Results » Road » 2008

Turtle Pond Circuit Race

Loudon, NH

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Turtle Pond Circuit Race Presented by MetLife Pro-Am Cycling Team p/b Loudon, NH Sunday, April 13, 2008

Results Courtesy of 

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Pro/1/2/3 Men     69 miles       56                   starters
Place   Time      First Name     Last Name            Team                                                   City                   State
1       2:42:29   Josh           Dillon               Fiordifrutta                                           Essex Junction         VT
2       0:00:13   Aidan          Charles              Nerac                                                  Middletown             CT
3       0:00:16   Jason          Beerman              Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team                             Allston                MA
4       0:02:02   Gavin          Mannion              Hot Tubes Junior Development Team                      Dedham                 MA
5       0:02:12   Roy            Van Cleef            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                      Weston                 MA
6       0:04:11   Ryan           Kelly                NorEast Cycling                                        Dover                  NH
7       0:07:53   Daniel         Estevez              Sakonet                                                Worcester              MA
8       st        Toby           Marzot               Fiordifrutta                                           Hanover                NH
9       st        Damien         Colfer               Mechanical Services/Cycle Mania                        Newmarket              NH
10      st        Matt           White                Fiordifrutta                                           Hadley                 MA
11      st        Colin          Murphey              Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team                             Boston                 MA
12      st        Adam           Branfman             Fitness Together / IF pb Lionette's                    Newton                 MA
13      st        Kirk           Carlsen                                                                     Sandown                NH
14      st        Nick           Keough               Sakonet                                                Sandwich               MA
15      st        Christopher    Rozdilsky            Fiordifrutta                                           Redding                CT
16      st        Jonathan       Awerbuch             NorEast                                                Hanover                NH
17      st        Matt           Moon                 Mechanical Services/Cycle Mania                        Westbrook              ME
18      st        Mukunda        Feldman              Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team                             Great Barrington       MA
19      st        Aliaksandr     Bialiauski           CCB/VW/Time                                            Hamden                 CT
20      st        Jamie          Driscoll             Fiordifrutta                                           Jericho                VT
21      st        Jacob          Keough               Sakonet                                                Sandwich               MA
22      st        Will           Riffelmacher         Fiordifrutta                                           S. Royalton            VT
23      st        Ward           Solar                NERAC                                                  Woburn                 MA
24      st        Brendan        Cornett              Mechanical Services/Cycle Mania                        Lewiston               ME
25      st        Josh           Austin               Noreast Cycling                                        Durham                 NH
26      st        Adam           Sullivan             Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team                             North Kingstown        RI
27      st        Steve          Weller               Fitness Together/IF powered by Lionette's              Hadley                 MA
28      st        Thomas         Orsini               Optimum Performance/Fitchburg Cycling Club             Leominster             MA
29      st        Toby           Walch                Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team                             Marlborough            MA
30      st        Peter          Bradshaw             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental
31      st        Neil           Fitch                Mechanical Services/Cycle Mania                        Portland               ME
32      st        Luciano        Pavan                Optimum Performance/FCC                                Fitchburg              MA
33      st        Benjamin       Coleman                                                Burlington             VT
34      st        Todd           Rowell               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                      Arlington              MA
35      st        Dzmitry        Buben                CCB/Volkswagen                                         Hamden                 CT
36      st        James          Tosck                CornerCycle                                            Sanwich                MA

