   512 CURLEY          Paul           Gearworks - Spinarts                          0:36:55.55
5   513 HAMBRECHT       Karl           CCB Wheelworks                                0:36:55.61
6   511 HUMPHRIES       Michael        NHCC                       New Boston NH-     0:37:30.19
7   509 BURNELL         David          cox communications cycling Jamestown RI-      0:37:32.41
8   508 HEATH           Steven         Masters Velo Club          Woonsocket RI-     same time
9   506 MILLER          Michael        Masters Velo Club          Middletown RI-     same time
10   502 BROWN           Carl           CCB/Wheelworks             Randolph MA-       same time
11   501 NORTHUP         Bill           Stage 5 Cycling            Waltham MA-        same time
12   503 PROCTOR         Jeffrey        NHCC                       Litchfield NH-     same time
13   507 KALLMAN         Ted            Northampton Cycling Club   Florence MA-       same time
14   504 STACHOWIAK      Larry          CCB/Wheelworks             Lynn MA-           same time