Results » Road » 2008

Concord Criterium

Concord, NH

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Concord Criterium Presented by New Hampshire Cycling Club/Team New Hampshire Concord, NH Saturday, August 02, 2008

Results Courtesy of 

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Men Pro/1/2                                         66 Starters                                                               33 Miles
1     13    Colin            Jaskiewicz             CCB/Volkswagen                                  Montclair          NJ     1:06:40
2     52    Matt             White                  Fiordifrutta                                    Hadley             MA     st
3     43    Luke             Keough                 Cl Noonan/KAM/Coast to Coast                    Sandwich           MA     st
4     34    Jerome           Townsend               Fitness Together / IF pb Lionette's             Princeton          MA     st
5     56    Patrick          Rostel                 Team Akud-Rose                                  Berlin             GER    st
6     8     Brendan          Cornett                Mechanical Services/Cycle Mania                 Lewiston           ME     st
7     53    Alec             Donahue                NERAC                                           Hadley             MA     st
8     37    Roy              Van Cleef              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental               Weston             MA     st
9     66    J Alain          Ferry                  MetLife p/b                           Boston             MA     st
10    65    Aaron            Molloy                 MetLife p/b                           Concord            NH     st
11    5     Adam             Carr                   Colavita Racing New England                     Colchester         VT     st
12    64    Matthew          Krossy                 Millwork One Racing/                 Wellesley          MA     st
13    26    Luciano          Pavan                  Optimum Performance/FCC                         Fitchburg          MA     st
14    42    Vincent          Scalia                 Noreast                                         Winooski           VT     st
15    3     Hayden           Brooks                 FiordiFrutta                                    Darling Heights    UNK    st
16    39    Benjamin         Zawacki                TARGETTRAINING U-25/Elite Development Racing TeaWeare              NH     st
17    46    Joshua           Lipka                  Fiordifrutta                                    Cheshire           MA     st
18    58    Jake             Hollenbach             CCB/Volkswagen                                  Shelburne          VT     st
19    31    Ward             Solar                  Nerac Cycling                                   Vernon             CT     st
20    4     Kirk             Carlsen                VMG/FELT                                        Sandown            NH     st
21    27    Matt             Rossman                NorEast                                         Morrisville        VT     st
22    61    Thom             Coupe                  MetLife p/b                           Plymouth           NH     at :04
23    23    Anders           Newbury                Hot Tubes Junior Development                    Fairfield          VT     :06
24    44    Ryan             MacDonald                                                                                 ME     st
25    36    Dan              Vaillancourt           Toshiba/Santo Presented by Herbalife            Saco               ME     st
26    35    Timothy          Unkert                 Stolen Underground Anti Doping Cycling Team     Tolland            CT     st
27    55    Peter            Shapiro                NEBC/Devonshire                                 Cranston           RI     :08
28    17    Morgan           Macleod                Mechanical Services/Cycle Mania                 Orr'S Island       ME     :10
29    54    Peter            Bell                   MetLife p/b                           Greenfield         MA     st
30    12    Chris            Hillier                                                                Etna               NH     :13
31    28    Steve            Roszko                                            Northampton        MA     st
32    9     Chris            Coutu                  MetLife p/b                           Upton              MA     st
33    30    Brad             Sheehan                MetLife p/b                           Newton Center      MA     st
34    59    William          Dugan                  CCB/Volkswagen                                  Burlington         VT     st
35    49    Toby             Walch                  Kenda Raleigh                                   Marlborough        MA     :18
36    7     Damien           Colfer                 Mechanical Services/Cycle Mania                 Newmarket          NH     st
37    2     Jason            Beerman                Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team                      Allston            MA     :26
38    29    Todd             Rowell                 NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental               Arlington          MA     :28
39    32    Adam             Sternfield             Millwork One Racing/                 Brookline          MA     st
40    33    Adam             Sullivan               Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team                      North Kingstown    RI     :31
41    14    Ryan             Kelly                  NorEast Cycling                                 Dover              NH     :38
42    51    Tom              Orsini                 Optimum Performance/FCC                         Leominster         MA     st
43    38    Stephen          Weller                 Fiordifrutta Elite Cycling Team                 Montague           MA     :54
44    1     Jonathan         Awerbuch               NorEast                                         Hanover            NH     st
45    10    Patrick          Goguen                 Cl Noonan/KAM/Coast to Coast                    Hopedale           MA     1:04
46    6     Dan              Cassidy                CCB                                             Burlington         VT     1:39
47    45    Joshua           Austin                 Noreast                                         Durham             NH     at one lap
DNF   11    John             Grenier                BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farms-Goodale's Bike ShopLewiston           ME
DNF   15    Christopher      Kohnle                 CCNS/Pedal Power                                Glastonbury        CT
DNF   16    Jonathan         Lowenstein             NBX/Narragansett Beer/Apex Tech.                North Kingstown    RI
DNF   18    Corey            Masson                 MetLife p/b                           Concord            NH
DNF   19    Charles          McCarthy               MetLife p/b                           Waitsfield         VT
DNF   20    Duncan           McGovern               NorEast Cycling                                 Peterborough       NH
DNF   21    Ian              Modestow                                          Florence           MA
DNF   22    Glenn            Murray                 Kelly Benefit Strategies/LSV Amateur Racing     Abington           PA
DNF   24    Erik             Paddleford             Colavita/Sutter Home New England                Concord            NH
DNF   25    Todd             Paoletti               CCB/Volkswagon                                  Winchester         MA
DNF   40    Samuel           Morse                  Corner Cycle                                    Cohasset           MA
DNF   41    Bruce            Bell                   GMBC/Catamount                                  Stowe              VT
DNF   47    Eric             Edlund                 MIT Cycling                                     Cambridge          MA
DNF   48    Thomas           Lebosquet              IF Racing                                       Greenland          NH
DNF   50    Skip             Foley                  360 Racing/Landry's                                                MA
DNF   57    Ryan             Fleming                MetLife p/b                           Portsmouth         NH
DNF   60    Dylan            McNicholes             Noreast                                         Stodtham           NH
DNF   62    Kyles            Gates                  GVCC                                            Boston             MA
DNF   63    Ralf             Geiben                 Millwork One Racing/                 Newton Center      MA