Pro/1/2/3 Women   46 miles       20                   starters
Place   Time      First Name     Last Name            Team                                                   City                   State
1       2:12:46   Mary           Zider                NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                      Weston                 MA
2       st        Sarah          Schreib                                                                     Williston              VT
3       st        Karin          Holmes               CCB/Volkswagen                                         Beverly                MA
4       st        Elisa          Gagnon               Team Advil/ChapStick                                   Montreal               PQ
5       0:00:12   Rebecca        Wellons              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                      Woburn                 MA
6       0:00:17   Sally          Annis                NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                      Nashua                 NH
7       st        Kami           Tremblay             ABRT - Lattitude                                       Baltimore              MD
8       st        Tami           Buhr                 NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                      Lexington              MA
9       0:00:25   Natalie        Dumont               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                      Fitchburg              MA
10      0:00:29   Rebecca        Blatt                Kenda Tire                                             West Hartford          CT
11      0:00:47   Michelle       Hurley               Incline Training                                       Northfield             MA
12      0:03:40   Samantha       Dery                 NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                      Beverly                MA
13      st        Brooke         O'Connor             Hub Racing                                             Billerica              MA
14      0:05:58   Hannah         Kirshner             Bikeworks/Hallamore                                    Providence             RI
15      0:06:45   Ann            Hansgate             Terry Precision                                        Watertown              MA
16      0:07:18   Kimberly       Edwards              CVC/Subaru of New England                              Clinton                CT
17      0:12:02   Cathy          Rowell               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental/MCRA                 Bedford                MA
18      0:18:43   Karen          Nash                 CCB/Volkswagen                                         North Hampton          NH

3 Men             57 miles       46                   starters
Place   Time      First Name     Last Name            Team                                                   City                   State
1       2:28:34   Christopher    Bagg                                                   Putney                 VT
2       st        Kevin          Backhouse            Boston Road Club                                       Boston                 MA
3       0:04:08   Randy          Ayotte               portland velo/cyclemania                               Gorham                 ME
4       st        Keith          Button               noreast cycling                                        Nottingham             NH
5       st        Marvin         Wang                 International Bicycle/Global                           Jamaica Plain          MA
6       st        Peter          Shapiro              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                      Cranston               RI
7       st        James          Combs                Boston Road Club                                       Cambridge              MA
8       st        Bob            German               CCNS/pedal power cycling team                          Higganum               CT
9       st        Cort           Cramer               Minuteman Road Club                                    Watertown              MA
10      st        Ryan           Kelly                Sunapee/S&W                                            Concord                NH
11      st        Chris          Laflamme             Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                                Westbrook              ME
12      st        Dan            Ouellette            Gamache Cyclery                                        Westminster            MA
13      st        Gregory        Zysk                 Boston Road Club                                       Melrose                MA
14      st        Stephen        Humphreys            noreast cycling                                        Exeter                 NH
15      st        Erik           Markewich            Windham Mountain Outfitters                            Stephentown            NY
16      st        Brian          Tompkins             CCNS/Pedal Power                                       Newington              CT
17      st        Paul           Lynch                CLNoonan KAM Coast to Coast                            Colchester             CT
18      st        Christopher    Bailey               Boston Road Club                                       Norfolk                MA
19      st        Jon            Bernhard             CCB/Volkswagen                                         Newburyport            MA
20      st        James          Nash                 CCB/Volkswagen                                         Northampton            NH
21      st        Bill           Haslett              Dartmouth College Cycling                              Norwich                VT
22      st        David          Fierro               Exodus Road Racing/Pools etc/Brumble Bikes             Uncasville             CT
23      st        Tony           Giguere              Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                                Winslow                ME
24      st        Kirk           Fongemie             Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                                Portland               ME
25      st        Ryan           O'Hara               Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames                   Somerville             MA
26      st        Kyle           Smith                Cambridge Bicycle presented by Igleheart Frames        South Boston           MA
27      st        Clark          Scheffy              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                      Cambridge              MA
28      st        Brian          Lavigne              Sunapee/S&W                                            Bow                    NH
29      st        Joshua         Rosenberg            Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames                   Watertown              MA
30      st        Drew           Szeliga              Noreast Cycling                                        Newmarket              NH
31      st        Andrew         Gardner              Flatbread                                              Riptea                 VT
32      st        John Michael   Hackett              North Atlantic Velo/'s        West Rutland           VT
33      st        Patrick        Brandon              CCNS/Pedal Power                                       Killingwoth            CT
34      0:05:36   Scott          Brooks               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                      Westford               MA
35      st        Paul           Denis                Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                                Fairfield              ME
36      0:05:45   Gustavo        Cinci                BRC                                                    Watertown              MA
37      0:08:06   Anthony        Parent               CCNS/Pedal Power                                       Wallingford            CT
38      0:12:40   Michael        Sabatini             Boston Road Club                                       Hingham                MA
39      0:15:13   Sean           Langford             CCB/Volkswagen                                         Middleton              MA
40      0:16:59   Greg           Brown                NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                      Boston                 MA
41      0:17:17   Matt           Reynolds             Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                                Farmington             ME
42      st        Julian         Gent                 NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                      Atkinson               NH

