Results » Road » 2008

NCC 10th Tour of the Hilltowns

Windsor, MA

Saturday, July 26, 2008

NCC 10th Tour of the Hilltowns Presented by Northampton Cycling Club Windsor, MA Saturday, July 26, 2008

Results Courtesy of 

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Pro 1/2/3       96 miles     66               starters
Place   Time    First Name   Last Name        Team                                    City                 State MA Championships
1       3:56:36 Edward       King             Bissell Pro Cycling Team                Brentwood            NH
2       st      Jake         Hollenbach       CCB/Volkswagen                          Shelburne            VT
3       st      Phil         GAIMAN           FiordiFrutta                            Gainesville          FL
4       st      Jonathan     Chodroff         CRCA/Empire Cycling Team                Kennet Square        PA
5       0:02:13 Robbie       King             Rite Aid p/b Shebell & Shebell          Brentwood            NH
6       0:03:25 Hayden       Brooks           FiordiFrutta                            Darling Heights      UNK
7       0:06:52 Dan          Cassidy          CCB                                     Burlington           VT
8       0:07:02 William      Dugan            CCB/Volkswagen                          Burlington           VT
9       st      AIDAN        CHARLES          NERAC                                   MIDDLETOWN           CT
10      0:08:28 Adam         Sullivan         Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team              North Kingstown      RI
11      st      roger        aspholm          Westwood Velo                           haworth              NJ
12      0:09:40 Alex         Bremer           CRCA/Empire Cycling Team                New York             NY
13      0:09:46 Jason        Baer             Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team              Burlington           VT
14      0:10:42 Michael      Mathis           CRCA/Empire Cycling Team                Rochester            NY
15      0:11:46 Gregory      Battista         Team Metra/Wendy's/Ideal Tile           Toms River           NJ
16      0:12:31 ALEC         DONAHUE          NERAC                                   HADLEY               MA    Gold
17      0:12:44 Anders       Newbury          Hot Tubes Junior Development            Fairfield            VT
18      0:14:06 Toby         Marzot           Fiordifrutta                            Hanover              NH
19      st      Jonathan     Awerbuch         NorEast                                 Hanover              NH
20      0:14:15 ERIC         Tremble          Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team              Jericho              VT
21      st      Alister      Ratcliff         Fiordifrutta                            Durango              CO
22      0:16:59 AMOS         BRUMBLE          CCB/Volkswagen                          WESTERLY             RI
23      0:17:41 Lee          Rosenthal        Targetraining                           Durango              CO
24      0:18:42 PETER        BRADSHAW         NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental       BOSTON               MA    Silver
25      0:19:05 Scott        Dolmat-Connell   MetLife p/b                   Princeton            MA    Bronze
26      0:19:25 John         McGill           Onion RIver Sports                      Montpelier           VT
27      0:19:38 Robert       LaRocco          CVC/Subaru of New England               Manchester           CT
28      st      william      nowak                                                    Guilford             CT
29      0:20:54 Austin       Roach            Princeton University Cycling            Princeton            NJ
30      0:21:57 Christopher  Hong             Kelly Benefit Strategies/LSV Amateur CycLutherville          MD
31      0:22:19 Kyle         Peppo            CRCA/Jonathan Adler Racing              New York             NY
32      0:23:08 Todd         Cassan           Westwood Velo                           NYC                  NY
33      0:24:13 TODD         ROWELL           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental       ARLINGTON            MA
34      0:25:01 Peter        Shapiro          NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental       Cranston             RI
35      st      Jason        Beerman          Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team              Allston              MA
36      st      Morgan       MacLeod          Mechanical Services/CycleMania          Orrs Island          ME
37      0:35:05 J Gabriel    Lloyd            TARGETRAINING U-25                      New York City        NY
38      st      Adam         Carr             Colavita Racing New England             Colchester           VT
39      0:40:58 Duncan       McGovern         NorEast Cycling                         Peterborough         NH
40      0:42:08 Brendan      Cornett          Mechanical Services/CycleMania          Brunswich            ME
41      st      Shawn        Forsythe         ccb/volkswagon                          Westerly             RI
42      st      JAMES        DRISCOLL         Fiordifrutta                            JERICHO              VT
43      0:43:33 Christopher  Kohnle           CCNS/Pedal Power                        Glastonbury          CT
44      st      Massimiliano Accaputo         CVC Subaru of New England               Glastonbury          CT
45      0:44:44 Gregg        Galletta         CRCA - Merrill Lynch/Hincapie Sports    New York             NY
46      0:46:23 Ryan         Kelly            NorEast Cycling                         Dover                NH
47      1:07:10 Ryan         O'Hara           Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames    Somerville           MA
dsq     dsq     Emerson      Oronte           CLNoonan/KAM/Coast to Coast             Cohasset             MA

Women Pro/1/2/3 56 miles     27               starters
Place   Time    First Name   Last Name        Team                                    City                 State
1       2:43:11 Anna         McLoon           Colavita Racing Inc.                    Cambridge            MA    Gold
2       st      KATHLEEN     BILLINGTON       Connecticut Coast Cycling               NORWALK              CT