Women 1/2/3                                         35 Starters                                                               22 Miles
1     151   Eve              McNeill                Sunapee/S&W Sports/Continental Paving Racing TeaHanover            NH     52:25
2     162   Silke            Wonderwald             Independent Fabrication/Kempner                 Stonington         CT     st
3     139   Arielle          Filiberti                                                              Hanover            NH     st
4     161   Mary             Zider                  NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental               Barre              VT     st
5     160   Cheryl           Wolf                   Bethel Cycle                                    Ridgefield         CT     st
6     157   Sarah            Schreib                                                                Williston          VT     st
7     133   Rae              Brownsberger           Stanford University Cycling                     Stanford           CA     st
8     130   Sally            Annis                  NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental               Nashua             NH     st
9     143   Cody             Harris                 National Capital Velo Club/Inova Health         Falmouth           ME     st
10    136   Susanne          Delaney                NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental               Portsmouth         NH     st
11    150   Anna             McLoon                 Colavita Racing Inc.                            Cambridge          MA     st
12    159   Rebecca          Wellons                NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental               Woburn             MA     st
13    149   Amy              McGuire                Team Kenda Tire                                 Jamaica Plain      MA     st
14    147   Julie            Lefebvre               International Bicycle/Global                    Somerville         MA     st
15    142   Audrey           Friedrichsen Scott     Bikeway                                         Poughkeepsie       NY     st
16    164   Rose             Long                   UVM Cycling                                     Burlington         VT     st
17    132   Emma             Bast                                                                   Hinesburg          VT     st
18    165   Carola           Berger                 Webcor/Alto Velo                                Framingham         MA     st
19    137   Samantha         Dery                   NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental               Beverly            MA     st
20    163   Rebecca          Blatt                  Team Kenda Tire                                 W Hartford         CT     st
21    138   Natalie          Dumont                 NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental               Fitchburg          MA     st
22    156   Cathy            Rowell                 NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental               Bedford            MA     at :10
23    144   Michelle         Hurley                 Incline Training                                Northfield         MA     :14
24    146   Hannah           Kirshner               Bikeworks/Hallamore                             Providence         RI     2:42
25    131   Brenda           Bahnson                Independent Fabrication/Kempner                 Great Barrington   MA     st
26    158   Michele          Smith                  Independent Fabrication/Kempner                 Burlington         MA     at one lap
27    155   Janet            Ramos                  NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental               Arlington          MA     st
28    148   Ivy              Luhrs                  Velo Bella-Kona/MCC                             Minot              ME     st
29    152   Rae              Miller                 CA Pools Racing                                 Laquinta           CA     st
30    145   Michelle         Kersbergen             Joe's Garage                                    Florence           MA     st
DNF   134   Tami             Buhr                   NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental               Lexington          MA
DNF   141   Pauline          Frascone               Independent Fabrication/Kempner                 Plainfield         CT
DNF   153   Samantha         Newman                 Sunapee/S&W Sports/Continental Paving Racing TeaRaymond            NH
DNF   154   Zoe              Owers                  Independent Fabrication/Kempner                 Newton Center      MA
DNF   166   Laury            Salgway                Onion River Sports                              Montellorent       VT

