Results » Road » 2008

Columbia University's Grants Tomb Criterium

New York, NY

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Columbia University's Grants Tomb Criterium Presented by Columbia University Cycling New York, NY Saturday, March 15, 2008

Results Courtesy of 

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Team Overall

Division 1 Division 2              School               Total                                      M_Crit               W_Crit
1                       USMA                 40                                         20                   20
1                                  UVM                  36                                         20                   16
2                       Yale                 29                                         16                   13
2                                  UNH                  26                                         16                   10
3                       MIT                  26                                         10                   16
3                                  Columbia             26                                         13                   13
4                                  Harvard              23                                         3                    20
4                       Drexel               13                                         13                   0
5                                  Rutgers              12                                         5                    7
5                       Tufts                10                                         5                    5
6                                  Cornell              10                                         10                   0
6                       Brown                10                                         0                    10
7                                  U Rochester          7                                          7                    0
7                       Mount Holyoke        7                                          0                    7
8                       Bucknell             7                                          7                    0
9                       Princeton            5                                          2                    3
8                                  Northeastern         5                                          0                    5
10                      Middlebury           3                                          3                    0
11                      Boston C             3                                          1                    2
9                                  U Delaware           2                                          2                    0
10                                 U Penn               1                                          1                    0

Women A               12 Starters                                                                  Pts                  P1                   P2     P3     P4     P5     P6
1          4          Anna         McLoon               Harvard                                    70                   5                           3      5      5      5
2          2          Courtney     Rehwoldt             USMA                                       64                   2
3          12         Rose         Long                 UVM                                        58                   3                    3      5      2      2      3
4          3          Kelsey       Hassin               USMA                                       52
5          17         Priscilla    Mok                  Brown                                      46                                                      1
6          5          Morgan       Robinson             Yale                                       41                   1                    2      2      3      1
7          20         Martha       Buckley              MIT                                        36                                                                    2
8          9          Judy         Wexler               Tufts                                      31                                               1
9          19         Yuri         Matsumoto            MIT                                        27                                        5
10         15         Stephanie    White                UNH                                        23
11         22         Rebecca      Levin                Princeton                                  19                                        1                    3
12         18         Netana       Hotimsky             UVM                                        15

Women B               26 Starters                                                                  Pts                  P1                   P2     P3     P4
1          103        Claire       Twark                Harvard                                    41                   5
2          180        Brodi        Kemp                 Harvard                                    35                                        1
3          183        Emma         Bast                 Mount Holyoke                              31
4          155        Alynn        Kakuk                UVM                                        27                                               3
5          136        Caroline     Savage               Columbia                                   23                                                      5
6          138        Emily        Shin                 Columbia                                   18                   3                    2      1
7          188        Marlijne     Cook                 UNH                                        15                                        3      5      3
8          196        Laura        Smith                Rutgers                                    13
9          135        Catie        Richards             Columbia                                   11                   1
10         102        Anne         Washburn             Harvard                                    9                                                2      1
11         109        Judith       Li                   USMA                                       7
12         108        Katrina      Kamel                USMA                                       5                                                       2
13         116        Xieyue       Fan                  Yale                                       3                    2
14         162        Erica        Blom                 Yale                                       2
15         115        Zuzana       Trnovcova            MIT                                        1
16         101        Alexis       Peterson             Harvard                                                                              5
17         129        Amanda       Feirstein            Boston C
18         170        Elizabeth    Liguori              UNH
19         125        Katherine    Lovejoy              MIT
20         137        Michelle     Mighdoll             U Penn
21         111        Stacie       Burak                USMA
22         195        Christy      Jensen               Utah State
23         104        Elizabeth    Sederbaum            Bard
DNF        107        Jannelle     Allong               USMA
DNF        130        Dana         Prey                 Boston C
DNF        182        Janine       Hauber               Bucknell

Women Intro           11 Starters                                                                  Pts
1          193        Hannah       Brice                MIT                                        7
2          194        Cerena       Uttal                Mount Holyoke                              5
3          171        Chelsea      Amengual             Boston C                                   3
4          169        Jaclyn       Dalessandro          Northeastern                               2
5          156        Ali          Saslaisky            UVM                                        1
6          177        Caroline     Bisk                 Middlebury
7          113        Jaime        Lawlor               Boston C
8          191        Laura        Sneider              Stevens
9          189        Susan        Bresney              Boston C
10         190        Jocelyn      Rousey               Boston C
DNF        192        Allison      Gehnrich             UNH
DNF        717        Douglass     Endrizzi             Yale
DNF        935        Alex         Soloway              McGill

Men A                 29 Starters                                                                  Pts                  P1                   P2     P3     P4     P5     P6
1          4          Benjamin     Showman              USMA                                       70                   1                           3      5      5      5
2          9          Craig        Luekens              Yale                                       64                                               5      3      3      3
3          45         Josh         Lipka                UNH                                        58                                                                    2
4          12         Alexander    Bremer Miele         Columbia                                   52                   2                           2
5          46         Thomas       Coupe                UNH                                        46                                               1      2
6          22         Brian        Lawney               Cornell                                    41                                                      1      2
7          51         Christopher  Hamlin               UVM                                        36                                                             1      1
8          28         Christopher  Worden               UVM                                        31
9          25         Isaac        Howe                 UVM                                        27                   5                    2
10         29         Colin        Jaskiewicz           UVM                                        23
11         69         Nick         Bennette             Princeton                                  19
12         5          Derek        Merkler              USMA                                       15                                        1
13         11         Jason        Sears                MIT                                        12                                        3
14         27         David        Espinoza             Penn State                                 9
15         7          Erik         Wilburn              USMA                                       7
16         49         William      Fissel               U Delaware                                 5
17         3          Steve        Pingree              USMA                                       4                    3
18         52         McConnell    Franklin             Middlebury                                 3
19         47         Mark         Theeman              Northeastern                               2
20         8          Geoffrey     Calkins              Yale                                       1
21         26         Scott        Dolmat-Connell       UVM
22         50         Eric         Diamond              New York U
23         17         Stefan       Grecu                Kutztown
24         14         Scot         Willingham           Columbia
25         48         Damien       Callahan             U Mass
26         13         Austin       Roach                Princeton                                                                            5
27         24         Cameron      Cogburn              Cornell
DNF        21         Eric         Edlund               MIT
DNF        37         Yuri         Whitehead            UNH

