Results » Road » 2007

Witches Cup Criterium

Salem, MA

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Witches Cup Criterium Presented by Salem Cycles/ Comprehensive Racing Salem, MA Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Results Courtesy of 

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Men Pro/1/2/3                                        89 Starters                                                                27 Miles
1      2      Mark              Mccormack            Clif Bar                                    Northeaston          MA        54:56
2      4      Adam              Myerson              Nerac Pro Cycling                           Dorchester           MA        st
3      1      Jesse             Anthony              Kodakgallery Pro Cycling Team P/B Sierra NevBeverly              MA        st
4      45     Simon             Lambert-lemay        Hot Tubes Cycling                           Longueuil            PQ        st
5      47     Ciaran            Mangan               CCB/Volkswagen                              Brighton             MA        st
6      19     Jonathan          Bruno                FAST / IF powered by Lionette's             Boston               MA        st
7      5      Gavin             Mannion              CCB-Volkswagen                              Dedham               MA        st
8      93     Toby              Marzot               Fiordifrutto                                Hanover              NH        st
9      94     Dan               Vaillancourt         Colavita/Sutter Home                        Saco                 ME        st
10     3      Frank             Mccormack            Hot Tubes                                   Leominster           MA        st
11     21     Aidan             Charles              Nerac Pro Cycling                           Middletown           CT        at :10
12     68     Patrick           Ruane                Sunapee/S&W                                 Webster              NH        :15
13     39     Jake              Hollenbach           CCB/Volkswagen                              Shelburne            VT        st
14     29     Alain             Ferry                                                                                           st
15     88     Danny             Estevez              Hot Tubes Cycling                           Worcester            MA        st
16     85     Benjamin          Zawacki              Revolution Cycles U-23 Development Team     Weare                NH        st
17     15     Andrew            Boone                Kenda/Raleigh Racing                        Cambridge            MA        st
18     53     Colin H.          Murphy               Kenda/Raleigh Racing                        Somerville           MA        st
19     25     Jeffrey           Craddock             CCB/Volkswagon                              Marstons Mills       MA        :24
20     23     Brendan           Cornett              Mechanical Services/Cyclemania              Lewiston             ME        st
21     48     Bill              Mark                 Gearworks/Spin Arts                         Providence           RI        st
22     22     Damien            Colfer               Mechanical Services/Cycle Mania             Newmarket            NH        st
23     65     Paul              Richard              CCB/Volkswagen                              Amesbury             MA        st
24     70     Sam               Silver               NOW MS-Society                              Waban                MA        st
25     44     Luke              Krisch               FAST/ IF powered by Lionnette's             Merrick              NY        st
26     17     Adam              Branfman             FAST/IF powered by Lionette's               Newton               MA        st
27     57     Erik              Paddleford                                                       Concord              NH        st
28     26     Leo               Devellian            CCB/Volkswagen                              Topsfield            MA        st
29     18     Peter             Brennan              New England Masters Elite                   Hudson               NH        st
30     74     Adam              St. Germain          Targetraining                               Providence           RI        st
31     81     Jimmy             V                    CCB                                                                        st
32     83     Brian             Walburn                                                          Nashua               NH        st
33     49     Tim               Mitchell             NHCC/Team NH                                Ashland              MA        st
34     58     Tyson             Parody                                      Keene                NH        st
35     24     Chris             Coutu                Legal Sea Foods - Metlife -       Upton                MA        st
36     9      Josh              Austin               Noreast Cycling                             Durham               NH        st
37     51     Sam               Morse                Bicycle Link/MBRC                           Cohasset             MA        st
38     72     Pete              Smith                VeloEuropa-Cyfac                            Merrimac             MA        st
39     38     Guenter           Hofer                                                            Nashua               NH        st
40     10     Christopher       Bagg                 Putney Bicycle Club                         Putney               VT        st
41     20     James             Carrington           Michael and the Cyclonauts                  Haverhill            MA        st
42     43     Ryan              Kelly                Housatonic Wheel Club U23                   Dover                NH        st
43     66     David             Rizzo                NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental           Woburn               MA        st
44     40     Christopher       Hong                 NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental           Lutherville          MD        st
45     12     Erick             Benz                 Team at&t-Brain and Spine Cycling           Austin               TX        st
46     91     Jason             Beerman              Kenda/Raleigh                               Allston              MA        st
47     35     John              Grenier              BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farms-Goodale's Bike Lewiston             ME        st
48     52     Tyler             Munroe               CCB/Volkswagen                              No. Andover          MA        st
49     87     Gregory           Abbott               NCVC/Nova Health System                     Washington           DC        st
50     11     Charlie           Bedard               Sunapee/S&W Racing Team                     Goffstown            NH        st
51     27     Bruce             Diehl                Sunapee S&W Racing                          Jackson              NH        st
52     86     Chris             Fore                 Sunapee                                     Concord              NH        st
53     77     Mark              Thompson             Sunapee/S&W                                 Nashua               NH        st
54     62     Fabio             Piergentili          New England Masters Elite                   Andover              MA        st
55     56     Thomas            Orsini               Fitchburg Cycling Club                      Leominster           MA        :38
56     55     Dylan             O'sullivan           Housatonic Wheel Club U23                   Worcester            MA        :42
57     59     Mike              Pavlov               NEBC/Cycle Loft                             Manchester           MA        st
58     75     Adam              Sullivan             Boston Scientific Elite Cycling Team        East Greenwich       RI        st
59     84     Kevin             Wolfson              CL Noonan/Coast to Coast/KAM                Belmont              MA        :51
60     67     C. Greg           Robidoux             INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE CENTER                Maynard              MA        1:04