Men 3                                               58 Starters                                                               20.9 Miles
1     98    Michael          Rea                                                                    Hanover            NH     44:43
2     74    Peter            Chiu                   NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental               Wayland            MA     st
3     112   Jesse            Keough                 Cl Noonan/KAM/Coast to Coast                    Sandwich           MA     st
4     126   Miro             Koulnis                                           Worcester          MA     st
5     82    David            Fierro                 Exodus Road Racing/Pools etc/Brumble Bikes      Uncasville         CT     st
6     76    Chris            Curven                 North Atlantic Velo / ClassBook.Com / Giant / PeWalpole            NH     st
7     127   Guenter          Hofer                                                                  Nashua             NH     st
8     120   Mike             Spangenberg            Battonhill United                               Shaftsbury         VT     st
9     87    Manny            Goguen                 Minuteman Road Club                             Hopedale           MA     st
10    81    Jeffrey          Ferraro                U.S. ARMY/Central Wheel-GHCC                    West Hartford      CT     st
11    121   Glenn            Ferreira               Quad Cycles                                     Somerville         MA     st
12    122   Eric             Silva                  Quad Cycles                                     Somerville         MA     st
13    97    Tom              Prugar                 NorEast Cycling                                 York               ME     st
14    93    Roger            Nichols                minuteman road club                             Sudbury            MA     st
15    94    Ryan             O'Hara                 Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames            Somerville         MA     st
16    73    Ryan             Carney                 NorEast Cycling                                 Enfield            NH     st
17    89    Jeremy           Jo                     QuadCycles                                      Somerville         MA     st
18    128   Morgan           Hiller                 Cl Noonan/KAM/Coast to Coast                    Marion             MA     st
19    79    Paul             Dolan                                                                  New Milford        CT     st
20    123   Ben              Regan                  Travis                                          Brockton           MA     st
21    70    Randy            Ayotte                 portland velo/cyclemania                        Gorham             ME     st
22    85    Andrew           Gardner                                    Ripton             VT     st
23    129   Jeffrey          Dixon                  Southern Maine Cycling                          Windham            ME     st
24    103   Jordan           Sagalowsky                                      Brookline          MA     st
25    108   Mark             Theeman                NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental               Boston             MA     st
26    77    Leo              Desforges              Team BreakAway Boston                           Allston            MA     st
27    101   Mike             Rowell                 NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental               Bedford            MA     st
28    86    Julian           Gent                   NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental               Atkinson           NH     st
29    107   Mark             Suprenant              Team Type 1                                     Milford            NH     st
30    71    Damian           Bolduc                 Flatbread-Otter Creek Cycling                   South Burlington   VT     st
31    96    Jack             Piller                 Team Placid Planet                              Plattsburgh        NY     st
32    115   Anna             McLoon                 Colavita                                        Cambridge          MA     st
33    116   Salvio           Smythe                 XXX Racing                                                         IL     st
34    90    Jared            Katz                   Onion River Sports                              Richmond           VT     st
35    84    Ben              Forbes                 base36base36/smcc/gorhambike                    Portland           ME     at :10
36    100   Joshua           Rosenberg              Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames            Watertown          MA     :13
37    111   Matt             Mainer                 Bliss                                           Hinesburg          VT     :16
38    80    John             Fennel                 International Bicycle/Global                    Somerville         MA     :19
39    119   William          Yabroudy               Quad Fire Racing                                Coventry           RI     st
40    75    Steven           Colangeli              Onion River Sports                              Montpelier         VT     :29
41    91    Joshua           Lehmann                NorEast Cycling                                 Weare              NH     :33
42    114   Seth             Behrends               MIT FXDD                                        Cambridge          MA     :36
43    104   Kyle             Smith                  Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames            South Boston       MA     st
44    124   Scott            Genney                 Berlin Bicycle                                  Durham             CT     :40
45    125   Sven             Lohse                  Everactive                                      Sterling           MA     1:09
DNF   72    Jim              Burke                  NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental               Arlington          MA
DNF   78    John             Dieli                  BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bike ShopsNewton             NH
DNF   83    Robert           Fitzhenry              NHCC/Team NH                                    Madbury            NH
DNF   88    Brant            Hornberger                                        Leominster         MA
DNF   92    Tom              Luther                 NorEast Cycling                                 Durham             NH
DNF   95    Dan              Ouellette              Gamache Cyclery                                 Westminster        MA
DNF   99    Carl             Ring                   NHCC/Team NH                                    Rumney             NH
DNF   102   Duane            Skofield               BOB/shift-stonyfieldfarms-Ariza-goodales        Plaistow           NH
DNF   105   Pete             Smith                  Cambridge Bicycle /              Merrimac           MA
DNF   106   Jordan           Strober                CRCA JrDev/ Orbea                               Yorktown Heights   NY
DNF   109   Sean             Trinque                Union College  KY                               Pascoag            RI
DNF   113   Michael          Norton                 CYCLONAUTS RACERS                               Monson             MA
DNF   117   Devon            Burgess                Idle Times Bike Shop                            Eastham            MA