4 Men             46 miles       85                   starters
Place   Time      First Name     Last Name            Team                                                   City                   State
1       2:01:57   Jordan         Sagalowsky                                           Brookline              MA
2       0:00:22   Nick           Pignatello           Exodus Road Racing                                     Griswold               CT
3       0:00:41   Brad           Warren               Gamache Cyclery                                        Fitchburg              MA
4       0:00:43   Nathaniel      Herz                 Portland Velo Club                                     Brunswick              ME
5       0:00:43   Leo            Desforges            Team BreakAway Boston                                  Allston                MA
6       st        Taylor         Barefoot             NEBC/CycleLoft                                         Allston                MA
7       st        John           Starvish             Boston Road Club                                       Boston                 MA
8       st        Jordan         Strober              CRCA Jr Dev                                            Yorktown Heights       NY
9       st        Rob            McHardy              Benidorm Bikes/Eastern Bloc                            West Hartford          CT
10      st        Chris          Woodward             Boston Road Club                                       Dover                  MA
11      st        Collin         Huston               CLNoonan KAM Coast to Coast                            Kennebunk              MA
12      st        Nicholas       Fanaras              NorEast Cycling                                        Amesbury               MA
13      st        Bruce          Beauharnois          Team Placid Planet                                     Plattsburgh            NY
14      st        Alexander      Indeck               NorEast Cycling/MC Cycle                               Gilford                NH
15      st        Michael        Lorin                Team Breakaway                                         Millbury               MA
16      st        Torbjorn       Phillpotts           Quad Cycles                                            Medford                MA
17      st        Matt           Fowler               Workers CompSolutions/Everactive                       Northwood              NH
18      st        David          Smallwood            Boston Road Club                                       Brighton               MA
19      0:00:58   Chad           Jolin                Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                                Old Orchard Beach      ME
20      st        Colby          Ricker               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                      Somerville             MA
21      st        Jordan         Winkler              Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames                   Cambridge              MA
22      st        Michael        McKittrick           Cambridge Bicycle/Igleheart Frames                     Brighton               MA
23      st        Matthew        Miller               OrganicAthlete                                         Jamaica Plain          MA
24      st        Keith          Reynolds             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                      Chelmsford             MA
25      st        Bob            Gagnon               NorEast Cycling                                        Epping                 NH
26      st        James          Johnson              Portland Velo Club                                     Hallowell              ME
27      st        Ian            Sutton               QuadCycles                                             Allston                MA
28      st        David          Penney               Unattached                                             Lyndeborough           NH
29      0:01:05   Jeff           Landfried            Gamache Cyclery                                        Fitchburg              MA
30      st        Wayne          Cunningham           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                      Wayland                MA
31      st        Eric           Wemhoff              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                      Lexington              MA
32      st        Steven         Senne                Boston Road Club                                       East Walpole           MA
33      st        Kevin          Cummisford           Boston Road Club                                       Boston                 MA
34      st        Chris          Petrillo             CVC/Subaru of New England                              Tariffville            CT
35      st        Kevin          Hays                 Portland Velo Club                                     Brookline              MA
36      st        Neal           Heffron              Boston Road Club                                       Brookline              MA
37      st        Michael        Stimson              Benidorm Eastern Bloc                                  West Hartford          CT
38      st        Sebastian      Dunn                 CVC/Subaru of New England                              Middletown             CT
39      st        George         Hanna                Claremont Cycle Depot                                  Lebanon                NH
40      st        Mark           Rancourt             noreast cycling                                        Belmont                NH
41      st        John           Schwarz              Unattached                                             Cambridge              VT
42      st        Kevin          Malloy               CCNS - Pedal Power                                                            CT
43      st        Stuart         Coulter                                                                     Hanover                NH
44      0:01:19   Oscar          Jimenez              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                      Lowell                 MA
45      st        Richard        Drummond             CCD                                                    Enfield                NH
46      0:01:24   Erik           Thatcher             Team New Hampshire/ NHCC                               Hebron                 NH
47      0:01:28   Steven         Edwards              Portland Velo Club                                     Portland               ME
48      st        Eric           Schillinger          CBRC                                                   Albany                 NY
49      st        Steve          Connor               Belfast Racing Team -BBCRT                             Dedham                 ME
50      st        Joshua         Preneta                                                                     Billerica              MA
51      st        Jesse          Keough               CLNoonan KAM Coast to Coast                            Sandwich               MA
52      0:01:34   Sean           Kennedy              Incline Training                                       S Deerfield            MA
53      st        Nessim         Mezrahi              QuadCycles                                             Cambridge              MA
54      st        John           Naegle               QuadCycles                                             Somerville             MA
55      st        Joseph         Jussaume             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                      Nashua                 NH
56      0:07:21   Ben            Regan                Travis Cycle                                           Brockton               MA
57      0:08:30   Geoff          Martin               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                      Watertown              MA
58      0:15:45   John           Gibbons              NEBC / Cycle Loft / Devonshire Dental                  Boston                 MA
59      st        Michael        Brier                Refunds Now                                            Providence             RI
60      0:19:29   Chuck          Dopfel               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                      Wayland                MA
61      st        Lester         Bethel               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                      Acton                  MA
62      0:20:47   David          Shedd                Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                                Portland               ME
63      st        Raniel         Babala               NHCC/Team NH                                           Nashua                 NH
64      st        Chris          Tweed                Boston Road Club                                       Waltham                MA
65      0:23:52   Thomas         Evers                NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                      Melrose                MA
66      0:35:19   Bob            Hatfield             Bob Cycling-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bike Shops       Plaistow               NH