3       st      Silke        Wunderwald       Independent Fabrication/Kempner         Stonington           CT
4       st      Ann Marie    Miller           CRCA Sanchez-Metro                      New York             NY
5       st      Kathryn      Bertine          St. Kitts and Nevis Cycling Federation  Tucson               AZ
6       st      Clara        Kelly            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental       North Andover        MA    Silver
7       st      Elena        Leznik           CRCA/Radical Media                      Fort Lee             NJ
8       st      Rae          Brownsberger     Stanford University Cycling             Stanford             CA
9       0:00:09 Kristen      Gohr             Colavita Racing Inc.                    Reading              MA    Bronze
10      st      Mary         Zider            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental       Weston               MA
11      0:07:40 Margaret     Shirley          CRCA Radical Media                      New York             NY
12      st      Debony       Diehl            SUNAPEE/S&W                             Jackson              NH
13      st      Karin        Holmes           CCB/Volkswagen                          Beverly              MA
14      st      sally        annis            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental       Nashua               NH
15      0:10:06 Rebecca      Wellons          NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental       Woburn               MA
16      st      Rose         Long             UVM Cycling                             Burlington           VT
17      st      Sue          Kuenstner        Cafeteros Cycling Club                  Greenwich            CT
18      st      Brenda       Bahnson          Independent Fabrication/Kempner         Great Barrington     MA
19      st      MARYANN      DONNELLY         Unattached                              WARWICK              RI
20      0:14:17 Arielle      Filiberti                                                Hanover              NH
21      0:16:50 Hannah       Kirshner         Bikeworks/Hallamore                     Providence           RI
22      0:17:36 ANNA         MILKSOWSKI       ADVIL-CHAPSTICK                         NEW HAVEN            CT
23      0:20:27 Carol        Becht            Team Bikery                             boonton              NJ
24      0:21:53 HOPE         STRODE           CAMBRIDGE BICYCLES                      BOSTON               MA
25      st      Susanne      Delaney          NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental       Portsmouth           NH
26      0:35:22 EVE          MCNEILL          SUNAPEE/S&W                             WEST LEBANON         NH

Men Cat 3       56 miles     84               starters
Place   Time    First Name   Last Name        Team                                    City                 State
1       2:25:38 Chris        Laflamme         Base 36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                Westbrook            ME
2       st      Eric         Phaneuf          Sterling Realty, LTD                    Stowe                VT
3       st      David        Costa            Watchung Wheelmen                       Roselle Park         NJ
4       st      DYLAN        MCNICHOLAS       NorEast Cycling                         STRATHAM             NH
5       st      Greg         Olsen            CRCA/Jonathan Adler Racing              NY                   NY
6       st      David        Fierro           Exodus Road Racing/Pools etc/Brumble Bikuncasville           CT
7       st      Jim          Komarmi          Flatbread - Ottercreek Cycling          Waitsfield           VT
8       st      jon          bernhard         CCB/Volkswagen                          newburyport          MA    Gold
9       st      James        Combs            Boston Road Club                        Cambridge            MA    Silver
10      st      patrick      clifford         BICYCLE DEPOT,New Paltz, NY             new paltz            NY
11      st      GREG         CIOCCI           KELTIC/ZANES                            NEW HAVEN            CT
12      st      Louis        Donato           GS Park Ridge/Cyclesport                Airmont              NY
13      st      Matt         Muney            Connecticut Coast Cycling               Darien               CT
14      st      christopher  chaput           CRCA                                    Brooklyn             NY
15      st      James        Conopask         Unattached                              Southport            CT
16      st      MATT         MAINEN           BLISS                                   NIWSBARG             VT
17      st      DANIEL       WATTS            CAMBRIDGE BICYCLES                      BOSTON               MA    Bronze
18      st      steve        francisco        North Atlantic Velo/            VT
19      st      Paul         Lynch            CLNoonan/KAM/Coast to Coast             Colchester           CT
20      st      matt         boobar           SRAM                                    plymouth             NH
21      st      Brett        Cleaver          Sommerville Sports                      Brooklyn             NY
22      st      Patrick      Bonis            Cycle Fitness                           South Kent           CT
23      0:00:59 john         broussard        NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental       wilmington           MA
24      0:01:26 Nick         Pignatello       Exodus Road Racing                      Griswold             CT
25      0:01:47 Owen         Pope                                                     Colchester           VT
26      st      Tron         Witt             CRCA/Jonathan Adler Racing              New York             NY
27      0:02:24 Greg         Werner                       Quincy               MA
28      0:03:02 Leo          Desforges        Team BreakAway Boston                   allston              MA
29      0:03:19 Jack         Piller           Team Placid Planet                      Plattsburgh          NY
30      0:03:27 Christopher  Reidy                                                    West Lebanon         NH
