Results » Road » 2007

Mengoni Grand Prix

Central Park, NY

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Mengoni Grand Prix Presented by Century Road Club Association Central Park, NY Saturday, August 25, 2007

Results Courtesy of 

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Men Pro/1/2                                             80 Starters                                                              42 Miles
1      83     Frank              Travieso               AEG                                        Havana               CU       1:30:19
2      68     Amauri             Perez                  GS Mengoni                                 Jackson Heights      NY       st
3      2      Adam               Alexander              CRCA/Foundation                            New York             NY       st
4      65     Keith              Norris                 AEG                                                                      st
5      73     Lisban             Quintero               CRCA / Empire Cycling Team                 Maspeth              NY       st
6      64     Adam               Myerson                Nerac Pro Cycling                          Dorchester           MA       st
7      49     Peter              Lopinto                Kodak Gallery/Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.    Boulder              CO       st
8      32     Eneas              Freyre                 TARGETRAINING                              Norwalk              CT       st
9      21     Rafael             Diaz-Granados          target training/fastar                     Leonia               NJ       st
10     16     Jermaine           Burrowes               Team United Homes                          Brooklyn             NY       st
11     35     Alejandro          Guzman                 CRCA / Empire Cycling Team                 New York             NY       st
12     88     Ward               Solar                                                                                           st
13     50     Anthony            Lowe                   CRCA/The Princeton Review-Think Racing     Brooklyn             NY       st
14     76     Eric               Schildge               Northeastern Hardware/CJCT                 Rumson               NJ       st
15     20     Winston            David                  AEG                                                                      st
16     69     Peter              Petrillo               Anthem-CCCC                                Hamden               CT       st
17     17     Chad               Butts                  Champion System/Cycles Gladiator           Danbury              CT       st
18     15     Horace             Burrowes               Team United Homes                          Brooklyn             NY       st
19     24     Guy                East                   CRCA/Sakonnet Technology U25               New York             NY       st
20     26     Gavriel            Epstein                CRCA/Sakonnet Technology U25               New York             NY       st
21     22     Thomas             Dolan                  Velocity Sports/CC Evesham)                E. Hanover           NJ       st
22     77     Will               Schneider              GS Gotham/Toga Bikes                       New York             NY       st
23     27     Jonathan           Erdelyi                Metra Racing Wendys                        Brick                NJ       st
24     87     Daniel             Zmolik                 CRCA / Empire Cycling Team                 Ridgewood            NY       st
25     84     Rich               Uliana                 Gotham Cyclists                            Wind Gap             PA       st
26     78     Somraj             Seepersaud             Champion System/Cycles Gladiator           Hollis               NY       st
27     85     Wilson             Vasquez                GS Mengoni                                 Piermont             NY       st
28     58     Michael            Mcginley               AMTHEM  CCCC                               Berlin               CT       st
29     89     Amaury             Arias                  CRCA/Sakonnet Technology U25               New York             NY       st
30     54     Euri               Madera                 CRCA / Empire Cycling Team                 New York             NY       st
31     23     Matthew            Domnarski              Horst-Benidorm-Property Research Corp.     Ware                 MA       st
32     66     Michael            Norton                 Rite Aid Pro Cycling Team                  Goshen               NY       st
33     13     Franklin           Burgos                 Champion System/Cycles Gladiator           New York             NY       st
34     18     Todd               Cassan                 Westwood Velo                              New York             NY       st
35     79     Nikola             Smutny                 Nerac Pro Cycling                          Vernon               CT       st
36     7      Bryan              Borgia                 Breaking Away Bicycles                     Weston               CT       st
37     71     Rick               Prince                 CRCA/Centerbridge                          New York             NY       st
38     48     Blake              Longacre               Champion System/Cycles Gladiator           New York             NY       st
39     11     Jared              Bunde                  GS Mengoni                                 Brooklyn             NY       st
40     67     JP                 Partland               High Gear Cyclery/Watchung Wheelmen        New York             NY       st
41     9      Alexander          Bremer                 CRCA - REMAX                               Brooklyn             NY       st
42     42     Robert             Lattanzi               CRCA/Sid's-Cannondale                      New York             NY       st
43     52     Craig              Luekens                Anthem-CCCC                                New Haven            CT       st
44     3      Juan Carlos        Almonte Abreu          United Homes                               New York             NY       st
45     60     Igor               Misicki                Foundation                                 Locust Valley        NY       st
46     51     Jonathan           Lowenstein             Arc En Ciel Racing Team                    North Kingstown      RI       st
47     45     John               Loehner                CRCA / Empire Cycling Team                 Bronx                NY       st
48     55     Mike               Margarite              CRCA / Empire Cycling Team                 New York             NY       st
49     53     Robert             Lyons                  GS Gotham/Toga Bikes                       Larchmont            NY       st
50     82     John               Tomlinson              Deno's Wonder Wheel                        New York             NY       st
51     63     Jorma              Mueller                Champion System/Cycles Gladiator           New York             NY       st
52     80     Wade               Summers                Horst-Benidorm-Property Research Corp      Southington          CT       at :20
53     41     Eric               Keim                   AEG                                                                      :23
54     5      Thomas             Bencivengo             Anthem-CCCC                                Brooklyn             NY       st
55     10     Mariusz            Brinken                CRCA/ReMax                                 Franklin Square      NY       st
56     61     Kevin              Molloy                 CRCA / Empire Cycling Team                 New York             NY       st
57     36     Alex               Hagaman                AEG                                                                      st
58     30     Devin              Flaherty               Stanford University Cycling                Brooklyn             NY       :33
59     14     Paul               Burrowes               Team United Homes                          Brooklyn             NY       st
60     46     Matt               Loftus                 CRCA/Bandit Racing                         New York             NY       st
61     43     Martin             Lechowicz              GS Mengoni                                 Locust Valley        NY       :48
62     25     Bill               Elliston               Rite Aid Pro Cycling Team                  Easton               PA       1:12
63     72     Predrag            Prokic                 AEG                                                                      1:31
64     56     Haig               Marino                 Denos WonderWheel                          Brooklyn             NY       1:42

