Results » Road » 2008

Cargas Criterium and Spinners Cycling Points Series

Lancaster, PA

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Cargas Criterium and Spinners Cycling Points Series Presented by Spinners Cycling Racing Team Lancaster, PA Sunday, June 15, 2008

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

MEN'S 50+
1      18   Kevin            Saint Clair   Main Line Cycling - Bikyle
2      7    John             Hamilton      Main Line Cycling-BiKyle
3      10   Tom              Kellogg       Tri-State Velo
4      1    Bryan            Barrett       BikeLine/LWA
5      24   Patrick          Gellineau     Team Squiggle
6      3    Scott            Butler        Bikeline/LWA
7      33   Joseph           Manacchio     Main Line Cycling - BiKyle
8      9    Ronne            Irvine        T.E.A.M. Fuji
9      23   Robert           Wellmon       Quaker City Wheelmen/Breakaway Racing
10     14   Martin           Lorenz        Guy's Racing
11     4    Rich             Cordero       Guys Racing
12     34   Jerome           Weiner        Guys Racing
13     32   Mark             Mathews       L'Equipe DeVille
14     27   Jay              Hoffman       Tri-State Velo
15     21   Tim              Toms
17     25   Bill             Gentile       Spinners
19     30   James            Prestia       Tri-State Velo
20     12   Ron              Livingston    Main Line Cycling - BiKyle
21     26   Jim              Deffendale    Spinners
22     19   Michael          Tacci         Main Line Cycling - BiKyle
23     28   Paul             McDonald      Doylestown Wheelman
24     16   Bruce            Petrovick     Main Line Cycling - BiKyle
25     17   Ron              Ruggiero      Tri-State Velo
26     2    Kevin            Breckenmaker  Yellow Breeches Racing
27     5    Mark             Croneberger   Dutch Wheelman/SBRT
28     15   David            Nesler        Main Line Cycling - BiKyle
29     29   Elizabeth        Tyrell        Somerset Wheelman
30     35   Nancy            Heller        Tri-State Velo

MEN'S 60+
16     8    Scott            Haverstick    ERA Cycling
18     31   Barry            Fry           ERA Cycling

MEN'S 40+
PLACE  BIB  First Name       Last Name     Team
1      144  Robert           Moskal        Elite Bicycles
2      461  ?                ?
3      136  David            Bonser        GOTHAM CYCLISTS
4      128  Brad             Ober          Spinners
5      105  Aubrey           Gordon        liberty cycle
6      119  Tom              Ratzell       Bikeline / LWA
7      145  Joe              Hamilton      Chester County Velo
8      143  Ryan             Mitchell      Elite Bicycles
9      133  Keith            Wilson        Spinners
10     33   Joseph           Manacchio     Main Line Cycling - BiKyle
11     141  John             Papizoki      Elite Bicycles
12     134  Neil             Stansbury     Tri-State Velo
13     111  David            Krial         Cycledrome
14     126  Ken              Warenhan      Spinners
15     117  Steve            May           Monstr Health
16     129  Art              Miller        Spinners
17     101  James            Best          Cycledrome Racing
18     146  Keith            Cramer        Unattached
19     104  Timothy          Dowling       First State Velo Sport
20     14   Martin           Lorenz        Guy's Racing
21     112  Richard          Leibfried     Elite Bicycles
22     131  Jeff             Markaw        Spinners
23     107  Tim J            Hancock       On Track Cyclists
24     130  Darin            Benson        Spinners
25     142  Erik             Christensen   Era Cycling
26     120  Daniel           Ryan          Christiana Care PT+/FSVS
27     122  Randy            Weiss         (unattached)
28     18   Kevin            St. Clair     Main Line Cycling - BiKyle
29     124  Nao              Yamashita     GOTHAM CYCLISTS
30     312  Dan              Mascioli      Main Line Cycling Club
31     320  Jan              Falise        Spinners
32     137  Raymond          Brette        Guy's Racing
33     139  Thomas           Nagy          Elite Bicycles
34     115  James            Maino         Elite Bicycles
35     132  Mike             Zban          Spinners
36     108  Michael          Holub         Dreamscapes cycling team
37     27   Jay              Hoffman       Tri-State Velo
38     123  Keith            Wiley
39     102  David            Black         Swashbuckler Brewing/
40     138  Peter            Thallner      Guy's Racing
41     118  Joey             Piscitello    philadelphia ciclismo
42     114  Thomas           Lyons         main line cycling- bikyle
43     100  Dave             Baumgardner   Tri-State Velo

