Results » Road » 2008

Witches Cup Criterium

Salem, MA

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Witches Cup Criterium Presented by Salem Cycles/ Comprehensive Racing Salem, MA Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Results Courtesy of 

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Men Pro/1/2/3                             100 Starters                                                29 Miles
1    4    Adam          Myerson           Time Pro Cycling                     Boston           MA    1:01:51
2    1    Mark          McCormack         T.E.A.M. Fuji                        Foxboro          MA    st
3    100  Daniel        Estevez           Hot Tubes                            Worcester        MA    st
4    75   Gavin         Mannion           Hot Tubes                            Dedham           MA    st
5    36   Bill          Mark              NBX/Narragansett Beer                Providence       RI    st
6    62   Ward          Solar             Nerac Cycling                        Vernon           CT    st
7    79   Matt          White             Fiordifrutta Elite Cycling Team      Hadley           MA    st
8    88   Skip          Foley             360 Racing/Landry's                  Harvard          MA    st
9    14   Brendan       Cornett           Mechanical Services/Cyclemania       Lewiston         ME    st
10   80   J Alain       Ferry             MetLife p/b                Boston           MA    st
11   35   Ciaran        Mangan            CCB/Volkswagen                       Brighton         MA    st
12   19   William       Dugan             CCB/Volkswagen                       Burlington       VT    st
13   99   Matt          Kressy            Millwork One Racing/      Wellesley        MA    st
14   54   Paul          Richard           CCB/Volkswagen                       Amesbury         MA    st
15   67   Roy           Van Cleef         NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental    Weston           MA    st
16   56   Matt          Rossman           NorEast                              Morrisville      VT    st
17   86   Brad          Sheehan           MetLife p/b                Newton Center    MA    st
18   22   John          Grenier           BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farms-Goodale'Lewiston         ME    st
19   7    Shawn         McCormack         T.E.A.M. Fuji                        Sturbridge       MA    st
20   2    Tim           Johnson           Health Net Pro Cycling Team          Middleton        MA    st
21   77   Fabio         Piergentili       Northeast Masters Elite              Andover          MA    st
22   90   Michael       Rex               NorEast Cycling                      Hanover          NH    st
23   84   Toby          Marzot            Fiordifrutta Elite Cycling Team      Falmouth         MA    st
24   58   Tobi          Schultze          Team FUJI fueled by Clif Bar         Foxboro          MA    st
25   40   Tyler         Munroe            CCB/Volkswagen                       No. Andover      MA    st
26   15   Chris         Coutu             MetLife p/b                Upton            MA    st
27   5    Frank         McCormack         T.E.A.M. Fuji                        Leicester        MA    st
28   20   Scott         Fader             CCB                                  Hanover          MA    st
29   30   Ryan          Kelly             NorEast Cycling                      Dover            NH    st
30   48   Todd          Paoletti          CCB/Volkswagon                       Winchester       MA    st
31   51   Gene          Petrella          360 Racing/Landry's                  North Andover    MA    st
32   43   James         Nash              CCB Volkswagen                       North Hampton    NH    st
33   13   James         Combs             Boston Road Club!                    Cambridge        MA    st
34   83   Gary          Aspnes            Horst-Benidorm-PRC                   Rockville        RI    st
35   98   Glenn         Ferreira          Quadcycles                           Somerville       MA    st
36   50   Jonathan      Peterson          Northampton Cycling Club             Adams            MA    st
37   57   Mike          Rowell            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental    Bedford          MA    st
38   37   Andrew        Mills             Galaxy/New England Masters Elite     Sturbridge       MA    st
39   82   Ryan          Fleming           MetLife p/b                Portsmouth       NH    st
40   65   Mark          Theeman           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental    Boston           MA    st
41   85   Peter         Bell              MetLife p/b                Greenfield       MA    st
42   49   Mike          Pavlov            CCB/Volkswagen                       Manchester       MA    st
43   89   Dylan         McNicholas        NorEast Cycling                      Stratham         NH    st
44   10   Ron           Bourgoin          Portland Velo Club                   Windham          ME    st
45   78   Ben           Forbes            Base 36/SMCC                         Portland         ME    st
46   6    Kurt          Schmid            Salem Cycle                          Marblehead       MA    st
47   69   Stephen       Weller            Fiordifrutta Elite Cycling Team      Montague         MA    st
48   72   Michael       Sabatini          Boston Road Club!                    Hingham          MA    st
49   87   Jon           Bernhard          CCB                                  Newburyport      MA    st
