Palmer Cyclocross Race, race #1 of the new 2007 Competitive Edge Cyclocross Series

Palmer, MA

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Palmer Cyclocross Race, race #1 of the new 2007 Competitive Edge Cyclocross Series Presented by Cyclonauts Racers & Competitive Edge Ski & Bike Palmer, MA Sunday, November 25, 2007

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Masters 45+ (cross Cat 1-4)
Place   BIB  FIRST         LAST NAME        TEAM
1       476  Michael       Bernard          Gearworks Cyclery
2       474  Paul          Curley           Gearworks Cyclery
3       472  Paul          Lynch            Mass Bay Road Club
4       477  Mike          Cyr              Cyclonauts
5       479  Randy         Kirk             Benidorm Bikes
6       452  Ken           Coleman          Housatonic Wheel Club
7       463  David         Rath             GMBC/Catamount
8       455  David         Goodwin          NCC /
9       456  Derek         Griggs           Recycled Sports
10      478  David         Foley            BOB/Shift-Stonyfield Farm-Ariza-Goodales
11      454  Bill          Doonan           Minuteman Road Club
12      458  James         Hoard            NBX/Narragasett Beer
13      453  Peter         Crowley          NCC/Northampton Cycle Club
14      464  Don           Rice             CCB/Volkswagen
15      466  Steve         Abbott           Cyclonauts
16      465  John          Hartman          Main Line Cycling
17      471  Craig         Walton           Housatonic Wheel Club
18      462  David         Powell           Cyclonauts
19      468  Richard       Costa            Cyclonauts
20      473  Alan          Douglass         Cyclonauts
21      475  Randall       Taylor           Laurel Bicycle Club
22      460  Jay           Mongillo         Keltic Construction / Zanes Cycles
23      469  John          Dellatorre       Cyclonauts
24      467  James         McDonald         NCC

Masters 35+ (cross Cat 1-4)
1       379  John          Foley            MTBMIND.COM
2       367  Mark          Gunsalvs         Bikebarn
3       370  Jeff          Molongoski       Joe's Garage
4       375  Brant         Hornberger       Fitchburg Cycle Club
5       380  Michael       Patrick          Gary Fisher/Subaru/GU/Kenda
6       366  Ian           Modestow         Joe's garage
7       355  Matt          Domnarski        Horst-Benidorm-PRC
8       372  Wade          Summers          Horst-Benidorm-PRC
9       353  Gary          David            Minuteman Road Club
10      354  Dominique     Desmonts         Tokeneke Road Club
11      364  Jack          Madden           The Hub
12      373  Mike          Spangenberg      Cyclonauts
13      374  Christopher   Evans            NCC
14      368  Joe           Rodrigues        Cyclonauts
15      365  Patrick       Brandon
16      371  John          Slyer

Cat 3/4
1            Ben           Coleman
2            Colin         Reuter 
3            Gunter        Hofer
4            Todd          BURNS
5            Isaac         ST. MARTIN       Noreast Cycling
6            Jacob         Morrison
7            Mike          ZANCONATO        Hup United/Zanconato Custom Cycles
8            Joshua        Wilcox           503 Cycleworx/LHCC
9            Ethan         Parsons          NCC
10           Jesse         PERREAULT        Comprehensive Racing/Salem Cycles
11           Jeff          Ferraro          Anthem-CCCC
12           Ben           Corbalis         Lees-McRae
13           Jeff          HATCH            Cycle-Smart
14           Eric          Edlund           MIT
15           David         Wilcox           broadway bicycle school
16           David         Foley            BOB
17           Robert        Carman