Women 1/2/3                                             25 Starters                                                              30 Miles
1      205    Robin              Farina                 Targetraining Women's Pro Team             Blowing Rock         NC       1:14:22
2      206    Caryl              Gale                   CRCA-Comedy Central-Sids                   Hoboken              NJ       at :09
3      225    Rebecca            Wellons                NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental          Woburn               MA       st
4      223    Hiroko             Shimada                Targetraining                              Hamden               CT       st
5      216    Andrea             Myers                  Targetraining Women's Pro Team             Westport             CT       st
6      217    Cecelia            Pleva                  CRCA/Radical Media                         New York             NY       st
7      214    Ann Marie          Miller                 CRCA Sanchez-Metro                         New York             NY       st
8      227    Silke              Wunderwald             Anthem - CCCC                              Stonington           CT       st
9      218    Ashley             Prine                  CRCA/Radical Media                         Brooklyn             NY       st
10     215    Ellen              Moses                  CRCA/Comedy Central-Sid's                  New York             NY       4:11
11     208    Yarden             Golan                  Targetraining Women's Pro Team             West                 CT       st
12     226    Cheryl             Wolf                   Bethel Cycle                               Ridgefield           CT       st
13     200    Martha             Bush                   CRCA/Sanchez-Metro                         Brooklyn             NY       st
14     300    Bridget            Nester                 Anthem - CCCC                              Hamden               CT       st
15     222    Liz                Seward                 CRCA/Third Nature                          New York             NY       st
16     220    Maria              Quiroga                CRCA/Radical Media                         New York             NY       st
17     229    Reem               Jishi                  Team Sport                                 Madison              NJ       st
18     221    Beth               Renaud                 CRCA/Comedy Central-Sid's                  New York             NY       4:23
19     212    Cindy              Ma                     CRCA/Sanchez Metro                         New York             NY       6:04