31      st      Laurence     Merling                                                  Branford             CT
32      0:03:42 Brian        Tompkins         CCNS/Pedal Power                        Newington            CT
33      st      Christopher  Bailey           Boston Road Club                        Norfolk              MA
34      st      Peter        Chiu             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental       New York             NY
35      0:03:52 Matthew      Theodore               Mashpee              MA
36      st      Joel         Biederman        Cyclonauts Racers                       Suffield             CT
37      st      Miro         Koulnis                             Worcester            MA
38      st      Andrew       Krulewitz        Cyclonauts Racers                       Granby               MA
39      st      ESPEN        KATERAS          WESTWOOD CYCLE                          WASHINGTON           DC
40      st      DAMIAN       BOLDUC           Flatbread-Otter Creek Cycling           SOUTH BURLINGTON     VT
41      st      TODD         ROBERT           NEW ENGLAND BIKE                        EASTHAMPTON          MA
42      st      Joseph       Regan            TARGETRAINING                           Putnam Valley        NY
43      st      RADAMES      PARISSI          CAFETEROS CYCLING CLUB                  CLIFTON              NJ
44      st      timothy      collins          CRCA/Jonathan Adler Racing              brooklyn             NY
45      0:05:01 Andrew       Grabarek         CCC- Keltic                             Clinton              CT
46      0:05:28 Brendan      Meryman          Team NH/NHCC                            Holderness           NH
47      st      Ernest       Tautkus          Exodus Road Racing                      UNCASVILLE           CT
48      0:07:08 KEITH        SNYDER           KISSENA                                 BROOKLYN             NY
49      0:07:42 keith        button           noreast cycling                         nottingham           NH
50      0:08:10 unknown      rider
51      0:09:01 Mark         Dakoulas         North Atlantic Velo/Classbook/Giant/PedrHartland             VT
52      0:09:30 Evan         Cooper           CRCA Jr.Dev.                            Closter              NY
53      0:10:21 GLENN        FERREIRA         QUADCYCLES                              SOMERVILLE           MA
54      0:10:43 Erik         Markewich        Windham Mountain Outfitters             Stephentown          NY
55      st      Daniel       Boozan           North Atlantic Velo/ClassBook.Com/Giant/Burlington           VT
56      0:11:27 Joshua       Rosenberg        Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames    Watertown            MA
57      st      Alex         Dossin           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental       Chelmsford           MA
58      0:11:52 Ryan         Carney           NorEast Cycling                         Enfield              NH
59      st      jesse        chebot           Team IBC/ Global                        Newton               MA
60      st      Calvin       Smythe           xXx Racing/AthletiCo                    Swanzey              NH
61      0:12:40 Jamie        Pelletier        INCLINE TRAINING                        East Longmeadow      MA
62      0:13:19 Frank        Vigna            HVVC                                    New Paltz            NY
63      st      Sean         Langford         CCB/Volkswagen                          Middleton            MA
64      0:14:16 MIKE         NADEAU           NEW ENGLAND BIKE                        MONTGOMERY           MA
65      0:14:31 Sergey       shteyn           NYSketches/TVC                          Binghamton           NY
66      0:17:21 DEVON        BURGESS          IDLE TIME BIKE SHOP                     EASTH..N             MA
67      st      KEITH        GAUVIN           CYCLONAUTS                              ELLINGTON            CT
68      0:19:58 Mark         Theeman          NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental       Boston               MA
69      0:20:10 mark         fontanilla       Liberty Cycle                           east hanover         NJ
70      0:21:20 GREG         BROWN            NEBC/CYCLELOFT                          BOSTON               MA
71      st      joe          rodrigues        Cyclonauts                              longmeadow           MA
72      0:21:54 DAN          MULLEN           Minuteman Road Club                     SUDBURY              MA
73      0:30:55 Nathaniel    Herz             Portland Velo Club/MSC-DT               Brunswick            ME
74      0:33:16 MORGAN       HILLER           CL Noonan / Coat to Coast / KAM         MARION               MA
75      0:43:30 ERNEST       TAUTKUS          Exodus Road Racing
76      0:44:34 Steven       Hopengarten      North Atlantic Velo/              MA

Women Cat 3/4   56 miles     21               starters
Place   Time    First Name   Last Name        Team                                    City                 State
1       2:51:38 evelyn       stevens          CRCA / Avenue A Razorfish               new york             NY
2       st      ashley       prine            CRCA/Radical Media                      brooklyn             NY
3       0:04:09 Lizette      Bolanos-Nauth    International Bicycle/Global            Arlington            MA    Gold
4       0:07:23 Corinne      Karmiel          CRCA/ NY Velocity                       Brooklyn             NY
5       0:08:12 Julie        Lefebvre         International Bicycle/Global            Somerville           MA    Silver
6       0:08:20 EDIE         PERKINS          KISSENA                                 BROOKLYN             NY
7       0:08:26 susanna      piller           team placid planet                      plattsburgh          NY
8       0:09:44 Kylin        Lee              NCC                                     Amherst              MA    Bronze
9       0:10:19 lisa         force            CRCA/comedy central-sid's bikes         Jersey City          NJ
10      0:12:42 Colleen      Conway           CRCA / Avenue A | Razorfish Cycling     New York             NY
11      st      AMANDA       BRAVERMAN        BLOCK ISLAND SPORT                      WASHINGTON           CT