Men B                 47 Starters                                                                  Pts                  P1                   P2     P3     P4
1          267        Vincent      Scalia               UVM                                        41                   5                    5      5      5
2          288        Drew         Scoles               U Rochester                                35
3          225        Jeremy       Jo                   Tufts                                      31
4          220        Brett        Kielick              Drexel                                     27                                                      1
5          277        John         Garrett              Middlebury                                 23
6          260        Alex         Cox                  UVM                                        18
7          218        Richard      Kassan               Rutgers                                    15
8          236        Christopher  Hair                 Boston U                                   13
9          243        Aaron        Cravez               Bucknell                                   11                                               1
10         247        Graham       Anderson             Brown                                      9
11         217        Seth         Behrends             MIT                                        7
12         255        John         Gleaves              Penn State                                 5
13         279        Ryan         Carney               UNH                                        3
14         237        Michael      Wasserman            Columbia                                   2                    3
15         222        Dan          Lavelle              Drexel                                     1
16         286        Guilherme    Fujiwara             MIT                                                                                         2      2
17         203        Joe          Perez                USMA
18         265        Weston       Wheeler              UVM                                                                                  2
19         268        William      Ciacci               Villanova                                                       1                    1
20         234        Anthony      Hall                 Columbia                                                        2                           3
21         221        Nathan       Kupperstock          Boston U
22         244        Aaron        Meyers               Bucknell
23         262        Jesse        Chebot               UVM
24         241        Jeff         Boehmer              Bucknell
25         280        Keith        Cardoza              Northeastern
26         208        Christopher  Redmond              Rutgers
27         287        Brian        Roberts              Boston U
28         269        Peter        Emerson              UVM
29         201        Katriel      Statman              Bard
30         215        Alexander    VanPlantinger        Rutgers                                                                              3
31         232        Alexander    Graybeal             Columbia
32         292        Brian        Gabele               Columbia
33         214        Casey        Marks                Brown
34         285        Nic          Magliocco            UVM
35         282        Charles      d'Hemecourt          Boston C                                                                                           3
36         256        Stephen      Frattini             Cornell
37         273        Travis       Roe-Raymond          Skidmore
38         290        Russell      Ericksen             Columbia
39         258        Ivan         Temnykh              Cornell
40         223        Timothy      Manzanella           Drexel
41         51         Christopher  Hamlin               UVM
42         210        Christopher  Ritacco              Yale
43         213        Glenn        Ferreira             Tufts
44         246        Bladi        Duran                Brown
45         259        Jake         Bolewski             Cornell
46         538        Michael      Sandford             Lehigh
47         561        Peter        Bridi                Lehigh

Men C1                34 Starters                                                                  Pts                  P1                   P2     P3
1          663        James        Patterson            UVM                                        22
2          633        Julian       Georg                Harvard                                    16
3          679        Andrew       Grant                Northeastern                               13
4          689        Leonard      Klipper              U Penn                                     10
5          639        Jay          Hydren               UNH                                        9
6          693        Andy         Glaser               Rutgers                                    8                    1
7          698        David        Kim                  Rutgers                                    6
8          688        Joseph       Bylund               Columbia                                   5                    5                    3      5
9          694        Shane        Buker                Harvard                                    4                    2                    1      3
10         662        Kyle         Reed                 U Delaware                                 3
11         645        Serge        Levin                Boston U                                   2
12         681        Corey        Williams             Columbia                                   1
13         668        Daniel       Bensen               UVM                                                                                  5
14         696        Benjamin     Cheetham             Cornell
15         687        Isaac        Dinner               Columbia                                                                             2      1
16         634        Cory         Johannessen          Harvard
17         638        Steve        Lachance             Northeastern
18         695        Stephen      Wall                 Boston U
19         642        Dan          Jick                 Boston U
20         677        William      Humber               Penn State
21         684        Steven       Marks                Columbia                                                        3                           2
22         659        Michael      Kushnick             Columbia
23         647        Tucker       Lyman                UVM
24         649        John         Roper                Northeastern
25         646        Chris        Scannell             UVM
26         644        Lance        Jennings             UVM
27         635        Michael      Dunstan              UNH
28         636        Sean         Berry                UNH
29         640        Charles      Thompson             Rutgers
30         652        Gordon       Heckler              UNH
31         637        Colum        Lang                 UNH
32         676        Gregory      Luna                 Penn State
33         651        Jeffrey      Lukach               UNH
DNF        665        Alexandre    Du Ruisseau          McGill

