Quad 'Cross 2008 ( Bedford Springs )

Bedford, MA

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Quad 'Cross 2008 ( Bedford Springs ) Presented by QuadCycles, Middlesex Community College Bedford, MA Sunday, September 28, 2008

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Men 1/2/3
PLACE      BIB FIRST NAME  LAST NAME     TEAM                               CITY              STATE AGE ON 12/31
1          790 Guenter     Hofer         B.O.B.                             Nashua            NH    32
2          788 Brad        Sheehan       MetLife Cycling                    Newton  Center    MA    29
3          781 Soren       Klingsporn    Signature Cycles/DKNY              Greenwich         CT    27
4          780 Cort        Cramer        MRC                                Watertown         MA    31
5          783 Chris       Gagne         Boston Road Club                   Boston            MA    34
6          785 Brian       Keegan        Noreast Cycling                    Dover             NH    27
7          789 Mathew      Budd          Budd Bike Works                    Medford           MA    31
8          787 Shawn       Mottram       Union Velo                         Norton            MA    34
9          782 James       Newton        International Bicycle / Global     Chestnut Hill     MA    24
10         784 Ryan        Kelly         Noreast Cycling                    Dover             NH    23
at one lap 786 Thomas      LeBosquet     JF/FT T/B Linnette's               Grichland         NH    34

Women 1/2/3
PLACE      BIB FIRST NAME  LAST NAME     TEAM                               CITY              STATE AGE ON 12/31
1          764 Karen       Potter        Zanconoto                          Shrewsbury        MA    33
2          765 Eve         McNeill       Sunapee/S&W                        W. Lebanon        NH    25
3          763 Amanda      Lawrence      NAV                                Mansfield Center  CT    32
4          760 Teri        Carilli       NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental  Lexington         MA    46
5          762 Michele     Smith         Independent Fabrication            Burlington        MA    31
DNS        761 Jenny       Ives          CBRC                               Gloversville      NY    23

Men 3/4 U35
PLACE      BIB FIRST NAME  LAST NAME     TEAM                               CITY              STATE AGE ON 12/31
1          730 Corey       Masson        MetLife P/B Unlose.I               Seabrook          NH    32
2          703 Cort        Cramer        MRC                                Watertown         MA    31
3          714 Carey       Murphy        SALEM CYCLE/MICHELIN FOOTWEAR      Salem             MA    34
4          704 Kevin       Cummisford    Boston Road Club                   Brookline         MA    31
5          718 Richard     Person        Minuteman Road Club                Hudson            MA    34
6          721 Eric        Silva         QuadCycles                         Somerville        MA    29
7          705 Christian   Eager         QuadCycles                         Somerville        MA    24
8          729 Christian   Rynkiewicz    Team Bicycle Alley                 Worcester         MA    25
9          716 Dan         Ouellette     Gamache Cyclery                    Westminster       MA    22
10         723 Shawn       Stafford      Allied Milk Cycling                Lancaster         PA    28
11         731 John        Wilde         1 BC                               Boston            MA    32
12         732 Steven      Wright        Minuteman Road Club                Holiston          MA    17
13         733 Jackson     Webber                                           Holyoke           MA    34
14         719 Jason       Rabidou                                          Worcester         MA    28
15         711 Corey       Lowe          Stage 1                            Somerville        MA    28
16         702 Justin      Cox           HUP United                         Arlington         MA    32
17         725 Joseph      Tramontano    Connecticut Coast Cycling          Stamford          CT    29
18         720 Michael     Sabatini      Boston Road Club!                  Hingham           MA    33
19         735 Scott       Sulivan       Millwork1                          Providence        RI
20         713 Peter       Miller                                           New London        CT    33
21         726 Zachary     Wills         IBC racing                         Cambridge         MA    40
22         734 Derek       Brinkerhoff   Back Bay Bicycles                  East Kingston     NH    23
23         707 Justin      Howe          NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental  Arlington         MA    29
24         736 Murat       Tasan                                            Cambridge         MA    31
25         727 Keith       Kastelic                                         Freeport          ME    30
26         737 Edward      Parsons       NEBC                               Burlington        MA    35
27         709 Jeremy      Jo            QuadCycles                         Somerville        MA    23
28         700 Brian       Campbell      NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental  Waltham           MA    34
29         710 David       Loszewski     HUP United                         Derry             NH    26
30         728 Patrck      Kelly                                            North Andovef     MA    33
31         701 David       Chiu          NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental  Brookline         MA    26
DNF        706 Thom        Flanagan      QuadCycles                         Brookline         MA    30
DNF        708 Peter       Hurst         Connecticut Coast Cycling          New Canaan        CT    23
DNS        712 Dave        McCrimmon                                        Andover           MA    40
DNF        715 Chuck       Nguyen        Bikeman.com                        Providence        RI    33
DNS        717 Jesse       Perreault     Comprehensive Racing/Salem Cycles  Cambridge         MA    33
DNF        722 Jonathan    Smits         Team Bicycle Alley                 Worcester         MA    22
DNF        724 Ian         Sutton        QuadCycles                         Allston           MA    26

