Results » Road » 2002

Auburn Road Race

Auburn, ME

Saturday, June 8, 2002

Auburn Road Race
Auburn , ME
June 8, 2002

Results Courtesy of PEP Results

Men 1/2/3                              57 Starters                                        66 Miles
1      Jonathan      Hamblen           Wheelworks/Cannondale                          NH  2:48:05
2      Nat           Faulkner          Kissena Cycling Team                           CN  at 4:10
3      randy         rusk              arc-en-ciel                                    RI
4      Darby         Thomas            Wheelworks/Cannondale                          VT  5:35
5 tie  Robert        King              Colorado College                               ME  7:00
5 tie  Donny         Mills             Wheelworks/Cannondale                          NH
7      Yashihiro     Yamamoto                                                         PA
8      Seth          Hosmer            NHCC/Team NH                                   NH
9      Bret +        Williamson        Hawley/                           VT
10     Matthew       Svatek            Cannondale/Wheelworks                          MA
11     Alec          Donahue           NCC                                            MA  7:15
12     Scott         Plante            Trek VW East Coast Factory Team                NH  9:00
13     Kevin         Dutt              ProCycles                                      MA  9:40
14     Billy         Innes             Kissena Cycling Team                           CA  9:58
15     Jeffrey       Craddock          CCB/VW                                         MA  10:20
16     Matt          Hawkins           Kissena Cycling Team                           ME  10:46
17     Johannes      Huseby            CCB/VW                                         MA  11:25
18     Josh          Anthony           Saturn Development                             MA
19     ward          solar             White Mt. Velo                                 NH  14:12
20     ian           beilby            Invensys/Team GMBC                             NY
21     Marc          Lanoue            BCA/Tosk Chiropractic                          MA  17:40
22     Stefan        Bumbeck           Onion River Sports                             VT  18:50
23     Robert        Bailey                             VT  at one lap
24     Matt          O'Keefe           Cannondale wheelworks                          MA
25     Jeff          Gray              Essex County Velo                              MA
26     Alec          lugg              Eurotech                                       NH
27     tim           mccellman         competitive cycling club of portland           ME

Women 1/2/3                            9 Starters                                         33 Miles
1      Sarah         Foulkes           NHCC                                           NH  1:45:25
2      Shauna        Gillies-Smith     Gearworks/SRP                                  MA  at :30
3      susan         del pino          corner cycle cycling club                      MA  1:35
4      Arlington     MacLean           BOB                                            NH  6:44
5      Sara          Cushman           Gearworks/SRP                                  MA  12:00
6      Nina          La Rosa           Invensys/GMBC                                  VT  13:40
7      jennifer      rhodes            dansko/wheelworks                              MA

Men 3                                  51 Starters                                        55 Miles
1      Matt          Boobar            Gary Fisher/ Rock shox                         NH  2:31:50
2      Karl          Strauss           Capital Velo Club                              CT
3      Eugene        Ruiter            Trek/VW Goodales                               NH  at 3:08
4      Mikael        Eliasson          Boston Road Club/ATA Cycles                    MA
5      David         Hobson            Procycles/Giant                                MA
6      Sam           Silver            CCB International                              MA
7      Orion         Berryman          Team/Redhook                                   NH
8      Lawrence      Watson            Clemson                                        SC
9      David         Young             NCC /                              VT
10     AFD/OSVC      Meerse            Buffalo Bicycling Club                         ME
11     zach          soucy             RedHook/Seacoast VW                            NH
12     Nathaniel     Deibler                                                          VT
13     Alec          Stall             University of Vermont                          NY
14     george        fisk              capital bicycle racing club    ck cycles       NY
15     Jason         Knauff            ECV                                            MA
16     Clayton       Barrows           Team Redhook                                   WY
17     Curtis        Boivin            Providence Velo Club                           RI  3:50
18     JOHN          FOLEY             Team Bicycle Alley/Trek                        MA  4:40
19     Harold        Chan     - Hudson Valley Velo Club         MA  11:30
20     Oscar         Purwin            NHCC/ S&W Sports                               NH
21     Greg          Montello          ECV                                            MA
22     Todd          Crisafulli        Boston Bicycle Club/Community Bike             MA