Men 4                                               74 Starters                                                               22 Miles
1     405   Jim              Breen                  BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bike ShopsByfield            MA     49:14
2     470   David            Hildebrand             CVC/Subaru of New England                       Ellington          CT     st
3     475   Collin           Huston                 Cl Noonan/KAM/Coast to Coast                    Kennebunk          ME     st
4     445   Aaron            Miller                 NorEast Cyling                                  Milford            NH     st
5     454   Jay              Robbins                NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental               Lexington          MA     st
6     458   Timothy          Smith                                                                  Roslindale         MA     st
7     453   Colby            Ricker                 NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental               Somerville         MA     st
8     440   Nicholas         Mashburn               Cambridge Bicycle/Igleheart Frames              Cambridge          MA     st
9     428   Chad             Jolin                  Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                         Old Orchard Beach  ME     st
10    463   Stephen          Wright                 Minuteman Road Club                             Holliston          MA     st
11    455   John             Schwarz                Unattached                                      Cambridge          VT     st
12    438   Michael          Lorion                 Team BreakAway Boston                           Millbury           MA     st
13    411   Matt             D'Alessio              Team BreakAway Boston                           Boston             MA     st
14    404   Stuart           Beaulieu               Essex County Velo                               Salem              MA     st
15    443   Steve            McGrath                NorEast Cycling                                 Portsmouth         NH     st
16    431   David            Kahn                   Yale                                            New Haven          CT     st
17    434   Jean             Lacroix                Onion River Sports                              East-Montpelier    VT     st
18    413   Steve            Dowe                   Unattached                                      Barrington         NH     st
19    461   Mark             White                  GMBC/Catamount                                  Burlington         VT     st
20    430   Joseph           Jussaume               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental               Nashua             NH     st
21    439   Shane            Macdowell              University of New Hampshire                     Lee                NH     st
22    422   George           Hanna                  Claremont Cycle Depot                           Lebanon            NH     st
23    444   Michael          McKittrick             Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames            Cambridge, Ma      MA     st
24    441   Dave             Mazur                  CCB/Volkswagen                                  N. Andover         MA     st
25    407   Matthew          Buckley                Onion River Sports                              East Hardwick      VT     st
26    450   John             Peterson               Blue Hills Cycling Club                         Milton             MA     st
27    451   Chris            Petrillo               CVC/Subaru of New England                       Tariffville        CT     st
28    426   Oscar            Jimenez                NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental               Lowell             MA     st
29    419   Andy             Gould                                                                  Manchester         NH     st
30    472   Joe              Phenix                 Bikeworks/hallamore                             Taunton            MA     st
31    473   Synjen           Marrollo               Blue Hills Cycling Club                         Hanson             MA     st
32    433   Eric             Krivitzky              Penguin Racing                                  Brownsville        VT     st
33    446   Matthew          Miller                 OrganicAthlete                                  Roslindale         MA     st
34    462   Jordan           Winkler                Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames            Cambridge          MA     st
35    435   Adam             Liegner                Unattached                                      Armonk             NY     st
36    448   Andrew           Nasca                  Bikeway                                         Stormville         NY     st
37    416   Nathan           Etchells               Mystic Velo-Connaughty Chiropractic             Sterling           CT     st
38    409   Andrew           Clay                   Phillips Academy                                Wellesley          MA     st
39    459   Liam             Somers                 BASE36 / SMCC                                   Saco               ME     st
40    467   Lance            Coyle                  International/Global                            Weston             MA     st
41    464   Timothy          Young                  NorEast Cycling                                 Hillsborough       NH     st
42    469   Geoff            Martine                NEBC/Cycleloft                                  Watertown          MA     st
43    436   Keith            Loiselle               NHCC                                            Pembroke           NH     st
44    403   Michael          Anikis                                                                 Plainfield         NH     st
45    471   Robert           Vaughan                Start House                                     Sharon             VT     at :22
46    401   Peter            Abdu                   University of New Hampshire                     Hanover            NH     st
47    406   Michael          Brier                  Refunds Now                                     Providence         RI     at one lap
48    402   John             Abrahamsen             Claremont Cycle Depot                           W. Windsor         VT     st
49    466   Douglas          Mead                   CCB                                             West Newbury       MA     st
50    465   Ian              McFarland              Mystic Velo Club/Connaughty Chiropractic        Niantic            CT     st
51    457   Ron              Slaga Jr.              BOB/SHIFT-STONYFIELD FARMS-ARIZA-GOODALES       Haverhill          MA     st
52    442   John             McGrath                NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental               Westford           MA     st
53    414   Michael          Dwyer                  NEBC/Cycle Loft                                 Chelmsford         MA     st
54    420   Leo              Grepin                 Boston Road Club                                Newton             MA     st
55    423   Bob              Hatfield               Bob Cycling-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bike ShopsPlaistow           NH     st
56    460   Danny            Taffe                                                                  Concord            NH     st
57    437   Paul             Lombardi               NorEast Cycling/Fit Werx                        Concord            NH     st
58    425   Herb             Hodgdon                Revolution Cyclery                              Concord            NH     st
59    456   David            Shedd                  Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                         Portland           ME     st
60    418   Michael K        Golay                  Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                         Westbrook          ME     st
61    468   Nestly           Hyppolite                                                              Brockton           MA     st
62    477   Nate             Morse                  Cl Noonan/KAM/Coast to Coast                    Cohasset           MA     st
63    408   Jeffrey          Carney                 NHCC/Team NH MCRA                               Enfield            NH     st
DNF   400   Timothy          Abbott                 NorEast Cycling                                 Concord            NH
DNF   410   Michael          Cook                   Minuteman Road Club                             Blackstone         MA
DNF   412   Semme            Dijkstra               NHCC/Team NH                                    Nottingham         NH
DNF   415   Julian           Eliz Iii               Team BreakAway Boston                           Brighton           MA
DNF   417   Tommy            Goguen                 Minuteman Road Club                             Hopedale           MA
DNF   427   James            Johnson                Portland Velo Club                              Hallowell          ME
DNF   429   James            Jones                  Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                         Scarborough        ME
DNF   432   Martin           Kemp                   MRC                                             Dedham             MA
DNF   449   Kevin            Perron                 Bradford Networks                               Concord            NH
DNF   474   David            Smallword              BRC                                             Blighton           MA
DNF   476   Mark             Lescault               Gearworks                                       Swansea            MA