Juniors U19
PLACE      BIB FIRST NAME  LAST NAME     TEAM                               CITY              STATE AGE ON 12/31
1          684 Ryan        Packard       QuadCycles Junior Team             Arlington         MA    15
2          685 Christopher Opie          QuadCycles Junior Team             Arlington         MA    16
3          681 Patrick     Douglass      Cyclonauts                         Wilbraham         MA    16
4          682 Andrew      Grosenbaugh   Corner Cycle Cycling Club          Falmouth          MA    15
680 Lucas       Bernier       Naults Cyclery                     Candia            NH    15
683 Benjamin    Lambert                                          Milford           NH    14

Juniors 10-14
PLACE      BIB FIRST NAME  LAST NAME     TEAM                               CITY              STATE AGE ON 12/31
1          198 Caleb       Bernier       Naults Cyclery                     Candia            NH    13
2          397 William     Duclos                                           Sommerville       MA    14
3          395 Shannon     Flynn                                            Acton             MA    12
4          393 Oliver      French                                           Nashua            NH    12
5          394 Julianne    Flynn                                            Acton             MA    10
6          396 Jack        Dovejass                                         Wilberham         MA    10
7          398 Kristen     Casazza                                          Billerica         MA    8

Masters 3/4
PLACE      BIB FIRST NAME  LAST NAME     TEAM                               CITY              STATE AGE ON 12/31
1          485 Ciaran      Mangan        CCB/Volkswagen                     Natick            MA    36
2          477 Matthew     Theodore      bikebarnracing.com/E-caps          Mashpee           MA    38
3          490 Roger       Goulart       Scottee's Westport Bike            New Bedford       MA    41
4          442 Doug        Aspinwall     Joe's Garage                       Easthampton       MA    42
5          456 Eric        Goodson       Boston Road Club                   Wellesley         MA    38
6          460 Kevin       Kerwood       Joe's Garage                       Florence          MA    37
7          449 Gary        David         Minuteman Road Club                Stow              MA    38
8          469 Thomas      Needham       HUP United                         Pepperell         MA    35
9          479 Nolan       Watts         NEBC/Cycleloft                     Cambridge         MA    42
10         468 Brian       McInnis       JRA Cycles                         Maynard           MA    44
11         464 C Todd      Lombardo      International Bicycle/Global       Lowell            MA    35
12         492 Brian       Medeiros      Scottee's Westport Bike            New Bedford       MA    35
13         478 Marvin      Wang          International Bicycle/Global       Jamaica Plain     MA    40
14         589
15         443 Chip        Baker         HUP United                         Needham           MA    43
16         471 Richard     Perrotti, Jr  JRA Cycles                         Groveland         MA    42
17         453 John        Fice          Boston Road Club                   Norfolk           MA    45
18         461 David       King          CCB/Volkswagen                     Boxford           MA    52
19         481 Geoff       Williams      Refunds Now - Prov Velo Club       Riverside         RI    37
20         491 Eric        Wemhoff       NEBC/Cycleloft                     Lexington         MA    35
21         480 Matt        Williams      circle69 Racing                    Somerville        MA    41
22         441 Brian       Anderson      International Bicycle/Global       Concord           MA    47
23         457 Derek       Griggs        Recycled Sports                    Seabrook          NH    49
24         493 Andrew      Tucker        NEBC                               Newton            MA    37
25         483 Steven      Robbins       Joe's Garage                       Belchertown       MA    39
26         451 John        Fennel        International Bicycle/Global       Somerville        MA    37
27         462 Ric         Leeds         Minuteman Road Club                Natick            MA    37
28         585
29         446 Arryn       Brezinski                                        Andover           MA    37
30         486 Chris       McKernan      Essex                              Beverly           MA    37
31         440 Jody        Adamonis      NEBC                               Nashua            NH    38
32         467 Dave        McCrimmon                                        Andover           MA    40
