Results » Road » 2004

Blount Seafood Presents The Fall River Criterium

Fall River, MA

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Blount Seafood Presents The Fall River Criterium
Presented by
Bikeworks/Swansea Velo club
Fall River, MA
Sunday, August 15, 2004

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Blount Seafood Fall River Criterium
Fall River, MA
Sunday August 15, 2004

Pro 1,2,3
1     Lawrence    Perera          Sharper Image - Mathis Brothers PRO CYCLING   Boston          MA
2     Frank       Mccormack       Hot Tubes
3     Bobby       Bailey
4     Adam        Hodges Myerson  Sharper Image - Mathis Brothers               Somerville      MA
5     Mark        Mccormack       Colivata/olive oil                            Foxboro         MA
6     Eneas       Freyre          Americas Cycling Team                         Greenwich       CT
7     Jon         Bruno           ECV
8     Skip        Foley
9     Mukunda     Feldman         Louis Garneau
10    Ward        Solar           ACT / UPMC                                    Dummer          NH
11    Nat         Faulkner        Trek/VW/Doriti Gelati                         Bracebridge     ON
12    Adam        Sternfeld
13    John        Legere
14    Michael     McGinley        cvc pig iron sports
16    Jeffrey     Craddock        CCB/VW                                        Marstons Mills  MA
17    Justin      Peters
18    Brett       Williamson
19    Alec        Donahue         Louis Garneau
20    Matt        Kraus
21    Zach        Rice
22    Ben         Kubas 
23    Alan        Antonelli
24    Patrick     Walsh
25    Peter       Petrillo        cvc pig iron sports                           Hamden          CT
26    Ralf        Gerber-Lynn
27    Jonathan    Ring

Women 1,2,3
1     Mackenzie   Dickey          Team Bicycle Alley                            Worcester       MA
2     Brooke      O'Connor        Colavita Olive Oil
3     Rebecca     Wellons         Gearworks/Spin Arts Cycling Team              Arlington       MA
4     Kate        Stange          Bikeworks / Swansea Velo Club                 Providence      RI
5     Lisa        Maxwell         Independent Fabrication/SMRT Inc.             Windham         ME
6     Susan       Maclean         Gear Works/Spin Arts Cycling Team             Plaistow        NH
7     Brenda      Nevins
8     Martha      Wilson          Dansko Wheelworks                             Whitefield      NH
9     Sara        Cushman         Gear Works/Spin Arts                          Campton         NH
10    Michele     Smith           Independent Fabrication/SMRT Inc.             Burlington      MA

Women 4
1     Celeste     Drumm           Mean Wheels Bike Shop                         Lenox           MA
2     Alexandra   Ambros                                                        Hartland        VT
3     Cheryl      Wolf            Bethel Cycle                                  Ridgefield      CT
4     Jennifer    Strasser        NECSA/Cuevas/ACT                              Franconia       NH
5     Lea         Allen           Brown University                              Providence      RI
6     Jane        Cramer          BRC ATA                                       Northampton     MA

Men 3
1     Kyle        Wolfe           Essex County Velo                             East Weymouth   MA
2     John        Elfelt          Boston Road Club                              Lexington       MA
3     Stephen     Gray            Bethel Cycle Racing
4     patrick     Walsh
5     Logan       Hodson          BRC/ATA cycles                                Arlington       MA
6     Jeff        German
7     Bryan       Haas            Bethel Cycle Racing                           Watertown       CT
8     Christopher Burke           Providence Velo                               Pawtucket       RI
9     Harold      Chan                            Malden          MA
10    Guenter     Hofer                                                         Nashua          NH
11    Craig       Labadie         Quad Cycles                                   Cambridge       MA
12    Andrew      Rech            NECSA/Cuevas                                  Huntington      NY
13    Ted         Shanstrom       Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team                       South Kingstown RI
14    Brooke      O'Connor        Colavita Olive oil
15    Dave        Potter          bikeworks/swansea velo                        Fall River      MA
16    Jeff        Papineau        Cyclonauts                                    Westfield       MA

Men 4
1     Isaac       Howe            Coast-Coast/KAM/StelvioTEAMWEAR               Henniker        NH
2     Doug        Thompson
3     Marshall    Ambros                                                        Hartland        VT
4     Tom         Arcari          Pedal Power                                   Durham          CT
5     Jackson     Weber
6     Paul        Ricard          Quad Cycles/Arlington Bicycle Club            Berlin          MA
7     Brendan     Cornett         Maine Cycling Club/Rainbow Bike               Auburn          ME
8     Scott       Brooks
9     Thomas      Francis         BRC/ATA Cycles                                Needham         MA
10    Scott       Sullivan        Circle A Cycles                               Providence      RI
11    Adam        Sullivan        Squadra Casterama                             East Greenwich  RI
12    Roger       Goulart
13    Matt        Demeis
14    Stephen     Schmid
15    Daniel      Langlois        Circle A Cycles                               Providence      RI
16    Gene        Garneau
17    Scott       Glenney         Team Berlin Bike                              Durham          CT
18    Rob         Magadini        Housatonic Wheel Club                         Great BarringtonMA
19    Kyle        Drennen                                                       Waterford       CT
20    Alexander   Timkovich       Team Berlin Bike                              Berlin          CT
21    Kurt        Schnabel        BikeWorks/Swansea Velo Club                   Barrington      RI
22    Andrew      Orum            CUEVAS/NECSA/MIKE FRAYSEE SPORTS              Griswold        CT
23    Kyle        Foley           Cuevas/NECSA/Mike Fraysse Sports              Wallingford     CT
24    David       Rioux
25    Richard     Loring          OSVC Ocean State Velo Club                    Warwick         RI
26    James       Purtell         Bikeworks                                     Dartmouth       MA
27    Ctodd       Lombardo        Quad Cycles/Arlington Bicycle Club            Arlington       MA
28    Bruce       Mcgowan
29    Matt        Wilson          NAV/Mercury Web Solutions                     Whitefield      NH
30    Chuck       Nguyen          Providence Velo Club                          Providence      RI
31    Chris       Jordan          bikeworks/swansea velo                        Fall River      MA
32    Joseph      Reagan          NHCC/TeamNH                                   Hooksett        NH
33    Brad        Kelley          NHCC/TEAMNH                                   Amherst         NH
34    David       Miller          Circle A Cycles                               Providence      RI
35    Brendan     Hanrahan        Circle A Cycles                               Pawtucket       RI
36    Adam        Rink
37    Carabed     Minasiam

