Results » Road » 2008

2008 Binghamton Circuit Race

Binghamton, NY

Sunday, April 27, 2008

2008 Binghamton Circuit Race Presented by Tioga Velo Club Binghamton, NY Sunday, April 27, 2008

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Cat 1-2-3 Men
Place  BIB FIRST NAME LAST NAME    TEAM                                          CITY           STATE  AGE  USCF CAT
1      400 Jeremy     Gardner      Spokepost                                     Brooktondale   NY     31   3
2      14  Steve      Sloan        Maxpower                                      Cortland       NY     21   3
3      40  Cam        Mancuso      ACT                                           Greentown      PA     16   3
4      56  Sergey     Shteyn       RUUD/NYSketches                               Binghamton     NY     25   3
5      39  Benjamin   Salibra      Syracuse Bicycle/                Faytteville    NY     16   3
6      11  Wayne      Bray         Syracuse Bike                                 Clinton        NY     31   3

Junior Men 15-16 Yrs
Place  BIB FIRST NAME LAST NAME    TEAM                                          CITY           STATE  AGE  USCF CAT
1      39  Benjamin   Salibra      Syracuse Bicycle/                Faytteville    NY     16   3
2      28  John       Novak        Sicklers                                      Tunkhanncok    PA     17   5
3      40  Cam        Mancuso      ACT                                           Greentown      PA     16   3
4      237 Michael    Ballard      Unattached                                    Clifton Park   Ny     17
5      231 Eli        Robinson     Finger Lakes Cycling Club                     Ithaca         NY     16   5
6      27  David      Novak        Sicklers                                      Tunkhanncok    PA     15   5
7      236 Max        Mancuso      Upstate Velo/Sicklers                         Greentown      PA     13   5
8      230 Nick       Cognetto     Sony's                                        New Hartford   Ny     16   One Day
9      233 Samuel     Van Kuren    Cycles Bikyle - MLC                           Endicott       NY     18   5
10     235 Anthony    Skorochod    Gotham Cyclists                               Wind Gap       PA     14   5
11     234 John-Paul  Keonig       Unattached                                    Clinton        NY     14   One Day
12     232 Luke       Thomas       SpokePost                                     Interlaken     NY     16   One Day
13     204 Charlsie   Donnelly     TVC                                           Van Etten      NY     18   4
14     238 Brittany   Sumner       Farm Team Cycling                             Clifton Park   NY     12   4

Open Women
Place  BIB FIRST NAME LAST NAME    TEAM                                          CITY           STATE  AGE  USCF CAT
1      221 Margaret   Thompson     Mission in Motion cycling                     Clinton        NY     54   3
2      205 Shana      Lydon        Full Moon Vista                               Rochester      NY     32   4

Masters Women 45+
1      220 Marie      Derosa       CRCA/3rd Nature/Kempner                       New York       NY     58   2