PLACE  BIB  First Name       Last Name     Team
1      319  Kevin            Farmer        Spinners
2      252  Mike             Whitaker      Spinners
3      200  Matthew          Baranoski     Cycle Sports/Zaveta Construction
4      220  John             Hunter        Team Independence p/b Keswick
5      201  Dmitri           Barbash       QCW
6      216  Bob              Grimwood      Eastern Mobile Cycling Team
7      24   Patrick          Gellineau     Team Squiggle
8      214  Dave             Grant         Chester County Velo - Iron Hill Brewery
9      206  Jordan           Binkley       Shirk's Racing presented by Trek Bikes
10     256  Noah             Zitzel        Team Independence p/b Keswick
11     208  Kyle             Centrella     Chester County Velo - Iron Hill Brewery
12     235  Nick             Price         Dynaflo Racing/Technocycle BRC
13     255  Dereck           Holt          Gotham Cyclists
14     221  Andy             Johnson       Team Cycle Works
15     230  Richard          Mowry         Evolution Racing
16     260  Michael          Retzlaff      Kelly Benefit Strategies
17     228  Richard          Maclaughlin   Chester County Velo - Iron Hill
18     243  Richard          Steele        Chester County Velo - Iron Hill Brewery
19     217  Mike             Hefner        Aaron's/L5Flyers
20     259  Jeff             Guy           WVU Healthcare
21     232  Martin           Mrugal        Chester County Velo - Iron Hill Brewery
22     261  Drew             Scoles        University of Rochester
23     211  Greg             Dattner       Chester County Velo-Iron Hill Brewery
24     258  Andy             Ayers         Spinners
25     207  Gerald           Burkett Iii   Eastern Mobile Cycling Team
26     263  Samuel           Kirk          Technocycle BRC/Dynaflo Racing
27     209  Alex             Cox           Freddie Fu Cycling
28     227  Aaron            Mackley       Team Cycleworks
29     233  Matt             Perry         Chester County Velo - Iron Hill Brewery
30     231  William          Moyer         Dynaflo
31     222  Zac              Kephart       Spokes-N-Skis/Altoona Bicycle Club
32     204  Bob              Biese         Team Vortex
33     121  Stephen          Sambrano      Main Line
34     237  Kyle             Reed          University of Delaware
35     429  Drew             Karlberg      Chester County Velo - Iron Hill
36     215  Stefan           Grecu         Team Independence/Keswick Cycle
37     119  Tom              Ratzell       Bikeline / LWA
38     262  Amos             Glick         Shirk's Racing presented by Trek Bikes
39     213  Jonathan         Glick         Shirk's Racing presented by Trek Bikes
40     212  William          Fissel        Eastern Mobile Cycling Team
41     120  Daniel           Ryan          Christiana Care PT+/FSVS
42     238  Cameron          Reider        Gotham Cyclists
43     202  Josh             Bardige       VeloEuropa-Cyfac
44     203  Jon              Beyer         Liberty Cycles
45     251  Joe              Hess          Spinners
46     234  Maxwell          Pless         Human Zoom/Pabts Blue Ribbon
47     225  Kevin            Lail          Christiana Care PT+/FSVS
48     223  Barton           Kirk          Technocycle BRC/Dynaflo Racing
49     246  Kevin            Zutell        CRCA/ DieHard-Think Racing
50     224  William          Kistler       University of Delaware Cycling
51     312  ?                ?
52     205  Jason            Binkley       Swashbuckler Brewing Company/
53     257  Jay              Downs         All Ireland Healthcare