Men C2                34 Starters                                                                  Pts                  P1                   P2     P3
1          519        Matthew      Schoman              Drexel                                     22
2          543        Jonathan     Raye                 Bard                                       16                                               5
3          526        Kevin        Curran               Bucknell                                   13                                        3
4          530        Tim          Humpton              MIT                                        10                   2                    1
5          525        Daniel       Wood                 Bucknell                                   9
6          518        Anthony      Sagneri              MIT                                        8                    1
7          541        Joshua       Grossman             Carnegie Mellon                            6
8          511        David        Kahn                 Yale                                       5                    5                           3
9          502        Andrew       Thompson             USMA                                       4
10         529        Arthur       Moran                Wentworth                                  3
11         515        Michael      Hamilton             MIT                                        2
12         559        Jason        Godsell              Bates                                      1
13         542        Benjamin     Stephens             Carnegie Mellon                                                                      2
14         523        Nick         Loomis               MIT
15         553        Joseph       Grimm                USMA
16         517        Colin        Green                Tufts
17         520        Alex         Godfrey              Princeton
18         524        Guo Liang    Chen                 MIT
19         505        Patrick      Ryan                 USMA
20         555        Scott        Semmel               DeSales
21         544        Jeffrey      Wong                 Carnegie Mellon
22         510        Seth         Lloyd                Yale
23         503        Jeremy       May                  USMA
24         534        Steven       Hopengarten          Union
25         560        Brendan      Vosburgh             Colorado College                                                3                           2
26         549        Owen         Laurion              U Rochester                                                                                 1
27         509        Zachary      Labry                MIT
28         504        Timothy      Adams                USMA
29         556        Mathew       Kelleher             Tufts
30         551        Nicholas     Huang                Princeton
DNF        508        Vincent      Gonzales             Boston C                                                                             5
DNF        545        Daniel       Aduna                Carnegie Mellon
DNF        557        Brett        Nichols              Boston C
DNF        558        Paul         Nerenberg            MIT

Men D1                39 Starters                                                                  Pts                  P1                   P2
1          934        Corey        Kropp                U Delaware                                 12
2          997        Gregory      Colby                U Mass                                     9                    5
3          975        Ross         Marklein             U Penn                                     7                    3
4          927        Jacob        Sisson               Cornell                                    6                                         2
5          937        William      Kistler              U Delaware                                 5
6          924        James        Rose                 UNH                                        4                    1
7          970        Daniel       Hopkins              Columbia                                   3
8          965        Damon        Monticello           Columbia                                   2                    2
9          1000       Jeffrey      Dubois               Cornell                                    1                                         1
10         989        Christopher  Holmes               Harvard                                                                              3
11         900        Shane        MacDowell            UNH
12         972        Ben          Emmert-Aronson       Columbia
13         903        Daniel       Hale                 UVM
14         921        Michael      Oconnor              UNH
15         896        Nolan        Musselman            Boston U
16         973        Alfonso      Cruz                 Columbia
17         994        Kyle         Bruley               Boston U                                                                             5
18         893        Jeffrey      Roshko               Cornell
19         999        Aaron        Hall                 Harvard
20         966        Peter        Jarnebrant           Columbia
21         995        Curt         Ganeles              Cornell
22         895        Michael      McLaughlin           U Penn
23         976        Zachary      Zerby                U Pitt
24         985        Raymond      Dodd                 Rutgers
25         982        Kevin        Miller               Rutgers
26         960        Tim          Vogels               Columbia
27         949        Eric         Marchese             Northeastern
28         968        Devin        Hurson               Columbia
29         944        Nevin        Rallis               UVM
30         902        Mike         Longeri              UNH
31         979        Greg         Genna                U Pitt
32         964        David        Hilbert              U Penn
33         899        Joel         Norton               Northeastern
34         892        Ethan        Suttner              Cornell
DNF        894        Stephen      Gamboa               Harvard
DNF        897        Matthew      Sack                 New York U
DNF        898        Michael      Desmarais            UVM
DNF        910        Daniel       Boyle                UVM
DNF        996        Sean         Whitehurst           Cornell

Men D2                30 Starters                                                                  Pts                  P1                   P2
1          757        Benjamin     Adams                Villanova                                  12                   1                    5
2          716        Adam         Francis              Yale                                       9                                         3
3          710        Karl         Honerlaw             Boston C                                   7                                         1
4          791        Matt         Lease                Brown                                      6
5          728        Ryan         Shank                Drexel                                     5
6          756        Richard      Wadland              RPI                                        4
7          714        John         Romanishin           MIT                                        3
8          796        Alex         Dube                 St. Michael's                              2
9          759        Joseph       Glaser-Reich         Brown                                      1
10         794        Adam         Savitzky             Tufts                                                           3
11         795        William      Kinsley              Hampshire
12         723        David        Singerman            MIT
13         778        0            0                    0
14         792        Nader        Shaar                MIT
15         764        Adam         Favaloro             Vassar
16         702        Samuel       Steffen              Bard
17         724        William      Blakeley             Dartmouth
18         769        Chris        Cipriani             Villanova
19         701        Bill         Cranshaw             Bard
20         767        Brian        Gordaychik           Villanova
21         761        Zachary      Ellwood              DeSales
22         789        Jonathan     Fura                 DeSales
23         780        Benjamin     King                 Middlebury
24         793        Daniel       Dominguez            MIT
25         749        Carlos       Nunez                Stevens
DNF        713        Alex         Chaleff              Longy                                                           5                    2
DNF        719        Jonathan     Wu                   Yale                                                            2
DNF        744        Eli          Moss                 Brown
DNF        758        Joe          Pawlczyk             Villanova
DNF        790        Jason        Koza                 Tufts