4 Women           35 miles       13                   starters
Place   Time      First Name     Last Name            Team                                                   City                   State
1       1:37:19   Beth           Saman                Eastern Bloc/Benidorm                                  Bristol                CT
2       st        Katherine      Papillon-Rodrigue    CVC/Subaru of New England                              Avon                   CT
3       st        Amy            Kemper               Northampton Cycling Club                               Northampton            MA
4       0:01:36   Clara          Kelly                NEBC                                                   North Andover          MA
5       0:08:14   Katherine      Snell                Northeast Bicycle Club                                 Nashua                 NH
6       0:11:42   Sheila         Vibert               none                                                   Mont Vernon            NH
7       0:16:44   Amy            Viara                PortlandVelo Cyclemania                                Brunswick              ME
8       0:18:40   Christine      Fort                 Back Bay Cycling Club                                  Somerville             MA
9       0:25:41   Lodrina        Cherne               Minuteman Road Club                                    Cambridge              MA

5 Men             35 miles       37                   starters
Place   Time      First Name     Last Name            Team                                                   City                   State
1       1:34:55   Dylan          McNicholas           NorEast Cycling                                        Stratham               NH
2       st        Ryan           Littlefield          Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                                Portland               ME
3       st        Matthew        Goedeke              C B R C                                                Delmar                 NY
4       st        Bennett        Haynes               Bowdoin Cycling Club                                   Brunswick              ME
5       st        Callum         Ingram                                                                      Putney                 VT
6       st        Greg           Burbidge             CLAREMONT CYCLE DEPOT                                  Grantham               NH
7       st        Shawn          Turner               Team Placid Planet                                     Champlain              NY
8       0:00:41   Jeremy         Durrin               Gamache Cyclery                                        Fitchburg              MA
9       st        Seth           Haskell              BBCRT                                                  Delmar                 NY
10      st        Matt           Gluker                                                                      Bow                    NH
11      0:00:49   Matthew        Wheatley                                                                    Amherst                NH
12      st        Jeff           Bramhall             Unattached                                             Allston                MA
13      0:04:08   Paul           Anderson             Dartmouth                                              Norwich                VT
14      0:04:23   Knut-Eric      Joslin                                                                      Canton                 NY
15      0:04:29   Robert         Dibattista                                                                  Framingham             MA
16      0:04:40   Matt           Dalessio             Team BreakAway Boston                                  Boston                 MA
17      0:04:54   Robert         Arnold               Cambridge/Igleheart                                    Boston                 MA
18      0:05:46   Darren         Adams                unattached                                             Castleton              VT
19      0:06:32   Will           Day                                                                         Penacook               NH
20      0:07:34   Erik           Peterson             Cambridge/Igleheart                                    Boston                 MA
21      0:07:38   Sam            Strober              Pawling cycle and sport                                Yorktown Heights       NY
22      0:14:02   Casey          Buckles              Harborside Cycle                                       Gloucester             MA
23      0:15:39   Marcus         Jang                 CCB/Volkswagen                                         Providence             RI
24      0:16:16   Greg           Brown                Belfast Bicycle Club                                   Monroe                 ME
25      0:22:02   Eric           Worthing             NEBC                                                   Andover                MA
26      0:22:43   Patrick        Joslin                                                                      Williamstown           MA
27      0:32:30   Josh           Payson               Belfast Bicycle Club                                   Belmont                ME
28      0:34:53   Kyle           Gaulet                                                                      Exeter                 NH
29      0:37:34   Damien         Wimbush              Back Bay Bicycles                                      Sommerville            MA