Women 4                                             11 Starters                                                               20.9 Miles
1     180   Elle             Anderson               Onion River Sports                              Stowe              VT     54:27
2     190   Meredith         Ehn                    North Atlantic Velo                             Albany             NY     at :12
3     183   Justine          Levasseur              Dynamiks de Contrecoeur                         Contrecoeur        PQ     :26
4     182   Edith            Levasseur              Dynamiks de Contrecoeur                         Contrecoeur        PQ     :34
5     191   Natalia          Gardiol                MIT                                             Cambridge          MA     :47
6     186   Katherine        Snell                  NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental               Nashua             NH     2:22
7     187   Loraine          Warner                 NEBC                                            N. Andover         MA     at one lap
8     185   Elizabeth        Shope                  Harvard University Cycling Association          Cambridge          MA     at two laps
9     184   Kathy            Martin                 NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental               Watertown          MA     st
10    188   Corey            Dowe                   NHCC                                            Barrington         NH     st
DNF   189   Elizabeth        White                  NEBC                                            Bedford            NH

Junior 10-14                                        12 Starters                                                               6.6 Miles
1     554   Tommy            Goguen                 Minuteman Road Club                             Hopedale           MA     17:07
2     558   Eric             Newbury                Green Mountain Bicycle Club                     Fairfield          VT     at :06
3     553   Peter            Goguen                 Minuteman Road Club                             Hopedale           MA     :35
4     560   Elizabeth        White                  NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental               Bedford            NH     :45
5     559   Aaron            Prugar                 NorEast Cycling                                 York               ME     1:43
6     555   Ben              Lescault               Gear Works                                      Swansea            MA     1:53
7     550   Emily            Curley                 Gearworks/Spinarts                              Taunton            MA     st
8     557   Nicholas         Naimie                 Sunapee/S&W Racing Team                         Sunapee            NH     at one lap
9     561   Jacob            Dowe                   NHCC                                            Barrington         NH     st
10    551   Nolan            Garon                                                                  Dunstable          MA     st
11    556   Alexander        Marzot                 NEBC/Cycle Loft                                 Concord            MA     st
12    552   Victoria         Gates                  unattached                                      Fitchburg          MA     st

Junior 15-18                                        7 Starters                                                                16.5 Miles
1     578   Joshua           Lehmann                NorEast Cycling                                 Weare              NH     41:45
2     576   Manny            Goguen                 Minuteman Road Club                             Hopedale           MA     st
3     579   Ian              McFarland              Mystic Velo Club/Connaughty Chiropractic        Niantic            CT     st
4     581   Douglas          Mead                   CCB                                             West Newbury       MA     st
5     575   Nathan           Etchells               Mystic Velo-Connaughty Chiropractic             Sterling           CT     st
6     580   Anson            Ross                   quinebaug valley velo                           Plainfield         CT     st
7     582   Garrett          Naimie                 Sunapee/S&W Racing Team                         York               ME     at three laps