Cat 3-4-5 Men
Place  BIB FIRST NAME LAST NAME    TEAM                                          CITY           STATE  AGE  USCF CAT
1      48  Ernie      Bayles       FLCC/Chris Cookies/Swan Cycles                Ithaca         NY     54   3
2      14  Stephen    Sloan        Maxpower cycling                              Cortland       Ny     21   3
3      58  Brendan    Flannagan    CP Cycles                                     Endicott       Ny     21
4      5   Robert     Nunnink      Corning Race Team                             Sayre          PA     44   4
5      155 Matt       Tammaro      Big Horn Velo                                 Ithaca         Ny
6      233 Samuel     Van Kuren    Cycles Bikyle - MLC                           Endicott       NY     18   5
7      7   Adam       Zimmerman                                                  Westbury       NY     25   4
8      113 Daniel     Hertzler     Corning race team                             Addison        Ny
9      18  Aaron      Dinoto       ROG Presented by Towners                      Rochester      NY     27   4
10     31  Thomas     Blonkowski   TVC                                           Mount Airy     MD     23   5
11     154 Scott      Griswald                                                                  Ny     29
12     41  Vin        Maneuso      ACT                                           Greentown      PA     45   4
13     21  Andrew     Lytwynec     Full Moon Vista
14     166 Michael    Kumiega      RUUD RACING/TVC                               Binghamton     NY     34   4
15     3   Joe        Walker       RUUD Racing Team/TVC                          Binghamton     NY     52   4
16     60  Robert     Hanlon       Syracuse Bicycle/                Pryder         Ny          3
17     40  Cam        Mancuso      ACT                                           Greentown      PA     16   3
18     12  Douglas    Carlson      FLCC / Chris Cookies/ Swan Cycles             Alpine         Ny     41   4
19     101 Ken        Hammond                                                    Kirkville      Ny     34   5
20     28  John       Novak        Sicklers                                      Tunkhanncok    PA     17   5
21     100 David      Burns        unattached                                    Watertown      NY     54   5
22     46  Gregory    Drumm        Team SCARR - Ommegang                         Chittenango    NY     43   4
23     30  Mark       Blakley      GVCC                                          Rochester      NY     26   5
24     52  Gregory    Low          MaxPowerCycling Team                          North Syracuse NY     44   4
25     170 Todd       Sherwood     RUUD RACING/TVC                               Big Flats      Ny     37   4
26     51  William    Erickson     chris cookies/swan cycles                     Ithaca         Ny     46
27     9   Jeff       Frutchey     Corning race team                             Waverly        NY     40   4
28     4   Ryan       Morales                                                    Sayre          Pa     27
29     59  Kurt       Woodruff     RUUD Racing / TVC                             Big Flats      Ny
30     19  Cory       Peranich     RUUD Racing / TVC                             Brackney       PA     30   4
31     35  Scott      OuderKick    Big Horn Velo                                 Addison
32     114 John       Hertzler     Big Horn Velo                                 Addison        Ny
33     158 Tim        Carlson      Big Horn Velo                                 Montour Falls  NY     49   4
34     202 Sarah      Kryzyriak    Syracus BicycleMercy                          Mercy          NY     26
35     16  Joseph     Bailey       Swan's Cycles/Chris's Cookies                 Cortland       NY     22   4
36     37  Andrew     Van Kuren    MLC Team BiKyle                               Endicott       NY     45   3
37     6   John       Ormsby                                                     Vernon         Ny
38     56  Sergey     Shteyn       RUUD Racing / TVC                             Big Flats      Ny     23   3
39     169 Charles    Hamilton     FingerLake Cycling                            Brookdale      Ny
40     27  David      Novak        Sicklers                                      Tunkhanncok    PA     15   5
41     49  Matt       Delissa      Cookies                                       Ithaca         Ny
DNF    2   Karl       Faruzel      Scarr Ommegang/Soul Cycles                    Binghamton     NY     52   3
DNF    17  Ned        Walsh        Rochester Road Racing/Nalgene                 Pittsford      NY     19   4
DNF    20  Gregg      Griffo                                                     Perington Ny
DNF    29  Michael    Grygus       RUUD Racing / TVC                             Endwell        NY     28   N/a
DNF    236 Max        Mancuso      Slickers                                      Greentown      Pa
DNF    11  Wayne      Bray                                                       Clinton        Ny
DNF    13  Douglas    Eiselep                                                    Cortland       Ny
DNF    38  Todd       Roswech      FLCC                                          Ithaca         NY     34   5
DNF    43  James      Millar       Corning Race Team                             Spencer        NY     52   5
DNF    117 Keisuke    Inoue                                                      Liverpool      NY     35   5
DNF    235 Anthony    Skorochod    Gotham Cyclists                               Wind Gap       PA     14   5

Cat 3-4 Women
Place  BIB FIRST NAME LAST NAME    TEAM                                          CITY           STATE  AGE  USCF CAT
1      202 Sarah      Krzysiak     Syracuse Bicycle                              Mercy          NY     26   3
2      200 Tamara     Lewis        Mission in Motion Cycling/ Tioga Velo Club    Oxford         NY     44   4
3      208 Nancy      Heller       TriState                                      Philly         Pa     40   4
4      220 Marie      DeRosa       CRCA/3rd Nature                               New York       NY     58   3
5      205 Shana      Lydon        Full Moon Vista                               Rochester      NY     32   4
6      201 Marsha     Kapinus      Mission in Motion Cycling / Tioga Velo Club   Chenango Forks NY     42   3
7      206 Lilynn     Graves       Velo Bella/Swan Cycles                        Ithaca         NY     52   4
8      204 Charlsie   Donnely      TVC                                           Van Etten      NY     18   4
9      203 Angela     Acey                                                       New York Mills NY     35   4
10     207 Andrea     Alexander                                                  Clinton        NY     52   4