Women Open                                           28 Starters                                                                18 Miles
1      101    Lyne              Bessette                            Knowlton             QC        39:32
2      126    Rebecca           Wellons              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental           Woburn               MA        st
3      103    Anna              Milkowski            Yale                                        New Haven            CT        at :20
4      118    Susannah          Pratt                UNH                                         Durham               NH        st
5      124    Samantha          Van Gerbig           Wachovia-IBC                                Cambridge            MA        st
6      128    Hannah            Kirshner             The Hub&Circle-A                            Providence           RI        st
7      119    Inette            Rex                  Bikeworks/Hallamore                         Swansea              MA        st
8      108    Natalie           Dumont               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental           Fitchburg            MA        st
9      120    Cris              Rothfuss             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental           Medford              MA        st
10     107    Samantha          Dery                 NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental           Beverly              MA        st
11     104    Susan             Maclean              Gear Works/Spin Arts Cycling Team           Plaistow             NH        st
12     110    Lenore            Imhof                Colavita Racing, Inc.                       Bloomfield           NJ        st
13     114    Maryann           Martinez             Anthem-cccc cycling team                    Waterbury Center     VT        st
14     130    Sally             Annis                Wechovia/IBC                                Nashua               NH        st
15     117    Samantha          Newman               NorEast Cycling                             Raymond              NH        st
16     106    Sara              Cushman              Gear Works/Spin Arts                        Jamaica Plain        MA        st
17     105    Tami              Buhr                 NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental           Lexington            MA        st
18     112    Kerry             Litka                Terry Precision                             New Hampton          NH        st
19     122    Kate              Scheider             North Atlantic Velo / ClassBook.Com / Giant Boston               MA        st
20     115    Anna              Mcloon               Harvard University Cycling Association      Cambridge            MA        at one lap
21     125    Amy               Wallace              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental           Medford              MA        st
22     121    Cathy             Rowell               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental/MCRA      Bedford              MA        st
23     102    Brooke            O'connor             Hub Racing                                  Billerica            MA        st
24     116    Frances           Morrison             Fitchburg Cycling Club                      Fitchburg            MA        at two laps
25     111    Julie             Kenney               Bikeworks/Hallmore                          North Providence     RI        at three laps

Men 4/5                                              69 Starters                                                                19 Miles
1      251    Mike              Rowell               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental           Bedford              MA        41:55
2      217    Gerald            Harris               Team Harris                                 Peabody              MA        st
3      212    James             English              Minuteman Road Club                         Waltham              MA        st
4      233    Tom               Luther               NorEast Cycling                             Durham               NH        st
5      230    Michael           Lorion               Minuteman Road Club                         Millbury             MA        st
6      269    Michael           Samartan             Dravelo                                     Providence           RI        st
7      215    Glenn             Ferreira             QuadCycles                                  Westford             MA        st
8      261    Bernard           Tan                  NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental           Medford              MA        st
9      224    Mark              Januskiewicz         Sunapee/S&W Racing Team                     Concord              NH        st
10     202    Mike              Anthony              Nor'East Cycling                            Rochester            NY        st
11     260    Sean              Sullivan             Essex County Velo                           Newburyport          MA        st
12     221    Morgan            Hiller               corner cycle                                Marion               MA        st
13     267    Brian             Wilichoski           wilichoski painting                         Danvers              MA        st
14     258    John              Smathers                                                         Cambridge            MA        st
15     204    Jon               Bernhard             CCB/Volkswagen                              Newburyport          MA        st
16     234    Michael           Mckittrick           QuadCycles                                  Brighton             MA        st
17     205    Alfred            Bissell              Essex County Velo                           Boxford              MA        st
18     268    Michael           Brier                Refunds Now                                 Providence           RI        st
19     239    Carey             Murphy               SALEM CYCLE/MICHELIN FOOTWEAR/STEMTECH HEALTSalem                MA        st
20     252    Jonathan          Ruffus                                                           Hampton              NH        st
21     218    Bob               Hatfield             Bob Cycling-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bike SPlaistow             NH        st
22     254    Todd              Savage               Minuteman Road Club                         Westboro             MA        st
23     263    Jay               Trojan               Century Drywall                             Lincoln              RI        st
24     231    David             Loszewski            BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bike SDerry                NH        st
25     225    Mike              Jinks                BIKEWORKS RACING                            Stafford             VA        st
26     238    Brendan           Meryman              Team NH/NHCC                                Holderness           NH        st
27     220    Nathaniel         Herz                 Portland Velo Club                          Brunswick            ME        st
28     209    Chuck             Dopfel               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental           Wayland              MA        st
29     248    Keith             Reynolds             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental           Chelmsford           MA        st
30     232    Michael           Lowry                Minuteman Road Club                         Medfield             MA        st
31     226    Joseph            Jussaume             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental           Nashua               NH        st
32     272    Oscar             Jimenez              NEBC                                        Lowell               MA        st
33     235    Doogie            Mead                 CCB/Volkswagen                              West Newbury         MA        st
34     227    Andrew            Kennedy              Boston Road Club                            Brighton             MA        st
35     206    Shane             Buker                Harvard University Cycling                  Jamaica Plain        MA        st
36     203    Stuart            Beaulieu             Essex County Velo                           Salem                MA        st
37     228    Sean              Langford             CCB/Volkswagen/Time                         Middleton            MA        st
38     246    Gregory           Prodanas             essex county velo                           Salem                MA        st
39     229    C Todd            Lombardo             INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE CENTERS               Somerville           MA        st
40     249    Jay               Robbins              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental           Weston               MA        at :34
41     236    Les               Merrill              BOB/Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bikes         N. Chelmsford        MA        :43