Men Cat 4A                             44 Starters                                        44 Miles
1      Philip        Wong              Essex County Velo                              MA  2:04:00
2      Peter         Hult              Oneill's                                       MA
3      Adam          kenney            boston bicycling club                          MA  at :15
4      Tom           Gosselin          Maine Cycling/ Rainbow Bike                    ME
5      Stewart       Campbell          New Hampshire Cycling Club                     NH
6      Charles       McCarthy          IF
7      Dean          Miller                                                           ME
8      Dan           Vaillancourt      SMCC                                           ME
9      Corey         Piscopo           Unattached                                     NH
10     Mark          Dakoulas          Killington/Pico                                VT
11     Andrew        Knight            GMBC / Invensys                                VT
12     Justin        Brown             Boston Road Club                               MA  :40
13     Patrick       Hourihane                                                        NH
14     Brad          Ferguson          Onion River Sports                             VT  :47
15     Shawn         Standen           Onion River Sports                             VT
16     Andrew        Mehle             Boston Road Club/ATA Cycles                    MA  1:15
17     James         Barton                                                           ME  2:00
18     Samuel        Wheeler-Martenis  CCB International                              MA
19     Roger         Jutz              EUROTEK CYCLING                                NH  2:05
20     Alan          Starrett          Bikeman/Bath Cycle                             ME
21     Damien        Colfer            NHCC                                           NH
22     craig         bertoldi          Essex County Velo                              MA
23     Walker        League-Pike       Portland Velo Club                             ME
24     Terrence      Parker            Adam                                           ME  3:41
25     David         Katz              Boston Bicycle Club                            MA  6:10
26     Brian         Bigelow           B.O.B.                                         NH  10:30
27     Tim           Roache            NHCC/Team NH                                   NH
28     Ryan          Penney                                                           ME  20:50

Men 4B                                 38 Starters                                        44 Miles
1      Joshua        Bardige           Boston Road Club/ATA Cycles                    MA  2:05:10
2      Nathan        Drake             Boston Road Club                               MA  at :26
3      Nick          Hight-Huf                                                        MA  :32
4      David         Ford              b2c/Community Bike                             MA
5      Bruce         Connelly                                                         ME
6      Juan          Darias            Union Velo                                     MA
7      Raymond       Cloutier                                                         ME
8      Brian         Eckenroth         Team Liquid Motion                             ME
9      Edward        King                                                             ME
10     Chris         Hrenko            Onion River                                    VT
11     Stephen       Beville                                                          ME
12     Dennis        Ryan              NCC /                              MA
13     Dean          Cromwell          Team Invensys/GMBC                             VT
14     Peter         Smith             Salem Cycle Race Team                          MA
15     David         Harrison          BRC/ATA cycles                                 MA
16     Gustavo       Cinci             BRC                                            MA  2:54
17     Chris         Mayo              NHCC                                           NH  3:20
18     Christopher   Green                                                            ME  6:00
19     Joseph        Reagan            NHCC                                           NH  7:30
20     Charles       Towe              DreamBikes Cycling Club                        MA  8:20
21     Shaun         Berry             Missing Link                                   MA  8:50
22     Alexander     Ortiz             Adam                                           MA  15:20
23     William       Keiler            B0143954                                       NH  15:50
24     Charles       Goldman           Portland Velo Club                             ME  16:30
25     Mike          Louglin
26     Patrick       Welch                                                            ME  20:30

Women 4                                23 Starters                                        33 Miles
1      Kate          Stange            Swansea Velo Club                              RI  1:44:14
2      Darcy         Cornell           Team Bicycle Alley                             MA
3      Terri         Wartel            Bob                                            MA
4      Sheila        Vibert            Redhook                                        NH
5      Marianne      Storer            Liquid Motion                                  ME  at :15
6      Susan         Talon             NHCC                                           ME  3:35
7      Karena        Paukulis          NEBC/Cycle Loft                                MA  6:35
8      Rhonda        Morin             Portland velo                                  ME  6:40
9      Anna          Kelso             Redhook                                        GA  8:41
10     Christina     Malin             GMBC                                           VT  9:30
11     Elizabeth     Carroll           NEBC/Cycleloft                                 MA  10:25
12     Stephanie     White             NHJCA                                          NH  11:20
13     Jane          Hayes             DANSKO/Wheelworks/IF                           MA
14     Stephanie     Swinerton         Redhook                                        MA
15     Carrie        Rhodes            CICLISMMO SPORTIVO ARDAGNA                     MA
16     Lori          Whynot            NEBC/Cycleloft                                 MA  14:00
17     Linda         Luther            NHCC/Team NH                                   NH  16:00
18     Andrea        Bialick           Team Invensys/GMBC                             VT
19     Laurie        Krzywdc           Maine Cycling Club/ Rainbow Bike               ME  18:55

Junior Open                            9 Starters                                         33 Miles
1      Jamey         Driscoll          GMBC Invensys                                  VT  1:37:27
2      Tyler         Munroe            CCB/Volkswagen                                 MA
3      Geoffrey      Johnson           Portland Velo                                  ME  at 1:57
4      Charles       Marzot            Corner Cycle Cycling Club                      MA
5      Geoff         Curfman           Trek/VW/Goodale                                MA
6      Morgan        MacLeod           Portland Velo Club                             ME  6:26
7      Christian     Nooney            GMBC/Team Invensys                             VT  6:40
8      Jonathan      Foster                                                           ME
9      Anthony       Santamaria                                                       MA  15:37