5 Men 35+         35 miles       30                   starters
Place   Time      First Name     Last Name            Team                                                   City                   State
1       1:31:09   Phil           Oviatt                                                                      Concord                NH
2       st        James          Jones                Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                                Scarborough            ME
3       st        Seth           Brooker              Belfast Racing Club                                    Hampden                ME
4       0:00:00   Bob            Evans                                                                       Gilford                NH
5       0:00:00   Gregory        Brown                Drummond Custom Cycles                                 Grantham               NH
6       0:00:00   Carl           Wittig               BikeBarnRacing                                         Taunton                MA
7       0:00:00   Al             Raine                MTBMInd                                                Concord                NH
8       0:00:00   Joseph         Ficara                                                                      Shrewsbury             MA
9       0:00:33   Keith          Loiselle                                                                    Pembroke               NH
10      0:00:33   Alan           Cunningham                                                                  Winslow                ME
11      0:00:42   Danny          Taffe                                                                       Concord                NH
12      0:01:03   Tom            Fritschka                                                                   Gilmanton              NH
13      0:01:11   Rich           Jarvi                NEBC                                                   Manlius                NY
14      0:04:43   Christopher    Titus                                                                       Woburn                 MA
15      0:05:44   Rick           Scott                Belfast Racing Club                                    Belfast                ME
16      0:05:29   James          Hall                 NEBC/Cycle Loft                                        Hudson                 NH
17      0:08:03   Eric           Jarvi                NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                      Framingham             MA
18      0:08:35   Fritz          Fay                  Black Dog Bikers                                       Saint Johnsbury        VT
19      0:09:32   Ross           McLeod               New Hampshire Cycling Club                             Windham                NH
20      0:10:35   Mike           Golay                Base36/SMCC                                            Westbrook              ME
21      0:10:50   Ed             Pierce               NorEast Cycling                                        Rye                    NH
22      0:11:24   Daniel         Winston              belfast bicylcle club race team                        Brooks                 ME
23      0:13:02   John           Tipping              Belfast Bicycle Club                                   Waldo                  ME
24      0:13:02   Steve          Bauermeister         NorEast Cycling                                        South Berwick          ME
25      0:13:59   Timothy        Metzger              NorEast Cycling                                        Hampton                NH
26      0:22:32   Travis         Haynes                                                                      Laconia                NH