50   44   Michael       Norton            Cyclonauts Racers                    Monson           MA    st
51   74   Michael       Andelman          CCB                                  Wellesley        MA    st
52   46   Jimmy         O'Mara            BOB/Stonyfield Farms/Shift           Grafton          NH    st
53   39   Sam           Morse             Corner Cycle                         Cohasset         MA    st
54   27   Justin        Howe              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental    Arlington        MA    st
55   96   Ben           Zawalki           Target Training                      Boston           MA    st
56   16   Chandler      Delinks                                                Ipswich          MA    st
57   59   Peter         Shapiro           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental    Cranston         RI    st
58   26   Morgan        Hiller            CLNoonan/KAM/Coast to Coast          Marion           MA    st
59   52   Tom           Prugar            NorEast Cycling                      York             ME    st
60   25   Frank         Harrison          Sunapee/S&W/Continental Paving RacingBartlett         NH    st
61   18   Bruce         Diehl             Sunapee S&W Racing                   Jackson          NH    st
62   91   Christopher   Dale              NBX/Narragansett Beer                North Kingstown  RI    st
63   73   Keith         Ford              Sunnapee/StW                         Enfield          NH    st
64   21   Tom           Gosselin          Fitness Together/IF powered by LionetLewiston         ME    st
65   45   Thom          Norton                                                 Concord          MA    st
66   31   Robert        Kramer            Ridley Factory Team                  Beverly Hills    CA    st
67   71   Eric          Lindberg          NorEast Cycling                      Bedford          NH    st
68   63   Matthew       Spaits            Boston Road Club!                    Somerville       MA    st
69   66   Timothy       Unkert            Stolen Underground Anti Doping CyclinTolland          CT    st
70   53   Brian         Rabuse            BCA/Tosk                             Dalton           MA    st
71   11   Peter         Bradshaw          NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental    Boston           MA    st
72   23   Mark          Gunsalus          Team FUJI fueled by Clif Bar         Dudley           MA    st
73   55   C. Greg       Robidoux          NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental    Somerville       MA    st
74   95   Kevin         Wolfsen           FT/IF pb Lionette's                  Cambridge        MA    st
75   8    Jonathan      Awerbuch          NorEast                              Hanover          NH    st
76   92   Tim           Shea              BOB                                  Amherst          NH    st
77   9    Justin        Spinelli          KBS/Medifab                          Nashua           NH    st
78   64   Adam          Sullivan          Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team           North Kingstown  RI    st
79   32   Andrew        Krulewitz         Cyclonauts Racers                    Granby           MA    st
80   94   jon           Bruno             FT/IF pb Lionette's                  Boston           MA    st
DNF  3    Shawn         Milne             Team Type 1                          Gloucester       MA
DNF  12   Jim           Burke             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental    Arlington        MA
DNF  17   Leo           Devellian         CCB/Volkswagen                       Topsfield        MA
DNF  24   Brendan       Hanrahan          Millwork One Racing/      Providence       RI
DNF  28   Mark          Januskiewicz      Sunapee /S&W Sports/Continental PavinConcord          NH
DNF  29   Daniel        Joakim            Bicycle Link/MBRC                    Centerville      MA
DNF  33   Jay           Kulpinski         BCA/Tosk                             Pittsfield       MA
DNF  34   Sean          Langford          CCB/Volkswagen                       Middleton        MA
DNF  38   Greg          Montello          FT/IF pb Lionette's                  Arlington        MA
DNF  41   Keith         Cardoza           Northeastern Univ Cycling            Boston           MA
DNF  42   Christopher   Naimie            Sunapee/S&W Sports/Continental PavingSunapee          NH
DNF  47   Thomas        Orsini            Optimum Performance/Fitchburg CyclingLeominster       MA
DNF  60   Duane         Skofield          BOB/shift-stonyfieldfarms-Ariza-goodaPlaistow         NH
DNF  61   Kyle          Smith             Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames South Boston     MA
DNF  68   Pierre        Vanden Borre      Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames Boston           MA
DNF  70   Todd          Yezefski          Fitness Together/IF powered by LionetCambridge        MA
DNF  76   Jon           Malone            ViVe                                 Boston           MA
DNF  81   Jon           Frederick         MetLife p/b                Medford          MA
DNF  93   Jeff          Dixon                                                  Windham          ME
DNF  97   Jeremy        Dunn              Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames

Women Open                                29 Starters                                                 18.5 Miles