Cat 4 Men
Place  BIB FIRST NAME LAST NAME    TEAM                                          CITY           STATE  AGE  USCF CAT
1      151 Eric       Battaglioli  North Atlantic Velo/             Ballston Lake  NY     23   4
2      162 Danny      Zotter       Team ROG                                      Mendon         NY     21   4
3      16  Joseph     Bailey       Swan's Cycles/Chris's Cookies                 Cortland       NY     22   4
4      18  Aaron      Dinoto       ROG Presented by Towners                      Rochester      NY     27   4
5      7   Adam       Zimmerman                                                  Westbury       NY     25   4
6      5   Robert     Nunnink      Corning Race Team                             Sayre          PA     44   4
7      159 James      Randall      Team Scarr                                    Chittenano     ny     35   4
8      171 Jason      Dellilo      JAYBIRD RACING                                Baldwinsville  NY     35   4
9      20  Greg       Griffo       ROG                                           Perington      Ny     21   4
10     155 Matthew    Tammaro      Corning Race Team                             Horseheads     NY     26   4
11     161 Steven     Zotter       Team ROG                                      Mendon         NY     17   4
12     167 Mathew     Paazarelk                           Syracuse       Ny     31   4
13     170 Todd       Sherwood     RUUD Racing                                   Chenango Forks NY     37   4
14     8   Barry      Koblenz      CBRC - Capital Bicycle Racing Club            Albany         NY     45   4
15     154 Scott      Griswold     Fast Splits                                   Schenectady    NY     29   4
16     166 Michael    Kumiega      RUUD RACING/TVC                               Binghamton     NY     34   4
17     169 Charles    Hamilton     FLCC/Chris Cookies/Swan Cycles                Brooktondale   NY     35   4
18     9   Jeff       Frutchey     Corning race team                             Waverly        NY     40   4
19     102 Stephen    Gates        Paceline                                      Westerly       NY     35   4
20     23  Scott      Sommers      Schuss Racing/MVBC                            Whitesboro     NY     52   4
21     163 Jeff       Hoover                           Syracuse       NY     34   4
22     164 Gregory    Gray         GVCC                                          Rochester      NY     42   4
23     172 Michael    Morgan       RUUD Racing Team/Tioga Velo Club              Binghamton     NY     50   4
24     157 David      Prugh        Corning Racing                                Sayre          PA     48   4
25     13  Paul       Eslisek      ONYC                                          Cortland       ny     21   4
26     152 Michael    Meier        RUUD Racing                                   Binghamton     NY     48   4
27     168 Justin     DeeAmias     Sonnes                                        New Hartford   Ny     37   4
28     12  Douglas    Carlson      FLCC/ChrisCookies/SwanCycles                  Alpine         NY     41   4
29     4   Ryan       Morales      Big Horn Velo                                 Sayre          PA     27   4
30     22  Mark       Shenstone    FLCC                                          Trumansburg    NY     53   4
31     160 Bryan      Blake                           Fulton         NY     40   4
32     165 Mark       Rishniw      Cookies                                       Ithaca         Ny     44   4
33     19  Cory       Percovich    TVC                                           Brockray       Pa     30   4
34     17  Ned        Walsh        Rochester Road Racing/Nalgene                 Pittsford      NY     19   4
35     15  Richard    Rutishauser                                                Numills        NY     42   4
36     158 Tim        Carlson      Big Horn Velo                                 Montour Falls  NY     49   4
37     153 Joe        Walker       RUUD Racing Team/TVC                          Binghamton     NY     52   4
38     1   Jeff       Poulin       RUUD/Tioga Velo Club                          Endicott       NY     48   4
DNF    6   Jon        Ormsley                                                    Vernon         NY     35   4
DNF    32  Mark       Shenstone    Cookies                                       Trumansburg    NY     53   4
DNF    156 Thomas     Sproull      Asaco                                         Auburn         NY     47   4