Master 35+                                          70 Starters                                                               22 Miles
1     264   William          Yabroudy               Quadfire Racing                                 Coventry           RI     44:58
2     226   Ciaran           Mangan                 CCB/Volkswagen                                  Brighton           MA     at :07
3     262   Patrick          Ruane                  Sunapee / S &W Racing Team /Continental Paving  Webster            NH     :12
4     268   Paul             Curley                 Gearworks                                       Taunton            MA     :40
5     231   Michael          Norton                 Cyclonauts Racers                               Monson             MA     st
6     207   Peter            Brennan                New England Masters Elite                       Hudson             NH     st
7     249   Keith            Ford                   Sunapee / S &W Racing Team /Continental Paving  Enfield            NH     st
8     265   John             Grenier                BOB Cycling                                     Lewiston           ME     st
9     211   Paul             Denis                  SMCC/Base36/gorham bike                         Fairfield          ME     st
10    240   Duane            Skofield               BOB/shift-stonyfieldfarms-Ariza-goodales        Plaistow           NH     st
11    228   Christopher      Naimie                 Sunapee/S&W Sports/Continental Paving Racing TeaSunapee            NH     st
12    221   Carl             Hitchcock              Portland Velo Club (PVC)                        Portland           ME     st
13    244   Mark             Suprenant              Team Type 1                                     Milford            NH     st
14    266   Michael          Spangenberg            Battonhill United                               Shaftsbury         VT     st
15    209   Steven           Colangeli              Onion River Sports                              Montpelier         VT     st
16    246   Spencer          Yates                  International Christian Cycling Club            Proctor            VT     st
17    259   Christopher      Dale                   NBX Narragansett                                North Kingston     RI     st
18    256   John             McGill                 Onion River Sports                              Montpelier         VT     st
19    254   Arthur           Rober                  Onion River Sports                              Sharon             VT     st
20    222   Brant            Hornberger                                        Leominster         MA     st
21    212   John             Dieli                  BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bike ShopsNewton             NH     st
22    248   Bruce            Bell                   GMBC/Catamount                                  Stowe              VT     st
23    208   Jim              Burke                  NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental               Arlington          MA     st
24    206   Jim              Breen                  BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bike ShopsByfield            MA     st
25    260   Jim              Peter                  NBX Narragansett                                North Kingston     RI     st
26    224   Jean             Lacroix                Onion River Sports                              East-Montpelier    VT     st
27    232   Fabio            Piergentili            New England Masters Elite                       Andover            MA     st
28    236   Mike             Rowell                 NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental               Bedford            MA     st
29    261   Christofer       Dale                   Sunapee / S &W Racing Team /Continental Paving  Concord            NH     st
30    203   Curtis           Boivin                 Refunds Now                                     Providence         RI     st
31    118   Murat            Altinbasak             Millwork One Racing/                 West Warwick       RI     st
32    238   Ted              Shanstrom              Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team                         Wakefield          RI     st
33    269   Thom             Norton                 Corner Cycle                                    Concord            MA     st
34    263   Wayne            Santos                 BOB Cycling                                     Barnsted           NH     st
35    241   Timothy          Smith                                                                  Roslindale         MA     st
36    214   Brad             Ek                     NHCC/Team NH                                    Concord            NH     st
37    223   Jared            Katz                   Onion River Sports                              Richmond           VT     st
38    251   Paul             Poisson                                                                Montpelier         VT     st
39    233   Forest           Reid                   North Atlantic Velo/  New Hampton        NH     st
40    219   Craig            Harrison               Sunapee/S&W/Continental Paving Racing Team      Bartlett           NH     st
41    235   Steve            Roszko                                            Northampton        MA     st
42    225   Brian            Linscott               Linscott Real Estate Racing                     South Portland     ME     st
43    227   Ian              Modestow                                          Florence           MA     st
44    271   Jonathan         Lowenstein             NBX Narragansett                                North Kingston     RI     st
45    247   Ben              Forbes                 Base 36 - SMCC                                  Portland           ME     st
46    258   Carl             Ring                   NHCC/Team NH                                    Rumney             NH     st
47    213   Tim              Dodd                   NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental               Westford           MA     st
48    253   Martin           Lasall                                                                 Cobalt             CT     st
49    237   William          Sawyer                 Gearworks - Spinarts                            Arlington          MA     st
50    245   Mark             Thompson               Sunapee/S&W/Continental Paving                  Nashua             NH     st
51    257   Mark             White                  GMBC/Catamount                                  Burlington         VT     st
52    272   Frank            Jennings               Gearworks                                       Edgartown          MA     :55
53    215   Chad             Empey                  IE Bikes                                        Laquinta           CA     st
54    252   Robert           Bisson                 Mid State Cycling Club                          Fall River         MA     st
55    255   Scott            Harding                Onion River Sports                              Rutland            VT     :57
56    205   Eric             Brassell                                                               Arlington          MA     1:23
57    217   Robert           Fitzhenry              NHCC/Team NH                                    Madbury            NH     1:33
58    202   Joel             Biederman              Cyclonauts Racers                               Suffield           CT     1:35
59    239   Timothy          Shea                   BOB/Shift-Stonyfield Farm-Ariza-Goodales        Amherst            NH     1:39
60    201   Michael          Anikis                                                                 Plainfield         NH     at one lap
61    234   Tom              Stevens                Gear Works/Spin Arts                            Lancaster          MA     st
DNF   210   Chris            Coutu                  MetLife p/b                           Upton              MA
DNF   216   James            Fitzgerald             CCB/Volkswagen                                  Georgetown         MA
DNF   220   Timothy          Heffner                Noreast Cycling                                 Concord            NH
DNF   229   James            Nash                   CCB Volkswagen                                  North Hampton      NH
DNF   230   Paul             Niehoff                SMCC                                            Westbrook          ME
DNF   242   Adam             Sternfield             Millwork One Racing/                 Brookline          MA
DNF   250   Paul             Hoisington             Sunapee / S &W Racing Team /Continental Paving  Hanover            NH
DNF   267   Mark             Lescault               Gearworks                                       Swansea            MA
DNF   270   Stephen          Wester                 Gearworks                                       New Bedford        MA