1    102  Sally         Annis             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental    Nashua           NH    43:48
2    105  Kathryne      Carr              Sunapee/ S&W Racing Team             Easthampton      MA    st
3    114  Eve           McNeill           Sunapee/S&W Sports/Continental PavingHanover          NH    st
4    124  Cody          Harris            NCVC/Nova Health Systems             Falmouth         ME    st
5    120  Silke         Wunderwald        Independent Fabrication/Kempner      Stonington       CT    st
6    129  Anna          McLoom            Colavita                             Cambridge        MA    st
7    130  Karin         Holmes            CCB/Volkswagen                       Beverly          MA    st
8    116  Brooke        O'Connor          Hub Racing                           Billerica        MA    st
9    108  Debony        Diehl             Sunapee/S&W Sports/Continental PavingJackson          NH    st
10   101  Rebecca       Wellons           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental    Woburn           MA    st
11   121  Mary          Zider             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental    Barre            VT    st
12   122  Julie         Lefebure          International Bicycle/Global         Somerville       MA    st
13   115  Samantha      Newman            Sunapee/S&W Sports/Continental PavingRaymond          NH    st
14   123  Natalia       Gardiol           MIT/FXDD                             Cambridge        MA    st
15   112  Nicole        Marcoe            NHCC                                 Hanover          NH    st
16   109  Natalie       Dumont            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental    Fitchburg        MA    st
17   111  Hannah        Kirshner          Bikeworks/Hallamore                  Providence       RI    st
18   110  Clara         Kelly             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental    North Andover    MA    st
19   107  Samantha      Dery              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental    Beverly          MA    st
20   127  Elena         Leznik            CRCA/Radical Media                   Fort Lee         NJ    st
21   126  Pauline       Frasceese         Independent Fabrication/Kempner      Plainfield       CT    st
22   106  Susanne       Delaney           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental    Portsmouth       NH    st
23   104  Tami          Buhr              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental    Lexington        MA    st
24   103  Brenda        Bahnson           Independent Fabrication/Kempner      Great Barrington MA    at one lap
25   113  Callie        McDowell                                               Salem            MA    at two laps
26   118  Michele       Smith             Independent Fabrication/Kempner      Burlington       MA    st
27   119  Katherine     Snell             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental    Nashua           NH    st
DNF  125  Stephanie     Chase             International Bicycle/Global         Portland         ME
DNF  128  Crystal       Anthony                                                Beverly          MA

Men 4                                     73 Starters                                                 19 Miles
1    358  Keith         Reynolds          NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental    Chelmsford       MA    43:55
2    310  Jim           Breen             BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale'sByfield          MA    st
3    348  Michael       Lorion            Team BreakAway Boston                Millbury         MA    st
4    309  Alfred        Bissell           Essex County Velo                    Boxford          MA    st
5    373  Brian         Wilichoski                                             Danvers          MA    st
6    368  Bernard       Tan               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental    Medford          MA    st
7    353  Steve         McGrath           NorEast Cycling                      Portsmouth       NH    st
8    352  Dave          Mazur             CCB/Volkswagen                       N. Andover       MA    st
9    304  Stuart        Beaulieu          Essex County Velo                    Salem            MA    st
10   361  Brian         Roche             NEBC                                 Rockland         MA    st
11   347  Keith         Limberg           NorEast Cycling                      Exeter           NH    st
12   335  Michael       Hamilton          MIT Cycling/FXDD                     Somerville       MA    st
13   366  Ian           Sutton            QuadCycles                           Allston          MA    st
14   305  Carey         Murphy            SALEM CYCLE/MICHELIN FOOTWEAR        Salem            MA    st
15   329  Stephen       Dowsett           BCA/ tosk                            Pittsfield       MA    st
16   319  Jason         Cicero            CCNS/Pedal Power                     Meriden          CT    st
17   360  Steven        Robbins           NCC- Northampton Cycling Club        Belchertown      MA    st
18   328  Chuck         Dopfel                                                                        st
19   369  Jay           Trojan            Century Drywall Inc.                 Lincoln          RI    st
20   362  Scott         Roy               Bicycle Link MBRC                    Duxbury          MA    st