Men 3                                                   76 Starters                                                              36 Miles
1      149    William            O'donnell              Westwood Velo - Trade Manage Racing        Oxford               NJ       1:24:45
2      144    Jerry              Martinez               CRCA/GLOBAL                                Fort Lee             NJ       st
3      100    Salvatore          Abbruzzese             CRCA/Blue Ribbon -        Thornwood            NY       st
4      104    Lewis              Almonte                CRCA JrDev/Orbea                           New York             NY       st
5      174    Christopher        Uglietta               CRCA /Jonathan Adler Racing                New York             NY       st
6      158    Eutimio            Quintero               CRCA/Sanchez-Metro                         Maspeth              NY       st
7      138    Daniel             Lim                    CRCA/The Princeton Review-Think Racing     New York             NY       st
8      107    Robert L           Brown                  CRCA/MajorTaylor Iron Riders               Brooklyn             NY       st
9      176    Hammean            Walker                 Unione Sportiva Italiana                   Bronx                NY       st
10     123    Glenroy            Griffith               Team United Homes                          Brooklyn             NY       st
11     161    Gavin              Robertson              CRCA/MajorTaylor IronRiders                Brooklyn             NY       st
12     125    Adam               Handler                                                           Atlanta              GA       st
13     132    Lennard            Katz                   Kissena                                    East Hills           NY       st
14     106    Justin             Brown                  CRCA / Empire Cycling Team                 New York             NY       st
15     121    Marcos             Gratereaux             CRCA/Miya Shoji                            Bogota               NJ       st
16     103    Reed               Albergotti             CRCA/Setanta                               New York             NY       st
17     180    Brian              Wolf                   Bethel Cycle                               Ridgefield           CT       st
18     139    Christopher        Loudon                 CRCA/Sid's-Cannondale                      New York             NY       st
19     135    Graham             Lang                   CRCA JrDev/Orbea                           Sherman              CT       st
20     119    Andras             Gipp                   CRCA/Affinity Cycles                       Astoria              NY       st
21     141    Bob                Makofsky               CRCA/Foundation                            New York             NY       st
22     154    Arjan              Planting               CRCA/NYSketches                            New York             NY       st
23     183    Michael            Wasserman              CRCA/Merrill Lynch-Hincapie Sportswear     New York             NY       st
24     170    Scott              Snyder                 Champion System/Cycles Gladiator           Colonia              NJ       st
25     117    Jesus E.           Espitia                CRCA/Blue Ribbon -        Ossining             NY       st
26     181    Aaron              Wolfe                  Vicious Cycles                             Beacon               NY       st
27     172    Matt               Swiatek                Dynaflo Racing/Technocycle BRC             Easton               PA       st
28     152    Matt               Pascale                DC Racing                                  Brooklyn             NY       st
29     153    Willie             Payton                 CRCA/Major Taylor Iron Rider               Brooklyn             NY       st
30     163    Connor             Sallee                 CRCA JrDev/Orbea                           Sherman              CT       st
31     178    Dmitri             Wilkins                CRCA/Merrill Lynch-Hincapie Sportswear     Brooklyn             NY       st
32     146    Marc               Mauceri                CRCA/Blue          New York             NY       st
33     171    Tim                Spence                 Global Locate                              Brooklyn             NY       st
34     118    Josh               Friedman               Champion System/Cycles Gladiator           New York             NY       st
35     133    Russell            Kelly                  CRCA/Sakonnet Technology                   New York             NY       st
36     156    Jonathan           Podwil                 Brooklyn Velo Force                        Brooklyn             NY       st
37     136    Lance              Leener                 CRCA/Deutsche Bank                         New York             NY       st
38     169    Deverell           Smith                  CRCA/                       New York             NY       st
39     113    Jordan             Copeland               DC Racing                                  Scarsdale            NY       st
40     124    Sean               Groenewald             Westwood Velo                              West New York        NJ       st
41     159    Kim                Riseth                 CRCA/Jonathan Adler Racing                 New York             NY       st
42     114    Greg               Cosgrove               Westwood VElo                              Saddle Brook         NJ       st
43     122    David              Greenberg              CRCA/Deutsche Bank                         New York             NY       st
44     128    Peter              Hines                  CRCA/Jonathan Adler Racing                 Brooklyn             NY       st
45     168    Stephane           Slotten                Liberty                                    Mendham              NJ       st
46     175    Vinny              Vicari                 Sanchez-Metro/CRCA                         Maspeth              NY       st
47     130    Dennis             Schwandiner            East End/Kreb Cycle                        Brookhaven           NY       st
48     164    Marco              Sanchez                Sanchez-Metro/CRCA                         Forest Hills         NY       st
49     173    Vinicius           Tavares                                                           New York             NY       st
50     140    Anthony            Maisto                 Deno's Wonder Wheel                        Brooklyn             NY       st
51     109    Ken                Hockman                Deno's Wonder Wheel                        Brooklyn             NY       st
52     160    Andrew             Riss                   CRCA/Centerbridge                          Brooklyn             NY       at :20
53     151    David              Ottavio                CRCA/Deutsche Bank                         New York             NY       st
54     148    Ted                Neu                    CRCA/Sid's-Cannondale                      New York             NY       st
55     115    Marcus             Dahllof                CRCA/Merrill Lynch-Hincapie Sportswear     New York             NY       :24
56     134    Gregory            Lafiura                CRCA                                       New York             NY       :27
57     102    Ray                Alba                   Champion System/Cycles Gladiator           New York             NY       :37
58     111    Jeff               Cline                  Kreb/EECT                                  Holtsville           NY       :43
59     155    Ken                Plundeke               CRCA/GLOBAL                                Tenafly              NJ       st
60     177    Robert             Webster                Watchung Wheelmen                          Scotch Plains        NJ       st
61     108    Edward             Burlem                 Deno's Wonder Wheel                        Brooklyn             NY       :49
62     184    John               Orcutt                 CRCA/Merrill Lynch-Hincapie Sportswear     New York             NY       st
63     166    Chris              Shaw                   CRCA / Empire Cycling Team                 New York             NY       :55
64     110    Marc               Cesare                 CRCA/Centerbridge                          Brooklyn             NY       st

Junior Men                                              5 Starters                                                               30 Miles
1      256    Filip              Capala                 Capala Brothers Polska                     New York             NY       1:13:56
2      253    Liam               Quigley                CRCA JrDev/Orbea                           New York             NY       at :22
3      252    Jhovahn            Gibbs                  Foundation                                 Brooklyn             NY       :42
4      255    David              Devine                 Watchung Wheelmen                          Chatham              NJ       4:46
5      254    Khary              Ward                   CRCA JrDev/Orbea                           Brooklyn             NY       st