Masters 35+       57 miles       52                   starters
Place   Time      First Name     Last Name            Team                                                   City                   State  Age
1       2:24:33   Ciaran         Mangan               CCB/Volkswagen                                         Brighton               MA     36
2       st        Paul           Richard              CCB/Volkswagen                                         Amesbury               MA     42
3       st        John           Mosher               Corner Cycle                                           Boxboro                MA     47
4       0:00:07   Jonny          Bold                 Corner Cycle                                           Marstons Mills         MA     43
5       0:00:08   Colman         O'Connor             MBRC/Bicycle Link                                      Roslindale             MA     47
6       st        Thomas         Francis              Boston Road Club                                       Needham                MA     43
7       0:00:23   Tim            Malton               CVC - Subaru                                           Marion                 CT
8       st        Sven           Lohse                Everactiveonline/Workerscompsolutions                  Sterling               MA     37
9       st        Greg           Werner                                          Quincy                 MA     36
10      st        Troy           Fenderson            Workers CompSolutions/Everactive Online                Rye                    NH     39
11      st        Fred           Thomas               Portland Velo Club                                     Cape Elizabeth         ME     40
12      st        Stuart         Abramson             Portland velo club                                     Falmouth               ME     44
13      st        Fabio          Piergentilli         NE Masters Elite                                       Andover                MA
14      st        Ron            Jacobs               Corner Cycle                                           Needham                MA     42
15      st        Mark           Gunsalus             Team Fuji                                              Dudley                 MA     45
16      st        Sam            Morse                Corner Cycle                                           Cohasset               MA     45
17      st        Bruce          Diehl                Sunapee S&W Racing                                     Jackson                NH     43
18      st        Matthew        Theodore                                 Mashpee                MA     38
19      st        Ian            Modestow                                               Florence               MA     38
20      st        Mark           Suprenant            Team Type 1                                            Milford                NH     44
21      st        Harry          Stover                                          Brooklyn               CT     39
22      st        Mike           Spangenberg          Battenkill United/Anthem cycles                        Shaftsbury             VT     41
23      st        Peter          Sleght               Everactive-Workers Comp                                Framingham             MA
24      st        Lance          Coyle                International Bicycle/Global                           Barre                  VT     38
25      st        Anthony        Oliva                Everactive-Workers Comp                                Dover                  MA     52
26      st        Max            Accuapto             CVC - Subaru                                           Glastonbury            CT
27      st        Steeve         Breton               Everactive-Workers CompSolutions                       Natick                 MA     38
28      st        Christopher    White                BOB/Shift-Stonyfield Farm-Ariza-Goodales               Windham                NH     38
29      st        Paul           Martin               Union Velo Masters                                     Natick                 MA     41
30      st        Thad           Lavalee              Van Dessel                                             Sharon                 MA     35
31      st        Forest         Reid                 North Atlantic Velo/         New Hampton            NH     35
32      st        John           Stonebarger          MBRC/Bicycle Link                                      Plymouth               MA     44
33      st        Mark           Stotz                Corner Cycle                                           Easthampton            MA     41
34      st        Peter          Brennan              NE Masters Elite                                       Hudson                 NH
35      0:15:22   Jeff           Johnson              Battenkill-United/                     Bennington             VT     36
36      0:20:49   Brian          Murphy               Blue Hills Cycling Club                                Hingham                MA     52