Men Intro             16 Starters                                                                  Pts
1          755        Raymond      Junkius              Stevens                                    7
2          788        James        McGregor             Boston C                                   5
3          907        Joseph       Gilch                Rutgers                                    3
4          746        Anastacio    Derez                Stevens                                    2
5          953        Christopher  Lopes                Wentworth                                  1
6          901        Patrick      Galvin               UNH
7          763        Matthew      Wise                 Vassar
8          787        Peter        Scheidt              Brown
9          785        Mladen       Kolar                Carnegie Mellon
10         750        Kyung Soo    Lee                  Stevens
11         748        Isaac        Spingarn             Stevens
12         786        Nathan       Williams             Middlebury
13         782        Justin       Bogart               Middlebury
14         959        Jake         Rozin                Northeastern
15         733        Sean         Silbert              Boston C
DNF        783        John         Leone                DeSales

Men Pro/1/2                                             63 Starters
1          22         Jacob        Keough               CRCA/Sakonnet Technology U25               New York             NY
2          25         Bobby        Lea                  Rite Aid Pro Cycling p/b Shebell & Shebell Mertztown            PA
3          47         Wilson       Vasquez              GS Mengoni USA                             Piermont             NY
4          16         Daniel       Estevez              CRCA/Sakonnet Technology U25               New York             NY
5          20         Cheyne       Hoag                 CRCA/Sakonnet Technology U25               New York             NY
6          36         Guillaume    Nelessen             Van Dessel Factory Team                    Belle Mead           NJ
7          34         Igor         Misicki              CRCA/FOUNDATION                            Locust Valley        NY
8          40         Lisban       Quintero             CRCA/FOUNDATION                            Maspeth              NY
9          14         Bill         Elliston             Rite Aid Pro Cycling p/b Shebell & Shebell Easton               PA
10         28         J Gabriel    Lloyd                Team Alliance Environmental                New York City        NY
11         18         Rashad       Guerra               Kissena Cycling Club                       Brooklyn             NY
12         39         Rufus        Pichler              Kissena Cycling Club                       Brooklyn             NY
13         17         Glenroy      Griffith             CRCA/FOUNDATION                            Brooklyn             NY
14         893        Matthew      Howard               CRCA
15         13         Chad         Butts                Unattached                                 Danbury              CT
16         886        Paul         Burrows              We Stand
17         24         Matthew      Koschara             CRCA/Sakonnet Technology U25               New York             NY
18         26         Martin       Lechowicz            CRCA/FOUNDATION                            Locust Valley        NY
19         49         Craig        Leukens              Target
20         19         Alejandro    Guzman               CRCA/FOUNDATION                            Sunnyside            NY
21         11         Nicholas     Bruno                Westwood Velo/Trade Manage Capital         Oakland              NJ
22         807        Jerome       Townsend                                                        Princeton            MA
23         7          Bryan        Borgia               Breaking Away Bicycles                     Weston               CT
24         885        Jermaine     Burrows              We Stand
25         43         Gavin        Robertson            CRCA/FOUNDATION                            Brooklyn             NY
26         38         J.p.         Partland             Kissena Cycling Club                       New York             NY
27         805        Samuel       Richardson           CRCA/Adler                                 New York             NY
28         808        Samraj       Seepersam            Chapman Systems                            Hollis               NY
29         35         Kevin        Molloy               CRCA/Empire Cycling Team                   New York             NY
30         10         Eric         Brownell             CRCA/Empire Cycling Team                   Stamford             CT
31         23         Nick         Keough               CRCA/Sakonnet Technology U25               New York             NY
32         811        Jason        Sears                MIT                                        Cambridge            MA
33         812        Euri         Madera               Mengoni USA                                New York             NY
34         45         Michael      Sherry               CRCA/Empire Cycling Team                   New York             NY
35         802        Greg         Wolf                 Connecticut Coast                          Norwalk              CT
36         879        Ben          Showman              CRCA/Adler                                 West Point           NY
37         44         Will         Schneider            GS Gotham/Toga Bikes                       Nyc                  NY
38         4          Lewis        Almonte              G.S. Mengoni USA                           New York             NY
39         48         Greg         Galetta              Merrill Lynch
40         12         Franklin     Burgos               Champion Systems                           Bronx                NY
41         37         Dylan        O'Sullivan           CRCA/Sakonnet Technology U25               New York             NY
42         9          Alexander    Bremer               CRCA/Empire Cycling Team                   New York             NY
43         30         Anthony      Lowe                 WS United                                  Brooklyn             NY
44         897        Robert       Lattanzi             CRCA                                       New York             NY
45         32         Mike         Margarite            CRCA/Empire Cycling Team                   New York             NY
46         42         Phil         Riggio               Breaking Away Bicycles                     Darien               CT
47         809        Paul         Zininski             Metro/Wendy's                              Piscataway           NJ
48         6          Jason        Beerman              Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team                 Allston              MA
49         21         Brett        Jacoby               Gotham Cyclists                            Wind Gap             PA
50         27         Mark         Light                Liberty Cycle                              Hackettstown         NJ
51         806        Brian        Cooblall                                                        Massapaqua           NY
52         8          Eugene       Boronow              GS Mengoni                                 Jamaica              NY
53         29         John         Loehner              CRCA/Empire Cycling Team                   Bronx                NY
54         15         Gavriel      Epstein              CRCA/Sakonnet Technology U25               New York             NY
DNF        3          Chris        Akana                Harvard University Cycling Association     Cambridge            MA
DNF        5          Luis         Aquino               Champion System                            New York             NY
DNF        31         Andrew       Manart               independent                                New York             NY
DNF        33         Michael      Miller               Team Alliance Environmental                Birdsboro            PA
DNF        41         Karl         Rahn                 CRCA/Empire Cycling Team                   New York             NY
DNF        46         Christopher  Uglietta             CRCA /Jonathan Adler Racing                New York             NY
DNF        881        Roselvert    Quezada              Mengoni
DNF        883        Chris        Long                 Toga Gotham                                Woodside             NY
DNF        887        Horace       Burrows              We Stand