Men Master 35+                         56 Starters                                        44 Miles
1      Bill          Yarbroudy         AFD/OSUC                                       RI  2:00:10
2      Michael       Shore             BOB                                            NH
3      Colman        O'Connor          NEBC/Cycle Loft                                MA  at :26
4      chris         karam             Portland Velo Club/ Cyclemaina                 ME  3:00
5      william       Casazza           BOB                                            NH
6      David         Rusnak            Gearworks                                      NH
7      Bryan         Barrett           BikeLine/LWA                                   PA
8      Neil          Fitch             Portland Velo Club/Cyclemania                  ME
9      Tyler         Munroe            CCB International                              MA
10     Jeff          Gauthier          GMBC/Invensys                                  VT
11     Ralf          Geiben Lynn       Community Bicycle Club                         MA
12     Abramson      demeule           Abramson                                       MA
13     John          Stonebarger       DreamBikes                                     MA
14     Steven        Bonadio           NEBC/Cycle Loft                                MA
15     Mark          Thompson          Cycle Loft/ NEBC                               NH
16     James         Black             Essex County Velo                              MA
17     John          Macleod           Arc en Ciel                                    RI
18     Roger         Doucette                                                         ME
19     Graydon       Stevens           Portland Velo                                  ME
20     Joel          Hinshaw           Portland Velo                                  ME
21     Sal           Ardagna           CICLISMO SPORTIVO ARDAGNA                      MA
22     Michael       Claus             Abramson                                       ME
23     Skip          Brown                                                            MA
24     Mark          Garti             Wheelworks/IF                                  MA
25     Andrew        Whelan            Portland Velo Cloub                            ME
26     Brett         Rutledge
27     Bradford      Gerhart           Bikeline                                       PA
28     Abramson      Holmes            Boston Road Club                               MA
29     Jody          Dean              Minuteman Road Club                            MA  4:35
30     David         Taylor            Boston Road Club                               MA  5:11
31     Arnold T.     Kalmbach          Team - IBC                                     MA
32     Dave          Drew              MCC                                            ME  10:46
33     Robert        Kramer            Mass Bay Road Club                             MA  11:40
34     Armand        Pantalone         B.O.B./Skofield Builders                       MA  14:30
35     Tim           Bruce                                                            ME  17:42
36     Abramson      lynch             missing link bicycle club                      MA  19:17
37     Daniel        Lambertson        Southern Maine Cycling Club                    ME  20:20
38     John          Poland                                                           NY
39     Edward        Richard           Bicycle Link                                   MA  34:00

Men Master 45+                         26 Starters                                        33 Miles
1      Graydon       Stevens           Portland Velo                                  ME  1:34:04
2      PAUL          CURLEY            TEAM Gearworks                                 MA  at 1:21
3      George        Stergiou          NHCC - Team New Hampshire                      NH
4      William       Sawyer            NEBC                                           MA
5      Doug          Chiasson          NCC /                              MA
6      Tim           Groesbeck         CCB                                            NH
7      Todd          Burpee                                                           ME
8      Daniel        O'Neill           New Hampshire Cycling Club                     NH
9      Ray           Kusche            Portland Velo                                  ME
10     Jonathan      Grasz             Mass Bay Road Club                             MA
11     Eddie         Quinn             Portland Velo Club                             ME
12     David         Bradford          Putney Bicycle Club                            VT
13     Paul          Niehoff           SMCC                                           ME
14     Bruce         Townson           BCA/Tosk                                       MA
15     Chuck         Canfield          Bike Line/LWA                                  PA
16     Allan         Bates             BCA/Tosk                                       MA
17     Glenn         Burgner           BCA/Tosk                                       MA
18     Steven        Heath             MVC Dakini                                     RI  2:14
19     Tim           Clough            Rainbow bike                                   ME  3:02
20     Jim           Dowling           Maine Cycling Club/Rainbow bike                    8:43
21     Al            Stewart           NH Cycling Club                                NH  11:40
22     Kerry         Hardy                                                            ME  14:50
23     Aaron         Churchill                                                        ME  18:00
24     Dennis        Ryan              CCB International / Volkswagen                 MA  18:20
25     Mark          Stanfield         SMCC                                           ME  18:40
26     Scott         Davis             MCC                                            ME  21:55

Men Master 55+ & 65+                   17 Starters                                        33 Miles
1      James         Hunt              CCB/Volkswagen                                 MA  1:35:25
2      Richard       Martin            Masters Velo                                   MA  at :53
3      Derek         Williams          CCB-Volkswagen                                 MA  3:50
4      James         Gwinn             NHCC                                               5:40
5      Graham        Jones             CCB International                              MA  10:20
6      John          Green             CCB/Volkswagen                                 MA  10:34
7      Daniel        Maneely           Tosk Berkshire Cycling Assoc                   VT  11:40
8      William       Hartwell          Masters Velo Club                              ME  11:52
9      Barry         Boyce             CCB/Volkswagen                                 MA  14:30
10     pete          murphy            capital velo club---CVC                        CT  16:50
11     Cassandra     White             NEBC                                           NH
12     Marcel        Bastide                                                              17:10
13     Bradley       Hosmer            Albert                                         NH  17:45
14     Carl          Gebhardt          New Hampshire Cycling Club                     NH  25:50