Masters 45+       57 miles       48                   starters
Place   Time      First Name     Last Name            Team                                                   City                   State  Age
1       2:39:13   Joseph         Rano                 Bike Alley                                             Oxford                 MA     48
2       0:00:03   Thomas         Butler               CCC/Keltic Const/Zanes Cycles                          Delmar                 NY     48
3       st        Richard        Barnwell             International Bicycle Centers                          Bolton                 MA     45
4       st        Michael        Claus                Portland Velo                                          Kennebunk              ME     49
5       st        John           Laupheimer           Team International Bicycle Center                      Weston                 MA     51
6       st        Karl           Hambrecht            CCB/Volkswagen                                         West Newbury           MA     53
7       st        Paul           Curley               Gearworks                                              Taunton                MA
8       st        Eric           DeRiveria                                                                   W Boylston             MA     51
9       st        Doug           Chiasson             Competitive Edge racing team                           Athol                  MA     53
10      st        Bob            Roldan      Comp Solutions                  Somerville             MA     50
11      st        Michael        Good                 NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                      Wilmington             MA     48
12      st        William        Thompson             CCC/Keltic Const/Zanes Cycles                          West Hartford          CT     50
13      0:00:17   Dale           Perzanowski          Sunapee S&W                                            Hartford               VT     50
14      0:00:20   Frank          jennings             Gearworks                                              Edgartown              MA     54
15      st        David          Foley                Team BOB -Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bike Shops         N. Easton              MA     47
16      st        Jonathan       Eichman              Quad Cycles                                            Arlington              MA
17      0:00:22   Edward         Schaub               Benidorm BIkes/Eastern Bloc                            Windsor                CT     45
18      st        Philip         Belliveau            GMBC                                                   St George              VT
19      st        Kevin          Young                International Bicycle Centers                          Northbridge            MA     48
20      st        David          King                 CCB Volkswagen                                         Boxford                MA
21      st        Eric           Pearce               Bethel Cycle                                           Chelmsford             MA     46
22      st        Jorge          Ramirez              Cyclonauts Racers                                      Worcester              MA     54
23      st        John           Grenier              BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farms-Goodale's Bike Shops      Lewiston               ME     49
24      st        Eric           Marro                BOB/Shift-Stonyfield Farm-Ariza-Goodales               Nashua                 NH     47
25      st        Bob            Payson               GMBC/Catamount                                         So. Burlington         VT     50
26      st        Claude         Raineault            flatbread/ottercreek                                   Underhill              VT     46
27      st        Adam           Sternfield                                                                  Brookline              MA
28      0:00:54   Mark           Hagen                CCB/Volkswagen                                         Natick                 MA     55
29      0:01:04   Mark           Thompson             Sunapee S&W                                            Nashua                 NH
30      0:01:38   Chris          Borello
31      0:09:44   Stephen        Ivester              Gearworks                                              new bedford            MA     51
32      0:10:00   Brian          Rossignol            NHCC                                                   Hopkinton              NH     45
33      st        Wayne          Barlow               NH Cycling Club                                        Lyme                   NH     47
34      0:10:41   Mark           Gillies              FASTAR/TARGETRAINING                                   Rye                    NH     52
35      0:11:19   Steve          Fortier              Putney/West Hill                                       Alstead                NH     45
36      0:12:21   James          Popovitch            Unattached                                             Montpelier             VT     49

Masters 55+       35 miles       29                   starters
Place   Time      First Name     Last Name            Team                                                   City                   State  Age
1       1:33:05   George         Pawle                Cyclonauts Racers                                      Westfield              MA     57
2       st        William R.     Black                Portland Velo                                          Cumberland Foreside    ME     56
3       st        Robert         Johnson              Cyclonauts Racers                                      Westfield              MA     58
4       st        Michael        McCusker             NCC/                                        Buckland               MA     59
5       0:00:23   David          Burnell              cox communications cycling team                        Jamestown              RI     56
6       0:01:27   Dave           Burnett              Mystic Velo                                            Norwich                CT     60
7       0:02:23   Chip           Berezny              Bike Line / LWA                                        Easton                 PA     57
8       0:03:05   Jeff           Morin                Mystic Velo - MCRA                                     Waterford              CT     60
9       st        Paul           Siebert              Competitive Edge Racing Team                           Bennington             VT     55
10      st        Allan          Bates                BCA                                                    Pittsfield             MA     65
11      0:03:17   Bob            Bortree                                                                     Morrisville            VT     62
12      0:03:34   Bruce          Townend              Competitive Edge Racing Team                           Windsor                MA     55
13      0:04:44   Richard        Martin               Masters Velo                                           Attleboro              MA     66
14      0:04:52   Al             Stewart              NHCC/TeamNH                                            Manchester             NH     59
15      0:06:20   Mieczyslaus    Burzynski            B.O.B.Stonyfield Farms Goodale's Bike                  Newburyport            MA     57
16      0:12:02   James          Themig               Mystic Velo MCRA                                       Niantic                CT     59
17      0:12:33   David          Holmander            NHCC/Team NH/MCRA                                      Epsom                  NH     60
18      0:21:28   Alexandra      Cruse                NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                      Marblehead             MA     53
19      0:21:58   Annette        Kennedy              NEBC/cycle loft/Devonshire Dental/MCRA                 Winchester             MA     55
20      0:26:51   Jeffrey        Proctor                                           Litchfield             NH     64
21      0:29:53   Larry          Stachowiak           CCB/Volkswagen                                         Lynn                   MA     57
22      0:30:25   Bruce          Carlson              Putney/West Hill                                       Newington              CT     61
23      0:40:41   Julie          Lockhart             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental / MCRA               Dunstable              MA     67