Results » Road » 2008

Tour de Belleville Classic

Belleville, NJ

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Tour de Belleville Classic Presented by Premiere Cycling Productions Belleville, NJ Sunday, April 27, 2008
CAT 1/2/3 RACE REPORT by Stephan P. Dioslaki, Team Metra / Victor Homes / Wendy�s / MHP (Maximum Human Performance)

Erdelyi�Lisbon�Roosevelt�Wilson�Durso�Burrowes (plural)�names synonymous with passion and power. If it came down to it�.who would it be?? Who would you be betting on?!? A tough call�.

Despite Ephrata going on in PA, this powerful bunch is just a small sampling of what the Tour de Bellville attracted. In all, just shy of 50 came out to contest the $2,000 purse. Did someone say Branchbrook Park?!? Yup�Branchbrook Park was where this race was being held but nothing like the Branchbrook races you and I have come to know and love. Not a chance�this was an entirely new course several miles away from the usual loop. A new and improved MONSTER I may add. It had all the makings of a power packed course.

Picture this�start off with some mild rollers�throw in a few false flats�nice park setting � bridges cherry blossoms etc�a big ring climb to a 180 degree turn around then repeat but going in the opposite direction�bang a hard right, short power climb, then a hard left and you�re �in the hood� � not too pretty and not a place you want to be stuck with a flat � then down an undulating hill into a down hill 90 degree roller-coaster like left turn & back to the start finish�that�s the MONSTER I�m referring to!! Another great venue by Ray Smith. If you weren�t fortunate enough be part of it�oh well�not to worry, it will occur again � keep an eye out!!

A big shout out to Dave Somerville & his Sommerville Sports World Team squad for showing up well represented, on form, and in style�(Dave � sorry for dissin� you in last week�s right up callin� you by the wrong team �my bad�)

It was a pleasure seeing my man Christian Young (Team Metra, owner of Cycles 54) a major advocate of this sport�this passion�this obsession!!

All right�enough of that�how did it all go down???

There was a distinct lack of warmth in the air as racers broke out arm warmers and leg warmers�just as we all thought (hoped) they�d be packed away for the season�The course had just dried up from the morning precip as the gun went off�good thing!!


Lisbon went up the road solo�should I go with him�still hurtin� from last weeks crash???...Shut up!!�yup�bridge the gap�ok got �em�that hurt�field is too damn close�time for judgment call�should we try it or will it be another futile attempt and waste of energy�too damn many questions�too early and the 2 of us can�t possibly last�but LISBON keeps goin goin goin!!! Not worth the effort�I�ll fade back to the field and he�ll surely get caught.

BAD CALL!!! Back to the field and BAM � there goes Erdelyi then Burrows�then ??? who�s that??? BANG�A Mengoni guy � GONE!! And so it unfolded that way. A 4 man break. Always within site but visibly opening the gap up wider and wider as the laps went by.

In the main field there was a mixed bag as the 4-man breakaway was not wholly represented by the various teams and talents in presence. The ravenous main field was not satisfied!! The Somerville Guys gutted it out as did I, Ziminski, and Durso just to name a few. Get a chase group�keep attacking!!! Something�s just got to give if ya keep this up!!! KEEP ON ATTACKING!! (Keeping in mind all the while� �The only time you can�t afford to fail is the last time you try!!�) Countering that mentality, that pent up rage was a whole lot of force!! Lisbon�s CRCA squad worked hard hoping to keep the breakaway group safe knowing their sprinter was in there and up for the task!! Mengoni was also well represented and hindered numerous attempts to chase down the breakaway group coveted by many in the main field. Needless to say, the Burrows family was blocking as well for their bro up ahead. Erdelyi was the only Rite Aid guy today so he was just pushing the break hoping other squads would do the work block for their guys in the break!!

Attacks were frequent but none were permanent. The breakaway group worked well together�chipping away�steady-steady-steady�all the while, slightly but steadily increasing their lead. The field however never wanted to settle in and accept the fact that they were gone!!

Fast Forward��������.

Coming into the final lap saw a monster move from Thomas Bencivengo, of Somerville Sports. He opened a nice solo gap on the field hoping desperately hoping to land 5th behind the breakaway group. Soloing and hammering � on he went!!

Meanwhile, in the finish line sprint for 1st place, it was LISBON!! Followed by Meran of Mengoni - the new guy who will now be not so new and a marked man, then Erdelyi and finally Burrows rounding out the breakaway group!!

What of the main field�???....props to Bencivengo who held on to his gap �sticking it�getting a very respectable 5th!! GOOD MOVE MAN!!

The �field sprint� for 6th went to Ryan Oelkers.

Durso was next�.

According to my compu, race came in just under 40 miles with an average speed of 25 and change � a great course and NICE PURSE (especially to Lisbon)!!

Congrats to ALL!!