12      st      Katherine    Papillon         CVC/Subaru of New England               Tariffville          CT
13      0:13:44 Jacquelyn    Cilley                                                   West Newton          MA
14      st      Beth         Hanrahan         Boston College Cycling                  Chestnut Hill        MA
15      0:16:44 Elizabeth    McAlpin          CRCA/Metro Sanchez                      New York             NY
16      st      Sheila       O'Mahony         CRCA/Sanchez Metro                      New York             NY
17      0:21:29 NATALIA      GARDIOL          MIT CYCLING                             CAMBRIDGE            MA
18      0:22:17 Michele      Harrison         NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental       Beverly              MA
19      0:26:56 Lauren       Zucker           CRCA / Avenue A | Razorfish Cycling     New York             NY
20      0:28:16 Lindsey      Paluska          CRCA/NYVelocity                         Brooklyn             NY

Cat 4           56 miles     98               starters
Place   Time    First Name   Last Name        Team                                    City                 State
1       2:28:53 Matt         Cuttler          CRCA/Affinity Cycles                    Plainview            NY
2       st      eric         weinrich         portland velo-cycle-mania               yarmouth             ME
3       st      MIchael      Boardman                                                 New York             NY
4       st      John         Nobile                                                   Fairfield            CT
5       st      Ryan         Short            TEAM PLACID PLANET                      Lake Placid          NY
6       st      Matthew      Spaits           Boston Road Club!                       Somerville           MA    Gold
7       st      Chris        Butler           Epic Velo / Cheshire Cycle              Meriden              CT
8       st      Colby        Ricker           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental       Somerville           MA    Silver
9       st      Evan         Huff             New England Bike                        Russell              MA    Bronze
10      st      Shane        Buker            Harvard University Cycling Association  Jamaica Plain        MA
11      0:01:32 Cory         Johannessen      Harvard University Cycling              Roslindale           MA
12      st      Torbjorn     Phillpotts       Quad Cycles                             Medford              MA
13      st      Shane        Moran            Westwood Velo                           Piermont             NY
14      0:01:47 patrick      campbell         Westwood Velo/Trade Manage Capital      midland park         NJ
15      0:02:00 Steeve       Breton           Everactive-Workers CompSolutions        Natick               MA
16      st      Eric         Krivitzky        Penguin Racing                          Brownsville          VT
17      0:02:37 Nicholas     Petterssen       Onion River Sports                      Plainfield           VT
18      0:04:53 Christopher  Gagne            Boston Road Club                        Arlington            MA
19      0:05:30 Jeffrey      Kozlowski        Pursuit Fitness                         East Lyme            CT
20      st      david        hildebrand       CVC/Subaru of New England               Ellington            CT
21      st      Todd         Jakubek          Colavita Racing Inc.                    Concord              MA
22      st      ROBERT       CARMEN           TEAM NEW ENGLAND BICYCLE                SIMSBURY             CT
23      0:05:39 Rob          McHardy          Benidorm Bikes/Eastern Bloc             West Hartford        CT
24      st      John         Starvish         Boston Road Club                        Boston               MA
25      st      Ian          Whittle          NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental       Jamacia Plain        MA
26      st      Jeff         Johnson          Battenkill-United/      Bennington           VT
27      st      Ed           Ting             NEBC/Cycle Loft                         Amherst              NH
28      st      John         Cutler           CRCA                                    Astoria              NY
29      st      Radu         Jianu            Refunds Now                             Medford              MA
30      st      Matt         D'Alessio        Team BreakAway Boston                   Boston               MA
31      st      Michael      Hamilton         MIT Cycling/FXDD                        Somerville           MA
32      st      neal         heffron          Boston Road Club                        brookline            MA
33      st      bryon        lewis            Colavita Racing Inc.                    monson               MA
34      0:07:40 Sean         Kennedy          Incline Training                        South Deerfield      MA
35      st      synjen       marrocco         Blue Hills Cycling Club                 hanson               MA
36      st      Lance        Coyle            INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE CENTERS           Barre                VT
37      st      Jason        Moriarty         Colavita Racing Inc.                    Stafford             CT
38      st      George       Mastrogiannis    CRCA/Sanchez-Metro                      Woodside             NY
39      st      Ben          Hughes           CRCA/Merrill Lynch-Hincapie Sports      New York             NY
40      st      Michael      McKittrick       Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames    Brighton             MA
41      st      Jay          Vincent          Cycle Center Racing                     Bethel               CT
42      st      Justin       Tyberg           Bethel Cycle                            Mahopac              NY
43      st      Mark         Rancourt         noreast cycling                         Belmont              NH
44      st      Chaney       Becker                                                   Westport             MA
45      st      Evan         Kirk             Mystic Velo Jr Connaughty Chiropractic  Old Lyme             CT
46      st      Niko         Triantafillou    CRCA/Avenue A | Razorfish Cycling       New York             NY