33         489 Gregory     Zysk          Boston Road Club                   Melrose           MA    42
34         495 Chris       Miller        HoDad                              Boxford           MA
35         475 Scott       Sweeney       Minuteman Road Club                Stow              MA    38
36         470 Michael     Olbrys        Minuteman Road Club                Wellesley         MA    42
37         447 Adam        Brodsky       MBRC/ Bicycle Link                 Scituate          MA    47
38         465 Bill        Maidment      QuadCycles                         Medford           MA    39
39         445 Robert      Bauer         Minuteman road Club                Natick            MA    38
40         444 Art         Baril         Minuteman Road Club                West Roxbury      MA    46
41         488 Jay         Mongillo      Keltic                             Clinton           CT    50
42         459 Arnold T.   Kalmbach      Bicycle Link /Mass Bay Road Club   Millis            MA    48
DNF        450 Bill        Doonan        Minuteman Road Club                Blackstone        MA    45
DNF        452 Hans        Fernsebner    JRA CYCLES                         Winchester        MA    44
DNF        454 Kevin       Fogarty       Hup United                         Sudbury           MA    45
DNF        455 Matt        Fowler        Workers CompSolutions/Everactive   Northwood         NH    34
DNF        458 John        Johnson       Connecticut Coast Cycling          Norwalk           CT    37
DNF        463 Eli         Levine        Boston Road Club                   Andover           MA    44
DNF        482 Steven      Tregay                                           Cambridge         MA    37
DNF        487 David       Michaud       MTB Mind                           Seabrook          NH    47
DNF        494 Edward      Dishong       NHCC                               Francestown       NH    50
DNF        494 Edward      Dishong       NHCC                               Francestown       NH    50

Women 3/4
PLACE      BIB FIRST NAME  LAST NAME     TEAM                               CITY              STATE AGE ON 12/31
1          423 Clara       Kelly         NEBC                               North Andover     MA    29
2          401 Anna        Barensfeld    Minuteman Road Club                Brookline         MA    25
3          420 Julie       Lefebvre      International Bicycle/Global       Somerville        MA    32
4          418 Emily       Curry         Team Bike Alley                    Sturbridge        MA    19
5          406 Michele     Harrison      Essex County Velo                  Beverly           MA    44
6          414 Melissa     Smith         International Bicycle/Global       Durham            NH    35
7          409 Shannon     Madison       NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental  Somerville        MA    27
8          413 Giulia      Righi         International Bicycle/Global       Providence        RI    27
9          421 Lynn        Samartano     Millway One Week Bike              Providence        RI
10         422 Janet       Ramos         NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental  Arlington         MA
11         411 Sally       McInnis       JRA Cycles                         Maynard           MA    39
12         199 Emily       Curley        Gearworks/Spinarts                 Taunton           MA    14
13         403 Christine   Fort          QuadCycles                         Somerville        MA    29
14         417 Loraine     Warner        NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental  North Andover     MA    31
15         410 Kathy       Martin        NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental  Watertown         MA    40
16         408 Kristen     Lukach        NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental  Farmington        CT    23
17         405 Kathy       Graves        NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental  North Attleboro   MA    47
18         419 Caroline    Cardiasmends  NEBC                               Boston            MA    26
19         404 Carrie      Fraga         NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental  Waltham           MA    32
20         416 Jamie       Vaughn        Naults Cyclery                     Brookline         NH    22
21         407 Julie       Lockhart      NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental /Dunstable         MA    67
22         415 Karin       Turer         NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental  Arlington         MA    32
DNS        402 Alexandra   Cruse         NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental  Marblehead        MA    53
DNF        412 Jill        Meyer         Paramount Bicycle Repair           Boston            MA    29