21   340  Jerry         Jacobs            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental    Wayland          MA    st
22   357  Matthew       Miller            OrganicAthlete                       Roslindale       MA    st
23   333  Michael       Good              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental    Wilmington       MA    st
24   312  Brad          Buckley           CCB Racing                           Medford          MA    st
25   313  Joshua        Burgel                                                 Lincoln          MA    st
26   359  Jay           Robbins           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental    Lexington        MA    st
27   370  Hans          Von Der Luft      MBRC/Bicycle Link                    Hingham          MA    st
28   307  Bill          Aalerud                                                Winchester       MA    st
29   354  Michael       McKittrick        Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames Cambridge, Ma    MA    st
30   321  Curt          Comber            CCB/Volkswagon                       Charlestown      MA    st
31   302  Patrick       Smith             Comprehensive Racing / Salem Cycle   Salem            MA    st
32   365  Steven        Stanganelli       CCB/Volkswagen                       Amesbury         MA    st
33   342  Joseph        Jussaume          NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental    Nashua           NH    st
34   374  Joshua        Wortzel           Harvard University Cycling           Waltham          MA    st
35   363  Jonathan      Ruffus            RuffusRipstick/NorEast Cycling       Hampton          NH    st
36   371  Stefan        Wawersik          NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental    Westborough      MA    st
37   311  Michael       Brier             Refunds Now                          Providence       RI    st
38   364  Todd          Savage            Minuteman Road Club                  Westboro         MA    st
39   351  Bill          Maidment          QuadCycles                           Medford          MA    st
40   317  Ken           Carpenter                                              Jamaica Plain    MA    st
41   356  Les           Merrill           BOB/Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bikes  N. Chelmsford    MA    st
42   332  Richard       Gervais           Back Bay Cycling Club                Quincy           MA    st
43   375  Matt          Poirer                                                                        st
44   350  Paul Kieran   Lynch             Van Dessel Factory Team              Somerville       MA    st
45   327  Daniel        Donovan                                                Ipswich          MA    at one lap
46   334  Ben           Goss                                                   Portsmouth       NH    st
47   367  Mathew        Sweda                                                  Cambridge        MA    st
48   314  David         Gordon                                                                        st
49   339  Jeff          Huckleberry                                            Jamaica Plain    MA    st
50   303  Todd          Crumb             Comprehensive Training Systems       Hampstead        NH    st
51   322  Giles         Cooper            NorEast Cycling / gilesbikes.blogspotPortsmouth       NH    st
52   330  Rami          El Rayess         NorEast                              Portsmouth       NH    st
53   325  Tim           Curley            Back Bay Cycling Club                Malden           MA    st
54   346  Randall       Levere            Wheelworks Multisport                Boston           MA    st
55   323  Terry         Cowman            Essex County Velo - MCRA             Manchester       MA    st
56   343  Bruce         Kapsten           ECV- Essex County Velo               Gloucester       MA    st
57   306  Kevin         Siok                                                   Salem            MA    st
58   338  Fred          Hessler                                                Norfolk          MA    st
59   345  John          Land                                                   York             ME    st
60   324  John          Cummings                                               Brighton         MA    st
DNF  308  Matt          Aumiller          OrganicAthlete                       Hyde Park        MA
DNF  315  Aron          Buterbaugh        Linscott/Peak Performance            South Portland   ME
DNF  316  Paul          Penaskovic
DNF  318  John          Cavanaugh         NEBC                                 Boston           MA
DNF  320  Richard       Cohen                                                  Wakefield        MA
DNF  326  Semme         Dijkstra          NHCC/Team NH                         Nottingham       NH
DNF  331  Michael       Foley             Team Bicycle Alley                   Paxton           MA
DNF  336  Bob           Hatfield          Bob Cycling-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale'sPlaistow         NH
DNF  337  Parker        Heath Iii         CCB/Volkswagen                       Lynn             MA
DNF  344  Andrew        Kennedy           Boston Road Club!                    Brighton         MA
DNF  301  Kurt          Maw               Comprehensive Racing / Salem Cycle   Salem            MA
DNF  355  Doogie        Mead              CCB/Volkswagen                       West Newbury     MA
DNF  372  Jerome        Westfried         Boston Road Club                     Burlington       MA