47      0:08:44 Seth         Haskell          BBCRT                                   Northport            ME
48      0:09:14 Carlos       Martinez                    Woodhaven            NY
49      st      Collin       Huston           CLNoonan/KAM/Coast to Coast             Kennebunk            MA
50      0:09:14 sebastian    dunn             CVC/Subaru of New England               middletown           CT
51      0:10:01 David        Richman          CRCA/OrganicAthlete                     New York             NY
52      st      James        Johnson          Portland Velo Club                      Hallowell            ME
53      st      ALWIN        wINKLER          Battenkill/United                       sALEM                NY
54      st      Todd         Brilliant        CRCA/Setanta                            New York             NY
55      0:11:19 Crosby       Nordblom         NHCC                                    Holderness           NH
56      0:13:26 Callum       Ingram                                                   Putney               VT
57      0:14:13 Gregory      Berks                                                    Medfield             MA
58      0:14:28 Joseph       Ficara           Minuteman Road Club                     Shrewsbury           MA
59      st      Harry        Poole                                                    yarmouth             ME
60      st      Connor       Cushman          Portland Velo Club                      Portland             ME
61      s       Geoff        Martin           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental       Watertown            MA
62      st      Julian       Eliz III         Team BreakAway Boston                   Brighton             MA
63      0:15:12 Ari          Shocket          Blue Hills Cycling Club                 Walpole              MA
64      st      William      VanNieuwenhuyze  Zephyr Cycling Team                     North Haven          CT
65      st      John         Fice             Boston Road Club                        Norfolk              MA
66      st      Frank        Contenta         Housatonic Wheel Club                   Pittsfield           MA
67      st      Paul         Jobin            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental       Merrimack            NH
68      st      Rick         Magee            Bethel Cycle                            Bethel               CT
69      st      Michael      Fairhurst        unattached                              Somerville           MA
70      0:16:06 Elias        Bennett          BCA/Tosk Chiropractic                   New Lebanon          NY
71      st      Steven       Senne            Boston Road Club                        East Walpole         MA
72      st      CHRIS        PETRILLO         CVC/SUBARU OF NE                        TARIFFVILLE          CT
73      0:16:39 Jeff         Hershberger      Brunswick Bike Club                     Greenwood            ME
74      0:18:05 Scott        Glowa            Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames    Providence           RI
75      0:19:33 CHRISTIAN    RYNKIEWICZ       Team Bicycle Alley                      WORCESTER            MA
76      0:19:58 John         Romano           Bethel Cycle                            Bethel               CT
77      0:20:09 Esteban      Sequera          Benidorn                                Milford              CT
78      0:21:02 Andrew       Clay             Phillips Academy                        Wellesley            MA
79      st      KEVIN        MALLOY           CCNS/PEDAL POWER                        CROMWELL             CT
80      0:21:33 Jay          Trojan           Century Drywall Inc.                    Lincoln              RI
81      st      michael      brier            Refunds Now                             providence           RI
82      st      Anthony      Oliva            Everactive-Workers CompSol              Dover                MA
83      st      Chuck        Litty            Bethel Cycle Sport Club                 Southbury            CT
84      0:25:17 Craig        Goodstein        CRCA/Sanchez-Metro                      MERRICK              NY
85      0:26:32 Jeffrey      Baumgardner      CRCA/Organic Athlete                    New York             NY
86      0:30:56 Dan          Tully                                                    Burlington           MA
87      0:32:21 Marcus       Jang             Providence Velo Club p/b Refunds Now    Providence           RI
88      0:33:39 Joshua       Preneta          NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental       Billerica            MA
89      0:34:44 Andrew       Kennedy          Boston Road Club!                       Brighton             MA
90      0:38:18 Gabriel      Polonsky         Boston road club                        Hyde Park            MA
91      0:39:10 Alan         Rivenson         Housatonic Wheel Club                   Great Barrington     MA
92      0:43:57 Jason        Goldschmidt      Team BreakAway Boston                   Brookline            MA
93      0:50:51 SHAWN        WALSH            VANDESSEL FACTORY TEAM                  MILFORD              CT
94      1:17:37 Sheldon      Charles          Millwork One Racing/         Dedham               MA

cat 5           56 miles     44               starters
Place   Time    First Name   Last Name        Team                                    City                 State
1       2:35:06 Chris        Ramsey           Team Psycho                             Arlington            MA    Gold
2       st      Zachariah    Page             Juniata College/Juniata Cycling Club    Rochester            NY
3       st      Michael      Dostal                                                   Williamstown         MA    Silver
4       0:00:19 Phil         Oviatt                                                   Concord              NH
5       0:02:09 Brian        Donohue          Battenkill-United                       Bolton Landing       NY
6       0:04:11 Marc         Achermann        NCC                                     Amherst              MA    Bronze
7       st      Jon          Hussey           CRCA                                    Saratoga Springs     NY