Women 1/2/3                                             27 Starters
1          892        Margaret     Shirley              Radical Media
2          102        Jennifer     Bodine               Team Cyclelife                             Silver Spring        MD
3          107        Leslie       Jennings             Team CycleLife                             Washington           DC
4          803        Caryl        Gale                 CRCA/Comedy Central-Sid's Bikes
5          119        Kathryn      Wilder               Team Somerset                              Doylestown           PA
6          882        Lisa         Jellett              Verducci                                   Springfield          NJ
7          103        Sarah        Chubb Sauvayre       CRCA/Comedy Central-Sid's Bikes            New York             NY
8          801        Kathleen     Billington                                                      Norwalk              CT
9          111        Andrea       Myers                Team Kenda Tire                            Westport             CT
10         108        Anna         McLoon               Harvard University Cycling Association     Cambridge            MA
11         110        Ellen        Moses                CRCA/Comedy Central-Sid's                  New York             NY
12         112        Jamie        Nicholson-Leener     CRCA - DB                                  New York             NY
13         109        Ann Marie    Miller               CRCA Sanchez-Metro                         New York             NY
14         101        Rebecca      Blatt                Team Kenda Tire                            West Hartford        CT
15         120        Silke        Wunderwald           IF/Kempner                                 Stonington           CT
16         105        Bianca       Grecu                Human Zoom/Pabst Blue Ribbon               Philadelphia         PA
17         114        Maria        Quiroga              CRCA/Radical Media                         New York             NY
18         115        Pamela       Saltzgueber                                                     Pipersville          PA
19         104        Kristine     Church               Human Zoom/ Pabst Blue Ribbon              Philadelphia         PA
20         118        Elizabeth    Tyrell               Team Somerset                              Annandale            NJ
21         116        Sara         Schewel              Human Zoom/ Pabst Blue Ribbon              Philadelphia         PA
22         880        Lucretia     Cavan                Lipton
23         804        Kathryn      Russell              Somerset                                   Cranbury             NJ
24         106        Michelle     Hart                 Team CycleLife                             Silver Spring        MD
25         888        Martha       Buckley                                                         Cambridge            MA
DNF        117        Angela       Sherry               CRCA/COMEDY CENTRAL-SIDS                   Brooklyn             NY