Masters 45+
PLACE      BIB FIRST NAME  LAST NAME     TEAM                               CITY              STATE AGE ON 12/31
1          646 David       Belknad       Bicycle Link/MBRC                  Dedham            MA
2          651 Bob         Bisson        Gear Works                         Fall River        MA    50
3          655 Don         Seib          NEBC                               Chelmsford        MA    45
4          626 George      Benington     Linscott Peak Racing               South Portland    ME    49
5          629 Kevin       Callahan      Bicycle Link/MBRC                  Norwell           MA    49
6          649 David       Schachte      Union Velo Single Speeders         Woonsocket        RI    51
7          628 Michael     Bradford      Naults Cyclery/Naults.com          Bedford           NH    48
8          625 John        Adamik        Essex County Velo                  Byfield           MA    51
9          634 George      Gagnon        Naults Cyclery/Naults.com          Merrimack         NH    51
10         627 Fran        Boudreau      NHCC                               Hudson            NH    49
11         633 James       English       Minuteman Road Club                Waltham           MA    45
12         630 William     Casazza       BOB/Shift-Stonyfield Farms-Ariza-GoSalem             NH    44
13         652 Barry       Doubleday     MBR                                Plymouth          MA    54
14         637 David       King          CCB/Volkswagen                     Boxford           MA    52
15         650 Chris       Burke         Prov Velo / Refunds Now            Pwtucket          RI    48
16         647 John        Fice                                             Norfolk           MA    45
17         641 James       Paterson                                         Cambridge         MA    48
18         642 Joe         Rapuano       Essex County Velo                  Atkinson          NH    50
19         648 Raymond     Martin        Union                              Marshfield        MA    51
20         639 Don         Marsh         Blues City VC                      Carlisle          MA    46
21         643 Daniel      Russell       Bicycle Link/MBRC                  Norwell           MA    46
22         657 Michael     Hamlet        Minuteman Road Club                Milford           MA    45
23         635 Ron         Hines         Quad Cycle                         Lexington         MA    51
24         654 Stephen     De Ivester    Gear Works                         New Bedford       MA    51
25         636 Colin       Kernan        Missing Link Bicycle Club          Hingham           MA    52
26         656 Richard     Cormier                                          Lynn              MA    49
DNS        631 Fred        Delgrosso     Quad Cycle                         Burlington        MA    48
DNF        632 Alan        Douglass      Cyclonauts Racers, Inc.            Wilbraham         MA    44
DNS        638 Lee         Levitt        Boston Road Club                   Needham           MA    48
DNS        640 Gary        Passler                                          Amesbury          MA    54
DNS        644 Jesus       Vazquez       Bikebarnracing.com                 Holbrook          MA    50

Masters 55+
PLACE      BIB FIRST NAME  LAST NAME     TEAM                               CITY              STATE AGE ON 12/31
1          662 Thomas      Cormier       Naults Cyclery/Naults.com          Derry             NH    54
2          665 Ron         Menner        NEBC/ Cycle Loft /Devonshire DentalBrookline         NH    54
3          663 Rick        Hardy         Boston Road Club                   Needham           MA    55
4          664 Bruce       Kapsten       ECV- Essex County Velo             Gloucester        MA    55
at one lap 660 Russell     Brooks        NaultS CYCLERY NAULTS.COM          Derry             NH    57
DNF        661 Jack        Chapman       NAULTS CYCLERY/naults.com          Auburn            NH    55

