Results » Road » 2008


Glens Falls, NY

Sunday, August 3, 2008

GLENS FALLS DOWNTOWN CRITERIUM - NYS CRITERIUM CHAMPIONSHIP Presented by Southern Adirondack Spokes Glens Falls, NY Sunday, August 03, 2008

Results Courtesy of Alan Atwood

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

# of cat starters
Men Pro/1/2/3 & U-23                30 miles         13 starters                                                              7       5                 NYS Medals
Place  Bib  Time      First Name    Last Name        Team                                         City                 State  Cat 2   Cat 3             Cat 1/2    U23
1      9    1:09:18   Nathaniel     Ward             TARGETRAINING                                Albany               NY     1                         Gold
2      6    1:09:18   Matthew       Purdy                     Albany               NY     2                         Silver
3      2    -1 lap    Dieter        Drake            Battenkill-United                            Cambridge            NY     3                         Bronze
4      15   -1 lap    James         Corcoran         Mercy Cycling Team                           Beebe                AR     4
5      12   -1 lap    M Andrew      Ruiz             Clinton Cycling Club                         Delmar               NY     5
6      14   -1 lap    Peter         Dinolfo                   Troy                 NY     6
7      3    -1 lap    John          Hackett                   West Rutland         VT             1
8      1    -1 lap    Andrew        Bernstein        Brooklyn Velo Force                          Saratoga Springs     NY             2
9      8    -1 lap    Christopher   Tirone           French Meadow Bakery / Fortistar             East Aurora          NY
10     11   -1 lap    Lee           Peters           University of Vermont                        Ticonderoga          NY             3                            Gold

# of cat starters
Women (Open & Masters 30/40/50+)    20 miles         10 starters                                                              1       3       2         NYS Medals
Place  Bib  Time      First Name    Last Name        Team                                         City                 State  Cat 2   Cat 3   Cat 4     1/2/3    Cat 4    30+      40+
1      58   0:52:27   Beth          Miller                    Delmar               NY                               Gold              Gold
2      53   0:52:27   Jenny         Ives             Capital Bicycle Racing Club                  Gloversville         NY             1                 Silver
3      59             Ellen         Moses            CRCA/Comedy Central-Sid's Bikes              New York             NY     1                         Bronze                    Gold
4      57   -1 lap    Abbie         Newell           Unattached                                   Rochester            NY             2
5      51   -2 laps   Mary          D'Angelo         Team Pedallers                               Honoeye Falls        NY             3                                   Silver
6      56   -2 laps   Donna         Moody            Team Placid Planet                           Lake Placid          NY
7      55   -2 laps   Shana         Lydon            Full Moon Vista Bike and Sport               Rochester            NY                     1                  Gold     Bronze
8      50   -3 laps   Elizabeth     Bracken          Whole Wheel Velo Club/3D Fitness and Health CArlington            VA                     2
9      60   -4 laps   Karin         Kilgore                                                       Glens Falls          NY
10     54   -4 laps   Jennifer      Kendrick                                                      Cohoes               NY