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Pro 1,2,3
1    Lisban        Quintero          CRCA/Foundation Cycling                    Maspeth            NY
2    Rafael        Meran             GS Mengoni                                 Fort Lee           NJ
3    Jonathan      Erdelyi           Rite Aid Pro Cycling                       Bradley Beach      NJ
4    Jermaine      Burrowes          We Stand United (W.S.)                     Brooklyn           NY
5    Thomas        Bencivengo        Sommerville Sports World Team              Brooklyn           NY
6    Ryan          Oelkers           Cadence Cycling                            Wynnewood          PA
7    John          Durso             Liberty Cycle                              Morris Plains      NJ
8    Alejandro     Guzman            CRCA / FOUNDATION                          Sunnyside          NY
9    Salvatore     Scotto Divetta    Sommerville Sports World Team              Brooklyn           NY
10   Roselvert     Marte             GS Mengoni                                 Fort Lee           NJ
11   Brent         Arthurs           Evolution Cycling Club                     Stamford           CT
12   Wilson        Vasquez           Gs Mengoni Usa                             Piermont           NY
13   Luis          Aquino            Unattached                                 New York           NY
14   Lewis         Almonte           G.S. Mengoni U.S.A.                        New York           NY
15   Paul          Burrowes          We Stand United (W.S.)                     Brooklyn           NY
16   Stephan       Dioslaki          Team Metra/Wendys/Victor Homes             Wayne              NJ
17   Juan Pablo    Castro            Third Nature  Crca                         Chester            NY
18   Paul          Ziminski          Team Metra / Wendy's / Victor Homes        Piscataway         NJ
19   Matt          Inconiglios       Stage 1 / Fusionthink                      Stamford           CT
20   Christian     Mambelli          Colavita Racing                            Matawan            NJ
21   Brian         Cooblall          We Stand United (W.S.)                     Massapequa         NY
22   Horace        Burrowes          We Stand United (W.S.)                     Brooklyn           NY
23   J.P.          Partland          Kissena Cycling Club                       New York           NY
24   David         Sommerville       Sommerville Sports                         Brooklyn           NY
25   Daniel        Sullivan          Team Metra / Wendy's / Victor Homes        Bloomfield         NJ
26   Euri          Madera            G.S. Mengoni U.S.A.                        New York           NY
27   Brian         Gristick          Skylands/ACT                               Budd Lake          NJ
28   Louis         Devlin            Watchung Wheelmen                          Nazareth           PA
29   John          Olsen             Bennetts Bicycle                           Staten Island      NY
30   Robert        Wing              Sommerville Sports World Team              Brooklyn           NY
31   Ricky         Gargiulo          Colavita Racing                            Summit             NJ
32   Brian         Girard            Stage 1/Fusionthink                        Philadelphia       PA
33   Jared         Strowbridge       Liberty Cycle                              Sparta             NJ
34   Marco         Kelsey            Watchung Wheelmen                          Paterson           NJ
35   R Scott       Snyder            Kraft Genie Cycling.Inc.                   Colonia            NJ
36   Christian     Young             Team Metra / Wendy's / Victor Homes        Bricktown          NJ

Cat 3/4
1    Andy          Munas             Dynaflo                                    Nazareth           PA
2    Ricky         Gargiulo          Colavita Racing                            Summit             NJ
3    Brian         Gristick          Skylands/ACT                               Budd Lake          NJ
4    John          Olsen             Bennetts Bicycle                           Staten Island      NY
5    Cameron       Reider            Gotham Cyclists                            Easton             PA
6    Chris         Rodgers           Colavita Racing                            Lawrenceville      NJ
7    Samuel        Martinez          We Stand United (W.S.)                     Ozone Park         NY
8    Patrick       Gellineau         Team Squiggle                              Brooklyn           NY
9    Anthony       Diaz              Liberty Cycle                              Verona             NJ
10   Mark          Fontanilla        Liberty Cycle                              E Hanover          NJ
11   Alexander     Vanplantinga      Rutgers Cycling                            Princeton          NJ
12   Michael       Karr              Montclair Cyclists                         Boonton            NJ

Cat 4/5
1    Alexander     Vanplantinga      Rutgers Cycling                            Princeton          NJ
2    Denis         Leinhart          Montclair Cyclists                         Oradell            NJ
3    Jared         Mazur             Monmouth University                        Parlin             NJ
4    Geraldo       Rivera            3D / Tom's Atlantic Cyclery                Roselle            NJ
5    Bladdymir     Coronel           Unattached                                 Bloomingdale       NJ
6    Marc          Innella           Westwood Velo                              Somerville         NJ
7    Nick          Iacovelli         Colavita Racing                            Maplewood          NJ
8    Elias         Ramirez           Gs Retro Velo                              Englewood          NJ
9    Ryan          Phelan            Unattached                                 Lyndhurst          NJ
10   Leonardo      Chao              Bobby Vann                                 New Milford        NJ
11   James         Mccabe            Colavita Racing                            Bridgewater        NJ
13   Harrison      Krupnick          3D / Tom's Atlantic Cyclery                Ocean Township     NJ
14   Juan          Nunez             Signaturecycles/DKNY                       Washingtonville    NY
15   Chris         Redmond           Rutgers Cycling                            New Brunswick      NJ

Masters 45+
1    Larry         Towner            Liberty Cycle                              Pompton Plains     NJ
2    Christopher   Dimattio          Bethel Cycle Sport Club                    Wilton             CT
3    Eric          Hallander         Rocket Racing/YSG Racing                   Little Silver      NJ
4    Patrick       Gellineau         Team Squiggle                              Brooklyn           NY
5    Michael       Karr              Montclair Cyclists                         Boonton            NJ
6    Michael       Shapanka          Watchung Wheelmen                          Somerville         NJ
7    Joseph        Zuppa             Colavita Racing                            Rumson             NJ

Masters 35+
1    Steve         Sambrano          Main Line Cycling - Bikyle                 Lansdale           PA
2    David         Kahl              Liberty Cycle                              West Milford       NJ
3    David         Whitney           Somerset Wheelmen                          Green Brook        NJ
4    Igor          Bystrycky         Cycle Craft Racing                         Livingston         NJ