Masters 35+
PLACE      BIB FIRST NAME  LAST NAME     TEAM                               CITY              STATE AGE ON 12/31
1          613 Jeff        Molongoski    Joe's Garage                       Ashfield          MA    43
2          611 Ciaran      Mangan        CCB                                Natick            MA    36
3          622 Matt        Hersey        BIKEMAN.COM                        Peabody           MA    36
4          606 Christopher Smith         NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental  Woburn            MA    42
5          618 Todd        Bowden        CVC Subaru                         Glastonburry      CT    39
6          619 David       Fredrickson                                      Westwood          MA    43
7          603 Steven      Morse         BIKEMAN.COM                        Pawtucket         RI    37
8          615 Shawn       Mottram       Union Velo                         Norton            MA    34
9          608 Matthew     Theodore      bikebarnracing.com/E-caps          Mashpee           MA    38
10         614 Mitch       Medeiros      Scottee's Westport Bicycle         New Bedford       MA    45
11         601 Paul        Curley        Gearworks/Spinarts                 Taunton           MA    53
12         612 Ian         Modestow      Joe's Garage                       Florence          MA    38
13         607 David       Stacey        NEBC/Cycle Loft                    Haverhill         MA    41
14         620 Juan        DeJesus       Cyclonauts                         North Windham     CT    39
15         616 Michael     Coke          Minuteman Road Club                Hoptkinton        MA    41
16         621 Todd        Paoletti      Solano                             Worcester         MA    34
17         610 Steven      Tregay                                           Cambridge         MA    37
18         623 Tim         Klingenberger                                    Hudson            MA    41
19         604 Erik        Sherwood                                         Winchester        MA    37
DNS        600 Dan         Collins       unattached                         Harvard           MA    42
DNF        602 Gary        David         Minuteman Road Club                Stow              MA    38
DNS        605 David       Smallwood     Boston Road Club                   Brighton          MA    36
DNF        609 Geoff       Williams      Refunds Now - Prov Velo Club       Riverside         RI    37