Master 45+                                          58 Starters                                                               22 Miles
1     356   Peter            Megdal                 Noreast                                         Acton              MA     47:38
2     304   Paul             Curley                 Gearworks/Spinarts                              Taunton            MA     at :02
3     328   James            Nash                   CCB Volkswagen                                  North Hampton      NH     st
4     317   John             Grenier                BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farms-Goodale's Bike ShopLewiston           ME     st
5     339   Tom              Stevens                Gear Works/Spin Arts                            Lancaster          MA     st
6     357   Steven           Gauthier                                                               Nashua             NH     st
7     341   Brian            Wolf                   Bethel Cycle                                    Ridgefield         CT     st
8     319   Karl             Hambrecht              CCB/Volkswagen                                  West Newbury       MA     st
9     337   Duane            Skofield               BOB/shift-stonyfieldfarms-Ariza-goodales        Plaistow           NH     st
10    309   Tim              Dodd                   NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental               Westford           MA     st
11    327   Christopher      Naimie                 Sunapee/S&W Sports/Continental Paving Racing TeaSunapee            NH     st
12    347   Ted              Hicks                  Flatbread                                       Middlebury         VT     st
13    331   Gene             Petrella               360 Racing/Landry's                             North Andover      MA     st
14    343   Samuel           Morse                                                                  Cohasset           MA     st
15    305   Mark             Czarnecki              Laurel BC/ ATTY Edeen/TnT Expense Mgmnt         Guilford           CT     st
16    308   Jeffrey          Dixon                  Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                         Windham            ME     st
17    322   Jonathan         Johnson                BIKE WORKS /HALLAMORE                           Attleboro          MA     st
18    307   Paul             Denis                  SMCC/Base36/gorham bike                         Fairfield          ME     st
19    335   Ted              Shanstrom              Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team                         Wakefield          RI     st
20    342   Steven           Lavoie                 NHCC                                            Concord            NH     st
21    344   Bruce            Bell                   Green Mountain Bicycle Club                     Stowe              VT     st
22    320   Craig            Harrison               Sunapee/S&W/Continental Paving Racing Team      Bartlett           NH     st
23    333   Wayne            Santos                 BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bike ShopsBarnstead          NH     st
24    324   Brian            Linscott               Linscott Real Estate Racing                     South Portland     ME     st
25    352   Thomas           Luther                 Noreast                                         Durham             NH     st
26    315   Steve            Fortier                Putney/West Hill                                Alstead            NH     st
27    302   Jay              Clausen                Sunapee/S&W Sports/Continental Paving Racing TeaNew London         NH     st
28    330   Tom              Officer                Cycle Fitness                                   Litchfield         CT     st
29    329   Paul             Niehoff                SMCC                                            Westbrook          ME     st
30    332   Jeff             Ritchie                Green Mountain Bicycle Club                     Williston          VT     st
31    334   William          Sawyer                 Gearworks - Spinarts                            Arlington          MA     st
32    349   Frank            Jennings               Gearworks                                       Edgartown          MA     st
33    314   David            Foley                  BOB-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bike Shops        N. Easton          MA     st
34    340   Mark             Thompson               Sunapee/S&W/Continental Paving                  Nashua             NH     st
35    355   Michael          Lovell                 Sunapee/S&W Racing Team                         Groydon            NH     at :25
36    313   James            Fitzgerald             CCB/Volkswagen                                  Georgetown         MA     :33
37    300   Bob              Bisson                 Gear Works/Spin Arts                            Fall River         MA     :37
38    326   Eric             Marro                  BOB/Shift-Stonyfield Farm-Ariza-Goodales        Nashua             NH     :43
39    354   Keith            Ford                   Sunapee/S&W Racing Team                         Enfield            NH     st
40    312   Gary             Evans                  Sunapee / S &W Racing Team /Continental Paving  Boscawen           NH     st
41    336   Timothy          Shea                   BOB/Shift-Stonyfield Farm-Ariza-Goodales        Amherst            NH     :51
42    310   Chuck            Dopfel                 NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental               Wayland            MA     at one lap
43    321   Bob              Hatfield               Bob Cycling-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bike ShopsPlaistow           NH     st
44    316   Richard          Froh                   Mystic Velo Club                                Mystic             CT     st
45    311   Andrew           Eills                  NHCC/Team NH                                    Concord            NH     st
DNF   301   Chris            Brewer                                            Woolwich           ME
DNF   303   Thomas           Cormier                Stonyfield Farms/BOBCYCLING/Goodales            Derry              NH
DNF   306   Alfredo          Delucia                Bikeworks/hallamore                             Providence         RI
DNF   318   Neil             Hall                   Union velo -                       Lakeville          MA
DNF   323   Colin            Kernan                 Missing Link Bicycle Club                       Hingham            MA
DNF   325   Paul             Lombardi               NorEast Cycling/Fit Werx                        Concord            NH
DNF   338   Graydon          Stevens                Portland Velo                                   Cape Elizabeth     ME
DNF   345   Stephen          Ivester
DNF   348   Gene             Garneau                Bikeworks                                       Attleboro          MA
DNF   350   Chris            Burke                  Bikeworks                                       Pawtucket          RI
DNF   351   Andrew           Vankuren               MainLine                                        Manchester         NH
DNF   353   Paul             Horsington             Sunapee/S&W Racing Team                         Hanover            NH
DNF   358   Skip             Foley                  360 Racing/Landry's                                                MA