8       st      Peter        Askin                                                    Larchmont            NY
9       0:04:43 Paul         Novotasky Jr.    Pig Iron Sports                         East Hartford        CT
10      st      Jeremy       Dawkins          The Bicycle Depot, New Paltz            Gardiner             NY
11      0:05:25 Jonathan     DREKER                                                   CAMBRIDGE            MA
12      0:06:01 MATTHEW      WHEATLEY                                                 AMHERST              MA
13      0:07:36 Tom          Burrow           Flye Cycles                             Amherst              MA
14      0:10:40 Michael      Drexel                                                   Delanson             NY
15      0:11:22 Graeme       Street           Cyclo-CORE/               Essex                CT
16      0:11:59 Diego        Zuluaga          Cafeteros Cycling Club                  Peekskill            NY
17      0:12:39 Scott        McConnell        Northampton Cycling Club                Holyoke              MA
18      0:12:57 Oguz         Orkan                                                    Englewood            NJ
19      0:14:04 Mark         Schleinitz                                               Uxbridge             MA
20      0:14:40 Marcus       Eder                                                     New York             NY
21      st      luke         plummer          Flye Cycles                             amherst              MA
22      0:16:36 Lewis        Collins                                                  Wellesley            MA
23      0:18:05 Brian        Nolan            International Bicycle/Global            Norwich              VT
24      st      ROBERT       QUIGLEY                                                  CUMMINGTON           MA
25      0:19:05 Colin        Reuter           International Bike/Global               Somerville           MA
26      0:19:18 david        wilcox           Broadway Bicycle School                 jamaica plain        MA
27      0:19:54 Paul         Ripka            Granite State Wheelmen                  Merrimack            NH
28      0:20:29 Stephen      Dowsett          BCA/ tosk                               pittsfield           MA
29      0:21:10 Christopher  Benoit                                                   Cumberland           RI
30      0:22:25 Cal          Lankton                                                  Cambridge            MA
31      0:22:33 Bob          Hannon           Mystic Velo Club                        Marlborough          CT
32      0:22:41 mike         golay            Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                 westbrook            ME
33      0:23:27 paul         quackenbush      flye cycles                             Amherst              MA
34      0:25:28 Timothy      Mather           Colavita Racing/Colavita CT/ Rapid motioEast Hartford        CT
35      0:27:26 Eric         Hansmeier        Monadnock Cycling Club                  Keene                NH
36      0:32:58 Darren       Adams            unattached                              Castleton            VT
37      0:36:23 Vinnie       DeFrancesco      CVC/Subaru of New England               Berlin               CT
38      0:45:24 Michael      Foley            Team Bicycle Alley                      Paxton               MA
39      0:47:35 James        Harnois                                                  preston              CT
40      0:48:43 Bill         Aalerud          unattached                              Winchester           MA
41      0:51:31 Justin       Ringling                                                 Westerly             RI
42      0:53:01 ADRIAN       MURPHY                                                   BOSTON               MA
43      1:03:48 Mathew       Sweda                                                    Cambridge            MA

Men 40+ (Cat 1-456 miles     65               starters
Place   Time    First Name   Last Name        Team                                    City                 State
1       2:27:05 Greg         Swinand          usher irish road club                   wicklow              UNK
2       0:00:16 John         Funk             Cycle Fitness                           South Kent           CT
3       0:00:25 Dzmitry      Buben            CCB/Volkswagen                          Hamden               CT
4       st      Ray          Johnson          Everactive - Workers Comp Solutions     Woburn               MA    Gold
5       st      David        Taylor           CRCA/Blue       new york             NY
6       st      Paul         Wonsavage        Onion River Sports                      Hanover              NH
7       0:01:13 Gary         Jasdzewski       Everactive - Workers Comp Solutions     Arlington            MA    Silver
8       st      Sean         Groom            Squadra Coppi/IM Saab                   Bloomfield           CT
9       0:01:32 Randy        Kirk             Cycle Fitness Cycling Club              Avon                 CT
10      st      JONNY        BOLD             CORNER CYCLE                            MARSTON MILLS        MA    Bronze
11      st      Stuart       Abramson         Portland velo club                      Falmouth             ME
12      st      Edward       Angeli           Horst - Benidorm - PRC                  Southington          CT
13      st      JOSEPH       REGAN            Bethel Cycle                            BRANFORD             CT
14      0:01:52 mike         spangenberg      Battenkill United/Anthem cycles         Shaftsbury           VT
15      st      Mark         Paggioli         CVC Subaru of New England               Glastonbury          CT
16      st      Bruce        Diehl            SUNAPEE/S&W                             Jackson              NH
17      st      John         Meerse           Cyclemania                              Portland             ME
18      0:03:04 erich        gutbier          battenkill united /anthem cycles        arlington            VT
19      0:03:37 KEVIN        HINES            CORNER CYCLE                            E WAREHAM            MA    Gold 45+
20      0:04:17 Mark         Gunsalus         Team FUJI fueled by Clif Bar            Dudley               MA    Silver 45+