# of cat starters
Men Cat 3/4                         21 miles         40 starters                                                              11      29                NYS Medals
Place  Bib  Time      First Name    Last Name        Team                                         City                 State  Cat 3   Cat 4             Cat 3    Cat 4
1      191  0:46:32   Gary          Steinberg        CRCA/Global Locate                           Mahwah               NJ     1
2      221  0:46:32   William       McGreevy         Team Placid Planet                           Wilmington           NY             1                          Gold
3      214  0:46:32   Daniel        Hertzler         Big Horn Velo of Elmira NY                   Addison              NY             2                          Silver
4      235  0:46:32   Bruce         Beauharnois      Team Placid Planet                           Plattsburgh          NY             3                          Bronze
5      202  0:46:32   Ryan          Bracken          Whole Wheel Velo Club                        Arlington            VA     2
6      225  0:46:32   Nicholas      Petterssen       Onion River Sports                           Plainfield           VT             4
7      216  0:46:32   Brian         Klotz            Big Horn Velo of Elmira NY                   Painted Post         NY     3                         Gold
8      233  0:46:32   Daniel        Zotter           Genesee Valley Cycling Club                  Mendon               NY             5
9      207  0:46:32   Michael       Duerr            Battenkill-United                            Glens Falls          NY             6
10     220  0:46:32   Andrew        Lytwynec         Unattached                                   Rochester            NY             7
11     205  0:46:32   Thomas        Despart III      Clinton Cycling Club                         Albany               NY             8
12     231  0:46:32   James         Walker           Team Placid Planet Inc.                      Elizabethtown        NY             9
13     223  0:46:32   Lee           Palmateer        CBRC                                         Athens               NY     4                         Silver
14     212  0:46:32   John          Hackett                   West Rutland         VT     5
15     229  0:46:32   Antony        Slokar           CRCA/Jonathan Adler Racing                   New York             NY     6                         Bronze
16     230  0:46:32   Steven        Smith            Unattached                                   Cooperstown          NY             10
17     215  0:46:32   Jeff          Hoover           MaxPowerCycling                              Syracuse             NY             11
18     211  0:46:32   Gregg         Griffo           Team ROG                                     Perinton             NY             12
19     219  0:46:32   James         Leone            CBRC                                         Albany               NY             13
20     217  0:46:32   Barry         Koblenz          CBRC                                         Albany               NY             14
21     228  0:46:32   Nathan        Sentz            Mohawk Valley  Bicycling Club                Cooperstown          NY             15
22     224  0:46:32   Lee           Peters           University of Vermont                        Ticonderoga          NY     7
23     213  0:46:32   John          Hertzler         Big Horn Velo of Elmira NY                   Addison              NY             16
24     236  0:46:32   Mark          White            GMBC/Catamount                               Burlington           VT             17
25     210  0:46:32   Matthew       Goedeke          CBRC                                         Albany               NY             18
26     234  0:46:32   Steven        Zotter           Team ROG                                     Mendon               NY             19
27     206  0:46:32   Aaron         DiNoto           Genesee Valley Cycling Club                  Rochester            NY             20
28     200  0:46:32   Darren        Adams            Unattached                                   Castleton            VT             21
29     232  0:46:32   Alwin         Winkler          Cambridge Valley Cycling                     Salem                NY             22
30     209  0:46:32   Steven        Gates            Mohawk Valley  Bicycling Club                West Winfield        NY             23
31     203  0:46:32   Samuel        Corcoran         Central New York Cyclist                     Gilbertsville        NY     8
32     201  0:46:44   Andrew        Bernstein        Brooklyn Velo Force                          Saratoga Springs     NY     9
33     227  0:46:46   Eric          Schillinger      CBRC                                         Albany               NY     10
34     222  pulled    John          Onderdonk        Battenkill-United                            Saratoga Springs     NY             24
35     218  pulled    Michael       Lenihan          Battenkill-United                            Lake George          NY             25
36     208  -2 laps   paul          fronhofer        Cambridge Valley Cycling                     Argyle               NY             26

Men 30+ (Cat 1-4)                   21 miles         7 starters
Place  Bib  Time      First Name    Last Name        Team                                         City                 State  NYS Medals
1      187  0:46:07   Nathaniel     Ward             TARGETRAINING                                Albany               NY     Gold
2      193  0:46:13   Peter         Dinolfo                   Troy                 NY     Silver
3      179  0:46:34   Matthew       Purdy                     Albany               NY     Bronze
4      176  0:46:34   Scott         Demel            Brooklyn Velo Force                          Brooklyn             NY
5      175  0:46:34   Brian         Cardona          Nalgene-R3                                   Fairport             NY