MEN'S 30+
PLACE  BIB  First Name       Last Name     Team
1      314  Colin            Sandberg      Hershey Cancer Institute-GPOA-Cannondale
2      313  Joseph           Ruggery       Freddie Fu Cycling Team
3      315  A.t.             Stamp         Hincapie/Coca-Cola Cycling p/b Barkley
4      318  Wayne            Work Jr       Swashbuckler Brewing/
5      316  Mark             Warno         The Bike Lane
6      105  Aubrey           Gordon        Liberty Cycle
7      102  Dave             Black         Swashbuckler Brewing/
8      321  Brian            Wieczorek     Freddie Fu Cycling Team
9      128  Brad             Ober          Spinners
10     317  Joseph           Wentzell      QCW/
11     133  Keith            Wilson        Spinners
12     145  Joe              Hamilton      Chester County Velo
13     138  Peter            Thallner      Guys Racing
14     238  Cameron          Ruder         Gotham Cyclist
15     322  Perren           James         Breakaway
16     132  Mike             Zban          Spinners
17     202  Josh             Bardige       VeloEuropa-Cyfac
18     221  Andrew           Johnson       Team Cycleworks
19     135  Courtney         Tim           Main Line Cycling Club
20     146  Keith            Cramer        Unattached
21     227  Aaron            Mackley       Team Cycleworks
22     312  Dan              Mascioli      Main Line Cycling Club
23     226  Ryan             Linder-Hess   Team Cycleworks
24     126  Kenny            Wareham       Spinners
25     525  Brian            Stoner        Huntvalley Bike
26     304  Kyle             Eckley        Hershey Cancer Institute-GPOA-Cannondale
27     308  Saysana          Inthavongsa   Swashbuckler Brewing Company/
28     302  Fred             Billet        Team Alliance Environmental

MEN'S 4/5
PLACE  BIB  First Name       Last Name     Team
1      201  Dmitri           Barbash       QCW
2      434  Edward           Klock-Mccook  Human Zoom/Pabst Blue Ribbon
3      450  Albert           Scharbach     QCW/
4      460  Rob              Allen         Spinners
5      206  Jordan           Binkley       Shirk's Racing presented by Trek Bikes
6      401  Gerald           Adasavage
7      429  Drew             Karlberg      Chester County Velo - Iron Hill Brewery
8      416  Michael          Ciunci        Chester County Velo - Iron Hill Brewery
9      413  Christopher      Candy         Chester County Velo - Iron Hill Brewery
10     210  Kevin            Curran
11     462  Craig            Alabovitz     unattached
12     230  Richard          Mowry         Evolution Racing
13     412  Manuel           Caliz         Shirks Racing Presented by Trek
14     426  Darren           Hartman       Mountainside Ski & Sports
15     453  Alex             Viana         Lateral Stress Velo
16     467  Todd             Noonam        Kutztown Cutters
17     436  Michael          Long          International Christian Cycling
18     468  Mark             Valentino     unattached
19     428  Carey            Jackson Yonce
20     443  Emmett           Oberrender    SBRT / Dutch Wheelman
21     433  Mark             Kline         Chester County Velo-Iron Hill Brewery
22     459  Matthew          Dishart       Spinners
23     427  Thomas           Hauser        Monstr Health Cycling Team
24     423  Alan             Giadosh       Weavers Bike Shop
25     454  Dean             Wagner        COLAVITA RACING
26     419  Jack             Drummond      Team Independence
27     470  Frank            Zerbe
28     406  John             Beers         Temple University
29     446  Matthew          Randolph      unattached
30     240  Jonathan         Ruiz          Guys Racing
31     458  Joel             Sweigert      Spinners
32     439  Ted              Maven         Evolution Racing
33     457  Jonathan         Zerbe
34     420  Martin           Eastgate
35     438  Mike             Mast
36     431  Barry            Klein         Monstr Healthcare Cycling
37     258  Andy             Ayers         Spinners
38     405  Shawn            Beeler        Monstr Healthcare Cycling
39     463  Christeph        Baranoski     Doysletown
40     408  Ryan             Brubaker      Hempfield Triathlon Club
41     437  Noah             Mabry         Shirk's Racing Presented by Trek Bikes
42     466  Aaron            Trumbore      Team Vortex
43     422  Michael          Gagliano
44     234  Maxwell          Pless         Human Zoom/Pabts Blue Ribbon
45     456  Shane            Watters