Men 3/4                                                 117 Starters
1          897        Vinnie       Scalia               UVM
2          316        Filip        Capala               Capala Brothers/Polska                     Brooklyn             NY
3          429        Scott        Wisenbaker           CRCA/Foundation                            New York             NY
4          363        Max          Lippolis             TARGETRAINING/ FASTAR                      Pound Ridge          NY
5          395        Kim          Riseth               CRCA / Jonathan Adler Racing               New York             NY
6          381        Greg         Olsen                CRCA/Jonathan Adler Racing                 Ny                   NY
7          364        Francisco    Liuzzi               Jonathan Adler Racing CRCA                 New York             NY
8          368        Tadeusz      Marszalek            Sommerville Sports                         Brooklyn             NY
9          303        Craig        Abrams               CRCA / Bicycling Magazine                  New York             NY
10         323        Alex         Cox                  Freddie Fu Cycling                         Greensburg           PA
11         425        Michael      Wasserman            Merrill Lynch/Hincapie Sportswear          New York             NY
12         340        Alexander    Graybeal             Team DC Racing (Danny's Cycles)            Scarsdale            NY
13         365        Christopher  Loudon               CRCA/Sid's-Cannondale                      Ny                   NY
14         392        Eutimio      Quintero             CRCA/Sanchez-Metro                         Maspeth              NY
15         322        Evan         Cooper               CRCA Jr.Dev.                               Closter              NY
16         405        Pascal       Sauvayre             CRCA                                       New York             NY
17         306        Sergio       Atocha               gs gotham/toga                             East Elmhurst        NY
18         406        Dan          Schmalz              CRCA/Merrill Lynch                         Ridgewood            NJ
19         346        Stephen      Harvey               CRCA/Die Hard                              Ny                   NY
20         430        Aaron        Wolfe                CRCA/                       New York             NY
21         313        Robert L     Brown                CRCA/MajorTaylor Iron Riders               Brooklyn             NY
22         410        Scott        Snyder               Champion System                            Colonia              NJ
23         362        Daniel       Lim                  CRCA/DieHard-Think Racing                  New York             NY
24         423        Vinny        Vicari               sanchez metro                              Maspeth              NY
25         401        Jacob        Rubin                Merrill Lynch Cycling Team                 New York             NY
26         433        Steve        Pingree              Army                                       West Point           NY
27         301        Salvatore    Abbruzzese           CRCA/Blue Ribbon -        Thornwood            NY
28         402        Andreas      Runggatscher         Signature Cycles/DKNY                      Monroe               NY
29         328        Jesus E.     Espitia              CRCA/Blue Ribbon -        Ossining             NY
30         361        Francisco    Leija                CRCA/ DieHard-Think Racing                 West Point           NY
31         419        Mark         Theeman              NEBC/Cycloft/Devonshire Dental             Boston               MA
32         360        Dan          Lavelle              Drexel Cycling                             East Stroudsburg     PA
33         409        Shusaku      Shiroyama            GS Gotham/Toga                             New York             NY
34         397        Walter       Risse                Main Line Cycling - BiKyle                 Springfield          NJ
35         390        Michael      Prokopec                                                        New York             NY
36         331        McConnell    Franklin             Middlebury College                         Middlebury           VT
37         484        Samuel       Martinez
38         334        Brian        Gabele                                 New York             NY
39         417        Etsu         Taniguchi            CRCA / Avenue A I Razorfish Cycling        New York             NY
40         412        Matthew      Spinks               Team Metra/Wendy's p/b Victor Homes        Layton               NJ
41         320        Christopher  Chaput               CRCA/Affinity Cycles                       Brooklyn             NY
42         377        Kimani       Nielsen              CRCA/                       East Elmhurst        NY
43         396        Andrew       Riss                 East End/Kreb Cycles                       Brooklyn             NY
44         335        Jason        Gallacher            CRCA/Affinity Cycles                       Astoria              NY
45         341        Stefan       Grecu                Kutztown U                                 Kutztown             PA
46         896        Huy          Tran
47         367        Timothy      Manzella             Drexel Cycling                             Macungie             PA
48         358        Graham       Lang                 CRCA Jr.Dev.                               Sherman              CT
49         308        Gary         Bell                 CRCA/Sid's-Cannondale                      New York             NY
50         352        David        Jordan               CRCA                                       New York             NY
51         427        Dmitri       Wilkins              CRCA/Merrill Lynch-Hincapie Sportswear     Brooklyn             NY
52         403        Connor       Sallee               CRCA Jr.Dev.                               Sherman              CT
53         342        Tom          Guimond              CRCA/Centerbridge                          New York             NY
54         366        Bob          Makofsky             CRCA/Foundation                            New York             NY
55         384        Matt         Pascale              CRCA / Jonathan Adler Racing               Brooklyn             NY
56         398        Carlos       Rivera               MetroSanchez/CRCA                          Brooklyn             NY
57         318        Keith        Cardoza              Northeastern University Cycling            Boston               MA
58         375        Robert       Neal                                                            New York             NY
59         382        Jon          Orcutt               CRCA/Merrill Lynch-Hincapie Sports         Brooklyn             NY
60         431        Kevin        Zutell               CRCA/ DieHard-Think Racing                 New York             NY
61         345        Tim          Hardin               crca                                       New York             NY
62         356        Gregory      Lafiura              CRCA                                       New York             NY
63         336        John         Garrett              Middlebury College Cycling Team            Middlebury           VT
64         343        Anthony      Hall                 Merrill Lynch                              New York             NY
65         304        Jimmy        Andrello                                                        New York             NY
66         312        Andrew       Bernstein            Brooklyn Velo Force/GQ Racing              Saratoga Springs     NY
67         371        Marc         Mauceri              CRCA/Blue          New York             NY
68         310        Charles      Berckmann            Merrill Lynch                              Brooklyn             NY
69         332        Roger        Friedman             CRCA/DIE HARD-ThinkRacing                  Brooklyn             NY
70         378        Piers        North                Die Hard - think racing                    New York             NY
71         344        Rick         Hall                 CRCA/Avenue A Razorfish Cycling Team       Ny                   NY
72         413        Katriel      Statman              Bard College                               Annandale            NY
73         408        Chris        Shaw                 CRCA / Avenue A Razorfish Cycling          New York             NY
74         338        Andras       Gipp                 CRCA/Affinity Cycles                       Astoria              NY
75         416        George       Suter                CRCA / Die Hard-Think Racing               New York             NY
76         317        Paul         Carbonara            Century Road Club /Axis                    Brooklyn             NY
77         428        Scot         Willingham           CRCA/Sanchez-Metro                         New York             NY
DNF        302        Zak          Abdullah             CRCA/NYVelocity                            New York             NY
DNF        305        John         Arias                                                           Freeport             NY
DNF        307        Michael      Beckerman            CRCA/NYVELOCITY                            New York             NY
DNF        311        Michael      Berk                 Sommerville Sports                         Brooklyn             NY
DNF        314        Kevin        Brubaker             CRCA/Affinity Cycles                       New York             NY
DNF        315        Johann       Burrowes             WS UNITED                                  Brooklyn             NY
DNF        321        Peter        Chiu                 NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental          New York             NY
DNF        324        Marcus       Dahllof              CRCA/Merrill Lynch-Hincapie Sportswear     New York             NY
DNF        325        Matthew      Diczok               CRCA/Setanta                               New York             NY
DNF        326        Adam         Duncan               CRCA/Avenue A-Razorfish                    Westfield            NJ
DNF        327        Matthew      Emeott               bethel cycle / heineken light              Woodbury             CT
DNF        327        Pablo        Castro                                                          New York             NY
DNF        330        Gregory      Fowlkes              CRCA -- NYVelocity                         New York             NY
DNF        333        Kenshin      Furuta               CRCA                                       Irvington            NY
DNF        335        Andrew       Tompson              Army                                       West Point           NY
DNF        337        Brian        Gatens               CRCA/Organic Athlete                       Ridgewood            NJ
DNF        342        Anthony      Maisto                                                          Brooklyn             NY
DNF        347        Mark         Heithoff             DKNY-Signature Cycles/CRCA                 New York             NY
DNF        348        James        Hines                major taylor iron riders                   New York             NY
DNF        349        Kurt         Hoffmann             CRCA/Sanchez-Metro                         Astoria              NY
DNF        353        Jerry        Kapko                Deno's WONDER WHEEL Cycling                Ridgewood            NY
DNF        354        Russell      Kelly                CRCA/EMPIRE CYCLING                        New York             NY
DNF        355        Mark         Krajci               Gotham Cyclists                            Danielsville         PA
DNF        357        Walter       Lamerton             CRCA                                       Ridgewood            NJ
DNF        372        Christopher  Mazzini-Chin         Brooklyn Velo Force/GQ Magazine            Brooklyn             NY
DNF        373        Christopher  Mecray               CRCA/Merrill Lynch-Hincapie Sportswear     New York             NY
DNF        374        Bill         Moss                 CRCA/                       New York             NY
DNF        376        Frank        Negri                colvita                                    New York             NY
DNF        380        Michael      O'Neill                                                         Brooklyn             NY
DNF        391        Liam         Quigley              CRCA Jr.Dev.                               New York             NY
DNF        393        Reginald     Rasch                CRCA/NYVelocity                            New York             NY
DNF        394        David        Regen                CRCA/Organic Athlete                       New York             NY
DNF        404        Eric         Salzer               Chester County Velo - Iron Hill Brewery    Devon                PA
DNF        407        Gino         Scotto               CRCA/                       Upper Brookville     NY
DNF        415        Luke         Stiles                                                          Brooklyn             NY
DNF        418        Vinicius     Tavares              CRCA                                       New York             NY
DNF        421        Benjamin     Tyszka               CRCA/                        Brooklyn             NY
DNF        424        Andrew       Walsh                                                           Queens               NY
DNF        426        Kansas       Waugh                CRCA/Jonathan Adler Racing                 Brooklyn             NY
DNF        895        Charles      Spell                NY Velocity