Men 5 35+
1     Clayton     Dennis          Dartmouth Cycles                              Westport        MA
2     Adam        Pisapia                                                       New Bedford     MA
3     John        Lariviere                                                     North Scituate  RI
4     John        Hood
5     Jonathan    Johnson         bike works /swansea velo                      Attleboro       MA
6     Tony        Branco          Dartmouth Cycles                              New Bedford     MA
7     Paul        Hadfield        bikeworks/swansea velo club                   New Bedford     MA
8     Alfredo     Delucia         BIKEWORKS                                     Prov            RI

Men 5 U35
1     Arni Mar    Jonsson         Brown Cycling Club                            Providence      RI
2     Shaun       O'brien                                                       Tyngsboro       MA
3     Matthew     Nalesnik        Cycleloft/NEBC                                Wellesley       MA
4     Joshua      Wiesman         New Orleans Bicycle Club                      Wayland         MA
5     Tim         Jussaume        Bikeworks/Swansea Velo Club                   Berkley         MA
6     James       Carr            Circle A Cycle                                Providence      RI
7     Jairemy     Drooger         Bikeworks                                     Bristol         RI
8     Janos       Stone                                                         Watertown       MA
9     Victor      Medeiros        Bike Works                                    Fall River      MA
10    David       Chiu            WPI Cycling Club                              Wayland         MA
11    David       Drumm           Mean Wheels Bike Shop                         Lenox           MA
12    Matthew     Stott                                                         Boston          MA
13    Brian       Medeiros        Datmouth Cycles Inc.                          Acushnet        MA
14    Daniel      Smith           Westview Multisport Team                      Woodstock ValleyCT
15    Steven      Guerette        Cog Wild                                      Deep River      CT
16    Greg        Bouvier                                                       Pawtucket       RI
17    Joe         Phenix                                                        Taunton         MA
18    Chris       Phenix                                                        Swansea         MA
19    Will        Roff            Bikeworks                                     Warren          RI
20    John        Pimental                                                      Portsmouth      RI

Master 35+
1     Jonny       Bold            CCCC/Corner Cycle                             Marstons Mills  MA
2     Sam         Morse           Bicycle Link/MBRC                             Cohasset        MA
3     Paul        Curley          Gear Works/Spinarts
4     Rick        Kotch           Union Velo Club                               Rehoboth        MA
5     Scott       Wade            Gearworks/Spinarts                            Putney          VT
6     Brian       Blondin         BOB/NAULT'S CYCLERY                           Andover         MA
7     Gregory     Hutchinson      Portland Velo Club                            Windham         ME
8     Frank       Jennings        TEAM Gearworks/Spinarts                       Edgartown       MA
9     Tom         Stevens         Gear Works/Spin Arts                          Higganum        CT
10    Dave        Potter          bikeworks/swansea velo                        Fall River      MA
11    Chris       Jordan          bikeworks/swansea velo                        Fall River      MA
12    Ted         Shanstrom       Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team                       South Kingstown RI
13    Brian       Linscott        Linscott Real Estate Racing                   South Portland  ME
14    William     Sawyer          Gearworks                                     Arlington       MA
15    Jeff        Papineau        Cyclonauts                                    Westfield       MA
16    Bob         Bisson          Gear Works/Spinarts                           Fall River      MA
17    Skip        Kuzel           cox communcations                             Lebanon         CT
18    Timothy     Shea            BOB / Nault's Cyclery                         Amherst         NH
19    Thomas      Thomson         Union Velo                                    N.attleboro     MA

Master 45+
1     William     Sawyer          Gearworks                                     Arlington       MA
2     Tom         Mannion         CCB/Volkswagen                                Dedham          MA
3     Scott       Wade            Gearworks/Spinarts                            Putney          VT
4     Frank       Jennings        TEAM Gearworks/Spinarts                       Edgartown       MA
5     Bob         Bisson          Gear Works/Spinarts                           Fall River      MA
6     Tom         Stevens         Gear Works/Spin Arts                          Higganum        CT
7     Steven      Ivester
8     Brian       Wolf            Bethel Cycle                                  Ridgefield      CT
9     David       Bradford
10    Timothy     Shea            BOB / Nault's Cyclery                         Amherst         NH
11    Barry       Boyce           CCB/Volkswagen                                Andover         MA