MEN'S 123
PLACE  BIB  First Name       Last Name     Team
1      316  Mark             Warno         The Bike Lane
2      541  Kline            Shane         Kelley
3      544  Cesar            Claudio
4      516  Jake             Lifson        Indiana Regional Medical Center
5      540  Woitas           Karl          Chester County Velo
6      532  Uliana           Rich          Gotham Cyclists
7      314  Colin            Sandberg      Hershey Cancer Institute-GPOA-Cannondale
8      546  Kayin            Jamil         Team Independence p/b Keswick Cycle
9      517  Gregory          Lovell        Team Alliance Environmental
10     545  Gellineau        Patrick       Team Squiggle
11     537  Miller           Barry         ACT
12     542  Romero           Jorge
13     529  Hoyle            Paul          Monstr Health Cycling Team
14     538  Straub           Richard       Human Zoom / Pabst Blue Ribbon
15     507  Keith            Gerber        Human Zoom / Pabst Blue Ribbon
16     549  Lenard           John          Human Zoom / Pabst Blue Ribbon
17     313  Joseph           Ruggery       Freddie Fu Cycling Team
18     209  Alex             Cox           Freddie Fu Cycling
19     534  Fryberger        Kevin         Human Zoom / Pabst Blue Ribbon
20     143  Ryan             Mitchell      Elite Bicycle
21     515  Eric             Krause        ABRT/Latitude
22     502  Russell          Blake         Monstr Health Cycling Team
23     531  Valentine        Colton        Breaking Away Bicycles - Fairfield
24     235  Nick             Price         Dynaflo Racing/Technocycle BRC
25     239  Aaron            Ritz          Quaker City Wheelmen/Team Breakaway
26     530  Schober          Jed           Elite Bicycle
27     526  Jim              Thomas        Breaking Away Bicycles - Fairfield
28     511  John             Howe          PSR/Peddlers Shop Racing
29     513  Timothy          Karabin       Human Zoom-Pabst Blue Ribbon
30     539  Young            Chad          Monstr Health Cycling Team
31     505  Greg             Ferguson      Hershey Cancer Institute-GPOA-Cannondale
32     509  Todd             Hesel         Hunt Valley Bicycles/Marathon Roofing
33     252  Whitaker         Mike          Spinners
34     514  Ed               Krall         Indiana Regional Medical Center
35     318  Wayne            Work Jr       Swashbuckler Brewing/
36     233  Perry            Matt          Chester County Velo
37     133  Wilson                         Spinners
38     323  Traina           Brian         Swashbuckler Brewing Company/
39     102  Black            Dave          Swashbuckler Brewing Company/
40     535  Pouche           Brian         AVC/Team Hagerstown
41     223  Kirk             Barton        Techocycle BRC
42     263  Kirk             Samuel        Techocycle BRC
43     129  Miller           Art           Spinners
44     304  Kyle             Eckley        Hershey Cancer Institute-GPOA-Cannondale
45     536  Lloyd            Gabriel       Team Alliance Environmental
46     315  A.t.             Stamp         Hincapie/Coca-Cola Cycling p/b Barkley
47     508  Timothy          Gresh         Team Alliance Environmental
48     548  Totaro           Charles       Human Zoom-Pabst Blue Ribbon
49     321  Wierczorek       Brian         Freddie Fu Cycling Team
50     132  Zban             Mike          Spinners