Women 3/4                                               24 Starters
1          171        Maria        Quiroga              CRCA/Radical Media                         New York             NY
2          168        Dale         Malkames             USI                                        Scarsdale            NY
3          162        Heidi        Goodson              CRCA/comedy central-sid's bikes            Brooklyn             NY
4          804        Kathryn      Russell              Somerset                                   Cranbury             NJ
5          163        Stacey       Jensen               Kissena                                    New York             NY
6          170        Ashley       Prine                CRCA/Radical Media                         Brooklyn             NY
7          151        Erica        Adelberg             CRCA/Radical Media                         New York             NY
8          165        Elena        Leznik               CRCA/Radical Media                         Fort Lee             NJ
9          154        Amanda       Braverman            Cycle Center Racing                        Washington           CT
10         174        Quinn        Shamlian                                                        Brooklyn             NY
11         150        Tracy        Wargo                Metro
12         178        Caitlin      Thompson             Human Zoom                                 Philadelphia         PA
13         ???                                          Moser bike
14         161        Caroline     Gaynor               CRCA/                          New York             NY
15         158        Annemarie    Donovan              CRCA/Avenue A Razorfish Cycling Team       New York             NY
16         155        Stephanie    Busloff              CRCA/Avenue A | Razorfish Cycling          New York             NY
17         177        Lauren       Zucker               CRCA/Avenue A Razorfish Cycling Team       East Hampton         NY
18         176        Mary-Lynne   Williams             CRCA / Avenue A | Razorfish Cycling        Brooklyn             NY
DNF        156        Colleen      Conway               CRCA/Avenue A Razorfish                    New York             NY
DNF        160        Lisa         Force                CRCA/comedy central-sid's bikes            Jersey City          NJ
DNF        164        Debra        Killmon              CRCA/DKNY-SIGNATURE                        New York             NY
DNF        166        Kristin      Lotito                                                          West Hempstead       NY
DNF        167        Cindy        Ma                   CRCA/Sanchez Metro                         New York             NY
DNF        169        Nanci        Modica               Radical Media                              Ny                   NY
DNF        175        Elizabeth    Weemhoff                                                        Fairfield            CT