21      0:04:46 marvin       wang             International Bicycle/Global            jamaica plain        MA
22      0:05:33 Tony         Settel           Deno's Wonder Wheel                     Brooklyn             NY
23      0:05:54 sam          morse            Corner Cycle                            Cohasset             MA    Bronze 45+
24      0:06:41 JOHN         MOSHER           CORNER CYCLE                            BOXBORO              MA
25      st      David        Foley            BOB-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bike ShopsN. Easton            MA
26      st      Gerard       O'Shea           CCC/Keltic Const/Zanes Cycles           Clinton              CT
27      st      Eric         Pearce           Bethel Cycle                            Chelmsford           MA
28      st      Haluk        Sarci            Strictly Bicycle                        Cresskill            NJ
29      st      Adam         Sternfield       Millwork One Racing/         Brookline            MA
30      st      Maximino     Veiga            TARGETRAINING / FASTAR                  Danbury              CT
31      st      Patrick      Brandon          CCNS/Pedal Power                        Killingwoth          CT
32      st      Richard      Brown            NorEast Cycling                         Danville             NH
33      0:07:17 PAUL         NYBERG           Horst - Benidorm - PRC                  E HARTFORD           CT
34      st      Wayne        Prescott         Horst-Benidorm-Property Research Corp.  Canton               CT
35      0:09:11 TYLER        MUNROE           CCB/Volkswagen                          NO. ANDOVER          MA
36      0:09:36 Edward       Schaub           Benidorm BIkes/Eastern Bloc             Windsor              CT
37      0:09:40 Alvaro       Betancur         Cafeteros Cycling Club                  New Rochelle         NY
38      0:09:50 Richard      Carlton          CVC/Subaru of New England               Glastonbury          CT
39      0:09:53 Art          Podgorski Jr.    Cyclonauts Racers inc.                  feeding hills        MA
40      st      Brett        Rutledge         International Bicycle Center            Westboro             MA
41      st      Matt         Armstrong        Cafeteros                               Greenwich            CT
42      st      Paul         Richard          CCB/Volkswagen                          Amesbury             MA
43      0:11:48 Michael      Claus            Portland Velo                           Kennebunk            ME
44      0:14:35 Bruce        Armentrout       Battenkill United/Unicorr               Williamstown         MA
45      0:16:17 Steven       Bonadio          Arc-en-Ciel Racing Team                 Arlington            MA
46      0:16:41 Joseph       Lellman          NCC /                       Florence             MA
47      0:17:06 Gary         Aspnes           Horst-Benidorm-Property Research Corp.  Rockville            RI
48      st      Robert       DeGrace                                                  Lunenburg            MA
49      0:17:18 Tim          Coleman          Incline Training                        Shelburne            MA
50      0:17:27 Robert       Burstein         capital velo club/Subaru of New England Ellington            CT
51      st      Mark         Czarnecki        Laurel BC/ ATTY Edeen/TnT Expense Mgmnt Guilford             CT
52      st      eric         marro            BOB/Shift-Stonyfield Farm-Ariza-Goodalesnashua               NH
53      s       Michael      Provost          Quinebaug Valley Velo                   Putnam               CT
54      st      Kevin        Young            International Bicycle/Global            Northbridge          MA
55      0:19:28 CARLOS       QUINTERO         CAFETOROS CYCLING CLUB                  WAPPING FALLS        NY
56      0:21:02 Donald       Catlin           Team Mossman/ Tokeneke Racing           Fairfield            CT
57      0:21:49 MARTIN       LASAK            unattached                              BRANFORD             CT
58      st      Brian        Stone            Hallamore/Bikeworks                     Barrington           RI
59      0:23:07 chris        laplante                                                 westhampton          MA
60      st      STASZ        DAN              JOE'S GARAGE                            NORTHAMPTON          MA
61      0:26:16 esteban      Fernandez        Deno's Wonder Wheel                     Greenwich            CT
62      0:27:35 TED          DONOFRIO         Horst - Benidorm - PRC                  COBALT               CT
63      0:32:03 RICK         SPEAR            TARGETRAINING / FASTAR                  WESTPORT             CT

Men 50+ (Cat 1-456 miles     77               starters
Place   Time    First Name   Last Name        Team                                    City                 State
1       2:30:12 Doug         O'Neill          Deno's Wonder Wheel                     West New York        NJ
2       st      William      Thompson         CCC/Keltic Const/Zanes Cycles           West Hartford        CT
3       st      Jonathan     Eichman          QuadCycles                              Arlington            MA    Gold
4       st      Tom          Officer          Cycle Fitness                           Litchfield           CT
5       st      Rick         Sorenson         Battenkill-United                       Rutland              VT
6       st      Mark         Luzio            CYCLE FITNESS                           Brooklyn             CT
7       st      Philip       Beliveau         Green Mountain Bicycle Club             St George            VT
8       st      William R.   Black            Competitive Edge Racing Team            Cumberland Foreside  ME
9       0:03:44 frank        jennings         GEARWORKS                               edgartown            MA    Silver
10      0:03:53 Paul         Curley           Gearworks/Spinarts                      Taunton              MA    Bronze
11      st      Karl         Hambrecht        CCB/Volkswagen                          West Newbury         MA
12      st      Bruce        Townend          Competitive Edge Racing Team            Windsor              MA    Gold 55+