Men 40+ (Cat 1-4)                   21 miles         13 starters
Place  Bib  Time      First Name    Last Name        Team                                         City                 State  NYS Medals
1      182  0:46:34   M Andrew      Ruiz             Clinton Cycling Club                         Delmar               NY     Gold
2      183  0:46:34   Gary          Steinberg        CRCA/Global Locate                           Mahwah               NJ
3      185  0:46:34   Christopher   Tirone           French Meadow Bakery / Fortistar             East Aurora          NY     Silver
4      184  0:46:34   Mark          Sumner           Battenkill-United                            Clifton Park         NY     Bronze
5      195  0:46:34   David Sean    Jordan           Century Road Club Association                New York             NY
6      186  0:46:34   James         Walker           Team Placid Planet Inc.                      Elizabethtown        NY
7      180  0:46:34   Charles       Quackenbush      Capital Bicycle Racing Club                  Slingerlands         NY
8      181  0:46:41   Claude        Raineault        Flatbread-Ottercreek Cycling                 Underhill            VT
9      188  0:46:44   Alwin         Winkler          Cambridge Valley Cycling                     Salem                NY
10     189  -1 lap    John          Onderdonk        Battenkill-United                            Saratoga Springs     NY
11     194  -2 laps   Jay           Kulpinski        BCA/Tosk Chiropractic                        Pittsfield           MA

Masters 50+                         21 miles         14 starters
Place  Bib  Time      First Name    Last Name        Team                                         City                 State  NYS Medals
1      153  0:51:14   Jonathan      Howard           Nalgene-R3                                   Rochester            NY     Gold
2      156  0:51:19   Frank         Mesi             FMB-Fortistar-LSA                            East Aurora          NY     Silver
3      160  0:51:19   Steven        Tinston          Westwood Velo                                Blauvelt             NY     Bronze
4      159  0:51:19   Scott         Sommers          Schuss Racing/MVBC                           Whitesboro           NY
5      154  0:51:19   Daniel        Kiningham        Bike Line/LWA                                Little Silver        NJ
6      162  0:51:19   Terry         White            Battenkill-United                            Dorset               VT
7      157  0:51:19   Donald        Rice             CCB/Volkswagen                               Rensselaer           NY
8      155  0:51:19   Joseph        Korzenecki       Amherst Racing Club                          Westfield            MA
9      165  0:51:19   Robert        Gover            Unattached                                   Queensbury           NY
10     152  0:52:31   Phillip       Hershberger      Capital Bicycle Racing Club                  Climax               NY
11     158  0:52:31   Hal           Schmidt          Team Placid Planet Inc.                      Lake Placid          NY
12     161  -2 laps   Gary          Gurney           Capital Bicycle Racing Club                  Coeymans Hollow      NY
13     164  -3 laps   Michael       Ballard                                                       Clifton Park         NY
14     163  -5 laps   Greg          Taylor                                                        Chestertown          NY

Masters 60+                         21 miles         1 starters
Place  Bib  Time      First Name    Last Name        Team                                         City                 State  NYS Medals
1      150  0:51:19   Van           Fronhofer        Cambridge Valley Cycling                     Salem                NY     Gold

Juniors 17-18                       15 miles         4 starters
Place  Bib  Time      First Name    Last Name        Team                                         City                 State  Boys    Girls
1      125  0:38:26   Michael       Ballard          Unattached                                   Clifton Park         NY     Gold
2      129  0:38:26   Milosz        Nowak            Unattached                                   Cheektowaga          NY     Silver
3      127  0:39:54   Matthew       McKenna          The Start House                              Quechee              VT
4      130  -4 laps   Shawn         Weirich                                                       Hudson Falls         NY

Juniors 15-16                       15 miles         9 starters
Place  Bib  Time      First Name    Last Name        Team                                         City                 State  Boys    Girls
1      107  0:38:26   Curtis        White            Capital Bicycle Racing Club                  Delanson             NY     Gold
2      104  0:38:26   Brandon       Milet            Farm Team Cycling                            Greenwich            NY     Silver
3      108  0:38:26   Derek         Wojtkun          Farm Team Cycling                            Cambridge            NY     Bronze
4      102  0:38:26   Christopher   McKenna          The Start House                              Quechee              VT
5      106  0:38:35   Thorn         Rathbun          Cambridge Valley Cyling                      Salem                NY
6      105  0:38:35   Nathan        Piche            Farm Team Cycling                            Hoosick Falls        NY
7      101  -3 laps   Barry         Linendoll        Battenkill-United                            Cambridge            NY
8      103  -5 laps   Alyssa        McLenithan       FARM TEAM CYCLING                            Cambridge            NY             Gold