Men 4                                                   89 Starters
1          536        Kimani       Nielsen              CRCA/                       East Elmhurst        NY
2          531        James        Mernin               CRCA/OrganicAthlete                        Hackensack           NJ
3          479        Gregory      Fowlkes              CRCA -- NYVelocity                         New York             NY
4          526        Grant        Mandsager            New York University                        New York             NY
5          560        Abraham      Soler                Organic Athlete                            New York             NY
6          480        Guilherme    Fujiwara             MIT Cycling                                Boston               MA
7          459        Jonathan     Bloom                CRCA/Setanta                               Jamaica              NY
8          535        Andy         Newsom               Independant                                Brooklyn             NY
9          572        Kansas       Waugh                CRCA/Jonathan Adler Racing                 Brooklyn             NY
10         565        Dave         Trimble              Kissena                                    New York City        NY
11         549        James        Rothwell                                                        Westport             CT
12         453        Sergio       Atocha               gs gotham/toga                             East Elmhurst        NY
13         527        Steven       Marks                CRCA-NY Velocity                           New York             NY
14         473        Eugene       Doherty              Team DC Racing                             Mamaroneck           NY
15         558        Shusaku      Shiroyama            GS Gotham/Toga                             New York             NY
16         477        Christian    Forsyth              CRCA/Setanta                               New York             NY
17         577        Edward       Zimmermann           CRCA/Die Hard-Think Racing                 Brooklyn             NY
18         464        David        Carr                 CRCA/Setanta                               New York             NY
19         573        Gui          Weinmann             Kissena                                    New York             NY
20         557        Darius       Shekari              CRCA/ Sid's - Cannondale                   Long Island City     NY
21         488        Rick         Hall                 CRCA/Avenue A Razorfish Cycling Team       Ny                   NY
22         528        Samuel       Martinez             ws united                                  Ozone  Pk            NY
23         563        Michael      Tonkinson            New York University                        Brooklyn             NY
24         524        Patrick      Littlefield          CRCA/Avenue A-Razorfish                    Point Lookout        NY
25         489        Michael      Hamilton             MIT Cycling                                Somerville           MA
26         457        Aleksander   Betko                CRCA/Blue          New York             NY
27         544        Chris        Redmond              Rutgers University Cycling                 New Brunswick        NJ
28         ???                                          Red Sleeves
29         483        Brian        Gatens               CRCS/OrganicAthlete                        Hackensack           NJ
30         469        Benjamin     Dailey               Brooklyn Velo Force/ GQ Racing             Brooklyn             NY
31         546        Matt         Richards             CRCA/NYVelocity                            Brooklyn             NY
32         533        Arthur       Moran                Wentworth Institute of Technology          Boston               MA
33         564        Niko         Triantafillou        CRCA/Avenue A Razorfish Cycling            New York             NY
34         534        Bill         Moss                 CRCA/                       New York             NY
35         495        Danny        Inoa                 Brooklyn Velo Force/GQ Racing              Brooklyn             NY
36         575        Joseph       Wiener               Kissena Cycling Club                       Brooklyn             NY
37         576        Adam         Zimmerman                                                       Westbury             NY
38         899        Chris        Karaboukis
39         467        David        Chomowicz            CRCA/Sid's-Cannondale                      New York             NY
40         486        Craig        Goodstein            CRCA/Sanchez-Metro                         Merrick              NY
41         494        Tim          Humpton              Evolution Racing/MIT Cycling               Jamison              PA
42         525        Robert       Lombardi             Brooklyn Velo Force/GQ Racing              Brooklyn             NY
43         556        Ivry         Semel                CRCA/Sid's-Cannondale                      New York             NY
44         552        Eric         Salzer               Chester County Velo - Iron Hill Brewery    Devon                PA
45         562        Etsu         Taniguchi            CRCA/Avenue A Razorfish Cycling Team       New York             NY
46         496        Christophe   Jammet               CRCA/ NYVELOCITY                           New York             NY
47         493        Steven       Hopengarten          Union College Cycling                      Schenectady          NY
48         550        Reed         Rubey                CRCA/Avenue A Razorfish Cycling Team       New York             NY
49         555        Chad         Selberg              Gotham/Toga                                Brooklyn             NY
50         530        Eric         Mehlenbeck           Kissena                                    Brooklyn             NY
51         497        Jack         Jefferies            crca                                       New York             NY
52         450        Zak          Abdullah             CRCA/NYVelocity                            New York             NY
53         529        George       Mastrogiannis        CRCA/Sanchez-Metro                         Woodside             NY
54         481        Kenshin      Furuta               CRCA                                       Irvington            NY
55         466        Guo-Liang    Chew                 MIT Cycling                                Cambridge            MA
56         492        Kurt         Hoffmann             CRCA/Sanchez-Metro                         Astoria              NY
57         889
58         452        Eduardo      Atehortua            Cafeteros Cycling Club                     Harrison             NY
DQ         475        Adam         Duncan               CRCA/Avenue A-Razorfish                    Westfield            NJ
DNF        434        Noel         Johnson              BelaCol
DNF        451        Jimmy        Andrello                                                        New York             NY
DNF        454        Andrew       Babaian              CRCA/Avenue A Razorfish Cycling Team       New York             NY
DNF        455        Jack         Baranski             CRCA/OrganicAthlete                        Bayside              NY
DNF        456        Jeff         Baumgardner          CRCA/OrganicAthlete                        Ridgewood            NJ
DNF        465        Daniel       Chabanov             Team Decepticon                            Westfield            NJ
DNF        470        Matt         Diczok               Setanta                                    New York             NY
DNF        472        Isaac        Dinner               Columbia U.                                New York             NY
DNF        474        Bryan        Dougherty            Kissena                                    Bronxville           NY
DNF        484        Jason        Gay                  Brooklyn Velo Force/GQ Racing              Brooklyn             NY
DNF        487        Andrew       Grant                Northeastern University Cycling            Raynham              MA
DNF        490        Mitch        Hecht                CRCA/OrganicAthlete                        New York             NY
DNF        491        John         Hirsch                                                          Block Island         RI
DNF        498        Walter       Lamerton             CRCA                                       Ridgewood            NJ
DNF        500        Stephen      Lindholm             CRCA/Sanchez-Metro                         New York             NY
DNF        532        Thomas       Mikolinski           CRCA                                       New York             NY
DNF        538        Anthony      O'Malley             CRCA/Diehard-Think Racing                  New York City        NY
DNF        539        Michael      O'Neill                                                         Brooklyn             NY
DNF        540        Kyle         Peppo                CRCA/Jonathan Adler Racing                 New York             NY
DNF        543        Reginald     Rasch                CRCA/NYVelocity                            New York             NY
DNF        545        Daniel       Reiners              CRCA/NYVelocity                            Brooklyn             NY
DNF        548        Timothy      Rogers               CRCA/ NYVelocity                           Ny                   NY
DNF        551        James        Russo                Deno's Wonder Wheel                        Brooklyn             NY
DNF        554        Gino         Scotto               CRCA/                       Upper Brookville     NY
DNF        559        Tom          Siano                Dannys Cycles                              Rye                  NY
DNF        561        Charles      Spell                CRCA/NYVelocity                            Jersey City          NJ
DNF        566        Benjamin     Tyszka               CRCA/                        Brooklyn             NY
DNF        571        Khary        Ward                 CRCA Jr.Dev.                               Brooklyn             NY
DNF        574        James        Westman              crca                                       New York             NY
DNF        894        Ian          Fried                CRCA
DNF        900        Zach         Bender               GS Park Ridge