Cat 5 Men
Place  BIB FIRST NAME LAST NAME    TEAM                                          CITY           STATE  AGE  USCF CAT
1      30  Mark       Blakley      GVCC                                          Rochester      NY     26   5
2      113 Daniel     Hertzler     Corning race team
3      21  Andrew     Lytwynec     Full Moon Vista                               Rochester      NY     24
4      114 John       Hertzler     Big Horn Velo                                                       24
5      31  Thomas     Blonkowski   TVC                                           Mount Airy     MD     23   5
6      100 David      Burns        unattached                                    Watertown      NY     54   5
7      108 Kevin      Piarulli     Ithaca College                                Ithaca         NY     21   Pro
8      101 Kenneth    Hammond                                                    Kirkville      NY     23   5
9      38  Todd       Roswech      FLCC                                          Ithaca         NY     34   5
10     35  Scott      Ouderirk                                                   Bis Horn              35
12     29  Michael    Grygus       RUUD                                          Endwell        NY     28
13     117 Keisuke    Inoue                                                      Liverpool      NY     35   5
14     107 Todd       Hertzog      Tioga Velo Club                               Port Crane     NY     39   Na
15     115 Jason      Van Staveren FLCC Swan Cycles/Chris Cookies                Ithaca         NY     33
16     105 David      Paccone                                                    Skaneateles    NY     45   5
17     112 Ed         Dailey       Corning race team                             Sayre          PA     47   5
18     111 Trent      Wellott      GVCC                                          Rochester      NY     51
19     103 Aaron      Cass                                                       Schenectady    NY     37
20     104 Charles    Braman       tioga velo                                    Greene         NY     48   5
21     106 Patrick    Meszler      Mohawk Valley Bike Club                       Waterville     NY     21   5
22     43  James      Millar       Corning Race Team                             Spencer        NY     52   5
23     116 John       Hendrikson   TVC
24     109 Bradley    Brown                                                      Cortland       NY     60   5
DNF    102 Steve      Gates        PaceLine                                      Westfield      ny     35
DNF    110 Doake      Brown        unattached                                    Cortland       NY     50   5

Overall Place   Cat Place  BIB FIRST NAME LAST NAME   TEAM                                 CITY              STATE  AGE  USCF CAT
Master Men 35+
4               1          55  Mariano    Garcia      FLCC/Chris Cookies/Swan Cycles       Ithaca            NY     37   3
7               2          168 Justin     Deamicis    Sonnes Racing                        New Hartford      NY     37   4
9               3          46  Gregg      Drumm       Scarr Ommegang/Soul Cycles           Chittenango       Ny     43   4
13              4          49  Matt       Delisa      FLCC / Chris Cookies                 Ithaca            Ny     35   4
14              5          52  Gregory    Low         MaxPowerCycling Team                 North Syracuse    NY     44   4
DNF                        15  Rich       Rutishauser                                      Numills           NY     42   4
DNF                        53  Peter      Martin      Central New York Cyclist             New Lisbon        NY     38   3
DNF                        169 Charles    Hamilton                                         Brooktondale      NY          4

Master Men 45+
1               1          41  Vin        Mancuso     ACT                                  Greentown         PA     45   4
2               2          34  Richard    Karaz       CNYC                                 Remsen            NY     47   2
3               3          48  Ernie      Bayles      FLCC/Chris Cookies/Swan Cycles       Ithaca            NY     54   3
6               4          26  Michael    Tacci                                            Downningtown      Pa     50
8               5          32  Mark       Williams    Dick Sonne's/MVBC                    Clinton           NY     45   4
10              6          45  Daniel     Fitch       Team SCARR - Ommegang                Cazenovia         NY     48   4
12              7          51  William    Erickson                                         Ithaca            Ny     46
15              8          44  Mark       Feher                                            Little Meadows    Pa     48   4
16              9          57  Howard     Uhrlass     CNYC                                 Johnson City      NY     45   3
17              10         47  Ed         Burns       tioga velo                           Vestal            NY     65   3
18              11         2   Karl       Faruzel     Scarr Ommegang/Soul Cycles           Binghamton        NY     52   3
19              12         50  Jack       Rueckheim   Chris Cookies/FLCC                   Freeville         NY     53   5
20              13         8   Barry      Koblenz     CBRC - Capital Bicycle Racing Club   Albany            NY     45   4
DNF                        22  Mark       Shenstone   chris cookies/swan cycles            Trumansburg       NY     53   4
DNF                        23  Scott      Sommers     Schuss Racing/MVBC                   Whitesboro        NY     52   4
DNF                        42  Mark       Sumner      Battenkill-United/   Clifton Park      NY     45   3
DNF                        54  Todd       Kapaghian                                        Vestal            NY     51
DNF                        1   Jeff       Poulin      RUUD/Tioga Velo Club                 Endicott          NY     48   4

Master Men 55+
11              1          33  Guy        Damiano     Schuss/MVBC                          New Hartford      NY     56   4

Master Men 60+
5               1          36  John       Saphier                                          Cooperstown       NY     62   Na
1                          25  John       Auer        Team Somerset                        East Stroudsburg  PA     68   3
2                          24  Philip     Thompson                                         Clinton           Ny     64
3                          36  John       Saphier                                          Cooperstown       NY     62   Na
4                          10  George     Elmy        RUUD/TVC                             Endicott          NY     60   5