Overall   Overall                                                                                                   Men 4/5   Masters 1/2/3    Masters 30+   Cat 3/4   Masters   Masters 50-60
Place     Point     Bib  LAST NAME        FIRST NAME    Team                                             Road Cat   Points    Points           Points        Points    Points    Points
1         41        24   Gellineau        Patrick       Team Squiggle                                                         11                             14                  16
2         36        201  Barbash          Dmitri        QCW                                              4          20                                       16
3         36        316  Warno            Mark          The Bike Lane                                    1                    20               16
4         34        314  Sandberg         Colin         Hershey Cancer Institute-GPOA-Cannondale         1                    14               20
5         31        105  Gordon           Aubrey        liberty cycle                                    2                                     15                      16
6         29        128  Ober             Brad          Spinners                                                                               12                      17
7         28        206  Binkley          Jordan        Shirk's Racing presented by Trek Bikes           4          16                                       12
8         25        33   Manacchio        Joseph        Main Line Cycling - BiKyle                                                                                     11        14
9         23        145  Hamilton         Joe           Chester County Velo                                                                    9                       14
10        23        313  Ruggery          Joseph        Freddie Fu Cycling Team                          2                    4                19
11        22        133  Wilson           Keith         Spinners                                                                               10                      12
12        20        18   Saint Clair      Kevin         Main Line Cycling - Bikyle                       3                                                                       20
13        20        144  Moskal           Robert        Elite Bicycles                                                                                                 20
14        20        319  Farmer           Kevin         Spinners                                                                                             20
15        19        7    Hamilton         John          Main Line Cycling-BiKyle                         3                                                                       19
16        19        252  Whitaker         Mike          Spinners                                                                                             19
17        19        434  Klock-Mccook     Edward        Human Zoom/Pabst Blue Ribbon                     4          19
18        19        461                                                                                                                                                19
19        19        541  Kline            Shane         Kelley                                                                19
20        18        10   Kellogg          Tom           Tri-State Velo                                   2                                                                       18
21        18        136  Bonser           David         GOTHAM CYCLISTS                                                                                                18
22        18        200  Baranoski        Matthew       Cycle Sports/Zaveta Construction                 3                                                   18
23        18        315  Stamp            A.t.          Hincapie/Coca-Cola Cycling p/b Barkley           2                                     18
24        18        450  Scharbach        Albert        QCW/                           4          18
25        18        544  Cesar            Claudio                                                                             18
26        17        1    Barrett          Bryan         BikeLine/LWA                                     3                                                                       17
27        17        220  Hunter           John          Team Independence p/b Keswick                    3                                                   17
28        17        318  Work Jr          Wayne         Swashbuckler Brewing/              2                                     17
29        17        460  Allen            Rob           Spinners                                                    17
30        17        516  Jake             Lifson        Indiana Regional Medical Center                  2                    17
31        16        540  Woitas           Karl          Chester County Velo                                                   16
32        15        3    Butler           Scott         Bikeline/LWA                                     3                                                                       15
33        15        119  Ratzell          Tom           Bikeline / LWA                                   3                                                             15
34        15        216  Grimwood         Bob           Eastern Mobile Cycling Team                      3                                                   15
35        15        230  Mowry            Richard       Evolution Racing                                 4          9                                        6
36        15        401  Adasavage        Gerald                                                         5          15
37        15        532  Uliana           Rich          Gotham Cyclists                                                       15
38        14        102  Black            Dave          Swashbuckler Brewing/                                                    14
39        14        143  Mitchell         Ryan          Elite Bicycles                                                        1                                        13
40        14        429  Karlberg         Drew          Chester County Velo - Iron Hill Brewery          4          14
41        13        9    Irvine           Ronne         T.E.A.M. Fuji                                    3                                                                       13
42        13        214  Grant            Dave          Chester County Velo - Iron Hill Brewery          3                                                   13
43        13        321  Wieczorek        Brian         Freddie Fu Cycling Team                                                                13
44        13        416  Ciunci           Michael       Chester County Velo - Iron Hill Brewery          4          13
45        13        546  Kayin            Jamil         Team Independence p/b Keswick Cycle                                   13
46        12        14   Lorenz           Martin        Guy's Racing                                     3                                                             1         11
47        12        23   Wellmon          Robert        Quaker City Wheelmen/Breakaway Racing            3                                                                       12
48        12        413  Candy            Christopher   Chester County Velo - Iron Hill Brewery          4          12
49        12        517  Gregory          Lovell        Team Alliance Environmental                      2                    12