Cat 4
PLACE   BIB  FIRST         LAST             TEAM
1       433  Geoffrey      House            Housatonic
2       424  Matt          Theodore         Cape Cod Cyclist
3       421  Stephen       Wright           MRC
4       429  Brian         Chapman          Circle A
5       418  Anthony       Vecca            CCNS/Pedal Power
6       427  Rick          Malo
7       441  Kevin         Ballou
8       411  Jason         Moriarty
9       425  Bryon         Lewis
10      423  Zack          Rogers           GP Velotek
11      436  Andy          Weigel
12      430  Joe           Tramontano Jr    Conn. Coast Cycling
13      412  Erik          Peterson         Cambridge/Igleheart
14      442  Scott         Glowa
15      414  Steven        Robbins          NCC- Northampton Cycling Club
16      401  Ron           Beliveau         Eastern Bloc / Benidorn
17      444  Kyle          Bowers           Minuteman RC
18      419  Scott         McConnell        Northampton Cycling Club
19      404  Paul          Debitetto        Minuteman Road Club
20      440  Jonathan      Favata
21      415  Christian     Rynkiewicz       Team Bicycle Alley
22      431  Mike          Maximenko        Thule
23      409  Brian         McInnis          JRA Cycles
24      426  Sean          Kennedy          Incline Training
25      428  Eric          Carlson

Women's Open
Place   BIB  FIRST         LAST             TEAM
1       904  Erin          Duggan           Ridley Factory Team
2       925  Linnea        Koons            FTS/Michelin
3       901  Megan         Bilodeau         HUP United
4       914  Christina     Tamilio          Minuteman Road Club/Landry's Bicycles
5       916  Mary Lynn     Wikar            FTS/Michelin
6       924  Rachel        Brown            International Bicycle
7       926  Brenda        Bahnson          Independent Fab.
8       919  Michelle      Kersbergen       Joe's Garage
9       909  Mary          Misiaszek        cyclonauts
10      917  Rebecca       Zanconato        Hup United/Zanconato Custom Cycles
11      923  Sarah         Hart             HUP United
12      921  Ilana         Brito            MIT Cycling
13      908  Sally         McInnis          JRA Cycles
14      902  Kerry         Combs            Hup United/Zanconato Bicycles
15      903  Elaine        Debitetto        MRC/Team Psycho
16      920  Shannon       Rogers           KCOI Boulevard
17      913  Pat           Rosier           Berkshire Cycling Association
18      915  Lauren        Tracy            Team Vortex
19      907  Julie         Lockhart         NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental / MCRA

Elite (1/2/3)
PLACE   BIB  FIRST         LAST             TEAM
1       499  Adam          Myerson          NERAC
2       442  Alec          Donahue          Joe's Garage
3       487  Nathaniel     Ward             Joe's Garage
4       488  Eric          Thompson         Lee-McRae College
5       485  Gavin         Mannion          Hot Tubes Junior Development Team
6       490  Chris         Consorto         Lee-McRae College
7       484  Simon         Lambert Lemay    Hottubes cycling
8       491  Brad          Perley           Lee-McRae College
9       497  Hunter        Provost          Anthem-CCCC
10      483  Greg          Carpenter        DEVO/NSO/Giant
11      494  Joel          Biederman        Cyclonauts
12      498  Brian         Rutter           Laughing Dog
13      492  Matt          Carpenter        Team Edge
14      495  Emerson       Loustan          NCC

PLACE   BIB  FIRST         LAST             TEAM
1       176  Patrick       Douglass         Cyclonauts Racers
2       695  Julia         Slyer            Farm Team Jr
3       696  Caroline      Slyer            Farm Team Jr

Kids Race
PLACE   BIB  FIRST         LAST             TEAM                                             CATEGORY ENTERED
1       694  Brian         Douglass                                                          Kids Race 5-7

1       695  Julia         Slyer            Farm Team Jr                                     Kids race 8-12
2       696  Caroline      Slyer            Farm Team Jr                                     Kids race 8-12
3       698  Sean          Gay              Cyclonauts                                       Kids race 8-12
4       699  Scott         Cameron                                                           Kids race 8-12
5       697  Ryder         Molongoski       Joe's Garage                                     Kids race 8-12
6       598  Scott         Elliot                                                            Kids race 8-12
7       689  Jacob         Philips                                                           Kids race 8-12