Master 55+                                          21 Starters                                                               15.4 Miles
1     502   Chip             Berezny                Bike Line / LWA                                 Easton             PA     39:17
2     506   Mark             Hagen                  CCB/Volkswagen                                  Natick             MA     st
3     513   Graydon          Stevens                Portland Velo                                   Cape Elizabeth     ME     st
4     501   Larry            Barbaras               Boston Road Club                                Brookline          MA     st
5     503   Mieczyslaus      Burzynski              B.O.B.Stonyfield Farms Goodale's Bike           Newburyport        MA     st
6     516   Michael          Theroux                Claremont Cycle Depot                           Claremont          NH     at :11
7     510   Michael          Miller                 Masters Velo Club/MCRA                          Middletown         RI     st
8     519   Hunt             Barrows                                                                Peterboro          NH     st
9     514   Al               Stewart                NHCC/TeamNH                                     Manchester         NH     st
10    518   James            Owers                  NHCC                                            Concord            NH     st
11    508   David            Holmander              NHCC/Team NH/MCRA                               Epsom              NH     st
12    515   James            Themig                 Mystic Velo MCRA                                Niantic            CT     st
13    504   Norman           Gill                   N'orEast Cycling                                Hooksett           NH     st
14    509   Arthur           Leblanc                Sunapee/S&W Racing Team                         Pembroke           NH     st
15    507   Steven           Heath                  Masters Velo Club                               Woonsocket         RI     at one lap
16    511   Garabed          Minasian               BOB cycling/stoneyfield /goodales               Nashua             NH     st
17    512   Larry            Stachowiak             CCB/Volkswagen                                  Lynn               MA     at two laps
18    505   Vincent          Donohue                worcester cycling club                          Worcester          MA     at three laps
DNF   500   Timothy          Ainsworth              NHCC                                            Loudon             NH
DNF   517   John             Valavane               NHCC/TEAM-NH                                    Candia             NH
DNF   520   Donovan          Freeman                NHCC                                            Andover            NH

Master 65+                                          7 Starters                                                                16.5 Miles
1     533   Ed               Lang                   NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental               Lincoln            MA     39:39
2     534   Richard          Martin                 Masters Velo                                    Attleboro          MA     st
3     535   Kaarel           Piirand                NHCC/Team N.H.                                  Manchester         NH     2:20
4     536   Robert           Wilson                 NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental               Stow               MA     st
5     532   Annette          Kennedy                NEBC/cycleloft/Devonshire Dental-MCRA           Winchester         MA     2:31
6     531   June             Froh                   Mystic Velo Club                                Mystic             CT     st
7     530   Fioravante       Bares                  NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental/MCRA          Winchester         MA     at one lap