50        11        210  Curran           Kevin                                                                     11
51        11        256  Zitzel           Noah          Team Independence p/b Keswick                                                                        11
52        11        317  Wentzell         Joseph        QCW/                          2                                     11
53        10        4    Cordero          Rich          Guys Racing                                      3                                                                       10
54        10        129  Miller           Art           Spinners                                                                               5                       5
55        10        141  Papizoki         John          Elite Bicycles                                                                                                 10
56        10        208  Centrella        Kyle          Chester County Velo - Iron Hill Brewery          4                                                   10
57        10        221  Johnson          Andy          Team Cycle Works                                 3                                     3             7
58        10        462  Alabovitz        Craig         unattached                                                  10
59        10        537  Miller           Barry         ACT                                                                   10
60        9         34   Weiner           Jerome        Guys Racing                                                                                                              9
61        9         134  Stansbury        Neil          Tri-State Velo                                                                                                 9
62        9         235  Price            Nick          Dynaflo Racing/Technocycle BRC                   3                                                   9
63        9         542  Romero           Jorge                                                                               9
64        8         32   Mathews          Mark          L'Equipe DeVille                                                                                                         8
65        8         111  Krial            David         Cycledrome                                       3                                                             8
66        8         138  Thallner         Peter         Guys Racing                                                                            8
67        8         255  Holt             Dereck        Gotham Cyclists                                                                                      8
68        8         412  Caliz            Manuel        Shirks Racing Presented by Trek                  4          8
69        8         529  Hoyle            Paul          Monstr Health Cycling Team                       3                    8
70        7         27   Hoffman          Jay           Tri-State Velo                                                                                                           7
71        7         126  Warenhan         Ken           Spinners                                                                                                       7
72        7         238  Ruder            Cameron       Gotham Cyclist                                                                         7
73        7         426  Hartman          Darren        Mountainside Ski & Sports                        5          7
74        7         538  Straub           Richard       Human Zoom / Pabst Blue Ribbon                                        7
75        6         21   Toms             Tim                                                            4                                                                       6
76        6         117  May              Steve         Monstr Health                                    1                                                             6
77        6         322  James            Perren        Breakaway                                                                              6
78        6         453  Viana            Alex          Lateral Stress Velo                                         6
79        6         507  Keith            Gerber        Human Zoom / Pabst Blue Ribbon                   2                    6
80        5         8    Haverstick       Scott         ERA Cycling                                      3                                                                       5
81        5         260  Retzlaff         Michael       Kelly Benefit Strategies                                                                             5
82        5         467  Noonam           Todd          Kutztown Cutters                                            5
83        5         549  Lenard           John          Human Zoom / Pabst Blue Ribbon                                        5
84        4         25   Gentile          Bill          Spinners                                                                                                                 4
85        4         101  Best             James         Cycledrome Racing                                3                                                             4
86        4         146  Cramer           Keith         Unattached                                                                             1                       3
87        4         202  Bardige          Josh          VeloEuropa-Cyfac                                 3                                     4
88        4         228  Maclaughlin      Richard       Chester County Velo - Iron Hill                  4                                                   4
89        4         436  Long             Michael       International Christian Cycling                  4          4
90        3         31   Fry              Barry         ERA Cycling                                                                                                              3
91        3         209  Alex             Cox           Freddie Fu Cycling                               3                    3
92        3         243  Steele           Richard       Chester County Velo - Iron Hill Brewery          3                                                   3
93        3         468  Valentino        Mark          unattached                                                  3
94        2         30   Prestia          James         Tri-State Velo                                                                                                           2
95        2         104  Dowling          Timothy       First State Velo Sport                           3                                                             2
96        2         135  Tim              Courtney      Main Line Cycling Club                                                                 2
97        2         217  Hefner           Mike          Aaron's/L5Flyers                                 3                                                   2
98        2         428  Jackson Yonce    Carey                                                          4          2
99        2         534  Fryberger        Kevin         Human Zoom / Pabst Blue Ribbon                                        2
100       1         12   Livingston       Ron           Main Line Cycling - BiKyle                       3                                                                       1
101       1         259  Guy              Jeff          WVU Healthcare                                                                                       1
102       1         443  Oberrender       Emmett        SBRT / Dutch Wheelman                            4          1