Juniors 13-14                       6 miles          2 starters
Place  Bib  Time      First Name    Last Name        Team                                         City                 State  Boys    Girls
1      99   0:16:02   Hunter        Dansin           Farm Team Cycling                            Cambridge            NY     Gold
2      98   0:16:02   Jack          MacClarence      Farm Team Cycling                            Albany               NY     Silver

Juniors 10-12                       6 miles          15 starters
Place  Bib  Time      First Name    Last Name        Team                                         City                 State  Boys    Girls
1      84   0:17:03   Joseph        Toth             Capital Bicycle Racing Club                  Stephentown          NY     Gold
2      77   0:17:06   Keane         Brennan          Farm Team Cycling                            Cambridge            NY     Silver
3      78   0:17:06   Wyatt         Drake            Farm Team Cycling                            Cambridge            NY     Bronze
4      87   0:17:10   Emma          White            Unattached                                   Delanson             NY             Gold
5      88   0:17:36   Spencer       Smith                                                         Woodstock            VT
6      86   0:17:52   Peter         Vollers          Boston Scientific Cycling Club               Woodstock            VT
7      83   -1 lap    Brittany      Sumner           Farm Team Cycling                            Clifton Park         NY             Silver
8      90   -1 lap    Max           Matel                                                         N Pawlet             VT
9      89   -1 lap    Sam           Matel                                                         N. Pawlet            VT
10     76   -1 lap    Michael       Benson           FARM TEAM CYCLING                            Loudonville          NY
11     82   -1 lap    Julia         Sante            FARM TEAM CYCLING                            Queensbury           NY             Bronze
12     85   -1 lap    Kathryn       Toth             Capital Bicycle Racing Club                  Stephentown          NY
13     81   -2 laps   Will          MacClarence      Farm Team Cycling                            Loudonville          NY
14     79   -2 laps   Matthew       Hoffer           FARM TEAM CYCLING
15     80   -2 laps   Connor        Lenihan          Farm Team Cycling                            Lakegeorge           NY

Men Cat 5                           15 miles         21 starters
Place  Bib  Time      First Name    Last Name        Team                                         City                 State
1      281  0:24:52   Kevin         Crossman                                                      South Glens Falls    NY
2      283  0:24:52   Matt          Delaney          High Peaks Cyclery                           Lake Placid          NY
3      286  0:24:52   Robert        Gover                                                         Queensbury           NY
4      291  0:24:52   Jeff          Singer                                                        Queensbury           NY
5      279  0:24:52   Timothy       Bonnier          Unattached                                   Melrose              NY
6      297  0:24:52   Patrick       Dunn             RPI                                          Ticonderoga          NY
7      285  0:24:52   Jeremy        Drowne           Battenkill-United                            Saratoga Springs     NY
8      282  0:24:52   Christopher   Darling          Mt Washington Velo                           Lovell               ME
9      284  0:24:52   Brian         Donohue          Battenkill-United                            Bolton Landing       NY
10     276  0:24:52   Tim           Akers            Team Placid Planet                           Canton               NY
11     287  0:25:21   Christopher   Harris           GVCC                                         Webster              NY
12     280  0:25:42   Philip        Bracken          WWVC/3D Fitness and Health Cycling Team      Arlington            VA
13     295  0:25:46   Stephen       Werthner         Mohawk Hudson Cycling                        Albany               NY
14     278  0:26:14   Alan          Blond            fitness coach                                East Greenbush       NY
15     292  0:26:14   Pete Smith    Smith,jr                                                      Fort Edward          NY
16     277  0:26:45   Michael       Ballard          CBRC                                         Clifton Park         NY
17     289  -1 lap    Alton         Ostrander, Jr                                                 Albany               NY
18     293  -1 lap    Mike          Sorrentino                                                    Queensbury           NY
19     296  -1 lap    Mike          Healy            Putney/West Hill                             Sunderland           VT
20     288  -2 laps   Mark          Johnson          CBRC                                         Delmar               NY