13      st      Douglas      Crane            Cafeteros                               Norwalk              CT
14      st      peter        saloom           Competitive Edge Racing Team            Gardner              MA    Silver 55+
15      st      Doug         Chiasson         Competitive Edge racing team            Athol                MA
16      st      Kelly        Parsons          Mystic Velo Club                        Lyme                 CT
17      st      Mark         Dutka            Mystic Velo                             Uncasville           CT
18      st      Bob          Donahue          Gearworks/Spinarts                      Princeton            MA
19      st      John         Laupheimer       International Bicycle/Global            Weston               MA
20      st      William      Cantler          Deno's Wonder Wheel                     Brooklyn             NY
21      st      Casey        Lindstrom        Essex County Velo                       Newton               MA
22      st      Glen         Fraser           NorEast cycling club                    Hudson               NH
23      st      Mark         Hagen            CCB/Volkswagen                          Dover                MA    Bronze 55+
24      st      Scott        Klion            Competitive Edge                        New York             NY
25      st      Terry        White            Battenkill- United                      Dorset               VT
26      st      Thomas       Coleman          Cafeteros Cycling Club                  Greenwich            CT
27      st      Paul         Siebert          Competitive Edge Racing Team            Bennington           VT
28      0:05:20 Paul         Hayes                                                    Guilford             CT
29      0:06:14 David        Birrell          NCC-BikeReg                             Cummington           MA
30      0:07:16 Brian        Rafferty         Deno's Wonder Wheel                     Mamaroneck           NY
31      0:08:25 James        Marshall         Competitive Edge Racing Team            Shaftsbury           VT
32      0:09:18 William      Sawyer           Gearworks - Spinarts                    Arlington            MA
33      st      David        King             CCB/Volkswagen                          Boxford              MA
34      0:09:43 Stephen      Geist            Kissena Cycling Club                    Woodside             NY
35      0:10:00 Chuck        Dopfel           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental       Wayland              MA
36      0:10:14 william      kleinmann        cafeteros                               stamford             CT
37      0:11:00 Eric         deRivera         Competitive Edge                        West Boylston        MA
38      0:11:43 Damian       DiCostanzo       Deno's Wonder Wheel                     Rye                  NY
39      0:14:38 J. Craig     Robertson                                                Williamstown         MA
40      0:14:54 John         Morgan           Clinton Cycling Club / Keltic ConstructiMadison              CT
41      0:15:13 Casey        Gawlak           Pawling Cycle & Sport                   New Milford          CT
42      st      James        Themig           Mystic Velo MCRA                        Niantic              CT
43      st      Donald       LaBonte          MainLine Cycling                        Lincolndale          NY
44      st      Don          Rice             Battenkill-United/CCB                   Rensselaer           NY
45      st      Tom          Laskey           CRCA/Setanta                            New York             NY
46      st      BILL         CONNOLLY         MBRC                                    MILFORD              MA
47      0:16:21 Peter        Crowley          NCC/Northampton Cycle Club              Pelham               MA
48      0:16:50 Mark         Durso            Zephyr Cycle                            Middlebury           CT
49      0:18:32 Brian        McGuiness        Capital Velo Club / Vernon Cycle        Colchester           CT
50      0:19:05 Hajo         Thiele           Cafeteros Cycling Club                  Larchmont            NY
51      0:21:02 Jeff         Knisely          Cafeteros Cycling Club                  Port Chester         NY
52      0:21:17 Bob          Roldan           everactiveonline/Workers Comp Solutions Somerville           MA
53      0:22:35 David        Goodwin          Northampton Cycling Club                Amherst              MA
54      0:24:39 Joe          Horan            MinutemanRoadClub                       Ashland              MA
55      0:25:13 Ken          Coleman          Housatonic Wheel Club                   New York             NY
56      0:26:42 Tom          Stevens          Gear Works/Spin Arts                    Lancaster            MA
57      0:28:49 scott        loring           unattached                              new london           CT
58      0:30:21 Freddy       Cicerchia        ECV                                     Manchester           MA
59      st      Robert       Miceli           Essex County Velo-MCRA                  Cotuit               MA
60      0:32:30 Jochen       Woicke           Onondaga Cycling Club                   Manlius              NY
61      0:33:59 Kurt         Svetaka          Essex County Velo                       Manchester           MA
62      0:34:48 jorge        ramirez          Cyclonauts  Racers                      worcester            MA
63      0:39:32 Robert       Smythe           CCNS/Pedal Power                        Middletown           CT
64      0:39:57 victor       cillis           Cape Cod Cyclists/mosaic smalti         hyannis              MA
65      0:40:22 David        Holmander        NHCC/Team NH/MCRA                       Epsom                NH
66      st      thomas       evers            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental       melrose              MA
67      0:49:58 thomas       Dickinson        unattached                              Barrington           RI
68      0:55:50 bob          ludecke          laurel bike club                        milldale             CT
69      1:10:12 Frank        Holt             NHCC/Team NH                            Hollis               NH