Men 4
PLACE      BIB FIRST NAME  LAST NAME     TEAM                               CITY              STATE AGE ON 12/31
1          572 Brian       Wilichoski                                       Danvers           MA    32
2          571 Greg        Whitney       Back Bay Bicycles                  Allston           MA    23
3          557 Michael     Sabatini      Boston Road Club!                  Hingham           MA    33
4          568 Joseph      Tramontano    Connecticut Coast Cycling          Stamford          CT    29
5          548 Dan         Ouellette     Gamache Cyclery                    Westminster       MA    22
6          523 Matt        Fowler        Workers CompSolutions/Everactive   Northwood         NH    34
7          520 James       English       Minuteman Road Club                Waltham           MA    45
8          538 Corey       Lowe          Stage 1                            Somerville        MA    28
9          565 Ian         Sutton        QuadCycles                         Allston           MA    26
10         569 Gregory     Vigneaux      Gearworks Cyclery                  Leominster        MA    20
11         564 David       Stallings     Back Bay Bicycles                  Boston            MA    24
12         503 Matt        Aumiller      OrganicAthlete                     Hyde Park         MA    28
13         562 Patrick     Smith         Comprehensive Racing               Salem             MA    46
14         508 Curt        Comber        CCB/Volkswagon                     Charlestown       MA    42
15         550 Gary        Passler                                          Amesbury          MA    45
16         518 Kristopher  Dobie                                            Arlington         MA    24
17         560 Dan         Sirois                                           Florence          MA    36
18         549 Christopher Owen                                             Leverett          MA    39
19         521 Glenn       Ferreira      QuadCycles                         Somerville        MA    22
20         561 David       Smallwood     Boston Road Club                   Brighton          MA    36
21         527 Derek       Griggs        Recycled Sports                    Seabrook          NH    49
22         558 Steen       Sawyer        Minuteman Road Club                Natick            MA    36
23         543 John        McGrath       NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental  Westford          MA    47
24         537 Stephen     Link          HUPUNITED                          Somerville        MA    33
25         532 Todd        Keebaugh      Essex County Velo                  Lexington         MA    41
26         502 Alexis      Arapoff                                          Stow              MA    42
27         545 Peter       Miller                                           New London        CT    33
28         526 Sean        Godley        Quad Cycles                        Medford           MA    37
29         584 Keith       Kastelic                                         Freeport          ME    34
30         516 Leo         Desforges     Team BreakAway Boston              Brighton          MA    25
31         522 Thom        Flanagan      QuadCycles                         Brookline         MA    30
32         563 Jonathan    Smits         Team Bicycle Alley                 Worcester         MA    22
33         528 Robert      Hale          HUP United                         Brighton          MA    34
34         554 Brian       Quigley       Colavita Racing Inc.               Somerville        MA    36
35         583 Chris       Chagron       MBT Mind                           Watertown         MA    33
36         512 Paul        Debitetto     Minuteman Road Club                Stow              MA    44
37         559 Curtis      Singmaster    Boston Road Club                   Arlington         MA    30
38         588 John        Jonner                                           Norwalk           CT
39         506 Michael     Brier         Refunds Now                        Providence        RI    46
40         552 John        Plump         Minuteman Road Club                Arlington         MA    48
41         507 Shane       Buker         Harvard University Cycling AssociatJamaica Plain     MA    28
42         551 Christopher Payton        NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental  Newton            MA    32
43         574 Jan         Wolfe                                            Brookline         MA    24
44         504 Mark        Bernard       Gamache Cyclery                    Leominster        MA    35
45         578 Jeff        Lippincott    MRC                                Wayland           MA    40
46         515 Tom         Denormandie                                      Lincoln           MA    49
47         501 Timothy     Alty          Cape Cod Cyclist                   Hyannis           MA    35
48         581 Steve       Salo          Back Bay Bicycles                  Dorchester        MA    35
49         509 Mattison    Crowe         HUP United/ Seven Cycles           Watertown         MA    37
50         511 Matt        D'Alessio     Team BreakAway Boston              Boston            MA    25
51         521 Glenn       Ferreira      QuadCycles                         Somerville        MA    22
52         546 Matthew     Miller        OrganicAthlete                     Roslindale        MA    25
53         577 Erin        Bennett       Team Comp                          Salem             MA    38
54         567 Scott       Thomas        NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental  Dracut            MA    44
55         576 Chris       Feltman       NYC Velo                           Brooklyn          NY    28
56         529 Fred        Hessler       Boston Road Club                   Norfolk           MA    35
57         519 Tim         Dodd          NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental  Westford          MA    50
58         539 Michael     Lowry         Minuteman Road Club                Medfield          MA    39
59         525 Richard     Gervais       Back Bay Cycling Club              Quincy            MA    49
60         580 Clint       Lunsford      Independent Fabrication            Somerville        MA    32
61         579 Brian       Rutledge                                         Somerville        MA    28
62         508 Curt        Comber        CCB/Volkswagon                     Charlestown       MA    42
63         553 Todd        Prekaski      Minuteman Road Club                Brookline         MA    37
64         513 David       Deitch        Novara Bicycles/REI Boston         Boston            MA    26
65         542 Kurt        Maw           Comprehensive Racing / Salem Cycle Salem             MA    35
66         535 Eli         Levine        Boston Road Club                   Andover           MA    44
67         586 Chris       French                                           Nashua            NH    46
68         573 Michael     Wissell       back bay bicycles                  Allston           MA    31
69         587 Anthony     Szczesiul                                        Lowell            MA    44
70         556 Timothy     Ryan          MRC                                Mendon            MA    41
71         547 Jerry       Moffett                                          South Boston      MA    25
72         510 Todd        Crumb         Comprehensive Training Systems     Hampstead         NH    36
73         570 John        Weaver        Mystic Velo                        Groton            CT    46
74         576 Chris       Feltman       NYC Velo                           Brooklyn          NY    28
75         567 Scott       Thomas        NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental  Dracut            MA    44
76         505 Lester      Bethel        NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental  Acton             MA    49
77         533 Joseph      Klucevsek     cape cod cyclist                   Buzzards Bay      MA    24
78         590 Tom         Ryder         Cape Cod Cyclist                   Hyannis           MA    67
DNF        514 Fred        Delgrosso     Quad Cycle                         Burlington        MA    48
DNF        517 Jason       Devarennes    NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental  Woburn            MA    31
DNF        524 Tyler       Gannon        Quad Cycles/Arlington Bicycle Club Lexington         MA    36
DNS        530 Ron         Hines         Quad Cycle                         Lexington         MA    51
DNF        531 Peter       Hurst         Connecticut Coast Cycling          New Canaan        CT    23
DNS        555 Gregor      Rohda         Boston Road Club                   Newton            MA    35
DNF        582 Ron         Menner                                           Brokline          NH    54
DNF        585 Drew        Davis         QuadCycles                         Sudbury           MA    42
DNF        589 John        Gibbons       NEBC                               Boston            MA    34
DNF        613 Jeff        Nolongoski    Joe's Garage                       Ashfield          MA    34